bytchysylvy 18 days
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(series about the core five prior to the start of sf but im too sick to think of something alluring to say about that)
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bytchysylvy-art 1 year
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new vanity art for TH on model even
"these poses look familiar 馃槖" they're redraws of the banger 2019 run but with last year's sensibilities, I'll have comparisons on main at some point
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bytchysylvy 2 months
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bytchysylvy 6 months
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sloppy color key and sloppier test
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bytchysylvy 7 months
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bytchysylvy 8 months
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Latikam always took pregnancy hard so Vokutlvek always made sure to feed him dense, rich food to keep his strength up. While he enjoys all of his brother's cooking cheesy fish buns are his favorite, they're a staple meal to the vazuvyr, but something about them hits different to him, even if the memory of why has faded.
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bytchysylvy 5 months
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wasnt going to post this one but you know what? testing to see if you guys can actually handle sf
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bytchysylvy 8 months
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"better be something good in there"
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bytchysylvy 6 months
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building inside - outside overcast - inside the ship - outside bright
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bytchysylvy 6 months
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REDRAWS (digital only)
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bytchysylvy 11 months
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im a horror artist now
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bytchysylvy 7 months
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shitty scribbles between nano writing
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bytchysylvy 8 months
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Late last year I relapsed hard on my ED. In february I was nearly hospitalized and in march I was formally diagnosed with atypical anorexia and started treatment for it. After what will be 9 months of recovery and 7 months of php and iop (barely dodged residential whew) I'm finally stepping down to outpatient therapy by the end of the month.
I wish I had more good to say. A lot of recovery for me has been coming to terms with shit in my childhood that I didn't deserve to go through. Wounds from being ridiculed, judged, outcasted and abandoned, left to fester and never getting the chance to heal right now leaving me in pain for the rest of my life. After the third diagnosis like that you get used to coming to terms with knowing you'll never get to have a normal life. But at least I have the chance of a decent life, possibly even a good one. With how bad my symptoms were the reality is that I'dve been dead by now if I hadn't sought treatment. I made it out alive. And for the first time in over a year it feels like my life is back in my hands. Im thankful for that.
Anyway, I made a series of each of the core five (and meksignn!)'s favorite foods as a way to celebrate making it this far. idk it seemed fitting i got this sentimental heart that beats.
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bytchysylvy 3 months
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this post here sir
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bytchysylvy 8 months
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born to draw mpreg forced to draw mech
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bytchysylvy 9 months
cant believe in a story about theocracy ive never touched on the main casts relationship with religion here goes
Oasis wasn't raised with any kind of religion. Her parents were up to something but always kept whatever it was away from her. They did teach her to be weary of religion and to look out for people peddling it but never said anything too damaging, just to always be curious about the intentions of those pushing it. It was most important to them that she had critical thinking skills than anything else. Her current standing is "I dont buy any of this but i'll nod and smile if it gets me food" because casarin told her to keep her mouth shut and get the free food. Despite not being a believer in this religion she still wants to believe in some kind of afterlife.
Mama servensbrush practiced a folk religion of the sanhasii, which is polytheistic and believes in reincarnation. While she did take him to shrines / observe religious holidays of / pray openly she never pushed in on casarin and let him be curious and do whatever he wanted. Which he did up participate with her until the age where it got boring and he'd prefer tv instead. Moving north the pressure to convert to The Church wasn't strong enough to get him to care. Hydrel's family tried proselytizing to him when he visited but casarin politely rejected to it with a "sure maybe". Him and Hydrel both preferred to hang out at the fortress or the apartment after that.
Hydrel is the son of a priest. When he was young he hated church service, not for any reason other than it kept him from his airships and unicorns. Despite being a devil child he did always find comfort in his saints and as he grew older came to really lean onto his religion for strength. These days he... he still goes to his saints for guidance. of course he does. Especially the saint of motherhood. Looking for guidance for being an al'luimaxa. He just... he just doesn't understand right now...
I'd describe vazuvyr as having lots of little religions. coming and going with times and places. Latikam has never really been into any of them, typical for being a son of udysna he only bows to his own mother and sees the rest as equal only to each other. Though he certainly respects the gods of the east more than the god of the west its not exactly a disagreement about the religion because he doesnt know anything about the religion of the west. Latikam doesn't know who jesus is or what he is.
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