#le coeur
softestaura · 1 year
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alaïa fw23 limited edition ‘le coeur’ bag
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ordenyprogreso · 7 months
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libertynstyle · 1 year
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jojou2 · 9 months
Que d’encre a coulé et que de plumes ont veillé pour décrire le bonheur et les malheurs de ce fameux cœur!
C’est un petit organe ordinaire rempli de sang, mais ses effets sont plus grands que l’univers.
Il est enfermé dans une cage et heureux celui qui s’est libéré pour idolâtrer la vie, et malheureux celui qui s’est abstenu de toutes les beautés.
Il est à l’origine de nos plaisirs et nos endurances, il est la source des générosités et des peines et des souffrances.
Certes quand il est brisé il tombe, mais il a la force des océans et des montagnes pour se relever encore plus plein que jamais.
Chaque pulsation du cœur bat pour rire ou pour pleurer, et peu importe notre histoire s’elle est chanceuse ou pitoyable, l’important c’est qu’il vit avec l’espoir que demain sera meilleur.
- How much ink has leaked and how much of feathers has made sure to describe happiness and misfortunes of that famous heart! It is a ordinary small organ filled with blood, but its effects are larger than the universe. It is enclosed in a cage and happy is the one who released to idolize the life and unfortunate the one who abstained all beauties. It is at the origin of our pleasures and our endurances, it is the source of the generosity and penalties and the sufferings. Certainly when it is broken it falls, but it has the strength of oceans and mountains to recover even more full as never. Each pulse of the heart beats to laugh or to cry, and no matter our history it is fortunate or miserable, the important thing is that it lives with the hope that tomorrow will be better.
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stargirlnterrupted · 8 months
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alaïa’s le coeur bag f/w ‘23
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processusmonomaniak · 9 months
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"Le cœur a ses raisons, que la raison ne connaît pas."
Blaise Pascal, extrait de Pensées
Fragments d'une lumineuse analyse de Laurent Thirouin parue dans Le Figaro hors-série Blaise Pascal :
"Le cœur n'est pas une instance absurde, incohérente. Il a bel et bien SES raisons, même si ce ne sont pas celles de LA raison. Il a sa logique, son ordre propre, l'ordre du cœur. C'est un authentique instrument de connaissance. Le cœur nous donne un véritable savoir, solide et exploitable ensuite par la raison.
Le cœur sent. Le savoir qu'il nous procure est celui du sentiment. Le processus n'a rien de strictement affectif. Il s'agirait plutôt d'intuition, d'une capacité à savoir les choses d'une façon à la fois parfaite et instantanée. A sa manière, le cœur est le plus parfait outil de connaissance.
Les certitudes issues du cœur restent intimes. Les raisons du cœur sont puissantes, mais elles restent impénétrables."
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vamprisms · 5 months
AITA my partner (m 32) and i (m 170) decided to have an open relationship after i had some boredom sex with a woman because he's having this whole annoying existential crisis thing that makes him eat rats. it was going really well but now i'm upset bc my thing was just casual and meaningless but when i followed him to the bayou and spied on him getting a blowjob i literally heard THEIR HEARTS DANCING
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pierppasolini · 1 year
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Un Couteau Dans Le Cœur(2018) // dir. Yann Gonzalez
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Basilique du Sacré Cœur ❤ 🇲🇫💙 Paris
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frenchcurious · 6 months
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Rue de l'Abreuvoir - Paris 18e @javiernapi. - source PARIS de mes Amours.
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vhscorp · 6 months
Nous avons tous le cœur plein de mots que nous n’avons jamais osé dire et qui auraient pu guérir nos maux…
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granhairdo · 4 months
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no better timing for me to finish my little snowy montparnasse than while my new nemesis winter storm finn has left me a foot and half of snow in my backyard. regardless, i am extremely proud of this and want to hang it on my wall.
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weirdlookindog · 4 months
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Joëlle Coeur in Les Démoniaques (1974).
