#laurent pérec
quincyhorst · 10 months
Rose Griffon HCs: Laurent Pérec.
A small collection of few ideas I had for Laurent. You might have seen few of them hinted back on these two posts.
...This took longer to post than what I've originally intented, I'm sorry 😭 Either way, hope you like it. ☕🍰
(And reminder, any post-FFI headcanon here is AFTER the 36-0 Ogre match)
Despite his young-looking face and short height, Laurent is actually one of the oldest Rose Griffon members, being soon 15.
When it comes to his profile, it is mentioned he likes to visit outdoor cafes, and spend time observing the sorroundings while sitting on the terrace. It's also interesting to mention one specific profile mentions he's part of the "Café society"; meaning he's a constant visitor of trendy stores, and probably has some contacts within the high social classes. (Probably)
Overall, we could say that his usual visits earnt him quite the reputation, so much so that he's considered often as a symbol of luck to the place he visits, even if he doesn't do anything significative in the time spent there. Most times he'll ask for a simple cafe, a cheesecake or few times some macarons, and that's all. Maybe you'll catch him reading one of his favorite books or looking around and observing the parisian people, but ironically despite the social nature of cafes you'll never see him sitting with someone else.
Laurent is reserved overall even at his (high class) school, so barely anyone knows anything from his life outside of the cafe visits... Or that's what it seems.
Besides belonging to cafe society, Laurent's fame is also attributed to by his own mother, who is an editor at Cerise Magazine, a renowed parisian fashion magazine. Many famous designers, models and other important people on the industry have left their print there; including rising young stars like Ronny Weiss. However while he doesn't have a negative view of the industry nor the magazine itself (He likes to read it in secret), he'd rather not have anything to do within its pages.
This can be unfortunately traced to Laurent's rocky relationship with his mother, as she has a rather strange fascination with his appearance. Not something fucked up; but she considers her son's beauty a blessing and she does not want it to go into "waste". She herself is pretty much the reason of Laurent's almost effeminate look, always choosing his clothes and styling his hair her own way. In her words, "He'll look even prettier this way".
And yes, she tries to encourage him into becoming a model for Cerise at any. Given. Chance.
...Truth be told, Laurent's issue is NOT with the femenine style, he enjoys presenting that way. But when others try to choose his future only based on looks, that's when things get uncomfortable for him. As a whole, he often feels like he's seen as a living porcelain doll rather than a human being.
Well, at least soccer does help him show a less delicate side of his. Too bad it flopped BAD in the Ogre timeline :(
...Family drama aside. A huge exception when it comes to his shyness are the owners of the cafes he visits. His relationship with them tends to vary between shop, but he's mostly in good terms. Though, their reasons of their treatment vary: Some are respectful to Laurent due to his mother's fame, others because of his beauty, others because of his own popularity... And a few just appreciate how gentle and kind of a person he actually is. His favorite coffee on Paris is Carrousel, a beautiful pastel pink store with the most delicious raspberry cheesecake known to man. Add to this a very respectful staff, and Laurent will constantly consider this place as a second home; where he can run away from inner stress and worries and just chill out.
In fact, Carrousel Cafe means so much to him, that in the future he decides to work there as a waiter, to the surprise of everybody. Mainly as a way to actually have a job and gain income for himself, mostly. Deep down he's afraid of not having a place on the world that isn't inside a fashion magazine.
Curiously, this store is located nearby the renowed Paris University 1.78, where the former french keepers Ladji and Émile currently study about in their respective interests. So, they tend to visit their friend every weekend and chill out together. I won't make this too long but Laurent feels very comfortable with them both. Maybe with Ladji a bit more...? No idea.
To end, here's an unusual HC I have for him: Within his hissatsus there's Toumei Feint, which turns the user invisible with the use of computer coding. Such technological hissatsu feels so odd for Laurent... Isn't it? Well, here's how I like to interpret it:
First off, when it comes to the "invisible" part of the move, I like the idea that because of mostly everything I said before about his fame, Laurent constantly wishes he could dissappear from others. So many fame is just too much to handle at times, and there's many occassions where the poor boy just becomes too uncomfortable to even bear it.
Also... Laurent being into coding and programming is a very funny idea for me, but I'm not sure to use it as an actual headcanon for his future. All I know is that he has an (estranged) older brother that works on the field. That's it.
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qualcosadelgenere · 1 year
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1) Jean Baker: "Australia's strongest goalkeeper. He is the true Poseidon."
2) David Waterman: "Originally an Aussie rules player but was longing to participate in the tournament."
