teasinterests · 2 years
29 with alkaloid please 🥺 anyone from there honestly I just want these babies to be loved--
I’ve never heard you laugh before!
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Holy shit I finally finished this after struggling so hard to think of a scenario.. I wanted it to be focused on everyone, as a treat 🥹 but omfg do I kinda struggle with writing groups..
Characters: Aira Shiratori, Hiiro Amagi, Tatsumi Kazehaya, and Mayoi Ayase
Ler & Lee x Everyone.. ( except Tatsumi bc he’s being a lil shit )
CW / TW: Nothing much other than tickles & family bonding time (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
“It’s soo good!! Thank you for buying me one Aira!!~”
“You’ve said that like, five times now, Hiiro.. it’s only a Starbucks drink. It’s not that special!”
Aira pointed out as Hiiro excitedly slurped from the straw. Aira simply ordered two chocolate cookie frappe’s for the both of them. Though specifically ordering Hiiro’s without the coffee additive.. he didn’t need that.. not that all the sugar helped anyways, but thankfully the redhead still seemed to enjoy it!
“Haha! Well it is to me! Aira picked out this drink for me to try! Plus I’ve never had this before.. it seems so fancy and expensive.. AH! And Tatsumi-senpai and Mayoi-senpai’s drinks look good too!” Hiiro beamed as he held up the little drink carrier. A black tea latte for Tatsumi, and a hibiscus refresher for Mayoi!
“Do you think they’ll let me taste it..?~”
“Don’t go trying to sip off their drinks, Hiiro!” Aira complained before the both of them came to a pause outside of the training room. It sounded like loud laughter was emitting from behind the closed door. Aira and Hiiro exchanging curious glances.
“Is that Mayoi-senpai?” Hiiro questioned before opening the door. The duo peeking inside to see Tatsumi seated on top of a hysterical Mayoi. Frantically trying to push the taller idol off as Tatsumi skittered his fingers around the others sides and ribs.
“Eh? Mayoi-senpai is ticklish?”Hiiro said with a head tilt, whilst Aira quirked a brow in turn.
“Isn’t everyone?”
“Just because you’re super ticklish doesn’t mean everyone else is.~” Hiiro teased before Aira punched his shoulder. An embarrassed blush taking place from the redheads laughter. Only to suddenly jump as their names were addressed.
“Hiiro-san, Aira-san! I see you two have returned!~” Tatsumi beamed as he got up off of the panting Mayoi. Whom was also frantically trying to get back to his feet as their juniors entered the room.
“We have!! Sorry for standing outside for so long!~”Hiiro beamed whilst handing the two their drinks.
“We just didn’t want to interrupt you..”Aira replied as Tatsumi sipped from his cup with a hum of content.
“Ah, you weren’t interrupting much—“
“Y-YOU SAW ALL THAT?!” Mayoi exclaimed as he accepted his cup from Hiiro. The redhead merely laughing in response.
“Uh-huh!! I’ve never heard you laugh like that, Mayoi-senpai!~” Hiiro beamed as Mayoi’s face flushed red.
“Hiiro… can’t you read the room?” Aira complained with a laugh followed up by Tatsumi. “Sorry, sorry.. it’s a bit true though.~ Mayoi-san rarely ever laughs so freely. I enjoy hearing it coming from him, so I couldn’t help myself.~”
“Tatsumi…” Mayoi complained as the unit moved to settle down in a circe. Tatsumi smiling all innocently as he sipped at his latte.
“I understand!! Aira is ticklish too! And he gets all grumpy afterwards.~” Hiiro grinned as Aira shot him an embarrassed look.
“I wouldn’t be if didn’t you win our fights all the time!!” The blonde exclaimed as Hiiro laughed from the reaction. Only to let out a surprised yelp as Aira suddenly grabbed at his waist. Nearly spilling his drink as giggles burst out of him. “H-Hehehey you’re gohohonna mahahake mehehe spill!!”Hiiro exclaimed as he batted at Aira’s hands.
“Fufu, our children are so playful.~” Tatsumi hummed before eyeing Mayoi with a faint smirk of amusement. The purple haired idol shrinking away. With drinks set aside, a startled yelp was quick to leave Mayoi as he was grabbed.
Seems as if pairs have been formed at this point. With newfound laughter bursting out of Mayoi, Tatsumi pulled the younger idol onto his lap. Effectively digging and wiggling his fingers against Mayoi’s tummy.“WAHAAHAEehehe Tahahatsumihihi!! Y-Yohohou alreheheady tihihickled meehehee!!” The purple haired idol exclaimed as he tried scrambling off of the others lap. Though Tatsumi held him close, squeezing the other tightly with a smile. “I know but I can’t help it! Your laugh is so adorable, Mayoi-san!~”
Their attention was suddenly directed towards the juniors as their positions were drastically changed. With Hiiro now sitting on Airas back, scribbling his fingers up and down the blondes sides. “You should really join the karate club with me, Aira! It’d do you good with those combat skills!!” Hiiro exclaimed with a laugh as Aira squealed and kicked his feet against the ground.“NAHAOHOHO GEHEHET OFF MEEHEHE!!” Aira complained with his laughter growing harder as Hiiro reached his armpits. Quickly snapping his arms down.“Then don’t get upset for losing so easi— WAH?!” The unit leader yelped as he was suddenly lifted off of his friends back. Being held just beneath his arms, he was surprised to look back and see Mayoi behind him. “EH?! Mayoi-senpai?!”
“It’s not nice being so unfair to Aira-san y’know.~” The purple haired idol said with a less than innocent smile. Whilst Aira quickly scrambled to his feet with reddened cheeks.
“Mayoi-senpai, my hero!~” Aira beamed as Mayoi’s grin grew wider.
“A-Ahh.. don’t say such a thing about me. I’m undeserving of being a hero to someone like you, Aira-San!~”
“Just hold him still for me!! Hehe.. finally now’s my time to shine!!” Aira grinned as he wiggled his fingers within Hiiro’s direction. An anxious smile growing upon the redheads features. Whilst Tatsumi sat silently off to the side.
