#lee pil yo
twentysnoir · 7 months
Especial KRP — Sobrenomes Coreanos
Cansado de Lee? Kim? Seo? Song? Choi? Hwang? Park? Abaixo do "Read More" você vai encontrar alguns sobrenomes mais incomuns que pode usar em seus personagens coreanos.
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Ah, A (아 - A)
Ae (애 - É)
Ban, Bahn, Van, Vahn, Pan, Pahn (반 - Ban)
Beon, Bun, Buhn, Veon, Vun, Vuhn (번 - Bón)
Beom, Bum, Buhm, Veom, Vum, Vuhm (범 - Bóm)
Bo, Vo (보 - Bô)
Bok, Vok (복 - Bôc)
Bong, Vong (봉 - Bông)
Boo, Bu, Voo, Vu (부 - Bú)
Bi, Vi, Bee, Vee (비 - Bi)
Bin, Been, Bean, Vin, Veen, Vean (빈 - Bin)
Bing, Beeng, Ving, Veeng (빙 - Bing)
Da (다 - Dá)
Dam (담 - Dam)
Dan (단 - Dan)
Dang (당 - Dang)
Dae, Dai (대 - Dé)
Dok, Dock (독 - Dôc)
Dokgo, Dokko (독고 - Docô)
Don (돈 - Dôn)
Dong (동 - Dông)
Dongbang (동방 - Dôngbâng)
Deung (등 - Dûng)
Deungjeong, Deungjung (등정 - Dûngdjóng)
Eogeum, Uhgeum, Ugeum (어금 - Ógûm)
Eun (은 - Ûn)
Eum (음 - Ûm)
Hak, Hahk (학 - Rác)
Hae (해 - Ré)
Hyeong, Hyung, Hyoung (형 - Rióng)
Ho, Hoh (호 - Rô)
Hwa, Hwah (화 - Ruá)
Hwangmok (황목 - Ruangmôk)
Hwangbo (황보 - Ruangbô)
Hoo, Hu (후 - Ru)
Ja, Jah (자 - Já)
Jeom, Jum (점 - Djóm)
Je, Jeh (제 - Djê)
Jegal, Jekal (제갈 - Djegál)
Jeo, Juh (저 - Djó)
Jong (종 - Djông)
Jwa, Joa, Jua (좌 - Djuá)
Jeung (증 - Jûng)
Kangjeon, Kangjun, Gangjeon, Gangjun (강전 - Gangdjón)
Ka, Ga (가 - Ga)
Kal, Gal (갈 - Gal)
Kam, Gam (감)
Kan, Gan (간 - Gan)
Kae, Gae (개 - Gué)
Kyun, Kyeon, Kyoun, Gyun, Gyeon, Gyoun (견 - Guión)
Kyung, Kyeong, Kyoung, Gyung, Gyeong, Gyoung (경 - Guióng)
Kye, Gye (계 - Guiê)
Kok, Gok (곡 - Gôc)
Kwan, Gwan (관 - Guân)
Kwok, Gwok (궉 - Guóc)
Kyo, Gyo (교 - Guiô)
Kuk, Guk, Kook, Gook, Kuck, Guck (국 - Guc)
Kung, Koong, Gung, Goong (궁 - Gung)
Kwok, Gwok, Kweok, Gweok (궉 - Guóc)
Keun, Geun (근 - Gûn)
Keum, Geum (금 - Gûm)
Ki, Gi, Kee, Gee (기 - Gui)
Kil, Gil (길 - Guil)
Lin, In, Rin, Leen, Een, Reen (인 - In)
Man, Mahn (만 - Man)
Mangjeol, Mangjul (망절 - Mangdjól)
Mae (매 - Mé)
Maeng (맹 - Méng)
Myung, Myeong, Myoung (명 - Mióng)
Mo, Moh (모 - Mô)
Mok, Mock (목 - Môc)
Myo (묘 - Miô)
Moo, Mu (무 - Mu)
Mubon, Moobon (무본 - Mubôn)
Muk, Muck, Mook, Moock (묵 - Muc)
Mi, Mee (미 - Mi)
Nan (난 - Nan)
Namgoong, Namgung, Namkoong, Namkung (남궁 - Namgung)
Nang (낭 - Nang)
Nae (내 - Né)
Noi, Nwe (뇌 - Nê)
Ok, Ock (옥 - Ôc)
On, Ohn (온 - Ôn)
Ong (옹 - Ông)
Pan, Pahn (판 - Pan)
Paeng (팽 - Péng)
Pyeon, Pyun, Pyuhn (편 - Pión)
Pyeong, Pyung, Pyuhng (평 - Pióng)
Po, Poh (포 - Pô)
Pyo (표 - Piô)
Pung, Poong (풍 - Pung)
Pi, Pee (피 - Pi)
Pil, Fil, Peel, Feel (필 - Pil)
Ra, La, Rah, Lah (라 - Lá)
Ran, Lan (란 - Lan)
Rang, Lang (랑 - Lang)
Ryeo, Ryuh, Lyeo, Lyuh (려 - Lió)
Roe, Loe, Roi, Loi, Rwe, Lwe (뢰 - Lê)
Sa, Sah (사 - Sá)
Sakong, Sagong (사공 - Sagông)
San, Sahn (산 - San)
Sam, Sahm (삼 - Sam)
Sang, Sahng (상 - Sang)
Seomun, Seomoon, Suhmun, Suhmoon, Sumun, Sumoon (서문 - Sómún)
Seonu, Seonwu, Seonwoo, Seonoo, Sunu, Sunwu, Sunwoo, Sunoo (선우 - Sónú)
Seob, Sub, Seop, Sup, Suhb, Suhp (섭 - Sób)
Sobong (소봉 - Sobông)
Soo, Su (수 - Su)
Sun, Soon (순 - Sun)
Seung (승 - Sûng)
Si, Shi, Xi, See, Shee, Xee (시 - Xi)
Tak, Tahk (탁 - Tác)
Tan, Tahn (탄 - Tan)
Tang, Tahng (탕 - Táng)
Tae (태 - Té)
Uh, Eo, Eoh (어 - Ó)
Wan, Wahn (완 - Uán)
Wang, Wahng (왕 - Uáng)
Wun, Un, Woon, Oon (운 - Un)
Wi (위 - Uí)
Ya, Yah (야 - Iá)
Yeop, Yeob, Yup, Yub, Yuhp, Yuhb (엽 - Iób)
Yeong, Young, Yung (영 - Ióng)
Ye, Yeh (예 - Iê)
Yo (요 - Iô)
Yong (용 - Iông)
Yook, Yuk (육 - Iúk)
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agentcable · 8 months
Mouse (2021) Ep. 16 Recap
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The sudden death of Chi-Kook has shocked everyone. Ba-Reum is trying to convince Chi-Kook's mother to request an autopsy. Detective Go has started to doubt that Sung Yo-Han was the real killer and is digging deeper into Song Soo-Ho's past.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Moo-Chi follows Ba-Reum into the hospital's main hall where they discover that Chi-Kook has passed away due to a heart attack. Ba-Reum is shocked by this news. He notices a muddy footprint on the ground and sets off to find the culprit. Ba-Reum chases the perpetrator to a hotel rooftop where he grabs him by the throat and demands to know why he killed Chi-Kook. However, another attacker appears and beats the perpetrator with a pipe. Ba-Reum witnesses this and drops the attacker off the roof. When he reaches the ground level, he finds no one there.
Later, Moo-Chi arrives and joins him in talking to the receptionist. The case becomes even more mysterious. There is no one staying in Room 802, and there is no evidence of a fight in the room. Moo-Chi only trusts the registration plate that Ba-Reum recites, which he remembers from the CCTV footage. While searching, the pair discovers that the room has been cleaned up. Evidence of this is found in the form of broth that Ba-Reum threw, which is still visible in the cracks of the floorboards. However, this does not explain Chi-Kook's disappearance, as the bloodwork confirms no signs of poisoning. The doctors believe that Ba-Reum is losing his mind, and they eventually convince Chi-Kook's mother not to sign the consent form of an autopsy.
Ba-Reum pays his respects to Chi-Kook, but the situation worsens when other victim's families arrive. Ba-Reum loses control and even Bong-Yi cannot calm him down. He eventually lashes out and goes outside to cool off.
Moo-Chi learns that Yo-Han was a father, and Hong-Joo was the mother. Ba-Reum composes himself to walk with the coffin and say goodbye to the officer. He notices another funeral that day for Lee Pil-Seung, who looks like a family member but has a different name and family. Outside, Ba-Reum almost gets hit by a car. The car that hit him before is the one in question.
Sung Ji-Eun responds to an ad for a nanny and goes to see Hong-Joo. Hong-Joo agrees to hire her and quickly leaves to interview one of her victims for her latest show. Before leaving, Hong-Joo comments on how the child has Yo-Han's eyes.
At the police station, Moo-Chi reviews the footage related to Deok-Soo's statement. Detective Lee received the statement, but there is a two-hour gap before he informed the police. The possibility of being deceived is raised. Moo-Chi suspects that Detective Lee may have been involved in the murders of Deok-Soo and Chi-Kook. Moo-Chi begins to doubt the validity of Yo-Han killing the victims in the past.
Ba-Reum conducts his own search and discovers that the man threw off the rooftop is real and not an illusion. He also happens to be his uncle, the same man from the funeral earlier in the episode. It appears that whoever is covering their tracks must be a professional, as the crime scene has been completely wiped clean, except for a spatter of blood that Ba-Reum manages to find. Ba-Reum has been deceived his entire life as his mother never had a sister. This raises the question of who the woman claiming to be his aunt really is.
In flashbacks, we see Ba-Reum as a child sitting outside his house when a woman approached him and introduced herself as his aunt. She adopted him and allowed Jae-Hoon to choose his name, which became Ba-Reum. However, it is unclear whether the adoption was ever officially registered. The registry has no record of Ba-Reum's family ties, which could explain this situation. Ba-Reum is now retracing his childhood, visiting the elementary school he attended.
