#late night shopping
wildsflag · 11 months
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james lance with the bottom buttons of his shirt undone
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fans of both ted lasso's trent crimm actor james lance AND irreverent indie films from the noughties, here's a full-length stream of the somewhat hidden gem LATE NIGHT SHOPPING (the british answer to richard linklater style movies) that i just stumbled across on YouTube!
you're welcome xp
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joeythephatone · 2 years
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James Lance in "Late Night Shopping"
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xtrablak674 · 2 months
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Barefoot in the Night
[Originally posted on Ello on 7 November 2017 Journal Entry by @trevor_brown_artist]
As I released my bladder and aimed the flow of water I heard a "HERE", I looked over my right shoulder, not sure why since I live alone and the sound sounded like it came from a speaker.
That couldn't be my plug-in speakers, because they were unplugged and my Bluetooth was powered down, more importantly neither of these speakers was anywhere near me in the bathroom which is the farthest room in my studio apartment. I am not sure if it was "here" or if it was something else, but it wasn't the splashing of my voiding in the water below, that was the only thing I should have heard.
Forty one degrees, the lowest temperature to date that I had traversed to the bank and to the supermarket had been sixty, this morning we would try out this real winter temperature and see how I fared. Albeit, there is that word sneaking into my writing again, I seriously use it at least once a day, I really need to reach for the thesaurus the next time this word comes to mind. Damn it, now I forgot what I was going to 'albeit' about taking the time to follow that last thought off an artistic cliff. Clearly it wasn't that important.
Bundled up in layers a scarf and a hat. I slipped my sneakers into the purple bag Mr. Berry bought back for me from Thailand and headed out the door. This had been my first time leaving the house since I think Friday and since I was so well stocked and now the heat was on, I was not apt to leave the house at all. I still had a moment around five thirty to go up to the roof and check to see if number five was open, it wasn't. Those roof checks I don't really see as leaving the house, I equate going out of my front door, which still has a broken pane as 'leaving the house', and this time I was only going to do three things, take the trash out, get my cash benefits from the bank and restock my groceries.
I preferred to do these things in the cloak of night because I was more apt to interact with the minimal amount of people. It is funny I live in one of the most populace cities in the world and I make a consorted effort at avoiding interaction with other carbon based bipedal lifeforms.
Speaking of I come across a nocturnal quadrupedal of the feline species, I think my silence scared it. I also stopped to see what she would do, she thought this wasn't a good situation and turned around and headed back out into the street. I called out to her to watch out for the traffic.
My thoughts wandered over my last conversation with my brother, when I had told him that I walk to the supermarket barefoot twice a month, he had thought it not safe because of debris. I told him what kind of neighborhood do you think I live in. The block I walk down has four million dollar brownstones, you know they make an effort to keep their sidewalks clean, and particularly since my destination is in the direction of the more affluent neighborhood everything is actually better maintained the closer I get to the Slope.
Cold, that is the big difference in cooler weather. I actually loose sensation in my feet due to cold weather. Which is perfectly logical, so I decide to slip into my sneakers when I get to the bank, after the nervous hello I received from the doorman on the corner. Loss sensation is hustling backwards, I go shoeless to feel more sensation. I allow my feet the warmth they need as I head to the supermarket. The bench of the Hungry Ghost is empty I am guessing it is too cold for the homeless man who I have seen there the last couple of months to be out, I am not surprised. Silently I hope that he's doing okay.
In the supermarket I instantly realize I have abso-smurfly no appetite. My diet of the last week of pre-sliced cake, oatmeal and pasta has left me quite full. I knew that I wanted to diversify my diet tonight so I grab about six of the pre-made dishes, so edamame, microwavable bacon, chicken nuggets which were on sale, margarine also on sale (for my pasta), Entenmann's Pop'Ems three for $9.99, I get one box. As I pass the dairy section one of my favorite seasonal beverages calls to me EGG NOG, and they have like six different kinds, I decide against the pumpkin because of the orange dyes and I go with the vanilla egg nog, which will make an excellent sweetener on my oatmeal. The last things I pick up as I approach the register are some dried mangos slices and some dried cantaloupe slices, which I call my healthy snack, when I truly don't have any idea whose healthy these pre-packaged dried foods are.
Back outside I decide to walk the first block in shoes and take my sneakers off after that. I notice a car idling across the street with its hazard lights on, I still proceed to slip off my beige Puma ninja sneakers. I slip them into the top of my very full bag and step out into the street which is covered with a few autumn leaves. My second brain thinks, who cares what they think they are your feet.
