feathers-of-fluff · 5 months
Fighting Back The Giant
Summary: Lucas is on the run from his tormentor like usual, but things are suddenly different once he decides to finally face his fears and fight back, but he didn’t mean it literally when he accidentally lands on MX’s back. Little did Lucas know, he’d find out a playful weakness at this moment.
Lucas ran as fast as his legs could let him, even if they were begging for him to stop and rest. The ground beneath him shook as loud footsteps emitted from behind while a voice now recognizable enough yelled, making him refuse to look back in fear of falling in a pit or seeing his grinning face.
He jumped over a couple of stairs and pipes, sometimes even landed on the floating bricks, while MX rammed through the obstacles like they were nothing to him. This scared Lucas like hell since he was first lured inside the game, and it still does to this day.
“L-LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY! I JU-JUST WANT OUT OF HERE!” Lucas begged whilst panting, almost tripping over but quickly regained his balance to jump over another one of the stair obstacles.
“YOU CAN’T ESCAPE FROM ME, LUCAS. YOU’LL JUST TIRE YOURSELF OUT AT ANY MOMENT.” The giant plumber responded, his last sentence somehow sounding correct. Then again, stopping would result in death- or in other words- stomped on like a Goomba.
Up ahead was a large pit, the same one where MX would always end up falling in, and Lucas knew very well from his unending experience. He jumps onto the three floating bricks that were nearby and over to the lined up ones that included a question block. Hearing the low-pitched sound of MX jumping had him sprinting to the edge of the pit out of panic to avoid going down with him.
Some of his worries went away when he heard the brute’s scream as he fell down to the bottom with a loud thud. Lucas puts his hand on a pipe as he catches his breath before leaning against it, sliding to the ground.
(It won’t be long before he comes back up again… what am I supposed to do now..?)
He knew there was no other way of leaving this place. He could’ve died from thirst or starvation, but no, it was like there was no heaven for him. He’d rather have the amount of lives you’d normally see than infinite.
He sat there silent until his hands were clutched into fists, slowly gaining bravery as he got up. He took a few deep breaths to get rid of some of his anxiety. “…You know what?”
“I’m n-not gonna be afraid of you anymore! S-Sure, I may be still am, but-but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna be running away from you all the time like a coward!” He spoke out, yelling down at the darkened pit assuming MX should be hearing him by now. “You hear me?! I’m not staying here any longer whether you like it o-or not!”
He turns around to the pipe he was leaning on before, jumping on top of it. He had to think of some plan to fight back without getting himself killed, but how when MX is that bigger than him?
An idea suddenly struck him. It’s somewhat of a death risk, but he’d do (almost) anything to get out of this hellhole.
“Okay… I can do this.” He breathed in and out a few times to prepare himself, attempting to encourage himself. “I can do this…”
Those same words of his repeated in his head as he waited for something to happen however quiet it may be.
…Maybe a bit too quiet.
…What’s taking him so lo-
The immediate moment he came jumping out, Lucas took the time to quickly jump off the pipe hoping to land right.
(Please on the hat, please on the hat, please on the hat, please on the hat, please on the hat-!)
The green plumber boy almost slipped off from the impact of the giant Mario ramming down the pipe, but managed to grab onto the hat.
…However, an eyebrow rose once Lucas felt whatever he had landed on, confused for a second until his eyes widened when he saw that it was actually the back of MX instead of his hat. Immediately, he felt like regretting his decision.
“You can’t hide forever, Lucas. Come out!” MX looked around searching for the boy. His loud voice brought fear back to Lucas, and to think he was actually going to be brave for once too.
He quieted his anxious breathing, trying not to look down before beginning to climb up to the top of MX’s head. As the brute searched though, he begins to feel something going up his back but luckily shrugged it off and went back to looking.
“Thank god…” He whispered with a sigh of relief, continuing his risky journey. It was almost like hiking on a mountain except if it were to be a walking beast unaware of his presence, and speaking of mountains, thinking about this makes him interested to go and see them someday… outside of the cartridge, of course. It felt somewhat nice in a way that wasn’t in the middle of a fight or flight situation.. sort of.
“WHoA-!” His thoughts were interrupted when MX randomly decided to jump back over to the starting edge of the pit he fell in, this time landing with success. Lucas began slowly sliding down again, now clawing his way back up not realizing his tormentor would notice. He did feel a flinch and hear him snicker however, which was… unexpected.
