bytchysylvy · 8 months
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wasnt going to post this one but you know what? testing to see if you guys can actually handle sf
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bytchysylvy · 1 year
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trash gang redraw
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
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saw this sketch from uh 4.5 years ago and decided to finally latikam some justice, his hard work being a single mother, i can be mentally ill for him too
typically they'd go have him investigate a place where they suspect weird spirit activity (with meksignn! (not pictured, on ceiling)) before sending in a real team of people who know what theyre doing. No point did it occur to them to not send him since he has a baby, didnt occur to him either to not go. It's good actually, the nugget should learn how to unscrew panels to check for goodies inside actually. Its called foraging, you wouldnt get it.
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bytchysylvy · 1 year
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Lazy latikams (pathetically trying to catch susarikas)
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bytchysylvy · 1 year
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rat pirates find and kill god feat. the demon that made them do it (and meksignn!)
tumblr keeps getting weird when i try to line them up so here's the original set from 2019
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bytchysylvy · 1 year
I got to stop calling it the mpreg arc because someone's gonna follow unaware thats not what's actually going on and they're gonna be really disappointed.
or pleasantly surprised. idk. ngl i think it might be one of the most beautiful things ever written. and if its not oasis fucking dies (she gets better), alex gets to commit second degree murder with children's cards, and dathevar shows up so its not even the wildest thing happening in act 2
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
vazuvyr can do the thing with their btw, the snoofins, when I say [Latikam sniffed the air] thats what he's doing, it doesnt quite sound like that but he snfsnf [pushes oasis to the side] snfsnfsnfsnfsnf
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bytchysylvy · 9 months
mokubat knows his leanness makes latikam upset. reminds him of the occupation. but its whatever. Appreciates the fact that he is apparently Incredibly Sexy by mortal standards and uses this to his advantage to be as much as a slut as possible with them.
zumi puts on a brave face to hide that she is deeply insecure about the way she looks. She'd give everything to just look vazuvyn. Having a more feminine body shape would help too but its by far not her biggest problem.
susarikas's biggest problem is just moving around. his body was never meant to... be like this. Unknown to everyone he will grow into it and live an adulthood without inhibition but right now its awkward to deal with. He doesn't let it get to him as he has no fellow young vazuvyr to compare himself with (though this itself does make him rather lonely).
dusk is reasonably mixed. ellyon dominated media that makes the ideal body one that she could literally never physically obtain vs living in a strong gwenduraag community where her body is normal and average. She has reasonable insecurities but nothing noteworthy. However, she is oblivious to how pretty she is with her hair down.
liz loves her body. It took a lot to get her body the way it is. her only issue is she wishes she had casarin's huge caboose, then she'd be perfect lmao.
You may not like it but kayanit is what peak female performance looks like (big snake)
levis, a naturally thin conventionally attractive jewel ellyon, has never once had to think about how his appearance would be received. He is taking aging with grace btw, thanks for checking in, we were all so concerned.
im going back and forth with something about nerus so put a tiny redacted about something here. That aside, i have a whole other essay about him and hydrel's insecurities with being half faeren. Might post later idk. Know he worries about his looks but its not in his size or shape.
galan, like everyone* else in their family, has no reason to be insecure because they're all thin and conventionally attractive. admittedly though, he is somewhat insecure that he has zero physical strength. Man couldn't protect a woman from a salmon. But it doesn't get to him that much because he hides behind his intelligence anyway. I have a business degree I dont need to lift heavy things such as a bag of flour.
vaens didn't have any issues until his thyroid failed on him and he got fat. deeply insecure about the changes, worst of all despite knowing its just medical condition he contextualizes it as a moral failing; that its a punishment from god. it is some solace to him that his wife loves him all the same. disclaimer that this is not why he is an horrible person, just another symptom of the bigger issue of his religiosity.
morgan is both conceited in her appearance and insecure. Looks at everyone else and thinks "at least I dont look like that". Fully believes that thinness is a holy thing and deviation is the result of one's own moral failing. We don't see behind the scenes but while she admires vaens's power she also judges him harshly for his body, though she keeps that thought to herself.
adaen was a soft squishy nerd. Always tried to look tougher and meaner to compensate but failed miserably and ended up just looking softer and dorkier in the end. Wasn't strong like his brother but he was the funny one.
fjinmars was also on the soft side but in a way that was still a very idealized feminine look. She never had to deal with anyone giving her shit about her appearance. And the media cant get to her because she knows things that society does not.
no notes about kentras as i havent designed him yet
anrai was heavy set, being a wrestler before being deployed his size and shape was praised albeit not for his looks. After coming home from his first service he went from having a wrestlers physique to being plain fat. It was fine. It was truer to who he was anyways; a soft hearted guy who just wants to live a peaceful life and cuddle with a cute wife.
naljuun was never insecure of her appearance but of being a tiny helpless girl. Runt of the family and having grown up having to do manual labor which never seemed to be good enough. Doesnt like to think about it. Just glad that casarin took after his dad and not her.
