freedthedark · 1 year
@laxusthelightning liked this post for a starter
     Turmoil had been stopped, forcefully so, and he had now the peace to go and look for Laxus again. He didn't have to look too far; assisted by gathered knowledge of his favorite places to hide or get some calm. So the surprise was kept within reasonable limits when he found his husband on the roof of the guild hall.
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     "There you are," he spoke in brief greeting." Did you miss the chaos as much as I did?" Well did he really? He had rather missed the f a m i l i a r i t y of it.
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
‚I saw everything. Everything.‘
'hiroshima mon amour'
Of course Laxus had seen everything. Because why wouldn't he? The Iron Dragon would purse his lips for a few moments and then shake his head. There wasn't exactly an easy way out of this one which was fine. It wasn't like he had any reason to be distrustful of the other Dragon. He'd put his guitar away before crossing his arms over his chest and making eye contact with the other male. His eyes would narrow for the briefest of moments before a very short chuckle came from the pierced man.
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"I know probably I don't have to ask ya to keep that a secret between us, right?"
Most everyone had heard about how horrible the Iron Dragon was at singing. Hell, he'd intentionally made himself sound absolutely awful. No one had really asked him why he'd done such a thing but then again, very few people knew he could genuinely sing. Laxus was now one of the four who knew, the other three being Lucy, Juvia, and Laxus' own husband, Freed. He'd reach up and rub the back of his neck before making some sort of face. It wasn't directed at the other male though.
He knew better.
"Yer one of... very few people who know I can actually sing though I have to wonder how ya even found me here."
He wasn't really asking but he was genuinely curious. How HAD the other Dragon found him? He'd come to this place pretty often and no one had come across him before now. He wasn't bothered, in fact, it seemed like he was... relieved almost?
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mirroredworlds · 1 year
“There was absolutely nothing I said that should’ve made you think I approved this.” (to Erza)
Erza would turn her head and look up in an attempt to meet the gaze of Laxus. She'd then loft a brow. The situation was... chaotic at best but neither of them had really signed up for it in the first place. She would happily disregard the situation at hand if it were possible but it wasn't. After adjusting her hold on the weapon in her dominant hand she'd make a soft clicking sound before actually speaking.
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"Nor did I, and yet, here we are,"
Just why were the two of them hiding upon the roof of the guildhall you ask? That answer was simple - there was pure unadulterated chaos going on inside the hall where members were using their magic as well as ONE ANOTHER as weapons. The redhead would merely shake her head, a very small smile gracing her features for a very brief moment.
"If we work together perhaps we can put a stop to the chaos. Though, I can't help but wonder where it is your husband is in all this. He's hiding too, I trust?"
She knew Freed was tactical minded so perhaps the rune wizard was planning how to put a stop to the chaos before the guildhall was leveled... once again.
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cinisemperium · 1 year
@laxusthelightning sent in: "Since when?" (to Gray 8)) noticing / being noticed || accepting
The sudden voice behind him catches him off guard and he whips around in surprise, muscles tense and ready for a fight. When he sees who it is, he relaxes, the tension leaving his body just as fast as it had arrived.
"Oh, this?" He chuckles sheepishly, holding the cigarette up in front of him. The cherry burns a soft red, standing out against the darkness of the night. "Since Avatar. I started not long after I joined, and I just haven't been able to kick the habit."
He sighs, and takes one more drag before putting it out on the back of his hand, which sizzles when the small flame makes contact with his magic. He pulls a small box out from his jacket, and slips the cigarette inside before tucking it back into his jacket.
"What brings you out here, anyway? Worried about little ol' me, were ya?" he asks with a smirk, although he isn't sure why he's trying to lighten the situation. It wasn't like Laxus really cared what vices he indulged in.
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ignis-venenatus · 1 year
“What are you doing out this late?” (to Natsu. also hello <3)
Late Night Wanderings
Natsu couldn't say he was surprised that Laxus found him. The older male seemed to be one of the very few who could. Sure, it could be attributed to him also being a Dragon Slayer but that wasn't likely the case at all. The younger male would merely sigh before turning his attention to the other. How could he explain being out sitting near the river in the middle of the night? Simple, he couldn't. Not really anyway.
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"Other than thinking? Nothing, really,"
His face would scrunch up into a frown. An expression that wasn't all that common on the Fire Dragon. His face would eventually relax as he exhaled a breath that he'd not actually been holding but certainly felt that way. He knew he could trust Laxus but he didn't really want to talk about what was bothering him and keeping him up all hours of the night when by all rights he ought to be sleeping.
"Sorry, Laxus. It's not something I can really talk about. Or, I guess, I can't right now."
He was glad it was Laxus who found him, truthfully and not someone else. He wasn't lying when he said he couldn't talk about the cause for him being out so late. The topic was sensitive to him right now but anyone who knew him would know that during the day whenever he was sad he put on a happy face. Only, he'd not really been to the guildhall in some time now. Perhaps his team was worried about him or something? He wouldn't know unless he went back but he wasn't sure he was ready to face the grilling he'd get upon arrival. So sulking in the woods in the middle of the night suited him JUST fine.
