#leaving axa training centre
meowsalah · 8 months
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ell-alexanderarnold · 11 months
Late again
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Summary: To work at AXA training centre has its advantages when you get to work with your boyfriend, but what happens when people starts noticing what's happening behind the scenes?
Angst & Fluff
You and Trent try not to take your relationship with you to work, but sometimes it just doesn’t work. Not too many of his teammates knows you’re together, but today everyone in the building will notice. You just don’t know it yet.
“I don’t understand why you’re lying to me” Trent said, as you changed into your branded Liverpool clothes.
“Oh my days, you have some serious trust issues Trent” You answered.
“Oh and you have not?” He responded and started to get ready to leave.
“I was literally at the gym! And you know that so I don’t get why we’re having this discussion” You defended as Trent walked down the stairs and you trailed after him.
“Whatever, you can say what you want. We’re leaving” He ended and closed the door.
You tried not to break down in tears, but you were so tired of hearing Trent’s overthinking get the best of him. It’s always been like that, he’s been insecure about you meeting other guys when you’re out or at the gym.
You walked outside and got into the car, and you could see that Trent was still frustrated.
“Trent, you can trust me” You spoke up after a few minutes of silence. He hummed in response, but he was still upset.
“Trent?” You repeated and he sighed.
“Please Y/n just be quiet because everything you’re saying right now is bullshit” Trent snapped, you couldn’t believe what you just heard. You laughed at the same time as tears were escaping your eyes.
“What’s so funny?” He scoffed and you rolled your eyes.
“You’re not thinking straight, that what’s funny” You argued and Trent looked at his watch, noticing that the two of you were late to the morning meeting.
“Fuck, we’re late” He huffed and you panicked, it’s not the first time you two are late. The reason mainly is because of your fighting all the time, which is sadly becoming into a routine. You two always work out at the end of the day and you don’t know how you and Trent manage to do it. It’s not that it’s an toxic relationship between the two of you, it’s just you have two different minds with different thoughts and emotions.
Eventually you arrived and got into the building as fast as you could.
“Don’t make a mess in front of everyone” Trent said quietly, as you were walking down the corridor towards the briefing room.
“I won’t” You blustered and as you got closer to the room you could hear the players cheering “Ooooooh” and when you and Trent walked in they all laughed.
“Look at her eyes, they’ve been fighting again her and Trent” Dominik pointed out and looked at Curtis who sat next to him.
You forced a smile to all the players and went to sat down at the front of the room with all the other staff.
You were pretty sure that everyone heard you arguing in the corridor, and you tried to forget about it all. After the meeting the players went to get breakfast and you did some paperwork. As you were in the office you heard a knock at the door and the person who entered the room was Klopp. You took a deep breath and feared the worst, is he going to fire you?
“Hi Y/n, can I have a word?” He said and sat down.
“Yeah of course gaffer” You smiled and put your work aside.
“How’s Trent?” He began.
“I know you two are pretty close, just wanted to check” Klopp continued as you started to figure out what you were going to answer.
“He’s a little bit stressed, that’s all” You explained and he nodded.
“And you?” Klopp asked as you knew probably all the people in the room before saw you teary eyed.
“I’m alright, tough morning today” You responded with honesty.
“You and Mr Alexander-Arnold need to learn the clock better!” Klopp laughed and you laughed with him because it was accurate.
Trent POV
Trent couldn’t deny his guilt for treating you like he has lately. All Dominik heard from Trent the entire training session was how he felt about the fight you two had.
“I think you should apologise bro” Dominik said to Trent in the dressing room.
“I will, see you tomorrow” Trent told him and left the dressing room.
You saw Trent walking towards you and figured that it’s time to go home. You walked beside each other, you didn’t say a word to him. But your hand were entwined with his as you walked to his car. He stopped you before you entered the car and met your tired eyes.
“Y/n listen, I know like you said I’ve not been thinking straight. It’s just that I’m afraid to lose you, maybe that’s a bad excuse but it’s how I feel” Trent expressed, and it really sounded like it was coming from his heart. But if he continues to act like he does in fights, perhaps he’ll lose you in the end.