3) Shine Beach: "He cannot stand it when a sandy beach is dirty and picks up garbage every day."
4) Karmei Kohler: "He keeps art handed down from ancient times in Australia as a tradition."
5) Clark Cain: "Eager to protect the rare creatures that live in Australia."
6) Sully Princeton: "A genius at finding the whereabouts of rare minerals. He seems to know by just looking at the terrain."
7) Matt Angle: "Patience strengthened by spiritual discipline is the key to this player's power."
8) Surf Wyndhas: "A worldwide master at surfing. He waits for good waves to always look at the sea."
9) Niese Dolphin: "The brilliant prince of the sea. He is the man to lead Australia."
10) Reef Hamilton: "He is a master at catching tropical fish in coral reefs by skindiving."
11) Joe Jones: "Attacks at once when it comes to opportunities to quietly creep up on the opponent."
12) Quincy Horst: "He travels the wilderness still looking for a new gold mine."
13) Holly Summers: "Although he has a part-time job as Santa every year he envies the cold areas."
14) Clive Scissors: "He is good at cutting through opponents with the use of his sharp arm."
15) Daniel Barrack: "He is working hard to be the best in the world of horse meat that has been kept at his home in Australia."
16) Bruce Marlin: "Does his footwork with a spring characteristic of a kangaroo."
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1) Fermin Sanchez: "Like a bull at a matador, he charges straight through the crowd to grab the ball."
2) José Costa: "He's an experienced and tenacious mountain biker."
3) Rafael López: "He's a great flamenco dancer. Girls are lining up for a chance to dance with him."
4) Antonio Galius: "He's always making sketches for abstract paintings, like Picasso."
5) Querardo Naval: "He's trained to be a matador since he was a child, but he hates hurting animals."
6) Joan Nadal: "He eats five meals a day to keep his strength up when he's travelling overseas."
7) Igor Freire: "He's an avid consumer of paella, but he's really fussy about the type of rice."
8) Mikel Pereiro: "His hobby is making sailing boats. He's assembling an invincible armada in his bathtub."
9) Pedro Moreno: "He's raising a black Iberian pig at home, in the hope of producing tasty ham."
10) Samuel Mayo: "This plucky Pamplonica dreams of one day showing his mettle at the Running of the Bulls."
11) Davi Peroqui: "He's fiercely proud of Spanish football, and doesn't hide his desire to take on the world."
12) Juan Zubeldia: "Everyone is bewitched by his virtuosic skill at flamenco guitar."
13) Isaac César: "An opportunist on and off the field. If he sees a beautiful girl, he'll try to charm her."
14) Laudelino Sastre: "Like Don Quixote, he acts rashly without considering consequences."
15) Carlos Arroyo: "He hopes to raise architectural wonders like the Sagrada Familia."
16) Federico Rubiera: "He'd like to have a go at synchronised swimming, but he can't find a boys' team."
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1) Ladji Paara: "Always draws pictures in Montmartre. He wants to be called the pioneer of soccer pictures."
2) Pierre Godin: "His motto is: always play with style and grace, no matter who your rival is."
3) Miguel Arron: "Despite his appearance, this boy has a gift for French cuisine."
4) Franz Poujol: "He wants to make a building more famous than the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris someday!"
5) Kévin Pinot: "He wants to apply Napoleonic battle strategies on the playing field."
6) Laurent Pérec: "He always spends his days off relaxing at outdoor cafés."
7) Ronny Weiss: "As one of France's best boy models, he is in high demand for fashion shows and photogravures."
8) Stéphane Henno: "A young genius artist of chansons. All of his CDs are big hits!"
9) Julien Rousseau: "He likes to play with a rose clamped between his teeth. Very pretentious."
10) Jérôme Éloi: "Due to having a keen sense of smell, this person is capable of blending the best perfume."
11) Alain Failliot: "The son of a bicycle repairman. He'd like to help out at the Tour de France one day."
12) Émile Razzano: "He considers himself a devotee of French cinema and has a large collection of DVD movies."
13) André Panzo: "He likes nineteenth-century philosophy, but his friends do not understand him when he explains it."
14) Jean Jetin: "Although he has not yet made the leap to fame, this guy is a fashion prodigy."
15) Claude Moreau: "His baguettes are known throughout France. Mmm … They are delicious!"
16) Michel Morin: "He has a gift for gardening, especially if it's about cultivating life."
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Laurent: What are you twelve ?
Julian: * winking * on a scale of 1 to 10, oui cheri.
