wlwhq · 10 months
@missperfectlyfinewrites sent 🎁 for a spotify wrapped starter ! # 37 - i can see you by taylor swi.ft
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"it's best that we move fast and keep quiet," harmony tugged on the hand in her own, eyes scanning back and forth over the crowd. it was a packed holiday party, barely anyone was paying attention to them. but still, the surgeon moved with a quickness that showed how much she didn't want to be caught with them. rounding a corner for finally a moment alone, she let her shoulder blades hit the wall as she took a breath. "you...won't believe half the things i see inside my head." harmony tugged them closer and fully into her space. clearly she'd been thinking about them a lot.
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stayliquidarchive · 11 months
closed starter for @lavenderhazestories !! x
muse. brady jenkins.
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"This whole thing is boring me. You're boring me."
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goddamndaddies · 11 months
This had been a long time coming, Harry had first caught her a while ago, overhearing her thanking people for donations he'd presumed she was streaming to start off with but after some snooping in her room whilst she wasn't there he'd learnt the truth. Curiosity had gotten the better of him and he'd bide his time, watching her cam streams, he'd be lying if he said he didn't somewhat enjoy them, she was actually pretty good at what she did and it really did seem to come out of nowhere.
Unsure how to confront her he develops a plan, messaging her as a stranger he pays for a private show and waits for her to agree a time. Then as the time approaches, knowing she's getting ready, Harry makes his way to her door and leans in the doorway. "So.. Thinking of going with the little bullet or the purple monster?" He questions with a wicked smirk.
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thechiyonosakenyc · 11 months
@lavenderhazestories requested for a domestically sexy starter:
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Mornings in the Jackson household was always a serene and quiet affair and in Gabe’s loft, that had never changed. Breakfast was cooked by the matriarch of the Jackson family, Gabe’s Mom; and the rest of the denizens of the Jackson family, including Lucas and the two younger sisters, would file in to the kitchen at different timings, along with the patriarch of the family, Gabe’s Dad. Even now as he lived alone at the bar’s first floor, the morning routine was kept to a tee. The smell of freshly baked pancakes were wafting over the air, as the kitchen area was lit with the sun from the window. The mam himself was dressed, in a red-and-black plaid shirt that was unbuttoned, his white undershirt bared, and a pair of jeans. He was cooking breakfast, and his mug of coffee was on his loyal side, at all times. He did not want to wake the other person in the bedroom area with him, as he did so. He preferred the normality of this, even though he knew, pancakes are an edible way of saying “thank you so much for last night”.
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achings0ul-archive · 1 year
﹙ starter. ﹚ isabel / madeline﹙ @lavenderhazestories ﹚
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“c’mon   in   and   i’ll   make   us   drinks.”   isabel   lead   her   tennis   student,   madeline,   into   the   two   story   luxury   loft   apartment.   a   property   she   had   purchased   at   the   height   of   her   career.   she   stripped   her   coat   and   took   madeline’s   off   her   body,   eyes   studying   the   nape   of   the   woman’s   long   neck.   she   really   was   a   gorgeous   specimen.   isabel   hung   the   coats   up   in   the   hall   closet   and   moved   to   the   bar   area.   “you   must   be   exhausted   from   earlier.   really   good   work.   i’m   starting   to   see   a   lot   of   improvement.”
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honeybuckin · 10 months
lyric starter [ . . . ] from my hairstylist , simone ( jaylen barron ) , based on love songs by kaash paige for @lavenderhazestories .
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“ well , baby , i been peepin' , and you ain't been the same , like , who been on your mind ? who got your time ? ” — “ you used to be texting me , checking me , calling me your slime , and now you treat me like my worth less than a dime . ”
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lemonadecabaret · 11 months
🍋     NSFW Smutty Gif Starter Meme .   accepting
@lavenderhazestories  sent:         13 M/F w/ Abe and Aurora
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He dined on her cunt like a drowning man, flicking that sensitive bundle of nerves with his pointed tongue as if he were back in the military and on a mission for the Queen. How he had lucked into having Aurora splayed wide before him like a feast, the old man would never truly understand but God if he couldn't appreciate it! The auctioneer was determined to show her the years he held over her were a strength rather than a weakness — that he had within his arsenal a myriad of ways to please her. This was but the beginning. "Sweet girl," he hummed against her sopping cunt, piercing his tongue between her folds to taste her delectable nectar. "I think I'll take my time with you."
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nojudgementrpblog · 11 months
Dana had published a book for a retired broadway professional, and in doing so, had met the woman's daughter. An initial meeting had turned into a few encounters, had turned into a torrid affair. Today, Dana finally had a full night alone with Brooke.
"Mm, hello, sweetie," she smiled, her outfit crafted to heft up her large breast, part of her that Brooke had always been interested in. "Mommy is very happy we get to spend the night together."
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whileurmine · 11 months
@lavenderhazestories liked this for a yearning themed starter (2/2)
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"i wonder how many things you think about before you get to me. i wonder how may things you wanna do, you think i'm in between. i feel myself falling further down your priorities, and i still make excuses for you constantly."
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twistedthings · 1 year
@lavenderhazestories | plotted starter | Brody & Elsie
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Brody never had liked bullies, they came in all shapes and sizes, determined to make others' lives a living nightmare and honestly, the man had expected he'd seen enough of it from his father let alone other people. But as he sat munching tiredly at the breakfast platter he'd ordered about mid-morning after his late night shift at work, it was obvious he wasn't just going to be peacefully enjoying his food. Some men a few booths down were not only being loud and obnoxious but they'd been giving the sweet little server all sorts of problems and it was really grinding on Brody's nerves. A few more bites finished off his food and he leaned back, blue gaze snapping over the men as they jeered and said crude things to the little waitress that stood there just taking it.