Bong-Yi catches up with Song Soo-Ho's mother and tries to convince her not to do the interview. However, she is adamant about projecting a message: Yo-Han is not the real killer.
Ba-Reum retraces his steps, heading back to his old home and seeing flashes of his mother being killed. After believing he had killed everyone in his family, he slumped back in despair. However, another flash revealed that Soo-HO was the one who killed his mother. It is possible that Jae-Hoon killed Soo-Ho as revenge, which may have started his murderous rampage.
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dilebe06 · 2 years
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My Top Male Characters 2022
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candiedstarss · 2 years
they rlly gave Kim Ji Seok’s character in Kiss Sixth Sense a camera and thought it wouldn’t immediately make me just want to rewatch all of My Unfamiliar Family instead
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cbk-ed · 3 years
[file #220308] - by bkps megng
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[name] 조병규 - Cho Byeong Kyu [DOB] 1996.04.23 [debut date] 2015.04.27 [blood type] A [MBTI] ENFP, INFP, INTJ (x)
2020.12.31, SBS Drama Awards 2020, Best Rookie Award winner (x) 2021.12.19, Asia Model Awards 2021, Rising Star Award winner (x)
(please inform me if any link doesn't work. thank you.)
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상업영화 / commercial movies
2022, 죽어도 다시 한번 [전우석] (x) even if I die, I do once again [jeon woo seok] 
2021, 이 안에 외계인이 있다 [도건태] full.kr there is an alien here [do geon tae]
2019, 우상 [구요한] full.en cut.kr idol [goo yo han]
2019, 걸캅스 [강한솔, 막내 형사] full.en cut.kr girl cops [kang han sol, the youngest detective] 
2018, 소녀의 세계 [고우철] full.en cut.kr fantasy of the girls [go woo cheol] 
2016, 목숨 건 연애 [설록환] full.en cut.en life risking romance [sul rok hwan, young]
독립영화 / independent movies
2022, 스쿨 카스트 [?] (x) school cast [?]
2022, 밀레니얼 킬러 [정식] (x) millennial killer [jeong sik] 
2021, 김공주들 [병규] (x) killing kim gong joo [himself]
2021, 히키코모리는 안녕하십니까 [기우] (teaser.en) hikikomori, hello [ki woo] 
2020, 하드코어 로맨스 [김행남] serieson teaser.en hardcore romance [kim haeng nam] 
2020, 스페셜 엔딩 [전수원] serieson teaser.en special ending [jeon su won] 
2019, 나이트 버드 [?] (x) night birds [?] 
2017, 그럴 수 밖에 없었다 [성광] full.kr (x) I had no other choice [song kwang] 
2017, 김희선 [최동훈] serieson full.kr teaser kim hee sun [choi dong hoon] 
2017, 똑똑똑 [연우] (not found) knock, knock, knock [yeon woo]
2017, 잇챠 [병규] (not found) let's go [himself]
2016, 오늘 만난 슈팅스타 [무주] teaser.kr (x) shooting star [moo joo]
2016, 비밀 [박지수] purplay full.kr teaser.kr (x) secret [park ji soo]
2016, 아가페 [송태우] full.kr teaser.en (x) agape [song tae woo]
2016, 춘천행 [김태수] moviebloc (x) train to chuncheon [kim tae soo]
2016, 시네마 게임 썸 [상식] (not found) cinema game “some” [sang sik]
2016, 인터체인지 [이준석] full.kr interchange [lee jun seok]
2016, 학교전쟁 [병규] full.en trailer.kr school battle [himself]
2017, 빵셔틀의 반란 [중앙초 야구부 에이스] full.kr revolution of bread delivery boys  [the ace of joongang elementary school baseball team]
2017, 렛 미 아웃 [?] full.kr let me out [?]
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TV 드라마 / tv dramas
TBA, 찌질의 역사 [서민기] (x) history of losers [seo min ki]
2020, 경이로운 소문 [소문] netflix full.en making the uncanny counter [so mun] 
2019, 스토브리그 [한재희] netflix full.en making hot stove league [han jae hee] 
2019, 아스달 연대기 [사트닉] 10-11-12-16.en cut.en arthdal chronicles [sateunik] 
2019, 사이코메트리 그녀석 [강성모] full.en cut.en making he is psychometric [kang seong mo, young] 
2018, 스카이캐슬 [차기준] full.en cut.en making SKY castle [cha ki joon, the 2nd twin] 
2018, 시간 [김복규] full.en time [kim bok gyu] 
2018, 라디오 로맨스 [고훈정] netflix full.en cut.kr radio romance [go hoon jung] 
2017, 돈꽃 [강필주] full.en cut.kr money flower [kang pil joo, young] 
2017, 란제리 소녀시대 [이봉수] full.en girls' generation 1979 [lee bong soo, jung hee's twin] 
2017, 청춘시대 2 [조충환] 3-5-7-8-14.en cut.kr age of youth 2 [jo chung hwan, ji won's junior] 
2017, 7일의 왕비 [백석희] full.en cut.kr queen for seven days [baek seok hee, young] 
2016, 더 케이투 [알바] netflix 08.en cut.kr the K2 [himself, the part-timer] 
2016, 뷰티풀 마인드 [계정수] full.en cut.kr beautiful mind [gye jeong su, jin sung's brother] 
2016, 그래, 그런거야 [환자] 28.en cut.en yeah, that's how it is [himself, the patient] 
2015, 라이더스: 내일을 잡아라 [김민중] 7-8-9-10.en riders: catch tomorrow [kim min joong] 
2015, 후아유: 학교 2015 [조병규] netflix full.en cut who are you: school 2015 [himself]
웹드라마 / web dramas
2018, 독고 리와인드 [김종일] full.en cut.en bts dokgo rewind [kim jong il]
2018, 음주가무 시즌2 [유감우] full.kr (archive) drink, sing and dance 2 [yoo gam woo] 
2017, 사이:비트윈 [조병규] full.en cut.kr between [himself] 
2017, 서울은 처음이라서 [조병규] full.kr my first time in seoul [himself] 
2017, 신감독의 슬기로운 사생활 [조병구] full.en the sensible life of director shin [cho byeong ku] 
2017, 사랑쓰다 [병규] full.en to write love [himself] 
2017, 음주가무 [유감우] full.kr (archive) drink, sing and dance [yoo gam woo]
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2017, 식사 [존] (x) meal [john]
2016, LOVESTART [조병규] lovestart [himself]
2016, 로미오와 줄리엣 [김수로 프로젝트] romeo and juliet [kim su ro project]
2015, 갈매기 [뜨레쁠레프] (x) the seagull [treplev]
2014, 오셀로 [이아고] (x) othello [iago]
2013, 맹진사댁 경사 [미연] the sergeant of maengjin's house [miyeon]
2013, 햄릿 [햄릿] hamlet [hamlet]
2012, 올모스트 메인 [LENDALL] almost maine [lendall]
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2016, 레미제라블 [마리우스] les misérables [marius]
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2015, 《1994년 어느 늦은 밤》, 임형주 (full cut) one late night in 1994, lim hyung joo
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2021.03.01, (02* at 0:54, 1:06, 2:06) 독립만세 [2회] hurrah for independence [ep.2] (*) all I could find is a 3-minute video with most of his scenes cutㅠㅠ
2021.02.13 ~ 2021.02.20, (80-81-82) 놀면 뭐하니? [80회~82회] how do you play? [ep.80~82]
2021.02.13, (147) 도레미 마켓 [147회] amazing saturday [ep.147]
2021.02.07, (00) 경이로운 귀환 the uncanny return 
2021.01.22, (01) 범인은 바로 너! 시즌3 [1회] - 특별출연 busted! 3 [ep.1] - special appearance
2021.01.09, (75 at 22:20) 놀면 뭐하니? [75회] how do you play? [ep.75]
2020.11.28, (257) 아는 형님 [257회] knowing bros [ep.257]
2020.03.15, (494) 런닝맨 [494회] running man [ep.494]
2020.02.12, (145 at 29:36) 본격연예 한밤 [145회] new late night e news [ep.145]
2020.01.31, (331) 나 혼자 산다 [331회] I live alone [ep.331]
2019.12.06, (323 at 00:50, 14:27) 나 혼자 산다 [323회] - 특별 출연 I live alone [ep.323] - special appearance 
2019.08.03 ~ 2020.05.30, (00) (my playlist) 자연스럽게 [1회~6회, 8회~12회, 20회, 26회, 36회~43회] naturally [ep.1~6, 8~12, 20, 26, 36~43] 
2019.05.17, (294) 나 혼자 산다 [294회] I live alone [ep.294] 
2019.03.26, (102 at 13:07) 본격연예 한밤 [102회] new late night e news [ep.102] 
2019.01.31 ~ 2019.02.07, (17-18) 해피투게더 시즌4 [17회~18회] happy together 4 [ep. 17~18]
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36 Couples – many left the FFWPU / Unification Church
                                    Updated December 16, 2018
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▲ In Seoul, after the final ceremony for the 36 couples, there was a public procession of the couples in cars. Moon always sought maximum publicity from the mass marriages he held.