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pswgallery · 3 years
ToCall No.16 online contributors
Amanda Earl (Canada)
Andrés Felipe Uribe Cárdenas (Colombia)
Angela Caporaso (Italy)
Ankie van Dijk (Netherland)
Anna Hedenrud (Sweden)
Charlotte Jung (USA & Sweden)
Chris Wells (USA)
Claudia García (Argentina)
Constanze Kreiser (Germany)
David Felix (UK)
Diktgymnasiet (Sweden)
Enrico Borsano Colussi (Italy)
Federico Federici (Italy)
Feliciano Mira (Portugal)
Fernando Aguiar (Portugal)
Ferran Destemple (Spain)
Frank Singleton (USA)
James Knight (UK)
Johannes S.H. Bjerg (Denmark)
John Pedder (UK)
José Rufino (Brazil)
Laurent Sauerwein (Germany & France)
Lina Nordenström (Sweden)
Maggie Rosenau (USA)
Marianne Holm Hansen (UK)
Nadine Pitthan (Germany)
Paco Pérec Belda (Spain)
Piotr Szreniawski (Poland)
Rémi Forte (France)
Rhys Trimble (UK)
Robert Dörfler (Germany)
Sara Elgerot (Sweden)
Serse Luigetti (Italy)
Thomas Buts (Germany)
Thomas Poeser (Germany)
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whileiamdying · 5 years
Abonnez-vous http://bit.ly/inaculture Apostrophes | Antenne 2 | 22/06/1990 Pour cette 724ème et dernière émission, Bernard PIVOT a invité quatre-vingts écrivains et deux dessinateurs, CABU et WOLINSKI (pour illustrer les thèmes abordés). Il rend tout d'abord hommage au caméraman Lucien CHIASELOTTI pour son ouvrage "Dans les coulisses d'Apostrophes" et à Michel MILLECAMP pour le décor du plateau, annonce que ces deux heures ne seront ni un palmarès, ni un bilan littéraire, mais un "florilège de bons moments" parfois commentés par ceux qui les ont vécus, entrecoupés des "mots préférés" de la langue française choisis par les écrivains présents sur le plateau. - Archive du 22/09/78 avec Charles BUKOWSKI, François CAVANNA et Catherine PAYSAN ("La plus célèbre" selon Bernard PIVOT). Evocation de cette émission avec François CAVANNA et Bernard PIVOT . - Sur le plateau, Bernard PIVOT rend hmmage à son invité d'honneur, Georges LUBIN, qui vient de publier le 24ème tome de la correspondance de George SAND, travail considérable qui l'a mobilisé quarante ans. - Les "mots préférés" de Didier VAN CAUWELAERT, Hector BIANCIOTTI, François WEYERGANS, Jean Marc ROBERTS, Wladimir VOLKOFF, Patrick CAUVIN, Pierre ASSOULINE, Paule CONSTANT, Yann QUEFFELEC - Archives du 09/12/83 et du 11/04/75 avec Alexandre Soljenitsyne. Réactions sur le plateau de Jean d'ORMESSON et Jean DANIEL. - Archive du 27/05/83 avec Simon Leys et Maria Antonietta Macciochi à propos de la Chine. Réactions en plateau d'Alain PEYREFFITE, Philippe SOLLERS et Jean François REVEL - Extraits d'émissions sur la sexualité animale et végétale : extraits du 11/07/80 avec Jacques LACARRIERE, du 17/11/78 avec René BARJAVEL, du 08/01/82 avec Jean François JOSSELIN. - Les "mots préférés" de Jean François JOSSELIN, Patrick GRAINVILLE, Tahar BEN JELLOUN, Erik ORSENNA, Raymond DEVOS, Roger VRIGNY, Christian GIUDICELLI, Alphonse BOUDARD, Yves JEGU - Extraits d'émissions sur les "coups de gueule": extraits du 26/12/86 avec Serge Gainsbourg et Guy Béart, du 10/02/78 avec Gisèle Halimi, Michèle Perrein et André Pérot, du 02/05/75 avec Jacques Robert. Réactions en plateau de Bertrand POIROT DELPECH, François NOURISSIER et Roger VRIGNY. - Extraits d'émissions avec des auteurs disparus : extraits du 20/06/80 avec Maurice Genevoix, du 18/02/77 avec Gilbert Cesbron, du 08/12/78 avec Georges Pérec, du 01/04/77 avec Jean Louis Bory - Les "mots préférés" d'Alain DECAUX, Jorge SEMPRUN, Jean DUTOUR, Félicien MARCEAU, Henri TROYAT, Jacques LAURENT, Jean D'ORMESSON, Bertand POIROT DELPECH, Alain PEYREFITTE, Michel SERRES …… ****** info sur les commentaires ****** Sur les chaînes YouTube, vous êtes libre de donner votre opinion, fût-elle critique. Pour assurer la qualité du débat, nous vous demandons toutefois de toujours rester calme, poli et respectueux des autres commentateurs. Le prosélytisme, les propos grossiers, agressifs, irrévérencieux envers une personne ou un groupe de personnes sont proscrites. Tout commentaire insultant ou diffamant sera supprimé. Nous nous réservons le droit de bannir tout utilisateur qui ne respecterait pas les règles de la communauté. ******************************************************************* Images d'archive INA Institut National de l'Audiovisuel http://www.ina.fr #INA #Culture
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thots4jesus-blog · 5 years
Attention-grabbing Info About Olympic Nations France
Attention-grabbing Specifics About Olympic Nations - France
Did you know?