“Ah.. what a lovely family.~” The priest hummed whilst sipping from his cup.
“AHAHEHehehe! Wahahait t-thihihis is mohore than unfahair isn’t it?!” Hiiro exclaimed as he squirmed around within Mayoi’s hold. Aira’s fingers scribbling across Hiiro’s tummy, then up his sides and ribs. “No! It’s always unfair! You’re stronger than I am and get me all the time!” Aira pointed out before Hiiro’s laughter intensified as Mayoi’s fingers began to wiggle against his pits.
“I would be upset too in Aira-san’s situation, Fufu.~”
“Is that supposed to mean something, Mayoi-san?~”Tatsumi questioned with a gentle smile. Mayoi immediately jolting upon hearing the others voice.
“EE— NO! Not at all, Tatsumi-san!!”
“Why don’t we all settle down for now? These drinks will go to waste if we ignore them.. plus we’re supposed to be relaxing from training.” Tatsumi pointed out as the duo paused their tickling.
“Eh? But I’ll never get another opportunity like this!”Aira complained, just before Hiiro had jerked from Mayoi’s hold. Quickly rushing away and diving behind Tatsumi to hide.
“HAHAHA! FREEDOM!~” Hiiro beamed as Tatsumi pat at his head a few times. Aira’s pout only adding onto the amusement as Mayoi quickly settled back down.
“Well he does have a point, Aira-san.. getting all tired like this won’t be good for our training..” Mayoi pointed out as Hiiro snuggled up against Tatsumi with a grin. “Yeah! And our fray-pays will get all melty!!” Hiiro exclaimed as Aira came settling back down with a pout.
“Hmph, fine, fine!! …and it’s Frappe! Stupid Hiiro..”
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Crazy:B Tickle Headcanons
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Honestly, I just think their dynamic is really cute? Like, it's so...crazy? No shit it's called Crazy:B for a reason--
But I meant that their relationship with each other is something I find very very wholesome? It's so hard to not like them (..for me at least. Sorry if you can't tell I really am into a certain borderline-blue-and-gray-haired-man-who-will-literally-die-if-not-fed).
Rinne Amagi
He's like, moderately ticklish from what I see him as but I can definitely see that he's more often the ler than lee.
That's pretty obvious considering his personality but...I can't see him as full ler?
As a ler, Rinne now would be really really playfully aggressive? Like he knows when to stop but he'll probably go a biiiit beyond that if it's someone he's ridiculously close to.
For example, he knows the spot that will get his victim instantly go to hysterics and will torment that, and probably that spot only.
He teases but not in the way that really flusters the lee, but more of the kind that's like "oh? Let's test this spot then! You probably won't mind considering you're not saying anything!" Because you're laughing your head off.
His main victim is Niki currently since they're both really close but I don't think he's exactly like this to his other unit-mates or Hiiro.
I can see that he'll probably be more of an actual teaser to them but less aggressive on tickles? Like quantity than quality for them ig?
As a lee however, he's really difficult to tickle if you're really intending to kill him. If you're just testing the waters out he's probably gonna let you by just like, not laughing or letting out a few giggles and go like "having fun?" And then tickle you back instantly.
However, if you do try to make him laugh-laugh, then you need someone or to find a way to get his worst spots without getting pushed or tackled by him.
Once you do, it's pretty easy and him laughing is usually filled with empty threats of him saying he'll get you back in a way.
He can stand most spots and can hide his reactions but he usually just chooses to let his giggles spill, but if you want him squirming and hysterical, go under his knees or go for his lower back.
His laugh is... pretty...out of character. It's actually pretty low and soft and when he goes hysterical it's just mostly breathy laughter coming from the fact he tries to speak alot when he's tickled.
Niki Shiina
I feel like Niki is somehow the second to the least ticklish from Crazy:B? Like, Rinne being the 'least' since he's so good at controlling himself but he still is, Niki is just sliiightly more sensitive than him.
Niki is also like, mainly 50/50 but he doesn't get involved in lots of tickling so both are a fairly low count...
As a lee, Niki is fairly squirmy and his laughter is mainly filled with squeals and shrieks with a few bits of giggles here and there.
His main ler is ... pretty obvious. A certain red-head who really enjoys to be with him.
But other than him, he doesn't get often get tickled by others, the only other few are his other unit-mates and it's usually on accident really.
Sometimes he allows his roommates to tickle him though. They get so enthusiastic about it and really love to be playful. When he does though, he really tries his best to squirm less by just shifting more but it's not really a problem considering Hiiro is...fairly strong.
He's not that good at hiding his reactions and he doesn't even try to, so tickling him at the most generic spots gets him to react with a shriek then followed by a downpour of giggles. Like "GAH-- Wh- Oi what are you- ahahahaha!!...stop iHihiT!!"
But if you want him hysterical with squeaking and squealing, best area to go for is digging at his hipbones or kneading his tummy, it's gonna get you far.
As a ler though, he's mostly just playful? He tries to be a bit more aggressive if it's revenge tickles but he can't really go far even if he tries.
It's mostly skittering and pokes, but he doesn't usually knead or full on attack them, more of little attacks that keep them giggling for so long.
It's usually so cute too cause his teases are just like "hehe you're so ticklish!" Or "ah? Ah! It tickles doesn't it? Cootchie cootchie coo!!~"
Ah HiMERU is canonically ticklish!! That's so cute!!
I can imagine him actually being the most ticklish out of Crazy:B since he's the one that easily reacts to it the most out of them all.
He doesn't exactly scream 'lee' but he's more often lee than lee though.
As a lee, his reactions would be pretty entertaining as being poked, or having a ticklish spot brushed on, or getting tickled by objects will get him to immediately just drop the "haha... please don't do that, HiMERU is ticklish" since he does try to be as "uptight" as possible.
But then if you persist, he gets a bit more flustered and then tries to actually hide his reactions and it's not working! Like it's so cute seeing him go red and say something like "a-ah.? P-Produhucer what are you-- ahah...!".
If you really do tickle him, he just tries to curl up on himself than fight or try to push you away to avoid hurting you, but his reactions are so precious since he's trying to keep his cool persona but it's falling apart.
