girlgenius1111 · 29 days
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alexia + león!r's secret relationship comes to light no warnings! enjoy 🫶🏻
“Ale!” You shouted, scrolling frantically through your phone, through photo after photo of you and Alexia at the beach the other day. They all bordered on too friendly, or at least they seemed that way to you. The panic in your tone was clear, and Alexia felt her stomach drop in the bedroom. She’d been putting away some laundry when you’d shouted for her, but she was running towards you without a second thought. 
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” she asked, sliding in her socks on the hardwood floor slightly as she made it into the living room. You looked okay, physically, although your face was contorted with anxiety and fear. 
Wordlessly, you held your phone out towards her. Alexia crossed the room in two long strides, grabbing the phone and beginning to scroll. “Oh.” She said. 
And if you had been anxious before, it was nothing compared to how you felt now. Was she upset with you? The beach had been your idea, your terrible, terrible idea. Alexia looked upset, and your thoughts began to spiral further. Did she not want anyone to know about your relationship for more reasons than just being afraid of your sister? Was she really not as into you as you thought and going public would be a mess that wasn’t worth it? Did she really even love you? 
“Amor?” Alexia said. You looked up at her, seeing her brows furrowed as she gazed down at you. You realized she had said your name a few times, but you’d been too lost in your own head to notice. “Talk to me.” Her voice was gentle as she took a seat next to you, dropping your phone onto the sofa and taking your hand in hers. 
Alexia knew how you could be, and the best thing she could do for you when you got anxious was just listen. Sometimes you could talk yourself down, and other times she’d do it for you, but having her listen without judgment always seemed to help, at least a little bit. 
“Are you upset about the photos?” You asked, instead of listing out every insecurity that had just popped into your head. Alexia did not know how deeply unworthy of her you felt, and she never would if you could help it. 
Your girlfriend thought for a minute. “Not upset about the photos. I am… upset because you are upset.” 
“You aren’t mad that I made us go to the beach?” 
“Amor, you did not make us do anything. We just went to the beach. We are allowed to do that. I am upset that you are so anxious, I am not upset with you.” 
“People are going to see these, Alexia.” 
“I know that. We’ll deal with it, however you want.” 
You chewed on your lip for a minute. “And if I wanted to tell people? About us?” You asked, voice small and hesitant. Alexia felt her heart melt as she gently cupped your cheek, tilting your face to look at her. 
“Then we’d tell people. If that is what you want, that is what we will do. I understand why we are keeping it to ourselves, but I would also be very happy for everyone to know that you are mine.” 
“Really. I just want you to be happy. That is all I want, and all I need. You, with a beautiful smile on your face.” Alexia whispered, leaning in and very softly pressing a kiss to your lips. 
You were a puddle of mush on the sofa at this point, tucking your face into Alexia’s neck and taking a few calming breaths. She held you carefully, as she always did incredibly content to sit with you until you felt better. If Mapi killed her when she found out, oh well. At least she’d gotten a whole year with you first. 
“Hermanita, I am just saying, I can find you a date. It’s been so long since you’ve gone out with anyone.” Mapi was practically shouting, even though the volume in the club wasn’t very loud. She was excited, though, as she always was when she talked about your love life. Your sister was very famous for setting you up with girls, and once you got to know them more, decided they weren’t good enough for you. Which was part of the reason, you and Alexia had yet to tell your sister this was going on. 
“No, Mapi.” You said for what felt like the hundredth time, rolling your eyes good naturedly, even as you felt Alexia’s hand grip onto your upper thigh under the table. You peeked at her out of the corner of your eye. Her jaw was set tightly, and you could feel the jealousy coming off her in waves at even the mention of you going on a date with someone else. Mapi was too caught up in listing off people she could set you up with to notice. 
Alexia and you were both very tense. Ever since the pictures of you both at the beach had been released, you’d been walking on eggshells around your teammates, wanting to give them nothing that could lead them to believe you were anything more than friends. You’d decided to tell, yes. But you didn’t want people finding out through the pictures, or through walking in on you and Alexia making out in the showers after training. You’d been lucky, so far. No one had brought them up. And so, you hadn’t really thought anyone had taken the leaked pictures seriously. Your teammates definitely hadn’t, but it appeared that some of the fans had. Some of Alexia’s fans, specifically. 
This became clear when one of the girls who had been practically glaring at you across the bar all night finally made her approach. Alexia had left your side for just a minute to get you water, always one to push hydration. Your teammates were scattered throughout the bar, and Ingrid and Mapi were only a couple feet away, talking quietly to each other, small smiles on both of their faces. 
The girl was by your side very suddenly, almost startling you. She was clearly drunk, but the boldness and anger with which she spoke still shocked you. 
“I can’t believe Alexia Putellas would date you. You are not good enough for her. She should be with Jenni, or someone prettier than you. You’re wasting her time.” She slurred, each word feeling like a stab to your already very insecure heart. 
You stepped away from her, hearing Pina come to your defense from somewhere next to you, telling the girl to fuck off. Turning around, you almost ran directly into your sister, who had risen along with her girlfriend at the strange girl’s outburst. Her face was contorted with confusion, clearly having heard what the fan had to say. Your reaction spoke volumes, the way your eyes were flooded with tears, and your chest was already beginning to rise and fall rapidly. 
It was true, Mapi realized. In the time it took her to come to that conclusion, you were off, sprinting towards the bathroom. They were single bathrooms, thank god, and you made it inside quickly, not bothering to lock the door behind you. 
She was right. That girl was right. How could you ever think you were good enough for Alexia. Sweet, beautiful, perfect Alexia. The best person you’d ever known. 
It was one of the worst panic attacks you’d had in years, and by the time Mapi slipped in through the bathroom door, you were pretty far gone, only able to hear a faint ringing sound, only able to claw desperately at your chest. 
“Hermana, hermana, breathe, you are okay,” Mapi tried, reaching to grab your hand. You only wheezed in response, and Mapi realized you weren’t hearing her. Your sister looked around rather helplessly, her unspoken plea for help being answered almost instantly. 
The door opened and in came Ingrid, closely followed by a very frantic Alexia. As soon as the captain spotted you, though, her attention was stolen, no longer thinking about the implications of everyone finding out about your relationship. She was at your side on the filthy floor of the bathroom within a second, carefully grabbing your face in between her hands, and tilting it up towards her. 
“I am here, mi amor, I am right here. You have to breathe, cariño, let yourself breathe.” 
Alexia, too, realized you weren’t really hearing anything she had to say, so she switched tactics, wrapping her arms around you and pulling you in until your head was resting against her chest. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Ingrid tugging a resistant Mapi out the door of the bathroom, but Alexia only cared for you in that moment. 
“I have you, my beautiful girl. I love you, more than anything. Everything is okay. You are safe.” 
You managed to come back into yourself, your girlfriend’s voice in your ear the most comforting thing you’d ever heard. You looked up at her, tugging her as close to you as possible, needing to feel more of her. “Ale” you whimpered, watching her face crumble at the sound of her name. 
Alexia hated seeing you like this. “Mi preciosa.” She soothed. “I love you, my girl, I love you so much. You are okay.” 
Your insecurities quieted for a moment, in favor of something else flooding your mind. Mapi knew. Mapi knew. That her little sister was dating her best friend. You’d seen it on her face, when you turned around to flee the scene. She’d known. 
You’d talked about telling Mapi, yes, but now that she knew… you were terrified. What if she was upset? What if it ruined your relationship with your sister, or her relationship with her best friend? What if she made Alexia break up with you? 
Your girlfriend could tell very easily that you were spiraling, barely having calmed down in the first place. 
“Hey, come back to me. I’m right here, mi amor. Tell me what you’re thinking.” Alexia whispered, her face so close to yours that all you could really see were her eyes, squinted with worry. 
You gripped onto her shirt tightly with both your hands. “Mapi knows,” you told her, ridiculously afraid of her reaction. 
Alexia nodded slowly. “Ingrid told me when she came and got me. It’s okay, mi amor. We will deal with it.” 
“But what if-” 
“No what if’s. Tell the what ifs to go away. Just focus on calming down.” Alexia insisted, pressing a light kiss to your cheek. “Can you do that for me?” 
You nodded shakily. “Yeah. Just… stay here?” 
“I’m not going anywhere.” She promised, tightening her arms around you. “I’m staying right here, with you.” 
Alexia got you up once you’d calmed down further, protectively wrapping an arm around your shoulders, and headed for the exit. As soon as you were both out of the bathroom, though, you were met with the sight of your sister pacing very aggressively around the little hallway just outside the door. Her head snapped up when the door opened, and Ingrid had to hold on to the back of her shirt to stop her from lunging at you, and pulling you into a hug. 
She squirmed in Ingrid’s grasp, huffing impatiently, all the while staring daggers at you. You searched her gaze for anger, but you only saw worry. 
“María,” Alexia began, pulling you in closer to her side. Mapi didn’t appreciate that, Alexia acting like you needed to be protected from her, and her face turned cloudy. 
“No. Alexia. No. How long has this been going on?” Mapi asked, her teeth gritted in a sudden flare of anger. You didn’t deserve to be kept a secret, and that’s exactly what Alexia had done to you. 
“María, amiga, I understand you have questions, I do, but your sister is really shaken up, and I’d like to take her home. She gets overstimulated after panic attacks, she shouldn’t be in here.”
Mapi floundered for a minute, filled only with concern for you, tucked away against Alexia’s side. 
“María, I just want to go home. We can talk tomorrow.” You said, your voice stuttering over your words. You were still anxious, still shaking, and all you wanted was to go home with your girlfriend, where it was quiet and safe and you could be entirely surrounded by Alexia. 
Ingrid squeezed your sister’s hand, and Mapi nodded to herself. “Okay, yeah. Okay hermana. I love you. Take care of her, please, Ale.”  
“Of course. I love her, María. I’ve got her.” 
Mapi watched as Alexia looked down at you, the softest expression she’d ever seen on her captain’s face. 
“Home, mi amor?” 
“Yes please.” You whispered. “Your apartment.” 
“Whatever you want, my girl.” She promised, before leading you in the direction of the exit. 
Mapi had never seen either of you like this. So evidently in love. So happy. And she felt stupid for missing it, and even worse that you’d both felt the need to hide it from her. She turned to Ingrid with tears in her eyes, to which her girlfriend sighed softly. 
“Come here.” Ingrid whispered, drawing her girlfriend close to her chest. 
“Am I a bad sister? A bad friend? Why wouldn’t they tell me?” Mapi mumbled. Ingrid shook her head. 
“No, you are a good sister and a good friend. You have an overprotective streak, María, they probably just wanted to give themselves time together before they told you.” Ingrid assured her. 
“I don’t like not knowing things.” Mapi complained quietly. 
Ingrid chuckled. “I know you don’t, María min. Now you know, though. And you can talk to them about it tomorrow. We can go to Ale’s and have a conversation.”
“Yeah. Oh god. EW.” Mapi said, quickly growing very disgusted. 
“What?” Ingrid wondered, pulling back in concern. 
Mapi looked nauseous. “They are sleeping at Alexia’s house together.” 
“Maybe your sister is sleeping on the couch.” Ingrid suggested helpfully. 
Mapi grinned up at her. “I love you.” 
Alexia barely let you out of her grasp the whole way to the car, and the whole drive home. She kept your hand held tightly in hers. Somewhere in your head, you knew very well that when you were anxious, it made Alexia anxious, but you didn’t have it in you to say anything that would let her know you were okay. You weren’t okay, and you weren’t even really sure you could speak at all. You were much calmer now, physically, but your mind was still a mess. You were shaking, and you did your best to focus on Alexia’s thumb running soothingly over the back of your hand.  
Before you knew it, Alexia’s free hand was lightly stroking your cheek, and you looked over at her to realize you had arrived at her home. 
“Hi.” She said softly, her hazel eyes earnestly looking into yours. Alexia really did love to watch out for you, even before you were together. She’d always kept an eye on you, at first because you were her best friends’ sister. Eventually, though, she found herself watching you when she didn't have a reason to. And you’d gaze at her right back. 
“Hey.” You replied, giving her the best smile you could manage, although it was sure to be very weak and unconvincing. 
“Feeling better?” 
You shrugged. “A bit.” 
Alexia sighed, seeing through your lie, but she smiled at you anyway, kissing your cheek and getting out of the car. She was around the car in a flash, opening the door and offering you a hand. 
Once you were in the house, Alexia instructed you to sit on the couch and wait for her to return. You tried to relax into the couch, tried to get your mind off what the girl in the bar had said to you. You don’t think you were very successful, because Alexia was back in what felt like 3 seconds, though she had her hands full. 
“Okay. Water, crackers, your medicine and a sweatshirt. And that fun pokey ring.” She said, dumping everything onto the table in front of you, handing the sweatshirt to you first. It was one of hers, one of your favorites, and you pulled it on quickly, trying to covertly inhale the scent of her all over the fabric. Alexia very dutifully handed you the water next. You smiled at her gratefully, eating a few crackers and taking your anxiety medicine. You turned to her, prepared to tell her what had happened as you knew she was probably dying to know, but she turned back to the table, grabbing the acupressure ring. She gently took your hand, sliping the ring onto your finger, smiling to herself when your skin erupted in goosebumps at the sensation. 
“Better now?” She asked, lacing her fingers with yours. You nodded, this time telling the truth. “Can you tell me what happened please?”
You nodded again, this time a bit more hesitantly. You didn’t really want to tell her what the girl had said, but you knew you had no choice. “What did Ingrid tell you?” 
“She said someone said something to you about me. And that Mapi heard, and knew we were together.” 
You thought for a moment. You were a bit torn on how to feel now. On one hand, Alexia had been so entirely perfect, the whole night. She’d gone out of her way to make you feel safe and help you calm down. Your insecurities really didn’t know any bounds, though, and you were still half convinced that the girl had been right.
“What did she say to you?” Alexia wondered, after it was clear you were having a hard time finding the words. 
You took a deep breath, tearing your eyes away from your girlfriends as you responded. “She said that she couldn’t believe you were with me. That you should be with someone better, someone prettier. And that I’m wasting your time.”
Alexia was silent for almost an entire minute, long enough for you to look up at her and try to gauge her reaction. She finally spoke when she made eye contact with you. “And you… you believed her? You think she was right?” She asked. 
“Do you?” You countered, trying to sound stronger and more confident in her answer than you felt. 
“No.” Alexia said, exasperation clear in her voice. “I do not. You are perfect for me. I do not need anyone else, and I do not want anyone else.” 
“Right.” You whispered, blinking hard. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have believed her I just-”
“You do not need to apologize for feeling bad that someone said something horrible to you.” Alexia replied, resting her hand under your chin and tilting it up towards her face when you wouldn’t look at her yourself. “I would never be mad at you for being insecure, mi amor. I understand. It just means I do not tell you enough how much I love you.” 
“You tell me so often.” You laughed, and Alexia smiled sadly down at you.
“Well, I need to tell you more.” She reiterated, leaning down to brush her lips to yours. “I love you.” She moved her lips to your cheek. “I love you. I love you. I love you.” She continued, pressing kisses to every inch of your face, repeating the words in between every kiss. When she pulled away, whispering a final I love you against your lips, you were quite sure that you believed her. And that you’d never felt more loved in your life.
“Please come with me.” Mapi begged from the passenger seat. 
Ingrid smiled sympathetically. “No, this is something you need to do yourself.” 
“My sister gets to have her girlfriend there.” Mapi said grumpily. 
“Your sister’s girlfriend is part of the conversation.” 
Mapi sighed, turning slightly more serious. “Ingrid, I don’t know what to say.”
“You aren’t the one doing the talking yet, elskling. Hear them out. And then tell them what you think.” 
“Right. Okay. I can do this.” 
“You can do this.” Ingrid agreed, before unbuckling her girlfriend’s seatbelt for her, as it seemed she wasn’t quite going to take the first step. It was almost entertaining, watching Mapi move like a snail as she grabbed her phone and slowly, slowly, got out of the car. 
“They’ve been in the driveway for like 7 minutes.” You noted, leaning your head on Alexia’s shoulder. 
She sipped her coffee, smiling slightly as she gazed out the window with you. “Maybe she is picking out the weapon she is going to kill me with.” 
“Don’t say that.” you groaned, wacking your girlfriend on the arm. 
“I am just kidding, amor. She isn't going to kill me, or you. It’s all going to be fine.” 
You didn’t say anything in response. All you could think was that you hoped to god she was right. 
You’d never seen Mapi so reserved, as she walked through Alexia’s door, and took a seat in the big armchair. You sat on the couch next to Alexia, much farther away than you would have normally sat next to her, but you were trying to ease your sister into this whole thing. 
It was awkwardly silent as you all sat looking at each other for a minute, none of you really knowing where to start or what to say. 
“How long?” Mapi asked eventually, fixing her gaze on Alexia. 
“A year.” You said quietly, the significant amount of time not making you feel any less guilty. 
“A year?” Mapi breathed, looking between the two of you incredulously. 
“A year last week.” Alexia confirmed. She shifted slightly, sliding her foot across the floor so that her sock squished against yours. Your girlfriend was nervous, you realized. 
“Why… why didn’t you tell me? I mean, I understand if this was new and you weren’t telling anyone, but it’s been a year. You’ve never dated anyone for longer than a month, hermanita, why would you keep this from me?” 
Alexia opened her mouth to reply, but you recognized the question was directed at you and your sister would not appreciate your girlfriend speaking for you. 