This list should be an accurate list of the original 36 couples who were married by Moon. During 1960-1961 he held three ceremonies. He then put all the couples together as one group which became known as ‘the 36 couples’. When some defected they were replaced by couples from the 72 couples group or others. For example Mr. Moon said: “No one knows, if Seuk Joon-ho  [Dr. Seuk, the son of Mrs. Choi Won-pok] enters the 36 couples…” January 2, 1997, São Paulo, Brazil.
husband                        wife
1. Eu Hyo-won               Sa Kil-ja (Ewha student)   See link below
2. Kim Won-pil               Chong Dal-ok   both died
3. Kim Young-hwi          Chong Dae-hwa (Ewha)
4. Lee Yo-han                Won Shim-hee
5. Eu Hyo-young            Kim Hwa-yong   defected from UC
6. Lee Sang-hun            Kim Han-sook   husband died
7. Kim In-chul                 Gu Jong-sook   inactive
8. Hwang Choong-hun   Kim Kum-rang
9. Moon Seong-yong     Jang Pyong-ju
10. Hwang Hwan-chae   Park Young-sook (Ewha)
11. Lee Jae-seok           Kang Chung-won (Ewha)
12. Hong Chong-bok    Seo Myung-jin (Ewha)
13. Choi Young-seok    Kim Moon-hee   inactive ‘Tiger’ Choi
14. Lee Soo-kyeong       Kim Ki-young
15. Chong Han-chae    Park Seung-hee (Ewha)  husband died
16. Hong Sung-pyo     Yu Gil-ja             defected from UC
17. Han In-soo             Lee Sun-goo    husband died
                                     (2nd wife:  Kim Sook-Ja (Ewha))
18. Pak Bo-hi               Yoon Ki-sook
19. Han Sang-kook       Lim Byung-sook        Fraser Report
20. Kim 'David SC’ Sang-chul   Kang Ui-hong   husband died
21. Ahn Chang-sung     Choi Ye-chong
22. Lee Gi-seok             Chi Saeng-ryon (aka Malsook Lee in US) (Ewha)       Her original name before joining was Chi Mal-sook.        Her husband died in 1972; she died in 2018 in the US.
23. Choi Bong-choon     Shin Mi-shik (Ewha)         This is “Papasan Choi” who left and gave this statement in Japan
24. Chong Su-won        Kim Kyong-nam
25. Han Sang-kil            Kim Chong-eun (Ewha)  She has Alzheimer’s
26. Kim Chan-kyun        Choi Young-ja
27. Kwak Chung-hwan   Yoon Jong-eun   defected to Hyun-jin Moon
28. Kim Byung-ho           Han Young-shim
29. replaced
30. replaced
31. replaced
32. replaced
33. replaced
34. Park Chong-goo       Choi Kum-soon      ‘Tiger’ Park died in 1982
35. Choi Chu-won           Lee Hong-yeon
36. Song Moon-kyu         Cho Min-ja    defected
Song Moon-kyu (January 9, 1983 Washington, D.C.) “I was number 36. Mr. Choi was number 35. Tiger Park was number 34. The three of us formed a trinity.” http://www.tparents.org/library/unification/Talks/Song/Song-830109a.htm
Some of the replacement couples:
32. Eu Hyo-min      Na Soon-yol  defected in 1992 - see below
33. Lee Chin-tae    wife unknown  defected from UC
34. Han In-ju         wife unknown  defected from UC
35. Lee Chun-yong   wife unknown  defected from UC
36. Hong Kwang-chul  [wife may be Choi Myung-Ja]  
This list was compiled in the early 1990s. Others will have died or defected since then.
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▲ Here are 12 of the Ewha Womans University students who were expelled because of the“scandalous rites” of the Unification Church. After their expulsion, the students managed to meet President Kim Hwallan on May 23, 1955. She stood by her decision. This picture was taken on campus after the meeting.
(Top from left) Seo Myung-jin, Lee Gye-soon*, Sa Gil-ja, Chi Saeng-ryeon**, Park Young-sook, Kang Jung-won and Chung Dae-hwa (who was later married to Kim Young-whi)
(Bottom from left) Choi Soon-wha (the mother of Sam Park), Yim Seung-hee***, Kim Jung-eun, Shin Mi-shik (later known as Mamasan Choi) and Park Seung-kyu.
* Lee Gye-soon entered Kyunghee University in 1957. She left the Unification Church over 50 years ago and had a successful career as a professor.
** Before Chi Saeng-ryeon joined she was known as Chi Mal-sook, and after she moved to the US in 1973 she was known as Mal-sook Lee.
*** Her name may be 朴承姫 Park Seung-hee and not 林 Yim or Lim Seung-hee.
Kim Yun-rye was also expelled but later made a pledge to give up the Unification Church, and Ewha Womans University allowed her to return to her studies.
Eight of the expelled students entered other universities in 1956.
Ewha in the list of 36 couples = Ewha Woman’s University students.
 These ten women joined as students during the Ewha University Sex Scandal of 1955. There were other students who joined, but they were not included in the 36 couples marriage, which took place in stages during 1960-1961.
The Hongs (couple 16) left in the 1990s. They are the parents of Nansook Hong. Her brother, Jin-whi Hong, was married to Ye Jin Moon. He left before Nansook – and he helped Nansook to escape the East Garden compound.
Moon bought a house for each of the 36 couples. Apparently, because Korea is a “low-trust” nation, this was one way of trying to ensure their loyalty. Moon: “In Korea I bought houses for many early members of our Church and in the future I would like to take the responsibility of buying houses for all the black, white and yellow people. I am the only one in history who is doing this, but it isn’t easy.” 
October 3, 1976  Belvedere, New York.  Translator: Bo Hi Pak.
The 36 couples were the first of two or three “Royal Blessings”. They definitely included the 36 and 72 couples and probably included the 124 couples. The wives from the “Royal Blessings” were all “purified” by Mr. Moon. The “Royal Couples” were also known as Mr. Moon’s “Tribe”. More is explained in this Shukan Post October 15, 1993 magazine article, published at the same time as Mr. Chong-hwa Pak’s book.
 Some of the 36 couples became quite wealthy and lived in expensive properties. Some had Japanese members helping in their homes.
Moon kept many of the 36 couples separated from their spouses for years and years. This caused some couples great heartache – for example Kim Won-pil was one who longed to be with his wife. It caused complications in other couples.
It is a fact that the 36 couples all had “womb cleansing” pikareum sex rituals with Mr. Moon. The theology was explained to Japanese members in the early 1990s by Mr. Yoshiaki Hiro, Mr. Kunio Sano and Mr. Yasutomo Shirai. (Mr Takeru Kamiyama was to be the main lecturer, but he was in hospital with stomach problems.) There had also been lectures given in Japan about pikareum in the 1980s by a lecturer called Ota.
Here are some further quotes from Moon about the 36 couples:
“I have received many such certificates from Satan. One of the most dramatic was during the Blessing of the 36 couples. Incredible controversy erupted at that time; people were praying to God, “Please don’t let Reverend Moon take my son away. Let him die tonight instead.” … At the time of the 36 couple Blessing, the entire nation of Korea opposed me. I was a villain in the eyes of the country.”
 December 27, 1981, Belvedere, New York.
“This is the first group of people I blessed. These cover every facet of our society every group of society so for everyone who accepts the principle there is room to go to heaven. They have their own ladder to climb up. They have their own channel. Do you understand? I want you to understand that I opened 36 doors so that every person here on earth has one door to get into. No opportunity is lost, there is always a door open for everyone out there, once they accept and repent they can go through one door which is the mercy of God.”
 May 20, 1978, London.
“All women’s love should unite with me. The 36 couples should not think about their own family, but how to save the nation.”
 July 14, 2002, East Garden, New York.
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Taught at a Family Federation for World Peace and Unification workshop:
“The Purpose of God’s Providence of Salvation is to end the journey of God's sperm.”
Moon had sex ceremonies with the wives of all the first 36 couples.
