Seizure/Panic Warning!
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there’s a post going around of some girl linking to a “picture of her prom dress” when the link leads to a picture of a gif’d mutilated face and screaming. i imagine that this could be very harmful to both people with epilepsy or those with anxiety problems and the like. it happened to alarm me a lot.
please boost so no one gets hurt! we don’t want any seizures or panic attacks!
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this blog is now officially deactivated. thought i'd let you guys know.
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mad respect for people who write fan fiction in a language that isn’t their native one. please understand the amount of work they put in to be able to do that so they can create content you enjoy!
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Red Wine: Plan B - Conor Maynard
Word Count: 2.395
Warnings: Mentions of NSFW, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of unsafe sex, mentions of the morning-after-pill
Another part of the Red Wine series is here, finally! As I already said, this series will not be chronologically, so this happens way later in their relationship.
Visiting Brighton was always a special time for Vee and Conor. Having both grown up there, they still had a special connection to this place. The Maynards still lived in the house where Conor, Jack and Anna had grown up in, but the house right next to theirs had gone through a row of owners until a married couple in their fourties had bought it a few years ago. It used to belong to Vee’s family, but since they had moved abroad just as she and Jack had finished elementary school, they had sold it. Vee’s mum still lived in town, though she had moved into a rather shabby neighbourhood because as a divorced woman, she couldn’t afford living in this area anymore. That was mostly all Vee knew about her. Their relationship had always been complicated, even when Vee was a child, but now they weren’t even on speaking terms. Vee used to spend time with her dad when they all still lived together, but since he had moved back to Italy and got married to a new woman, all they had were the few weeks of vacation Vee would always stay at his vineyard. There wasn’t any bad blood between them, they just weren’t as close as they used to be.
However, her relationship with Conor’s parents had remained the same, even though they didn’t see each other for about eight years while Vee had been abroad and her mother had forbidden her to contact the Maynards. Once Conor and Jack had brought her home with them, back when Conor and Vee had only been friends, things were back to like they used to be. Helen loved Vee like her second daughter, and welcomed her back into the family like the years they had been separated hadn’t happened. They had a lot to catch up, but the bond that Helen and Vee had was still there, unharmed. Vee was like a second daughter to Helen, and Helen was like the mother that she never had. Earlier, when they had still been living next door, Vee would basically spend all of her free time over at the Maynard house, getting up to some mischief with Jack and Conor. Gary adored her, too. He even built a tree house for the three troublemakers, so they had a little “Headquarter”, as they used to call it. Helen and Gary would have happily adopted her, if her parents would have let them.
As Conor brought home his new girlfriend back then, Helen and Gary were overjoyed when they found out that it was Vee. They were a little surprised when Conor brought her home instead of Jack, but they could soon understand when they saw the chemistry between both of them.
Naturally, coming back to the Maynards always felt like coming home to her. So she was really happy as Conor had asked her to go back home with him for a week, especially since Anna stayed there for the moment, too. The only one missing was Jack, who had decided to go on a last-minute getaway with Mikey and Abe.
Today, Conor and her had been spending the day at the beach, strolling around the pier and just enjoyed having the other to themselves. When they had dinner in a nice Italian restaurant by the water, they decided to walk home instead of taking an uber, since they didn’t live that far away and the sun was still up in the sky, warming the summer air. Hand in hand they strolled through the street, enjoying the evening and each other’s company, until they arrived at the Maynard’s.
Helen and Gary were out in town to have dinner with a few old friends and were bound to return late in the night (or early in the morning, however you’d like to see it), so Anna had the house to herself the whole day. However, when Conor and Vee returned home, they could hear not only her, but there was someone else as well. Vee was pretty sure that she heard Anna moan, and one look to Conor made it clear that he had heard it, too.
His eyes were wide in surprise, Vee would even say that he was shocked, and since the noises were becoming louder by the second, she knew she had to do something. She quickly grabbed Conor’s hand, ushering him out of the house and shut the door quietly. She giggled as Conor’s expression didn’t change.
“Con”, she said, squeezing his hand, “relax.”
“How the hell am I supposed to relax when some wanker fucks my little sister?!”, he whisper-yelled, letting go of her hand.
“Con”, she whispered forcefully, making him look at her. “I know she’s your little sister, but she’s not a baby anymore.”