You gave kissed his lips, as he wrapped his arms around you.
“I’m sorry, I love you so” He said and nuzzled his head into your neck.
“It’s okay T” You comforted and rubbed his back.
“Trent, I think there’s someone watching us” You whispered and Trent lifted his head up to see that it was Dominik smiling at the both of you.
“Get a room!” Dominik said and you both laughed.
Thanks for reading! 💕
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cssiop · 2 years
SILENT TREATMENT... trent alexander-arnold
trent tries to redeem his girlfriend's voice, nirvana, with some flowers.
trent alexander-arnold x fem!oc word count: 1.7k
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IT WAS NOT OFTEN that nirvana was angry with trent. she wasn't especially a grudge-holder or someone who took her boyfriend's mood swings and turned them against him afterwards. however, yesterday things had gone far. further than usual, and far too far for nirvana to forget overnight.
the premier league season had started early yesterday afternoon for the reds and it hadn't gone as well as they'd hoped. a win was what they were aiming for, a draw was what they got. so inevitably, when he had returned from london last night, trent had not been in the best of spirits. unfortunately, instead of talking about it or seeking comfort from his girlfriend, he had shut down and taken out his anger on nirvana — who was only trying to make him feel better.
of course, the player immediately regretted it, it was not in his habit to let his emotions get the better of him. but too late, the girl was already hurt. trent was only allowed her back as a landscape at bedtime, no hugs or kisses were exchanged — much to his dismay. he knew that tomorrow, it would be no easy task to make amends.
so, he got up early that morning —earlier than she did because the defender had a practice anyway— to go and buy her some croissants from her favourite bakery. trent knew it wasn't going to magically make his words from the night before disappear, but he hoped they would at least draw a smile on her face at breakfast.
an hour had passed and still no sign of nirvana in the kitchen. trent huffed and puffed, resigned to the fact that she wouldn't be coming down to join him —she'd been avoiding him since their fight yesterday. unable to wait for her any longer as his football duties called him, he took the time to write her a note to go with the croissants.
"these are for you i love you x"
once the piece of paper was placed next to the bag that came with the pastries, trent grabbed his car keys and bag before heading to the axa training centre, his girlfriend still in mind.
in fact, she did not leave it. no matter what conversation he was having with his teammates, what he was doing in warm-up or practice, she was all he could think about. he blew out a long breath; being in love was surely the best feeling in the world, except when it became painful —although that was his fault.
on the way home, trent stopped at a flower shop to buy nirvana's favourite flowers, it was often this attention that made her break down in an argument, he hoped it would work today too. after much hesitation, his choice fell on the largest bouquet of roses in the shop. when he had trouble carrying it from the seat of his car to his house because it obscured his view, trent thought to himself, it's amazing what you do for someone you love.
"nirvana? i'm home," the defender exclaimed as he walked through the front door, still carrying his bulky bouquet, but he got no response.
in the kitchen, he noticed the crumbs of the croissants and the empty bag, meaning that they had been eaten. but what he noticed most of all was his little note on the floor, as if his girlfriend had wanted to give him a subtle message.
sighing again, he placed the flowers on the work surface before picking up the piece of paper and throwing it in the bin —she had seen it, that was already something.
"nirv'?" called trent again, but he only spoke in a vacuum, especially when he heard the shower turn on and the water begins to flow.
silence enveloped the living room and he sat on the couch, thinking about what he would say to her when she finally came downstairs, occasionally checking the time because the minutes were feeling long without her presence. when the trickle of water finally stopped, trent told himself that it was almost time and he found himself impatient. he wanted to apologize to her but the girl hadn't given him the chance yet today.
and then finally, the stairs began to creak, indicating that she would be there in less than a few seconds. a towel was wrapped around her still-damp hair while she was wearing simple jeans and a t-shirt. a stray lock of hair had escaped from the towel and a few drops that she didn't wipe off well were consequently running down her neck. once in the living room, she didn't look at him or the bouquet she passed by as if it didn't exist.
he was quick to get up and join her in the kitchen, settling down silently on a high chair lying around. she was taking out utensils and ingredients of all kinds, and trent guessed that she was preparing lunch, but only for her. indeed, only one plate was out, and as usual, since yesterday, she had her back to him.