Sun Myung Moon restored the first three wives
Pikareum explained in Moon’s own words
Ritual Sex in the Unification Church
How “God’s Day” was established in 1968
Where Moon got his theology from
Hyo-won Eu told them the real story of Sun Myung Moon

Hyo-min Eu’s testimony: “Moon’s ‘Gigantic lie’”
5 notes · View notes
itsthebreakdown · 3 years
Year: 2013
Shows Active: 
Show Champion
M Countdown
Music Bank 
Show! Music Core 
Chances to Win
Show Champion - 43
M Countdown - 52
Music Bank - 51
Show! Music Core - 30
Inkigayo - 40 
Total - 216 (+33)
Show Breakdown 
Show Champion 
2AM: One Spring Day (1) 
4Minute: What’s Your Name (3) 
Ailee: U&I (1) 
Aprink: No No No (1) 
Busker Busker: Love, at First (2) 
Cho Young-Pil: Hello (1) 
CNBLUE: I’m Sorry (1) 
Davichi: Turtle (1) 
Dynamic Duo: BAAAM (1) 
EXO: Growl (3), Miracles in December (1), Wolf (1) 
F(X): Rum Pum Pum Pum (1) 
Hyolyn: One Way Love (1) 
Infinite: Man in Love (1), Destiny (1) 
IU: The Red Shoes (1) 
K.WIll: Love Blossom (2) 
Kara: Damaged Lady (2) 
Lee Hyori: Bad Girls (1) 
Miss A: Hush (1) 
Shinee: Dream Girl (4), Everybody (2) 
Shinhwa: This Love (2) 
Sistar: Give it to me (1) 
Sistar19: Gone Not Around Any Longer (1) 
Teen Top: Rocking (1) 
Trouble Maker: Now (2) 
M Countdown 
2NE1: Do You Love Me (1), Falling In Love (1), Missing You (2) 
4Minute: What’s Your Love (2) 
Baechigi: Shower of Tears (1) 
Beast: Shadow (1) 
Busker Busker: Love, at First (2) 
Davichi: Just the Two of Us (1) 
Dynamic Duo: BAAAM (1) 
EXO: Growl (3), Miracles in December (2) 
F(x): Rum Pum Pum Pum (1) 
G-Dragon: Black (2), Crooked (1) 
Girls Generation: I Got a Boy (3) 
Hyolyn: One Way Love (1) 
Infinite: Destiny (1), Man In Love (1) 
IU: The Red Shoes (2) 
Lee Hi: It’s Over (1), Rose (1) 
Lee Hyori: Bad Girls (1) 
Miss A: Hush (1) 
Psy: Gentleman (3)
Shinee: Dream Girl (3) 
Shinhwa: This Love (3) 
Sistar: Give it to Me (3) 
Sistar19: Gone Not Around Any Longer (3) 
Troublemaker: Now (2) 
Yang Yo-Seob: Caffeine (1) 
Music Bank 
2AM: One Spring Day (1) 
2PM: Comeback when you hear this song (1) 
Ailee: U&I (2) 
Aprink: No No No (1) 
Busker Busker: Love, at First (2) 
Cho Young-Pil: Bounce (3) 
CNBLUE: I’m Sorry (2) 
Crayon Pop: Bar Bar Bar (1) 
Dynamic Duo: BAAAM (1) 
EXO: Growl (2), Miracles in December (1), Wolf (1) 
F(x): Rum Pum Pum Pum (1) 
G-Dragon: Crooked (1), Who You? (1) 
G.NA: Oops! (1) 
Girls’ Generation: I Got a Boy (3) 
Hyolyn: One Way Love (1) 
Infinite: Man in Love (2) 
IU: The Red Shoes (1) 
K.Will: Love Blossom (1), You Don’t Know Love (1) 
Kara: Damaged Lady (1) 
Lee Hyori: Bad Girls (1) 
Lee Juck: Lie Lie Lie (1) 
Miss A: Hush (1) 
Psy: Gangnam Style (1) 
Psy: Gentleman (1) 
Shinee: Dream Girl (2), Everybody (1) 
Shinhwa: This Love (1) 
Sistar: Give It Me (3) 
Sistar19: Gone Not Around Any Longer (3) 
Teen Top: Rocking (1) 
Trouble Maker: Now (2) 
VIXX: Voodoo Doll (1) 
Show! Music Core
2NE1: Falling In Love (1), Missing You (1) 
B1A4: What’s Going On? (1) 
Beast: Will you Be Okay? (1) 
Busker Busker: Love, at First (2) 
Cho Young-pil: Bounce (1) 
Davichi: The Letter (1) 
Dynamic Duo: BAAAM! (1) 
EXO: Growl (3), Miracles in December (2), Wolf (1) 
Hyolyn: One Way Love (1) 
Infinite: Destiny (1), Man in Love (1) 
IU: The Red Shoes (1) 
K.Will: You Don’t Know Love (1) 
Psy: Gentleman (1) 
Roy Kim: Love Love Love (1), Spring Spring Spring (1)
Shinee: Everybody (1) 
Shinhwa: This Love (2) 
Sistar: Give it to Me (2) 
Soyou & Mad Clown: Stupid in Love (1) 
Trouble Maker: Now (1) 
2NE1: Falling In Love (1), Missing You (2) 
4Minute: What’s Your Name? (2) 
Beast: Shadow (1) 
Block B: Very Good (1) 
Busker Busker: Love, At First (1) 
CL: The Baddest Female (1) 
EXO: Wolf (1), Growl (3), Miracles in December (2) 
F(x): Rum Pum Pum Pum (1) 
G-Dragon: Coup D’etat (1), Crooked (2) 
Girl’s Day: Female President (1) 
Infinite: Man in Love (2), Destiny (1) 
IU: The Red Shoes (1), Friday (1) 
K.Will: You don’t know love (1) 
Lee Hi: It’s Over (1), Rose (1) 
Lee Hyori: Bad Girls (1) 
Miss A: Hush (1) 
Psy: Gentleman (3) 
Shinee: Dream Girl (1), Everyday (1) 
SIstar: Give it to Me (2) 
Taeyang: Ringa Linga (1) 
Teen Top: Rocking (1) 
Trouble Maker: Now (1) 
Triple Crowns:
4Minute: What’s Your Name? On Show Champion 
Cho Young-pil: Bounce on Music Bank 
CNBLUE: I’m Sorry on Show Champion 
EXO:Growl on Inkigayo, Show! Music Core, Show Champion & M Countdown 
Girls’ Generation: I Got a Boy on Music Bank & M Countdown 
Psy:Gentleman on Inkigayo & M Countdown 
Shinee: Dream Girl on Show Champion & M Countdown  
Shinhwa: This Love on M Countdown 
Sistar: Give it to me on Music Bank & M Countdown 
Sistar19: Gone Not Around Any Longer on Music Bank & M Countdown 
Yang Yo-Seob: Caffeine on M Countdown 
First Wins: 
Baechigi with Shower of Tears on M Countdown 
Block B with Shadow on Inkigayo 
Cho Young-Pil Hello on Show Champion  
CL with the Baddest Female on Inkigayo 
Crayon Pop with Bar Bar Bar on Music Bank 
Dynamic Duo with BAAAM! On Show Champion 
EXO with Wolf on Music Bank 
Girls’ Day with Female President on Inkigayo 
Hyolyn with One Way Love on Show! Music Core 
Lee Juck with Lie Lie Lie on Music Bank 
Mad Clown with Stupid in Love on Show! Music Core 
Roy Kim Love Love Love on Show! Music Core 
Soyou with Stupidin Love on Show! Music Core 
VIXX with Voodoo Doll on Music Bank 
65 Wins
Girls’ Generation 
55 Wins
45 Wins
40 Wins
30 Wins
Lee Hyori
25 Wins
20 Wins
15 Wins
Miss A
Highest Points for Song: Sistar - Give it to Me - 108,018 Points
Highest Number of Wins for One Song: EXO - Growl - 13 Wins 
Highest Points per Group: EXO - 173,196 Points 
Highest Number of Wins per Group: EXO - 26 Wins 
Exo - 26 Wins
Shinee - 16 Wins
Sistar - 11 Wins
Infinite - 10 Wins
2NE1, Busker Busker, Psy - 9 Wins 
G-Dragon, Shinhwa, Troublemaker - 8 Wins
4Minute, IU, Sistar19 - 7 Wins
Girls’ Generation, K.Will - 6 Wins
Cho Young-Pil, CNBLUE - 5 Wins
Dynamic Duo, F(x), Hyolyn, Lee Hi, Lee Hyori, Miss A - 4 Wins
Ailee, Beast, Davichi, Kara, Teen Top - 3 Wins
2AM, Apink, Roy Kim - 2 Wins
2PM, Baechigi, Block B, CL, Crayon Pop, G.NA, Girls’ Day, Lee Juck, Mad Clown, Soyou, Taeyang, VIXX, Yang Yo-Seob - 1 Win 
Yang Yo Seob had won the other two awards at the end of 2012, this is Caffeine’s third win earning a triple crown on M countdown 
Video at the top is the song with the most wins.  If it is a tie, then it will go to the song with the highest points cumulative over the year, if it is still a tie, I put the songs on a random list and it chooses one.  
There were no recorded points for this year. 
I will be marking Milestones after 15 wins every 5 wins.  Sometimes within a year, groups will skip some milestones and just reach the next one.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3dezFzsNss 
Music Show Masterlist  
0 notes
asia1one · 5 years
دانلود سریال کره ای کشیش آتشین The Fiery Priest بازیرنویس فارسی
♦ دانلود سریال کره ای کشیش آتشین 2019 The Fiery Priest ♦ ♦ پخش آنلاین , دانلود موسیقی متن و زیرنویس فارسی تا قسمت آخر ♦
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♦ دانلود سریال کره ای The Fiery Priest ♦
♦ مشخصات سریال کره ای کشیش آتشین ♦ عنوان: کشیش آتشین / The Fiery Priest عنوان کره ای:열혈사제 ژانر:جنایی، درام، کمدی کارگردان:Lee Myung Woo نویسنده:Park Jae Bum شبکه:SBS تعداد قسمت ها: 40 تاریخ شروع پخش: 15 فوریه 2019 جایگزین: سریال کره ای The Nokdu Flower کیفیت: ۴۸۰-۵۴۰-۷۲۰ ♦ خلاصه داستان ♦  کیم هه ایل (کیم نام گیل) یه کشیش کاتولیکه، اون افکار معادانه و رفتارهای گستاخانه ای با بقیه داره. کو دیونگ (کیم سونگ کیون) خیلی پرحرف در عین حال خجالتیه. پارک کیونگ سون (لی هانی) هم یه بازپرس زییا و باهوشه. این سه نفر درگیر پرونده قتل کشیش بزرگ میشن و… ♦ بازیگران سریال کره ای The Fiery Priest ♦
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Kim Nam-Gil Kim Sung-Kyun Lee Ha-Nee Go Joon Keum Sae-Rok Kim Hae-Il Koo Dae-Young Park Kyung-Sun Hwang Cheol-Bum Seo Seung-A
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Jung Young-Joo Kim Hyung-Mook Jung In-Gi Han Ki-Joong Lee Moon-Sik Jung Dong-Ja Kang Seok-Tae Nam Suk-Goo Park Won-Moo Ki Yong-Moon
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Kim Won-Hae Jeong Dong-Hwan Jeon Sung-Woo Baek Ji-Won Ahn Chang-Hwan Vladimir Kozayev Lee Young-Joon Han Sung-Kyu Kim In-Kyung Ssongsak Tekaratanapeuraseoteu
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Ko Kyu-Pil Yoon Joo-Hee Shin Dam-Soo Jun Jung-Kwan Ji Chan Oh Yo-Han Bae Hee-Jung Lee Myung-Soo Heo Ik-Gu Na Dae-Kil