A large hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere, startling Lucas into moving out of the way to avoid getting squashed. It scratched the back for a moment before returning to wherever it came from. Turns out, that hand belonged to MX thinking it was just an itch.
An itch that felt a bit too… tickly.
(I-Is he actually..?) The boy thought to himself. He was feeling curious to find out, but at the same time he also had the feeling of this being a bad idea. But like they say, it wouldn’t hurt to try, right? Some small people are sometimes hard to find for big ones after all.
“Quit acting like a coward and come out already, LucaHAHAS-!” MX yelped, putting a hand over his mouth snickering as he suddenly felt a ticklish sensation. Lucas, being the cause of this, skittered his fingers around the back while holding onto the giant’s clothing with a surprised look on his face. He couldn’t believe what he was actually hearing, and he wasn’t even questioning if it was a dream. This was all real.
“T-Thahahat betteheher not behe yohohou on my fAHAHAcking back!” He yelled, trying to reach his hand for the green plumber. He would have easily grabbed him with no problem if it weren’t for him moving around like a spider.
“Wow, Ihi never knew that the big bad ‘Mario’ himself would be ticklish!” He chuckled, dodging the giant hand before continuing his tickle attack. He was still feeling hesitant due to worry, but at least this was distracting MX.
“Nohohot truhuhue, kihiddo! Now gehehet OhOHOHOFF-!” His voice cracked a little when Lucas started skittering at the spine area of his back.
“If that’s ’not true’, then maybe you wouldn’t mind this?” He smirked, now tracing his finger up and down getting some unexpected giggles out of him.
“IHIIHI DOHOHO MIND THAHAT-! KKHAAAHAHA! CUHUHUT IT OUHUHUT!” MX cackled, making a second attempt at grabbing the boy, but to no avail. It was a surprise for him that he’s this fast to avoid being torn apart at a certain point like this.
“After all the times you’ve killed me? Hah! I doubt I’d be stopping anytime soon unless you promise to let me live!” He carefully moves down to the side of his overalls, wiggling his fingers over it. “Now I wonder if you’re ticklish here as well…”
“DOhon’t you try it, ohohor I swEHEHAHAHAHA-!” He bursted in laughter as the green plumber begins clawing at his side. He couldn’t help but wonder how a smaller victim’s fingers of theirs could tickle more than a regular-sized human’s, but it might have been due to how unknowingly sensitive he was. “Or you swear what, you’ll crush me into a pancake? Nice threat, but not enough to scare me!” Lucas replied with a smug.
Now digging his fingers in his ribs, the smug changes to more of a mischievous look as if he was thinking of playing a prank on someone, which he was except that wasn’t the point as he looked at the giant’s stomach with a playful idea on mind. Bellies were excellent spots to go for most of the time, so it should be the same for MX.
His focus quickly shifts when MX suddenly began slowly collapsing to the ground, alerting him into jumping over to the strap of his overalls without any hesitation before he could accidentally get himself crushed. A short thud emitted as he was now on his back cackling almost like a maniac which scared him a bit.
He shivered as he carefully removed his hands off the strap before hopping over to MX’s stomach, wiggling his fingers in the middle of the air with a chuckle. “Giving up yet?” He grinned.
“WHahahat mahakes you thihink that Ihi will? Ihif anything, it’s you who should be giving up, Lucahas.” His giggles remained due to the phantom tickles on his side, looking his head at him only to witness what he’s preparing to commit.
“…Don’t. You. Dare.” He threatened.
“Oh well then, suit yourself! Tickle tickle tickle~!” He teased, now spidering around what can now be considered as MX’s #1 tickle spot by the sound of him falling into hysterical laughter, closing his eye sockets shut while slamming his fist against the ground. He looked up at him to see his face surrounded by a blush. He snickered at the sight of it, seemingly having fun with this current experience.
“FFAAHAHAHACK! OHOHOKAY, OKAY, FIHIHINE! IHIHI GIVE UHUHUP, JUHUHUST STAHAHAHAP-!” He forfeited. Lucas gives his stomach one more tickle before stopping, crossing his arms like he’s been satisfied by victory. The giant plumber catches his breath for a few minutes or so before sitting up a bit with a grunt.