His worst spot is his neck actually and it's really cute to see him scrunch up and lose his ability to use words properly ~
As a ler though, he's similar to Niki in a sense? He doesn't tease alot, it's mostly just statements like "...HiMERU was just curious." After he playfully scribbles on someone and considers that a revenge tickle.
He could go more aggressive for people that deserve it but overall he's really gentle.
Kohaku Oukawa
He's probably the second to the most ticklish (after...HiMERU) and it's so cute to think about since the first thing they comment on about him is usually how he's "so mature for his age yet shows his childish side" too.
He's also mainly a switch but more of 70% lee and 30% ler, not cause he's not good at it, but mainly cause he doesn't have that much victims? Victims is such a funny word tbh.
At some point he probably tickled Aira as a small playful act but didn't do it all throughout, mainly just those playful pokes to get him to smile and all.
Same with his unit-mates, but he probably only tried to tickle them once and dipped since they're all older and act like brothers to him so they immediately got revenge tickles on him and he never tried again.
He can probably stand a chance though if someone were to help.
As a lee though, he's also squirmy and he really really tries to get away! Like a fish out of water.
His laugh is so free and bubbly that the ler can't help but smile when tickling him cause even if he tries to punch or kick you, you can't help but feel entranced with his laughter.
It's so childish and carefree even if there's empty threats mixed in.
It'll take a bit more effort to get him to giggle so he doesn't react to like, single pokes or accidental brushes.
His worst spot is probably his sides and usually when people just start squeezing non-stop his laughter gets really high pitched and panic-y while he starts flailing around not sure what to do with his hands.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
MY TURN TO SHARE MY HEADCANONS W YOU MAN :DD Unfortunately for you these are...full of my favorites pardon me AAVDJSBEKWBSKA.
☀️ PLEASE I'M HAVING A NIKI BRAINROT RIGHT NOW-- I mean, I always am but Lee!Niki I mean. Please I can't like-- get it off my head but I feel like he'd be the type to like snort alot and I just- aAAAAAAAAAA Nothing I'm just falling for this man istg. Please he probably snorts when he gets nibbles anywhere it looks so cute 😭 I need to get well soon I wanna write this so bad
☀️ Okok, small headcanon but Arashi with ticklish ears? That's so cute and endearing?? And she couldn't handle whispers and kisses there??? Please Arashi I'll write for her someday but just take these headcanons of her cause I need Lee!Arashi in my life.
☀️ Another thing but I just think that since like- Kuro is this guy who's always viewed as intimidating, has this secret sensitivity to very very light touch? And one of those spots that are horribly affected are his cheeks and I can't get it out of my mind cause imagine how cute it is when you try to like, graze your hand on his cheeks to wipe his face for whatever reason--
☀️ Ok this is more of a scenario headcanon than like, spots or sensitivity headcanons? But ever since that one scene in the anime that got me thinking like this but I can just imagine Tori just giving Yuzuru tickles everytime he gets mildly stressed and he can't stop him cause he makes sure that Tori's always safe but he couldn't take it as well since he lets his guard down around him-- their relationship is too cute it's like lil bro and big bro I can't help it 😭
☀️ Please don't be sa d m an I'll write for you again if it makes you feel better
Nawh but these were all so adorable!🥺💖
We really do need more lee Arashi <3
And Kuro with ticklish cheeks is JAJDJSHDJSHD. Someone had requested lee Kuro and that's giving me ideas hehe~
And omg I also love that scenerio with Tori and Yuzu, I sometimes think about that too lmao
Pls these hcs were more than enough, thank chu~ uwu
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ao3feed-ateez · 2 months
hormonal party
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/AKnfuNg by ANSHIHOS Wooyoung never really thought of himself as fragile. But for the first time ever, he felt his insides crush beneath him. Words: 2098, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: SEVENTEEN (Band), ATEEZ (Band), プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ!| Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! (Video Game), D4DJ Groovy Mix (Video Game), BanG Dream! Girl's Band Party! (Video Game), K-pop Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Lee Chan | Dino, Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Kim Mingyu (SEVENTEEN), Yano Hiiro, Matsubara Kanon, Lalisa Manoban | Lisa, Jackson Wang, Charles Leclerc, Carlos Sainz Jr, Bang Chan Relationships: Jung Wooyoung/Lee Chan | Dino, Hinomori Shiho/Shiraishi An, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Additional Tags: Crack Crossover, Crack Relationships, Angst, Hurt No Comfort, car kink, Cheating, Party Host Jackson Wang, formula 1 is the reason for death, Arguing read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/AKnfuNg
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tuathadanan · 8 months
Helo, citizens! We have now decided to document activity checks, arrivals and departures again here! We usually had abolished that the moment we decided to make the invite public, but now we believe it feels necessary to document everything again.
ANYWHO, keep in mind that dropped characters cannot be apped until the 5th February! This gives people enough time to mentally say farewell to their muses and make things less awkward!
Members that had one or more characters in the group, have been DM'd by the admin regarding activity and didn't reply back, have been removed from the server.
The departures are to be found under the cut.
The following citizens have decided to go home:
Ashe Ubert | Fire Emblem: Three Houses Razor | Genshin Impact Dante Verdell | Original Character Sakuma Ritsu - Ensemble Stars Hubert von Vestra - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Ayase Mayoi - Ensemble Stars Lee Haesoo - Love or Hate Hiiro Amagi - Ensemble Stars Miorine Rembran - Witch from Mercury Strelitzia - Kingdom Hearts Nahida - Genshin Impact Lu Guang - Link Click Ferdinand von Aegir - Fire Emblem: Three Houses The following citizens didn't make it past the activity check:
Leona Kingscholar - Twisted Wonderland Raiden Ei - Genshin Impact Trucy Wright - Ace Attorney
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tickle-page · 2 years
Hii!! I just started playing enstar this month and this game have become my comfort place hihi. I was wondering if you have time, please consider writing lee producer, lers hokuto and hiiro (two of my bias), probably the producer decided to treat trickstar and akaloid to a vacation thanks to their hardwork. But during the vacation the producer cannot stop talking about works. So at night while in onsen (the other members have asleep) the two leader decided to tickle the producer to help relax and enjoy the vacation? hehe tysm!