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Kim Min-Jae Lee Je-Yeon Eum Moon-Suk Jeong Jae-Kwang Lee Kyoo-Ho Lee Joong-Kwon Kim Hoon-Suk Jang-Ryong Kim Gun-Yong Choco
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Ok Ye-Rin Yoo Seung-Mok Lim Ji-Eun Oh Kwang-Doo (ep.31-32) ♦ ریتیگ سریال The Fiery Priest ♦ Date Episode TNmS AGB Nationwide Seoul Nationwide Seoul 2019-02-15 1 9.3% - 10.4% (9th) 11.6% (7th) 2019-02-15 2 11.9% - 13.8% (4th) 15.6% (3rd) 2019-02-16 3 7.4% - 8.6% (14th) 9.5% (12th) 2019-02-16 4 9.1% - 11.2% (9th) 12.6% (9th) 2019-02-22 5 11.0% - 12.8% (5th) 14.7% (3rd) 2019-02-22 6 13.3% - 16.2% (2nd) 18.5% (1st) 2019-02-23 7 11.1% - 13.0% (4th) 14.8% (4th) 2019-02-23 8 13.4% - 15.7% (3rd) 18.0% (3rd) 2019-03-01 9 11.9% - 14.0% (4th) 15.9% (3rd) 2019-03-01 10 14.3% - 17.2% (2nd) 19.5% (1st) 2019-03-02 11 10.4% - 13.1% (4th) 15.0% (4th) 2019-03-02 12 12.8% - 16.0% (3rd) 18.2% (3rd) 2019-03-08 13 11.9% - 15.3% (4th) 17.1% (3rd) 2019-03-08 14 14.2% - 17.7% (2nd) 19.7% (1st) 2019-03-09 15 10.8% - 12.5% (5th) 14.6% (4th) 2019-03-09 16 13.7% - 16.1% (3rd) 18.3% (3rd) 2019-03-15 17 11.5% - 15.4% (4th) 17.4% (3rd) 2019-03-15 18 13.7% - 17.5% (2nd) 19.5% (2nd) 2019-03-16 19 12.0% - 14.2% (4th) 15.7% (4th) 2019-03-16 20 14.3% - 18.1% (3rd) 20.3% (3rd) 2019-03-22 21 12.3% - 14.6% (3rd) 16.5% (3rd) 2019-03-22 22 14.9% - 17.2% (2nd) 19.0% (1st) 2019-03-23 23 12.6% - 14.8% (4th) 16.7% (4th) 2019-03-23 24 15.5% - 17.9% (3rd) 19.6% (3rd) 2019-03-29 25 11.9% - 15.3% (3rd) 17.4% (3rd) 2019-03-29 26 14.6% - 18.5% (2nd) 20.9% (1st) 2019-03-30 27 14.0% - 15.6% (4th) 17.4% (4th) 2019-03-30 28 16.1% - 18.2% (3rd) 19.8% (3rd) 2019-04-05 29 13.0% - 15.5% (3rd) 17.7% (3rd) 2019-04-05 30 16.9% - 19.8% (2nd) 22.2% (1st) 2019-04-06 31 15.7% - 17.7% (4th) 19.9% (4th) 2019-04-06 32 17.3% - 19.4% (3rd) 21.6% (2nd) 2019-04-12 33 - - 16.2% (3rd) 18.6% (3rd) 2019-04-12 34 - - 20.3% (1st) 22.8% (1st) 2019-04-13 35 - - 17.2% (4th) 18.9% (4th) 2019-04-13 36 - - 20.0% (3rd) 22.1% (2nd) 2019-04-19 37 14.6% - 16.7% (3rd) 18.4% (2nd) 2019-04-19 38 18.1% - 20.3% (1st) 22.2% (1st) 2019-04-20 39 15.9% - 18.6% (4th) 21.1% (4th) 2019-04-20 40 18.5% - 22.0% (3rd) 24.7% (1st) Read the full article
0 notes
jyjcostarica · 7 years
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                     [Trad] 170727 Entrevista Star1: Kim Jaejoong “Han pasado 14 años, pero todavía siento que debuto cada vez”        |                                         Como una flor de un arbusto espinoso, la estrella Kim Jaejoong nunca perdió su luz bajo ninguna circunstancia durante los últimos 14 años. De cantante a actor. De soldado a famoso. No ha dejado de reinventarse para que las fans no tuvieran oportunidad de cansarse de él. Siempre muestra algo nuevo e interesante como Paul y la Milagrosa Aventura de Paul. Vuelve a empezar como si debutara de nuevo. P. Han pasado 6 meses desde que terminaste tu servicio militar. Has trabajado muy duro: gira de conciertos y rodaje del drama. JJ: El tiempo voló. Trabajé continuamente antes del alistamiento y después de salir del ejército. Creo que ha sido bueno. Me gusta. Me cogí un mes de vacaciones después de la gira. Descansar sin tener un plan no me pega. P. Debes de sentir que estás empezando de nuevo. JJ: Cierto. Y es muy divertido. Me he dado cuenta de que esto es mi trabajo. Mi vida. Si aparezco en televisión, puedo promocionarme más pero… necesito seguir trabajando para mostrarme más a mis fans que me han esperado. Seguiré trabajando sin descanso. P. Empezaste a rodar Manhole-Pil in Wonderland. Hace 2 años que no actúas. ¿Te has sentido raro? JJ: Pensé que iba a sentirme extraño delante de la cámara pero sorprendentemente, me he sentido bien. El estilo del director es diferente a lo que estoy acostumbrado así que tendré que hacer algunos ajustes. P. Las partes de tu personaje, Bong Pil, son enormes. JJ: De media, es más del 80% por episodio. Bong Pil aparece desde la primera escena hasta la última escena según el guión de todos los episodios. Baro me dijo: “Hyung, debe de ser difícil”. Sabe que Bong Pil usa mucho su cuerpo. Tengo que mantener mi energía. He metido un montón de suplementos nutricionales en mi coche. 
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 P. No podemos evitar hablar de la vida en el ejército. La convivencia debió ser complicada. JJ: Al contrario, me he sentido cómodo. No solo los soldados sino también los superiores eran más jóvenes que yo como esperaba desde el principio. Estuve bien con mis compañeros soldados y los cargos superiores pero los soldados que estaban por debajo de mí no estaban tan cómodos. Se divertían y decían: “Kim Jaejoong está aquí”. Eso me incomodaba pero no les daba órdenes y les trataba bien. P. Tenías que tener cuidado. JJ: Teníamos que tener cuidado los unos de los otros. Tenían sus impresiones sobre Kim Jaejoong el soldado. En el ejército, la gente tiende a cambiar la forma en la que hablan y se comportan de acuerdo a los rangos. Intenté no hacer eso y tratar a todo el mundo bien. P. ¿Te has acostumbrado bien físicamente? JJ: Cuando estaba trabajando no podía dormir mucho. Muchos soldados lo pasan mal por la falta de horas de sueño pero yo estaba bien ya que estaba acostumbrado a ello. Eso me ayudó a acostumbrarme rápidamente. P. Mucha gente dijo que estabas más guapo con el pelo corto JJ: He oído decir a la gente que soy guapo gracias a mi corte de pelo antes de irme al ejército. Por favor, no os equivoqueis. Soy un chico guapo incluso con el pelo corto. (Risas) Otros también se preguntaban: “Kim Jaejoong no debe de estar trabajando duro, ¿como puede ser su piel tan blanca?” ¿Cómo voy a llevar maquillaje en el ejército? Me ponía crema solar religiosamente. P. ¿Te preocupaba que se olvidaran de ti? JJ: Esa era mi mayor preocupación. Qué pasa si me olvidan… Por eso quería trabaja más. El servicio militar es obligatorio. Pero no podía dejar de preocuparme por el hiatus. P. De hecho tus fans escucharon tu nuevo álbum y disfrutaron de tu concierto holograma. JJ:Fue increíble. Estaba en la base militar y mis superiores me decían: “Estás actuando en un concierto ahora mismo” (risas)
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      P. Ya han pasado 14 años. JJ: No me lo parece. Es como si hubiera debutado ayer. Siempre que empiezo un trabajo nuevo, estoy empezando de nuevo. No puedo recordar claramente las cosas que han pasado hace diez años a veces. Recuerdo los grandes eventos pero los pequeños detalles se me escapan. Por eso sigue siendo fresco y mágico. P. Has mantenido tu posición muy bien durante mucho tiempo. JJ: Es todo gracias a mis fans. No tendría dónde ir si nadie me llamara. Tengo fans en Corea y en el extranjero que me quieren. Ellas son la razón por la que puedo aparecer en dramas y anuncios y hacer conciertos. Todo es así. No soy nada. No puedo hacer nada sin mis fans. Mi staff también me ayuda mucho. P. Has pensando de esta forma según ha ido pasando el tiempo JJ: Escuché lo que dijo Lee Hyori durante Radio Star de MBC. Me hizo pensar. Me dije que debería esforzarme al máximo. Debería estar muy agradecido por el dinero que recibo por lo que hago. Antes lo daba por sentado, el valor del dinero se convierte en nada. El trabajo que hago… tengo que estar agradecido por ello. Tengo que valorarlo más y ponerle más valor. 
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                                      P. Hay un diferencia entre el Kim Jaejoong que conocen las fans y el Kim Jaejoong que conoce el público general. JJ: Hay fans a las que les gusto y gente a la que no les gusto. Pero… creo que hay mucha gente que no me conoce. No puedo decir que he llevado una vida ejemplar como artista todo el tiempo. Pero sí que lo he intentado constantemente. La generación más joven no han visto mucho de mí así que tengo que esforzarme más. P. Como actor estás aumentando tu filmografía sin recibir muchas críticas JJ: No he recibido muchas críticas pero tengo que trabajar en los detalles. Me gustaría rodar dos dramas al año. Pero no puedo ir a los programas de televisión así que tengo que ir a  ver a las fans de mi música dentro y fuera de Corea. Los meses pasan volando si trabajo en un álbum y me voy de gira. Quiero hacer muchos dramas y mejorar más mi actuación pero no es fácil. 
