#laura bettina
tokyicons · 5 months
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venlovestuna · 1 year
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nenan · 9 months
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by namislaurabettina
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foreverbaby25 · 2 years
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fawnsite · 7 months
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barrowedits · 1 year
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snapdragoned · 3 months
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Another successful day at Weatherby's!
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A bit less successful for new hire Gina, who was robbed several times by the local pickpocket.
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blueiscoool · 13 days
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Man Discovers 900-Year-Old Stone Carving Beneath His House in Germany
The rare picture stone may depict Otto of Bamberg, the bishop who helped spread Christianity throughout the region.
During a recent home renovation in Klotzow, Germany, a man stumbled upon something unexpected: a three-foot-long bildstein, or picture stone, dating to the 12th century.
The boulder features a carved figure draped in robes with a cross in front of his body. Experts think it may represent Otto of Bamberg, the bishop and missionary credited with spreading Christianity to the region. It’s also the only known picture stone to depict a figure with a cross.
Klotzow is a village located in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a state in northern Germany. According to a statement from the state’s culture ministry, a resident named Peter Wittenberg discovered the stone while working on his home’s foundations. The large artifact was buried just a few centimeters below the surface.
Wittenberg, who knew he had found something special, reported his discovery to officials. Experts moved it to the city of Schwerin, where researchers could conduct a careful examination.
“The significance of this find cannot be overestimated,” says Detlef Jantzen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s chief archaeologist, in the statement. “The new find from Klotzow is the only one that could depict a Christian dignitary. Now, we are going to try to learn more about the stone’s original location.”
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Carved picture stones first appeared in the 4th century and were produced through the 12th century. They featured a rich variety of artistic styles, and many of them served as memorials to individuals who had died. According to the culture ministry, picture stones that reveal evidence of Christianization are especially rare.
Born in 1060, Otto of Bamberg dedicated his life to converting populations in an area known as Pomerania, located in parts of present-day Germany and Poland. According to some accounts, the number of people he baptized may be in the tens of thousands.
“With this exceptionally significant find, we can add another important piece to the mosaic of our country’s history,” says Bettina Martin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s culture minister, in the statement. “Bishop Otto of Bamberg undertook his first missionary journey to Pomerania in 1124. The fact that a picture stone from this period has now been found exactly 900 years later is an extremely fortunate circumstance.”
There are only around 20 known picture stones in the region today, as Jantzen tells Live Science’s Laura Geggel. He thinks the figure’s shawl and cross could be a pallium, a religious cloth worn by the pope, archbishops and some bishops.
“Otto received the pallium from Pope Paschalis II,” Jantzen adds. “When Otto was traveling in Pomerania in 1124 and 1128, he was the first and only possible bearer of a pallium at that time in that area.”
Specialists in Schwerin are currently examining and documenting the stone artifact. When they’re done, officials hope to display it in Klotzow, where it was found.
“The finder deserves thanks and the highest recognition for reporting his discovery immediately,” says Martin in the statement. “The experts from the State Office for Culture and Monument Preservation and the local monument protection authority will now take care of securing and further examining this one-of-a-kind find.”
By Julia Binswanger.
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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Vivere lavorando giocando Living Working Playing
Saggi di Bettina Della Casa, Francesco Guzzetti, Giorgio Verzotti e Laura Cherubini. Con le testimonianze di Giulio Paolini, Massimo Minini, Paul Maenz, Pier Luigi Pero, Giovanni Michelagnoli, Alessandro Nieri, Gian Enzo Sperone.
Edizioni Casagrande, Bellinzona 2017, 360 pagine, 22 x 28 cm, ISBN 9788877137685 
euro 59,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Mostra Museo arte Svizzera italiana 9.04 - 27.08.2017 Mostra e catalogo a cura di Bettina Della CasaB
Il racconto dell’amicizia tra Alighiero Boetti e Salvo e del loro “braccio di ferro” artistico.
Fotografie, frasi, ricami, dipinti e disegni, ma anche viaggi e altre avventure nutrirono il loro rapporto tra il 1968 e il 1972, anno in cui Boetti si trasferì a Roma. Con oltre 150 immagini a colori, fotografie inedite, saggi critici e testimonianze di amici e compagni di strada, il volume documenta quella  breve ma intensissima stagione, fino ai diversi sviluppi degli anni successivi. Una sezione del catalogo presenta inoltre la Torino dell’Arte povera. Opere scelte di Giovanni Anselmo, Alighiero Boetti, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Luciano Fabro, Piero Gilardi, Mario Merz, Marisa Merz, Aldo Mondino, Giulio Paolini, Giuseppe Penone, Gianni Piacentino, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Emilio Prini, Salvo e Gilberto Zorio testimoniano gli esiti più significativi di quel momento, nonché il vivace clima intellettuale in cui Boetti e Salvo si trovarono a operare e che contribuirono a costruire.
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tokyicons · 6 months
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labjegyzet · 1 year
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„Átváltozások” képregénypályázat eredményhirdetés
A Ciceró Könyvstúdió első alkalommal meghirdetett, Átváltozások témakörben kiírt képregénypályázata lezárult, és a kiadói zsűri értékelte a beérkezett pályamunkákat.
Összesen 40 pályamű érkezett a kiírt két kategóriában (6-12 éves korosztály és 12 feletti), amit szép eredménynek tekintünk, hiszen első alkalommal hirdettük meg a pályázatot. Kifejezetten változatos munkák érkeztek, különböző korosztályoktól és színes stílusban.