“…So,” he hesitated just by looking at his face, “promise n-not to put me.. through all that again?”
Seeing him hesitantly hold his hand out, MX thought for a second before responding. “…Sure, champ. Promise.” He shook Lucas’ hand with his finger because of how big he was.
By his tone he sounded somewhat… trusting, and he wasn’t so sure about it, but at least nowadays he’ll at least leave him be for once.
…Or so he thought.
A shriek came out of him as he was suddenly snatched up by the same hand he shook once they both let go, his fears slowly coming back to him. Lucas then hears chuckling from the giant.
Turns out he’s been crossing fingers without his awareness.
To be continued
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moonhoures · 1 year
All Of Me
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🕷️ kinktober — day 7: breeding kink / creampie 🕸️
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pairing: jooheon (monsta x) + reader (afab/fem)
genre: idol!au, mild angst, fluff, smut
warnings: 18+, minors do not interact, explicit smut, established relationship, unprotected sex, creampie, mention of pregnancy (but no actual pregnancy), mention of joo’s military enlistment
word count: ~2.1k
synopsis: you and your idol bf tenderly enjoy one more night together before his enlistment
a/n: dedicating this to my fav jooheon stan @carronpatrick 💕 hope you enjoy it 🫂 also, there’s not much of a breeding kink aspect to this, i’ve realized, so i removed that from the tagline 🙃
posted: october 7, 2023
kinktober masterlist
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So here it was. The day you had been dreading ever since you and Jooheon first started dating. On top of dealing with the hardships of dating an idol—a very successful and famous one at that—you also had to deal with his leaving for military service. He reminded you of it every once in a while, and for the longest time it felt so far away. But now the day had arrived on your doorstep with no remorse, no empathy.
“Don’t look so sad,” your boyfriend tried to lighten the mood as you two sat at the edge of your bed. He had come over to spend the night with you and pick up some of his things from your apartment. He was set to leave for his enlistment two days from now, so this was the last day you had him all to yourself until he would go, “Eighteen months will pass faster than you think. And it’s not like we won’t be able to see or talk to each other.”
“I know,” you put all your energy into speaking with no sign of distress, but your voice betrayed you with a wobble. Jooheon frowned a little, resting his arm around your shoulders as you started to sniffle and tears pricked at your eyes.
“I’ll talk to you as often as I can. That’s a promise. You remember I made you that promise the first year we dated,” he reminded you of that night. Of course, the memory was engrained in your mind like a movie you had just seen yesterday—most of your memories with him were. You recalled you two sitting on the couch, sipping on some beer and eating take-out. He had just finished a media run for Monsta X’s most recent comeback, and he had finally got a night off to spend with you. The topic of his enlistment came up and brought down the mood, but somehow Jooheon always knew what to say to make you feel better.
“_________, I promise, on everything I own and love, that during my enlistment I will use any means and any time I have to talk to you, first and foremost,” even a little tipsy, with his hands jokingly on his chest and in the air (respectively), he managed to say those words so sincerely. You had no choice but to trust his words back then. And even now, you trusted him with everything you had.
“I feel so dumb for crying. It’s not like you’re leaving forever,” you wiped your eyes with the back of your hands, and the smallest smile finally cracked your lips when his laugh sounded from beside you.
“Exactly,” he said, “I’ll be back sooner than you think. And I’ll be sure to set aside lots of time just for us. Just for you,” he corrected himself, pressing a kiss to your head. When you looked up at him, his eyes softened at the redness and teariness in your own. His hand reached up to hold your chin still while he leaned down to give you a tender kiss.
It was a wonder that Jooheon always knew what to say in every situation, but especially without saying anything at all. It was like he spoke with his body language too. Because the kiss he gave you then seemed to whisper it’ll be okay. His other hand holding your waist assured you i’ll always be here when you need me, even if i’m not physically here. The way he rested his forehead against yours after pulling away said i’ll always be yours.
“When you get back-” you started speaking tentatively, and to your surprise, your words came out more confident than before, “-we’re not leaving this bed for a few days, at least. You understand?”
His brows raised and his dimples made an appearance as he chuckled. He nodded, biting his lip subtly before replying, “I was already planning on that. Make sure you have the condoms stocked when I get back.”