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                                                          P. ¿Te sientes afortunado con el drama Manhole? JJ: tengo un buen presentimiento con él. La gente de mi entorno me recomendó no perder la dignidad demasiado pero a mí me da igual. Tiendo a sudar mucho. Hace mucho calor y Pil se mueve mucho así que siempre aparezco mojado en la pantalla. Las apariciones de mi personaje son muchísimas así que llevaría mucho tiempo volver a maquillarme. No quiero hacer esperar al resto así que continuaré con pasión. Sé que tengo que verme bien en algunas partes pero no estoy pensando realmente cómo me veo. P. Es una comedia romántica. ¿No estás obligado a llamar la atención de las espectadoras? JJ: Pil no es masculino ni cool. Sería un éxito si expresara bien los puros sentimientos de amor de Pil por Sujin. Quiero que los espectadores digan: “Pil no es muy cool pero tiene un buen corazón” Pil tiene 28 años. Quiero que sea un personaje lindo y entrañable. P. Has dicho que has dejado de lado tu aspecto pero estás igual que cuando te alistaste. Te has cuidado muy bien. JJ: He seguido una dieta estricta pero nada especial. He entrenado en casa. No quería empeorar demasiado después del ejército. De momento estoy envejeciendo bien. Pero no sé qué pasará dentro de 3-4 años (risas) P. Vamos a terminar con la promoción del drama JJ: Es un drama divertido y refrescante que se deshará del calor del verano. Es muy impredecible. Preparaos para reír y por favor, esperadlo con ganas. Fuente: AtStar1 via Naver Traducción inglés: @crystalmoon0213Traducción español: LoreSu@INAF_JYJ
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(2nd LD) S. Korean art troupe performs in Pyongyang with N.K. leader in attendance
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(2nd LD) S. Korean art troupe performs in Pyongyang with N.K. leader in attendance
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(ATTN: RESTRUCTURES to place background info higher; ADDS photos)
By Shim Sun-ah and Joint Press Corps
PYONGYANG, April 2 (Yonhap) — A South Korean art troupe held a historic performance in Pyongyang on Sunday with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and his wife in attendance.
A 160-member art troupe, including celebrated K-pop musicians such as Cho Yong-pil, Red Velvet and Seohyun, performed for about two hours before a North Korean audience in the fully packed, 1,500-seat East Pyongyang Grand Theatre.
It marks the first performance by South Korean artists in the North Korean capital since 2005, when Cho, a contemporary K-pop legend, held a solo concert there.
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A South Korean art troupe rehearses for its performance in Pyongyang at East Pyongyang Grand Theatre on April 1, 2018. (Yonhap)
The North Korean leader was seen watching the show and clapping while sitting in the center of the second floor seats, according to the show’s cast members. Kim and his wife Ri Sol-ju sat next to South Korean culture minister Do Jong-whan.
The performance began at 6:50 p.m. (South Korean time), about one hour later than scheduled due to Kim’s surprise attendance.
His sister Kim Yo-jung and Kim Yong-nam, the North’s ceremonial head of state, were also present at the concert amid a thawing of inter-Korean ties driven by North Korea’s participation in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in February.
In celebration of the Winter Games in the South, North Korea sent not only athletes and cheerleaders but also an art troupe and a taekwondo demonstration team. The art troupe called the Samjiyon Orchestra staged a concert in Gangneung on South Korea’s east coast and another one in Seoul.
On Friday, the two Koreas agreed to hold what will be the third inter-Korean summit following meetings in 2000 and 2007 at the border village of Panmunjom on April 27.
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North Korean audiences clap and wave their hands during a performance by a 160-strong South Korean art troupe at East Pyongyang Grand Theatre in Pyongyang on April 1, 2018. (Yonhap)
Under the title “Spring Comes,” 11 famous South Korean artists or groups — Cho Yong-pil, Lee Sun-hee, Choi Jin-hee, Yoon Do-hyun, Baek Ji-young, Red Velvet, Jungin, Seohyun, Ali, Kang San-eh and jazz pianist Kim Kwang-min — performed 26 songs transcending the inter-Korean border and generations.
North Korean audiences cheered and applauded in response to the intense sound and appealing voices of the South Korean performers.
“I was so overwhelmed that I couldn’t even see the score,” Choi Hee-seon, a guitarist in Cho Yong-pil’s band, told reporters after the performance.
Including the art troupe, a 190-strong South Korean artistic delegation led by Culture, Sports and Tourism Minister Do arrived in Pyongyang on Saturday for a four-day visit. The delegation also includes a 20-member team of taekwondo performers and 10 staff members, reporters and government officials, and they traveled aboard two chartered flights via a direct air route from Seoul.
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Singer Cho Yong-pil rehearses for the South Korean art troupe’s performance in Pyongyang at East Pyongyang Grand Theatre on April 1, 2018. (Yonhap)
Sunday’s concert began with a magical hologram performance embodying the title “Spring Comes” and a lyrical piano performance by Kim Kwang-min. Then Jungin and Ali sang their own songs, “Uphill” and “Pungpung,” respectively, before performing an old Korean folk song, “Face,” as a duet.
“I didn’t know if I would be able to keep my promise this early, and I’m really happy to keep my promise this spring,” Seohyun, the show’s host, said while opening the show. “A flower of hope is blooming in inter-Korean relations.”
   The 26-year-old star from the popular idol group Girls’ Generation made a surprise collaboration with North Korean singers during the Samjiyon Orchestra’s performance in Seoul.
Cho Yong-pil, who previously performed in the North in front of a crowd of 7,000, returned to a Pyongyang stage with The Great Birth, the band that he has been with for about 40 years.
He performed “Cafe of the Winter,” which was known to be one of late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il’s favorite songs, and a medley of three of his hit songs — “Dream,” “Short Hair” and “Let’s Go Travel.”
   Choi Jin-hee sang “Love Maze,” her 1984 megahit, which was also reported to be Kim Jong-il’s favorite, while Red Velvet introduced globally hot K-pop music through its latest hits “Red Flavor” and “Bad Boy.”
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   A South Korean art troupe rehearses for its performance in Pyongyang at East Pyongyang Grand Theatre on April 1, 2018. (Yonhap)
Seohyun performed “Greenish Willow Tree,” a very popular North Korean song by late singer Kim Kwang-sook. The title both symbolizes spring and the North’s capital, also known as “Ryugyong,” a Korean word meaning “the capital of willow trees.”
   Following the song, all the cast members sang Cho Yong-pil’s “Dear Friend” in relay, and then sang the North Korean song “See You Again” and the common Korean song “Our Wish is Reunification” in unison for the finale.
They received an enthusiastic standing ovation from the North Korean audience and an armful of bouquets.
North Korean leader Kim shook hands with each cast member and took photos with them after the show was over, the pool report said.
He also insisted that the two Koreas should hold cultural performances more often, suggesting that there should be another event in Seoul around fall under the title “Autumn Came,” according to the cast.
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North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (2nd from L) and his wife, Ri Sol-ju (L), clap during a performance by a 160-strong South Korean art troupe at East Pyongyang Grand Theatre in Pyongyang on April 1, 2018, in this photo provided by the (North) Korean Central News Agency the following day. (For Use Only in the Republic of Korea. No Redistribution) (Yonhap)
Ahead of the concert, the taekwondo demonstration team had an individual performance for about an hour before 2,300 North Koreans who packed the Pyongyang Taekwondo Hall. It marked the first taekwondo performance in the North by a South Korean team since 2002.
“You honestly prepared (the performance),” Choe Hwi, chairman of the North’s National Sports Guidance Committee, said after watching the show. “I think it would be good if we (two Koreas) could learn from each other for further development of taekwondo.”
   The taekwondo team is scheduled to stage a joint performance with North Korean performers on Monday at Pyongyang Grand Theatre, while the art troupe will perform with North Korean artists at Ryugyong Jong Ju Yong Gymnasium on Tuesday afternoon.
The South Korean delegation will return home later that night, wrapping up its four-day trip to Pyongyang.
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In this photo provided by World Taekwondo, a South Korean taekwondo demonstration team, performs in Pyongyang Taekwondo Hall on April 1, 2018. (Yonhap)
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tongphongads · 6 years
Kim Jong-un tới xem nghệ sĩ Hàn Quốc biểu diễn ở Bình Nhưỡng
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Ông Kim Jong-un (phải) bắt tay một quan chức Hàn Quốc tại buổi biểu diễn. Ảnh: Yonhap.
Yonhap dẫn thông báo từ Bộ Văn hóa Hàn Quốc cho biết ông Kim và vợ, bà Ri Sol-ju, đã đến dự buổi biểu diễn tại Đại Nhà hát Đông Bình Nhưỡng tối 1/4. Nhóm tổ chức buổi diễn ở phía Hàn Quốc gồm 160 thành viên, trong đó có 11 nghệ sĩ nhạc Pop, ví dụ như Cho Yong-pil, Lee Sun-hee, Choi Jin-hee, nhóm Red Velvet và ca sĩ Seo Hyun thuộc nhóm nhạc Girls' Generation.
Ông Kim trở thành lãnh đạo Triều Tiên đầu tiên tham dự một buổi biểu diễn nghệ thuật do các nghệ sĩ Hàn Quốc thực hiện. Tuy nhiên, nhiều người cũng đoán được việc ông sẽ tới tham dự sự kiện này bởi trước đó, Tổng thống Hàn Quốc Moon Jae-in hồi tháng hai đã đến xem đoàn nghệ thuật Samjiyon của Triều Tiên biểu diễn chào mừng Thế vận hội Mùa đông PyeongChang 2018.
Theo một phóng viên đưa tin, em gái ông Kim, cô Kim Yo-jong, và Chủ tịch Quốc hội Triều Tiên Kim Yong-nam cũng có mặt tại buổi biểu diễn. Lãnh đạo Triều Tiên đồng thời cho rằng Seoul và Bình Nhưỡng nên tổ chức thường xuyên hơn các hoạt động văn hóa, gợi ý về một sự kiện tương tự ở thủ đô Hàn Quốc vào mùa thu. Bộ trưởng Văn hóa Hàn Quốc Do Jong-hwan cho hay ông Kim còn hỏi về các ca khúc cùng lời bài hát trong lúc xem.
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Các nghệ sĩ Hàn Quốc tổng duyệt trước buổi biểu diễn. Ảnh: AFP.