He sighed. “I know, but…”
“Still, you want to protect her, I get it”, Vee said and took his hand again.
“What are we supposed to do now?”, Conor whispered and squeezed her hand a little bit.
“Maybe we could go in, be a little bit louder than usual so she hears us?”, Vee proposed. As Conor nodded, she took the keys from Conor to open the door.
“Anna, we’re home!”, Vee yelled while Conor shut the door forcefully.
“Hi Anna!”, Conor yelled as well.
They threw away their jackets forcefully when they heard some shuffling upstairs, coming from Anna’s room.
Once Conor and Vee got out of their shoes, Anna and a boy came down the stairs. Anna had obviously tried to fix her hair, but had failed miserably. Conor reached for Vee’s hand.
“Hi”, she said and blushed, trying to pass the two so she could get the boy out of the house quickly. The boy nodded quickly in their direction as well, and Vee could feel Conor tense up.
“Hi, I’m Vee”, she quickly introduced her to the boy, who blushed as he had to stop walking.
“Dustin”, he quickly said, obviously embarrased.
Conor mumbled something under his breath and held Vee’s hand even tighter.
“Anyway, Dustin has to go now”, Anna quickly said and basically shoved him to the door, until they were out of sight.
“Babe, I’d really appreciate it if you wouldn’t cut off circulation in my hand”, Vee said and chuckled as Conor let go.
“Sorry”, he said grumpily and let go of her. He then started to pace around the living room.
Anna came back alone and as Conor wasn’t watching, Vee winked at her. She returned it. They had a very special bond, too. Anna once said that Vee was the sister she had always wanted.
Just as Anna was halfway up the stairs, Conor spoke up.
“Where d’you think you’re going?”
Vee sighed as she watched Anna stop in her tracks.
“Ehm, upstairs?”, she said and slowly turned around.
“Who was that guy?”, Conor asked.
Vee rolled her eyes, but went over to Conor, nevertheless. She took his hand again, trying to calm his nerves before he’d lash out.
“Guy from high school, we met up today.” Anna’s face was now as red as a tomato.
“Just so you know, we heard you”, Conor said, anger still prominent in his voice.
“I figured”, she said and looked down.
“Con, stop”, Vee said, trying to help Anna out.
“No”, he said, “just tell me you were safe.”
“ ‘f course she was, she’s not stupid”, Vee said.
“You know I’m on the pill, Conor.”
“Please tell me you also used a condom”, Conor said, clearly not wanting to have that conversation with his little baby sister.
“Ehm,” Anna stuttered.
“Anna!”, Conor exclaimed.
“We didn’t have any!”, she defended herself. Vee had become fairly silent now.
“And you couldn’t be bothered to go to Jack’s or my room to look for them?”
“I’m on the bloody pill!”
Conor took a deep breath and looked at Vee, desperate for support.
“You should probably get yourself tested for STDs”, she said.
Anna swallowed and nodded.
It was silent for a moment.
“Didn’t you take antibiotics last week?”, Vee asked, knowing that Anna had taken them because of a UTI.
“Yeah, so?”, Anna asked while Conor tensed up again.
“Antibiotics can make your contraception ineffective”, Vee slowly said and watched Anna’s face fall.
“Fuck”, Anna said and sat down on the stairs. She had suddenly become very pale.
Conor rushed to the door without another word.
Unsure whom she should comfort first, Vee stood in the middle of the living room. As she realized that Anna was crying, she decided to go up to her and joined her on the stairs.
“Hey”, she said, wrapping an arm around Anna’s frame, “it’s going to be okay.”
“W-what am I supposed to d-do now?”, Anna sobbed and buried her face in her hands.
“You should get a plan B”, Vee said and held her a little tighter. “I’m going to tell you a little secret, I’ve once had to get one, too.”
Anna looked up at that and Vee wiped a teardrop away with her thumb.
“Sounds worse than it is, believe me”, Vee said, “but maybe you should call Dustin and tell him.”
Anna sighed. “You’re probably right”, she said, “but I don’t think I can do this… Can’t you call him?”
“I’m afraid that’s something you’ll have to do by yourself”, Vee said, “but meanwhile, I’m going to check up on Conor.”