“At first, we just wanted to see where things were going. And then… I don’t know. It was just easier not to tell. We didn’t have to deal with anyone’s reactions or opinions that didn’t matter-”
“My opinion does not matter?” Mapi interjected, frowning sadly at you.
“Of course it does, María, I just… I wanted to decide this for myself. Without you being for it or against it, I wanted to decide how I felt about Alexia before anyone told me how I should feel.” You explained, relieved when your sister nodded slightly. 
“Me too.” Alexia tacked on, wincing slightly when you stomped on her foot a bit, though her face fell further when Mapi turned to her with a cold glare. 
“You have been keeping my sister a secret from everyone. Are you ashamed of her?” 
“María!” You yelped, looking horrified at her. 
Alexia remained calm, though, keeping steady eye contact with your sister. “No. She is the most important thing to me. We decided to keep it a secret together. I would have told the whole world that I loved her the minute I knew, if it would have made sense. People are still insane about me and Jenni, though, and I did not want her to get caught in the crossfire. It was just easier for both of us if no one knew.” 
Mapi looked slightly less angry now. 
“We were going to tell you. Next week at brunch, we were going to tell you, Mapi, I promise, this just happened first, and…” 
“What that girl said to her,” Mapi began, again looking at your girlfriend with a slightly accusatory expression. 
“Is false. Completely and entirely false. I want your sister, and her only. No one else.” Alexia spoke with conviction, and you felt a small smile on your face before you could stop it. 
Mapi nodded thoughtfully, then fixed her attention on you. “And you are happy?” 
“Yeah. I’m really happy, Mapi.” 
“And you? You are happy?” She asked, again looking at Alexia. 
“Happier than I’ve ever been in my life.” Your girlfriend said honestly, though you could see the tips of her ears turning slightly red; Alexia never had been good at expressing her feelings. 
“Okay then.” Mapi said. “If you are both happy, then I am happy.” 
“Really?” You asked, looking skeptically at your sister. She normally made things much more difficult than this. 
Mapi just rolled her eyes. “Of course. You are both adults, and I trust you. I don’t think many people are good enough for you, hermanita, but if anyone is… it’s Ale. I guess.” She added the last part when Alexia looked close to tears. They weren’t expressive friends, normally showing their appreciation for each other through actions rather than words. 
You stood, walking over to your sister and pulling her into a tight hug. “Thank you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, María, but I’m really really glad you know.”
“Yeah, yeah. I love you.” Mapi said gruffly, ruffling your hair like she used to do when you were much younger. As you flattened it back down with an annoyed look thrown at your sister, Alexia moved forward, pulling her best friend into a hug. 
When Mapi whispered in her ear, Alexia wasn’t surprised at all. “If you hurt her, I will tear you limb from limb, Putellas. I mean it.” 
Alexia knew she did. 
And she had every intention of never hurting you, for as long as she lived. The ring she’d brought way too soon that sat in her sock drawer was evidence of that. The baby names she sometimes thought of when she lay awake at night were evidence. The way she looked at you, though, like you lit up every corner of her life, was the best evidence. 
When Alexia tugged you into a hug next, Mapi knew from the way that her friend looked at you, that this was different. This was going to be forever. You were happy, and you were with her best friend, and there wasn’t much of a problem your sister could have with that. If you got married and changed your name to Putellas, though. That’s where she’d draw the line. 
hope you enjoyed 🙂
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totaly-obsessed · 2 months
A Lesson in Accepting
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Barcelona Femení x reader
-> Despite reader's best efforts to hide her illness and join in training, a she learns the importance of listening to her body and her teammates
-> Wordcount: ≈ 1.770
-> The happiest birthday to @sleekswosobession - love you!
➳ Masterlist
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"Oye! No chiqui - off!”
Out of all the older players, Lucy was usually the fun one. But today she didn’t want you climbing on her and she had gotten annoyed when you tried to steal her shoes. Maybe a new victim was needed for your shenanigans. But who?
Just as you started to look around for Vicky, the arm of Marta found its way onto your shoulder, Caroline now at the other side as they dragged you into the changing rooms. “Don’t even think about it.”
Music blasted through the room, with Salma by the speakers as her phone was connected to it, getting ready while swaying to her music. A quick look around made it obvious that your cubby for the day was between Frido and Ingrid.
You missed the days were you were at your rightful place between Patri and Cata, Claudia joining you after quickly changing into her kit. Those were the fun days when you had just joined the team. Fresh from Australia and full of energy and nerves Patri and Claudia had taken you under their wing.
Just two weeks later Alexia fell over her tied-together laces, just to see you laughing in a corner, hiding behind your new friends. The room had fallen quiet, everyone scared of what their captain would do.
Alexia Putellas, their strong and serious captain, started laughing at being tricked by a sixteen-year-old Australian rookie. Hesitantly the other players started to laugh, watching the blonde from the corner of their eyes, just to make sure that she wouldn’t get pissy at them laughing.
But now you were stuck between different adults every week, your number never hanging in the same spot, and for today's game, it was the space between two tall scandis. While they were incredibly nice, neither of them had a fable for letting you run wild - but they let you yap as much as you want. A win is a win. And at this point, you’d take anything.
Rainy games were your favorite games. You loved sliding around on the drenched pitch, tackling an opponent whenever you could, and getting your kit as dirty as possible. And that game was no different.
Sliding here - sliding there.
Mapi thought it was hilarious how you sprinted across the waterlogged pitch, stealing the ball of one opponent after the other.
“Chiqui come here and let me dry your hair, you’ll get sick.”
Irene was in mother mode, fussing over you and Vicky, who looked like the two happiest girls on the planet. Both of you had been in the starting eleven, something that didn’t happen as often. But with the weather conditions and the not-as-competitive opponent, Jona caved to your synchronized begging.
“I won’t. Promise!”
And with that, you were off again. Running outside, leaving the changing room early. Jona had been quick with his talk and the girls were just warming up and getting something to eat or massaged. But you run out to play on the field with the girls sitting on the bench.
Bruna and Jana made it a fun game, sending the ball just slightly wide every time, so that you had to be quick, falling over more than once during it.
Alexia just shook her head in amusement when she came back to the pitch, the other girls following in their captain's stride.
“Chiquitita wear a jacket for me please?” The Catalan’s English was great, even if she was too shy to speak it most of the time. Her hands held out a jacket to you, an eyebrow raised in question.
“I’ll be okay, thank you, Ale!”
And you would be okay, at least for the rest of the night - giving it your all on the pitch and giving it your all when you were the entertainment of the following movie night. Mapi had given you one of those cheap Karaoke microphones and with that, you kept narrating the movies much to everyone else's annoyance.
Mapi thought you were hilarious though. And with everyone smiling at you even if they acted annoyed, you kept going all the way until Lucy and Ona dropped you off at the apartment Barcelona gave you.
In the beginning, the Team members had been worried about you living there, all alone at only sixteen. But Vicky had been fine - she was an angel as opposed to the whirlwind of an Australian that had been added to the team with you. You would be at training most days anyway and doing stuff with the girls even on days off, so you’d be fine. Right?
Well usually you would be fine, but waking up with an itchy throat, annoying cough, and a runny nose topped by a fever, was not a funny thing.
Just like that, all your plans with Vicky for the day had been canceled. The two of you wanted to explore the city and then visit the library closest to the Sagrada Familia, but all of that went to waste now as you were trying to get rid of this cold as fast as possible.
But it turns out it wasn’t that easy. A day later you were still sick, your voice so hoarse that it was hard to understand. You had debated calling Jona and letting him know, but then Alexia and Irene would have been right when it came to you getting sick. You just needed to power through. Tomorrow you will be all good again.
After oversleeping you practically raced to the training center for gym day. Well raced as fast as you can with public transport - a mask secure on your face. You looked sick enough that strangers raised a brow at your sweaty forehead.
To your luck the changing rooms were empty, all of the girls were already in the gym, so you could change in peace, trying to take deep breaths as well as you could. Man, you hated having a stuffy nose.
The bright lights and the loud music made you wince when you entered the big space, with everyone on different equipment. You quickly explained to Jona that your bus had been late, and just by his facial expression you could see that he didn’t believe a word out of your mouth.
He knew. Fuck. But he didn’t do or say anything, just going over the plan for today with you.
The other girls tried to get a good look at you, whispering to themselves. This wasn’t the first time you had been late. Sometimes the bus really didn’t come, and sometimes you overslept. But the training staff was never too mad at you - you were a growing girl after all, and needed your sleep.
But usually, when you came in, you would go around greeting the girls one by one, telling them the crazy stories of your bus driver. Today, however, you picked out an empty corner, starting to stretch all by yourself.
When one of the trainers called for partner exercises you were quick to kidnap Vicky, who didn’t even react as she was used to your antics by now. But then she looked at you.
“You’re sick!”
With, what you thought, quick reflexes you pushed her head down so that she would lower her voice. “Don’t tell on me! Or I’ll tell Sandra.”
The young Spaniard was caught in an odd situation - realistically she knew she should tell Alexia, or at least someone - but she was terrified of the goalkeeper finding out. With a solemn nod, she gave in.
You didn’t believe her, holding onto her right hand as tightly as you could “No! "Promise me!”
“Fine. I promise. Now get your clammy hands off me please.”
Now it wasn’t just you who ran around like a headless chicken, stumbling over nothing and barely strong enough to lift any weight at all, but also Vicky, who desperately tried to avoid eye contact with someone else, whispering hushed annoyances in your ear.
“They’re weird, no?” Aitana had made her way to Alexia, who was watching the whole thing unfold in front of her. “Very weird..", she nodded.
When a break was called, you hurried off to the bathrooms, while Vicky tried to avoid anything and everyone.
But that didn’t hold on for too long, as she was cornered by Alexia, Irene, Aitana, and Ingrid. The other girls watched from a distance, knowing what was happening.
“I don’t know anything!”
“We didn’t say anything.” Irene was trying really hard not to let an amused smile crack through and instead keep up the intimidating frown.
One eyebrow went up. Then the other.
“Okay, fine!”
Alexia relaxed her face again, knowing that had been enough for Vicky to spill everything she knew.
“She’s sick.”
Ingrid didn’t get an answer and started looking around the facilities as quickly as she could while Aitana tried to console a guilt-ridden Vicky, telling her that she had done the right thing, emphasizing how dangerous it was that you were exercising.
They could hear you coughing before they even saw you, as Ingrid dragged you to the gym as gently as she could, nearly just carrying you.
“Ai Chiqui. What are you doing here, you’re sick amor, you need to rest.”
Alexia's soft mothering tone gave you the rest, tears forming in your eyes. “I’m sorry… Just didn’t want to miss out.” Sobs wrecked your tired body as some of your letters got swallowed.
“Shhh, let’s get you home.” Your captain dried tears after tears as she helped you out of the room and into the showers.
Jona looked happy with how everything turned out, he knew that Alexia would take care of it - her heart was soft for the youngsters on the team, no matter how hard she tried to hide it.
On your way out your eyes met Vicky's. “You promised not to tell Vic!”.
“Oye, keep walking, or we’ll call Catley. I’m sure she would love to hear about your situation.” It was Mapi that nudged you, a teasing smile on her face.
"Sandra Vicky put shaving cream in your gloves!"
And with that you let your captain drag you out of the room, smiling at the chaos that exploded behind you.
After getting washed up and changed, Ale helped you to her car and started driving to her home, not listening to the whines that you wanted to go to your apartment.
“You can say it now, Ale.”
She could see you were close to falling asleep, head resting on your seatbelt.
“I told you so. Now let’s get you healthy again.”
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b14augrana · 24 days
Your actions on the field are a product of your childhood idol
Barça Femení x teen!reader
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pt. 2 masterlist
Warnings: reader suffers from the scrubber trait. 🥹
A/N: #yanited (not proofread as always x)
It was the last few minutes of the semi-final against Chelsea. If you kept the clean sheet at Stamford Bridge, you were sure to win it. If you didn’t… well, Fridolina tried explaining to you that you’d still win, but you weren’t willing to see for yourself.
“(Y/N), watch the wing!” yelled Mapi, who pointed to the flank. Lucy had overlapped and when the possession switched, you were left to take on Macario.
You glanced in the direction of the left wing, feeling slightly — no, very scared to go against Macario… on your own.
You could tell just by looking at her for a split second that Mapi was a bit worried for you too, and if she could deal with Macario she would, but unfortunately you were closer.
Nevertheless, you ran towards her side-on, trying to anticipate her next move. You knew what Mapi would say; hold her off until Lucy’s back in position, just delay her.
At the same time, you knew what Nemanja Vidić would do, and that is knock the living daylights out of her with a slide tackle. Guess what path you decided to take?
You sent yourself flying feet first towards the ball. As you slid across the grass, pushing the ball out of play. The last thing you saw before getting to your feet again was the distraught expression of Macario as she tumbled over your body, seemingly going headfirst towards the ground.
You could barely hear the groan she let out, because soon you were stood up and Mapi was at your side, patting you on the back for your tackle. Lucy ran to retrieve a ball and quickly toss it in to resume the play.
You hadn’t even registered your tackle until the side of your thigh started to hurt a little. A short glance beyond your shorts helped you discover that it was a bit red, but the tackle was worth any bruise that was sure to form in its place.
The game only started to pick up again when the red card was shown to Buchanan. Holding down the back line when the through balls and dribbles kept coming felt like a real Vidić-esque thing to do.
If it wasn’t already super obvious, Nemanja Vidić was your idol. You bled blaugrana in every shape and form, but that didn’t stop you from taking inspiration from the former Manchester United defender. If you hadn’t been a lifelong Barcelona fan, you would’ve trialed for the Manchester United academy and played for them just to say you played at your idol’s former club. You always had a pen and paper on hand in case you happened to come across him, and if that ever did happen you’d immediately get it tattooed (legal or not, you’d find a way).
The team found your love for Vidić very endearing. It was obvious that you admired his fearlessness because of how you tried to imitate it on the field by putting your body on the line, and Lucy loved that; she called you a ‘little brick wall’. Irene was a more solid defender than you, though. Your tactic was to just throw yourself at the ball whenever you were in doubt. She actually had tactics.
So, when Lauren James was at the edge of the box, winding her leg up to take a shot, you couldn’t find the time to think before flying in, cutting her out. You were smart enough to face the other way, and the ball deflected off your back instead of your face.
“¡Así es!” Ona yelled from the other side of the pitch, running into the box to defend further until Lucy cleared it down the wing.
The match ended with the scoreline being 2-0 to Barcelona. Everyone said your tackles were the defining factor that kept it that way, but you thought it was all thanks to Aitana, Frido and Cata. Regardless of who did what, you were happy your team were into the finals. You were happy you did something to keep them up on aggregate.
You ditched the celebrations a bit early to go sit down in the locker room and get your daily logins on Hay Day. The adrenaline wore off almost immediately after you sat on the bench, and your attention was brought to the minor grazes and bruises scattered along your legs. You felt one on your abdomen and somehow, you had a scratch on your shoulder.
You were glad. Vidić would never come out of a big match like that unscathed. You did your idol proud on the field, or so you hoped at least.
Most people often asked why you wanted to be a defender and subject yourself to the most physical parts of the game. Truth be told, you just really loved denying people of a goal. Lucy said you ‘played for the badge’ and despite not knowing what that meant, you hoped it was good.
You were also really bad at aiming and every time you cleared the ball or made a pass up field, you hoped and prayed it would at least go straight. You could never be a goal scorer like Caro or Aitana or Mariona.
“(Y/N),” a voice called out. You looked up from your phone to see Lucy. “Why aren’t you out celebrating?”
“I almost missed my Hay Day login. Have to do that before anything,” you replied. Lucy laughed, walking closer and sitting down on the bench beside you.
She put an arm around your shoulder, the way she always did. It felt older sister-y, and you liked that. “You really know how to tidy up back there,” she remarked. You smiled slightly, your cheeks burning up. Lucy was an insane defender so her praise meant the world to you. “Thanks, Luce.”
“They’re looking for you to give you the Player of the Match trophy, but you ran away too fast,” Lucy laughed, and your eyes bulged out of your skull.
“What about Aitana? She was the one that scored.”
“And you’re the one that kept out almost their entire team. You deserve this!” Lucy added, shaking you. You were a bit confused because you didn’t think your tackles were that vital, but you were proved wrong.
“Okay, okay. I’ll go out in a bit, after I put my slides on,” you responded. The woman smiled and gave you a tight side hug.
“Nemanja would be proud, scrubber. Good job today,” Lucy added while she stood up and began to walk away. Your face couldn’t help but form a smile of its own.
“But, don’t start slide tackling in every game. The last thing we need is for you to get hurt trying to wipe someone out with a Brexit,” she said sternly, suddenly turning around with a finger pointed at the plotting expression on your face. You raised your hands in defense.
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bellawoso · 5 months
How You Get The Girl
Alexia putellas x fem!reader
(Featuring Alexia in denial and Mapi’s devil antics)
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This was not how Alexia was expecting her weekend to go.
She was supposed to be having a weekend trip to Mallorca with her closest long-time friend, Jenni. As much as it pained Alexia to leave her 4 legged companion behind, she knew she would also have an even harder time leaving her at a hotel when her and Jenni went to some bars, as Jenni said ‘to find someone to spice up her life a bit’.
Mapi was definitely not her first choice on who to leave Nala with, however with most of the team using their break to travel back to their families, it left only Mapi and Ingrid to look after her Pomeranian.