I am terribly sorry, but I don’t weight anything for Lee women. Idky, it’s just not as exciting or my cup of tea. Please find it in your heart to forgive me anon!!! Though, you can request something else wether it be enstars or another fandom your interested in!!😊
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narashikari · 4 years
If Kamen Riders (including 2nd Riders) were Pokémon trainers, which Pokémon partner would they have? (For example, i would like Mew or Psyduck as my Pokémon partner)
Thank you for your support of the ‘duck (he is my favorite alongside the Marill line)
I’m assuming by your inclusion of Mew in your example that Mythicals/Legendaries are fair game... also, I have to apologize because I’m not actually very familiar with many Pokémon post Gen 4 since that’s when I stopped playing the games and watching the anime though I do know a lot of the popular ones since then. I also just gave some Riders ‘mons that I liked or random ones for the heck of it
Tsukasa: Hoopa. Traveller of dimensions, wreaker of havoc
Daiki Kaito: That thieving fox one from Gen 8, I forgot its name though.
Shoutaro: Victini. Victini is the Victory Pokemon, Joker is the Memory of Victory. It fits
Philip: Persserker(sp?). That’s definitely what Mikku is as a Pokémon lol
Ryu: Tbh I’m tempted to give him a Dragon type, because he literally is named dragon, but I think he would benefit from something like a Munna that can take away the negativity in his life
Eiji: Talonflame. It’s a fiery bird of prey which befits his association with Ankh and favored form of TaJaDor
Shintaro: An Eevee.
Akira: Drampa. Why? Idk I just want him to have one
Gentaro: Cosmog line, because ofc Gen will befriend a sentient galaxy baby and raise it into a sun-lion/moon-bat thing
Ryusei: Hitmonlee. They both take cues from Bruce Lee after all.
Haruto: Charizard, for obvious reasons
Kousuke: Galarian Yamask line. Seems like the type of thing an archeologist would have.
Kouta: Arceus. Hopefully for obvious reasons.
Kumon Kaito: Tropius. Tropius grows bananas, Kaito is the banana Rider
Shinnosuke: Growlithe line. He is a police officer after all
Gou: Alolan Raichu. Idk. I just like the idea of him having one
Takeru: Gastly. It’s a ghost but without the malicious intent that some of the later ghost types have so it fits with the friendly, slightly mischievous Takeru
Makoto: Litwick line. He kind of has a will-o-wisp vibe and the line takes cues from that
Emu: A Chansey/Blissey or Audino befitting him as a doctor
Hiiro: Alcremie, because of his addiction to sweets lol
Sento: Scorbunny line. This one is kinda obvious
Ryuuga: Dratini line. They’re both dragons that are kind but scary when pissed and go from blue to orange when they “evolve”
Sougo: Dialga, because time powers and shit
Geiz: Riolu line. Why? Because I want him to have one. It’s a cool Pokémon
Aruto: Genesect. It’s a cybernetic bug, Aruto is the first primarily-bug theme Rider in ages and he runs a robotics company.
Isamu: Dusk Form Lycanroc. Idk why I just like Dusk Form the best of the three
Touma: Honedge line. Again this is pretty obvious
Rintaro: Suicune, for the water and legend association.
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mononoavvare · 6 years
@neoninjutsu   //   [here]
[sms SIGH] what
[sms SIGH] how thick is your glass house then.
[sms SIGH]  Anyway I said what I said.
[sms SIGH] I highly doubt you have any brilliant ideas besides drilling yourself into some type of glory hole.
[sms SIGH]  but yes lets move on.
          [txt; lee]     my house is made of plaster :^)
          [txt; lee]     and for some reason, i don’t think a glory hole would work for me, but i see what you’re implying 
          [txt; lee]     i think
          [txt; lee]     were you slut shaming me?
          [txt; lee]     anyway, back to the original topic of this conversation: do you think shigami hiiro has any weird kinks? i want to sleep with him, but not THAT bad, you feel me?
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[Okay. Here's a list of my Bandverse Muses. Ask them questions.]
Sao Kéntavros - Solo pianist with Urban Entertainment's Classical Division. Her manager is Hiiro Kagami.
Kosuke "Chimera" Nitoh - Solo artist with Remnants Studios. Dating Mikan but nobody outside Remnants knows.
Misora "Mii-tan" Isurugi - Internet idol that only a select few people know the true identity of. Dating Ryuga "Cross" Banjou.
Hiroki "Gavan" Jumonji - Keyboardist for Remnants Studios band Dragon Storm, best friend of Misora. Has a huge crush on Sunan.
Kei "Pallad" Hojo - music producer with Cronus Records, does music for Mii-tan as well. Secretly (but kind of also not so secretly since people know he has a boyfriend they just don't know who it is) dating Graphite of Dragon Storm.
Emu Hojo - Pallad's elder brother and manager.
Hamiko "Hammy" Kakusu - Solo artist with Cronus Records. Currently dating Kuroto Dan.
Abby Phillips - Solo artist from America currently doing a tour in Japan. Her manager is Anton Mercer. Is heavily interested in Gentoku Himuro.
Avira Kaizu (formerly Jumonji) - Hiroki's mother and an aerospace engineer will soon retire with long term from now boyfriend Soichi Isurugi to run Gentoku's club.
Jason Lee Scott - One of Abby's best friends and biggest supporters. Would do pretty much anything for her and insists she leave her current label or request a new manager because Anton is very overprotective.
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Make a list of all the Anime and Anime Movies you have seen so far and currently watching and will watch later.
Sigh…who was the smart one that did this to me? I HAVE WATCHED ANIME FOR A LONG TIME. TBH, I grabbed it from myanimelist.com. I still keep track of the anime I watch to this day. Whoever sent me this, come forward and talk to me LMAO. Bolded ones are my recommendations/my favorites. 