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ofsavior · 4 months
inbox cleanup. || @laxusthelightning
[to Erza] "... it has been a'while. Care for a drink?"
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Hm? “ Laxus? ” It's not often the two of them find quiet in the guildhall. Between the Thunder Legion and Erza's usual company, there's little room for chitchat. However, the opportunity's always welcome whenever one presents itself.
“ Sure, a drink sounds nice.” She remarks, subtle smile pulling at the edges of her lips. Admittedly, Erza can't remember the last time they did something like that. “ It's been a while, hasn't it? ”
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reallysaltykou · 5 years
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Makarov Dreyar and Laxus Dreyar (Fairy Tail)
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kuurechr · 4 years
Fairy Tail Lookin Fiine
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Laxus & Erza
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*Back at the guild*
Charle was constantly telling Wendy about how Gajeel seemed to have an Ulterior plan for tonight and how it should be checked out so as to prevent any bad things from happening to anyone in general.
"I'm telling you child this seems very fishy to me, im getting a bad feeling about this, a huge change is coming."
Missing all the words Charle said Wendy got a hold of a very peculiar word that she said during her warning to Wendy.
"Fishy? Charles? Hmmmm i know another Exceed who uses that word a lot" and then Wendy threw in a slight chortle at her Exceed.
"Wait what???? Oh that damned stupid blue furball"
"Come on Carla you know you don't actually hate Happy"
"Hmmmmpfh" was all Carla said before flying off with maybe a slight blush, Wendy wasn't sure of it.
With Gajeel off to Mavis knows where, Team Natsu had the mountainous task of keeping Erza in the dark about this along with Lucy and Juvia about which Natsu and Gray fought over too as usual *sighs*
"yo ice prick where do you think Jellal is right now?" asked Natsu as he threw a right kick to Gray's head
Gray while deftly avoiding the kick by ducking and hastily throwing a left hook at Natsu replied "I don't know but he seems to be sticking to missions around Magnolia only"
"UGGGHHHHHH OUCH YOU FUCKING DUMBASS DROOPY EYED BITCH" screamed Natsu as Gray's punch connected straight into his balls.
To which Gray curtly replied "i think the reason is a certain redhead eh flame for brains?"
"Ah yes Erza.........." said Natsu as he trailed off a bit off-ly as if he was in a deep thought despite being just punched in his balls.
"ooooo-kkayyyyy??? anyways let's go and get Laxus to save Gajeel some work to do and his time huh Natsu?"
"Yeah man sure give me a sec i'll let Gajeel know about this"
"Huh how can you tell Gajeel about this right now? Who knows where that metal brain is off to?" asked Gray while putting his shirt back on, Mavis save him his habit will really get him in some serious trouble someday. Plus this time he had to find his shirt himself unlike the usual when Juvia would get his clothes for him no matter where he would strip them off.
"Hmmmmm Juvia.............." with that thought Gray almost fell into a deep thinking process about Juvia but just then Natsu being the ignorant dumbass asswipe he is, started shouting off something in a different language with a very booming voice, actually cut that out it didn't even sound like a voice it was an outright roar like an animal.
"What the fuck are you doing Fire Crotch?"
"Shut up you Ice Cunt i was letting Gajeel know that we will find Laxus and he just has to deal with Jellal now"
"What the fuck was that and how do you know that Gajeel heard you or even understand you? I swear you're as dum-"
Gray was cut off abruptly by a far off but distinct and similar noise/roar from somewhere.
"And that is the Draconian language or as you would say "language of the dragons" it was passed down to us by our respective dragons in our genes i didn't even know that it existed in me till very recently when Gajeel told me about it after my birthday like a month ago, i'm still getting the gist of it though since i've got literally 0 experience with it" finished off Natsu with smug looking grin on his face.
Which was rewarded to him by a punch to his face by Gray, "Tch" was all he said as they went off to find Laxus
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Kingdom Au?
So I’ve had this idea for awhile now.
All the Seven Dragon Slayers (possibly Excluding Wendy because she’s a sweet baby) have kingdoms, for example Natsu’s kingdom will be the the fire kingdom, Gajeel’s is the Iron Kingdom.
So the idea goes that Gajeel is the king and married to Reader, a marriage that’s perfect to her. Unknown to her though Gajeel Cheats on Reader with Levy (don’t hate me please) and once Reader finds out, she threatens Levy and kicks her out of the kingdom (please don’t hate me). So Reader starts to keep her distance from Gajeel, there’s a ball to celebrate another great year within the kingdom and Gajeel hopes that it’ll make Reader talk to him or love him (mans lonely)
It doesn’t go as planned though, Laxus the visiting King. Takes it upon himself to steal the queen and make the queen happy as he noticed the change.
Gajeel sees and wants nothing more then to crush the preppy little lightning King, for trying to steal his woman. So they come up with a deal, if Gajeel can win her love Laxus will leave her alone but if she falls genuinely in love with Laxus Gajeel loses his whole Kingdom
So what do you think?!
