#lee 🤝 his mother
phoenix--flying · 8 months
Okay now I’m curious 👀 what’s that royal au u keep mentioning 👀
This started as a Percy, Annabeth, Al and Ethan AU so I'll get into that
Annabeth is the Crown Princess (Heir) of Athens, she has one brother and that's Malcom! Athens is a large kingdom, the queen, Athena, is the daughter of the Olympian king Zeus. He gave his daughter a portion of his own kingdom to call her own.
Alabaster is the Crown Prince of Epirus, he had two siblings, his late older brother Edward and his younger sister Lou. Eprius is a rather small kingdom, most of it's resources come from it's neighboring kingdom, Elysium, as the queen, Hecate, is friends with the king, Hades.
Annabeth and Alabaster met during a council meeting their parents attended, being around the same age and both rather antsy they were brought to a separate room when it proved they weren't going to provide much to the meeting.
Being the heirs to their respective kingdoms, they're of course expected to marry, and they opted to choose each other rather then someone they don't know.
Being royals, they're typically at risk for some sort of attack, Alabaster is the oldest now for a reason of course. Because of this, both of them have personal guards, Annabeths is Ethan, the son of the captain of the royal guard, Nemesis. Alabasters is Percy, the son of two castle workers in Eprius, Sally, a baker and Paul, a tutor. (both of which previously lived in atlantis but left because they were lovers of the king)
Before they were able to actually get married, a war broke out. Hecate and Athena took opposing sides and so the engagement was broken.
Now for the sake of me not mentally hurting myself I've changed a lot of relationships 💀 So, Zeus, Hades and Poseidon are brothers and its just the three of them. Hera, Hestia and Demeter are sisters and again, just the three of them.
Zeus and Hera are married the only child they have together is Ares. Zeus also has Apollo and Artemis, Athena, Thalia and Jason as results of affairs. They rule Olympus, with Thalia as their heir.
As I mentioned before, Athena was given a portion of Olympus to rule while Hecate rules Epirus, a kingdom hidden in the mountains.
Hades is married to Persephone, they have Zagreus and Melionë together, while also having Bianca and Nico with Maria, a partner of theirs, and Hazel with Marie, another partner of theirs. The rule Elysium with Bianca as their heir.
Poseidon is married to Amphitrite, they have Triton, Rhode and Kymopoleia together. They rule Atlantis with Triton as their heir.
Ares is married to Aphrodite, they both have children prior to their marriage; Ares has Clarisse, Sherman, Frank and Ellis while Aphrodite has Silena, Drew, Mitchell, Piper and Valentina. The two of them rule Cyprus with Clarisse and Silena as their heirs.
Apollo was married to Saige, they had Lee together, but she passed when he was a few months old. Apollo had Michael, Will, Kayla and Austin after her passing. Though, he never took another queen. He rules Delphi with Lee as his heir. Artemis resides in his kingdom as a princess, preferring that to ruling her own. She leaves the kingdom often, going on hunts and aiding girls who had been abandoned or ran away from their homes. She has her own with in the Delphic castle that houses herself and her hunters.
Hermes, much like Aphrodite, is not related to any of them, he and his wife, Peitho. He has Luke, Chris, Travis, Connor and Cecil. With Peitho, he rules Maia, a kingdom he created himself and named after his mother, with Luke as their heir.
There are a few marriage arrangements among kingdoms, being Luke and Thalia, Lee and Silena and Clarisse and Chris.
me when i have lee get stabbed in his bedroom at nine, get kidnapped from his bedroom at thirteen and poisoned during his wedding at eighteen
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purple-nugget · 3 years
Turning Red 🤝 Encanto
(Mothers meeting)
Julieta: Hi, I'm Julieta and my gift is healing via with food. You may think wow yay amazing, it's not when you have to make it for an entire village
Pepa: Hi, I'm Pepa and my curse gift is controlling with the weather via my emotions. Not fun when you have been emotionally repressed for 45 yrs
Ming: Hi I'm Ming Lee and my ancestors were blessed with the gift of harnessing our emotions to turn in to a red panda
Julieta and Pepa:....
Ming: Yes it's quite an inconvenience
Julieta: Sorry what Pepa means is, how the fck are you still living??
Ming: To be honest I don't know, maybe because of the ritual we do to trap the panda spirit
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