itsmywayaravinda · 1 year
Applying the law of wasted efforts
Scientists have found that animals, trees, and other forces of nature are more receptive to the law of “wasted efforts”. Only humans think that the lack of success in a few attempts is a failure, but the truth is that we only fail when we stop trying
 Do you know lions only succeed in a quarter of their hunting attempts? This means they fail in 75% of their attempts and succeed only in 25%. Despite this small percentage shared by most predators, they don't despair in their pursuit and hunting attempts.
This is not a new law. However, when I read it the first time, I was very much fascinated something like that exists.
The key lies in its application.  Few challenges we face regularly, and we tend to give up on our efforts at a very early stage
 01.   When someone loses a job, they will apply regularly, and enthusiastically and later give up and move to inertia.  Thinking they won’t get a job in the future.    It leads to negative thinking and inaction
02.  When you are trying to reach out for Sales, several of our efforts do not give results, over a period we give up and our efforts slow down and we move to inaction or stop trying
03.  If you are planning to find a life partner, you may try both a love marriage or arranged one, however over a period you give up, thinking no one is interested in you.
04.  If you are planning to go abroad, after a few attempts when no results come, there is a tendency to give up
05.  Losing weight is another good example, after trying for a few days or months.  When there is no weight reduction, there is a tendency to give up efforts of trying to lose weight
The list goes on and on.
 During this phase, we need to remind ourselves about the law of wasted efforts.  Our chances of success may be only 25% out of 100%.   We should never stop trying till we succeed.
During the early stage of the covid period, we anticipated that we would have a lesser business. So, we aggressively started scouting for the business.  It was very tough to get even a reply or acknowledgment.  We had reached out close to 1500-2000 people to get less than 5 leads for a probable new business, out of which we were able to convert one strong business and it gave us work for nearly one year.    We anticipated that there will very few replies and we wanted to survive during the covid period and kept on trying.  We did have discouraging moments, where in nearly 1995 people did not reply to us or acknowledged our effort.  As a team, we kept encouraging each other and kept on going.  Finally, we succeeded.   Thanks to my colleagues who kept on trying till such time results came our way.
When we look back and refer to the law of wasted efforts, we were quite a in sync with this law.  That is how I interpret the situation.  Since we were in sync with the situation results came our way.
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