#leesakuweek: ask game
leesakuweek · 2 years
Got this little au in my head that if sakura married rock lee they would've built one of the strongest clans around and became famous for their strength, and that little dojo lee had in that one filler would've became an actual established dojo with many students that would come and learn taijutsu at (accommodated for both shinobis and civilians) and I think that would've been like. Fuckin sick 🍻
Hell yeah!! 💪
With their scary strength combined it is only natural they would become the strongest family/clan
I know we also have that awesome Shippuden dojo fight ending where we have Lee all dressed up for it - I would LOVE to see Sakura in a dojo outfit too. She would look so good. 🤩
I love the detail of opening the dojo to civilians too.
Thank you so much for sharing ❤️
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leesakuweek · 2 years
Ahhh I'm a lil shy about this but I'm really excited for this event 😭 I don't know why but out of all the ships I really fell in love with leesaku!!! They have a lot of parallels that could be expanded upon (flower symbolism, coming from non-clans, hard work/admiration, healing, weaknesses and strengths, affects of bullying, breaking out of their shells, etc) which imo would've been very beneficial for both characters in their development and could've (honestly) been one of the deepest and most influential relationships in shounen anime. I tbh thought they'd end up together simply from how their character designs complimented each other and just from their interactions (seriously, "I will protect you till death do us part". Come on 💀) and how he pretty much catalysed the growth of sakura in that blooms episode. I also adore the dork/hot-headed and injury-prone/medic dynamic sjsjsj. Not that I mind sasusaku since it's interesting in its own way too but this would've been a more healthier alternative imo!!
I've read a bunch of fanfiction about them cuz I couldnt resist tbh lol 😭 a few of my favourites has to be your Human Weakness fanfic, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4488264/0/ , https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3375107/1/27 and https://archiveofourown.org/works/15850365
Sorry for the long ask!!!! 😭 haven't talked to another leesaku fan so I went all out lmaoaoao
Ahhhhh their parallels is something I love about them too and you listed every single one that I adore! I can't help but think about how much they could relate to each other and bond over these similarities they have, especially in regards to their childhood bullying and struggles to find strength as shinobi. (Billboard-brow and Bushy-brows? C'mon. A match made in heaven.) I too wish it could have been explored and I think you're right that if they did they could have ended up being an iconic bond across shonen. Ah, it hurts to imagine what could have been. </3
As a kid I was also convinced they were end game because of how well their color schemes worked together and how significant their bond was during the Chunin Exams. xD I imagine you were just as confused as me when Lee faded into the background right after and you also sat around waiting for Lee and Sakura to interact meaningfully again lol.
I am also totally a sucker for the healer/injury-prone dynamic, and specifically how they have a 'he promises to protect her from danger' while 'she uses her hot-headedness to protect him from being bullied (because he's too polite for his own good)' dynamic.
Thank you for the fic recommendations! (And for listing my fic as a favorite of yours. :') It means a lot!) For anyone else stumbling across this post - try and spread the love by giving the fics a chance and leave a comment to make the creators' day! :) I know I definitely will.
Here are the hyperlinks to make it easier for those on mobile:
Something from Nothing by BlackRaspberryDaydream -> [FFN LINK]
Snow by Guardian Arrow -> [FFN LINK]
Kickin' and Screamin' by Yappano -> [AO3 LINK]
(Human Weakness by @valkyriav (me) -> [AO3 LINK] )
I really appreciate you sending in an ask and I love the length and detail you went into it. It was delightful to read through. Thank you so much for sharing and if you ever want to send an ask or a message to this blog or to me to chat about LeeSaku you are welcome to at any time! <3
Send us an ask about LeeSaku!
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leesakuweek · 2 years
🍃🌸Pre-Event Activities 🌸🍃
While we’re eagerly awaiting LeeSaku Week 2023, let’s get excited about the ship!
🍃🌸 Spread the Love Activity! 🌸🍃
Send us an ask, submission, or tag us in a post recommending existing LeeSaku works for us to appreciate! Tell us why you love it!  
LeeSaku can be a bit of a small, underappreciated ship, so we encourage anyone who sees the post reblogged to our page to try and leave a nice comment on the recommended work to make the creator’s day. :) 
(Please do not repost fanwork and instead share a direct link to the original work. Please also include any important age/content warnings too if needed.)
🍃🌸Ask Activity🌸🍃
At any time, send us an ask and talk to us about the ship! Whether it is:
1) Why you ship/love LeeSaku
2) Favorite LeeSaku moment
3) Things/Changes you would have liked to have seen in canon in relation to LeeSaku
5) LeeSaku headcanons
6) Anything else you want to share, gush, or blab in relation to the ship! This can include what you’re working on for the event, idea sharing/brainstorming, etc. We are happy to talk to you about it and generate shared discussion with the blog and any others who want to join in and have fun. :)  
And no need to be shy, you are welcome to send in multiple asks. 
(As a courtesy, please try and keep ship/character bashing at a minimum to keep things welcoming for multi-shippers. Talking about platonic and poly LeeSaku is also welcome.) 
🍃🌸Polls Activity🌸🍃
This blog will generally make some fun LeeSaku related polls to interact with prior to the event, but if you have a LeeSaku poll idea you’d like to share, tag us in one you made yourself or send us an ask and we’ll make it to share!
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leesakuweek · 2 years
Oh boy!! Hmmm why I ship LeeSaku.. the first episode I watched of Naruto (back when I was 12!) was the episode where Lee saved Sakura in the forest of death. I was like, “wow! This guy protects the girl he loves, what a gentleman!” Since then, I’ve just always loved them together. I always felt like they would make each other feel happy and safe. They support each other, they both work hard with little to no special ninja powers, they worry about each other! I’ll always be salty that their friendship/potential relationship got tossed in the trash, but this ship will always be my number one muse🥹
What a great first episode of Naruto to start on hehe. That was also the episode that got me first shipping it too back when I was a pre-teen. 
I agree, they do such a great job supporting each other ever since that scene! They always specifically cheered each other on and worried over each other during the rest of the Chunin Exams (not to mention Sakura’s overprotectiveness), and I do really love that anime-only scene in the beginning of Shippuden where Lee is inspired by Sakura’s growth and uses that to defeat his clone copy. 
I was also bummed that we didn’t get any more of them together afterwards. You’re right they have a lot in common with them working so hard without any special ninja powers to make things easier for themselves, and I do love that Sakura told Lee he helped her bloom!  
And I always thought Lee would give Sakura the adoring affection she always wanted too. <3
LeeSaku will also always be my #1 :’) 
Thank you so much for sharing <3​
Send us an ask about LeeSaku! 
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leesakuweek · 2 years
I want to talk about something I'm hoping to write for the event. >:) Yandere!Lee with an oblivious Sakura and just make it a silly crack fic/dark comedy about a yandere vs yandere royal rumble for Sakura's heart. I'm excited to try and write it since a violent dark comedy would be a new genre for me to write (whether I pull it off well remains to be seen).
Just imagine the business card scene from American Psycho... but instead its Yandere!Lee, Yandere!Naruto, and Yandere!Sasuke all having a nonchalant dick waving competition with what they plan to gift Sakura. Only for them all to feel threatened and internally vow to kill each other while trying to hide it from Sakura.
I am very much inspired by this comic piece and can't get it out of my head: https://kyoties.tumblr.com/post/178587744910/
Thanks me for sharing lol (I thought this the best way to separate this blog’s identity from my own.)
For anyone stumbling across this post, consider checking out @kyoties‘s linked fanwork and give it a reblog or comment to spread the love! <3
Send us an ask about LeeSaku!
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