However, after receiving a frantic phone call from Mapi, with the few words she managed to make out due to the defender’s worry laced voice being: Nala, Cake, Vets.
Alexia rushed onto the next flight and was at the vets in around 2 hours, to find Mapi still in the waiting room clutching her beloved dog, and Alexia was quick to snatch Nala from her.
It took everything in Alexia’s power to not start cursing Mapi out for her carelessness, but as she gave in and threw a snide remark at the defender, it was interupted by the receptionist.
“Nala is ready to be seen”
Alexia rushed to the door with Nala in her arms, and Mapi trailing behind. They were shown into the room, and Alexia walked straight into someone quite a bit shorter than her, this combined with the fact she is a professional footballer who keeps on top of her strength training resulted in her basically knocking this person over.
“¡Lo siento, lo siento!”, She said whilst keeping her eyes on Nala to check she wasnt hurt even more by her collision.
As Alexia looked up at the person she had crashed into, she was met with arguably the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Only to be met with a shove from her best friend, was when Alexia realised she had been staring.
“Alexia stop ogling the poor woman and apologise”
“I did!” countered the midfielder.
“Maybe in English would be smarter? So that she actually understands you!”
At the realisation that you had absolutely no idea what ‘lo siento’ meant, Alexia’s cheeks flushed crimson red, which recieved one of Mapi’s infamous snorts of laughter behind her.
Alexia honestly had no idea what was happening to her. She knows that your pretty, but she had seen other pretty girls before, why did you make her feel like this?
“Hello, I will be Nala’s vet for today, i will just go grab her records from reception, wont be a minute!” you said with a soft smile.
As soon as the door clicked shut behind you, Mapi burst iut laughing.
“Ale, as much as i love you, you were embarrassing there! If this is how you act around girls, no wonder you have never had a serious relationship”
“Shut up! I am not attracted to her, she makes me feel like i want to throw up!”
“Honey, thats called butterflies in your stomach! pretty cliché if you ask me, but I didnt realise you were such a romantic!” Mapi retorted, still laughing.
“I’m not a romantic. I’m not into her. I just want her to treat my dog, and then i can go play football after”
“Wait until i tell the team about this! The scary la reina, reduced to a blushing mess by a cute vet who she body slammed and then spent a minute ogling her, all because she has a little crush”
Before Alexia could respond with a threat of using her captain title to punish Mapi with tunning laps, the door clicked open to reveal you rushing back in.
Nala, who usually was very timid and barked at anyone who got near her, immediately jumped off of Alexia’s lap and ran straight up to you and jumped at your legs, to which you responded by picking her up and gushing over the cute little ball of fluff.
Alexia knew that if she wasnt already sat down her knees would have buckled at the sight of her dog basically confirming the fact that you were perfect for her. As Alexia contined to daydream about you, she was interupted by a hand clicking in her face, to which she turned to glare at Mapi’s toothy grin.
“Te distrajiste, el lindo vert estaba tratando de preguntarte sobre Nala. (You zoned out, the cute vet was trying to ask you about Nala)” Mapi said with a knowing smirk.
“¡Callarse la boca! y deja de llamarla linda. (Shut up! and stop calling her cute”
“¿Celosa? (jealous?)”
“Nunca. (never)”
However, when the two spaniards turned to face you, they were met by your dumbfounded face trying to decipher a word of what they just said. Although you had been taking Spanish classes since you moved to Spain, both Alexia and Mapi spoke the languge with too heavy of an accent and too fast for you to understand.
“So you filled out your form saying Nala ate a full chocolate cake?” You asked.
“¡Si! Yes! Will she be okay?” Alexia responded worriedly.
“Honestly this happens a lot, and there is no point her having ang unnecessary procedures, so we usually reccomend her take these tablets twice a day for a week and if you notice any unusual behaviour, bring her back here. I will write you a prescription for it now!”
“Ah okay thankyou, do I scedule an appointment for after she finishes the pills for a checkup?”
“No, the pills are enough, no checkup” You say with a smile.
As Alexia now realised that she would probably not see you again for a while, she slumped back in her seat and a new frown sat predominantly on her face.
Upon Mapi seeing this, she immediately felt an impulsive urge to assist one of her closest friends in her crush dilemma situation.
So Mapi did what she did best.
“My friend thinks your hot and wants your number now”
At hearing this you blushed bright red and Alexia smacked Mapi round the head.
“Excuse my friend! She can be very blunt… and stupid” Alexia said as Mapi emits an offended gasp, “As I would have politely asked you at the end, could I please have your number, as I think your very beautiful”
You are still sat there in absolute shock, you knew who these two people were, Alexia Putellas and Mapi Leon. Two world famous Spanish and Barcelona football players, you couldn’t help but wonder what the two time balon d’or winner wanted with your number.
Unfortunately, Alexia mistook your shock for rejection.
“I’m sorry, I have made it awkward, it’s okay that you dont feel comfortable giving me your number” Alexia suddenly stood up to leave, and pulled Mapi up with her “Thankyou for your help, goodbye”
The spaniard quickly took the prescription from your desk and rushed out with Nala in her arms, and urging Mapi to follow her, who felt slightly bad for embarrassing her friend like that.
Alexia quicky rushed back down the corridor to the receptionist desk, wanting to get Nala’s prescription, and get out of the stupid vets as soon as possible, probably as she knew to return to her house and cry at the embarrassment she had suffered today.
The midfielder was about to hand over the prescription to the receptionist, but Mapi’s eyes caught a glimpse of something on the back of the paper.
“Alexia stop!”
Alexia turned to glare at the defender, “What now?” She said followed by an exasperated sigh.
“The paper!”
At this, Alexia turned over the paper, and couldn’t stop the smile tugging at her lips, as there was your number hastily scribbled down with a note: -call me
As she noted down the number into her contacts, she realised, she hadn’t even asked for your name.
Alexia turned to the receptionist, and asked, “Who was the vet that just saw us?”
“Y/n, she’s sweet, just moved here from London recently!”
“Thankyou” Alexia replied, as the receptionist grabbed the pills, Alexia put down your name into her contacts and sent you a quick message.
- Hey! It’s Alexia, from the clinic, I wasn’t lying when i told you i thought you were beautiful and I would love to take you on a date sometime?
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skipper1331 · 1 month
Secret (blurb/headcannons) // Alexia Putellas
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a/n: based off this request :)
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
getting permission
"I was thinking" you started, turning the volume of the tv down, "Frido and Ingrid- they‘re my best friends-" you didn‘t know how to approach the situation, being back together with Alexia was heaven on earth but parts of you felt like you had betrayed your friends by not telling them about everything that‘s happened.
And they literally knew everything about you, so it was weird to let them in the dark about such a massive part of your life.
"Tell them, it‘s okay" she smiled, already knowing what you were trying to say as she leaned forward to press a gentle kiss on your forehead, "do you want to invite them for dinner? I‘ll cook something and then go to mama"
"You‘re just fine with it?" you asked, lifting a brow.
"Sí. You should have done that way earlier" she whispered, "while I respect it so much that you didn‘t, you had every right to. I won‘t stop you. Whatever you want, I’ll support you" your heart melted at her words, "forever"
Alexia wasn‘t the same anymore - she wasn‘t the girl who was afraid to show her love. She was the woman who showed every form of affection and love - not caring about teammates teasing, media comments or haters.
She loved you, that was all that mattered.
"Are you sure sure?" you asked again.
"Sí" her expression was firm, letting you know that she was indeed more than sure before a gentle smile took over, dreamy eyes looking at you with so much love.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
telling Ingrid and Fridolina
The three of you sitting in your local café
Build up conversation
"How are things with Alexia?"
long story time
Ingrid and Frido more than shocked
Asking many questions
Offering money??!!?!?
513 flowers? How much did they cost?
"The audacity"
coffee and biscuits turning into drinks and dinner
Analyzing everything
rage in their voices
anger, irritation, confusion in their expressions
disappointment in their eyes
commenting on situations and actions
They expected more from someone like Alexia
Both of them very disappointed in Alexia yet partly understanding her reasons.
Ingrid about to have a very long conversation with her girlfriend at home
Apologizing multiple times for not telling them earlier
Your friends understanding in every possible way
The two of them forever having your back and defending you
proud of you for not giving in and forgiving her straight away.
happy for you that everything has changed for the better
Appreciating how Alexia treats you and shows you off now
Ingrid and Frido having a shovel talk with Alexia the day after
Alexia not dreaming of hurting you - now even more.
Intimidated by the Scandies
Alexia starting to copy romantic gestures from the countless of books you‘ve read
Alexia continuing her 'diary', also known as the 'why I love you'-book which she gifts you at each anniversary
Your friends teasing you when they see the books in one of the shelves of your shared home
Ingrid and Frido becoming bridemaids at your wedding one day
happy end - an end you always wished for
till death do you apart
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leah-lover · 2 months
Love in Ibiza. Barca x reader. Smut 18+
orgy. Part 1 Part 2
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After that Lucy sits closer to you, and moves her head milemeteres away from yours. “ are you sure?” she whispers. You lock your lips with hers as a response. 
As you lean in the kiss you feel Lucy pull away from you. “ no” you whisper for her only to hear. She pulls away still and sits a little far from you. 
“ I am not  sure you know what you are getting yourself into.” she says. 
“ I am sure of my will to have sex with you Lucy and with all of you in fact.” you respond to her. 
“ I told you she liked you luce.” said mapi to lucy. 
“ That's not why I brought her here.” 
“ I know but you owe me now.” 
“ you guys bet on me?” you say in surprise. 
“ Well not bet but you were a topic of a few conversations we had.” said ingrid. 
“ do tell.” you add. “ I find you attractive. Especially when you wear a dress like the one you are wearing right now.” said Lucy looking you up and down. You take off your jacket as a response showcasing your shoulder less black dress. You kept eye contact with Lucy while doing so. 
“ Why don't you come and show me how much you like it then.” you say bravely. You stare into Lucy's eyes for a second before she sits near you. You turn your head to kiss her. Your lips fit perfectly together. Hers were soft and dominating. She quickly took control of you, guided you to straddle her lap; her hands roaming freely on your back. She solicited a few moans from you when she moved on to your neck giving it bruising, mouth full kisses, leaving her mark in each section. Your hands move from her neck to her hair, massaging her scalp as she devours your neck. It was like you two were the only people in the world. She then puts her head on your chest and says “ is  my baby girl enjoying this?” Both you and ona say yes at the same time which makes you  feel a little bit awkward and embarrassed. 
“ It's okay we will make a fun little compaction of who will be my best girl.” She says giving the exposed part of your chest a kiss. 
“ She isn't yours Lucia.” Said Alexia from behind you, her shirt on the ground and her hair was a little bit messy. “ We will see about that “ answered Lucy before kissing you again. She unzips your dress smoothly and helps you take it off. You stay only in a black laced underwear. “ You are so beautiful.” She whispers before going  down on you again. she sucked, kissed, and marked her way down your body leaving red circles all over it.  When she reached  your core she noticed a wet patch on your panties which made her smile. She didn't say a word though. She just tossed them aside, opened your legs and slid between them. Your brain was hazy when she first made contact with your clit. You could even release a full moan with only whimpers and muffled sounds. She put your clit between her teeth sucking at it forcefully, Her hands roamed your stomach. She kept moving until she found the right rhythm that made you arch. Your whimpers were getting louder as she moved up her pace. Her hands continued to touch you all over which made you want to come even more. “ I want to come.” You whisper gently between your heavy breaths. “ Please let me come.” “ Okay be a good girl and come for me.” 
Your eyes were closed when you reached your climax. It was the best orgasm you have ever had. You keep your eyes closed as you ride you high while breathing very loudly.  Lucy gave you in your space to calm down. 
When you opened your eyes you found ona cleaning up your juices from Lucy's mouth. The scene in front of you made your clit pulse again. “ Thank you “ you whisper when she turns to face you. “ Don't know that just yet.” She winks at you and disappears in the hallway opposite you. 
You turn your eyes only to find Ingrid looking at you. You were naked, your legs open, and your juices running down your thighs. However, she didn't make you feel vulnerable. Her eyes made you feel safe. You continue your eye contact for a moment before you extend your arm in her direction inviting her to come next to you. She agrees to your silent request and joins you on your side of the couch. You quickly glance at her girlfriend who was knuckles deep inside Alexia before giving your attention back to Ingrid. 
“Right now Lucy will pride herself in making you look so fucking sexy. You looked amazing. We all stopped and just looked at you “ she said. You get up and sit next to her. “ how long have you been doing this.” You say stroking her arm. “ Well at the beginning it was just me, Maria, Alexia and Jenni . Then Lucy and ona joined. Then aitana. We started about a year ago and we only got together when we wanted to. It was often actually.” She said. “ Are you enjoying yourself so far? '’ ' very much so.” You respond and kiss her. 
This kiss was much softer, and more intimate. Ingrid didn't rush into you she took her time. “ Is your pussy still needy even after what Lucy just did?” She asks. “ I want more.” You respond. You two look at each other before you lay back and invite her over you. Without hesitation she hovers on top of you and quickly slid 2 fingers inside of you. You arch and release a loud moan as a response. Ingrid's thrusts were harder than you thought. She wanted to ruin you and it was obvious. She kept switching up her pace and trying to loosen you up more. “ So fucking tight around my fingers aren't you baby?” She asked l, her voice filled with list. This wasn't a side of Ingrid you have ever seen. She wanted your attention to be on her so when you would turn your head to the side she would turn it back towards her. You were able to notice the scene next to you briefly. Ona was sat on Lucy's lap, her thumb stroking ona’s clit while they were both looking at Ingrid fucking you. The scene turned you on even more but Ingrid's inconsistency didn't allow you to come. She Introduced a third finger which made you scream and arch more but it only made her laugh a little. “Please please please can I come please.” You started begging her, feeling your hole stretched out to what you thought was the max. You continue begging for a while and she speeds up even more. “Please Ingrid.” You beg again. “Okay, you can come now baby “ as soon as you reserved the okay you grabbed a chunk of the couch under you, released the loudest moan of the night and came. Seconds after you you heard ona’s cries as she came too. You in absolute bliss when Ingrid pecked your lips.
“ You may have been the first but I made her come harder.” Said Ingrid to Lucy.
“ Now it's our time to try.” Alexia pointed at herself and at mapi. 
Let me know what you think.
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queen-of-reptiles · 4 months
description: in which lucy bronze's younger sister is trying to hide her relationship with a fellow Barca player
mapi leon x bronze!reader
part of the 'hidden' universe
ona batlle x putellas!reader here
disclaimer: this is all fiction do not take any of this seriously !
warnings: swearing, slightly suggestive - cuteness
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y/n grinned as she heard the front door open, two sets of footsteps bursting through the door, she focused on the Spanish omelettes she was making.
"Ah I love ya." A relieved voice sighed as Lucy wrapped herself around her younger sister, pressing multiple kissed the the smaller girl's cheek as she sniffed the smell of breakfast.
"Morning to you to Luce." y/n laughed as her sister moved to her fridge and grabbed the fresh juice she knew her little sister always made for Friday morning training.
"Morning y/n." Keira chimed, pressing her lips to the smaller girl's cheek as she chided her girlfriend in sitting on the kitchen counter.
"Lucy, feet off my counter, Kei, grab the plates would you love?" y/n asked the two and Lucy pouted as she slid off the counter.
"Why are you always nicer to her?" Lucy asked with a huff.
"Because I like her better." y/n replies, sticking her tongue out at her sister playfully as she plates up their breakfasts.
Lucy gasps dramatically, pressing a hand to her heart and the other over her forehead and Keira chuckles, used to the way the two sisters were.
"Oh shut up." y/n laughed, handing Keira her plate, the strawberry blonde responding with a kiss to y/n's cheek in thanks.
"How will I go on?" Lucy asks aloud and y/n chuckled as she held out Lucy's plate.
"This might help?" y/n questioned and Lucy grinned widely as she grabbed it.
"Perfect, thanks Junior." Lucy smiles, kissing her sister's forehead and sitting next to her girlfriend on the table, y/n sitting down last and smiling when Lucy poured her a juice.
The three ate in small talk and silence, comfortable jokes being shared occasionally with laughs of innocence as the three began to was up.
"I don't know why you live next door instead of with me and Kei though." Lucy huffs as the group pull their shoes on for training. "We give you a lift everyday, you cook for us so often, just save your money and move in with us." Lucy adds.
"Lucy, I'm not a child anymore, I like my own space." y/n tells her sister as she slides into the back seat, Keira in the passenger seat.
"You are my baby sister." Lucy claps back.
"I'm 22!" y/n shouts.
"Exactly, a little baby!" Lucy adds as they pull up outside Ona's house, the player sliding into the back seat and kissing y/n's cheek in greeting, the two best friends instantly sinking into a Spanish chat as Keira and Lucy spoke quietly.
Recently, Lucy and Keira had been insistent on picking Ona up, letting her crash with y/n all the time, not being confused when they saw the girl in the morning.
It confused y/n, usually, if someone was a bit too close to her Lucy would go full overdrive and protective sister, ever since y/n's first girlfriend broke her heart at age 20, Lucy had never quite forgiven herself for her lack of care.
Truth was, Lucy and Keira were sure Ona and y/n were together, and considering they were so sweet, Lucy wasn't overly upset at it, though she was still planning to give Ona the shovel speech.