Akagami no ShirayukihimeArcana Famiglia Bishoujo Senshi Sailor MoonBrothers ConflictClannad /Clannad: After Story/Clannad: Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Tomoyo-henCode Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch/Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Nunnally in WonderlandCuticle Tantei InabaDeath Note/Death Note RewriteDetective Conan Movie 01: The Timed Skyscraper/Detective Conan Movie 03: The Last Wizard of the Century/Detective Conan Movie 04: Captured in Her Eyes/Detective Conan Movie 06: The Phantom of Baker StreetDiabolik LoversFairy Tail Fruits BasketGintama Movie 1: Shinyaku Benizakura-hen/Goulart Knights: Evoked the Beginning BlackHakuouki /Hakuouki Hekketsuroku/Hakuouki Movie 1: Kyoto Ranbu/Hakuouki OVA/Hakuouki Reimeiroku/Hakuouki SekkarokuHakushaku to YouseiHeart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder WorldHetalia Axis Powers/Hetalia Axis Powers Movie: Paint it, White/Hetalia World Series/Hetalia: The Beautiful WorldHiiro no Kakera /Hiiro no Kakera Dai Ni Shou Inu x Boku SS/Inu x Boku SS SpecialKage kara Mamoru!Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai Kamisama Hajimemashita/Kamisama Hajimemashita OVAKore ga Watashi no Goshujinsama Kuroshitsuji/Kuroshitsuji II/Kuroshitsuji SpecialMamotte! LollipopNaruto SD: Rock Lee no Seishun Full-Power Ninden One Punch Man/One Punch Man SpecialsOokami Kodomo no Ame to YukiOtogi Story Tenshi no ShippoOuran Koukou Host Club
Pandora Hearts /Pandora Hearts SpecialsPokemon: Celebi Toki wo Koeta Deai/Pokemon: Maboroshi no Pokemon Lugia Bakutan/Pokemon: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu/Pokemon: Mizu no Miyako no Mamorigami Latias to Latios/Pokemon: Pikachu no Natsuyasumi/Pokemon: Pikachu Tankentai/Pokemon: The OriginEditPsycho-PassRomeo x Juliet Special A Sword Art Online Tokyo Mew MewTsubasa Chronicle/Tsubasa Chronicle 2nd Season/Tsubasa Chronicle: Tori Kago no Kuni no Himegimi/Tsubasa: ShunraikiTsubasa: Tokyo RevelationsUN-GO Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 1000%/Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 2000%/Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love RevolutionsVampire Knight/Vampire Knight GuiltyWorld Destruction: Sekai Bokumetsu no Rokunin xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume
I am currently watching (on and off) Uta Pri S4, Gintama, FairyTail S2, and Gintama.
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teasinterests · 2 years
Alkaloid TKL HCS!
This is specifically for wether they actually enjoy tickling / being tickled or not. I’ll probably..? Go thru every unit on this 🥹
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Tatsumi- Huge yes, this is a given. 🥹 Though he specifically enjoys the attention more from his partner(s) he still doesn’t mind if his friends, or unitmates tickle him for funsies. If they’re having fun & he’s having fun then there’s really no harm found. Being the Ler on the other hand.. he still doesn’t mind! Though he’s more lee preferring than anything, but again, he enjoys tickling his friends or partners when it comes to his more playful & childish side.
Mayoi- No…. Yes…? He’s quite indifferent, more so not really letting people tickle him as much. It startles him at first, so maybe something more gentle to get him to relax a little would be best. But, even then he would demand not to put your hands on him as he’s “undeserving.” Most of the Alkaloid members ignore this though, since Mayoi doesn’t truly seem to mind as much as he might say. Being the Ler is much more preferable to him, especially when he’s with his Partner(s). Being able to analyse and figure out where they’re most ticklish, and where triggers the cutest reactions. Y’know.. think of a natural Mayoi mind instead of me typing it out..
Hiiro- Yess…?? Hiiro is also extremely indifferent, basically he doesn’t enjoy it, but he doesn’t hate it, he kinda just doesn’t care? If people close with him tried tickling him he’d probably just let it happen, say with Alkaloid. Though getting into a tickle fight with Rinne they’d probably actually start fighting, but in a playful way! Hiiro is also pretty aggressive when it comes to being a ler, but he’s quick to pick up on cues as to when he should stop, or give his friend/partner a break!
Aira- No, he finds it embarrassing, especially when it comes from Hiiro with all of the teasing and how easily Hiiro can win when they start wrestling each other on random occasion. On occasion does he try tickling his friends/partners. Mainly Hiiro or Kohaku, as he constantly wants to get the “upper hand” on Hiiro one day. As for Kohaku..? It’s from Aira, he probably just gets all giggly and Aira finds it absolutely endearing.
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Knights Tickle Headcanons
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Honestly I don't...know much about them? I mean I do but, not in depth in comparison to other units like my knowledge of most CosPro units unfortunately. I really like CosPro but I really wanted to write for Arashi!! She's so cute I can't help it!!
Also how does...one put a 'read more' option on mobile...?
Because of that...she gets to be first--
She's one of my favorites how can I not?
I have this major headcanon that she herself isn't that experienced with tickling? Well, on the receiving end anyways?
Ever since she got out of her "situation" (I won't spoil!) She immediately got the feeling that she needed to fill the role of an older sister, therefore she usually has the role of the ler and she's really good despite being a gentle tickler.
She doesn't move around much or tickle too aggressively, in fact it's really really gentle but it's very playful! Constantly switching spots, teasing, compliments, there's so much of it...
And (Fortunately? Unfortunately?) Her usual victims are Mika (of course they're besties!!), Tetora (being her roommate!), and the Knights in general. Sometimes Anzu as well when she tags along because I find it really really adorable that Arashi is fond of her!
They can't help but love her back considering these tickles she gives feel so comforting!
She thinks she can handle it because she's so used to giving it out and she just knows it feels good because of laughter.
But once she's tickled? She loses control and immediately squirms despite not wanting to. Her laughter is just as cute and graceful with little words just getting all jumbled too??
Like imagine her just getting so flustered she's not sure if she wants to move away, take it, or have fun and it's so cute to see her at conflict with herself!
