undeadcourier · 5 years
lee: commissions malarcade art
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
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More Angels done! Here we’ve got @winglorn‘s Jelmoc, @tinybuggy’s Laon Vol, and @leeoliver‘s Vrindath Chask! As always these were super fun to draw, so I hope they all turned out well! :D
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gunblade · 6 years
dude...we're both named lee
you know what that means?! YOU, MY FRIEND, ARE COOL AS HECK! 👈👈😎
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malelavellan · 6 years
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leeoliver replied to your post: me: i love all my advisors equally me, earlier in...
keaton…this post simply isnt valid
lee i generally trust your opinion so i need to know why
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wonderlandcrows · 7 years
@leeoliver replied to your post: It seems that unapproachable babes are my jam...
thought this said babies crow and spent a solid amount of seconds trying to think of a baby that would seem unapproachable
dhdhoissdhndsiods LEE All babies are unapproachable
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dunyun-rings · 7 years
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@leeoliver‘s cute character, Sio!
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snuffysbox · 7 years
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A commission for @leeoliver of their reader, Vyriano and his BF Hedwyn. Thanks again for commissioning me <3
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0tacoon · 7 years
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Commission for @leeoliver and their warlock, Dmitri Lekkoi! A rich and horrible jerk who will most likely kick your ass and laugh in your face if you so much as touch his hair. I love!
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shroompunk · 7 years
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commission for @leeoliver of his character magnus!
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snarkspawn · 7 years
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Commission for @leeoliver of his smuggler Nerra with Theron :3 thank you again for commissioning me!
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svartalfhild · 7 years
5 for lann and aloth!
5. things you didn’t say at all
A feeling of peace filled Lann as a deep chill set into her body that not even her Glamfellen biology could spare her from.  She drifted down, down, down in the freezing water, the last of the air in her lungs quickly abandoning her, and yet she was not sad or angry.  There was only the acceptance that this would be her end and a gladness that her sacrifice would save many lives.
But then she heard whispers in her ears of souls she’d saved once before and felt scaly hands grab her to pull her with wicked speed up towards the surface.  The force of it broke her through the ice and she clawed her way out of the water, coughing up the chill in her lungs as she went.  The cold air brought an even deeper chill into her bones that caused her to tremble violently as she crawled across the ice toward the shore of the lake.  She was halfway there before she heard the shouting of her friends and looked up to see Aloth rushing out to get her while the others looked on anxiously, not wanting to risk putting more weight onto the ice.
“Lann!” he called out.  As he drew closer, she could see his eyes were raw, as if he had been crying.  “Get on yer feet, lass!” Iselmyr added in panic.  By the time Aloth reached the Watcher, however, she had made several attempts to stand, only to find her limbs too numb and shaky, her legs slipping out from under her each time.  Without hesitation, he scooped up her sodden form in his arms and dashed as quickly as he could back to the shore.
Upon Aloth setting Lann down, Sagani peeled off the shivering Watcher’s soaked shawl and Edér wrapped her tightly in his enormous woolen cloak.  She must have seemed quite vacant and unresponsive, because Aloth brushed back locks of pale hair sticking to her cheeks and forehead and held her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him.
“Lann, can you hear me?  Say something,” he pleaded, his voice hitting a higher note of worry than she could ever recall him reaching before.  She was distracted for a moment by the warmth of his hands against her cold and clammy skin before she managed to speak.
“Aloth, I’m…I’m alright.  I’m alright.”  Her teeth chattered, but the words came out clear enough.  Aloth opened his mouth as if to say something in reply, but no sound came out.  He only gazed at her with a look of something between deep affection and anguish.  She knew not what it meant, only that it was enhanced by the redness around his eyes and once again brought forth an ill-advised urge to kiss him.
There was no time to think on it further, however, as a moment later, there came a series of earth-shaking cracks and suddenly the Eyeless were bearing down upon them once more.
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undeadcourier · 6 years
leeoliver replied to your post “would arcade oppose piracy on moral grounds ("theft is wrong") or be...”
also i could see like. captured from a raid of a merchant ship and kept around because of his surgical skills which hes like. glad about but also strongly against brutality and attacks on innocents
ya i already know arcade is 100% in support of digital piracy
he’d download a stimpak 
arcade: why would i help you?
cal, batting his eyelashes: we need a good-looking doctor to help take care of us on the big, bad ocean
arcade: oh goddamnit
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
I was tagged by @leeoliver​, so yEAH, I’m gonna do this for Hes!
NAME: Hes Chaddic (formerly Luhsahnuhes Kassonchuav Chad’tekt)
ALIAS(ES): She sometimes goes under the codename “Archangel”, which she actually got from the Empire. They used it as a name for her before her identity was widely known, and the minute she heard it she was like “that’s cool, I’m takin’ that”
GENDER: Female
AGE: 33 (as of 0 BBY)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Montellian Serat, Devaron
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Galactic Basic, Devaronese, and a tiny bit of Huttese and Duro.
OCCUPATION: Leader of the Devaron’s Angels rebel cell
HAIR COLOR: Dark burgundy (with white tips, though she dyes it most of the time)
HEIGHT: about 6′2″
SCARS: Various, though none are too noticeable
COLOR: Purple
HAIR COLOR: Dark colors
EYE COLOR: Light colors
ENTERTAINMENT: Bad holo-dramas
PASTIME: Playing sabacc, saber training, sex, etc.
FOOD: Dewback ribs
DRINK: Assardan whiskey and/or chai tea
BOOKS: the “Cataclysm Prism 4″ novelization
HAD SEX: Oh, yeah, more times than she could count
HAD SEX IN PUBLIC: No, but she’s definitely thought about it
KISSED A MAN: Once or twice
KISSED A WOMAN: More than once or twice
GOTTEN TATTOOS: Yes; she has two huge angel wings on her back, and a badly drawn smiley face on her ankle
GOTTEN PIERCINGS: Yes; her ears, for one, and she also had nipple piercings at one point
HAD A BROKEN HEART: Unfortunately, yeah
BEEN IN LOVE: Once, yeah
STAYED UP FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS: She went three days without sleeping once, so that’s something
A CUDDLER: Definitely
A KISSER: Definitely
WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE: Many people, actually
ACTUALLY KILLED SOMEONE: Many people, actually
RIDDEN A BEAST: She’s ridden dudes who were pretty beastly Yeah, she’s ridden happabores, dalgos, rupings, and even a varactyl one time.
HAVE ANY FEARS: Plenty, though they’re all way too deep and complicated to get into here.
SIBLING(S): None, though Cerate could be called an adopted little brother, if not an adopted son
PARENTS: Heraath Chad’tekt (mother) and General Kleeve (father)
CHILDREN: None, though she might have a kid one day
PETS: None, unless 0R-D3 counts
And finally, I’m gonna tag @rekkingcrew, @peircingorangeeyes, @tinybuggy, @eldstunga, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D
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jaamaisvu · 7 years
🌈  - you’re gay
ha truuue
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wonderlandcrows · 7 years
leeoliver replied to your post: Why does plant boi look like he's crying butter
crow do you accept constructive criticism on your posts
No ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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leviathxnss · 7 years
leeoliver replied to your post: i called someone a terf bc they are and look at...
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