If only Lucy realised how wrong she was.
y/n just posted on her story
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"Come on, pleaseeeee." Ona begged, hands gripping y/n's as the Englishwoman tried to take her shirt off.
"Fine!" y/n finally called, throwing her hands in the air. Ona grinned and launched at her, thin arms wrapping around y/n's neck as she cheered in thanks.
y/n laughed, spinning the girl around as the two best friends separated and y/n quickly whipped her training shirt over her head. Her hands pulling her hair through her top.
y/n looked over, her eyes meeting slightly dark ones as the blonde tilted her head slightly. y/n gulped looking away from the defender, knowing well what that look was.
y/n stepped out into the pitch sighing in relief at the warmth that spread through her body at the light of the sun. She loved playing in Barcelona for the sun.
"Sun-cream!" Lucy's call ran out, her hands suddenly rubbing the cream into y/n's open skin, Ona laughing as y/n called out in shock of it's cold.
"It's cold!" y/n whines at Lucy who grins.
"It's safe." She denies, rubbing a last bit over her sister's cheeks, Ona still giggling as y/n huffs and squeezes some on her own hands, rubbing it over Lucy's face.
Once the Bronze siblings had stopped playing, the group was called over ready to train, as usual the groups split into pairs, y/n and Ona linking arms so they couldn't be separated.
Alexia sent them a tired sigh, but nodded her head, letting them be together for the strength training section before their mini game before lunch.
Ona and y/n bounced well off another as usual, their passes perfect and tackles easy as they worked hard to prove that they still deserved their starting places.
Eventually they sunk into a game and y/n found herself being marked by a familiar blonde who followed her every movement easily. As Caroline prepared to launch a corner in, the defender's hands placed themselves on y/n's hips.
"Amor." The voice purred quietly, squeezing the flesh on them as y/n pushed her body back against the slightly taller woman. There is a feeling of a grin into y/n's shoulder and she huffs.
Caroline raises her hand up and steps back, y/n pushes against her lover once more before running at the ball coming towards the group. y/n jumps, her head pushing it past Cata and into the goal.
"OOOOOOOH!" Lucy screams for her sister as the Bronze sister's jump in mock excitement, laughing at each other as they do so. The group around them laughing as they were used to them.
"Lo siento." y/n winked at Mapi, the blonde chuckling back as she pretended to try and grab her. y/n shrieked and jumped away, training being called to an end which meant Mapi continued to chase her.
y/n shrieked again, jumping toward Aitana who yelled and shoved her away, knowing how stubborn Mapi could be when she was in the mood to chase.
"Traitor!" y/n called out as Aitana blew her a kiss. Mapi was gaining on y/n, and the Englishwoman shrieked again, jumping at her sister's back.
Lucy caught her easily, turning to face Mapi with a steely glare, the blonde defender huffed and slunk back, glaring at y/n once more before Lucy hisses.
y/n grins when Mapi walks away and kisses her sister's cheek in thanks. Lucy chuckles and lets her sister off her back as the group go to lunch.
Ona links her arms with y/n, the two beginning to talk loudly as they grab their lunch and sit down. Alexia and Mapi move over as well, the latter sitting next to y/n as the two join in on the conversation easily.
y/n had always been good at languages, Spanish was her fifth language now, English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish, her sister's was also good with them, but hadn't taken to Spanish quite like y/n had.
Mapi's thigh pushed against her own as Keira and Lucy also migrated over, y/n look over to the defender who just continued to talk with Ona, ignoring the way their skin pressed against each other.
y/n smiled at her sister who sat down, not noticing the way Keira's eyes ran down to where y/n and Mapi's legs were pressed tightly against each other.
Keira didn't think too much of it, knowing Spanish people were overly touchy and loving with their friends, but she did think about the look she saw the two share as they talked quietly.
After lunch the group moved to the gym, Mapi and y/n pairing up for strength training as they began to stretch before their work out. y/n hissed at a knot in her shoulder.
"You okay?" Mapi asked y/n, the girl nodding as she stood up.
"Yeah just my shoulder's tight." y/n promised, Mapi sighing as she walked behind her, thumbs digging into the shoulder as she began to put tight pressurised circles into the joint.
y/n groaned in relief, head falling back against Mapi's shoulder. The woman chuckled and continued her actions loosening the shoulder joint with her fingers.
"Tus dedos son magicos amor." y/n sighed to Mapi.
your fingers are magic love
"Las dos sabemos que ya sabías eso." Mapi said quietly into y/n's ear, the Englishwoman rewarding her with a sharp elbow to the gut.
we both know you already knew that.
The two then moved to train and with shared smiles and giggly jokes nothing to anyone seemed out of place, other than Keira who watched with furrowed brows.
Eventually training was called to an end for the day and the group all sighed in relief and trudged slowly into the changing rooms to shower.
Lucy and y/n stayed close chatting away as they changed and y/n opened her locker, noticing a piece of paper laying in the locker, the familiar writing looking at her.
mine @ 7pm?
y/n smiled softly, shoving the note in her bag so her sister didn't see as she shut her locker and turned, noticing Lucy was too busy talking to Patri to notice her.
y/n looked across the room and her eyes met Mapi's, y/n nodding softy, trying to bite back the smile she wanted to wear. The woman smiles softly at the ground before y/n turns back to face Ona.
"Eres obvio, los dos." Ona scoffs in a whisper.
you are obvious, both of you.
y/n shushes her, grateful Lucy was still distracted. Ona was the only one to know mainly because y/n used the excuse she was staying at Ona's too many times when she was actually at Mapi's.
"Come on kiddo." Lucy says, wrapping an arm around her sister as Keira grabs their car keys.
"I'm 22." y/n reminds and Lucy scoffs.
"I don't care." She chimes as she gestures for Ona to follow, the Spaniard looping her arm around y/n's and pulling her quickly toward the car.
"You can drop us off at mine Lucy. y/n is staying with me tonight." Ona says and Lucy nods.
"Sure, you need any clothes kiddo?" Lucy asks her sister who shakes her head.
"Na, Ma- Ona has some of mine." y/n says, Ona choking on her drink at the slip up of names. y/n sends her a glare that begs her to be calm.
"Okay sure!" Lucy hums, y/n sighs thinking she'd escaped but as she turns to get in the car her eyes meet Keira's, she as watching her with a raised eyebrow and y/n wants to swear.
Keira was always to investigative for her own good, she knew y/n too well and could notice the tiniest slip ups she did and once again Keira had caught her before she caught herself.
Ignoring Keira y/n slipped into the back of the car and started talking with Ona about anything they could think about to try and dull Keira's burning eyes.
Eventually they pulled up outside Ona's apartment and y/n leaned forward quickly and pecked her sister's cheek in thanks as Ona got out and grabbed their kit bags.
"Love you both." y/n says.
"Be on time tomorrow!" Lucy warns and y/n nods as she and Ona quickly rush into her apartment complex and quickly inside her apartment.
"Shit, did you see?" y/n asks Ona as the girl watches Lucy's car pull away.
"Keira notice your trip up?" Ona asks.
"Slip up. But yes." y/n nods as she flops onto Ona's sofa cursing softly under her breath.
"You will have to tell Lucy eventually." Ona sighs as she sits opposite her best friend. "I mean, 9 months is long enough, no?" Ona asks.
"Ona, Lucy is insanely protective, she always has been, and usually it is fine, but I don't want to disrupt the team because Lucy gets mad at Mapi and I." y/n sighs.
"Okay." Ona says simply.
"And 9 months isn't as bad as an entire year." y/n adds pointedly and Ona sighs, face planting her head in her hands.
"Dios mío, lo sé." Ona groans.
my god, I know
Ona also had a secret. She for the past year had been dating Alexia's youngest sister, Alba being the middle child. Alexia's younger sister had developed the nickname of baby Putellas and most of the team called her baby.
Strangely enough, the girl was a well known actress and at 22 had an oscar, golden globe and 2 BAFTA's under her very developed belt, y/n always joked with Ona that she guessed the Putellas sisters were meant to be stars.
However, Ona and her had been dating for the past year, having met while Ona was at Manchester Utd, while the actress was filming in Manchester for several months.
Their relationship blossomed and as soon as Ona got her call up for the national team, the first thing the best friends did was discuss how they would hide the relationship.
Now a year into her relationship, Ona was really regretting hiding it, and she knew her lover did to. The entire team knew her well and she was close with them all, however the first time they met her Alexia had given a warning.
"Ella está fuera de los límites. ¡Ella es mi hermanita!"
She is off limits. She is my baby sister!
If only she knew then that Ona was already with her. But she didn't and she still didn't and now Ona feared what would happen once she did know.
"If Alexia ever found out, well, we all know how protective she is of both her and Alba." Ona sighs.
"We're both fucked." y/n sighs.
"Completely fucked." Ona agrees and both girls groan before flinging themselves opposite ways onto the couch.
onabattle just posted on her story x2
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y/n just posted on her story times x2
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y/n let herself into Mapi's apartment with her key, the clock just hitting seven as she did so. After she and Ona had talked, they both then took a shower and y/n changed into her spare clothes before pecking Ona on the cheek.
Ona promised to pick her up the next day, so Lucy didn't suspect anything and y/n then made her way through Barcelona and toward Mapi's, which she had just gotten into.
"Baby, I'm in." y/n called, the sound of feet padding across the floor making y/n smiled as the familiar black fur of Bagheera wrapped around her ankles. "Hi little one." y/n grinned.
The girl leant down and stroked the cat softly, Bagheera purring in response to the affection. y/n chuckled before she realised Mapi had yet to answer her.
"Amor?" y/n called out, wandering further into the kitchen and living where she dropped her keys to the floor. "Shit." y/n swore.
Mapi was stood, eyes wide and hand on her forehead, looking like a kid who had their hands caught in the cookie jar, her phone was in the kitchen and she looked apologetically toward y/n.
However, y/n wasn't focussed on her girlfriend in that moment, she was more focused, on her captain sat on the sofa, looking between the two with eyes just as wide.
"What? You two?" Alexia stuttered out, her English broken and Mapi and y/n looked toward each other for a moment before both rushing out the same exact sentence in their native tongues.
"You can't tell Lucy."
"No puedes decirle a Lucía."
Alexia paused for a moment, her mouth opening and closing in shock as she tried to think about the situation for a moment.
"How long has this been... happening?" Alexia asks, trying hard to keep her voice as calm as possible.
Mapi and y/n looked over at one another, fear deep in their hearts at the fact they had done so well at keeping it quiet, at hiding, that the fact their captain knew was heart-stopping.
"9 months." y/n begins, fiddling with her fingers.
"Ay, dios mío!" Alexia breathes.
oh my god.
"And Lucia? Has not been known?" Alexia continues asking, her voice now an eerily calm tone.
"No." Mapi denies and the answer is all it takes for Alexia's eyes to harden.
"Por qué?" She asks, though it sounds more like a demand as she jumps to her feet.
"Because she's insanely protective Ale!" y/n defends. "Do you remember what happened that night we went out and that girl was eyeing me up?" She asks her captain.
"I thought she would become flames with the way Lucia was glaring." Alexia muses and y/n nods.
"It gets so much worse if I'm actually interested." y/n warns. "Look, we didn't mean to hide it for so long, but it just was so nice just us so we did!" y/n defends.
"Lucia will be so upset once she knows." Alexia states. "I cannot keep this from her for long." She adds and y/n groans.
"Alexia please." She begs her friend, but Alexia shakes her head. "If Lucy finds out this is gonna fuck the entire team Alexia, she won't just kill me, but Mapi and Ona!" y/n tried.
"Ona knows?!" Alexia asks and y/n sighs and Alexia rolls her eyes. "Of course Ona knows." She adds.
"Ale, por favor, just give us some time to figure out this." Mapi says to Alexia who sighs running a hand over her face.
y/n could see Alexia's thoughts running wild, the cogs in her mind turning as she tried to figure out what was the best option to do and go with.
y/n felt as if her chest had caved in, as if the world had suddenly been sucked of all its air, because she could no longer breathe, she could only worry.
"One week!" Alexia finally says. "One week and then I tell Lucia." She repeats before she moves to the door.
y/n tucked her head to her chest, trying very hard to stop the world from spinning and her lungs from starving themselves of air. Alexia says something to Mapi before she is out the door, shutting it quietly.
"Mi bebe?" Mapi says softly, tilting y/n's head up to see her tear-filled eyes and small rapid breaths. "Breathe, come on breathe." Mapi says quietly, pulling y/n to the sofa and onto her lap.
y/n falls forward, burying her head into Mapi's chest, moving her head until she can find the defender's heartbeat echoing in her ear, the pace of it calming her.
After several moments of y/n listening to Mapi's heart and the defender's hands moving up and down her back calmingly, y/n sniffles and sits up.
"We've really messed up here Maps." y/n says quietly and the woman sighs, leaning forward and capturing y/n's lips with her own, their breaths swapping as they sunk into each other.
"It was going to happen, princesa." Mapi sighs. "I will brave the world, I will brave the media, I will even brave Lucia Bronze for you, mi amor." Mapi promises.
y/n giggles despite herself, letting her hand come up to meet Mapi's jawline so she can rub her thumb across the defender's cheek, Mapi leaning into the loving hold.
"She's going to be terrible. Awful." y/n warns Mapi. "To me and to you." She adds.
"I know how much you love her, how close you are. I know how much this is going to hurt." Mapi promises her girlfriend who sighs and sinks forward.
"I love her, but I've never felt like this before." y/n admits and Mapi smiles into her hair.
"I have never felt like this either mi amor." Mapi promises.
"We'll do it together, won't we?" y/n asks her.
"Together, in two days." Mapi nods and y/n smiles softly, pressing her lips against Mapi's once more.
"In two days, we'll tell her." y/n agrees.
In two days. They did not.
Today was supposed to be the day that Mapi and y/n told Lucy, they had promised themselves it. But as training neared to an end, both Mapi and y/n knew they weren't going to do it.
y/n had felt almost faded all day, as if she was in a fog as she tried to figure out what to do. Alexia had hardly spoken to her, Ona had noticed something was wrong and once she'd been told she was just as worried.
After showering, y/n followed Ona out, Mapi following close behind, Lucy and Keira had drove on their own today, y/n and Mapi getting there together as well as Ona on her own, though Keira and Lucy thought y/n had drove in with the latter.
y/n thought Keira had dropped her curiosity, so she didn't bother to look behind her as she hugged Ona goodbye and Mapi took her hand leading y/n to her car.
Keira's eyes widened as she watched y/n drive off with Mapi, Ona in the other way in her own car. She gulped and turned to see her girlfriend walking out, talking to Patri.
"You ready to go babe?" Lucy asked Keira who nodded, slipping on a fake smile.
"Yeah, y/n and Ona have already gone." Keira nods and Lucy chuckles rolling her eyes.
Barely an hour later, y/n and Mapi were cuddled together on the sofa, a show on in the background as their lips continuously collided and tongues rolled together.
y/n groaned into Mapi's mouth, her thighs tightening on either side of the defender's hips as she tried not to grind. The fog in her head had lessened, the anxiety.
Mapi had a way of doing that, she could calm the worst nerves in her, the scariest nightmares with something as simple as a smile, y/n loved her, she really loved her.
Mapi's finger gripped tighter, pulling y/n closer which caused a moan to slip into Mapi's mouth from y/n's throat. Mapi grinned against her lips, kissing down y/n's neck.
y/n groaned in relief as Mapi put pressure on her neck, sucking a dark mark into the space just below the collar of her top. Using her teeth to run over it.
"Mapi." y/n whined, causing a grin to rise onto the blonde's face.
"What bebita?" Mapi asks, pressing a kiss to the column of y/n's throat.
The girl groans again, grinding against her girlfriend who just grins, watching as y/n gets little friction from her position on Mapi's lap, the defender too strong for her to move.
"If you're a good girl, and eat your dinner once it comes." Mapi begins. "I'll have you for desert. How does that sound?" She asks y/n.
y/n nods, pushing her head down to press her lips against Mapi's, letting out a needy whine as Mapi's teeth dig into her bottom lip.
"Mi buena niña"
My good girl.
Mapi's raspy compliment made y/n's cheeks flare, another breathy moan coming from her as Mapi pressed a final still kiss harshly to her lips.
Mapi pulled away, her lips plump and red from the strength and need the two had kissed with. Mapi presseed a softer kiss into y/n's lips, humming happily as they pull away.
y/n smiles softly, tucking a strand of Mapi's hair behind her ear as she went to speak, however her phone began to ring and she groaned leaning over to grab it, seeing the fact it was Keira.
"Hey Keira." y/n smiles, carefully getting off Mapi who pouts as her girlfriend stands, but understands Keira would find it weird if y/n didn't pick up.
"Hey little one, how are you?" Keira asks and y/n furrows her brows slightly.
"I'm good, what about you?" y/n asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Keira promises. "I wanted to talk about something with you." She begins. "Where are you?" She asks and y/n panics.
"I'm uh, at Ona's right now Kei." y/n says, getting ready to say she was busy right now.
"Really?" Keira asks.
"Yeah." y/n nods, hearing a knock at the door and realising her and Mapi's food they had ordered had arrived. "Why?" She asks as she unlocks the door.
"Because..." Keira begins, y/n opening the door. "I think you're lying to me." Keira finishes, her eyes staring into y/n's as she holds up the bag of food.
y/n's phone drops to the floor, her eyes widening in shock as it hits the floor, luckily not breaking but making a loud thump which scares Bagheera from her sleep.