She's ticklish on the usual spots but they only get her to jolt or move away. Though, her laughter gets a bit more frantic around her torso like her sides or armpits!
Her worst spot is her hips and I can see someone just digging into the hip bones and she just loses it with bright squeals while she blushes and everything!!
Arashi is so cute!!
Unfortunately I don't know much about Leo? But he's super cute in my eyes! He's so enthusiastic and bubbly!
I feel like he's a bit similar to Arashi in terms of being a ler? Like, he would be playful too like her, switching spots and everything but, the main difference between them is that he's a bit rougher? Not enough to hurt though!
Rough in terms of maybe being a bit more dynamic and all? Like accidentally pinning you down with him grabbing you to tickle you better without realizing it.
He means well though! He just gets carried away since he's having a lot of fun!
Usually he targets Tsukasa, but I think in general he would go after anyone that's currently feeling down or at least not in their best mood?
It would be cute if everytime he notices Alkaloid (especially Hiiro!) Being a bit upset with themselves due to being underachievers, he just starts a random tickle attack and they never see it coming!
As a lee however, I think he's even squirmier than anyone! Well, for knights at least.
He's really ticklish so any spot works! However if you really want him to be hysterical, try his ribs! It seems like a really really good spot!!
I can see him having like...that one laugh where in it's mostly like, really really loud? Not irritating but intense!!
And he snorts when you get to a really bad spot!!
I...don't know much about Izumi unfortunately...
It's not that I didn't read his lore but, it's more of I'm unsure if I can grasp his character correctly as of now? So I just did my best¿
I feel like Izumi is rarely a ler since he prefers to keep himself composed to keep his "figure" at best. Aka his looks.
If anything though, I feel like he's very unskilled because of this so he's not that good of a ler, but he can still tickle people!! It's just messy and he usually only does as revenge...
I feel like he's frequently a lee than a ler though?
Like, since he's so focused on how he looks, not alot of people understand when he is and isn't serious? Or not get it when he says something? So he usually gets tickled for being cocky or so.
But I can definitely see him get tickled by his unit-mates just for fun though! He's gonna keep saying he hates it but...does he really? He loves them doesn't he?
Similar case with Makoto! He will probably say something that objects the fact that he won't tolerate tickling but then it's obvious he's giving him a free pass cause he likes him--
He's somehow good at keeping his composure so you need to break him down by tickling him under his chin or neck, or more sensitive spots like under the knees or hips.
But I headcanon that his worst spot is his lower back and I can't explain why or how? It just does...?¿
I genuinely feel bad I know the least about him with the knights, but like Izumi I'LL DO MY BEST!!
Tsukasa is probably the most balanced out of the knights? 50% lee, 50% ler?
He gets tickled pretty frequently because he's so uptight and of course to cut the unit and himself a slack they'd tickle him until he agrees to take a break.
However, he also tickles pretty frequently because he's not one to initiate it, but usually the one who wants to end it. Usually it doesn't and it just creates a cycle of tickle revenge if anything. (Mainly applies to Kohaku and Leo).
As a ler, I can imagine he's doing his best to threaten but he smiles while he tickles his lee it's hard to take him seriously!!
And he looks so determined too it's really difficult to feel any sort of danger when he's tickling you.
As a lee though, I feel like he squeals, a LOT. He's the type to rarely laugh but you can hear his high pitched voice peak so many times when he gets tickled.
The only time he laughs is when it's mixed in with other reactions like hiccups already when you hit a really bad spot.
Like Leo, he's ticklish in the usual places so it's not hard to get him to laugh, even when he's trying his best not to. He's so easy to crack.
Though in my eyes, his worst spot is armpits! You could just shove it in there and he'll start squealing so much and trying to figure out how to stop it, but he clamps harder and now he can't get away!
Oh Ritsu...
I don't know how to write him because if anything, he scares me. /j
Similar to Arashi, he's more often the ler than the lee. It's not because he's not used to receiving it, but instead it's because people don't find his reactions interesting so he's "safe" more often than not.
Like, he could poke someone like Mao or Tsukasa and get a reaction but they'd be disappointed in trying to get him back with the same method, he's just so good at hiding his reactions.
His technique is just lazy tickles like tracing or pinching, it's just to test reflexes than full-on-ler-mode really
Probably the least ticklish out of them but it doesn't mean he won't laugh!
I can see him those types you need to crack then all of a sudden, giggles just pour non-stop and even when he tries to it just won't!
And usually to get him giggling you either have to tickle a spot long enough, or find more sensitive areas.
His worst spot is his stomach and I find it cute that I headcanon this? Like, he just curls up but your hands are just trapped! So he can't really do much but giggle more.
Raspberries and nibbles are the only time you get to see him hysterical and frantic! Like he'll start trying to push you off or start kicking the bed and squeal so much! It's so cute!
Save me idk how to add a read more 😔
But I really want to rework on these when I do learn more about them because they're just, so cute? ☀️
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
Hiii!!! I'm so glad that your tickletober event is open!! Can I have lee hiiro, ler hokuto for number 9 (lie), I think both of them would be perfect Have a nice day!! P.S. please no foot tickles hehehe
I don't really keep up much with enstars lore, so I'm not really sure what I'd do with them. So I'm gonna decline
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standbymegauloader · 7 years
My Top Ten Favorite Characters
[Got tagged by @buruuhan] 
Actually i have a lot more favorite characters and find it hard for top 10 because i love all of them. But okay. I’ll try my best.
And since i followed @buruuhan to explain the reasons why i liked them, beware of the spoilers. 
Btw, sorry if this post is really, really long.