“God, he’s so mad at me… this is so embarrassing”, Anna said and hid her face again.
“He’s just concerned, you’re his little sister after all”, Vee said and got up.
“But I’m not a baby anymore!”
“That’s what I have told him”, Vee said and smiled before she headed outside to find her boyfriend.
She found him leaning on the wall right next to the front door, so close that she had almost stumbled over him. She sat down next to him. He immediately leaned his head against her shoulder.
“I’m sorry for being such a prick”, he said.
“Well, it’s not me you should apologize to”, Vee said.
Conor sighed. “I know.”
“I told her to call Dustin”, Vee said, “and I might have told her that I’ve had to get a morning-after-pill once, too. She doesn’t know that this was with you, though.”
“Thank you, baby”, he said.
“How did you stay so calm when we had to get it, though?”, Vee asked and laughed lightly as she saw that his hands were shaking a little.
Conor blushed.
“Dunno. Maybe it’s because she’s my baby sister. I know she’s basically an adult, but to me, she’ll always be my baby sister.” He was silent for a second, before he added: “Me and you, we could take care of an actual child, you know?”
“You think so?”, Vee asked in disbelief.
Conor nodded. “I mean, we haven’t exactly talked about this yet but maybe when we’re older, we could have a little family of our own. In a few years, I mean.”
Vee blushed. She never thought about having children herself, but she knew that Conor wanted to have some. She never saw herself as a mother, but the way he said it, made her feel a little bit warmer inside than she had before. She took his hand.
“I’ve never thought about kids”, she admitted, hoping that she wouldn’t scare Conor away now. “I know you want to have some, and you’ll be an amazing father, but I don’t know about me, you know?.”
Conor turned around and kissed her cheek.
“I only want them with you”, he said. “And if you don’t want kids, then I’ll accept it. ‘Cause if I had to choose, I’d always choose you over kids.”
“Wow”, Vee said, knowing how much that actually meant. She could feel herself tearing up, so she hid her face in his shoulder.
“I love you, and I will always love you, no matter what”, he said and kissed the top of her head.
“I love you, too.” She looked up at him again as a tear slipped from her eye. Conor wiped it away. Then he gently touched her chin, pulling her closer to him slightly, and kissed her tenderly on the lips, making goose bumps erupt over her skin. When they parted, Conor touched his forehead against hers and they stayed like this for a little while, until they finally pulled apart.
“And by the way, I know you’re going to be an amazing mother. You’re taking such good care of Anna now, aren’t you?” Vee blushed.
“Speaking of Anna, are we going to make sure that you’re not going to be an uncle yet?”, Vee asked.
Conor went for another peck on her lips and nodded. Vee got up first, reaching out her hand for Conor to pull him up with her and together, they went back inside.
Anna sat on the stairs with puffy eyes, her phone in her hands. She didn’t look up as they entered the house again.
“He said it was my problem now”, she said.
Vee, who held Conor’s hand again, felt him tense up. She squeezed his hand, before she spoke up.
“Our problem, Anna, you’re not alone with it, even it that asshole leaves you alone”, she corrected her.
Anna looked up at her and Conor, and smiled lightly, although tears were still spilling from her face.
“Thank you”, she whispered and stood up to hug the both of them.
“Can you please not tell Jack? He’ll kill him”, Anna said as they pulled back.
“Not if I can get him first”, Conor joked, or at least that was what Vee and Anna hoped.
“I won’t tell him”, Vee said after a quick glance at Conor.
“He doesn’t have to know everything”, Conor agreed reluctantly.
“C’mon, grab your purse and we can go to the pharmacy”, Vee said. While Anna was rushing off to get her things and quickly fix her face from the crying, Conor turned to Vee and pulled her into him.
“Thank you baby”, he said and kissed her temple, “you always know what to say.”
“Maybe I won’t be such a bad mom after all”, she said and giggled.
“We’ll see about that”, Conor teased and smirked as she pouted. He quickly kissed her lips to make it go away.
“Of course you’re going to be amazing”, he whispered against her lips.
 Find the other parts of this series here or view all of my posts here
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okay so i more or less don’t like getting political that much online; but this is series and it’s true
okay so for short; trump’s trying to pass a law where employers can fire gay + trans people on job for being lgbtq+ which is basically homophobic/transphobic
instead of raiding area 51 let’s raid the white house and ban trump
i found it on insta so uh
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Snippet: Plan B - Red Wine Series
“Just so you know, we heard you”, Conor said, anger still prominent in his voice.
