#led light wall in Melbourne
luckytastemakerpaper · 11 months
0 notes
nordschleifes · 5 months
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the prophecy
➝ jenson didn't want money, just someone who wanted his company. is that too much to ask for?
➝ word count: 4k
➝ warnings: mentions of death, alcohol, and a particular bad time for jenson
➝ author's note: well, the last two weeks have been horrible, i completely doubted my ability as a writer and my health decided to abandon me in every way. i still don't feel very good and i really think i should give up everything, but ally won't let me, so here we have another one-shot that i had shelved out of frustration with myself. enjoy!
Driving down that street was bittersweet.
The night was beautiful. The sky was spectacularly clear and the silver light of the moon illuminated the gentle waves of the Mediterranean. The pleasant breeze disguised the heat that had been on the French Riviera all day.
However, you weren't looking at the goosebumps in your arms or the stars twinkling in the sky. Your eyes were fixed on the large butter-colored house that stood discreetly among the shady trees just to his left.
As you stopped the MINI you had rented at Nice airport, you allowed yourself to roll down the window and contemplate those familiar walls.
It felt like an eternity since you had last been there, walking up the stone steps, the gray mixed with red. You closed your eyes, trying not to pay attention to your stomach, which churned at the memory. However, it was something you couldn't help.
After all, that had been your last sight of John Button.
You clearly remembered the day you had met him. Wearing a white shirt and with red cheeks from the heat in Melbourne, he approached you and your boss, Richard, with a wide smile. After some typically English jokes about the intense sun, he invited the two of you to join him at the table where he was sitting with his daughter-in-law, Jessica, and son, Jenson.
It was with that moment in mind that you noticed something strange in the house.
With the swaying of the tree branches that covered the facade, you could see that the front of the residence was illuminated, as if there was a light on. In addition to being sure that no one was in the house, you were almost certain that you hadn't left any lights on the last time you were there.
“Someone broke in”, you thought, rummaging through your bag for your house keys.
After typing a message to Jenson, stating that you had seen something strange at John's house and that you would check out what was going on, you made your way to the main gate, finding it ajar.
— My God — you murmured, as you followed the path in silence. With wide eyes, you were trying to make out the sharp sound that mixed with the rustling of leaves and the waves of the sea when a particular loud noise made you jump.
Taking your phone from your pocket, you rolled your eyes when you read the name on the caller ID. “Bad timing”, you thought, as you dragged your finger across the screen and brought the device to your ear.
— Now I can't, Jenson, I'm here at John's house…
However, instead of a humorous comment or an ironic question, you heard a loud sob.
— Y/N — Jenson murmured, taking a sniff.
— Are you crying?
— I'm here, Y/N.
— Here? Jenson, where are you?
— Here — he stammered, before crying again, this time louder.
So loud that you realized what he was talking about.
Walking a few more meters, you saw the staircase that led to the front door of the house, as well as a man sitting on the steps, accompanied by a half-empty bottle of whiskey and his face wet with tears, leaning against the wall next to him.
— Jenson! — you exclaimed, hanging up your phone and running towards him. Climbing the steps two at a time, you approached the driver practically out of breath, your heart almost coming out of your mouth — Jenson, are you okay? What happened? What are you doing here?
He looked at you with a blank stare.
— Y/N…
— Jenson, tell me, what are you doing here?
— I want my father — the driver replied softly, the words dragging on his tongue. Holding his face, you noticed more tears falling from his eyes — Where is my father?
— Jense — you murmured, before pulling him towards you for a hug. With his head buried in the crook of your neck, he cried loudly, his gasps making his entire body shake and your eyes filling with tears. You allowed them to fall from your eyes as you blinked a little harder, tightening your arms around him.
— He wasn't supposed to come alone — he stammered against his shoulder, before looking up and sniffling — He couldn't, he shouldn't…
— I know, Jense, I know — you replied, running your hand over his face to dry the tears.
— He died alone, Y/N — Jenson murmured — He died without anyone by his side. My father died alone, without anyone…
You pressed your lips together, feeling more tears streaming down your face. It was ironic and particularly sad, considering how loved John was by everyone around him. Dying like that, in the open and completely alone, was something you didn't wish on anyone.
— I don't want to be alone — he continued, rubbing his nose — I don't want to be alone, I don't, I don't…
— You won't be alone — you said, trying to calm him down, as the driver reached for the bottle of whiskey, taking a large gulp before you could protest or stop him.
— I will, Y/N — he replied, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand — I will, I know I will...
— No, you won't — you said, as Jenson brought the bottle to your mouth, only for you to abruptly remove it from his hand — And you're going to stop with that whiskey now.
He tried to retrieve the bottle, but you tipped it over the steps, spilling the rest of the contents onto the stone.
— No — the driver protested, as the amber liquid ran down the steps.
— Yes — you returned — You can't keep drinking, Jense.
— I can…
— No, you can't and you won't — you said, your tone somewhat harsh, almost like a mother scolding a naughty child — I'm not going to watch you drink yourself into an alcoholic coma with my arms crossed. Now get up.
He looked at you with an expression that mixed confusion and sadness.
— Y/N — he stammered.
— Come on, Jense — you said, giving your hand to help him get up.
The task of taking the driver into the house was not simple. Far beyond the darkness of the rooms, courtesy of the curtains that covered the large windows that faced the sea, Jenson seemed determined not to cooperate with your efforts to take him to the main suite to take a shower.
After some struggle to drag him up the marble stairs to the second floor and tripping over a painting that was leaning against the wall as he slurred about how much his father liked that place, you managed to make it to the spacious bathroom. of the room that had once been John's. Asking Jenson to lean on the white stone sink, you allowed yourself a few seconds to breathe before continuing on your mission to save the driver from the worst hangover of his life.
— You can take off your clothes — you said, seriously.
— For what? — he asked, frowning.
— So you can take a shower. You reek of sweat and cheap whiskey.
Your observation made him take a step forward, losing his balance and placing both hands on your shoulders.
— It’s not cheap whiskey, it’s a very good brand…
— Which you probably bought for five euros in some dodgy liquor store in Monaco, right? — you asked, as you took your hands to the white shirt he was wearing and started to undo the buttons, revealing his chest.
— But it was a good whiskey, you could have tried it — Jenson murmured — But you threw it all away...
— It was either throw it away or let you keep drinking it until dawn.
— That was my plan.
Your hands stopped at the last button of his shirt, your lips pursed as you lifted your face to look at the driver. The seconds of silence that stretched inside the bathroom made your heart sink. After swallowing hard, you asked him to take off his shirt, which he did without saying a word.
Next, you moved on to his belt, unbuckling it and undoing the button on his pants.
— What are you doing?
— Taking off your pants.
— For what? — Jenson asked in a naive tone.
— So you can get in the shower — you replied, bending down slightly to slide his jeans down his legs, leaving him in just his underwear — Come in.
— And the underwear?
You felt your face heat up.
— I definitely don't need to see your dick today, Jenson. Now go to the shower.