France may be the birthplace of Pierre de Coubertin, who's the father on the Olympic Motion. This Frenchman was born on January 1, 1863 in Paris. Pierre when said, "The Olympic Motion offers the world an excellent which reckons with the fact of lifetime, and features a probability to guideline this truth toward The good Olympic notion".
The Summer time Olympic Online games had been held in Paris in 1900. For the first time, sportswomen ended up permitted to contend while in the Olympics ( six tennis gamers ). France won first put while in the Game titles with 26 gold, forty one silver and 34 bronze medals.
Marie-José Pérec was considered one of France's biggest sportswomen. She was born in Guadeloupe ( Caribbean island ) and moved to France with her mom when she was sixteen. Marie-Jose turned the next female athlete within the heritage of the Olympic Games to sweep the 200m and 400m ( Atlanta'96 ).
Like Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana and Reunion, New Caledonia -French territory in Oceania- is not member with the Intercontinental Olympic Committee ( IOC ). Why? France doesn't let its territories to compete while in the Olympics. Due to this, New Caledonia's athletes can't compete while in the Olympic Online games. Not like Guam ( American territory trends ), Aruba ( Dutch territory ) and Bermuda ( British territory ), it didn't compete from the 2004 Olympics. Ironically, New Caledonia has many famed sportspeople within the South Pacific. Aquatics: Olivier Saminadin, Thomas Dahlia, Thomas Chacun, Reine-Victora Weber, Lara Grangeon, Diana Bui-Duyet, Adeline Williams and Gilles Durnesnil. Archery: Laurent Clerte, Emmanuel Guilhard, Henry Shiu, Isabelle Soeno and Sylvena Plazenet. Athletics: Vaikula Elise Takosi, Candice Soulisse, Erwin Casser, Bertrand Vili, Eric Frederic, Bina Ramesh, Eric Revillard, Phoebe Wejieme and Daniel Kilamo. Badminton: Nicolas Martoredjo, Florent Mathey, Marc-Antonie Desaynoz, Johanna Kou and Cecile Sarengat. Boxing: Christophe Lestage, Ataale Gyan and Hannequin Benoit. Judo: Sandrine Perel, Kyo Lussaud, Melissa Kaddour, Stephane Courtine, Jonathan Berger, Cyril Chevalier, Paul Dulac, Abedis Trindade de Abreu, Vaea Chadfeau and Diane Hillaireau. Sailing: Chrisptophe Renaud, Alban Rossollin, Feri Malhieu, Michael Borde, Cawle Dabin and Paiscillia Poaniewa. Shooting: Theodore Tein Weiawe, Fabrice Azarro and Phillipe Sinoni. Desk tennis: Frederic Quach, Laurent Sens, Maxime Bataihard, Ornella Bouteille and Alexandra Heraclide. Taekwondo: Annie Odino, Kevin Belhameche, John Trouilet and Arnord Sariman. Tennis: Julien Couly, Elodie Rogge and Nickolas Ngodrela. Triathlon: Oliver Bargibant, Stephane Lacroix and Benedicte Meunier. At the last South Pacific Video games held in Apia ( Samoa / previously Western Samoa ) in November 2007, it concluded 1st between 22 nations around the world and territories. Absolutely, New Caledonia has won a lot more Global gold medals for every capita than some other region of the South Pacific.