"were the croissants good?" he tried to approach her a little awkwardly, but only got silence in response. that is when he realized that she was really hurt. "i... bought you flowers, the woman in the shop told me you'd like these," he tried again to get a reaction from her but she was like a wall, unperturbed.
she was quietly cracking two eggs on the rim of a bowl, acting as if she was alone, as if there wasn't her boyfriend behind her struggling like an idiot to redeem himself. trent then realised that it was time for an apology.
"i'm really sorry about yesterday, i shouldn't have talked to you like that and pushed you away when you were just trying to make me feel better. it was stupid of me, really, and i'm sorry," he breathed out as she continued her little game, still ignoring him. "nirv'? are you going to talk or?" he was confused.
this was the first time she had ever acted this way. after an argument, usually, she would tell him what she hadn't liked, what had hurt her, and then trent would apologize and everything would be back on track. the silent treatment was brand new, and it confused his brain immensely because he had never learned how to make amends for a situation like this.
once her plate was ready, nirvana took care to lick the dripping sauce off her fingers one by one in front of him, making trent roll his eyes. not only did she not speak to him, but she also played with him —it was definitely not his day. then, she deserted the kitchen to go and slump down on the sofa a few meters away, leaving the defender alone like an idiot who lowered his head in defeat. but since he didn't give up so easily, he joined her on the sofa, ready to make her talk.
"i got to admit that i don't know what to do here. if you don't talk t—" he couldn't finish his sentence because she had already turned on the television and the volume up to the maximum so that she wouldn't hear him. trent grunted in displeasure before reaching over her body to grab the remote control to turn it back off.
like a child, a pout was present on trent's lips as he rested his chin on the shoulder of the woman to his left, "please talk to me, i'm sorry nirvana, you know i didn't mean to upset you last night," the girl waddled a little in an attempt to get the player to move, but he remained steadfast.
it was then that he began to place several wet kisses on his girlfriend's neck, interspersed with "please" and "i love you", hoping that these words would break down her barriers. although her face remained impassive, trent could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end from the shivers that his kisses were causing. a small smile broke over his lips as he rested his chin on her shoulder, his eyes raised to the girl's face.
"please talk to me. i want to settle this fight but if you don't talk to me we won't be able to. i really hate it when you do that," he whined before placing another kiss, this time behind her ear.
this kiss was surely the right one because it managed to do something the others had not; provoke a smirk on his girlfriend's lips, widening his own smile. he was not far from his goal now.
"that's the whole point trent," nirvana replied simply, and the defender felt joy wash over him as the sound of her soft voice finally reached his ears.
she finally looked down at trent, who was also looking at her, a silly little smile on his face. despite herself, nirvana felt her barriers drop and a bigger smirk comes to her lips.
"i love you, and i'm sorry about what i said yesterday. i promise to never do it again," he whispered in the hollow of her ear and she felt her barriers drop completely.
"promise?" the girl offered her pinky finger which trent caught with his, laughing loudly.
"i promise," he reaffirmed so that she would understand that he was serious about what he was saying and nirvana then let her body sink a little more into the sofa before she laid her head on the defender's.
"i love you too trent, but just know that the next time i offer you comfort you have to accept it because i'm your girlfriend and i'm here to support you, okay?" she said quietly with her eyes closed as she enjoyed this moment with the player who responded affirmatively to her words.
after a few seconds, she finally lifted her head and turned it towards the bouquet still sitting on the kitchen counter, "thank you for the flowers, they're beautiful."
trent followed nirvana's gaze before resting it on her again as a tender smile played on his lips, "anytime sweetheart."
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hrblusky · 7 months
Support for Mental Health in the UAE is Growing 
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The UAE has been working for years to promote the development of mental health services for the community. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted this need even more. And in the latest development, changes to UAE personal law have placed suicide and help from support groups back in the spotlight. Those who attempt suicide but survive will have counselling and psychological support, rather than face prosecution. 