1. Mr. CEO aka Kuroto Dan from kamen Rider Ex-Aid 
Yeah, i know this is really, really, really crazy. But i love him! Actually my favorite character from Ex-Aid is only Pallad. Then i saw Kuroto’s photo where he smiling warmly and it’s the first time i ever fall to someone since first sight. I love his calm, mature, and polite personality. Even after his crazed and evil side revealed, i just realize that we actually not so different since both we have same crazy inner side (i loved seeing characters that depressed, possessed, having double personality, and experiencing mind torture, but not always). I also giving him nickname Mr. CEO (despite now he no longer Genm CEO) and almost calling him Mas CEO (CEO aniki) because he’s like an older brother figure for me. Then when he showed to really have a good heart and care about others (especially his creation, Poppy), i just loved him more. And everytime he do a warm smile, it’s a bless from God for me. Sorry, guys, if you hate Mr. CEO. But i will always love him. Thank you.
2. Parado/Pallad from Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
I giving him nickname Rado from the Japanese pronunciation of Pallad, Parado. At first, i thought Rado is a cold and mysterious person from the presscon photos. But i’m a bit surprised in episode 1 that Rado actually carefree and friendly person despite his villain status. For me, he is a funny and really enjoyable villain in Kamen Rider. He also has possessive side toward something or someone that gained his attention, like Emu (i love this type, but not always). Also it make me touched that despite Rado seems evil and heartless, he actually cared about his race, the Bugsters. I also likes his ‘comrade-more-like-buddy’ relationship with Graphite. And i would really love if Rado, Graphite and Mr. CEO become a canon villain trio since in the series, they parted into different side. 
3. Alain from Kamen Rider Ghost
At first, i don’t following Ghost, before i accidentally watch his transformation scene from episode 16 and it’s so gorgeous. I then search information about his character profile and decide to follow some episodes since the new episodes that time focuses on him. My nickname for him is Mas Al (nevermind, this just my strange habit to give my fave character unique nickname). I’m really sad when he loses his father that assassinated by his own brother and later Fumi-baba who teach him about humanity. I also love his friendship with Makoto.   
4. Tokoyami Fumikage from Boku no Hero Academia
I never thought that Tokoyami will be my favorite character from BnHA (since i love Bakugo but more into his relationship with Deku). I like his quiet and mysterious personality, also his quirk, Dark Shadow, and how he struggle to control it especially since the villain attack on camping incident. His hero name, Tsukuyomi, is awesome!  I giving him nickname Tokoya from Tokoyami. Darkness or shadow usually connected with anything evil or villainy, but Tokoya prove to us that have dark-related power doesn’t stop you from being a hero.
5. Dr. Doom from Marvel
The first time i know Dr. Doom is from the cartoon Super Hero Squad (actually when i’m child, i had watched the cartoon Fantastic Four but i can’t remember him). Funny fact that i love his funny performance in cartoon while in the comic he is more serious and threatening, but i still love the comic version, too. Dr. Doom is really intelligent and cool person who still uphold his pride and shows some honor as villain. He also have tragic past and really loves his mom that he will risk his soul to go to hell just to save her. Even Stan Lee stated that Dr. Doom is his favorite villain. I saw Dr. Doom as father figure (or maybe uncle figure) and sometimes imagine to meet him in his castle and ask him to teach me about any exact subjects (since i’m weak to exact like math). 
6. Tusk from Dobutsu Sentai Zyuohger
While i’m rarely pick favorite character in Super Sentai, but once i pick someone, i’m gonna really love them. Tusk is calm and cold-headed person, but he can be tsundere, too, and have bad habit to talk too honest and straight-forward that can hurt someone feelings. While i’m not a book-lover person, i still adore his reading book hobby. I like his clothing, especially one of his cloth (maybe the summer movie version) is exactly similar to my father one. I also love his interaction with Misao. I usually call him Tusk-kun.
7. Jugglus Juggler from Ultraman Orb
My nickname for him is Juggy (no, not Buggy from One Piece). Juggy is really interesting villain and maybe one of the best Ultraman villain for me. I like his monster form design and his katana weapon. Despite he’s not as handsome as my other fave character *cough*, he is still favorite in my heart. I love his rivalry with Gai and i feel pity about his past where he isn’t chosen by light. It’s really a blessing for me when he get redemption in the end of the Orb series and even teamed-up with Gai.  
8. Rogue Cheney from Fairy Tail
I love Rogue the same reason i love Tokoyami; they’re mysterious quiet, and have shadow power. While Rogue is the first that i liked before Tokoya. Rogue has little cute Exceed named Frosch and he is really adorable! Rogue is unique because he is partnered with Sting, who has light power. While they have polar opposite personality and power, they worked together really well and for me they’re the best Dragon Slayer in Fairy Tail. Unlike Tokoya, Rogue’s shadow has consciousness and it’s evil. It even takes control over Rogue in the guild tournament before pushed back by Gajeel. And i can’t stop say thank you to Hiiro Mashima that Rogue doesn’t ended up like his future self.  
9. Hajime Aikawa from Kamen Rider Blade
I call him Hajime-san. My most favorite from Blade series. A quiet and seemingly cold person who actually warm and nice toward people that he cared. His real identity as Joker Undead is really heartbreaking, especially the fact that in the final battle he can’t hold his beast side anymore. While i love Kenzaki and Hajime close friendship, it’s really sad when Kenzaki choose to become Joker Undead as well by overusing King Form and then never come back so Hajime can live with  the Kurihara family. T_T Despite that, his Wild Form is really cool! Everytime he uses that form, especially the bow (i’m in love with the bow), i can’t stop screaming so hyped like crazy people. 
10. Stinger and Naga Rei from Uchuu Sentai Kyuuranger
It’s really hard to choose one so i choose both. 
Actually not surprising since my favorite zodiac is Scorpio (don’t worry, i still love my zodiac, Taurus), but no, not his evil brother. My nickname for Stinger is Sting. His deep tone is cool for me. I love his close friendship and partnership with Champ (my zodiac and favorite zodiac is such a good combination for me). I’m really impressed with his debut performance in episode 3. His past also really sad and his brother action just make him become a more broken person. Good that Sting has the Kyuurangers as friends.
My nickname for him is Naga (i choose to call him Naga because it sounds familiar in Indonesian language). While i likes Sting’s deep tone, i also likes Naga’s monotonous voice. His curiosity about emotions is really adorable. Also his partnership with Balance is so cute. Somehow, i hope Sting and Naga both can become the focus in one episode, i want to see them interact each other. But since Sting now really close with Cha, i guess just keep praying.
