#law & order:svu masterlist
bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Prompt: 38. This mess was yours Now your mess is mine
Character: Terry Bruno (Law & Order:SVU)
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Hi, I'm pretty sure I've already done that one for Terry.
I have a whole Masterlist for him if you want have a read for any of the prompts I've already done for him.
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baseballbitch116 · 6 years
Pairing: Sonny Carisi x reader
Prompt: Sonny thinks that you are cheating on him
Word Count: 2008
Warnings: None
Prompt List | Submit A Request
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For the last week, you have been distant from your boyfriend Dominick. He hadn’t noticed right away, thinking that maybe you were just in a bad mood or stressed about work. But when you began turning him down a lot, he grew suspicious.
It started when he came into your shared room after getting home from a long day. You were on your laptop, and didn’t even notice when he entered the room. He stood in the doorway for a moment, looking at you, waiting for you to acknowledge him, but you didn’t. He clears his throat and comes in, heading over to his side to put away his tie and change into night clothes. “Oh, hi.” You mumble, only glancing up for a moment before returning to your laptop. He feels a little hurt, as he missed you all day and you don’t seem to care that he is finally home. “Yeah, hey.” He responds dryly, and you don’t question his tone.
When he gets in bed beside you, you close your laptop, hastily, catching his attention. “What’re ya workin on?” He asks, growing suspicious.
“Nothing important. You going to sleep?” You ask, grabbing your cell-phone and unlocking it with your fingerprint rather than password.
“Thought we could lay here for a while, maybe watch a movie?” He asks, stretching his right arm out to rub your back and invite you into his arms, but you ignore him, too wrapped up in whoever you are texting. “Doll?” He speaks, growing irritated, wanting your company.
Your phone begins buzzing and you toss the blanket off of yourself, standing up to answer, not responding to Sonny.
“Hello? Hey. Yeah? I-.” You speak to the person on the other line, then remember that Sonny is in the room. You glance to him, who has a displeased look on his face as he brings his arm back to his side, and decide to take your call in the kitchen, exiting the room without another word.
The next night when Sonny gets home, you are asleep on the sofa, your laptop beside you. He bends down beside you, whispering that he’s going to take you to the room, but you only groan and tell him no, that you’re comfy. He stands back up, feeling mad and a little insecure, wanting nothing more than to hold his girlfriend, but instead trudges into their shared room to sleep alone.
This continues for a few nights in a row, of you falling asleep on the couch or staying up late on your laptop. Whenever Sonny would come near you when you are on your laptop, you would close it or switch the tab, and you would get these calls late at night that you would take out of the room.
The final straw was when Sonny finally had a day off and asked if you wanted to go out to lunch together, but you told him you already made plans. You did apologize to him, and give him a quick meaningless kiss on his cheek, the most affection that he has had from you all week. Sonny felt angry and hurt. He finally gets a day off and you would rather spend it with someone other than him. He knows he might be being a little childish, but is it a crime to miss your girlfriend?
He ended up calling Nick, asking for his advice, fearing that you could be cheating on him. Nick explained how Maria was acting when he thought she was cheating on him, and tried to assure him that he could be wrong just like Nick was, but it only worried Sonny even more. You are acting just like Maria was.
He decided to to press you a little as you got dressed to go out. You put on a nice pair of jeans and a new shirt that he hadn’t seen before. “Who are you going out with?” He asks as he lays in bed, not paying attention to the show he put on.
“Just a friend.” You respond nonchalauntly. Sonny feels his chest tighten. In the past, you would always tell him who, where you’re going, when to expect you back. Now, “just a friend”.
“You gotta dress up for this ‘friend’?” He asks, scoffing. You turn from the mirror where you were doing your makeup and give him a look.
“I’m not dressing up. Excuse me for wanting to look presentable.” You respond, turning back away from him, pissed off.
“Haven’t worn anythin but sweats round the house all week. You wanna look presentable for this ‘friend’ but not for me?” He complains, raising his voice, and stands up, stomping out of the room and slamming the door behind himself.
You do feel bad, you know that you have been distant this week. You just can’t be around Sonny, he knows you too well. He can tell when something is up, as seen just now, and you aren’t ready to tell him yet. So you finish your makeup then grab your bag and head out to the living room to get your shoes. You chose your black booted heels, and look over at Sonny for a moment, debating what to say or do. He is sitting at the counter, a beer in hand, clearly pissed off.