Other than a biker I at first mistaken for a delivery person my trip back home is uneventful. Barefooted I walk up my carpeted stairs into my darkened apartment, put my bag down, disrobe then put my groceries away. I haven't been up at this time in a while I feel like I should go back to bed, but that experience in the bathroom inspires me to capture the moment before I loose it. Groceries in their place, I sit my bare ass in my Herman Miller chair, pull my laptop closer and begin to write.
[Well its 2024 right now, and '17 was seven years ago, so much can happen in seven years. The brother I mention is now dead of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from his excessive smoking, making his children partial orphans. I recall telling him many times to take better care of himself so he could be there for his children, but ultimately his personal demons won out.
I am no longer on public assistance, us parting ways a little after my time with the Census, the first job I had in these seven years. Listening to the things on my grocery list I had to be heavier but my weight yoyo's all the time, sometimes I am up sometimes I am down. I still try to have outdoors barefoot time, mostly in the park, not recently on the neighborhood sidewalks.
I also enjoyed my voice in this journal entry, in fact I always enjoy my written voice, it's very close to my spoken voice and the thoughts in my head, not that I think this is a special skill. I just like to be clear and plain in my meaning and nuance. Curiously I am still avoiding people, now only leaving the house for my walks around the park during the week, or grocery runs if the weather is warmer, otherwise just deliveries.
There has to be something behind my wanting to avoid folks, I think part of it is avoiding judgement and unwarranted stares. People don't realize even without saying a word, they speak volumes, and I am just at a point in my life where I don't want either verbal or non-verbal responses. I just want to be, to exist un-faltered by anyone's notion of who or what I should be.]
[Photo by Brown Estate]
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msterpicasso · 3 months
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theshushdragonsleeps · 3 months
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Finally drew Goldfinch fan art! They are definitely my favorite duo
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mishapen-dear · 4 months
i love it when bad is very specifically a good roleplayer by giving other people good prompts. like casually bringing up wilbur now to tallulah. or when he put missa in the petting zoo. or all those times he Tormented the Lesbians so they could protect each other from him. its just so !!!! I love watching roleplayers be considerate of other roleplayers and gleefully hand over something they Know the other person's character can react to. i've seen cellbit do it, too (that time he handed his knife to bbh. oh my god). it's not a rare thing, and it's possible to be a good roleplayer without keeping that sort of considerate back and forth in mind, but its one of my favourite things to notice. foolish does it too, sometimes- i haven't watched him much, but i did take note of when he Made Sure to bring jaiden along with him on a cucurucho quest. and basically every interaction he had with bad when the eggs were missing. its just so so good
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shu-box-puns · 4 months
Ok, but when Spidy was a baby, and he and Tsu'Tey were starting to bond, he would sometimes just start screaming in the middle of the night with no prompt at all and none of the people at Hells Gates would be able to soothe him until they went and called Tsu'Tey to "Get his pretty blue ass down here" who, unsurprisingly, would be the only one who could put Spider back to sleep. Long story short, Tsu would find himself more often then not sleeping at the Hells Gates next to Spiders make shift crib than at Hometree. *Cue a lot of fluffy scenes*
Man didn't choose the Dad life, the Dad life chose him :D
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manitapaleta · 1 year
if youre still taking requests.. grant and terry hanging out.. could be teen them or adult them :]
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how about drunk college-aged grant and tj lol
also this ask is from last year WOW im terrible at checking my inbox
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hardrockshrimp · 2 months
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More Jack doll bc I went to the alamo theater here in chicago and they have this really cool tv installation that fits him so well
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wildsflag · 11 months
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james lance in late night shopping (2001)
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chrysopoeias · 10 months
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She is just like me for real 😔😔😔😔
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joeythephatone · 2 years
James Lance in "Late Night Shopping"
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satans-knitwear · 2 months
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This would go so well with that gorgeous black and pink I have 👀😍🥺🤤
"gee u r so right, go get it gurl ->" cshpp pypl
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omppupiiras · 5 months
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it's been a while since i last made bracelets but today i made two :D i forgot how fun AND frustrating it can be heh. (and expensive bc every time i make them i feel like there's some specific kind of beads that im missing that i just HAVE to buy for the next time..)
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roseverdict · 3 months
parents are gone on a cruise. time to tear through my room looking for the tatting shuttles i know i bought years ago and am 95% sure are not lost to The Old House
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