"Amor? You okay?" Mapi calls, turning the corner only to pause like y/n had.
"I think you should come in Keira." y/n says, pulling Keira into the apartment and slamming the door.
Keira places the food down on the side, watching as y/n and Mapi send each other fearful looks and Keira sighs, realising what they were worried about.
"Luce thinks I'm with Tana right now." Keira promises them and they let out a breath of relief.
"Good because this isn't what it looks like." y/n begins and Keira raises an eyebrow. "Okay, it is exactly what it looks like." She admits.
"It looks like, you've been secretly dating Mapi and Ona's been covering for you." Keira says and Mapi groans.
"Bien, definitivamente es exactamente lo que parece." Mapi huffs.
Okay, it is definitely exactly what it looks like.
Keira looks at y/n, eyes not harsh, but stern as she demands y/n to translate Mapi's sentence with nothing but a look.
"Basically, you're dead on." y/n tells Keira who sighs and runs a hand over her face.
"Lucy's going to be so..." Keira begins.
"Angry at first, then protective and then upset." y/n says and Keira nods as y/n blinks tears away, biting at her lip.
"Let's go sit down amor, yes?" Mapi asks y/n who sighs and nods, grabbing their food.
Keira follows, watching as y/n and Mapi sit down, Bagheera curling next to y/n's hip as the two sink into each other and open up their noodle boxes, beginning to eat.
Keira watches, finding the small moment of domesticity sweet as she watched how easily the two fit together when doing so.
"So, how long?" Keira asks as y/n continues to eat.
"9 months." She admits and Keira closes her eyes for a moment and sighs.
"And all this time, we thought you were dating Ona?" Keira asks and Mapi's head snaps up.
"What? Why?" Mapi asks, but y/n holds her hand out to Mapi, knowing how possessive the dirty blonde often was.
"She's just my best friend Kei." y/n promises the woman who sighs. "Look, we were going to tell Lucy this week anyway." y/n adds to Keira who furrows her brows.
"Why?" She asks.
"Because Alexia found out, and said if we don't she will." Mapi explains and Keira groans again.
"This just keeps getting worse." She huffs.
"Oh we know!" y/n scoffs. "Look, Kei, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But we know how Lucy gets. And I just, wanted to keep this." y/n sighs and Keira looks at her sadly.
"You love her Mapi?" Keira asks the defender who nods without hesitation.
"Si, I love her with all I am." Mapi promises Keira who nods.
"And munchkin?" Keira asks y/n.
"Yeah Keira, I really do love her." y/n sighs, and Keira nods.
"Okay, well, we need to figure out how to tell Lucy then. Because this is going to be hard."
what do you think ??
queenie x
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zwedexx · 4 months
Hi I’m the anon that asked for the Barca x injured teen reader. Maybe you could do one where she is at a game and she breaks her wrist but no one else notices it so she keeps playing and after the game she leaves quickly and no one really thinks anything of it. So when she comes to practice the next day after she had taped her wrist they see her take medicine for the pain and they all ask why she took it but the coach calls them to the field before they can get it out of her. And then during practice she avoiding gõing shoulder to shoulder with anyone and anything related to her wrist. And when she tries to leave alexia grabs her wrist tõ stop her and then that obviously is painful for her and then she tries to say it’s just a bruised but they make her take the tape off and it’s clearly broken. So then they all scõld her and then take care of her.
Sorry if any wõrds are misspelled English isn’t my first language Portuguese is:)
Barcelona Femeni x Injured Teen Reader
Summary: request
TW: injury, pain medication
WC: 1,535
A/N: All the Catalan is google translated so sorry if its all wrong.
As you stepped onto the hallowed pitch of Camp Not, the atmosphere was electric with the anticipation of El Clásico. The sun had set behind the iconic stadium, casting a warm embrace on the sea of passionate fans draped in the famous Blaugrana. The buzz of excitement echoed through the air as you felt the weight of the historic rivalry pulsating through your veins. 
In the 56’ minute, a breakaway opportunity unfolded before you. The crowd’s roars intensified as you sprinted past defenders. The rhythmic pounding of your heart echoes in your ears. The goal was within reach and there was no defender left. 
It took you and the crowd that had gone quiet a hot second to grasp what had just happened. Just as you prepared to unleash your shot, Misa had lunged forward with a desperate tackle. The impact was fierce, sending a shockwave through your body as you hit the ground, left arm first. You knew you had done something to your wrist, you could feel an odd sensation but the adrenaline hadn’t allowed the pain to kick in yet.
As you began to rise, a familiar and reassuring hand touched your shoulder. It was Alexia. She had a concern etched on her face. Alexia had taken you under her wing since the moment you joined Barca. 
“Estàs bé?" she asked, her voice filled with worry. 
(Are you alright)
You nodded yes not wanting to worry her. 
“Estàs segura, necessites tractament?” she asked once more, clearly not convinced.
(Are you sure, do you need treatment?)
“I’m fine Alexia, prometo.” 
Alexia, though still not fully convinced, helped you up from the ground. 
While you were down, Misa was sent off with a red card, and Barca was granted a penalty. Although you had anticipated Alexia would be the one to take the shot, she placed the ball on the spot and walked over to you.
“Llança el penal, et mereixes el gol." Alexia whispered to you.
(Take the penalty, you deserve the goal.)
You stepped up to the spot, the taste of adrenaline lingering on your tongue, as the weight of the moment settled on your shoulders. The stadium had seemed to hold its breath, and the intensity of this rivalry hung in its air. The replacement goalkeeper eyed you with a mix of anticipation and defiance as you took your stance. 
Time seemed to stretch, and then, with a powerful strike, you sent the ball soaring into the back of the net. The roar of the crowd erupted and your teammates rushed in to celebrate. A surge of endorphins flooded your body, allowing you to completely forget about the painful feeling of your left wrist.
The deafening cheers echoed for a final time around Camp Nou as the the final whistle blew. The elation of the win washed over you, the exhilaration of success mingling with the exhaustion of the 90+ minutes. 
However, as the adrenaline began to subside, the sharp pain in your leg wrist amplified. The celebration continued around you, teammates hugging and supporter chanting but the physical toll of the game lingered. Even the throbbing discomfort in your wrist, you soldiered on, smiling through the festivities, each handshake and hug causing you to wince. The pain continued to become more pronounced until you couldn’t take it anymore. You had completely ignored everyone during the group huddle, your only wish was to escape and find something to soothe your pain. 
As your teammates continued their celebration, you quietly excused yourself, slipping away from them. The adrenaline that once fuelled your every sprint and kick now transformed into a quiet determination to reach the sanctuary of the changing room. 
Sitting in your cubby, you cradled your wrist, wincing ever so slightly as you attempted to examine it. There was already a numbness in your fingers and a dark purple bruise forming around. 
You didn’t want to tell the girls, you justified it as you not wanting to rain on their parades, so to speak but you were afraid of their reactions, and how’d they blow it all out of proportion. 
With a deep breath, you carefully peeled off your jersey, feeling the residual warmth of the game against your skin. Even as you gingerly worked your way out of the uniform, the pain hadn’t subsided. 
The next morning, the broken wrist made its presence known as you got ready for practice. The bruising had gotten worse and you had practically no sensation in your fingers. 
You knew you couldn’t skip practice but you weren’t sure how you’d be able to hide your injury and practice with it. You had at least made the right decision to tape it, wrapping the across the palm, and snaking up your forearm. You’d also chosen to take a couple of paracetamols to mask the pain. 
As you stepped into the locker room, the intricate tape job on your broken wrist didn’t escape the notice of your teammates. Their eyes flickered towards the your heavily wrapped-up wrist as you rummaged through your bag for medication as the dose you’d taken earlier began to wear off. 
A curious silence fell over the room, broken by Mapi’s concerned voice.
“Una mica dur ahir a la nit, eh?” Mapi’s eyes focused on the tape, her expression a mix of worry and curiosity. Irene, Marta and Ingrid exchange glances realizing something wasn’t quite right.
(Bit rough last night huh?)
You dismissed it with a nonchalant shrug, hoping to not bring anymore attention. “Oh, just a knick, nothing major.”
The raised eyebrows and exchanged glances continued as your teammates weren’t convinced. Lucy leaned in, her voice both playful but concerned. “That’s some serious tape artistry. You’re practically a mummy.”
Attempting to defect, you chuckled, “Yeah, just want to be safe. No big deal.”
“Potser hauries de fer que el fisio t'ho revisi, només per estar-ne segur". Irene chimed in.
(Maybe you should have the physio check it out, just to be sure)
"Ignoring injuries doesn't help anyone elskling. We need you in top form for the next match." Ingrid added.
Alexia, who had been quietly observing, narrowed her eyes. She didn’t press the matter but her gaze lingered on your taped wrist.
Jonas saved you from further interrogation. His voice echoed through the locker room, calling everyone to the field. You seized the opportunity to divert attention and escaped. 
During practice, you found yourself instinctively avoiding any situation that could potentially jeopardize your wrist. When Lucy threw ball at you, heading for your left side, you skillfully used your other hand to intercept it, earning a few puzzled glances from your teammates, especially Alexia.
In a passing drill, you subtly adjusted your positioning, ensuring that your injured wrist wouldn't bear the brunt of any unexpected tackles or collisions. The awareness of your own vulnerability cast a shadow over the otherwise routine exercises, and Alexia's concerned gaze intensified as she observed your every move.
Later, during a scrimmage, a teammate passed the ball to you with a bit too much force. You managed to control it with your good hand, but the wince didn't escape Alexia's watchful eyes. The unease among your teammates grew, their suspicions fueled by your efforts to shield the injured wrist.
As practice wrapped up, you made a discreet attempt to slip away hoping to avoid any direct confrontation about your wrist. Alexia, not done with questioning you, reached out and gently grabbed your injured wrist to stop you from leaving. The sharp intake of breath, small shout of pain and the involuntary flinch betrayed you.
"Què està passant? Has estat evitant el teu canell durant tota la pràctica. Deixa'm fer-li una ullada" Alexia asks with a strong authority.
(What happened? You've been avoiding your wrist the entire practice. Let me take a look at it.)
Still desperately trying to downplay the severity, you attempt a reassuring smile, “it’s just a bruise, really. Like I said, no big deal. Prometo.”
But Alexia was less than unconvinced. 
“Deixa de mentir-me. Treu la cinta i ensenya'm el teu canell.” she demanded
(Stop lying to me. Take off the tape and show me your wrist.)
Reluctantly, not seeing a way out of it now, you began unwrapping the carefully layered tape. As the layers peeled away, it became ever more glaringly evident that it was far more than just a cruise. The visible swelling, discolouration and the cautious way you handled your wrist spoke volumes. Alexia’s expression softened immediately. 
“Està trencada.” She stated with a gentle but stern certainty, her hand resting on your now exposed wrist. Alexia’s initial concern transformed into a mixture of disappointment and frustration as the reality of your broken wrist became undeniable.
(It's broken.)
“Per què no m'ho vas dir?” She questioned, her tone carrying a mix of hurt and anger. The weight of her disappointment was palpable, and it hit you harder than you’d expected.
(Why didn't you tell me?)
Caught in the crossfire of emotions, you couldn’t find the words to explain. The attempt to protect you teammates from worry had backfired, leaving you exposed and vulnerable. As Alexia’s frustration lingered, you gelt a torrent of emotions overwhelming you. The facade you had maintained crumbled, and you broke down. 
Alexia, not intending to hurt you with her words immediately softened. She pulled you into a tight embrace, making sure you wrist was in a safe place. 
"Anem a arreglar-te el canell. D'acord?” She guided you to the medical staff, her presence a silent reassurance amid your mental turmoil. The anger was replaced by a quiet understanding and her arms wrapped around your shoulders, offering comfort.
(Let's get your wrist fixed. Ok?)
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totaly-obsessed · 2 months
On the Road
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Barcelona Femení x reader request
-> Chaos on the Bus with Claudia, Patri and Ona - trying to keep you distracted.
-> A little closer look from pt. 1 - Changes
-> Word Count: 610
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
“Esmee! Have you seen my bag? I swear I put it next to you.”
The Dutch woman looked at you, eyes wide in panic - poor girl was even more scared than you to make the starting eleven for the first time. 
“Nej. I don’t know where it went.”
But then you could already hear two particular people giggling behind you, before a hand hastily pulled you back to the seat just on the other side of the aisle, letting you still sit next to your quite new friend. 
“Pina wanted to sit next to you, Cari!”
Just as you had suspected. The culprit had been Patri, her hands still on your shoulders as she squeezed them teasingly. Her neighboring seat was still empty, usually occupied by the short forward beside you. 
But it didn’t stay that way for too long, as an unsuspecting Ona was promptly pulled down next to Patri as she tried to walk past the chaotic best Friends, a short yelp leaving her as she toppled over. “Actually, I wanted to sit with -”
“Tu amor. We know.” Claudia and Patri cackled, finding themselves to be the funniest people on the bus as they turned around to see a certain British defender, sulking further back. “Ai Lucia! We’re stealing your girlfriend! You don’t mind - right?”
The Midfielder didn’t wait for an answer as she turned back around, nudging Ona back down, who had tried to escape while she wasn’t looking. “Nuh-uh. You stay, spend enough time with her as is.”
Ona’s eyes all of a sudden had a certain sparkle back in her eyes. “Awhh, is little Patri jealous that she’s all aloneeee?” The Mallorcan scoffed, clearly offended by the brunette's statement. “I’ll never be jealous of you… Dating that fossil over there.”
You could have sworn to hear an “Oi!” from further back, but it was drowned out by Pina’s and your loud laughter as Ona was speechless, mouth open in shock before she gathered herself. “At least I am in a relationship - while fans speculate if you and Pinita here are dating!”
The pure disgust on their faces made you laugh even harder while both of them grumbled something under their breath, while Ona looked very pleased with herself. She was glad to help you with your nerves, knowing that Mapi wasn’t here and that it threw you off.
Esmee had now been kidnapped as well, sitting next to Salma a few rows in front of the chaotic four. Ingrid sat alone in front of her, a reminder that Mapi was not there, while she tried to keep an eye on you and the young dutchie.
“Cari, do you have your boots?” Apparently dating a fossil made Ona worry more than she usually did. 
“Yes Oni, I have my boots. And a change of clothes. And socks. And my wash-bag.” The brunette gave Ingrid a quick thumbs up, who had been the sole reason she wanted to know. You had already given the Norwegian your bag to look through once you arrived at the training facility, and she had asked again when you entered the bus.
Upon receiving her answer Ingrid turned back around, ready to read on her way to the stadium. Usually, you would sit with her and Mapi, but with her girlfriend being out of order, and you being nervous, she couldn’t help herself but worry. 
Seeing Patri, Ona, and Pina making you laugh, keeping your mind busy was all she needed to see for calm travels - but not before snapping a cute picture of all four of you laughing, sending it to her favorite defender, with the caption “She’ll be just fine.”
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samkerrworshipper · 5 months
warmed - mapi leon x reader
just r cockwarming mapi.. not much more to it lol
ik i keep promising yall angst… its coming… at some stage
warnings: smut 18+
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You’re overstimulated.
To the point where your skin is beginning to itch with the want and need that is pooling up in the pit of your stomach, right where you feel so full and so empty at the same time.
You fucked up, you were well aware of it, it wasn’t like you could make up for it now.
This though, this was so rewarding and unrewarding at the same time, you were stuffed full to the very brim which was perfect, but also so unfulfilling at the same time.
“Keep still or we start over.”
Mapi’s words are a brutal reminder of exactly what position you are in, crammed down against her lap, ass flush to her hips whilst you try your very hardest not to grind or jostle against her.
An hour and thirty minutes.
That’s how long you’ve been sitting in Mapi’s lap like this, no pleasure, no release, no relief.
The two of you had to rewatch your game from yesterday anyways, so Maria had set you the task of staying still whilst she analysed the match against Levante.
You were supposed to be analysing it as well, but it was kind of hard to pay attention when you were filled to the brim with 7 inches of silicone cock.
You wished Maria had given you the easy way out, wished she’d spanked you or edged you or done something else that would make you feel something besides mellowed out pressure.
Your words are whined out for the room to hear, not that there is anybody else in your company.
“Eyes on the screen, carino.”
Your eyes struggle to obey her command, your pupils stuck to your naked bottom half that’s unmoving.
“I won’t say it again, eyes on the screen unless you want a spanking once we’re done.”
Your eyes snap up, what you want once this is done is for Mapi to fuck you senseless, you aren’t sure if you can handle another minute with her just idly sitting inside you.
“Eight more minutes princesa, you think you can hold up for me until then?”
You groan at her, you want to say no, but the words can’t make it past your lips, Maria seems to understand though.
“Tough luck, make it through the eight minutes or else you won’t cum for the rest of the week. I’m sick of your shit attitude and bratty fucking mouth, you have to learn some way.”
Mapi’s voice is gritty, you know that she wanted nothing more than to come back from dinner, cuddle up on the couch and watch the game replay before the two of you went to bed together.
She wanted soft, sweet, tender.
You wanted mean, rough and hard.
You supposed this was the halfway point, it was Maria’s way of punishing you without giving in to what you wanted.
You’d been obtusely bratty and cheeky.
The two of you had been invited out for dinner with Alexia and Olga, a little quaint double date to a cute boutique Italian restaurant in Barcelona’s core.
It was nice, everything had been going well, until you’d made the decision to start teasing Mapi.