You walk over and give him a kiss on his cheek, moving a loose piece of hair out of his face. “I’ll be back in a few hours.” You mutter, then walk out the door without another word. He turns back to face the door, staring at it for a moment, feeling the pain in his chest. He wants to trust you, but you have never acted like this before. He takes another big swig of his beer then slams it down, pulling on his shoes and grabbing his keys, heading out to his unmarked police car to follow you.
He successfully trails you to the strip mall, parking across the street as he watches you wait outside of a store for someone. He prays that he is wrong, that it will just be one of your girl friends and he is overthinking. But then he sees a man with dark black hair approach you and you smile at him, giving him a big hug. He feels the rage building up in his body as he stares at you talking and laughing with this man he has never seen before. It takes everything in him to not go over and beat the guy up, but he tries to wait and see what you two do.
He follows you guys to a little outdoor cafe, where you sit side by side and talk. It certainly looks like you are on a date. From how far away Sonny is, he can’t quite see your facial expressions, but to him it looks like you are having a good time. Then he sees you rest your head on this man’s shoulder, and he draws the line. Clearly you are on a date, and he is furious. He gets out of his car, slamming the door shut hard, and stalks across the street to where the two of you sit. “Are ya serious?!” He hollers, startling you, who quickly take your head off of the man and sit up straight. Sonny walks right up to the guy and lifts him off his seat by his collar, preparing to hit him until you jump up and get in the way. “Sonny stop!” You scream, shoving him. He stares at you, enraged that you are taking this guy’s side over his.
He releases the guy, turning his attention to you. “I can’t believe you followed me!” You exclaim, not caring that you are causing a scene.
“What was I supposed to do?! You have been weird all week, I knew you were cheating on me! How could you?!” He hollers, his eyes unintentionally tearing up at he stares at you. He had taken notice of your smeared makeup and red eyes, but said nothing, not putting two and two together.
“Cheating?! Zack is my cousin! My gay cousin! That I have told you all about!” You exclaim, shoving Sonny again angrily. He turns to look at the guy, who stands there, arms crossed, and gives him a sassy look. Sonny looks back to you, suddenly feeling crazy.
“You could have told me you were going out with him then! Not just ‘a friend’! The hell was I supposed to think, seeing you laying all over some guy here?!” He yells, his tone a little lower than before. He is so frustrated, he doesn’t wait for you to reply, just stalking back across the street to his car. You follow after him, not finished with him yet. “I cannot believe you followed me!” You exclaim, causing him to spin right back around.
“You have been avoiding me all week! Changed the password on your phone, closing your laptop when I’m around! Never being on the phone around me, you haven’t even acknowledged me all week!” He replies, and you feel your heart sting as you see his heartbroken face. You hadn’t realized you were being that distant, that it affected him so much.
“I…” You start, not sure what to say.
“Forget it.” Sonny huffs, getting into his car, slamming the door again, and drives off, leaving you standing there feeling guilty.
Later that night, you come home, closing the door behind you quietly. You have to tell him the truth, you just don’t want to. You head to your bedroom and spot him laying there, television on, looking miserable. He is happy when he sees you, though he doesn’t let that be shown. He was worried that you wouldn’t come home.
“I’m pregnant.” You announce from the doorway, getting it over with. His head shoots to look at you and he sits up straight. “I’ve been doing research all week on my laptop and I have been on the phone with Amanda and Zack, trying to figure out what to do. I’ve been avoiding you cuz I didn’t know how to tell you.” You explain, arms crossed as you lean against the doorframe, your face emotionless. You are mad that Sonny followed you and caused a scene, but you do understand why he did.
He only stares at you, his eyes wide, clearly stunned. Everything makes sense to him now. You feel like he doesn’t believe you so you walk over to your side of the bed and put your password into your laptop, handing it to him. You have four different tabs up about pregnancy and doctors in the area. He stares at the page for a while, trying to process this, then places the laptop aside and stands up.
“I’m so sorry doll.” He mutters, his eyes tearing up again. You huff and open your arms to him, letting him envelope you in a big hug. “I should have just talked to you. I’m so sorry.” He mutters, running his hands through your hair and down your back. He is afraid to let you go, and it feels so good to have you back in his arms.
“Yes, you should have.” You start, talking against his hard chest. “But I understand how you must have felt. I’m sorry too.” You say, pulling back with your arms still around his torso, leaning up as a sign for him to kiss you. He cups your face leans down, kissing you passionately, melting into your presence.