A recent study led by the World Health Organization showed that depression and anxiety cost the global economy US$ 1 trillion each year in lost productivity. 
The problem is often exacerbated in the UAE as so many expatriates come from close-knit communities back home and face stress from living away from this support structure. Being away from home provides benefits from living in a multi-cultural environment but also brings stress related to issues such as finance, work overload, health, loneliness, and family relationships. 
Research shows that stressed employees are more likely to: 
Leave the company 
Take sick days 
Have a workplace accident 
Have a weak emotional connection to the workplace 
Obtaining a budget is rarely easy, but organizations need to look at the return on investment of a healthy, happy, and engaged employee who is more focused and productive. 
Despite challenges, many companies now offer mental health support for employees as awareness and recognition of the problem grows in the UAE. 
One solution is to outsource mental health support by engaging with a third-party health administrator and setting up a hotline especially for employees in stressful situations, such as the loss of a loved one, to help them deal with issues as they arise. 
There are several providers of such schemes in the UAE including: 
ICAS International (part of the AXA Insurance group) 
American Wellness Centre 
Thrive Wellbeing Centre 
Lighthouse Arabia 
At a cost of approximately Dh120-Dh160 per year, per person, employees can access personal support hotlines, online health portals, and other services that extend to employees’ families. Often access is provided to professional counselling psychologists, legal financial experts, coaches and nutritionists. 
For organizations who can afford an in-house provision, an employee welfare programmer (EAP) may be the answer. 
Typically, an EAP might include any of these services: 
Clinical or counselling psychologist assessment 
Face-to-face intervention counselling 
Health information 
Managerial/occupational health referral 
On-site training, briefings, and workshops 
Planned telephone counselling 
The UAE Government has also set up centrally funded services, including a mental health helpline manned by over 30 specialists made up of counsellors, psychologists, and psychiatrists. Run by the UAE National Programmer for Happiness and Wellbeing (NPHW), in collaboration with the Ministry of Community Development, it was established to help people cope with stress, fear and anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic. Services include: 
Leaves Dubai, for women going through difficulties in marriage or divorce 
Mental Health UAE, an online directory and support network 
Safe Space, a free community including mental health support through events and other activities 
If you see the value in taking care of your employees and want support in managing medical benefits or outsourcing your employee services, why not look at HRBluSky, our UAE based HRMS offering cost-effective and customizable solutions to support your business. 
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trentlife · 2 years
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Summary: you go into labour with yours and Trent's baby and everyone wonders where he is when he is missing from the lineup
Warnings: fluff & mentions of pregnancy
Early on Tuesday morning you woke up to trent getting ready for training for the match later on in the day against Watford. You woke up and seen him doing his hair in the bathroom when he gave you the biggest smile "good morning" he said, coming over to you giving you the biggest hug and a kiss, and also your little girl inside of you. "I'll see you later babe" trent spoke giving you a kiss goodbye, "see you later love you" you replied.
You decided to get up and feel more fresh, so you decided to get a nice warm shower and get a comfy little light grey dress on which you could move in so easily. You done your makeup quite natural as you wasn't planning on going out. You took a quick selfie for you Instagram showing off your bump and everyone was living for it.
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you went downstairs to go and give the dogs there breakfast and give them morning cuddles, the dogs loved you so much trent gets jealous. After giving the dogs some breakfast you made yourself some, you where only in the mood for some cereal and a cup of tea. You made your way over to the island and ate your breakfast while scrolling through Instagram until you'd finished. You washed the dishes before deciding to go into the living room to watch love island, until you couldn't.
You heard a loud splash on the floor and looked down and realised your waters had broken and you starting getting bad contractions. There was no one in the house apart from Trent's brother marcell, so you screamed him to wake him up, you had to shout him about 3 times until you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Wha-, OMG, I need to ring my mum quick!!!" Marcell quickly phoned dianne but there was no answer, and your parents where on vacation so there would be no point in ringing them, so the other option was to just call Trent even though he was in training. Marcell had to ring him about 5 times but there was no answer, so the other option was to literally call the AXA training centres number until he got through asking for Trent urgently, "hello?" Trent spoke, "TRENT COME HOME QUICK! Y/N IS BASICALLY IN LABOR!" Marcell shouted because he didn't know what to do, "SHIT, I'm coming right now" trent said back.