“I figured”, she said and looked down.
“Con, stop”, Vee said, trying to help Anna out.
“No”, he said, “just tell me you were safe.”
“ ‘f course she was, she’s not stupid”, Vee said.
“You know I’m on the pill, Conor.”
“Please tell me you also used a condom”, Conor said, clearly not wanting to have that conversation with his little baby sister.
“Ehm,” Anna stuttered.
“Anna!”, Conor exclaimed.
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i'm thinking about writing for other people as well, not only the buttercreams anymore.
would you like that? any suggestions whom i should write for? tell me!
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People have mailed the Adelphi Theatre and they say Joe is on the show till december 1st, the 8 weeks that was going around at first was false
good to know!
and i think it will be pretty cool for the other actors to play fuller shows until then
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A lot of people who were complaining at first have already changed their opinion after seeing his audition. He also mentioned in an interview he's had lessons for singing in musical theatre and I was quite shocked by how good he was so I'm really excited to see more
that's cool :) i'm really looking forward to when my internet's better, but i also really don't want to fly home
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i'm thinking about writing for other people as well, not only the buttercreams anymore.
would you like that? any suggestions whom i should write for? tell me!
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just realized i needed to change my caption bc of my recent bithday lol
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Waitress is doing awful for ticket sales in the west end and is heading for being cancelled very soon. However much I think Joes been given this because of followers when people who have trained for this should be given a chance, if his involvement gets more people in to see it then the show will be extended and more actors get a chance to perform. He will probably only have a contract until the start of November.
definitely see your point there!
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Have you seen Joe's audition in his vlog? He is soo good! He can really sing and act tbh + dance ofc
no i actually haven't since wifi is not that great here in vienna, so i'll go do it when i'm back home, but hearing this makes me feel much better about this thing!
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Why is no one talking about what happened in São Paulo yesterday?
The sky turned completely black around three in the afternoon partly because of smoke coming from the Amazon rainforest, WHICH IS 2300 KILOMETERS AWAY FROM THE CITY, where the government has greatly increased the amount of land being burned for profit. People are getting sick, animals are dying, native territory is being lost to the flames.
This is what the sky looked like in my city yesterday, in the early afternoon.
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It got so dark so fast the city had to turn on the lamp posts and night lighting.
Please talk about this. Reblog this post, non-brazilians especially.
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Have you heard that Joe is going to be on waitress (a broadway/west end MUSICAL) like where did that came from? He never acted or sung (seriously) before?
ugh i just heard about that today since i'm on vacation but my first feelings weren't that positive. i mean yes, he was on strictly and he can dance quite well for a non-professional dancer, but since when does that qualify you for something like that? i mean i din't know the musical, i don't know how huge it is because musicals over here in germany are mostly in huge theaters, but still... i guess he's going to do a pretty decent job, i mean we all have heard him sing before and with a little bit of professional help, i'm sure he'll be able to pull it off, especially when we think about his work ethic.
there are people who are trained for this, people who have spent years trying to get bigger roles, dreaming of a huge opportunity like this, so when we look at this from their perspective, i think it's really unfair to those people (i felt like this when conor was performing on kinky boots, too, but that's another story)
BUT (again, duh)
if i was producing this musical, i would want people to watch it. so of course i'd put someone in it who is popular, especially when he was in national tv. and since joe has quite the young audience, they probably sell more tickets, because some of those kids won't go alone.
so, as you can see, i don't know how i should feel about that. but i think it's quite unfair that he's given such an opportunity when he hasn't ever done something like that before tbh. you guys are asking me such difficult questions, but i love it. keep them coming!
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I'm so glad someone else shares my feelings about 'Joanne' like i'm happy he has a gf but like that's almost his entire life/career now. Everything Dianne, every insta post/video and so on like mate that's not healthy and she is building her 'social media career' entirely of their relationship?? Also Joanne stans are very anoying like Dianne could just eat and they're like omg queen you're such an inspiration to us al!! Okay rant over had to get this of my chest
exactly!! like i'm glad he's happy and it's working for him, but.... sooo annoying!
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