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hot-wiings · 5 years
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Requested By: Anonymous 
Tip Jar
[Edited: 10-7-19]
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It was time for the GMG’s.
You were part of Fairy Tail’s B team with Laxus. You stood together, side by side in your matching team outfits when your name was called to fight Minerva.
“Don’t worry, I got this!”
You smiled that magical smile that drained his worries.
“Go beat her ass.”
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You felt nervous as you walked up to the arena. You saw what Minerva did to Lucy. You desperately wanted to give your spot up to someone else.
But how could you? You couldn’t let yourself be weak. How would you face your boyfriend? You would be so ashamed. You needed to give payback for what happened to Lucy.
You get into a battle stance and Minerva callously walks into the arena, a smirk on her face.
“[Magic Type]: [Special Attack].”
You send an attack at Minerva. It wasn’t very effective though.
“Let’s hurry this up. I have better things to do.”
Minerva traps your arms and legs with her power. You try to move but it’s futile. It doesn’t work. You’re stuck.
“Poor, weak, little fairy.”
Minerva beats your body to a pulp. It isn’t until your heart feels it’s about to stop beating that they stop the fight.
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You wake up in the infirmary. Laxus is next to you, holding your hand. His thumb skimming over your skin. It was such a tame thing he always did in private. Most definitely never in front of people.
“I thought you were dead.”
“I’m sorry…”
“Fuck! Don’t apologize.”
“If I had been stronger… Then maybe… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t talk like that. You don’t need to be stronger. You are stronger. Fuck, I’m gonna destroy them.”
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freedthedark · 1 year
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     B A B E S P O T T E D !!
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
“Talking a midnight stroll along the beach?” 
Late Night Wanderings
"Somethin' like that. Seems that yer doin' it too or ya just on yer way home?"
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Gajeel wasn't going to press for an answer if Laxus decided not to give him one he'd respect that. He knew a lot of people often walked along this stretch of beach on their way home from jobs. Especially if they lived in or around the area. It wasn't that well known, but this particular beach was rather close to where the Iron Dragon had his home. Sometimes when he wasn't able to sleep he'd simply walk along the shore and listen to the ocean.
"I'm just clearin' my head before head back home myself. Couldn't sleep."
He mentioned his struggle to sleep like it was completely normal when he knew for a fact that it wasn't. While some people had commented about the thick black that lined his eyes, there were times, sometimes really often, where he had bags under them. Making his eyes look sunken and his face a bit paler than normal. He'd not had a night terror bad enough to cause him to lose a full night of rest in some time now. Almost a year, in fact. He attributed it to the tea blend Wendy gifted him at Christmas. She was such a sweet girl and pseudo-sister to him too.
"I'm sure ya can feel it on the horizon but there's a thunderstorm brewin' should hit us in a couple hours."
he could smell the rain on the horizon ad feel the electricity building in the air thanks to his own element. Sure, Laxus used lightning magic but what the Dragon was feeling wasn't another Dragon Slayer's power but nature herself getting ready to pour some much needed rain upon Magnolia.
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kat-ran · 5 years
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Продолжаю развивать школьную тему.  Начало этого развития можно глянуть вот тут.  Все еще старая постановка в школьных декорациях. Задача была посложнее, потому что в первом скетче не было никаких намеков на то, какую обстановку я имела ввиду. Пришлось импровизировать. Волшебным вжухом палочки таки тоже волшебной стала школьная крыша. Надеюсь, она узнаваема. Добавим к ней немного приключений на старой лестнице(надо же было как-то оправдывать разницу в росте и положение тел)  и вот - готово. Два часа рисовать деревья, которые потом заблюрились за полминуты? Могу умею, практикую. Надеюсь, нашим котяткам на этой крыше хорошо и все прошло безопасно.  Как же мне нравится Кана с каре! тут лежат вариант колоринга и лайн
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cinisemperium · 1 year
@laxusthelightning cont. from here
Natsu swears that vein is going to bust right out of his forehead every time he talks to Laxus. Here he was, trying to crack a joke and make the other feel better because he was so lost in thought even Natsu had noticed, and he gets treated like a maid?
"Excuse me? I ain't a bartender, Zappy," he snaps back, irritation visible on every crease of his face. When the sassy comeback doesn't elicit a response either, some of the irritation slips away and he takes a step closer. He may not be the most observant member of the guild, but he knew that look. Distant, haunted. The kind of look that said you'd seen more than someone should. It happened far too often to the higher ranked mages of the guild.
"Laxus, man. You good? You're thinking so hard over here it's making my head hurt."
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trinityizlazy · 5 years
Freed: Tea.
Laxus: Oh no, not again-
Freed: TEA
Freed: That's the tea sis.
Freed, tapping phone lacrima: HERE'S THE MOTHERFUCKING TEA.
Freed: Sorry, that's the tea.
Freed: Hmm tea.
Freed: That's the tea.
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