Something snapped in Brody, irritation and a protective nature he never could truly help, he rose to his feet and in moments was positioned next to the waitress, just slightly in front of her, glaring down the men before he shot her a concerned and soft glance. "Are these absolute egg-headed pricks bothering you?" He knew the answer to his own question and he didn't entirely expect her to answer, it was more so an insult thrown to provocate the men into engaging Brody physically first just so he could hit them. "You don't have to take that shit, they're worthless pieces of shit anyway." He added, blue gaze shifting over the men once more with a challenging glint.
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sheepofblack · 1 year
@lavenderhazestories - Amber/David continued <3
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⚫🐑 ——— : ❝A few times, yeah.❞ Amber wasn't about to lie. Because yes, she had thought about him fucking into her from behind while she was bent over the bar. Or maybe even with her wrapped around his waist, while he all but bruised her back against the lip of the counter over and over again until she was screaming with ecstasy. Both had happened within her imagination, amongst a few other things. All of which she would share with him at the drop of a hat should he ever want to know. For now though she'd keep them to herself as her pretty pink lips trailed along from his ear to his jaw line. He had mentioned that they'd have to get out of here to have any real fun, but that didn't mean she couldn't tease at least. And with another little chuckle, that's just what she did, until muttering against the stubble upon his chin a moment later. ❝You like it when I'm naughty though, don't you daddy?❞
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wlwhq · 10 months
@lavenderhazestories that brain cell is working overtime today huh
there were few things that cheyenne expected after opening her shop in town. it was a niche market in an odd sense - "adult" stores such as hers weren't frequented by every single person on the street. it was going to be a hard sell, to even get people in the door. so she was pleasantly surprised with how strong her last few months had been, and just how welcoming some people already were.
one person that stood out in her mind was her neighbor a few doors down. arabella. just the sound of her name screamed pristine. at first, cheyenne simply passed the craft store with curiosity but never went in. then she'd met the owner at a block party for the businesses in town, and the rest was history. chey was hooked from the first awkward, blushy glance. and she got many of those in the last few months, too.
the sound of the front door bell barely had chey glancing up. she stood behind the counter, flipping through a catalogue of possible products to bring in, as a rock song played quietly on the speakers behind her. "welcome in-" when she did glance up and see the blonde, cheyenne fully picked her head up, amused grin on her face. "hey. you're a long way from your store." resting her chin in her hand, her eyes flickered up and down the woman's body before settling back on her face. "are you here to buy that vibrator i've been bragging to you about? finally."
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thursdaygrl · 10 months
closed starter for @lavenderhazestories
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"Look, just be honest, okay?" River wasn't trying to be an asshole, she just wanted to save both their asses, though she literally had just pulled her fingers out of the other's mouth. "You're fucking cute and I want to fuck you. Badly. But I need to know you can do this without it being a big deal."
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fvlsegcds · 11 months
closed starter for @lavenderhazestories. inspired by 'is it over' by taylor swift.
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If there was one thing about Piper Kennedy, it's that she had no room for regrets. No energy left to spend wondering about 'what-ifs' and almost lovers. Yet these nights, she was haunted by them. By the memories of Juliet, the empty side of her bed that she refused to occupy even with the revolving door of replacements she'd made her way through. It wasn't uncommon for Piper to struggle with loneliness, but usually by now, she was able to close a chapter and leave well enough alone. Maybe it was the whispers around events, the mutual acquaintances she insisted on keeping close in order to ask questions here and there - answers she seldom wanted to hear. It wasn't like she could, or expected Juliet to wait forever.... but was it really over? The question rang through her head often, from time to time, but tonight it wouldn't leave her head. Not as she got herself dressed at ten pm, or as she hailed a cab and uttered that familiar address to the driver. The twisted nerves in her stomach only felt worse when the doorman recognized her, offering a polite bow and a friendly 'Good evening, Miss Kennedy.' Each step closer had her questioning her choice, each ding of the passing floors echoing in her mind by the time she reached her floor. Deep breaths, she reminded herself, attempting to shake off the jitters before her fist collided with Juliet's door, and any chance to turn back around flushed down the drain.
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thechiyonosakenyc · 11 months
Gabe ❌ ❌ ❌
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For each ❌ I receive, my muse will reveal one of their kinks.
❌ : “I have a thing for cheerleaders uniform, is that weird? It is weird, I think. Really. Yeah...”
❌ : “You know there was this one time where a girl made me wear her panties just to see my bulge over the silk. Does that count as a kink?”
❌ : “Oh and I do love just dry humping, wearing clothes, if we are just too damn horny to do things. I know. Pretty perverse.”
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gcldenhcurs · 11 months
open to: @lavenderhazestories
continued thread
Sighing, he felt a tiny bit guilty for trying to wave the woman away, especially when she looked completely clueless and helpless. She would have no idea what the garage actually did and it had to stay that way. The drive the rest of the club had gone on was not an ordinary drive: it was a heist and he needed to get her out of here before they came back.
"I can help," he reluctantly mumbled, his eyes glancing to the clock on the wall telling him he had an hour. Popping the hood, "was it making any weird noises or any kind of smoke he asked her, trying to figure out the source of the problem before her presence became the problem.
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