As he leaned in for another kiss, your hands were holding onto the fabric of his shirt, feebly attempting to keep him closer, “But I wanna feel you when you get back. Not latex.”
You tried not to smirk against his lips when you felt a low rumble from his chest into his throat.
“Fuck, don’t get me started, _______,” he whined, his hand already going back to your face. His fingers caressed your jaw as his eyes traced between your eyes and lips. Everything in him was begging to have you in that moment.
“Come on, Joo. One more time before you go?” you breathed out against his cheek in between the kisses you pressed to it.
You could feel his breathing getting heavier, and one glance at his lap let you know he was at least considering it. You tested the waters by leaning down and kissing under his jaw, his weak spot. You hummed, “Please.”
Your boyfriend merely groaned in response before he was taking your face in his hands, bringing your lips to his in an abrupt, smashing kiss. He took control easily, you always melted into putty in his hands. You molded to him in any way he manipulated you. He had eased you onto your back, your thighs at the edge of the bed as he continued to make out with you fervently.
Despite how tender and careful he was in his touches, there was an underlying, waiting sense of ferociousness. Like he was waiting for the perfect moment to unleash on you. And you couldn’t wait for the moment to come. You tried to coax it from him, using your fingers to grip at his back. You urged him closer with the rocking of your hips, with the nudging of your feet against his ass. He simply chuckled at your attempts, finding you cute when you were so desperate for him.
He whispered sweet nothings to you as you both discarded your clothing, utters of how beautiful you looked. How good you would feel. How he already couldn’t wait to come back even though he hadn’t left yet. Before the sadness could settle in you again, you were moaning at the feeling of his bare cock resting over your pelvis. His lips peppered kisses all over your chest as his hand pumped his erection in preparation for you. He smiled to himself when you started to move your hips up, quietly exhorting him to fuck you.
“Are the condoms still in the drawer?” he asked you, starting to peel himself away so he could go get them.
You stopped him, hands holding onto his biceps for dear life, “We don’t need to use them. If this is the last time we do this before you go, I want to feel you, Jooheon. Just you.”
Your boyfriend’s dick twitched, and he leaned back down to capture your lips again. He was so whipped for you. His heart skipped a beat when he felt your body pressed up against his. When he heard the sounds you made for him. When he felt how wet you were already. His fingertips swiped up your slit, and he relished in the airy moans you let out before he circled your clit.
“I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around me,” he said, watching your resolve crumble beneath his touch, “It’s been so long since we did it raw.”
It was; over a year, in fact. And it nearly didn’t happen at all. The two of you were getting hot and heavy in his car one day on a road trip, and had gotten to the best part before realizing neither of you had a condom on you. After a minute of panic, you decided to say fuck it and went through with your actions anyway. But you lived in anxiety afterwards. You weren’t really nervous about getting pregnant with Jooheon’s kid, though being pregnant at all did make your stomach sink. But you were more so nervous about tarnishing Jooheon’s career and/or reputation. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you were the cause of such turmoil. Luckily, you didn’t fall pregnant, but you two swore not to do it with condom again until you were both sure that’s what you wanted to do. Now just felt right.
“I want to feel you,” you repeated eagerly, getting impatient. You could feel him lining up at your entrance, his hand still stroking his erection.
“You’ll feel me, baby. All of me.”
Boy, did you. You sucked in a breath as he sunk between your folds, filling you to the brim with his thick length. You watched his face screw up with a disgruntled expression as he felt your tight walls constrict him. He forgot how good you felt like this.
“Holy shit,” he grunted.
You smiled, urging him to start thrusting by pulling on his waist with your hands. Your nails lightly dug into his skin. He hissed while he pulled out, barely keeping his tip in before thrusting back into you slowly. His hips bucked into yours in a growing rhythm. Heavy breaths and the sounds of wet kissing surrounded you two. It was like the two of you made lustful music when you made love. That’s what it always was with him. “Fucking” didn’t sound right to Jooheon. If he was going to have sex with you, he was going to pour in every ounce of his love and appreciation for you that he could muster.
He drilled into you, but his lips were soft and smooth in the way they touched your body, wherever they could reach. He made sure to tell you how good you made him feel and how well you took him. Little did you know that it was mostly because he could feel the effect it had on you. Every touch, every kiss, every word had your insides fluttering, your pussy clenching on him as if he would disappear if you didn’t. In a way, he was going to disappear, you supposed.