It had started with a hand on her exposed thigh, then your fingers drawing patterns up and down, pushing her skirt out of the way as you paved a path through to her panties.
You were out of your mind thinking Mapi would let it slide, she told you as much when she leant over to your ear telling you not to push her. You’d blatantly ignored her, continuing your attempts at one upping the defender. You got as far as the inside edge of her panties before her hand was grabbing yours and shoving it into your lap with a look of so much annoyance that you knew you were in deep shit.
Now you were here, sitting practically speared on her dick, your juices leakingout all over her thighs and your own.
You watched the clock run down, your eyes aimlessly following the ball as it was passed from side to side on the pitch.
Your legs were aching from the position you were being held in, your thighs being put to use to keep you from moving.
“Maria, please.”
You knew that most likely, your begging was going to be pointless, normally Mapi couldn’t of cared less, but it was worth a shot.
“Say one more word and you’ll see just how much worse this can get for you.”
You close your lips, your eyes staying laser focused on the screen as the clock ticks down on the game.
The last thirty seconds are possibly the worst, your legs start to burn and everything is so much more painful.
As soon as the final whistle blows on the game Mapi is turning you around, so you are now face to face with the Spaniard.
“This is how it’s going to go, we’re going to go to bed, I’m going to fuck you how I like, until I’m satisfied, you won’t cum, you won’t move unless you’re told, all you are here for is to be my little slut for my pleasure, not your own, comprendida?”
You can’t do anything beyond nodding your head.
Mapi picks you up with ease, lifting you up and taking you straight to the bedroom.
Just the feeling of her cock jolting inside of you every few seconds has you moaning, Mapi doesn’t care, all she cares about is getting you to where she wants you.
She manhandles and roughouses you onto the bed, pushing you up against the pillows and spreading your legs open before beginning to move inside of you.
Mapi’s pace is nowhere near fast or rigorous enough to satisfy you, when she said that she was searching for her own pleasure you didn’t realise that she would quite literally use your body as a vessel for her orgasm.
There is no doubt in your mind that Mapi has the little vibe insert tucked into the strap.
Her thrusts into you are shallow, hitting none of the spots that you need her to.
It’s crazily unpleasurable, and yet you don’t find yourself minding too much, especially not when Maria is the picture of perfection, her messy bun bopping up and down, her moans echoing out across the room.
You focus on Mapi, completely syncing out of your own mind, trying to imagine how Mapi is feeling.
You know that your supposed ‘punishment’ would have gotten her worked up, whether she wanted to admit it or not.
She’s chasing a built up desire, deep pure pleasure thrumming through her lower limbs.
Maria isn’t a overly loud lover, but you can tell just by the way her eyebrows are scrunched up and her pupils are blown that she is teetering somewhere on the edge, you aren’t quite sure where she’s at until her legs spasm and her whole body jerks.
Mapi cums hard and fast, her body thrusting into yours until the after effects of her orgasm have managed to rid her body and she pulls out.
You feel emptier than you ever have, most likely a result of being stuffed full for hours on end.
Mapi makes quick work of removing the strap, once she does she lies herself down on the bed next to you, letting you breathe through the big feelings that you are experiencing.
“How are you feeling, princesa?”
Mapi’s hands are on your face, twisting the strays hairs out of your face and gently playing with them between her fingers.
“Good, just need a second.”
Your legs feel heavier than a hundred bricks, numb and weighed down to the point where you genuinely wonder whether they’ll be in use tomorrow.
“You want to cum? I think you’ve earned it, you were such a good little girl for me, princesa.”
You do want your own orgasm, you think that your cunt will implode if it doesn’t get to experience some relief, but you need a few minutes to recover from the last hours happenings.
“Just gimme a minute, seeing you like that made me think and feel things I never had.”
Mapi’s smirk was cheeky, cavalier and slightly proud.
“Mm, next time it’ll have to be three hours, hmm? I wonder how crazy that would make you.”
You shake your head at the suggestion immediately, an hour and a half had been pushing it, 3 hours was simply ridiculous.
“How about I promise to never be a brat again?”
Mapi rolls her eyes, her mouth reaching down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“We both know that would be a lie, carino. You’re my bratty girl and I wouldn’t dare have you any other way. Now how about we go get clean in the shower and I let you get off on my thigh, hm? You’ve been good but not good enough to deserve my mouth or fingers, you’ll have to work your way up to that.”
You nod eagerly at Maria, already willing your legs to begin moving so that Mapi can’t take back what she’s just said to you.
When Mapi realises that you need some assistance, she picks you up, gently carrying you towards the bathroom.
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bellawoso · 1 month
aitana bonmati x fem!reader
desc: kinda implicit smut but not much, still rated 16+ please!! also kinda short - im sorry its exam season and im dying 😭😭
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aitana knew from a young age that she was into girls, when her highschool friends spent their free time talking about boys, she could never find it in herself to involve herself in the conversation. not many people knew about her sexuality, only ona and keira had a slight idea of it, after seeing aitana go home with a woman on one of the team night outs. if anyone asked aitana about her sexuality, she wouldnt lie, she would tell them confidentially that she was a lesbian, she wasnt ashamed of who she was after all.
the reason why hardly anyone knew, was that aitana didnt do relationships. most people on the team already knew that, aitana prioritised football over everything especially after 2023 ended, and as the awards kept stacking up, her winning mentality only increased, she put all of her time into making herself better.
that didnt make the spaniard inexperienced in the sexual aspects, and was never one to turn down a woman at the bar, but aitana preferred to skip the flirting, and get out of the club as soon as possible, especially before someone like mapi saw, who aitana knew would tease her all day at training.
however, since you joined the team, aitana didnt care about mapi seeing anymore, and instead focused on trying to not let you see, aitana wasnt sure why she was so against the idea of you knowing she was going home with another woman. but each time the midfielder spotted you sat down, laughing with your fellow lionesses at the table, the midfielder couldnt help but feel guilty as she let the other woman tug her towards the door.
as aitanas hookups increased, so did the pit of betrayal at the bottom of her stomach. but after one night, when thoughts of you plagued her mind as a girl that she didnt even know the name of came undone on her fingers, she knew she had to stop. normally, aitana lasted a few rounds, however this time her skills in the bedroom couldnt change her hookups mind, as aitana did the walk of shame out of this girls house after accidentally moaning your name as she came.
aitana did stop though, nearing around 4 months without a single girl, however the longer the period of time she spent without anyone, the more time she spent daydreaming of you. the main issue was that aitana was hardly even friends with you, sure the two of you had chemistry on the pitch, but off the pitch, the spaniard had no idea about you. aitana could just go on google or youtube to find out some facts about you and watch your interviews (which she had already done) however, anyone could find this out about you, aitana wanted to know things that the internet didnt. and to do that, she needed to try talk to you.
aitana liked to think of herself as a confident person, it took a lot of courage to heartlessly tell someone that they are nothing more than a hookup, but aitana hadnt thought about the fact that she had never had to see those women again. if you rejected her, then aitana would still have to see you each day at training, and she didnt think she could live with the embarrassment and awkwardness of that.
so she decided to first ask you to get a coffee with her after training, she knew lucy had brought you to training, so she could give you a lift back as well. aitanas plan was to befriend you first, and then try figure out if you reciprocated her feelings or not.
so when aitana decided she would offer to spot you, she didnt anticipate her body freezing up with nerves as she was about to ask you, which unluckily happened at the same time you failed your rep and actually needed aitanas help.
due to your intense sets, you were breathing unevenly as you tried to get aitanas attention, except gasping out “tana” didnt help the brunette anymore. instead her face blushed crimson, the spaniards pent up neediness for an orgasm from somebody other than herself was getting to her, and her mind couldnt help but think of how good you sounded saying her name.
her short daze was broken by you once again saying her name, as she quickly took the bar off you, repeating “lo siento” as you still gasped for air. when you grabbed onto the brunettes bicep for support, struggling to hold your self up after having your oxygen supply restricted for too long. you couldnt help but notice the muscle flexing unconsciously below your fingertips, which only seemed to make you feel more lightheaded.
“dios mio aitana, are you trying to kill me?” you wheezed out with a raspy chuckle, only to be met with silence from the midfielder and her holding up your water bottle to you. “you know im not mad at you, right tana?” you asked the spaniard, uncomfortable at the thought of her thinking your mad at her. “si, yes i know y/n, are you sure your okay?” she asked, as she gathered the courage to start rubbing comforting circles on your back. only when ona came up to the two of you, asking the both of you what happened accompanied with a knowing glance shot at aitana, did her hand stop rubbing circles on your back. the brunette instead let her hand fall, so it rested dangerously low on your lower back, causing you to shiver involuntarily.
you decided to call off your gym session early, you couldnt keep aitana off your mind, and your back still tingled where her hand had once rested. aitana decided to accompany you and drive you home, claiming she “owed it to you” after almost ending your life. despite the girls actual reason to take you home being she wanted to build her friendship with you, you suspected the midfielder just felt bad. never once did it cross your mind to ask what it was that had aitana so distracted during your workout.
your apartment was a 10 minute drive from the training grounds, however aitana had decided to take a detour, claiming that it would be faster due to the bad traffic in barcelona. however, after almost 45 minutes in the car, you were beginning to get tired, you were having a great conversation with the brunette who currently had one hand resting on the steering wheel, expertly navigating round the quieter streets of barcelona. as you looked over at the midfielder, you couldnt help but admire her side profile, and the way her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she tried to remember the route.
a quick glance at the street you were currently at, on the map displayed by the screen of her car, had you internally groaning in frustration as you realised you were still half an hour away from your apartment.
“aita, are we almost there? im tired” you asked the midfielder, who now had a look of shock and suprise on her face.
aitana hadnt even realised how long she had been in the car with you for, she only meant to detour and make the route 10 minutes longer, not an hour. even the detour was only so she had enough time to build her courage to ask you out for a coffee.
“oh- yeah almost y/n! uhhh- like, another.. 30 minutes?” she said sheepishly, before quickly rushing out “¿Te gustaría tomar un café conmigo mañana?”
“aita, i dont speak spanish remember? especially not at the speed you just spoke at!” you said with a laugh.
fuck. aitana thought. although she had managed to ask you out, her nervous state had completely forgot to translate it into english so that you would understand. her adrenaline of asking you was wearing off, and she felt her previous nerves almost skyrocket at the thought of having to ask you again, especially now your full attention was on her.
“uhhh- get a coffee with me? i mean- uh, would you like to? to get a coffee with me? its fine if not- uh, it can just be as friends? if we are friends that is! its fine if-“ until aitanas state of rambling was cut off by you who although found her flustered state very amusing, was starting to feel pity for the spaniard who was struggling to even form a sentence at this point.
“i would love to aitana, its a date!”
“it is?” the midfielder said, receiving an encouraging nod from you, “it is!” she said more excited now, making you laugh at her excitement.
to other people, it would probably look like aitana had been stood up, but in reality, she had just decided to arrive at the coffee shop an hour early to hopefully have a coffee or two before you came, and prepare herself in hope to not embarrass herself too much in front of you.
the coffee shop she had chosen was one she had been to for years, it was relatively popular amongst locals, and was a small, cozy, family owned business, that aitana had grown to love.
as soon as you walked in the shop aitana requested to meet you at, you were met with aromas of roasted coffee beans and fresh pastries, you scanned the shop for the midfielder you had grown to love, and saw her sat at a window seat, with an empty mug infront of her.
“i didnt get the time wrong did i?” you asked her, glancing at her empty cup.
“no, no- i got here early” the brunette reassured, and outstretched her arms for a welcoming hug which you quickly accepted, the midfielder wrapped her arms around you, not wasting the opportunity to have you as close as possible. equally, you werent going to pass up the chance to have aitanas arms wrapped around you, especially as they were what you spent most of your gym time admiring as you did your weights, much to esmees amusement and annoyance, who was your usual gym partner.
as you pulled apart and sat down, aitana decided to go and order the both of you another coffee, coming back with two cinnamon lattes, your eyes widening in surprise as you realise she remembered your favourite drink that you mentioned during your rambling in the car yesterday.
the date went well, and much better than aitana expected, she managed to not embarrass herself at all, and left the date with a smudge of your lipstick on her cheek where you had kissed her goodbye, that she knew she would probably cry about when she had to wipe it off later.
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caption: owed me a coffee after almost murdering me in the gym ❤️ tagged: aitanabonmati
liked by: aitanabonmati, alexiaputellas and 23,416 others
aitanabonmati: are we even yet?
-> youruser: i think i might need a few more coffees…
lucybronze: are we even surprised??
-> youruser: i think i could say the same about you and a certain brunette defender on the team..
user1: guapaaaass
user2: are they together?!!!
user3: princess of england, and the princess of spain ❤️💙
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pinkyqil · 27 days
Can you do a Mapi x Ingrid x reader where maybe the reader is struggling with depression and Mapi and Ingrid help her?
We'll help you through it// Ingrid engen x mapi lèon x r
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Least to say that you we're struggling life sucking every single one of your motion to keep living it felt like you lost all hope in your self you didn't know what it was but your mental health decline took a toll on you.
Every day felt like a struggle to be alive and keep on breathing. but thanks to your amazing girlfriends who were able to notice what was wrong with you.
It all started with when they had to leave a lot for away machetes you get that it was apart of their job but sometimes you felt lonely and jealous about what the two could be doing without it.
You doing what you do best overthink the whole situation but nevertheless you were able to push back.
You stopped answering there calls and texts whenever they sent in one. Just wachting the phone ring away without trying to pick it up.
Feeling worthless and unimportant as life would have been better if you just stopped living you thought to yourself.
But you never get close to doing it. It's been weeks since you last saw them as you've been ignored them.
You had a new routine now wake up work sleep and eat. And well repeat totally ignoring your other aspect of life.
Mapi and Ingrid had obviously noticed the pattern in your behavior and decided to vist you as soon has they could.
"Ingrid you think all this is enough". Mapi asked Ingrid showing her comfort bag that they brought for you filled with your favorite snacks to everything that you like.
three different brands of your favorite chocolate, huge ass blankets you wanted to get but didn't they had it your favorite movies had it makeup,dresses, aersoiess they had it all but mapi over here was still worrying that it wasn't enough.
"Mapi it enough or maybe to much". Ingrid questioned.
"Let's just go". she said to her girlfriend
They finally got your place with the spare key and weren't really expecting to see you in the condition that you were in.
With just one look at you it was quite obvious that you weren't getting enough sleep nor eating enough.
They both immediately dropped the things they had rushing to your side. It hurt them to see you this way like you were waiting on death.
Ingrid was the first to speak up. "Baby I'm so sorry we haven't been there for you".
"Nothing is your fault I'm particularly to blame".
"No don't say that about yourself".she told you
Mapi on the other hand didn't know what to say so she just pulled you three into a hug. you all stayed like that for a while before Ingrid started cleaning.
the whole place and convinced you to go take a bath so you could feel more relaxed. mapi was changing your bedsheets and placing the things that they got you.
By the time that you were out your places was looking better than it was before.
Ingrid made you a bowl of spicy soup putting it down and helping you with your hair and clothes on. You ate what Ingrid had prepare with mapi feeding you and not missing a single drop.
After that they both convinced you to leave the house for some fresh air. And that what you did getting in the car mapi first went back to there place to pick up bagheera to join you guys.
Having bagheera join you guys on the beach was perfect the cat being there made you perceived and calm. It wouldn't have been your normal couples walk if mapi didn't start talking you and Ingrida ears.
off something that you missed even though she could go on for hours she was recently yapping about. how patri and pina were quite obvious about each other but to afraid to confess and how she was going to play cupid.
Let's to say you felt happy and a little better all you need was come comfort and love from you girls which they understood.
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leah-lover · 29 days
Comfort. Mapi x Ingrid x reader.
Smut 18+
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You loved your job. Being a surgeon brought you glory, validation, the opportunity to help others, and make your environment proud of you. However, it introduced a great amount of fatigue, grief, and mental overstimulation.
Today was especially hard, you had lost 2 patients in the span of 3 hours. Once your shift was done, you hurried home to find any sort of comfort.
When you got home, you showered and curled up in bed immediately. Your girlfriend wasn't home yet, they still had a few hours of training. You didn't realize you had fallen asleep, you woke up gently after you felt a dip in the bed. You felt mapi’s soft touches on your hair before you opened your eyes to look into hers.
As soon as you saw her you moved closer, persuading her to open her arms for you and hold you. You situated yourself on her chest, and she positioned herself on the head board.
“ Rough day amor?” She whispered softly.
“ 2 died.” You respond.
“ Nena, it's not your fault, okay. You did your best.” She reassured you by giving small kisses to your temple.
“ Need Ingrid too please.” You ask .
“ She will come up any second now.” She responds.
She didn't lie, it only took Ingrid a couple minutes to come to your bedroom. When she enters the room you feel mapi mouth something to her. She then comes to the other side of the bed and lays next to you.
“ I am so proud of you for pushing through the baby.” She says before she too kisses your temple.
You needed more than they were giving you, but you were too shy to ask for it. Ingrid noticed you open your mouth and close it a couple of times.
“ Baby what is it?’ she asks while looking you in the eyes.
“ Nothing. It's nothing.” You say trying to shut her down.
“ You know I don't like lying.” She claps back with a stern look.
“ I don't want to be too much. I already bought this gloomy mood on you and I didn't ask you how you were doing it.” You say hesitantly.
“ Baby I won't repeat it again, what did you want to say?” She asks again without losing her serious expression.