Balancing himself with his hand on your shoulder, he carefully entered the bathtub, sitting on the edge. Watching you turn on the shower, he hissed as he felt the cold water splash onto his legs. However, that didn't stop you from placing your hand on the driver's tattooed shoulder to encourage him to get wet.
— No, Y/N — he grumbled — It's too cold.
— The cold water will help you…
— I don't want help.
— Come on, please — you said, bringing your face closer to his — You'll feel better after the shower...
Turning his head to you, his gaze seemed empty.
— I'm not going to get better, Y/N — he said in a low voice — This is me now, this depressed and pathetic thing that no one wants around...
Something about those words made you adjust your posture, irritation rising up your neck in a hot wave.
— Get in the shower, Button — you said, harshly, pushing his shoulder.
Silently, he stood up and placed himself under the cold spray, letting out a loud grunt. After searching the cupboards and only finding some soap forgotten in the corner, you returned to the shower to clean Jenson's skin and hair. “It’s going to look terrible without conditioner”, you thought to yourself, as your fingers rubbed his scalp. After rinsing off the soap that was on his skin and hair, you turned off the shower and wrapped him in a towel.
— Can you dry yourself? — you asked, earning a positive nod from him — Okay, then I'll make the bed.
Leaving the driver to dry off, you went to the bedroom, testing the lamps that flanked the bed, which looked somewhat imperious with its canopy, and condemning yourself for having forgotten that there was no power in the house. The furniture was old style, however, contrary to what you would expect in a lived-in place, the cupboards, shelves and desk were empty. You knew that this was the result of a day's work by Jenson and his sisters with the intention of keeping their father's memories.
Removing the sheet, you felt relief fill your chest when you discovered that there were still pillows and a blanket on the bed. You had just thrown the dusty fabric in one of the corners of the room when Jenson appeared in the bathroom door, completely naked. Staggering, he dropped face down on the bed without any ceremony.
— Jense, I was finishing…
— No need — he murmured, his face against the pillow.
Pursing your lips, you dropped the blanket onto the mattress, making a conscious effort not to look at his butt.
— Okay, so — you stuttered, while the pilot fidgeted, turning his head towards you — I'm going to see if there's another blanket for me to take to the couch downstairs...
— Why?
— Because I'm not going to leave you alone here.
— So stay.
You gave a small smile.
— I'll stay, Jense, but downstairs.
— Stay here — he stammered, stretching a hand across the bed.
— Here?
A positive grunt was the only response you got, heavy breathing indicating he had fallen asleep. Facing his calm expression, you didn't have the courage to deny his request, especially at that moment. Settling down on the mattress, you felt Jenson shift next to you, grunting in reaction to your movement. Then, he placed an arm over your stomach, as if he was trying to hug you or just make sure you stayed there.
And you stayed.
The sun was rising over the horizon and entering the room through the window without any ceremony when you woke up. A little confused, you rubbed your eyes, focusing again on the ceiling, realizing that the checkered pattern was from the fabric covering the canopy and not an eccentric painting choice by John. The memory of the man made you look to the side, finding Jenson still lying down, sleeping soundly, a string of drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.
The scene made you give a restrained smile. The habit of drooling was something you had already used to upset Jenson, who claimed that it was a lie and that he had never drooled in his life. However, his denial didn't make you stop your jokes.
Rubbing your eyes, you stood up carefully, making your way to the stairs slowly, evaluating the way the sun entered the rooms and illuminated the spaces.
“No wonder John loved this place”, you thought to yourself, as you passed through the dining room towards the kitchen.
As you expected, there was nothing in the cupboards or refrigerator, something that seemed obvious considering the house had been empty for six months. However, at the same time as you could feel your stomach growl, you didn't feel comfortable with the idea of leaving Jenson there, especially after what he had said to you during the cold bath you had given him.
Jenson had mentioned that he was afraid of being alone and that he didn't want that for his own life. However, inside the bathroom, the driver said that no one wanted him around because he was sad, going so far as to say that he was pathetic for that. As you approached one of the windows, you pursed your lips tightly as you remembered the way he had said those words, as well as the pain that permeated them.
At that moment, you didn't know what to say to him, limiting yourself to putting him under the cold spray of the shower. However, the answer didn't come with a night's sleep, much less with a walk around the house or long minutes of contemplation of the Mediterranean that stretched blue and infinite between the trees. You knew it shouldn't be so difficult, that you could limit yourself to a few words of comfort and a hug, but it didn't seem like much.
— Good morning — you heard someone say behind you. When you turned around, you found Jenson standing in the middle of the room, his hair completely messed up as he rubbed his eyes.
— Good morning, Jense. Did you remember that underwear exists? — you gave a little smile. Looking down, the driver assessed his own underwear for a few seconds before looking back at you.
— I thought I should redeem myself after what happened yesterday. In fact, I apologize for — he hesitated for a few seconds — Everything.
— I appreciate your intention, but you don't need to apologize for yesterday.
— But I…
— It's alright. These are things that friends do.
A smile appeared on Jenson's face, but something told you he wasn't entirely sincere.
— Have you done this for other friends of yours?
— To some. You're not the only one I know who likes to drink, Jense.
— Lucky them to have you — he said, running a hand through his hair — And me too.
— Yeah, lucky you too.
The silence lasted for a few seconds until Jenson let out a sigh.
— Is there anything to eat in this house?
— I didn't find anything.
— I think Natasha cleaned the kitchen that day — he murmured, placing his hands on his hips — Do you want to go for coffee?
— In your house?
— Yeah, I guess — Jenson replied, with a little smile — I'm going to get dressed and we go, okay?
— Okay — you said, crossing your arms as he turned around and headed for the stairs.
You headed to Monaco in your rented MINI, navigating the tight, winding streets at a leisurely pace. This was clearly not something Jenson was used to, considering he was shaking his leg non-stop. However, you preferred to remain silent, trying not to get lost in the tiny entrances spread across the city.
You finally spoke up as you parked in front of the building, a white structure neatly placed against the hill that squeezed the city against the sea.
— We’re here — you smiled.
— Yes, we're here — Jenson murmured, without much excitement.
— Let's go up?
He hesitated for a few seconds.
— I don't know if it's a good idea.
You raised an eyebrow.
— Jense, you live there.
— But I don't know if I can...
— Why couldn't you go up to your apartment?
Passing a hand over his face, he merely muttered a swear word before exiting the car with heavy steps. You followed him in silence, particularly confused. Greeting the doorman, you walked down the hall to the elevator, which opened its doors promptly. Inside the metal cubicle, you could see the tension in the way Jenson clenched his jaw.
Tension that dissipated when he opened the apartment door and found that the place was empty.
— Thank God — he murmured, running his fingers through his hair.
— For what? — you questioned him.
— What?
— Thank God for what, Jense? — you repeated, seriously — What happened? Does it have something to do with what happened yesterday?
— Y/N…
— I know this is a complicated time, but I need you to trust me. You know I'm here to help you, it's always been like this, Jense.
— I know…
— So tell me. Tell me what happened and I will help you.
Jenson walked to the sofa, laying down between the pillows with oriental prints.
— It's complicated, Y/N...
— How complicated?