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kdramaindonesia · 5 years
Drama Korea Different Dreams Subtitle Indonesia
Drama Korea Different Dreams Subtitle Indonesia
SINOPSIS Different Dreams :
Di tetapkan di Kyungsung, sementara negara ini berada di bawah pemerintahan kolonial Jepang, dan Shanghai, China.
Lee Young-Jin (Lee Yo-Won) adalah orang Korea, tapi dia dibesarkan oleh orang Jepang. Lee Young-Jin sekarang menjadi ahli bedah, tapi dia juga menjadi agen intelijen untuk pemerintahan sementara Korea. Dia terlibat dengan kekacauan selama Perang Pasifik.
Detail K-Drama Different Dreams :
Judul : Different Dreams Judul Lain : Yimong/ 이몽 Genre : Drama, History Episodes : 40 (empat puluh) Sutradara : Yun Sang-Ho Penulis Naskah : Jo Kyu-Won Stasiun Channel : MBC Negara : Korea Di tayangkan pada : 4 Mei 2019
Daftar Pemain Different Dreams :
Main Cast:
Lee Yo Won as Lee Young Jin Yoo Ji Tae as Kim Won Bong Im Joo Hwan as Fukuda Nam Gyu Ri as Miki
People around Lee Young-jin :
Lee Hae Young as Hiroshi Lee Young Sook as Kim Hyun Ok Kim Tae Woo as Yoo Tae Joon Yoon Ji Hye as Esther
Heroic Corps :
Jo Bok Rae as Kim Nam Ok Baek Seung Hwan as Majar Park Ha Na as Cha Jung Im Lee Kyu Ho as Yoon Se Joo Heo Ji Won as Park Hyeok Kim Joo Young as Kim Seung Jin
Joseon Governor Office :
Jun Jin Gi as Oda Seol Jung Hwan as Maru Ahn Shin Woo (안신우) as Kenta Yoo Sang Jae (유상재) as Roku
Jongno Police Station :
Heo Sung Tae as Matsuura Kang Pil Sun (강필선) as Daiki Lee Kyo Yeob (이교엽) as Matsuda Yoon Joon Sung (윤준성) as Kimura Park Seon Woong (박선웅) as Taro
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asia1one · 5 years
دانلود سریال کره ای تغییر دنیا Switch: Change the World با زیرنویس فارسی
♦ دانلود سریال کره ای تغییر دنیا Switch: Change the World ♦ ♦ پخش آنلاین , دانلود موسیقی متن و زیرنویس فارسی تا قسمت آخر ♦
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♦ دانلود سریال کره ای Switch: Change the World ♦
♦ مشخصات سریال کره ای تغییر دنیا ♦ عنوان: تغییر دنیا / Switch: Change the World عنوان کره ای: 스위치 - 세상을 바꿔라 ژانر: درام کارگردان: Nam Tae Jin نویسنده: Baek Woon Chul شبکه پخش: SBS تعداد قسمت ها: 32 وضعیت : به اتمام رسیده تاریخ شروع پخش: 28-ام مارس 2018 کیفیت: 360-480-540-720-hardsub ♦ خلاصه داستان ♦  جانگ گیون سوک در این سریال دو نقش خواهد داشت یکی نقش “سا دو چان” نابغه‌ای که بعد از شکست خوردن در زمینه دادستانی به یک کلاهبردار تبدیل شده و یکی نقش “بک جون سو” دادستانی که قانون رو با ریزترین جزئیات دنبال میکنه… ♦ بازیگران سریال کره ای Switch: Change the World ♦
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Jang Keun-Suk Han Ye-Ri Jang Keun-Suk Jung Woong-In Sa Do-Chan Oh Ha-Ra Baek Joon-Soo Geum Tae-Woong
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Jo Hee-Bong Shin Do-Hyun An Seung-Hwan Lee Jung-Kil Kwon Hwa-Woon Director Bong So Eun-Ji Jeon In-Tae Choi Jung-Pil Jo Sung-Doo
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Song Won-Seok Park Won-Sang Choi Jae-Won Seo Young-Soo Kim Seo-Ra Manager Kim Yang Ji-Soong Jung Do-Young Gil Dae-Ro Ha-Ra's mother
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Lee Joo-Yeon Son Byung-Ho ♦ لیست موسیقی متن های سریال Switch: Change the World ♦ Part 1 01. Teen Top (틴 탑) - Crazy 02. Teen Top (틴 탑) - Crazy (Inst.) Part 2 01. SOYA (소야) - No One 02. SOYA (소야) - No One (Inst.) Part 3 01. Kim Ki Ryun (김기련) - Blow My Mind 02. Kim Ki Ryun (김기련) - Blow My Mind (Inst.) Part 4 01. Lee Hong Ki (이홍기) of F.T. Island (에프티 아일랜드) - Raise Me Up 02. Lee Hong Ki (이홍기) of F.T. Island (에프티 아일랜드) - Raise Me Up (Inst.) Part 5 01. Lee Jinsol (April) , Lee Naeun (April) - Starry Night (밤하늘 별) 02. Lee Jinsol (April) , Lee Naeun (April) - Starry Night (밤하늘 별) (Inst.) Part 6 01. Cha Yeo Wool (차여울) - Destiny 02. Cha Yeo Wool (차여울) - Destiny (Inst.) Various Artists 01. Teen Top (틴 탑) - Crazy 02. SOYA (소야) - No One 03. Kim Ki Ryun (김기련) - Blow My Mind 04. Lee Hong Ki (이홍기) of F.T. Island (에프티 아일랜드) - Raise Me Up 05. Lee Jinsol (April) , Lee Naeun (April) - Starry Night (밤하늘 별) 06. Cha Yeo Wool (차여울) - Destiny 07. Park Yo Han (박요한) - Chan Chan 08. Park Yo Han (박요한) - Chan Chan 2 09. Park Yo Han (박요한) - Run 10. fara effect - Trick 11. fara effect - Silent Dawn 12. fara effect - The Last 13. Kim Hyun Jong (김현종) - Parody Simulation (작당모의) 14. Kim Hyun Jong (김현종) - Gangster 15. Kim Hyun Jong (김현종) - Let`s Start 16. Park Mi Ji (박미지) - Profiling 17. Park Mi Ji (박미지) - Duke (공작왕) 18. Park Mi Ji (박미지) - Trap (덫) 19. Dong Min Ho (동민호) - Runaway 20. Dong Min Ho (동민호) - Hoodwinker (타짜) 21. Dong Min Ho (동민호) - Parrot ♦ ریتیگ سریال Switch: Change the World ♦ Date Episode TNmS AGB Nationwide Seoul Nationwide Seoul 2018-03-28 1 NR 6.7% 7.0% (12th) 7.5% (9th) 2018-03-28 2 7.3% (15th) 7.7% 7.9% (11th) 8.3% (6th) 2018-03-29 3 7.0% (14th) 7.4% 6.8% (13th) 7.3% (11th) 2018-03-29 4 7.0% (14th) 7.5% 7.6% (11th) 8.1% (8th) 2018-04-04 5 NR 6.1% NR 6.2% (19th) 2018-04-04 6 6.4% (20th) 7.3% 6.7% (15th) 7.6% (10th) 2018-04-05 7 6.6% (19th) 7.5% 6.6% (17th) 7.6% (12th) 2018-04-05 8 6.7% (17th) 7.8% 7.6% (15th) 8.7% (9th) 2018-04-11 9 5.8% (18th) 6.0% 5.8% (18th) 6.1% (14th) 2018-04-11 10 6.5% (17th) 6.8% 6.9% (11th) 7.2% (10th) 2018-04-12 11 NR 5.4 5.7% (18th) 5.9% (15th) 2018-04-12 12 6.3% (18th) 6.7% 6.8% (13th) 7.3% (11th) 2018-04-18 13 NR 5.6% NR 5.5% (18th) 2018-04-18 14 5.8% (18th) 6.2% 5.7% (16th) 6.1% (16th) 2018-04-19 15 6.3% (16th) 6.8% 6.3% (16th) 7.1% (12th) 2018-04-19 16 6.3% (16th) 6.9% 6.6% (14th) 7.2% (11th) 2018-04-25 17 NR 6.2% NR 5.9% (16th) 2018-04-25 18 6.1% (18th) 6.5% 6.4% (14th) 6.8% (12th) 2018-04-26 19 6.1% (18th) 6.9% 5.3% (19th) 6.1% (16th) 2018-04-26 20 6.4% (17th) 7.1% 6.3% (15th) 7.0% (11th) 2018-05-02 21 NR 5.2% NR NR 2018-05-02 22 5.8% (18th) 6.1% 6.0% (18th) 6.3% (18th) 2018-05-03 23 6.7% (17th) 6.9% 6.2% (15th) 6.4% (15th) 2018-05-03 24 6.9% (15th) 7.0% 6.5% (14th) 6.6% (13th) 2018-05-09 25 NR 5.6% NR NR 2018-05-09 26 6.0% (18th) 6.2% 5.9% (17th) 6.1% (15th) 2018-05-10 27 6.9% (16th) 7.4% 5.9% (15th) 8.1% (8th) 2018-05-10 28 7.0% (14th) 7.9% 7.2% (11th) 6.5% (12th) 2018-05-16 29 NR 5.2% NR NR 2018-05-16 30 NR 5.5% 5.6% (19th) NR 2018-05-17 31 6.7% (20th) 7.2% 6.7% (18th) 7.3% (12th) 2018-05-17 32 7.0% (17th) 7.3% 7.0% (16th) 7.4% (11th) Read the full article
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(3rd LD) S. Korean art troupe performs in Pyongyang with N.K. leader in attendance
Click here for More Olympics Updates https://www.winterolympian.com/3rd-ld-s-korean-art-troupe-performs-in-pyongyang-with-n-k-leader-in-attendance/
(3rd LD) S. Korean art troupe performs in Pyongyang with N.K. leader in attendance
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(ATTN: UPDATES with interview with Red Velvet in 12th para)
By Shim Sun-ah and Joint Press Corps
PYONGYANG, April 2 (Yonhap) — A South Korean art troupe held a historic performance in Pyongyang on Sunday with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and his wife in attendance.