When you pull away, he grins at you happily. “What?” You ask, confused by his sudden change of emotion.
“I’m gonna be a dad?” He asks, and you smile at him, nodding. He picks you up, spinning you around the room and kisses you again before setting you down. “This is great!” He begins rambling about all of the stuff he has to do and how to prepare, pacing around the room and you just sit down and watch him, shaking your head adoringly.
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@dreila03 @tchallasokoye @gryffindorshadowhunter @katpatrova17 @xtaylorlynn @thelonelyfangirl @glimmerglittergirl @thebeckyjolene @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople @breakawayfromeveryday
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adarafaelbarba · 4 years
Characters/Shows I write for:
Law and Order:SVU
- Rafael Barba - Sonny Carisi - Nick Amaro - Mike Dodds - Kat Tamin - Peter Stone - Rita Calhoun* - Olivia Benson* - Amanda Rollins* - Donald Cragen* - Fin Tutuola* - Elliot Stabler* - William Dodds*
*(Only family relations or platonic!)
Chicago PD - Jay Halstead - Antonio Dawson - Adam Ruzek - Kevin Atwater - Sean Roman - Hank Voight* - Alvin Olinsky* - Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz
* (only as a family member of his, f.ex. daughter or niece. Or goddaughter)
Chicago Fire - Matt Casey - Kelly Severide - Joe Cruz - Brian “Otis” Zvonecek - Christopher Hermann* - Wallace Boden* - Mouch*
* (only as a family member of his, f.ex. daughter or niece. Or goddaughter) 
Chicago Med
- Connor Rhodes - Ethan Choi - Will Halstead - Daniel Charles* - Jeff Clarke
* (only as a family member of his, f.ex. daughter or niece. Or goddaughter) 
A Discovery of Witches
- Baldwin Montclair (de Clarmont) - Matthew de Clermont - Marcus Whitmore - Dominico - Gallowglass - Hamish Osborne*
- Philippe de Clermont*
* (Only as a family member or a friend)
Harry Potter / Fantastic Beasts
- Harry Potter - Ron Weasley - Draco Malfoy - Cedrick Digory - Dean Thomas - Seamus Finnigan - Oliver Wood - James Potter * - Severus Snape * - Remus Lupin ** - Sirius Black ** - Albus Dumbledore * - Newt Scamander - Theseus Scamander
* (Marauders Era/Fantastic beasts Era only!) ** (No underage pairing! unless it’s a family pairing f. ex. their children)
- Eggsy Unwin - Merlin - Harry Hart - James Spencer (former Agent Lancelot) - Agent Whiskey
Also see masterlist for who I’ve written for before. Or ask me if you’re curious -Karen
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baseballbitch116 · 6 years
Word Count: 521
Warnings: none
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To say that you felt no differently toward Fin than you did for the rest of your coworkers would most definitely be untruthful. The man had caught your eye a long time ago, and if it weren’t for your first-hand witnessing to Olivia and Brian’s complicated relationship after becoming more than professional, well, you would have done more about your feelings for Fin.
Afterall, how could you not like him? Once you get past his “standoff-ish” demeanor, he’s so sweet and caring and selfless. He’d honestly be perfect for you.
But you keep all of these thoughts to yourself, of course. You realize that you’re daydreaming again and quickly refocus your attention on the mountain of paperwork on your desk. You are far behind to say the least, so that is what your day has been looking like. Olivia and Fin went with Amanda and Nick to handle a call about a gang rape. You wish you could go with, although the scene could easily be very horrific, because it’s your job! You want to be out there helping and doing what you love most. But instead you’ve been stuck here for hours, not even making a dent in your paperwork.
You hadn’t realized how fast time had gone by, because just as you finally finished another document, Fin himself walks into the room.
“You’re back already?” You question, standing up to speak to him. The others aren’t behind him, causing slight panic. “What happened?” You ask.
He stops in front of you, shuffling his weight to his right side a little and staring into your eyes. It’s always impossible to tell what he’s thinking from his facial expressions, this time no different than every other that you tried. “Pricks fled before we got there. The woman’s shaken up, can’t describe them very well. It’s not looking good for her case.” He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. He looks tense and distressed.
“It’s not your fault.” You assure him. His eyes meet your own again, still unreadable, and he nods.