A pályázat kiírásában azt ígértük, hogy kategóriánként 3 mű kerül az antológiába, viszont a 6-12 éves korosztály számára készült munkák között olyan nehéz volt a döntés, hogy végül 5 alkotás kap megjelenési lehetőséget, míg a 12 évnél idősebb célcsoportnak készült képregények közül 3 nyertest hirdetünk.
A 6-12 éves korosztálynak szánt kategória nyertesei:
Cselőtei Zsófia Olga és Radics Márton: Az utolsó járat
Farkas Balázs és Korbuly Ági: Apró és nagy dolgok
Koska Zoltán: A szeretet formái
Kovács Milán és Ambrus Izsák: Trashformers
Sándor Ákos: A Furcsa hal meséje
 A 12 éves feletti korosztálynak szánt kategória nyertesek:
Becskei Gábor és Ambrus Izsák: Tiszazugi Nimród - Füstbe ment terv
Érsek Laura: A tigris gyomrában
Lamm Lenke: Itthagytad nekem a zajt
 A pályamunkák olvasása közben sok olyan munkával találkoztunk, amelyek egyikünket vagy másikunkat megragadtak hangulatukkal, erős stílusukkal, egyedi ötleteikkel, mondandójukkal vagy érzékenységükkel. Bár a kötetbe végül nem válogattuk be őket, szeretnénk gratulálni a következő pályaművek alkotóinak, és reméljük, hogy a jövőben még láthatjuk az alkotásaikat!
 A 6-12 éves korosztály:
Predák Anna: A Hasember
Jécsai Zoltán: Szárnyak
Pilinyiné Majzik Viktória és Pilinyi Bálint: A tél gyermekei
Murányi Krisztina: Otto és Leonárd
Nagy Zoé: Virágzás
 A 12 éves feletti korosztály:
Borsos Bettina: Átváltozás
Kühn Gergő: Helyőrség Varville-ben
Orosz Richárd: A barbár
 Gratulálunk a nyerteseknek, és köszönjük minden pályázónak a képregényeket!
Terveink szerint az antológia idén késő ősszel jelenik meg, pontosabb dátummal később jelentkezünk.
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monika-k-adler · 3 months
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ADAF Darkroom @ Alphabet Art Centre
15 June - 11 July 2024
launch - Saturday, 15 June 2024 - 12h (CET)
Vacations in the Subconscious
Surrealist Vacation Resort Athens 2024
recently shown 16/26 May 2024 @ ADAF - Athens Digital Arts Festival
now in Cologne
List of videos:
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Back drop, 2021, 4:03
Heidi Kumao (USA) – Devoured, 2020, 1:08
Isthmaël Baudry (France) – Morphoex-Bettina, 2019, 4:00
Lilia Li-Mi-Yan and Katherina Sadovsky (Russia) – A000000000001000AA011, 2021, 09:00
Laura y Sira Cabrera (Spain) – Alterations , 2023. 7:29
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – The Peaceable Kingdom, 2023, 5:28
Maria Korporal (Netherlands) – The Mind’s Egg, 2023, 2:30
Monika K. Adler (UK) – Patriarchal Sabbath, 2023, 3:11
Francesca Fini (Italy) – Paradise Lost, 2022, 6:00
Osvaldo Cibils (Uruguay) – The Subway Acupuncturist, 2023, 11:28
Thomas Vallianatos (Greece) – Athens-the present that didn’t exist, 2023, 3:51
Oliver Griem (South Korea) – A Virtual Death, 2021, 2:11
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nenan · 9 months
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Laura-bettina Klinger photographed by OZNE
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lokaleblickecom · 4 months
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aiciacolophotos · 9 months
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Missa Echologica (2021) Anna Zilahi & Laura Szári & Varsányi Szirének choir
Video 14:36 min
Booklet A4 52 pages Varsányi Szirének choir: Blanka Bolonyai, Dóra Ferenczy, Bettina Horváth, Dóra Király, Rita Szántó, Laura Szári, Diána Takács, Eszter Tóth, Virág Török, Anna Zilahi. Video: Gergely Ofner Sound: Ferenc Juhász
The echo of Tihany is a sound phenomenon that also has a notable place in Hungarian cultural history. Tracing back centuries, legends of the Echo tell the story of a young girl rejecting the son of the king who fell in love with her and her voice. As revenge, he drowned her and turned her into an echo, cursed to only repeat other people’s voices.
From a critical feminist perspective, this legend is not a tale about a selfish girl who deserves to be punished, but a story of patriarchal retribution, a punishment for a woman saying no.
The echo has faded in recent decades, but it has not entirely disappeared. The change can be linked to the destruction of the ecological environment due to infrastructure and tourism, altering the the sound-environment. 
Ecological destruction and patriarchal oppression are rooted in the same logic of power. Missa Echologica is an ecofeminist appropriation of this legend, a hymn for the liberation of Echo and the suppressed ecological forces of the small fishing village of Tihany. The choir piece is based on catholic liturgical hymns called antiphons. 
Anna Zilahi is a poet and transmedia artist. Her often participatory text- and sound-based works focus on questions of society, ecology, and feminism. She graduated at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna in 2021. She is a co-founder of the Budapest-based xtro realm artist group whose work addresses non-anthropocentric and ecological strands of thought since 2017. She is doing her doctoral art studies at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest.Laura Szári is the self-taught choir leader of the Budapest-based feminist women's choir called Varsányi Szirének. The choir's main purpose is to create a singing place where creativity, joy and acceptance fuse to facilitate the members’ common voice about topics they are interested in and to simply provide a space to sing pop-songs together.
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snapdragoned · 8 months
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Laura has a coffee with June St. Davis' new girlfriend Bettina at the coffee shop next door while Tycho waits for his moment to shock them! Maybe he takes after Chastity & her zero nice points after all.
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