— Complicated in the sense that you can't fix it — Jenson replied, looking impatient — In fact, I don't even think I can do that...
— Tell me, for fuck’s sake! — you shouted, irritated by that damn suspense he was making.
— Jessica broke up with me! — he returned in a scream that seemed to carry all his anger and sadness — And before you ask, it wasn't friendly or anything like that.
You stared at Jenson for long seconds, carefully thinking about your next words. Something told you to try to talk to him to better understand the situation, perhaps even to orchestrate a reconciliation, however, you remembered something he had said the night before.
— Was she the one who said you were pathetic? That no one wants you around?
The question hit him in a sensitive spot, his blue eyes filling with tears. Upon seeing that reaction from the driver, you didn't hesitate to put yourself in the space between his legs and hug him tightly, his head against your stomach. Jessica had said that to him and, in a way, it filled you with anger.
Jenson wasn't pathetic, much less someone nobody wanted around. In fact, there were days that you just wanted him to be close to you, making you smile with his good-natured comments about trivial things. In your view, Jenson was like the sun, brightening even the grayest of British days. And he didn't deserve to be erased, especially by someone who didn't appreciate him the same way you did.
— You know it's a lie, Jense...
— But I can't stop crying — he murmured against her body — I don't feel like I used to, I just feel...
— Sad?
— I miss him — Jenson replied, looking up at you — I miss him all the time...
— This is normal…
— Not for Jessica. She doesn't want a guy like that, who keeps crying all the time, sad, missing his own father. She wants the happy guy that likes to party, have fun and stuff...
— But I don't want to — you murmured.
Suddenly, he raised his head, looking startled by his response.
— No?
— I want Jenson. And know that, whoever truly loves you, will always be by your side, no matter if you're happy or sad — you said, running a hand through his hair.
The driver gave you a small smile before hugging you again, his head against your belly. The scene could even seem romantic, considering the stunning view from the apartment and his almost intimate touch on your waist. However, any suggestion went out the window when you heard an uninteresting sound.
— I think you're hungry — Jenson murmured, looking up at you. The comment made you laugh.
— I came here because someone promised me breakfast — you replied.
— Well, if you insist — he said, letting go of you and getting up from the sofa.
The meal preparation was simple, with some scrambled eggs, toast and a cup of coffee each, courtesy of Jenson's inability to make anything more elaborate. Sitting at the kitchen counter, you were eating practically in silence when the driver broke the silence.
— Thank you for finding me yesterday.
— Oh, there’s no need to — you replied, taking another sip of your coffee.
— I need to, Y/N. I don't even remember how I ended up there without using a car, especially with that horrible whiskey.
— Yesterday you said it was great — you laughed.
— So you could see that I wasn't doing well — he replied, bursting into laughter along with you.
When the laughter stopped, you looked at each other for a few seconds.
— Any problem?
— None, I just remembered something my father said — Jenson replied.
— About what?
— About Jessica.
You rolled your eyes, picking up your coffee cup.
— Are you going to talk about her again, Jense? — you questioned, punctuating the sentence with a sip.
— No, it's just — he said quickly, hesitating a few seconds before continuing — He had told me once that she wasn't the right woman for me.
— When?
Jenson poked the scrambled eggs with his fork, somewhat disinterested.
— I think it was after I went to McLaren. It was a conversation we had after an argument I had with her. And he said that Jessica wasn't the woman for me and that there was no point in insisting on that relationship.
— No?
— “It’s a waste of time to continue with this girl, she doesn’t care about you”, he told me — he continued — But I didn’t listen. I thought it was nonsense of him, but he kept talking...
— Talking?
— That the perfect woman was right under my nose and that I was ignoring her.
You raised an eyebrow.
— And you were?
— I like to think not, but — Jenson hesitated, looking at you — I think he was right. Again.
You just smiled.
— John always had a good eye for these things. Especially when it came to you.
It was the driver's turn to smile, without saying a word. And in a way, it didn't need to. John knew his son like no one else, and if he said something was better for Jenson's life or career, he was almost always right. “Maybe that’s why he misses John so much”, you thought, turning your attention back to your plate.
After finishing your meal, you helped Jenson with organizing the kitchen, before checking the time and realizing that you were quite late.
— I need to go — you murmured, heading towards the door.
— Do you have any engagements?
— I have to pack my bags at the hotel.
— I thought you had them at the car — the driver said, with a small smile at the corner of his mouth.
— No, they're in Nice. I had gone to visit a friend here when I stopped by John's house and, well, everything happened — you explained — But now I can't stay, my flight leaves in the early afternoon.
— Where are you going?
— London.
Jenson pouted.
— What a shame, I thought youI would take the opportunity to make a stopover in Ibiza.
— No, I need a guide to the best parties and he's not available at the moment — you returned, in the acid tone that you knew disarmed him every time. And just as you expected, he laughed.
— In fact. So, I guess I'll see you later.
— Yes, you have to be in Woking in a week.
— Thank you for reminding me — he said, approaching you for a goodbye hug — Have a good trip.
— Thanks.
You were arranging your bag on your shoulder when Jenson said your name.
— Yeah? — you said, looking back.
— My father was talking about you.
A hot wave rose to your cheeks, your hand tightening on the door handle. Your heart was pounding inside your chest, almost as if it had suddenly come back to life.
— I imagined — you managed to say, before leaving the apartment.
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lightsoutletsgo · 1 year
P L A Y L I S T (cl16 x singer!reader series) vol.1 - melbourne
warnings: none word count: 1k and we're off! I really hope you enjoy this first proper chapter of the series! please let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist or if you have any feedback. happy reading! mimi series masterlist
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The weeks leading up to preparing for the group's world tour had passed in a blur of costume fittings, dance rehearsals, vocal sessions, grabbing sleep where possible and deciding on lighting and vcr decisions. Before they knew it, their plane was touching down in Australia ready for the first stop of the tour in Melbourne. As she lay in your hotel room dozing, a voice nudged her from her sleepy state, “We have some free time tonight, don’t we?” She turned to look at Nina from the far-too comfortable-and-far-too-big hotel bed and lazily blinked one eye open to look at her, nodding sleepily, “I think I’m going to go for a walk, maybe get some coffee?” Nina yawned widely and got comfy in her own bed, “I’m staying right here” Y/N giggled before stretching, moaning at the satisfying pop you felt in your back. Moving to where her suitcase already led opened with its contents strewn everywhere. She quickly grabbed a comfortable outfit that would also allow her to remain relatively disguised. Quickly changing and grabbing her headphones she headed to the door,
“I won’t be out long!” Nina’s response was no more than a half asleep grunt and slight wave of her hand. Giggling as she left the room, she made sure to close the door quietly before popping your headphones on and heading for the elevator. 
Y/N pulled the hood of her hoodie up and over her head as she slid her sunglasses down to rest over her eyes. As much as she loved meeting fans, she also wanted some time to herself too. 