“I know. I just wish this shit never happened. How bad people get away with ruining lives.” You nod understandingly and lean up against your desk, procrastinating getting back to work. Your eyes trail down his black short-sleeved, form-fitting shirt, that shows off his impressive biceps. He catches you staring and smirks a little. “What?” He asks.
“What? Oh, nothing.” You stumble. Usually you’re much more cool-headed, but he tends to change that. You sit back down at your desk to continue on the paper work and he chuckles.
“You’re not very good at hiding your emotions, ya know, Y/N.” He speaks, causing you to face him again. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You respond, attempting to mask the obvious flustered expression you now have. “Grab a coffee tonight?” He asks, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. You gulp, unsure if he means as a date or not. You should remain professional… “Yeah, sure.” You respond, causing anther famous Fin smirk as he walks away. What did you just get yourself into...
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baseballbitch116 · 7 years
Taking Care Of Him
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The honeymoon stage had ended a while ago, having been in a relationship with Rafael for a little longer than two years now. You’re still very much in love, just not like it was when you first dated. He works long nights, especially lately, and you’re job has been requiring more of your time, as well. You have been living together for a few months now, seeing as you both had limited time, so would rather come home to each other every night. You don’t know how much he loves coming home to see you after a long and stressful day. Even after all this time together, he loves to just see your face and know that he has you no matter what. Today was one of those days. He had been at work since six in the morning, not getting to say goodbye this morning, letting you sleep in til you had to go to work yourself. He is just now heading home, sat in the back of the taxi, at ten at night. He is exhausted, eyes barely able to stay open, a pounding headache, and he’s starving. He had a very long day at court and working on paperwork for the case. He texted you about twenty minutes ago that he would be home soon, and all he wants to do is lay in bed with you. His body is aching and he is excited to take off the tie and suspenders. He finally arrives outside of your shared apartment, sighing in contentment as he trudges up the stairs. As soon as he opens the door, he can smell something delicious. He hopes that he doesn’t need to make himself something to eat, because he is just too tired. He steps into the kitchen, seeing you standing there, in one of his shirts and no pants, placing his favorite meal onto a plate. You turn around and smile at him. His heart flutters a little at how beautiful you look, and that you’re cooking for him at ten at night. “Welcome home, handsome.” You walk over to him, kissing his cheek and taking his jacket from him, placing it on the coat-rack. He takes off his shoes, relieved at his sore feet finally being free. “Hermosa, you didn’t have to.” He says, feeling bad that you are worrying about him instead of yourself. You shrug your shoulders. “I got home like two hours ago, you need it. I know you’re tired.” You motion to the couch. “Go, sit” He does as you tell him and you bring him over his plate and a glass of water with Advil. You unbutton his shirt and unclip his suspenders, placing them beside his briefcase. Then you stand behind him and begin rubbing his shoulders. “Ugh, Y/N, you’re amazing. Thank you.” He says after taking a bite, relaxing into your hands. You smile, only wanting him to be happy. “You’re welcome babe.” You respond, kissing the top of his head and continuing to massage his tense shoulders. After a few minutes, he finishes the food and pulls you into his lap, running his fingers through your hair and resting his head on your shoulder. “I’m so tired but I want to spend time with you.” He mumbles tiredly against your skin. “Let’s shower then go lay down.” You suggest. He nods tiredly and you grab his stuff before he can, meeting him in the bedroom. You strip and run the water, getting it to a nice temperature. He meets you and steps into the shower, wrapping his hands around your waist, hugging you. You feel sad for him, he can barely stay awake, his job requires so much of his energy. You pour a little shampoo into your hand and begin lathering it through his hair, avoiding getting your own hair wet. He watches you adoringly, running his fingertips down your curves. It’s not a sexual thing tonight, it’s all love. You rinse the shampoo out and get a loofa full of body wash, beginning to wash both of your bodies. Your hands run down his wet chest, down his stomach, washing all of his body. He relaxes at your touch, feeling the most content he ever has. You let him wash your body as well, before rinsing off and stepping out, quickly wrapping yourselves in towels to escape the cold air. You throw on a fresh pair of panties and one of Rafael’s shirts, and he changes into black sweats and a tank top, and you rush to bed. You get comfortable and open your arms out, inviting him to lay on your chest. He does and you cover him up, snuggling close to get warm again. His head rests on your chest, you run your fingers through his hair. He listens to your heartbeat, arm securely around your waist, slowly drifting asleep. Before he does, you hear him whisper, “I love you, Y/N.” quietly before he dozes off...
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