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Paris hosted the FIVB Volleyball Adult men's Planet Championship in 1986. Remaining standings: 1.Usa, 2.USSR ( now Russia ), 3.Bulgaria, 4.Brazil, five.Cuba, six.France, 7.Argentina, eight.Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic/Slovak Republic), nine.Poland, 10.Japan, 11.China, twelve.Italy, 13.Greece, 14.Venezuela, fifteen.Egypt, 16.Taiwan.
Jean Schopter turned the very first Frenchman to gain the Roland Garros in 1892.
France deliver 243 athletes into the 1984 L. a. Games. It participated in 19 athletics: archery ( two ), athletics (45), basketball ( 12 ), boxing ( four ), kayak ( 14 ), cycling ( sixteen ), equestrian ( eleven), fencing ( twenty ), soccer ( seventeen ), gymnastics ( nine ), wrestling ( 16 ), modern day pentathlon ( 3 ), rowing ( 22 ), shooting ( 15 ), swimming ( 19 ), tennis ( four ), weightlifting ( 2 ), wrestling ( 8 ), sailing ( twelve ).
This European country won the gold medal in soccer on the 1984 Olympic Games in The us.
France would be the birthplace of fencing. Fencing was designed Portion of the official system for the Olympics in the 1896 Athens Game titles.
Paris has hosted the Summertime Olympics in 1924. There have been 3,092 athletes from 44 international locations who competed in 19 sports: athletics, aquatics, boxing, biking, diving, equestrian, fencing, gymnastics, modern day pentathlon, polo, rowing, rugby, sailing, taking pictures, soccer, tennis, drinking water polo, weightlifting, wrestling. France came 3rd with 13 golds, fifteen silvers and 10 bronzes.
Eunice Barber is The most well-known athletes in France. She was born on November 17, 1974 in Freetown, Sierra Leone ( Western Africa ), the entire world's poorest state. Eunice suggests, "I had been fortuitous to improve up in Sierra Leone, an English-speaking African state wherever Activity is extremely existing". For political and economic explanations, she moved to France when she was eighteen many years outdated. While in the nineteen nineties, Sierra Leone had among Africa's bloodiest civil wars. Greater than 70,000 Africans were killed and 150,000 had remaining the nation. Under the banner of Sierra Leone, Eunice finished fifth during the heptathlon Competitiveness within the 1996 Olympic Game titles in The us. For numerous sportswriters and professionals, her Olympic general performance was astounding. A few several years later on, she turn into a French citizen.
Best performances:
1999: European Cup-1st heptathlon
1999: Earth Cup-1st heptathlon
2003: IAAF World Championships- 1st extensive jump, 2nd heptathlon
2003: European Cup-1st lengthy jump
2003: IAAF World Athletics Remaining-1st extended soar
2005: IAAF World Championships-2nd heptathlon, third long leap
2005: IAAF Earth Athletics Closing-4th extensive leap
2006: European Cup-2nd long soar
Eunice's favourites:
Motion picture stars: Julia Roberts, Sharon Stone, Demi Moore
Songs: From French to pop songs
Hobbies: Theater, cinematography, music, reading
Style designers: Issey Miyake and Jean Paul Gautier
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Songs artists: Celine Dion, Withney Houston, Wyclef Jean.
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Alejandro Guevara Onofre: He is a freelance author. Alejandro is of Italian, African and Peruvian ancestry. He has posted over seventy-five exploration paper in English, and in excess of 20 in Spanish, concerning the world challenges, olympic sports, countries, and tourism. His subsequent essay is known as "The Dictator and Alicia Alonso". He is an authority on overseas affairs. Alejandro is the primary writer who may have published a world-e book encyclopedia in Latin America.
He admires Frida Kahlo (Mexican painter), José Gamarra (previous president of the Bolivian Olympic Committee ,1970- 1982), Hillary Clinton (ex-Initially Woman with the United states of america), and Jimmy Carter (previous President of your United states of america). Alejandro explained: "The one that I love probably the most is José Gamarra . He devoted his Specialist and personal lifestyle to Activity. José performed a vital role inside the advertising of Olympism in Bolivia -it is amongst the 3rd Globe`s poorest countries- and Latin The united states. His biography is exciting". The sportspeople he most admire is Olympic volleyball participant Flo Hyman. "This African-American sportswoman is my idol... "
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buzzesante · 7 years
Be Walk : challenge sport-santé connecté
Be Walk : challenge sport-santé connecté #hcsmeufr #esante #msante
Le corporate wellness prend une part de plus en plus importante dans nos entreprises en France. Nouvel exemple avec le lancement du challenge Be walk. Présentation.