“ I need more of you. I want more from you.” You say looking in her eyes.
“ Maria, I think our love doesn't know how much we love her.” Said Ingrid to Maria.
“ Yeah the hesitation to ask us for attention isn't something that should happen again I don't think.” Answered Maria from behind you.
“ I think she deserved to be taught a lesson about how much we love her, no?”
You see the world flying between them without any of them opening their mouths.
You then feel mapi slide from behind you leaving only the pillows to support your body. You reposition yourself only for Ingrid to hover on top of you.
“ Hi.” She whispers before giving you small sweet kisses. She knew that when you were in this state it was easy to overwhelm you. She wanted to move as slow as possible at first.
She gradually moved faster, more dominant, and hungrier for you. You moved at her pace tugging her body more on top of yours needing something to grind on as your core becomes more greedy.
Ingrid then moves to your neck leaving bruises and pink spots all over it. She helps you strip off your shirt and bra before moving to care for your breasts, giving each one as much care as you wanted. She doesn't leave any part of your body unmarked, or kissed, or touched. Your mouth hadn't been closed since she started, allowing for the smallest moans and whimpers to escape your lips.
Ingrid noticed your back starting to arch so she asked you her usual question.
“ What do you want, baby.” She asked looking up at you.
“ You.” You whisper breathlessly.
“ More words Nena.”
“ I want your mouth on me and your fingers inside me.” You whisper shily.
Inggrid didn't wait any longer doing exactly as you say.
She put her mother on your clit and pumped 3 fingers inside of you. With both being on the same rhythm you were quick to become a mess. Your moans were getting louder by the minute. “ Can I come please please please?” You ask Ingrid.
“ Don't ask me “ she responds before resuming her actions.
You look over the room trying to find maria. You find her on the couch adjacent to your bed. She was naked, her hand massaging her breasts, her legs wide open, and her core dripping. She was laser focused on Ingrid who was between your legs while touching herself.
“ Mapi, please can I come please.” You beg her.
“ Only if you moan my name while coming.” She demands.
After hearing that Ingrid sped up her pace. You start to uncontrollably moan Maria's name louder and louder before you come.
You were blissful when you came back down from your high. When you opened your eyes you found Ingrid making out with Maria. Maria wants to be as loud as you. She quietly.
You noticed mapi putting her strap on after she was done and started to look at her with worried looks.
“ I know you are sensitive today baby. This is for the princess.” She resured you.
Feeling cold you put on Ingrid's shirt which was tall because she was.
You moved to the side allowing for more space to the couple.
They start making out again In Front of you, Maria playing with Ingrid's hair after releasing it from the ponytail it was on.
They were both standing on their knees, whispering words to each other you couldn't hear. You loved seeing them act like the couple they were before you came. They have a deep sense of understanding of one another without letting you feel left out.
Maria then flips Ingrid so that her strap lines with Ingrid's ass. Ingrid throws her head on Maria's shoulder when she starts inserting her strap in her. Ingrid went loud either she just moved her mouth without making any sound as mTia worked her way inside of her. Your eyes never left them as Maria worked her way harder and faster inside Ingrid soliciting a few moans from her.
“ Enjoying the show amor.” Asks maria.
“Uhmm.” You respond, your mouth open.
“ I want to come mapi '' Ingrid didn't bed Maria but when she demanded to come the former allowed her.
“ Look at our baby while you do.” She said,
Ingrid looked eye contact with you as she fell forward after her orgasm hit her.
Maria them disposed of her strap and next to you. She opened her arms for both you and Ingrid. You both simultaneously lay on her chest.
“ Are you okay?” Ask you, Ingrid.
“ Yeah.” You respond.
“ I love you “
“I love you too “ they both say at the same time.
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repulsiveliquidation · 5 months
Want, not Need. Pt. 2 || The Orgy
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warnings : smut 18+, fingering, strap-on, cunnilingus, anal play, semi-public sex.
a/n : Mapi is not injured and hobbling about in this series, thank you very much. That is also my favorite picture of those two.
Part One
“Her?” Ingrid asks, “Where did you meet her?”
Mapi begins to go into vivid detail about your one-night stand with Mapi. She gets into the nitty gritty and boy does it pique Ingrid’s interest.
“We met at the bar, she was standing there with the most perfect ass I had ever seen at the time. Yours tops that list now.” Mapi says, giving Ingrid a little tap on her behind. She grins and smacks her girlfriend, listening to her explain her little night with you.
“She took the big one, Ingrid,” Mapi tells her proudly. Ingrid knew what Mapi was talking about. Mapi had a toy that she still struggled to take. It sat in the back of Mapi’s nightstand, a mountain Ingrid still hadn’t been able to conquer. She was thoroughly impressed though, and by the sound of it, Mapi was too.
“I mean, I barely fingered her open and she took it like a champ.”
“She is fascinating.”
Ingrid looks over at you, eyes already hooded like a predator that has eyes on prey.
“And she just left you? No goodbye?” Ingrid asks as she stands. Mapi stands too and tucks a lock of the Norwegian hair behind her ear.
“Just a note, and the most delicious breakfast I had in all my time in Madrid,” Mapi tells Ingrid as she begins to walk over to you. Mapi suddenly grabs her arm, pulls her back, and gives her a chaste kiss, grinning from ear to ear.
“Work your magic, huh princesa? She owes me a round of drinks.”
Ingrid saunters over, a friendly smile on her face.
“Hello, you must be who Jonatan was raving about, our newest sports writer! Please, call me Ingrid.”
“Yes, it’s certainly a pleasure to meet you, Ingrid. Y/N.”
The camera starts rolling and the interview goes smoothly. Mapi tries to focus back on training but can’t, spending more time staring at you and Ingrid than going through her drills for the day. She notices that Ingrid is flirting with you a little and you give her the same attention. Mapi stands at the water station after training just as Ingrid’s interview wraps up, watching your hand rub up and down Ingrid’s arm.  
Mapi bites the bullet and walks over, hand wrapped around Ingrid’s waist. She pulls Ingrid in for a kiss and Ingrid melts; you stand there awkwardly and scratch the back of your head.
“Mapi, it’s nice to meet you again,” you say, extending your hand out for her to shake.
“What brings you to Barcelona?” Mapi asks, shaking your hand but pulling you in for a hug.
“Work! I used to write for Madrid then I got a job in America for a while before transferring here.”
“Well, since we know each other and you seem to be getting along with my girlfriend so well, we’ll show you around!” Mapi insists, linking your arms together.
“Wait, I-I wouldn’t want to impose!” You say and step back, ready to help the crew pack up and go back to your hotel room.
“Nonsense,” Ingrid says, reaching out for your arm. “Give Mapi a minute to clean up and we can head for dinner!” Ingrid links her arms with yours and walks ahead of Mapi, the shorter woman smirking at all the possibilities dinner could bring.
Throughout dinner, Mapi and Ingrid take turns teasing you. Whether it was under the table of the family-owned restaurant or being extra careful of you by ordering for you and pulling your chair out.
Ingrid insists on paying for dinner, even when you try to go over to the counter and make the teenager behind the counter take your card.
“You’re new to our home, let us take care of you,” she whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your ear before pulling you out the door.
Mapi takes your hand and drags you down the street to a private bar. You grin and walk in with Ingrid in tow, the loud music bringing back memories of that night you had with Mapi.
“Time to cash in on that promise, princesa. The first round is on you,” Mapi teases and tilts your head up to look at her at the bar, index finger tapping your nose. You buy drinks as promised, bringing them to both the girls who found a private corner of the bar to sit at. You sit at the end, sipping innocently on your minty gin. Mapi stands, downing her rum and coke in one swig before standing behind you. She caresses her hands down your arms, lips close to your ear.
“May I?” she asks softly. You nod, eyes locked onto Ingrid’s that are a similar dark-hooded shade. Mapi’s lips begin to kiss along your neck and shoulder, hands moving to your waist as she presses her front tight to your back.
“Come on, you must show Ingrid how well you move those hips hm?” Mapi encourages, helping you off the seat.
You follow them to the packed dancefloor, Ingrid instantly pulling you to her as Mapi stands behind her and holds her waist. In a split-second decision, you decide to let go and enjoy yourself. You dance with Ingrid and Mapi, the heat of the dancefloor bringing a light blush to all your faces. Ingrid, in a surprising turn of events, turns and begins to grind back on you despite only one drink.
You hesitate to touch her, eyes shooting up at Mapi who looks a little confused as to why you are still holding back. She suddenly pulls you into her and kisses you hard. You melt into her like Ingrid did earlier, the feeling of her lips on yours brings you back to her apartment where you last felt her. You pull away a little breathless, her lips just millimeters from yours.
“Don’t keep her waiting, pretty girl.”
You nod softly and pull Ingrid close, the tall Norwegian goes back to grinding on you. She’s a little buzzed, hips moving back on you beautifully. You too grab her hips and dance along with her, looking up to see Ingrid and Mapi making out lovingly.
You begin to kiss down Ingrid’s bare shoulder, nipping at her flesh to leave deep teeth marks. Your hands don’t stop caressing her, the two of them now noisily kissing each other when Ingrid pulls away with a loud smack.
“Need you,” she says to Mapi before she turns to you shaking her head, “No, want you.”
This time you take charge and pull them towards the private bathrooms at the end of the room. Ingrid was all over you the moment the door locked, eagerly on her knees while Mapi grabbed your face to kiss you. Ingrid pulled your jeans down, happily settled between your legs as she began to lap hungrily at your pussy.
Mapi kept your moans to a minimum, kissing you hard with her hand wrapped around your neck lightly. One hand held Ingrid’s head close, the other tangled in Mapi’s messy hair. She began to kiss down your neck, the music in the club becoming louder which gave you a bit of confidence to moan freely. Ingrid held your legs steady, tongue flicking over your clit fast and hard. Mapi pulled your shirt up and began to suck on your breasts hard. You moaned loudly without a care in the world, the feeling of one of them was the best fuck of your life and now to have the two of them take care of you was a dream come true.
Ingrid sucked hard on your clit, two long fingers slipping into your pussy before you felt Mapi’s lips leave your chest. Before you could open your eyes, she spanked your ass.  
“Quédate quieto.”
You nod and listen, feeling her move around as your hips begin to almost ride Ingrid’s fingers. You feel her hands pull at your ass, tongue flat and warm against your second hole. You yelp and ride the sensations; Ingrid’s lips wrapped tight around your clit, her fingers pressed deep inside you, and Mapi’s tongue jabbing its way into your ass.
“Fuck…” you moan, hand reaching back to hold Mapi’s head closer as Ingrid’s fingers press harder against your sweet spot. You hunch over, pulling on Ingrid’s hair but she relents, sucking harder and harder on your clit.  
“Ingrid, fuck…I’m close!” you squeak, thighs quivering as she slips a third finger inside your pussy. Mapi takes a bite of your ass and stands, holding you close and looking down over your shoulder at Ingrid at your feet.
“Seems familiar doesn’t it, pretty girl? She looks so gorgeous on her knees where she belongs no?”
Your eyes roll into your head when you remember her voice having the same lilt it had now when she said the same thing to you.
“Y-Yes! Fuck please, yes!”
Ingrid gives you one last come-hither flick inside you and you crash, thighs trembling as your orgasm ripples through you.
Mapi catches you and lets you crumble to the floor. You grab Ingrid’s face and kiss her passionately, moaning into her mouth when the taste of you floods your senses.
“Please take me home,” you beg, turning to look at a smug Mapi. She looks put together, and not someone who just ate your ass and pushed you toward a knee-buckling orgasm.
“You girls clean up, I’ll bring the car to the front.”
You sit in the back of the car with Ingrid, her lips on yours the whole short drive home.
“You’re right Mapi,” Ingrid starts, fingertips dancing over your features. “She is pretty.”
Mapi grins and winks at you in the rear-view mirror, before Ingrid turns your head back to look at her.
“Eyes on me, elskling,” she demands, not sounding as menacing as she wants. You raise your eyebrow at her and Mapi starts to laugh, parking the car and getting out.
Ingrid huffs and marches into the building herself, Mapi stops you before you can walk in.
“She’s a brat sometimes,” Mapi starts, hands in her pocket looking as cool as a cucumber.
“I can see that.”  
“She’s been acting up lately, I think someone else being in charge should get her to behave.”
“You want me to”
“Just for a bit, while I watch of course,” she presses the button for the lift and you take a deep breath, there is a lingering hint of Ingrid’s perfume in the air. She must be upstairs already.
“Brat taming was not how I envisioned my evening going.”
 Walking into Mapi and Ingrid’s beautiful apartment, she takes your hand and gently guides you to the bedroom where Ingrid lays naked on the bed spread eagle with her fingers plunged deep into her pussy.
You and Mapi stand over her, arms crossed in unison. Ingrid merely smiles and plays with her chest, her right hand busy between her legs.
“You were taking too long down there so I figured I’d sort myself out,” she whimpers, a third finger sliding into her wet pussy before she dramatically turns onto her knees and fingers herself that way. She moans into the mattress but stops when she doesn’t hear anyone berating her for being a brat.
Instead, she hears clothes falling to the ground, lips smacking softly and moans begging for more. She pulls her sticky fingers out of her pussy and turns back around, jaw dropped in shock when she sees you on your knees already sucking on Mapi’s strap.
She didn’t even notice Mapi grabbing it from the bedside drawer let alone giving you her spare one. You gag loudly and Ingrid takes notice of the silicone cock you’re sucking on; it’s the one she’s never been able to take.
“Good girl, princesa…” Mapi praises, running her fingers through your hair. She pulls a makeshift ponytail and fucks into your mouth, moaning loudly to put on a show for Ingrid. Ingrid shuffles over and pulls you away from Mapi, lips wrapped around Mapi’s cock. You both kneel in front of her, taking turns to suck her cock. She grins and goes with it, feeling the tension grow between you and Ingrid.
“On the bed, both of you,” Mapi says sternly, Ingrid scrambling onto the bed quickly. You follow her, stroking your cock which was much smaller than Mapi’s but was one that Ingrid took very easily.
Mapi pulled an office chair to the end of the bed, sitting back and relaxing. She lazily stroked her cock, before pointing at Ingrid.
“You will do as she says. Disobey her, you do not get my cock much less hers.”
Ingrid nods, looking at you and leaning in for a kiss. You kiss her back, slowly pushing her onto her back. Ingrid moves as you do, legs spread wide open like she did earlier. You kiss her messily, hands fondling her full breasts and supple skin.
“Mm, I’ve wanted to taste you since I saw you at Wolfsburg the first time.”
“You’ve waited that long, cariño?” Mapi asks in a bored tone, looking at her nails as she pulls a hangnail off.
“Sí, so long…” you whisper, sucking on Ingrid’s nipple. She whines and arches her back, hands pushing your hair out of your face as she squirms on the bed.
You kiss down her toned midfielder body, her abs prominent as she breathes heavier and heavier. You bite just over her hip, pressing her thighs wide open. You settle between her legs at the edge of the bed, tongue-mouthing eagerly at her sloppy folds.
“Fuck!” she moans, hands tangled in your hair as she tries to grind up into your mouth. You stop her and pin her down tighter, sucking harder at her clit as she begs for you to let her come.
“Already, Ingrid?” you tease, two fingers slipping into her easily.
“Yes…feels so good…” she begs, head thumping back on the mattress.
“Oh, I don’t own your orgasms, Ingrid. Mapi does, you should ask her,” you say amusedly, grinning at a smirking Mapi who leaned over with her elbows on her knees. You go back to fucking Ingrid, four fingers now deeply pressed into her open pussy as your lips suckle hard on her swollen clit.
“All you have to do is ask, mi amor,” Mapi teases, reaching over and tucking a loose strand of hair behind Ingrid’s ear. Her eyes fill with tears as the feeling of the stretch begins to course through her.
“Please, Mapi…” she whimpers, “I’ve been good.”
Mapi leans back into her menacing chair, hand on her chin like she’s thinking.
“Have you been good, Ingrid?” she asks, spinning around slowly. You’ve turned Ingrid onto her stomach, tongue lapping fast at her asshole as your fingers press up into her sweet spot. She grunts and begins to keen, lips begging Mapi to let her come.
“I don’t know, bebita. We’ve had a guest in our home and you’ve been a needy little slut the whole night. Should she come, princesa? Has our Norwegian whore been a good girl?”
“Hmm,” you begin, thumb circling over Ingrid’s clit as three fingers rub hard on her sweet spot. She’s trembling hard, fighting her impending orgasm the best she can.
“She did make me come in the club earlier, that was nice of her,” you say, kissing her belly button.
“She can come.”
Ingrid screams your name, back fully arching off the bed as the shocks course through her entire body. She pants hard and mutters a soft “Come here,” before capturing your lips in a tender kiss. You press your thigh between her legs and she cheekily grinds up into it, biting your lip.
Mapi stands and pulls you off her, wrenching open your jaw to spit into. It lands all over your mouth but in it before she leans in for a kiss. Ingrid reaches for the bottle of lube and spreads it all over Mapi’s cock, obediently awaiting more instructions.
Mapi gets on the bed behind Ingrid, kissing along her shoulder. You lean in and kiss her lips, caressing her thighs. The Norwegian can’t figure out who to focus on, her hands grabbing you to lace together.
Mapi pushes her forward, fingers rubbing tenderly over her folds. Ingrid becomes face to face with your cock, eagerly taking it in her mouth as Mapi slips her cock into Ingrid. She goes slow and adds more lube, knowing that Ingrid struggles to take this one.