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bytchysylvy · 1 year
📚 - all of the SF cast
what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)?
oasis just recently graduated high school with B/C grades.
casarin dropped out in his last year of high school and took an apprenticeship at the port to compensate the gap in his schooling. His grades were decent until he started skipping all the time.
alex has never had formal schooling despite claiming to have been to the academy of magic in minna hm
hydrel is currently enrolled in a home college program where he is studying engineering. He's ahead a few years but has started lagging behind recently.
latikam does know who school is or what school is.
meksignn is a bird
since you said ALL the of sf cast i'll do extended characters, my treat
mokubat and susarikas also dont know who school is. However zumi has been to college for a few classes (engineering, welding, ect.)
I go back and forth what kind of education Dusk has. It makes the most sense that she doesn't have anything beyond high school however.
Hy'Levis studied magic both within the church and at the academy in Minna in his youth.
Nerus is currently studying art. Galan has a degree in business. Vaens doesnt have a college education but has been studying magic in the church since leaving high school.
Liz has a high school education and has taken a few classes in technology but doesnt have further formal education. She is considering going back however.
Morgan's education isn't known beyond the fact she has worked with the academy before formally joining the church.
Adaen and Fjinmars both had college educations. Specifics TBD.
Kayanit is goddess of war.
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bytchysylvy · 1 year
after playing with susarikas in the mud oasis presents to dinner without her boots and latikam sees an ellyon barefoot for the first time and seeing their toes and saying "ew, western feet" out loud
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
Oasis: 1, Latikam: 7, Casarin: 10, Hydrel: 18
(oasis) What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Approximately 10 minutes. This assumes "nothing" does not include keeping a watch out, navigation, watching to make sure casarin is paying attention, making snide comments and flipping off other pilots while on the ship. If he's being responsible she likes to go harass alex in the back. On land she's always wandering off on her own away from casarin either picking up essentials he's forgotten again or non essentials lol. She can also be found playing "lets throw bricks at susarikas" (he loves it) to pass the time.
If there's NOTHING to do, she's trapped just waiting, she'll usually pull something she uh found in the street (finders keepers) and carve into it with her knife. No this is mine, see its got my name on it and a little pony too, oh and on this side its got a snake eating a watermelon.
(latikam) What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
The thing with living for centuries is that at a certain point, everything and nothing causes nostalgic, its the experience of every vazuvyr. BUT latikam has lived through the occupation AND does not live in his homeland anymore, in a way he is a child who remembers past lives but cannot apply any of it to this one. The biggest trigger is that mokubat learned how to cook from vokutlvek, and while they have their different styles every now and then something lines up, he can taste his brothers work in his sons. Its... a lot. Thats the taste he's known through centuries of heartache and love and pain and joy and healing, yet for once he's not here for it. The person who's always been there to run to, lay his head on, and protected him isn't there this time. Somehow disorientating and grounding at the same time.
Seeing casarin and hydrel also remind him A LOT of vokutlvek and azrem. Their stupid little dramas, playing footsies at the table, shoving food into his mouth. Latikam said "I know what you are".
(casarin) What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
God why did you have pick THIS one for him how did you hone in on this choice. My man keeps repeatedly telling a very specific lie about how okay he is. "haunted" probably isnt the word Id pick exactly. During sf its less of the burden of knowing he lied and more of the fear of someone finding out the truth. And in act 2 when someone confronts him about it he doubles down on "everything is fine" until he's dragged kicking and screaming to the warm saucer of milk. At the end of his life he looks at those years and realizes how stupid he was for putting himself through it and not asking for help, especially now recognizing fjinmars and adaen saw the problem and wanted to help him but he never gave them the chance, but at this point he's too preoccupied by the good run they had and how thats going to be gone.
A specific instance he told this lie to his mother, who he never lies to because she is telepathic, clocked him immediately and he broke down about the whole thing. The thing that hurts him is that he doesnt know why he lied, mama never made him feel bad about this before, he just... felt guilty and embarrassed about all this. idk.