“I’m going to miss you so much,” you pouted, feeling that sinking sensation in your stomach as you felt tears welling up in your eyes again.
Jooheon’s hips faltered as he made eye contact with you. His orbs began to mirror yours briefly before he pulled himself together. He continued to thrust into you, softer than before, “I’ll miss you so much more, trust me. I’m gonna think about you every second of every day. Gonna count down the minutes until I can see you again.”
“Joo,” you moaned as you felt your climax building in your lower belly. Your leg muscles were tensing up from the impending sensation.
“Baby,” he whimpered, on the brink of his own release. This was the only bad part of not using a condom; you felt too good. There was no way in hell he could last as long as he usually did. All he could do was hope that you would want round two, and maybe a round three, or four . . .
“Want you to cum inside.”
“I will,” he nodded, eyelids closing tight as he shuddered. He was so close, “Gonna take it all?”
“Mhm,” you hugged around his shoulders, drawing him close until his forehead was on yours. He pressed a haphazard kiss to your nose out of passion, and you chuckled softly.
“Fuc-“ he couldn’t even finish before he was cumming, painting your core. He shook under your touch, his strength wavering under the weight of his orgasm. “Holy shit, that feels so good. You feel so good. I wish you could feel this the way I do.”
Your head was spinning from the way he talked you through it. You could only moan out his name as you came after him, his warmth filling you up sending you over the edge, “Oh my God.”
“That’s it,” he kissed your neck, then he leaned down to hug you properly. It felt oddly nice having his body weight on you, like a comforting blanket.
You would miss this. Not just the love-making, but all of it. Him. You would miss him. It was hard enough being away from him most days due to his job, but having him be unavailable for long periods of time was going to be a form of hell. All you wanted to do was have him like this all the time. All to yourself. You wanted to be able to kiss him and hold him whenever you felt like it. You didn’t want to worry about him up and leaving at any time for any reason. You wanted to have him completely. Was it still selfishness if it was out of pure, uncontainable love?
“Eighteen months,” you didn’t realize you had said it out loud until Jooheon pulled away to regard you with a crestfallen nod.
“Eighteen months,” he confirmed. You prayed that it would be the fastest year and six months of your life.
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— taglist #1
@jaylaxies @xiaoting999 @kookthief @zaddywilk @wonrangwoo @pedriswrld @ikykleeknowww @abby-grace @odisdad @jungwonloveer @pinklemonadeflav @celestialplatinum @luvkpopp @nlklstan @kisses4denji @jenos-eye-smiles @a-l-i-y-a @channiesprincess @bekah931215 @heerinnie @fairygirl18 @cinnikoi @im-ur-calico-cat @unlikelysublimekryptonite
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kiwibomb · 10 months
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wonho bf material lockscreens! please like or reblog if you save it! 🧸
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wonbinssi · 6 months
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a plate of his bestie
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wongyuseok · 3 months
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minhyuk + light blue for @yoohyeon
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haechannabelle · 3 months
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LEE MINHYUK — @/floun_official on twitter [270524]
miss him so so bad 😔 you can see more of my work here: kihyun / jooheon / changkyun / hyungwon 💕
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nanawritesit · 11 months
Wonho Boyfriend Headcanons!