Honorable mention for : Beelzebumon (Digimon Tamers), Terriermon (Digimon Tamers), Tsurugi Kamishiro (Kamen Rider Kabuto), Chase (Kamen Rider Drive), Hunter Bradley (Power Rangers Ninja Storm), Two Face (DC), etc.
Thanks for the tag, @buruuhan ^^
Maybe you want to try, @kingdomofmymind and @i-am-randomtrash00 ?
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Pending Requests
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A/N: please look at the 'A/N' below for context!
UNDEAD Headcanons (UNDEAD supremacy!)
5 eccentrics (hm...not exactly sure how thisll work yet)
Leo/Natsume fic (I don't have anything solid for this idea yet but will do!)
Lee!Chiaki + Ler! His entire unit wrecking him basically
Lee!Koga + Ler!Undead
Lee!Mayoi or Lee!Keito (Hello Hiki! I'm glad that I get to see a request from you first follower :D )
In Progress:
Old Methods (Hiiro/Rinne)/Ensemble Stars (PLATONIC.)
Welcome Back! (Hiiro/Hinata/Niki)/Ensemble Stars
Self Care (Adonis/Souma)/Ensemble Stars
Brother Figure...? (Crazy:B)/Ensemble Stars (PLATONIC.)
Identity (Yuta/Hinata)/Ensemble Stars (PLATONIC.)
Curiosity (Arashi/Izumi) / Ensemble Stars
Charm (Niki/Rinne) / Ensemble Stars
General Ideas:
A/N: 'Pending' is referring to requests given to be through the ask box! And since I follow a pattern of request >> own idea >> request >> own idea, the 'In Progress' section is fics of my own ideas and are not requested by anyone! General Ideas are fics I'm not so sure if I'd write them or are ideas given at random! Like...think of it as a...ramble area.
Also if I add like... relationship markers like platonic/romantic/etc. I just want to make sure it gets tagged right! Most of my fics are up to interpretation but some fics I really prefer noting what relationship I'm trying to portray!
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
I MUST request for Hiiro Amagi from Enstars to be wrecked, if not him do Mayoi OR someone you are comfortable with, ANY LER, ANY SCENE, ANYTHING, WE NEED TO BUILD A ENSTARS WALL
Tickly punishment
Just gonna pretend I didn't see that first sentence
Anyways, I got so happy when you requested lee Hiiro, he's one of my faves~! (I have a lot of faves in this game KDJAKSJAJSJS). I'm still in awe from that scene where he said he likes physical touch (ofc that must include tickles LOLOL). For the ler I went with Aira as I find their friendship to be quite cute and funny.
We really need more enstars content🥺
Hope you enjoy~!
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Hiiro x Aira (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Hiiro
Ler: Aira
Warnings: Tickles!
After a long day of idol work, Hiiro decided to spend his free time over at Aira's room. They were both good friends and friends go and raid each other's rooms... yeah that's what friends do (atleast according to Hiiro). Anyways, Aira was a bit taken aback when Hiiro suddenly showed up, but he didn't mind the company so he allowed him to stick around. Although his patience started running thin once Hiiro started to poke around at his idol merch.
"Wow, you have so much of this stuff! You must really like idols" mused out the redhead.
"Yeah well I've always admired idols- WAIT HIIRO DON'T TOUCH THAT!!" suddenly screeched out the blonde when he saw Hiiro try to touch at a signed poster. Without thinking, Aira tackled Hiiro onto the floor. A big 'oof' escaped both of them as they came crashing down, with Aira on top of Hiiro.
"Ahh! Hiiro are you okay?! I'm so sorry!" cried out the blonde as he sat on top of the taller's hips.
"Y-yeah I'm alright, just wasn't expecting thaHAt-?!" the redhead let out a startled giggle when he felt the shorter one's hands resting on his sides.
"Hm? I'm sorry, am I hurting you?" asked Aira with a look of concern as he gently massaged Hiiro's sides.
"N-nohoho..! It juhust tickles!!" he giggled out as he brought his arms down his sides out of reflexe. A dorky smile starting to make it's way onto his face.
Suddenly, Aira could feel a mischevious idea starting to form in his head. "It tickles, huh? Well consider this your punishment for almost ruining my poster!" yelled out the shorter one as he started squeezing at the redhead's sides with vigor.
"GYAH! Wahait Aira dohoahahan't!" Hiiro bursted out in cute laughter as he threw his head back. All while trying to grab at Aira's hands.
"Sorry but you must endure your punishment~" teased out Aira, a goofy grin of his own forming across his lips. He had to admit, it was pretty fun to mess with the redhead. He then moved his hands up his ribcage and softly dug into the ticklish bones.
"EEK! Ahahahahaha! N-nahat thehehere!" poor Hiiro tried to curl up on himself as he wrapped his arms around his torso, but with Aira on top of him it was impossible.
"Not there? Then what about here~?" he asked with a teasy smirk as he started to gently scratch at the taller boy's belly.
"AAH! HAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHA!" Hiiro screeched in laughter as his face started to match the color of his hair.
"Ooh did I hit a good spot~?" Aira softly chuckled as he skittered his fingers along the middle of his tummy.
"Y-YEHEHEAH! AHAHAHAHA!" the silly redhead responded in all honesty through his hysterics. Not like he minded it, he found tickling to be pretty fun!
Hiiro squealed and cackled as his friend kept tickling that dreaded spot. Once his eyes started to get a bit watery did Aira stop his tickly torment. He gently patted at the redhead's tummy as Hiiro took in deep breaths, still giggling himself silly from the ghost tingles.
"Are you okay?? Sorry if I took it too far..." sighed out the blonde looking a bit dejected.
"Ahahaha..! Dohon't be, it was fuhuhun..!" giggled out the redhead, a cute smile on his face as a soft pink blush adorned his cheeks. Aira couldn't help but smile fondly down at him. Maybe it wasn't so bad having Hiiro stick around.
I'm still feeling unwell from my surgery, so this was a nice distraction. I hope it ended up well.
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