(hydrel) What embarrasses them?
The austisms. He's had people "just tease" him for his expressions and taking things literally and when he's last to the joke. Doesnt like to ask what people mean by things because that usually makes it worse. It's not obvious in the main script but its worth noticing how much differently he acts with his family vs with casarin. Weird. Sure its nothing. Also bringing up past incidents is the fastest way to get 🧑‍🤝‍🧑-- points with him, VERY embarrassed when he realized after the fact he overreacted or was rude when he didnt mean to be. Just let him learn and move on.
Also extremely embarrassed if you catch him farting lmao. How dare you accuse him of having a bodily function. I want a bestie divorce.
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
I am giving you a free pass to spit Alex lore at me 💁🏼‍♀️
Funny you should ask for that since I just wrote up a full page on alex traumaposting. But we wont be looking at that.
So up north spicy foods are very common, Snow Peppers export a big deal. Prior to being adopted the vazuvyr had to inclination towards peppers (they get their spice from ginger and white/black pepper rather than chilis), but to give the boy who went through uh a lot zumi makes sure to grab some peppers for him.
Alex can speak Minna (or whatever its called idk) Dullec and Vazuvyn. Minna is his mothertongue but rarely uses it these days. Him and zumi always talk to each other in it so that he improves, if he can speak dullec he can navigate this country (she does the same with susarikas for this reason too). But since the long term goal is to go to okazubed with latikam they made sure he knows vazuvyn. None of the other vazuvyr know he's human but as long as he can speak their language they will protect him; mortals dont know their language unless somebody had a good reason to teach it to them.
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
🧡 ⭐- Alex
💛🥝 - Casarin
📙❌ - Hydrel
😊🍏 - Oasis
💧🎀 - Latikam
🧡 Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or rolemodel or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!).
Honestly oasis and casarin become his favorite people. He sees a lot of himself in Oasis but also potential of what his life could be like, and she'll drag him into it as long as it sounds fun. Casarin is like a big brother to him, mokubat and zumi are great and all but they can't both push and protect him like casarin can. He loves his vazuvyn family but these two have this nerve about living that the vazuvyr cannot afford to have and freedom they cant give him.
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
People. Unpredictable at best. Downright cruel at worst. Cant trust them. Dont even look at him or his shoes. When he catches someone staring at him he pretends to have not noticed and tries to discreetly hide himself. He is bad at this. Its typically not out of fear as much as, well... those shoes. When he's with zumi or susarikas their cover is that they're his magic creatures of some kind and thats intimidating, that he's such a strong mage to have control over a creature like that. But on his own? Nah. The shoes.
💛 In general, how in control of their emotions is your OC? Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? What do you think is the reason behind this and is your OC ever concerned about their lack of or good control?
My man is controlled by whatever his hopeless romantic dick is thinking in that moment. The only control he has on his emotions is when anxiety is overriding them all and keeping him internally spinning in circles. He didnt used to be so bad until his family was taken away and he gets better post-sf. His grip is weak from the stress and exhaustion of it all. My man just needs a warm saucer of milk and a comfy blanket. Thats literally the fix for like 80% of his problems. Some stability. Bed with the window open and we're not worried about it who said that.
🥝 What does a bad mental health day look like for your OC? Walk us through it with them. What kind of things can help them out of this slump and what kinds of things comfort them when they start to feel like this?
Wake up even later than normal. Breakfast is tea with what has to be a solid 1/4th cup of sugar. Neither changes clothes or bathes in any way. Whatever his other meals are like are up to god, who is not his biggest fan. Drags himself through whatever he has to but gets it done, typical cranky ass the entire time. Smokes and might drink before sleeping. If its a manic bad day its the same, excepting the dragging is replaced with the zoomies, getting himself hurt at least once, and angry screaming (cranky manic representation my beloved) and he is drinking way more to try to get himself to sleep. Oasis leaves him alone but keeps an eye on him, cant get him to listen anyway, then takes over being the adult since thats all she can do. the only thing that mellows him out is being around hydrel it seems and we dont have him on tap. Finds the words to lift him up and makes him melt in those arms... if he can catch him anyway.