Trent had to run outside and obviously tell klopp what was going on and of course klopp totally understood the situation all of the lads looked so confused on what was going on with you but he didn't have time to tell them so klopp told them all and robbo shouted "YES MY BOY YOU GUYS HAVE GOT THIS". Trent quickly got into the car and drove as quickly as he could to get back to the house to see you. He pulled up in the drive and didn't even bother to lock the car or the gates and opened the door to see you sitting down on the floor breathing heavily with marcell standing next to you. Trent quickly ran to you and placed him self near where your legs where and held them asking how you where feeling.
"We need to go now t" you said, breathing heavily. Trent got the hospital bags while you put your sliders on and as you where leaving to go out the door marcell gave you a hug and kiss on the head and said " I cant wait to meet my niece! " you looked back and gave him a smile. You made your way to the car but as it was quite high up for you now especially with the bump Trent has to help you with the family cars. As you both buckled up trent leaned over and gave you a kiss saying "we've got this" and rubbed your thigh. As you left the gates you got a really sharp contraction, they where getting worse. Another one. And another, Trent jumped when you had one because it scared him and you both burst out laughing.
You got to the hospital and checked in and everything when the midwife lead you to your room you will be staying for a couple of nights. You both made yourself at home and you got into some comfortable pyjamas. Trent was getting comfortable to watch the match against Watford. When he seen the team line up and everyone in the comments asking where he was.
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liked by perrieedwards and 213,385 others
liverpoolfc How the Reds line-up to face Watford 👊🔴 #LIVWAT
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user1 TRENT?
user2 where is Trent
user3 is Trent ok
user4 Trent???
Trent had to leave the room for a couple of minutes while you got given the epidural to make it so much easier for you. A few minutes later he came back into the room just as the midwife had told you where 7cm dilated, then 8, then 9, then finally 10 when you could finally try and have the baby.
"PUSHHHHH" the midwife said as you where seconds away from meeting your princess. She was finally here. 2.4.22. The midwife placed her gently into your arms while you where sobbing your eyes out with Trent filling up beside you. "She's like her dad already" you said, while everyone started laughing. Trent leaned over to give you a kiss on the head whispering " you did it" , you looked up to him giving him the biggest smile. Your birth didn't go as easy as you thought being so overdue which meant a lot more pain, but it was worth it.
5 days later, after spending some time together just the three of you, you both decided it was time to share her to the world.
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liked by judebellingham and 8,386,130 others
trentarnold66 Mila Alexander Arnold ❤️ 2.4.22✨
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user1 Omg😭🥺
andyrobertson94 ❤️
user2 🫶🏼
jesselingard congrats brother ❤️
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liked by saffiekhan and 2,486,867 others
Y/Instagram/n Welcome to the world baby, 2.4.22♥️
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saffiekhan Can't wait to meet her🥺
perrieedwards Wowww😭she's my best friend already!!! Proud of you sis🫶🏼
jhenderson ❤️
User1 Congrats xx
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liked by virgilvandijk and 4,284,828 others
trentarnold66 ♥️
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judebellingham Hope the baby and mum are okay❤️
virgilvandijk what it's all about 😍❤️
andyrobertson94 🥰❤️
jhenderson ❤️❤️❤️
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liked by trentarnold66 and 3,486,124 others
y/Instagram/n Mila Alexander Arnold 🫶🏼
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trentarnold66 Love you❤️
perrieedwards On our way right now
We can't wait to see you both my people
Ngl I thought this was such a cute request ❤️
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lfc21 · 3 years
Well I wasn't expecting that
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You hadn't been on a date for around a year since your last boyfriend you just couldn't think of a reason on why to try again. Boys had never been your strong point, you could sit and talk about them for hours to your friends but when it came face to face there was no way which was why your ex boyfriend came about in a quite nice way. He was an old friend from school who had found your socials and decided to catch up with you, things progressed over a matter of weeks and the next thing you knew you where constantly wanting to see him no matter what. Until one day, you came home from a weekend away with the girls to see him carrying on with another woman, you didn't say anything you just left.
