#ldr cgere
julesnadri · 5 years
long distance and little space !!
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***strictly sfw, nonsexual age regression. if your blog is not 100% sfw DNI***
taking care of a baby can be very very difficult when they live far away!! even though i hate not being able to cuddle my princess 24/7 there are lots of ways to have a completely happy and healthy relationship with your baby when you live far apart!!! 
- call every night !!! my baby falls asleep over facetime with me every night!! that way i can make sure she doesn't have bad dreams and that she gets to bed on time!! 
- we write for each other and ill record myself playing music on my ukulele and guitar while singing and ill send her the videos!! since we’re both creative people we do our respective hobbies over facetime and its almost like we’re sitting in the same room!!!!
- we have a family calendar app that allows us to set reminders and set checklists for each other!! the one we have even lets you set cute backgrounds and choose your color scheme! 
- zepeto is another app that we use !! we both created little people and then we can have them take pictures together!! it’s the closest we can get to taking pictures together and it can be v v cute !!!
- sending each other things !! my baby just mailed me one of her hoodies and a ring to match hers !! soon im going to mail her one of my flannels and a little mouse i sewed just for her with a cute fabric that she picked out !!
- some bigger things too, plans!!! we’re planning to meet irl for the first time in a few months, and then we’re also planning to get married eventually!! talking about how sweet it’ll be when we’re finally together forever is very very nice !!
- know what meds ( if any ) your baby needs to take on a daily basis, and then other meds for pain relief ( cold medicine, pain killlers, tummy meds, etc. ) if your baby needs to take over the counter meds have them send you a picture of the label so you can make sure they're taking the right dose!!!!
- encourage them to take care of themselves, hygiene, mental health, and physical needs!! make sure theyre staying hydrated and that they eat enough!!  if your little has / had an ED this is especially important!! make sure theyre getting enough fruits and veggies and protein !! be aware of any allergies they may have and help make sure they dont come in contact w any of them!!! make sure they shower and brush their teeth and get dressed in cute clothes that make them feel good !! remember to tell them how precious and adorable they are !!!! 
- be aware of how tired they are and how much sleep they need !!! because my baby’s nighttime schedule varies a bit, and sometimes she works late or is out late with friends, we dont have a set bedtime. we always call when she gets home, and so we’ll talk for a bit and ill pay attention to how tired she is, also accounting for if she needs to wake up the next day!!!
- luckily, my sweet girl is very very good to me and never ever disobeys, so i haven't set any punishments for her, and if she does ever do anything she shouldnt ( say bad words, watch scary shows, read big kid books, etc. ) i can almost always simply explain why shes not supposed to do those things ( give her nightmares, make her upset, etc ) she tends to understand and steer clear of those things!!! if your baby tends to be a little more wild and mischievous, you may find yourself needing to set punishments, but remember what things are off limits !!  never take comfort items, such as music, stuffies, a tv show that always calms them, a paci, etc. this will only upset them, not teach them anything. no inflicting pain, nothing sexual. examples of safe punishments: a good lecture, an early bedtime, losing dessert for a day, something short term and not unreasonable !!! 
- remind them how much you love them, shower them with compliments and attention as often as possible !!!! especially if your baby is cuddly, long distance can be very hard if they’re upset or in pain!! have them cuddle stuffies!! wrap up v v tight in blankets!!! wear the softest, warmest, comfiest clothes!! drink some juice / milk / preferred little drink !!! go through a mental list of everything that makes them happy when theyre in little space and talk them through it !!!!! 
im still pretty new at being a caregiver, but feel free to dm me if you need a hand !!!! 
- jules <3 <3 <3 
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