To her surprise, Ingrid swallows it up with ease, moaning loudly around your cock as the thick silicone fills her aching pussy. Mapi thrusts slowly, getting her used to the stretch. Ingrid focuses on your cock, sucking on the much smaller appendage with practiced ease.
Mapi moans and reaches for you, leaning over Ingrid as her hips pound into her girlfriend. You cradle Ingrid’s head, leaning forward, and kiss Mapi. You hear Ingrid choke a couple of times, your hips gently nudging the toy down her throat. You pull away from Mapi and pull Ingrid off your cock, kissing her spit-soaked face.
“Fucking hell Ingrid, you’re such a whore for us huh? Love having two cocks fill your holes?”
“Not all my holes…” she says with a grin, a harsh smack on her ass resounding through the room.
“Basta, puta asquerosa,” Mapi looks up at you, hips never faltering even once. “Come here.”
You scoot over, grabbing the bottle of lube, knowing your next move before Mapi asks. She pulls out of Ingrid and helps her onto her side, two of your fingers slipping into her asshole. She whimpers, hips chasing the feeling eagerly.
“More, please,” she asks, knuckles white as she grips the sheets tight in pleasure.
You kiss along her side and ass, scissoring your fingers faster before pushing in a third. She grabs your wrist and guides your hand, your bicep cramping as you finger her asshole open enough to take your cock and Mapi’s at the same time.
“I can! Just hurry, please!” She squeals, hiking her leg up to her chest as Mapi adds more lube to her cock and yours. She slips in first, rubbing Ingrid’s thigh as you line yourself up with Ingrid’s ass.
You slip in and Ingrid moans long and loud, feeling overwhelmingly full and buzzed. You lean down and kiss her softly, the center-back smiling softly before nodding for you to move. Mapi starts slow, thrusting into her girlfriend before urging you to thrust on her upstroke. You alternate like a smooth machine, Ingrid babbling nonsense as raw pleasure surges through her petite body.
“Faster!” she screams, hips moving back on you and Mapi. You spank her ass and beckon your hips faster, kissing Mapi passionately as she also fucks into Ingrid faster.
The Norwegian comes with a scream of both your names, the sheer force of the orgasm pushing you both out of her as she quivers and squirms. You’re both beside her in an instant, straps abandoned somewhere in the room.
Ingrid smiles drunkenly, one hand cradling Mapi’s head behind her and the other petting your abs.
“I think I went to heaven,” she slurs before looking at you. “I wanted you too, you know. I saw you at the final against Lyon. Was too shy to say hi, but it was worth the wait.”  
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zwedexx · 4 months
"No ets una càrrega"
Barca Femeni x Teen Reader
Summary: request
TW: none
WC: 899
A/N: None of it is proof read and im am really sick rn so there will probably be alot of mistakes. Also I took some creative liberties ig with the request. I'm sorry if you don't like it. I can always rewrite later on.
You are draped in the familiar stripes of your Barca jersey. It was everything you wanted, everything you work so hard for and you were blowing it. You kept missing passes or being a second too late on your runs. You could hear the collective sighs of the crowd after each mistake you made. 
It all came to a head when you execute what should’ve been a routine pass. The pass was short and was intercepted by an alert opposing player. In a sloppy attempt to halt the opposition, you kick the back of her legs, sending her tumbling. The ref immediately blowed her whistle and showed you yellow. 
“Are you fucking serious. That’s not a yellow! She fucking dove. You can’t be- ” You spat at the ref before being pulled back by a pair of strong arms. 
“Calmat! No val la pena.” Mapi’s words were strong but weren’t enough to bring you out of your rage.
(Calm down! It's not worth it)
“Let go of me Mapi. I’m not a fucking child. This ref is blind as shit and needs to fucking hear it.”
The ref without hesitation reach into her pocket. Alexia and Irene had run in at this point, pleading with the ref to reconsider. You knew you had fucked up when you say the second yellow then red. Not only had you harmed your team with your horrid performance but you’d just burdened them to finish a game a player down. 
After being escorted off the field, the weight of disappointment settled on your shoulders, and as the door closed behind you, a wave of frustration and tears overwhelmed you. You couldn’t believe how stupid and useless you were. Nothing seemed to make sense, you had trained so hard but it wasn’t enough. You weren’t good enough. You needed to be better.
You found yourself in gym, it was the only thing that made sense. If you trained harder, you’d be better. It was straightforward, clear cut. 
Unbeknownst to you, Alexia, Mapi, and Ingrid observe from a distance, concern etched on their faces. After the match they went looking for you, worried because you were no longer in the locker room. In a way you were lucky they were there. You had been sprinting on the treadmill as fast as you could. After a couple of minutes you felt dizzy, your legs were starting to give in but you kept going. And you kept going. 
‘Keep going, keep going.” You muttered to yourself
As the treadmill relentlessly propels you forward, your breaths become ragged, and your legs wobble beneath you. In a sudden, unexpected moment, your knees buckle, and the world tilts. Just as the gym floor rushes up to meet you, someones arms wrap around you, preventing a painful collision. 
Ingrid's firm grip supports your weight, preventing a full collapse, while Mapi and Alexia rush to your side. Concern etched on their faces deepens into genuine worry. Ingrid, with her characteristic calm, reassures you, “Relax elskling, I’ve got you.”
It must have been a few moments when you woke up again. You were no longer in the gym, you were lying on a couch with your head laying on Mapi’s lap. 
“Oh Pequena, you are okay.” Alexia says in her best English
You sat up. You didn’t know what to say. 
“Què està passant? Per què et vas empènyer així?” Alexia asks gently, reverting back to her native Catalan
(What's going on. Why did you push yourself like that.)
You avoided their eyes, unable to say respond, your words choked by shame and frustration. 
“You don’t have to carry this alone. We’re here for you, no matter what elskling.” Ingrid adds, while grabbing your hand.
With a shaky breath, you finally open up, your voice tinged with frustration and vulnerability. “I just.. I want this so badly. And tonight, I felt like ai was letting everyone down. I felt useless, and I thought if I train harder, push myself, I could make up for it and get better.”
(I understand-)
“But you don’t understand Alexia. You’re la Reina, you are the best and you deserve to be here. I don’t, im a liability out there. Every misplaced pass, every late run, it felt like I was letting the entire team down.”
“You deserve to be here too. Jonatan picked you for a reason.” Ingrid adds
“You don’t get it! No matter how hard I try, it’s never enough. I’m sick of feeling like a burden. Sick of failing when it matters.” 
“No ets una càrrega. Estem aquí perquè creiem en tu i en el que ets capaç.” Mapi chimes in while wrapping her arm around your shoulders, her touch grounding.
(You're not a burden. We're here because we believe in you and what you are capable of.)
“I just… I don’t know how to fix this.”
“No cal que arregleu això sol. Estem aquí per a tu.” Alexia calmly tells you.
(You don’t need to fix this alone. We are here for you.)
318 notes · View notes
totaly-obsessed · 8 months
Family away from Home
Tumblr media
Barca femení x reader request
-> Ingrid's little sister spends the Summer holidays with her and gets into trouble, leaving the whole team worried
-> Warning: talk of rape, drugs, and stalking - do not take this lightly
-> For this request, I hope you like it!
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Eight weeks of pure free time, a blessing – especially when your sister lives in Spain and you can stay there for free. Ingrid lives in a nice apartment in the middle of Barcelona, together with her girlfriend Maria and two cats. It was a nice surprise when she asked you if you would like to spend the summer with them – of course, you said yes. Who wouldn’t?
Mapi was nice, very nice and while there was a language barrier and situations were hard sometimes, everyone did their best to get around it. You learned Spanish in school, but it was very different from actual Spanish, especially in Barcelona where many people speak Català.
The two footballers had early training sessions but usually, you all had breakfast together, or at least for the last ten days that you had been there. Today, however, you were nowhere to be found, and Ingrid was panicking.
You had gone out last night, which she knew, but you had not returned and now it was eight in the morning. She called and called you, made Maria call you, and even tracked your location, which was still at the club.
No ten minutes later she was pulling you out of the dark environment by your hair. It’s not like she didn’t try pulling you by your arms but your body was much too sweaty and she kept slipping.
The brunette didn’t even talk to you on the way home, just depositing you in the backseat. It was Maria who took care of you at home, guiding you to the shower and pulling out an outfit for you, thankfully with sunglasses.
Half an hour later Mapi pulled into the training grounds, helping you out of the car while Ingrid stormed ahead. As thankful that she was, that you were okay, she was pissed. You had promised her that you would be back at least by three in the morning, you had promised her that you would take care of yourself and be watchful – which you obviously had not been.
At some point during the night, you noticed that everything was a little hazier, and disoriented and you completely forgot where you were.
Your drink had been spiked.
Terrified of seeing Ingrid like this – or rather her seeing you like this, you had decided to stay there, in the hope that she would be gone once you headed home. But when your sister had seen your dilated pupils and wonky behavior, she knew that you were not ‘just’ drunk. She was so pissed that you took drugs, putting that toxic stuff into your body, that she did not even question if you wanted it.
Her angry stomping was interrupted once she ran into Keira, Lucy, and Ona who stood in the hallway chatting. “Jeez, what happened to you?” The heavy Spanish accent teased the Norwegian just enough to give an answer. “My sister happened to me.” Just at that moment, Mapi dragged you around the corner – a cap pulled deep into your face, together with sunglasses effectively hiding it.
The three footballers quickly understood the situation, huge grins on their faces, thinking you were drunk of your ass.
In the changing room, Maria dropped you in your sister’s cubby, who immediately sat down next to the blonde in hers. Upon seeing the taller woman’s facial impression most people just ignored your presence, going about their day as usual but it was Frido who approached you first. “Lille Ingrid!“
You were pulled into a tight hug, the blonde footballer having missed you – effectively ignoring the pained expression on your face. “Hi, Frido.” Kisses were pressed on your cheeks as she pulled off the sunglasses.
Both of you winced. You because of the bright light, Frido because of your wide eyes. “Hva har du gjort? Ingrid is pretty mad.“ You pushed her hands away, pulling the glasses back on, trying to hide once you saw Pina and Patri curiously looking at you. “I didn’t do anything Frido, I promise. But Inni is mad at me.” Your voice was low, just above a whisper that the Swede could understand you. With soft coos and head pats she went back to her own cubby.
The girls started to walk out the door, ready to hit the pitch. This time it was your sister who pulled you up, pushing an isotonic drink into your hands. Maria had been fine with letting you sleep in the changing room but Ingrid decided to punish you – sitting you down next to the field, in the early heat. It was unbearable to sit there – the sun burning down on you, the shrill sounds of the whistle annoying your forming headache.
It was Lucy who was sent off to take a break because of her knee, and Alexia who still struggled with her ACL, who took a seat on both sides of you.
¡Hola, nena! The captain pressed a series of soft kisses on the top of your head, pulling you into her body. While she was even warmer, she shielded your body from the sun – and she was very comforting to your upset head. “How’s your hangover?” Lucy’s teasing voice was quieter than usual, going easy on you. “Hasn’t even formed yet.” The two older women shared a look over the top of your head, knowing that did not mean anything good.
It was silent for a good couple of minutes, with everyone watching Claudia score a screamer – the two women at your side cheering.
Ana joined you after a bit, sinking in front of you effectively barricading your view of the pitch as she pulled the glasses off again. “Ai! Did you take drugs?” Her voice was shockingly loud, alarming everyone in your vicinity but especially Lucy and Alexia, as their heads snapped to you.
The Spaniard grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks as she observed your eyes – the Brit copying her shortly after. “Do you know how dangerous drugs are? You are ruining your body!” Alexia was rambling in Spanish and Ana just looked disappointed. Her blue eyes were drilling into your soul, there was something wrong and she knew it. She just didn’t know what it was.
The whole situation was uncomfortable – three women who you respected a lot talking about you, talking at you, about how bad what you did was. “I didn’t take them.”
It was finally silent, giving your buzzing head a short break.
The other girls were still on the pitch, blissfully unaware, but you could see Ingrid and Mapi eyeing your little circle. “What do you mean you didn’t take them?” Lucy was the first to find her words, but it was Ana’s pleading eyes that made you spit it out. “Someone put something in my drink. I didn’t take anything. I promise.” Alexia’s eyes teared up, hoping that she misunderstood. But upon repeating yourself the blonde understood that she heard you correctly.
You pleaded with them that they would not tell your sister or her girlfriend, and they agreed – under the condition that you would join them at team night that evening – which you agreed to.
The rest of the day was hard. Ingrid ignored you for most of it. While her teammates had begged you to let them tell her, you refused. You didn’t want your sister to worry even more than she already did. Her heavily tattooed girlfriend however made you food, something to drink and brought you to bed – in the hope that you would feel better when you woke up, or at least be sober.
Your head still hurts after waking up, a hangover having taken the place of your previous drunken state. After some food, an Advil, and a nice long shower you felt much better – dressed to impress and ready to go.
The team bonding for the night was cooking together at Alexia’s place, seeing as her kitchen was the biggest. Upon arriving Ingrid sat you down on the couch where you were quickly joined by Claudia, Patri, Jana, and Bruna, the younger ones on the team. They didn’t even question why you were at their training in the morning, just happy that you were with them again as they had last seen you for a spring vacation in Greece. It didn’t take long until you were filled in on all the newest gossip;
Jana’s girlfriend Jill is a very good partner
The girl Patri got with a couple of weeks ago became clingy, she panicked and told her she was married, which she wasn’t and a quick Google search proved that
Bruna’s brother had gotten a girl pregnant, so now they were getting married with the young brunette as a bridesmaid
Alexia and her girlfriend had broken up and it was messy
And apparently, not even Lucy, Keira, and Ona knew what was happening with them.
It was Sandra who called them over to help prepare the food but you and Claudia were sent away again, not trusted with the sharp knives, so you took your previous places on the couch. “How long are you staying with Ingrid?” The two of you fell into a comfortable chatter, the short brunette taking up her favorite place with her head in your lap as you braided her hair.
The kitchen was noisy as they made food, just a few people were scattered throughout the room. A phone started ringing - yours. The number in the display was unknown to you, so you pressed the red button.
Just a few seconds later it started to ring again – declined again.
After that Pina and you talked for a bit, your eyes falling to the phone from time to time until it rang again. Annoyed you answered with a pissed “Hello?” The silence on the other line was disturbing until you heard a creepy chuckle. “Hello?” Claudia watched the interaction as your brows furrowed, and so did the brunettes. “Don’t you remember me?”
Your heart started to beat incredibly fast and loud. Sure, you hadn’t actually fallen asleep from the drug that spiked your drink but there was still severe memory loss from the night. “I thought you liked my drink. I made it just for you.” His voice was just a whisper that reached your brain in a very uncomfortable place. “Who is this?” The chuckle was back and instead of an answer, your phone dinged – a message from the same unknown number that was talking to you.
The Spaniard on your lap watched as you took the phone away from your ear, opening the message. It was a picture of you. And it was taken at the bar from last night.
In it, you were sitting on a guy's lap but your pupils were blown large, a stare that didn’t reach anybody facing the camera, as his ankles crossed yours keeping you in place, as did the hands whose knuckles turned white as they were holding onto your wrists. “Don’t you like this picture? You were so happy when we took it.”
By now the other youngsters were back, leaning over the couch, watching you. Once Bruna understood what was happening, she ran off, just to return with the rest of the team – forget cooking.
Ingrid practically sprinted at you as she took the phone, throwing it to her girlfriend who took a screenshot of the number and yelled down the line. Your sister took your shaking form in her arms as Alexia went to help Mapi with whatever she was doing.
Once you had calmed down a silence filled the room, a silence that was waiting for you to explain. “I didn’t take any drugs last night, my drink was spiked. And apparently, some things happened that I don’t remember. I- I don’t know how he got my number, and I don’t remember doing anything with him. And, and-“
You were crying, burying your face in Ingrid's thick hair, trying to hide from the world. Frido and Caro tried to calm down your sister who was also crying while Lucy pulled you into her own arms.
The whole team was there for you – and now they knew that you hadn’t voluntarily taken drugs. They also knew what a blackout could mean, especially when the guy had your number and pictures like that.
It was Ale, the trusted captain who voiced the next step. “Let’s get you to a hospital, Nena. Get a rape kit done.” Tears were streaming down your face as Claudia and Patri tried to hand you tissue after tissue. “I’m scared.” Ingrid, who felt so incredibly guilty for treating you the way that she did, not even questioning you if you really had taken drugs, took you in her arms. “I know, baby – but you have us, you’ll never be alone again.”
And she was right, you were not alone.
Ingrid, Fridolina, and Ana accompanied you to the hospital, where you got tested. It was positive, but you were not pregnant or had syphilis but you had definitely been taken advantage of. The good news? There was a DNA sample that you could take to the police, along with the picture of you and the guy, the number you were called from, and a drug test positive for Rohypnol.
Maria, Lucy, and Alexia went into the station with you and held you as you cried when retelling what happened, but the rest of the team was waiting outside – hoping that they could find the guy who did this.
Turns out that they could.
Two weeks later you had gotten the notification that they had caught him with Rohypnol on his body and pictures of you on his phone – it was over.
The whole team of Barcelona Femení took you under their wings you spent training with them, went out on team nights with them, and went on little hangouts with some of them.
You had found a second family – away from home.
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