You have always had your best boy mate he was everything to you, a therapist, a cook, a travel guide when in Greece, a comedian, ok yes a secret crush aswell but that dosent need to be mentioned. You and kostas tsimikas had been friends for years you spent most days together for as long as possible, until the world came crashing down just soon after you and your boyfriend split. Kostas came to you asking for advice with a nice girl he had been dating, the world fell, it fell straight on you making you feel so tiny and small infront of the one person who made you feel like the world. It was bad, so bad, all your best friend wanted was dating advice yet you couldn't go through with it, all that mattered to you was that you had been batteling an underlying crush on your best friend, a crush you hadn't realised until a heartbreak. A crush you couldn't have because now he was taken away.
"Hey everyone" you said walking out into the open garden with all your family and friends for a nice summer bbq, most of the liverpool team where there as you had become very close with them all after setting a job role at the AXA training centre a few years back. Luckily being close with the boys hadn't been hard as you had already become friends with the boys girlfriends who you couldn't speak higher off.
"Hey girl" Katie, jordan hendersons girlfriend shouted over to you waving with a beaming smile. No one knew whether you would turn up as everyone knew that kostas and his girlfriend where going to be there.
"Come over!" Katie spoke up to you as you quickly gave virgil a hug as he kissed your forehead like he always would.
"Yeah what's up" you replied as you walked over to her looking at you sympatheticly.
"You do know he's going to be here with his girlfriend" she whispered looking around incase everyone heard. You knew she was going to say it but you really didn't need reminding off it you had just come to terms with it yourself you where so close to not coming today at all.
"Yeah yeah I know pretty shit but what can you do" you said with a laugh trying to cover up the fact you where really hurting inside. Katie quickly stud up with a smile rubbing the side of your arm for comfort until leaving to grab a well needed and very strong drink. You quietly say down next to thiago and spoke to him about everything but not his greek best friend, hard but manageable. Thiago had grown fondly of you as he secretly knew kostas's small yet very big crush on you even though kostas would always deny it as would you whenever he asked.
"Hey guys!" You heard from the inside of the house coming outside. You could hear it, that greek accent running through his words, you couldn't help but melt a slight bit inside.
"Hey" you heard in unison from everyone but you, you couldn't say anything, you where in a world of silence as you saw the sight of his new girlfriend. There she was. Tall, dark hair, bright blue eyes, skinny, beautiful in every way, she was literally made from angels. Great just fucking great you thought. Thiago nudged your leg with his as he knew you where in a world of your own.
"Hmm what?" You said turning your head to him as he looked at you wondering what it was that had you so upset.
"Nothing love you just seemed sad that's all" he replied with a soft smile knowing that you werent going to tell him right there.
"Oh no im all good, I'm just going to erm get a drink I think" you quickly said rushing off your chair and sneaking past the large group of everyone wanting to get to know his new girlfriend.
"Oh y/n you wouldn't mind getting me a drink would you?" You heard as you walked past him, you knew he was going to try and find a way to speak to you, it was in his nature he wanted you but he didn't want you to know. His whole problem was he couldn't admit anything that would effect yours and his relationship. He wa scared, and damn right he should be, he wished he could one day take you into a world where he didn't have to tell you how he felt where you just knew but he didn't think you liked him back, but little did he know it was the same problem for you.
"Oh ye-yeah sure" you said quickly looking up at him. His eyes looking down on you full of love and comfort making you forget everything in the world.
"Oh babe I need a drink too" his girlfriend churped up behind him causing you to want to drag her hair out and make her get her on bloody drink.
"Oh no problem love, y/n you wouldn't mind would you?" Kostas said to you with a soft smile, you couldn't quite believe it, the girl hadn't even introduced herself to you and she was already barking out orders. What a bitch.
"No of course I wouldnt mind! I'll just lay down a gold bed for you and get you food made by angels shall I" you said mumbling the last past which kostas head causing him to look at you with his eyes bursting open.