Le challenge Be walk est le premier challenge national sport-santé dédié à toutes les entreprises en France Métropolitaine, Outre-mer ou étranger. Il propose aux salariés une expérience unique, accessible à tous. Il s’agit de changer…
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quincyhorst · 1 year
I've already talked about Ladji and Émile, I'd also like to talk about other of my favorite RG duos: Ronnie and Laurent. So here's something from back in March.
This is pretty much a story of how they became at least a bit aware about each other, but hadn't met properly yet. Obviously pre-FFI.
Ronnie Weiss became a supermodel years ago, as winning a local beauty contest gained the attention of an agent who saw potential on him. When given a chance to escape a supposedly "boring" life in his rural hometown, he accepted the offer straight away. Modelling life isn't easy, but it was good enough for him. Better than "rotting on the countryside", he would say.
That day, Weiss was being transported to his next modelling job, a photo shoot for the well known magazine Cerise. Being a common reader in the past, he was quite excited yet also nervous about it. Something he wasn't proud of showing.
Suddenly, the car had to stop like the red light ordered; which led to Ronnie having some time to see the streets of Paris; and the so-called commoners's "uninteresting lives". Since his transport had stopped right in front of a cafe's terrace, he expected to see the typical customers. But... He saw something entirely different from what he was expecting.
In between the brown tables and the dim colored shop, a beautiful face was sitting calmly. Their skin was almost white like snow, standing out even if it was almost covered by their hair; blonde ash gray, both colors blending together. And even if it looked messy at first glance, it was elegantly tied with a notorious pink ribbon, accidentally making Ronnie believe he was looking at a girl. A mysterious "girl" who had such beautiful, cold blue eyes, showing a melancolic aura as she read a little book.
On the short time the red light stood on, Ronnie stared completely in awe, even begging his driver to pull down the car window as to get a better look. In the few seconds Ronnie was hit with the outside breeze, he tried any way to gain the girl's attention. But like if the god of luck had heard him, suddenly she looked away from her book, and noticed the sudden car window opening nearby. For an instant, she and Ronnie made eye contact, an angelic moment that made the raspberry boy's pale face red.
It didn't last for too long however, as the car continued its movement few seconds later.
As he was being forced apart from his new muse, Ronnie quickly returned to reality, remembering why he was inside a vehicle on the first place. Upon noticing an unusual frown coming from his model, the agent was quick to check on them.
"Sorry. I just saw the most beautiful girl ever! But, I'm not sure I'll see her again..."
"If she's that beautiful, there's a chance. Girls like that get scouted for the industry eventually." After a sudden pause, the man started to realize something. "Wait a minute, you saw her in a cafe terrace, right?"
"...And she had... White skin and almost blonde hair? With a pink ribbon?"
"Ye- Wait, you recognize her!?"
"...Well, haha... I think who you saw was actually Little Laurent. He's the son of one of Cerise's editors. Easy to mistake for a girl, isn't he?"
Ronnie took a breath trying to process all the sudden new information. That beauty was actually a boy... Well, not much of a surprise. If he himself had been born with a pretty face, who knows whose other boys could have been as lucky as him. In fact, he had already saw some around, but always as rivals on the modelling industry. He could easily do the same with Laurent, specially knowing his connections, but...
"No, he isn't a model at all." His agent clarified "Believe it or not, before finding you it was him who I wanted to represent. But he refused my offer, and I didn't felt like insisting. A shame, really. To this day, his mother tells me over how much of a beautiful model he could be."
...With no reason to consider Laurent yet another rival of his, Ronnie gave a sigh of relief. There was no way he even wanted to see him with any ounce of resentment! Although, it was weird to know he could have been on his place instead.
"If he's related to Cerise Magazine, well... Is there any way I could see him better in person?"
His agent chuckled upon the question, leaving the model confused.
"...Not sure, sorry. But it is told he likes to spend his free days on cafes, just like what you saw. Maybe if we catch a break, you could give him a surprise visit."
Ronnie's eyes lit up, making him give a smile of excitement.
"...But the agenda's tight, Weiss. There's so much you still have to do first."
As his smile fading again, soon Ronnie returned to observe the streets of Paris again; not wanting to encounter any other beautiful person like he had done recently.
The memories of his brief encounter with Laurent still clung on for the day, and they persisted on his memory. Deep down, he constantly wished to meet that stunning face up close, no matter if they were both boys. But as Ronnie's various jobs continued and the routine became stricter, soon it became less and less important to him...
And then the FFI happened, and Ronnie had his proper bisexual awakening (?????
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