A 160-member art troupe, including celebrated K-pop musicians such as Cho Yong-pil, Red Velvet and Seohyun, performed for about two hours before a North Korean audience in the fully packed, 1,500-seat East Pyongyang Grand Theatre.
It marks the first performance by South Korean artists in the North Korean capital since 2005, when Cho, a contemporary K-pop legend, held a solo concert there.
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A South Korean art troupe rehearses for its performance in Pyongyang at East Pyongyang Grand Theatre on April 1, 2018. (Yonhap)
The North Korean leader was seen watching the show and clapping while sitting in the center of the second floor seats, according to the show’s cast members. Kim and his wife Ri Sol-ju sat next to South Korean culture minister Do Jong-whan.
The performance began at 6:50 p.m. (South Korean time), about one hour later than scheduled due to Kim’s surprise attendance.
His sister Kim Yo-jung and Kim Yong-nam, the North’s ceremonial head of state, were also present at the concert amid a thawing of inter-Korean ties driven by North Korea’s participation in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in February.
In celebration of the Winter Games in the South, North Korea sent not only athletes and cheerleaders but also an art troupe and a taekwondo demonstration team. The art troupe called the Samjiyon Orchestra staged a concert in Gangneung on South Korea’s east coast and another one in Seoul.
On Friday, the two Koreas agreed to hold what will be the third inter-Korean summit following meetings in 2000 and 2007 at the border village of Panmunjom on April 27.
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North Korean audiences clap and wave their hands during a performance by a 160-strong South Korean art troupe at East Pyongyang Grand Theatre in Pyongyang on April 1, 2018. (Yonhap)
Under the title “Spring Comes,” 11 famous South Korean artists or groups — Cho Yong-pil, Lee Sun-hee, Choi Jin-hee, Yoon Do-hyun, Baek Ji-young, Red Velvet, Jungin, Seohyun, Ali, Kang San-eh and jazz pianist Kim Kwang-min — performed 26 songs transcending the inter-Korean border and generations.
North Korean audiences cheered and applauded in response to the intense sound and appealing voices of the South Korean performers.
“I was so overwhelmed that I couldn’t even see the score,” Choi Hee-seon, a guitarist in Cho Yong-pil’s band, told reporters after the performance.
“They applauded far louder than we expected, and we saw them sing along with songs YB (Yoon Do-hyun Band) performed. So, all these made us relaxed. We appreciated the loud applause from the audience,” Yeri of Red Velvet said.
Including the art troupe, a 190-strong South Korean artistic delegation led by Culture, Sports and Tourism Minister Do arrived in Pyongyang on Saturday for a four-day visit. The delegation also includes a 20-member team of taekwondo performers and 10 staff members, reporters and government officials, and they traveled aboard two chartered flights via a direct air route from Seoul.
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Singer Cho Yong-pil rehearses for the South Korean art troupe’s performance in Pyongyang at East Pyongyang Grand Theatre on April 1, 2018. (Yonhap)
Sunday’s concert began with a magical hologram performance embodying the title “Spring Comes” and a lyrical piano performance by Kim Kwang-min. Then Jungin and Ali sang their own songs, “Uphill” and “Pungpung,” respectively, before performing an old Korean folk song, “Face,” as a duet.
“I didn’t know if I would be able to keep my promise this early, and I’m really happy to keep my promise this spring,” Seohyun, the show’s host, said while opening the show. “A flower of hope is blooming in inter-Korean relations.”
   The 26-year-old star from the popular idol group Girls’ Generation made a surprise collaboration with North Korean singers during the Samjiyon Orchestra’s performance in Seoul.
Cho Yong-pil, who previously performed in the North in front of a crowd of 7,000, returned to a Pyongyang stage with The Great Birth, the band that he has been with for about 40 years.
He performed “Cafe of the Winter,” which was known to be one of late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il’s favorite songs, and a medley of three of his hit songs — “Dream,” “Short Hair” and “Let’s Go Travel.”
   Choi Jin-hee sang “Love Maze,” her 1984 megahit, which was also reported to be Kim Jong-il’s favorite, while Red Velvet introduced globally hot K-pop music through its latest hits “Red Flavor” and “Bad Boy.”
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   A South Korean art troupe rehearses for its performance in Pyongyang at East Pyongyang Grand Theatre on April 1, 2018. (Yonhap)
Seohyun performed “Greenish Willow Tree,” a very popular North Korean song by late singer Kim Kwang-sook. The title both symbolizes spring and the North’s capital, also known as “Ryugyong,” a Korean word meaning “the capital of willow trees.”
   Following the song, all the cast members sang Cho Yong-pil’s “Dear Friend” in relay, and then sang the North Korean song “See You Again” and the common Korean song “Our Wish is Reunification” in unison for the finale.
They received an enthusiastic standing ovation from the North Korean audience and an armful of bouquets.
North Korean leader Kim shook hands with each cast member and took photos with them after the show was over, the pool report said.
He also insisted that the two Koreas should hold cultural performances more often, suggesting that there should be another event in Seoul around fall under the title “Autumn Came,” according to the cast.
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North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (2nd from L) and his wife, Ri Sol-ju (L), clap during a performance by a 160-strong South Korean art troupe at East Pyongyang Grand Theatre in Pyongyang on April 1, 2018, in this photo provided by the (North) Korean Central News Agency the following day. (For Use Only in the Republic of Korea. No Redistribution) (Yonhap)
Ahead of the concert, the taekwondo demonstration team had an individual performance for about an hour before 2,300 North Koreans who packed the Pyongyang Taekwondo Hall. It marked the first taekwondo performance in the North by a South Korean team since 2002.
“You honestly prepared (the performance),” Choe Hwi, chairman of the North’s National Sports Guidance Committee, said after watching the show. “I think it would be good if we (two Koreas) could learn from each other for further development of taekwondo.”
   The taekwondo team is scheduled to stage a joint performance with North Korean performers on Monday at Pyongyang Grand Theatre, while the art troupe will perform with North Korean artists at Ryugyong Jong Ju Yong Gymnasium on Tuesday afternoon.
The South Korean delegation will return home later that night, wrapping up its four-day trip to Pyongyang.
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In this photo provided by World Taekwondo, a South Korean taekwondo demonstration team, performs in Pyongyang Taekwondo Hall on April 1, 2018. (Yonhap)
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(2nd LD) N. Korean leader Kim Jong-un and wife attend performance by S. Korean art troupe
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(2nd LD) N. Korean leader Kim Jong-un and wife attend performance by S. Korean art troupe
(ATTN: ADDS details throughout)
SEOUL/PYONGYANG, April 1 (Yonhap) — North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and his wife attended a historic performance in Pyongyang by a South Korean art troupe on Sunday, the South Korean culture ministry said.
The couple was present for the concert by the 160-member South Korean art troupe at East Pyongyang Grand Theatre, a pool report said. The group included 11 Korean pop musicians such as Cho Yong-pil, Lee Sun-hee, Choi Jin-hee, Red Velvet and Seohyun of Girls’ Generation.
Kim became the first North Korean leader to attend a performance by a South Korean artistic group.
His appearance was somewhat expected as South Korean President Moon Jae-in attended the Seoul performance by a North Korean art troupe called “Samjiyon Orchestra” in February in celebration of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in the South.
A pool report said the North Korean leader’s sister Kim Yo-jong and the country’s nominal head of state Kim Yong-nam attended the performance as well.
The North Korean leader also insisted that the two Koreas should hold cultural performances more often, suggesting that there should be another event in Seoul around fall.
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(3rd LD) N. Korean leader Kim Jong-un, wife attend performance by S. Korean art troupe
Click here for More Olympics Updates https://www.winterolympian.com/3rd-ld-n-korean-leader-kim-jong-un-wife-attend-performance-by-s-korean-art-troupe/
(3rd LD) N. Korean leader Kim Jong-un, wife attend performance by S. Korean art troupe
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(ATTN: ADDS details throughout)
SEOUL/PYONGYANG, April 1 (Yonhap) — North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and his wife attended a historic performance in Pyongyang by a South Korean art troupe on Sunday, the South Korean culture ministry said.
The couple was present for the concert by the 160-member South Korean art troupe at East Pyongyang Grand Theatre, a pool report said. The group included 11 Korean pop musicians such as Cho Yong-pil, Lee Sun-hee, Choi Jin-hee, Red Velvet and Seohyun of Girls’ Generation.
Kim became the first North Korean leader to attend a performance by a South Korean artistic group.
His appearance was somewhat expected as South Korean President Moon Jae-in attended the Seoul performance by a North Korean art troupe called “Samjiyon Orchestra” in February in celebration of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in the South.
The pool report said the North Korean leader’s sister Kim Yo-jong and the country’s nominal head of state Kim Yong-nam attended the performance as well.
The North Korean leader also insisted that the two Koreas should hold cultural performances more often, suggesting that there should be another event in Seoul around fall under the title “Autumn Comes.” Sunday’s performance was held under the name “Spring Comes.”
   Kim had been expected to make an appearance at the joint performance between performers of the two Koreas slated for Tuesday. The pool report said Kim and his wife were seen clapping their hands during Sunday’s performance.
Kim was quoted by a South Korean official as saying that, while he originally planned to attend Tuesday’s event, he felt it would also be meaningful to watch a performance carried out by only South Korean performers.
The North Korean leader also said the visit was made in return for Moon’s attendance at the joint performance held in Seoul in February.
South Korea’s cultural minister Do Jong-hwan said Kim asked questions about songs and lyrics during the performance.
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North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (2nd from R) shakes hands with South Korea’s Culture Minister Do Jong-hwan in Pyongyang in this pool photo taken on April 1, 2018. (Yonhap)
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