"What" you said innocently to him as you had a cheeky smile on your face as you knew you hit a nerve. He couldn't reply, you didn't know why but what ever it was it was getting to him clearly.
As the night was in full swing you had started to forget the girl sat infront of you practically eating the face of your best friend, well ex best friend.
"So y/n what do you for a career then?" Kostas's girlfriend said twirling her long curly hair through her fingers. She knew what she was doing. Kostas had told her about you saying how amazing you where and how you where his best friend but the fact you hadn't been near him at all for the whole night she started to see clearly what sort of best friend you where.
"Well I'm a physiotherapist at Liverpool, its actually how I met everyone to be honest" you politely said not wanting to rise to her clearly rude intentions.
"Oh isn't that just lovely, so what do you all day then stand there and try and flirt with everyone" she said with a laugh causing everyone to look over. Your eyes snapped at her not believing the words that had just fallen out of her mouth.
"Ex scuse me?" You said sitting yourself up and crossing your arms. You knew she was going to be rude, but a bitch well you weren't expecting that one.
"You clearly do that babe cause why else would you want to be best friends with my kos" the girl replied to you with a smile you wanted to slap across her face.
"For your information I dont do that at all, I happen to do my job like any normal person would. And for kostas he's my best friend because I trust him and we get along not because I had flirted with him!" You said standing up and scraping your garden chair back whilst you grabbed your bag and phone ready to leave.
"Oh please you know you just wanna get in his pants, you can't wait for me to leave" she said staring at kostas next to her whilst running her hands through his hair clearly wanting to make you jealous.
"Do you know what your right I cant wait for you to leave not because I want to get in his pants but to tell him that I was going to tell him I loved him the day I found out about you too but I was to fucking late! So there you go! Was that what you wanted? Your not the only one that has fallen in love with him, but your the only one that can act on it" you spat out what walking towards the garden back gate to leave. Virgil walked after you catching your hand is his.
"Your going to be ok you know" he said with a smile wanting to reassure you that everything was going to be ok.
"Thank you virg" you said looking up at the tall man, he had always been there for you maybe it was because your the reason he's back playing his best again after his injury but whatever it is he was someone you would be forever grateful for.
"Just fuck off!" You heard being screamed in a Greek accent, you and virgil snapped your heads towards the garden table next to the BBQ where everyone was gathered.
"Seriously go I've told you to leave politely! You can't argue with me for your wrong doings anymore! This isn't going to work where over!!" He continued at the girl who stud there like a brat.
"Fine then I didnt bloody like you anyway" she shouted back walking towards the front door and letting herself out. Kostas ran his hands through his hair with a huff. You looked at him he was exhausted, exhausted from being this fake boyfriend to a girl he never truly liked. You walked over not realising where your feet was taking you. The most you walked the more you wanted to kiss him. And you did. Your lips came crashing into his, he hesitated slightly as he couldn't believe what was happening. His hand came to the side of your neck as he came more into the kiss.
"Erm kostas lad your bird just came flying out the front door in a bit of a mo-OMG!" thiago said as he looked up from his phone from the door. You both snapped your heads towards him with a laugh, out of everyone to ruin a lovely moment it had to be him.
"Oh for fuck sake man" kostas said with a laugh as thiago had the happiest smile on his face. All the lads ran over to kostas jumping on him like they had just won a match, you never realised how much everyone wanted you both to get this close. The girls came running to you with the biggest smiles, screaming like little animals.
"Omg omg omg!!" Perrie said holding your hands admiring how happy you where due to the most amazing kiss.
"Come on lad"
"You have!"
"Tsimi if you don't I will" all the lads said causing you girls to look over at the large group of boys looking over at you. Kostas walked forward with a huge smile on his face as he took your hand in his.
"Will you be my girlfriend y/n" he smuggly said with a huge smile on his face as he admired your beeming face.
"Yes of course I will!" You shouted wrapping your arms around his neck as he spun your around. It was perfect. It was almost like a movie, you couldn't believe you where kostas tsmikas's girlfriend!
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