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
My man loves his airships. What else can i say. Outside that he loves history and other learning about other cultures. They tried to feed him anti vazuvyn propaganda by telling him true but unfavorably framed things and he said "whoa! what fascinating way to live. tell me more!" and now he's overstepping boundaries with latikam about it. He has a full education including Deac'Lulne history, which im sure wont be useful to us. Anyway he also enjoys cooking and baking, he was always spending time in the kitchen with the women of the house as a child and helping them. But his skills are basic since when he came back from war they've been keeping him out of there, want him to have other interests you see, outside the house, wont find relationships cooped up in the kitchen after all, thats what it is.
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
Unfortunately hydrel is way too forgiving and cannot cut people out of his life when he should and just lets resentment build up ha ha. The thing that always starts the crack is like, when someone controls or ignores his decision and agency. When someone says idk something like "we just want to help" when he didnt ask for it. Or when "its just weird for you to be out so late ha ha come back now" even though you're fine just hanging out and its not like you have some responsibility in the morning anyway. stuff like that, hypothetically of course. Luckily he's never been in those kinds of situations. :)
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC genrally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
Just a good laugh honestly. "Joy shared is a joy doubled, sorrow shared is a sorrow halved" was something her parents always used to say and its something both her and casarin always come back to. Granted she's not soft about it. Aggressive positivity is her toxic trait, "maybe everything will work out and be ok, ever think of that idiot" and people love her for it. I love her for it, and so do you, its not a choice.
🍏 Does your OC have any triggers? What is the history behind these triggers and are they related to any disorders or mental illnesses? In what ways does your OC react to being triggered?
Dont bring up her parents. Only casarin is allowed to do that, he was the only one still around to know what they were like. What would you know. The demeanor change is day and night, usual little baked bean addict imp sudden sounds and acts a lot more like casarin or goes quiet. Forced maturity can only get you so far.
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
God I go back and forth about how good vazuvyn memory is. But he certainly remembers the first time he got fucked. Its notable since he was in his 20s (extremely young for a vazuvyr) when it happened. Considering his childhood was 400-600 years ago depending on which notes you look at anything he had is long gone. Be it from time or from the occupation.
🎀 Do they wear a specific accessory with a special meaning behind it? What is their usual fashion sense like? What do they wear when they want to be comfortable and what do they wear when they’re going to a fancy party? Or do they just not care?
Latikam for the most part wears whatever Mokubat hands him. He knows he what colors he looks good in and loves whatever the fuck his idiot son decided to make for him. Though there isnt much meaning behind any specific piece it is worth noting his jacket is extremely similar to the one Kotimach used to wear before he went missing, however Mokubat was too young to have remembered this, he simply made it traditionally and in his favorite colors.
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bytchysylvy · 9 months
oasis has never had coffee, casarin wont buy it for her (not that they have anything to make it with) and everyone at the church says she's too young (in reality, they are afraid of what she is like on caffeine). She wants it black, like her soul (she doesn't know yet that she hates coffee). GO TO ORDER: double cheeseburger, large fry
casarin fucking hates coffee. 1/2 cup of cream and two to three spoonfuls of sugar please. GO TO ORDER: whatever fun seasonal flavor they have extra whip or those insane energy drink mixer things
alex prefers tea which he likes with just a touch of milk, if he were to drink coffee he might need a bit of sugar to go with it. GO TO ORDER: Earl grey latte
hydrel has no strong opinions about coffee. finds that caffeine doesn't really do much for him anyway. Does enjoy it as a nice warm drink in the morning though. GO TO ORDER: vanilla latte or a mocha with some spices on top
latikam doesn't want this strange western drink and sticks to tea, which is mostly milk. Or butter, but we dont have time to get into that. There's also a common drink of milk and tree sap (think maple syrup) that he likes to have in the morning though what he gets imported he has to compete with susarikas for as the little bandit eats the syrup out of the jar. GO TO ORDER: "can i replace my drink with another cheeseburger"
meksignn love coffee! it feels so good on his tootsies when he stands in after moving the contents of the mug to the floor! (doesnt know caffeine is toxic to birds) GO TO ORDER: EE EE!! (scared of the mop)
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bytchysylvy · 1 year
idk if i ever shitposted it at any point but vazuvyr typically dont speak until they're 4, and prior to this there's not much babbling either despite their cognitive ability being comparable to other peoples otherwise. By this age they also are largely on fours but its their full adult locomotions, not baby crawls. When they get the ability to bipedal walk varies but its not rare to not see it until 6-8. Which is why in sf when susarikas still has trouble, on top of being structurally impaired he's still fairly new to this.
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
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oh my god i have got to stop piling stuff in drafts and then never posting them
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