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libertynstyle · 1 year
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agp · 4 months
started flipping tables in my head again like those old rage comics cause cbc published another article on solidarity with palestinians that presents 'from the river to the sea' as a call for the ethnic cleansing of jewish people, but that 'its meaning and use is more complicated'. ill click the link on the part of the sentence that says 'experts told cbc' (its complicated) when i feel like flipping tables again but in the meantime lets try working with one instead of dropping the whole thing.
from the river to the sea palestine will be free from jews is an antisemitic position, one that is no different from the same calls for the ethnic cleansing of jewish people antisemites around the world call for in their own countries. a problem arises in that israel benefits from antisemitism in what it maintains as diasporas, antisemites and zionists have worked together for over a century to tie jewish people to this particular colony in palestine, and the notion of jewish people as necessarily foreigners wherever they may be maintains its legitimacy specifically through the exception that is israel.
to belong somewhere is too often not to belong elsewhere, and in the case of zionism, belonging is employed in a way that existentially ties the struggle against antisemitism, the ongoing genocidal process that targets jewish people, with zionism, the ongoing settler colonial process that targets palestinian land and produces a genocidal relationship between its settlers and indigenous people. for jewish people not to belong 'here' and not to 'belong nowhere', they must 'belong somewhere', and for them to 'truly belong' (the american way), they must put into question the belonging of everyone only to fall back on settler bourgeois property relations. that is why the right to return of palestinians is something zionists refuse to concede to, and fundamentally can not: because the unbelonging of palestinians from their land is a necessary function of israeli sovereignty, through the colonial establishment of bourgeois property rights.
the violence capital has wrought on the body of the earth has been given a special attribution to jewish people for a long time. so called socialists have historically tempted to solve the contradictions of capital by means of scapegoating jewish people. the violence committed in the name of israel is not uniquely jewish in character: it is colonial, imperialist, capitalist violence being committed by people who are jewish. even though israel is a product of global antisemitism and a pervasive cultivated desire in the west to expel jews, the israeli economy and its settler bourgeois property relations is its material raison d'etre, and this, again, is not uniquely jewish, it is simply another segment of the bourgeoisie being bourgeois. what one calls a national bourgeoisie
from the river to the sea palestine will be free. from apartheid. from genocide. from settler colonialism. from imperialism. from capitalism. but right now it is not. the sun will set on israel one day, just like canada and the us, just like the so called thousand year reich that only lasted a handful of years because of its imperialist colonial and genocidal relationship to its volk, lebensraum, and whoever and whatever was next door.
to fill the gap of 'what does freedom involve' with 'the ethnic cleansing of jewish people' shouldnt be considered more reasonable when the topic is israel and palestine. it should be rejected as an antisemitic position, and yet it is so often being presented not only as a reasonable conclusion but as the only way it could be. as common sense. of course freedom means kill the jews, and to question this is the real antisemitism. of course this is all the palestinians could ever mean by freedom
when mel gibson was screaming about freedom in that movie do you think it was about getting back to committing pogroms? that jewish presence was his characters real problem with the english? idk ive never seen it but why would it necessarily be the case with israel and palestine? there being a greater need to expel jews because there are a higher proportion of jews is just antisemitic reasoning. it being a colony that is so jewish it explicitly considers itself as such shouldnt be a reason for us to implicate every jewish person globally as a collective in punishment and further buy into and reproduce zionist propaganda.
to abolish israel would not only liberate palestinians, it would also liberate jewish people from zionist claims of an existential relationship to apartheid in palestine. to believe that without zionism jewish people could not culturally or biologically survive is to take the zionist claim regarding existentiality and colonialism to those degrees.
the liberation of palestine is historically inevitable. it will happen. this process necessarily involving the ethnic cleansing of jewish people is an antisemitic lie that serves a dual function: rejection of palestinian resistance based on essentialist claims of antisemitism and rejection of antisemitism based on essentialist claims of zionist interest. zionism puts the interests of jews and palestinians in conflict, and only a free palestine can allow for actual jewish safety there.
from the river to the sea palestine will be free from collective punishment. but right now it is not. palestinians are experiencing genocide at the hands of israel and its supporters. the end of apartheid is a historical necessity: it will eventually happen. you cannot stop it from collapsing, only delay it. israels days are numbered, just like canada and the us. every day without a ceasefire is another particular form of breath of existence for israel, and another set of breaths taken away from palestinians. ceasefire now.
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cptrs · 1 year
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