The streets of Melbourne were busy as she ambled along, occasionally looking in shop windows at sweet pastries or cute outfits. Spotting a sign for a small hole-in-the-wall coffee shop, Y/N pushed open the door, inhaling the scent of freshly ground coffee, cinnamon and a hint of sugar. Gazing around at the display cases with dainty cake slices and chunky cookies, it wasn’t difficult to work out where the delicious smells were coming from. With jet lag tugging at her mind once more, coffee filled her thoughts. Turning to the counter to order, she nodded to herself, surely that would help keep the tiredness at bay for just a little longer. 
With fresh coffee in hand, she stepped out the door and back into the bright sunshine. Nodding along to the band's new song playing through her headphones, she weren’t completely aware of her surroundings, too focused on running through the choreography in her head and counting the beats. Her thoughts were interrupted and she gasped loudly as she felt your hoodie suddenly turn damp and her shoulder turn sore from bumping into something- make that someone... Eyes shooting up from her phone, she gasped as you made eye contact with a guy, a cute guy. “I’m so sorry!” She was jolted back to reality suddenly as she realised her coffee had not only spilt down her hoodie but his shirt too. “It’s okay.” His annoyed tone contradicted his statement as he muttered to himself but she was caught off guard by his accent to notice too much. Was he speaking French? And where did those damn sunglasses go? Fortunately the hood was still covering most of her face and- oh my god his shirt. Y/N's thoughts ran a million miles an hour as she rushed forward and attempted to wipe the coffee from his shirt, the curse he let out confirming her thoughts that he was indeed fluent in French, “Ah! Mon dieu! Please don’t touch me.” She squeaked in horror as she realised she’d been feeling this man’s (very attractive and well built) body in the middle of the street, “Oh my god no!! I’m so sorry, I just thought that-” He scoffed, “You figured you’d follow me and bump into me for my attention?” “What? No? I-” “You followed me into the coffee shop and now you’ve followed me out here… What are you? A crazy fan?” Her mouth gaped like a goldfish and she let out her own sarcastic huff of laughter, the irony of this situation was all too funny. And who was this guy? Why was he worried about crazy fans? If anyone needed to be worried it was her... Right? “Oh please! Why would I follow you? It was a genuine accident, I didn't realise you were the only person allowed in that coffee shop." She glared at him before realising that this confrontation with the man was drawing a few onlookers. This was risky. Too risky. Quickly pulling out some crumpled Australian bills she had in her pocket, she pushed them into his hand, bending down to grab her sunglasses before putting them on once more, "Here, buy a new shirt or pay for it to be dry-cleaned... I'm really sorry." She winced at how cold she sounded, knowing this made her look like an ass in that moment, before turning and walking back in the direction of the hotel. Y/N didn't want to stay out any longer, too worried about paparazzi rather than making a good impression on a guy she'd never see again. She heard him behind her still muttering in French. If he wasn't so angry, she might have stared at him a little more... he was just her type.
------------------------- Charles stared after the unknown person with a confused expression, what had just happened? A call of his name from behind him drew his attention and he turned round to see his teammate staring at him, an eyebrow raised as if he was waiting for an explanation. “What happened to you?” Carlos’ head nodded towards the giant coffee stain on the front of Charles white t-shirt. “Just a crazy fan who wanted attention a little too much…” “Huh?! Are you okay?” Carlos crossed his arms as he took in the young Monegasque who seemed slightly shaken in front of him, “Wanna talk about it?” Charles shook his head, a non-verbal way of telling his teammate not to ask before he shoved the crumpled bills into his pocket, beginning to follow Carlos back to the team’s hotel and making a mental note to tell the team he wanted to up his security when he left the hotel.
taglist: @ferraribabe @reidsworld @zendayabelova @mishaandthebrits let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist!
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Enhance Your Home’s Ambience with Products from Leading Lighting Stores in Melbourne
Nowadays, lighting stores in Melbourne understand the dynamic choices of people when it comes to beautiful lights for their homes. The number of options in the field of interior and exterior lighting is ever-increasing and one can check all the lights from home only using the seller’s website. When it comes to pendant lights, can add elegance to dining areas, and similarly LED strip lights offer modern aesthetics for kitchens.
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Nowadays, one can buy outdoor lights online from the leading retailers and hence one can save a lot of time in this process of buying the right lights for the home. Chandeliers bring a touch of luxury to living rooms, and outdoor wall lights can illuminate gardens. Each lighting choice enhances the overall ambience and décor of the house and hence one must choose carefully when it comes to lights for the house. One can also buy other accessories like fans and globes, etc which can make the house look even better.
Welcome and Explore the World of Lights to Understand Them Better
Pendant Lights: These are available in various styles, sizes, and materials as they can create a focal point in the house. Crystal pendant lights with a sleek, minimal design, such as the Snow Fall Crystal Drop Pendant Chrome, provide a modern touch to dining areas.
Oyster Lights: These are flush-mounted ceiling lights and hence they are perfect for spaces where there are low ceilings. Oyster lights, like the Ostra White LED, offer energy-efficient lighting with a minimalist design and hence they are generally recommended by interior designers for kitchens, hallways, and living areas.
Globes and Bulbs: These lights are quite good as they not only light up the place properly but also deliver certain warmth to the area when kept on for some time.
Take a look at the leading products offered by the leading companies selling lights online and buy to make your house beautiful.
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myomaustralia · 21 days
MYOM Australia: Your Partner in Sustainable Living
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At MYOM Australia, we're passionate about helping you make a positive impact on the environment while saving money. That's why we're committed to providing the best possible solutions for your home, victoria energy saving scheme including access to government-funded energy-saving initiatives.
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LED Lighting: Replace inefficient incandescent bulbs with energy-saving LED lights.
Why Choose MYOM Australia?
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Investing in energy-efficient upgrades offers numerous benefits:
Reduced Energy Bills: Save money on your electricity and gas bills.
Environmental Impact: Contribute to a cleaner and greener future by reducing your carbon footprint.
Increased Home Value: Energy-efficient homes are more desirable to buyers, potentially increasing your property's value.
Improved Comfort: Enjoy a more comfortable and healthier living environment.
Take the First Step Towards a Sustainable Future
Contact MYOM Australia today to learn more about the VESS program and how you can benefit from free energy-saving upgrades. Our team is dedicated to helping you make informed decisions and achieve your sustainability goals.
Join the thousands of Victorians who have already taken advantage of VESS with MYOM Australia.
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shpdau · 3 months
Eco-Friendly Living: Sustainable Home Knock Down Rebuild Solutions in Melbourne
In an era where sustainability is paramount, more homeowners in Melbourne are turning to eco-friendly solutions, particularly when considering the knock down rebuild approach. This method not only offers a fresh start for outdated homes but also presents a unique opportunity to embrace environmentally conscious practices right from the blueprint stage.
Understanding Knock Down Rebuild Services in Melbourne
When contemplating a new home construction, utilizing Home Knock Down Rebuild Services Melbourne can be a prudent choice. This approach involves demolishing an existing structure and erecting a new, energy-efficient home in its place. Not only does this minimize construction waste by recycling materials, but it also allows homeowners to incorporate modern eco-friendly technologies into their new home design.