a/n: this wasn’t requested but there’s a CRIMINALLY low amount of wonho content so i thought i’d do something since he’s literally my husband 💞 (don’t tell san or yoongi hehe)
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He loves to call you bunny 🐰
probably wants you to call him bunny as well, it’s a mutual nickname between the two of you
Holding his hand whenever he has to go somewhere high up since he’s afraid of heights, even though his hand is massive compared to yours (he is baby okay)
gym dates 🏋🏼‍♀️
even if you don’t want to work out he just likes taking you with him :)
he likes that you get to see him in his element, all sweaty and breathing heavily 😳
and you’ll usually ward off all the girls and guys who try to hit on him 😀
he’s the best at opening jars, like he should get an award for it
if you’re having trouble opening something you don’t even have to ask, you’ll just hand it to him and he’ll pop it open like it’s the easiest thing in the world
ramen dates 🍜
or pizza, depending on the day 🍕
although he prefers to make it at home with you and just snuggle up on the couch :)
you guys love cooking together
speaking of which, when you guys are alone at home, he barely wears any clothes 💀
like you sometimes wonder why he has so many shirts when he hardly ever wears them
if it’s fall or winter he’ll usually wear sweatpants around the house but that’s about it
(plus it gives him an excuse to cuddle up to you 💞)
he’s SUCH a cuddle bug
everyone thinks he’s so tough and dominant but i think he’s super soft as a boyfriend
loves it when you trace your finger along his tattoos
he can be pretty protective of you, especially if someone is being rude to you
he’ll straight up be like “hey, don’t talk to my partner like that”
he doesn’t like to act serious bc he thinks his size can be intimidating enough to people, but when it comes to protecting you, he won’t hesitate to scare tf out of someone
does NOT like it when other people hit on you
he’ll just bite the inside of his cheek and tighten his grip on your waist while his eyes are piercing into the other persons’ like daggers
again, he’s only scary when he wants to be
it doesn’t bother you though, you mostly just find him extremely attractive when he gets protective of you 👀
but moving on from that, he has a habit of just randomly picking you up and holding you in his arms no matter where you are
even if you’re around your friends, he’ll just scoop you up out of nowhere, and you’ll continue on with your conversation like nothing is happening
your friends are just like ??? why does he do that ???
and you’re just like idk he likes holding me ig 🤷🏼‍♀️
buying his his favorite milk and a tangerine from the convenience store as a surprise before you visit him at work
although he’s usually the one visiting you at work, mostly bc he doesn’t like to eat alone 🥺
you’ve started just packing both your lunches together since you usually end up sharing them
poor baby gets sick really easily so you usually end up being his nurse 💞
he gets SO whiny and needy when he’s sick too 😭
you just baby tf out of him bc he’s so damn cute
making him soup, putting a wet towel on his forehead, rubbing his tummy, refilling his humidifier, anything he needs
he’d do the same for you if he wasn’t always the one falling ill 🙃
you’ve started forcing him to take vitamin c capsules bc you’re tired of seeing him sick all the time
coffee dates ☕️
LOVES it when you steal his shirts
they’re just so big on you and he thinks you look absolutely adorable in them <3
he never gets upset when you take them, in fact he encourages it
“what’s mine is yours bunny” 🥰
obv he loves it when you get all dressed up for an event, and he’ll drool over the sight of you every time, but his favorite look is just you in casual, lazy clothes
asks you to help him practice his english almost every day
he wants to travel the world with you
buying him metamong plushies whenever you see them
he randomly buys you flowers a lot 💐
likes to send you spicy selfies when he knows you’re busy just to fluster you 😳
stealing his glasses just to mess with him, and as he’s looking for them, you’ll put them on and just sit there like ☺️
he just tackles you and covers your face in kisses bc he can’t stay mad at you
he usually prefers taking showers but he LOVES taking baths with you 💞 if he knows you’re having a stressful day he’ll draw a hot bath for the two of you before you get home with your favorite bubbles and light some candles too :)
also loves it when you touch his butt (you just can’t help yourself sometimes) 💀
you’ve definitely changed his mind about marriage. he never saw himself marrying anyone before he met you, and now he can’t imagine his life without you in it 🥰
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monstaxs-world · 2 months
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aewinse · 5 months
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꒪ യ  ★ ⚘️ 。゚
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𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒕𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒑, 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆, 𝒎𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒆
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── ۪ ♡ ۫ Mɪɴʜʏᴜᴋ Mᴏᴏᴅʙᴏᴀʀᴅ
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minzbins · 1 year
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+ another one:
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lunetual · 2 years
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minhyuk x tiffany and co. the promise of love
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v6mpcat · 2 years
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bigger than the whole sky @s-eori
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suizhou · 1 year
i see a lot of comments abt nimona the movie changing the character designs for bal & mr loin but like. they changed it so bal looks like riz ahmed and mr loin looks like blondie himbo eugene. which i think was neat!
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ellaxuv · 24 days
forever missing this era
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master-tonberry · 9 months
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2023 Faves Roundup ★ Freedom by Joohoney
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kiwibomb · 1 year
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wonho lq icons! please like or reblog if you save it! ☀️
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