Facade Design Melbourne: Combining Aesthetics with Sustainability
One of the key aspects of a knock down rebuild project is the Facade Design Melbourne. This is not just about enhancing curb appeal but also an opportunity to integrate sustainable design principles. Opting for materials that are locally sourced and have high thermal efficiency can significantly reduce energy consumption over the lifespan of the home. Additionally, utilizing renewable energy sources such as solar panels or incorporating passive design techniques can further enhance the home's sustainability credentials.
Sustainable Features in Display Homes in Melbourne
Display Homes in Melbourne often showcase the latest trends in sustainable living. Visiting these homes can provide invaluable insights into integrating eco-friendly practices into your own knock down rebuild project. From efficient water management systems to innovative insulation solutions, these homes demonstrate how sustainable choices can lead to long-term environmental and financial benefits.
Benefits of Choosing Sustainable Home Knock Down Rebuild Solutions
Environmental Impact: By opting for a knock down rebuild approach with a focus on sustainability, homeowners can significantly reduce their carbon footprint compared to extensive renovations or new constructions without eco-friendly considerations.
Energy Efficiency: Incorporating energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, and well-insulated walls can lead to substantial savings on utility bills while reducing overall energy consumption.
Improved Indoor Air Quality: Sustainable building materials and ventilation systems contribute to better indoor air quality, creating a healthier living environment for occupants.
FAQs About Sustainable Home Knock Down Rebuild Solutions
Q: What are the initial steps involved in a knock down rebuild project? A: The process typically begins with assessing the feasibility of the project, obtaining necessary permits, and planning the design with a focus on sustainability and energy efficiency.
Q: How can I ensure my new home is eco-friendly during the construction phase? A: Collaborating with builders who specialize in sustainable construction and choosing materials that have high environmental ratings can ensure your home meets eco-friendly standards.
Q: Are there financial incentives available for incorporating sustainable features into a knock down rebuild project? A: Yes, various government initiatives and rebates exist to encourage homeowners to adopt sustainable building practices, such as installing solar panels or using rainwater harvesting systems.
Embracing sustainable practices through a knock down rebuild project in Melbourne not only rejuvenates living spaces but also contributes positively to the environment. By prioritizing Facade Design Melbourne and incorporating sustainable features from the outset, homeowners can create homes that are both stylish and eco-friendly. Whether exploring display homes or consulting with experts in HomeKnock Down Rebuild Services Melbourne, the journey towards sustainable living starts with informed choices and a commitment to a greener future.
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rushescapegameme · 3 months
Level Up Your Home: Crafting the Ultimate Game Room
In the world of gaming, immersion is everything. Whether you're a casual player or a hardcore gamer, having a dedicated space where you can escape into your favourite games can take your experience to the next level.
Imagine a room where every element is carefully designed to enhance your gaming sessions – from the lighting to the furniture layout. Creating the ultimate game room in your home is not just about entertainment; it's about crafting an experience that transports you to another world. Here's how you can level up your home by designing the ultimate game room.
1. Choose the Right Space
The first step in creating your dream game room in Melbourne is choosing the right space. Ideally, you want a room that is spacious enough to accommodate your gaming setup comfortably.
Consider factors like natural light, noise levels, and accessibility when selecting the room. Basements, spare bedrooms, or even converted garages can make excellent game room options. Once you've chosen the space, it's time to plan out the layout
2. Optimize the Layout
The layout of your game room can significantly impact your gaming experience. Arrange your furniture in a way that maximises space and promotes comfortable gameplay. Keep your gaming setup as the focal point of the room, with seating positioned for optimal viewing angles.
Consider incorporating storage solutions to keep your gaming accessories organised and easily accessible. A well-planned layout will not only enhance the aesthetics of your game room but also improve functionality.
3. Invest in Quality Gaming Equipment
The heart of any game room is the gaming equipment. Invest in high-quality gaming consoles, PCs, monitors, and peripherals to ensure smooth gameplay. Choose a gaming chair that provides adequate support and comfort for long gaming sessions.
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Consider installing a surround sound system or gaming headphones to immerse yourself fully in the audio experience. Don't forget about lighting – adjustable LED lights can create ambience and reduce eye strain during extended gaming sessions.
4. Personalize the Décor
Make your game room in Melbourne truly your own by personalising the décor. Choose a theme that reflects your gaming preferences, whether it's retro arcade, futuristic sci-fi, or fantasy adventure.
Incorporate artwork, posters, and memorabilia from your favourite games to add character to the space. Consider installing shelves or display cases to showcase your gaming collection.
Don't be afraid to get creative – adding unique touches like themed rugs or wall decals can enhance the overall ambience of your game room.
5. Create a Comfortable Atmosphere
Comfort is key when it comes to gaming, so make sure your game room is a comfortable place to spend time in. Choose comfortable seating options like bean bags, recliners, or gaming couches where you can relax during marathon gaming sessions.
Consider installing blackout curtains or blinds to block out glare and create an immersive gaming environment. Keep the room well-ventilated and at a comfortable temperature to prevent overheating during intense gaming sessions. With the right atmosphere, you can game for hours without feeling fatigued or uncomfortable.
Creating the ultimate game room in Melbourne is a labour of love that requires careful planning and attention to detail. By choosing the right space, optimising the layout, investing in quality equipment, personalising the décor, and creating a comfortable atmosphere, you can design a game room that elevates your gaming experience to new heights.
Whether you're battling dragons, racing cars, or exploring virtual worlds, your game room will be the ultimate sanctuary for all your gaming adventures. So, roll up your sleeves and start crafting the game room of your dreams – the ultimate gaming paradise awaits!
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homesfortomorrow · 4 months
Top Trends in Bathroom Remodeling in Melbourne, FL: Custom Countertops and More
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Melbourne homeowners remodel their bathrooms for various reasons. However, each cannot avoid considering the latest trends. This article presents the top trends in bathroom remodeling in Melbourne, Florida.
Current Trends in Bathroom Remodeling
Here are the top trends in bath remodeling Melbourne FL homeowners love:
Spa-Like Ambiance
To achieve a spa-like ambiance, incorporate luxurious walk-in showers with frameless glass doors, rainfall showerheads, and multiple body sprays. To complete the spa ambiance, consider using freestanding tubs and steam showers.
 Modern and Minimalist Designs
Opt for minimalist designs featuring clean lines and organized aesthetics. Pair these with neutral colors such as whites, grays, and beiges, complemented by black or gold fixtures. Consider using floating vanities, like wall-mounted options, to create an expansive appearance.
Smart Technology
Incorporate smart bathroom technology by installing smart mirrors with built-in lighting and anti-fog features. Choose touchless faucets, smart showers, and toilets with built-in bidets and heated seats.
 Custom Bathroom Countertops
As for bathroom countertops, consider durable and stylish materials like quartz and granite. Integrate the sinks for a seamless look and choose ones with bold patterns and unique veining.
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Features
Popular features in modern bathrooms include low-flow toilets, faucets, showerheads, countertops, and tiles made from recycled materials. Additionally, energy-efficient lighting, such as LED, is widely favored.
Natural Elements
Enhance your bathroom’s aesthetic by incorporating wood accents in vanities, shelving, or flooring for a natural look. Complete the ambiance by adding plants.
Accessibility and Universal Design
For accessibility and universality, consider incorporating walk-in tubs and showers, well-integrated grab bars and handrails, and comfort-height toilets.”
High-Quality Tiles
The current trend highlights large-format, bold patterned, and textured tiles.
Dual Vanities
Consider incorporating double sinks for dual vanities to provide ample space for multiple users. Additionally, opt for vanities with plenty of drawers and cabinets.
Lighting Innovations
Lighting innovations encompass layered lighting, which combines ambient, task, and accent lighting. Additionally, consider incorporating statement lighting, such as chandeliers or pendant lights.
The Role of Custom Bathroom Countertops
Custom bathroom countertops offer several benefits compared to standard ones. Greater design flexibility is a key advantage, as standard countertops come prefabricated. Custom-made options allow you to access a wider selection of materials and colors. Popular choices for custom countertops include quartz, granite, and marble. Additionally, the seamless integration of custom designs with the space gives the bathroom a sophisticated and refined appearance
Finding the Right Professionals in Melbourne, FL
If you plan to bathroom remodel in Melbourne FL, you need an experienced contractor and designer. Searching for a bath remodeling Melbourne FL contractor involves the following:
·         Asking for recommendations
·         Researching online
·        Checking credentials and portfolios
·         Comparing quotes,
·         Asking for guarantees and warranties
·         Evaluating their communication and rapport
·         Deciding on the right oneIf you plan to remodel your bathroom, consider the top trends in Melbourne. If you want to do the bathroom remodel Melbourne FL homeowners prefer, get in touch with a certified countertop contractor with special expertise in custom bathroom countertops.
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hamiltonscifitouts · 5 months
Office Refurbishment: Sustainable Solutions for Modern Workspaces
Sustainable office refurbishment is a concept that has gained significant traction in recent years as businesses strive to create environmentally conscious and modern workspaces. 
The importance of integrating eco-friendly practices and materials into office refurbishment Melbourne projects cannot be overstated. Not only does it contribute to a healthier planet, but it also fosters a conducive environment for increased productivity and employee well-being.
Section 1: Understanding Sustainable Office Refurbishment
Sustainable office refurbishment entails the utilisation of environmentally friendly practices and materials to renovate and redesign office spaces. This approach aims to minimise the environmental impact of the refurbishment process while maximising the long-term benefits for both the environment and the occupants of the workspace.
The benefits of incorporating sustainable solutions in office spaces are multi-faceted. Not only does it reduce the carbon footprint of the workspace, but it also contributes to improved indoor air quality, reduced operating costs, and a positive brand image. 
Examples of sustainable materials and technologies that can be used in office refurbishment include energy-efficient lighting, recycled materials for construction, and water-saving fixtures.
Section 2: Designing a Modern and Sustainable Workspace
Innovative design ideas play a crucial role in creating modern and sustainable workspaces. The integration of natural light, greenery, and ergonomic furniture has become a hallmark of sustainable office design. 
Natural light not only reduces the need for artificial lighting but also has a positive impact on the well-being and productivity of employees. Similarly, the incorporation of greenery through indoor plants contributes to improved air quality and a sense of connection with nature within the workspace. 
Ergonomic furniture enhances the comfort and health of employees, thereby promoting a more sustainable and productive work environment.
Biophilic design, which emphasises the connection between humans and nature within the built environment, has gained prominence for its positive effects on employee well-being and productivity.
 Integrating biophilic elements such as natural materials, patterns, and textures into office refurbishment projects can significantly enhance the overall appeal and functionality of the workspace.
Section 3: Implementing Energy-Efficient Practices
Energy-efficient practices are integral to sustainable office refurbishment. The significance of energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems cannot be overstated. 
LED lighting, motion sensors, and programmable thermostats are just a few examples of technologies that contribute to reduced energy consumption and operational costs.
Tips for reducing energy consumption in an office environment include maximising natural light, optimising temperature control, and promoting energy-conserving habits among employees. 
Additionally, the role of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, in powering modern workspaces is a significant aspect of sustainable office refurbishment.
Section 4: Choosing Eco-Friendly Materials and Furnishings
The choice of materials and furnishings in office refurbishment Melbourne projects plays a pivotal role in achieving sustainability goals. Sustainable material options for flooring, walls, and furniture include bamboo, reclaimed wood, and recycled metal. 
These materials not only contribute to a reduced environmental impact but also add a unique and visually appealing dimension to the workspace.
The importance of using recycled or upcycled products in office refurbishment cannot be emphasised enough. By repurposing materials and furnishings, businesses can divert waste from landfills and contribute to the circular economy. 
Selecting environmentally friendly paints and finishes further complements the use of sustainable materials, creating a cohesive and eco-conscious office environment.
Section 5: Technology Integration for Sustainability
The integration of smart technology solutions is instrumental in optimising energy usage and promoting sustainability in modern workspaces. 
Smart lighting systems, occupancy sensors, and energy management software enable precise control over energy consumption, leading to significant cost savings and environmental benefits.
Digital tools play a vital role in promoting paperless workflows, reducing reliance on printed materials, and streamlining office operations. 
Furthermore, efficient IT infrastructure, including cloud computing and virtualisation, contributes to reduced energy consumption and a smaller carbon footprint for the organisation.
Sustainable office refurbishment Melbourne is an essential consideration for businesses seeking to create modern workspaces with eco-friendly solutions. The integration of sustainable practices and materials not only aligns with environmental stewardship but also enhances employee well-being and productivity. 
As businesses embark on office renovation projects, it is crucial to prioritise sustainability and consider the long-term benefits of eco-friendly design and practices.
Source: Office Refurbishment: Sustainable Solutions for Modern Workspaces
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sanyc · 6 months
Bathroom Renovations that make a Statement across Melbourne
Bathroom Renovations in Melbourne aren't just about functionality—they're an opportunity to make a statement. From sleek modern designs to timeless classics, homeowners across Melbourne are transforming their bathrooms into stunning spaces that reflect their style and personality.
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One of the key trends in bathroom renovations across Melbourne is the emphasis on creating a spa-like atmosphere. Homeowners are opting for luxurious features such as rainfall showers, freestanding tubs, and heated floors to enhance the overall relaxation experience. By incorporating these elements, bathrooms become more than just a functional space—they become a retreat from the stresses of daily life.
Another trend making waves in Melbourne's bathroom renovations is the use of bold and unique materials. From eye-catching tile patterns to statement-making fixtures, homeowners are embracing creativity and individuality in their bathroom designs. Whether it's a vibrant mosaic accent wall or a sleek matte black faucet, these elements add personality and character to any bathroom space.
In addition to aesthetics, sustainability is becoming increasingly important in Melbourne's bathroom renovations. Homeowners are opting for eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient fixtures to reduce their environmental footprint. From water-saving toilets to LED lighting, these sustainable choices not only benefit the planet but also save homeowners money on utility bills in the long run.
When it comes to making a statement in Melbourne's bathroom renovations, attention to detail is key. From the layout and functionality to the finishing touches, every aspect of the design should be carefully considered to create a cohesive and impactful space. Whether it's a custom vanity with built-in storage or statement lighting fixtures, these thoughtful touches elevate the overall design and leave a lasting impression.
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In conclusion, Bathroom Renovations in Melbourne are all about making a statement. By incorporating luxurious features, bold materials, and sustainable choices, homeowners can transform their bathrooms into stunning spaces that reflect their style and personality. Whether you're looking to create a spa-like retreat or a bold and unique design, Melbourne offers endless possibilities for making a statement in your bathroom renovation.
More Info:
Ph: (03) 8358 5802
Working Time: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.
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luxurybathroomsau · 6 months
7 Creative Bathroom Renovation Ideas for Modern Homes
Hey there, fellow home improvement enthusiasts! 
Are you ready to embark on a journey to transform your bathroom into a sanctuary of style and functionality? Well, you're in luck because today, we're diving deep into the world of bathroom renovations. 
Whether you're looking to spruce up your space or completely overhaul the design, these creative ideas will breathe new life into your lavatory. 
And hey, if you're on the hunt for the best bathroom renovation company Melbourne to bring your vision to life, stick around because we've got some insider tips for you too!
1. Luxurious Walk-In Shower
Say goodbye to your outdated bathtub and hello to the epitome of modern luxury—a spacious walk-in shower. Not only does a walk-in shower exude sophistication, but it also maximises space, making it perfect for both small and large bathrooms alike. 
Consider incorporating sleek glass doors, rainfall showerheads, and built-in seating for the ultimate spa-like experience. 
When choosing the best bathroom renovation company Melbourne, prioritise those with experience in crafting custom showers tailored to your preferences.
2. Statement Tile Designs
One surefire way to make a bold statement in your bathroom is through striking tile designs. From intricate mosaics to geometric patterns, the possibilities are endless when it comes to tile selection. 
Opt for timeless subway tiles for a classic look or experiment with vibrant hues and textures for a contemporary flair. 
Don't be afraid to mix and match different tile styles to create a visually stunning masterpiece. Remember to collaborate closely with your chosen bathroom renovation company to ensure seamless installation and impeccable craftsmanship.
3. Smart Storage Solutions
Cluttered countertops and overflowing cabinets? Not in your newly renovated bathroom! Integrate smart storage solutions to keep your space organised and clutter-free. 
Consider installing floating shelves, built-in niches, or stylish vanity units with ample storage capacity. Utilise every inch of available space efficiently to maximise functionality without sacrificing aesthetics. 
Your chosen bathroom renovation company should be well-versed in designing customised storage solutions tailored to your specific needs and preferences.
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4. Energy-Efficient Fixtures
In today's eco-conscious world, energy efficiency is key when it comes to bathroom renovations. 
Upgrade your fixtures to eco-friendly alternatives that not only reduce water consumption but also lower your utility bills. 
Look for WaterSense-labeled faucets, toilets, and showerheads that meet stringent water efficiency standards without compromising performance. Additionally, consider installing LED lighting fixtures to minimise energy consumption and create a warm, inviting ambiance. 
Your chosen bathroom renovation company should prioritise sustainability and offer a wide range of energy-efficient options to suit your eco-friendly goals.
5. Seamless Integration of Technology
Bring your bathroom into the 21st century by seamlessly integrating technology into your renovation plans. From smart mirrors with built-in LED lighting and touch-screen controls to high-tech toilets with heated seats and bidet functions, the possibilities are endless. 
Embrace automation with motion-sensor faucets and programmable shower systems for added convenience and luxury. 
When selecting the best bathroom renovation company, ensure they have expertise in incorporating cutting-edge technology into their designs while maintaining functionality and aesthetics.
6. Natural Elements and Greenery
Infuse your bathroom with the calming essence of nature by incorporating natural elements and greenery into your design scheme. 
Incorporate wood accents, stone features, and earthy textures to create a tranquil oasis reminiscent of a spa retreat. Elevate the ambiance with potted plants, succulents, or a living green wall to purify the air and add a pop of color to your space. 
Collaborate with your chosen best bathroom renovation company to seamlessly integrate natural elements into your design while ensuring proper ventilation and moisture resistance.
7. Statement Lighting Fixtures
Last but certainly not least, don't underestimate the power of statement lighting fixtures to elevate your bathroom design. 
Whether it's a dazzling chandelier, sleek pendant lights, or contemporary sconces, lighting plays a pivotal role in setting the mood and enhancing the overall aesthetics of your space. 
Opt for fixtures that complement your design theme and provide ample illumination for grooming tasks and relaxation alike. 
Work closely with your selected best bathroom renovation company to strategically place lighting fixtures for optimal functionality and visual impact.
So there you have it—seven creative renovation ideas to transform your bathroom into a modern masterpiece. Remember, the key to a successful renovation lies in careful planning, attention to detail, and collaboration with the best bathroom renovation company Melbourne suited to your needs. Happy renovating!
Source By - https://tinyurl.com/27pu9tba 
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katherinemathew · 7 months
8 Cost-Effective Strategies for Commercial Fitout in Melbourne
Undertaking a commercial fitout in Melbourne can be an exciting opportunity for businesses. It’s a chance to breathe new life into your workspace, making it more efficient, attractive, and aligned with your brand identity. However, the excitement can quickly be overshadowed by concerns about costs. Fear not. This blog is dedicated to sharing cost-effective tips that don’t compromise on style or functionality.
Let’s dive into these 8 cost-effective strategies on how you can achieve a stellar commercial fitout in Melbourne without breaking the bank.
One of the smartest moves you can make is investing in multi-functional furniture. These versatile pieces have multiple purposes, helping you save space and money. Think of desks that can be converted into meeting tables or reception desks in Melbourne with built-in storage solutions. This flexibility allows you to maximize your office layout without overcrowding it with furniture.
Using sustainable and recycled materials is another effective strategy for incorporating eco-friendly practices. Not only are these options often more affordable, but they also add a unique charm and character to your space. Using materials such as reclaimed wood, recycled glass, and repurposed metal, one can create a variety of eco-friendly products, including walls, flooring, furniture, and decor. This not only helps the environment but also gives your office a distinct look that can inspire creativity and innovation.
When outfitting your office, don’t overlook the potential of pre-owned equipment and furniture. Melbourne boasts several outlets where high-quality, gently used items are available at a fraction of the cost of new ones. This approach can drastically reduce your expenses, while still providing your workspace with everything it needs to operate efficiently. Selecting Budget-friendly Design Elements Designing your office doesn’t have to break the bank. Achieving a stylish look on a budget can be done in various ways.
Light plays a crucial role in the atmosphere of your workspace. Choose LED lights, which are pricier initially but prove cost-effective over time with their energy-efficient operation and long lifespan. Combine these with inventive lighting solutions, such as pendant lights or track lighting, to create an inviting and productive environment without overspending.
A minimalist approach can be surprisingly effective and budget-friendly. This design philosophy emphasizes simplicity, using a monochromatic color palette and clean lines to create a sleek and timeless look. Minimalist décor reduces the need for excessive furnishings and decorations, leading to more savings. Maximizing Natural Elements Finally, make the most of natural elements available to you. In addition to reducing reliance on artificial lighting, natural light has a positive impact on employee well-being and productivity. Integrating plants and greenery into your office can enhance air quality and improve the overall aesthetics, without requiring a substantial financial commitment. Utilizing views of the outdoors and even the architectural features of your building can add character without cost.
Read the full article to know more about 8 Cost-Effective Strategies for Commercial Fitout in Melbourne
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customeresurfacing · 7 months
10 Stunning Bathroom Renovation Ideas for Melbourne Homes
Introduction: Bathroom renovations are a fantastic way to breathe new life into your Melbourne home while adding value and functionality. Whether you're looking to create a spa-like retreat or maximize space in a compact bathroom, there are countless design possibilities to explore. In this article, we'll delve into 10 best bathroom renovation ideas tailored for Melbourne homes, combining style, functionality, and modern aesthetics. 
Embrace Contemporary Elegance with Monochrome Palettes: 
Monochrome bathrooms with black and white color schemes exude timeless elegance and sophistication. Opt for sleek black fixtures, such as faucets and showerheads, contrasted with white subway tiles and marble countertops. Incorporate geometric patterns or mosaic tiles for added visual interest, creating a stylish yet understated ambiance. 
Go Green with Natural Elements: Bring the outdoors in by incorporating natural elements into your bathroom design. Consider using sustainable materials like bamboo or reclaimed wood for vanities and shelving. Add potted plants or a living green wall to infuse the space with freshness and create a tranquil oasis in the heart of your home. 
Make a Statement with Statement Tiles: Tiles are a versatile design element that can transform the look and feel of your bathroom. Experiment with bold patterns, vibrant colors, or intricate mosaic designs to create a focal point or accent wall. Whether it's Moroccan-inspired encaustic tiles or contemporary hexagonal patterns, let your creativity shine through with statement tiles. 
Optimize Space with Smart Storage Solutions: Maximize functionality in your Melbourne bathroom by incorporating clever storage solutions. Install recessed shelves or niches in shower areas to store toiletries and bath essentials neatly. Consider floating vanities or wall-mounted cabinets to free up floor space and create a more spacious feel, especially in smaller bathrooms. 
Illuminate with Natural Light: 
Take advantage of Melbourne's abundant natural light by incorporating large windows or skylights into your bathroom design. Natural light not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the space but also improves mood and well-being. Opt for frosted glass or sheer curtains for privacy while allowing ample sunlight to filter through. 
Create a Spa-Like Retreat with Freestanding Bathtubs:  
Transform bathroom renovation Melbourne into a luxurious spa-like retreat with a freestanding bathtub as the centerpiece. Choose from classic clawfoot tubs for a vintage charm or sleek modern designs for a 
contemporary feel. Pair the bathtub with a chic pendant light fixture and plush bath linens to complete the indulgent experience. 
Add Texture and Warmth with Timber Accents: Timber accents can add warmth and texture to your bathroom, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Consider incorporating timber elements such as wooden vanities, shelving, or feature walls to introduce natural warmth and visual interest. Timber accents complement a variety of design styles, from rustic to Scandinavian-inspired aesthetics. 
Enhance Accessibility with Universal Design Features: Incorporate universal design principles into your bathroom renovation to enhance accessibility and accommodate users of all ages and abilities. Install grab bars, non-slip flooring, and curbless showers to create a safe and user-friendly environment. Consider adjustable-height vanities and walk-in bathtubs for added convenience and comfort. 
Make a Splash with Statement Lighting: Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood and ambiance of your bathroom. Make a statement with stylish pendant lights, wall sconces, or LED strip lighting to create a visually stunning effect. Experiment with different lighting fixtures to highlight architectural features or focal points and add drama to the space. 
Personalize with Customized Touches: Add personal touches to your bathroom renovation to reflect your unique style and personality. Incorporate artwork, decorative mirrors, or eclectic accessories to infuse character and charm into the space. Consider customizing elements such as vanity tops, hardware finishes, or shower enclosures to create a truly bespoke bathroom design. 
Conclusion: Transforming bathroom renovation Melbourne into a stunning retreat is easier than ever with these 10 inspiring renovation ideas. Whether you prefer contemporary elegance, natural elements, or spa-like luxury, there's a design concept to suit every taste and budget. With careful planning, attention to detail, and a touch of creativity, you can elevate your bathroom into a stylish and functional haven that you'll love coming home to. 
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astoriapaperproducts · 8 months
Party Decorations Supplier In Melbourne | Event Wedding supplies at Astoria Paper Products
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Guide to Lighting Stores in Melbourne: Where Design and Lighting Collide
LEDs are a low-maintenance lighting alternative because of their extended operating life which you will find at the best lighting stores in Melbourne. First of all, manufacturing operators can reduce the amount of time needed to replace bulbs in commercial applications—commercial applications require more bulb replacements than residential installations.
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When you buy outdoor lights online they also have far higher breaking resistance. Light bulbs were more prone to breakage in the past since they were usually covered with glass or quartz. Conversely, LED light bulbs lack glass enclosures and filaments. Additionally, they are made to be immune to collision and vibration.
Increased Safety and Protection
The safety and security of your house are greatly increased when wall lights are installed in your outside spaces. By thoughtfully lighting gateways, walkways, and dim areas, you greatly increase visibility and lower the chance of accidents while ensuring that residents and visitors can move around the property securely.
Customers who prefer to shop online may take advantage of several benefits since virtual retailers provide a vast assortment of goods. Individuals may quickly peruse the wide selection and select the one that best meets their requirements. The businesses deliver the goods to the customer's home in acceptable condition.
Improving Elegance with Proper Lighting
A house with well-lit areas—especially those with natural light—becomes a canvas where well-being and beauty meet. electricity-efficient light bulbs and LED lights work together to provide a well-lit space that balances warmth and utility while also saving electricity.
Accent lighting may draw attention to architectural details and artwork in a home while lowering glare that strains the eyes. Examples of this type of lighting are recessed floor lamps and table LED lights. Good LED lighting, which synchronises with the circadian rhythm and incorporates components of natural sunshine and softly washing light, may significantly enhance the quality of sleep by promoting improved home well-being.
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ampstudiocranbourne · 10 months
Explore Top-Notch Film Studio Hire Options in Melbourne with AMP Studio
Looking to hire a professional film production studio in Melbourne? Look no further than AMP Studio - the ultimate destination for your filming and video production needs. With our advanced green walls, white walls, and top-quality equipment, our experienced professionals will help you create high-quality content that captures your audience's attention. We offer a wide range of facilities, including ample parking, a high 6m roller door, changing rooms, and separate LED light bookings per hour. Our studio is perfect for chroma green screen, matte white, lightning and technology, and LED light setups. Additionally, our dedicated team will work with you to deliver the desired results within your timeline. Whether you're looking to create a brand video, commercial, music video, or even a short film, AMP Studio will provide everything you need to exceed your expectations.
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