#left my concert saying people are going to be jealous of our set list bc it was so good
ohdarlings · 1 year
just found out manchester night two got star treatment i am going to kill alex turner
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dreamca7cher · 5 years
Dreamcatcher Dallas Concert Write-Up
Now that I’m back home and have had time to process the trip, I’m finally ready to write about the experience. It’s gonna be hella long, so strap in! Even now, it’s still kind of hard to believe that it all actually happened. It’s like one of those things that feels like a dream while it's happening ya know?  A friend and I drove up from Houston early Wednesday morning, and arrived in time to grab our merch without any problems. I’m actually pretty impressed with the quality of the goods, they’re definitely not top quality but not cheap either. I had heard Studio PAV had problems organizing the lines and setting up before the concert at the previous stops, but everything seemed to go pretty smoothly by this 3rd tour stop. I was on the fence about the Over the Sky event due to the $200 entry fee, but finally caved when I saw one of my friend’s solo photos. I met up with some friends with 7-Dreamers and we hung out until it was time to go in for OTS at 4pm.
I bought my OTS ticket the night before the concert, and I think there were still some left the last time I checked, but I would guess there was 60-70 of us in there. We were arranged in 2 rows of chairs and then when the girls came out, it was so unreal. I mean I’ve seen them before last year at the LA fanmeet and KCON but maybe I just forgot how beautiful they really are. They were absolutely radiant dressed in angelic white outfits and smiling happily - they probably got some much needed rest in the time between Chicago’s Sunday concert. They did a Q&A session where they answered some questions the fans had written. Filming/pictures were not allowed so I don’t remember much. Some of the answers were pretty basic or things I had heard before. A highlight was Yoohyeon saying she would be a cockroach if she could turn into any animal bc they’re hard to kill lmaoo. Then came the solo photos with our own phones, which I had nervously been anticipating for hours. You could quickly indicate which pose you wanted to go with, lots of people did hearts, rock on signs, and the standard cute kpop poses. One guy did the dab and promptly got heckled by the crowd lol. When my turn came, it all happened so fast that I don’t remember looking directly at each of them. I felt like I would burst into flames like in Indiana Jones or something XD. I first thought about doing the dual heart thing with whoever was going to sit next to me, but I chickened out lol. Then I was going to do rock on until I saw that a lot of other people went with that, so I just decided to do a thumbs up. It all worked out in the end, I could never have dreamed that Jiu would touch my cheek in a thousands years. I think I’ve peaked in life haha. After the photos, the girls went on stage and did some short mic tests, and then we were all ushered back outside.
At this point it was about 5pm, so we still had 3 hours to go until the concert actually started. I’m so glad I got VVIP bc that meant I didn’t have to jump in line and stay there for hours to keep my spot. It was maybe like 40-50 degrees F outside, but not too windy so it wasn’t too bad. I had fun just hanging out and talking with my friends, tho the only bathroom was a gas station across a busy street. The venue was located in this kind of industrial area-turned bar street. Very hip, I think they chose a good place. Finally, around 6:45, we hopped in line according to our VVIP number and we were let into the venue on time. From here we still had to wait an hour for the concert to start, and it was all standing so I’m glad I wore comfortable shoes. The VVIP section was barricaded off from the rest in case you needed to leave and come back, but I was in the 4th row dead center, so I didn’t want to lose my good spot. I wished I had at least gone to the bathroom first, but for once I actually somehow lasted through the full 3 hours.
At 8, the lights dimmed and they started playing some of DC’s songs, and shortly the girls finally came out to a raucous applause. There were 2 people right in front of me wearing these tall headbands with words in Korean on them, which was kind of annoying. And some of the people in front were filming holding their phones way above their heads.. The girls themselves even said to please not do that or use professional cameras, which they still ignored. Come on people, at least observe basic concert etiquette! Nothing could sour my mood though, as what followed was pretty much the best, most action packed 2 hours I’ve ever experienced. They performed the same song set from previous stops, so I won't list every single song. They sang all the title tracks interspersed with unit performances and brief talking parts. I really enjoyed the songs where they just played around and interacted with the crowd, especially the encore set. Sua of course had endless energy and was a real crowd pleaser all night. She played around with a stuffed elephant, tiny pink cowboy hat, and a Handong head cutout during the encore. The Taki Taki and 7 Rings covers naturally killed everybody, and TT/Bad Boy were probably the other crowd favorites. Siyeon was really funny, and her confidence was exemplary, especially during Overdose. I'm biased, but I was really impressed with Jiu's dancing in person. She gave 110% during the choreo, and still somehow managed to incorporate little bits of fan service toward us. All night she was hyping up the crowd, flashing rock ons, and just generally being the loveliest person ever. She almost had us convinced that she was the maknae but Gahyeon was just too cute all night, esp when she couldn't get her coat buttoned up at one point. Yoohyeon tried to help, but messed up and mismatched the buttons which was hilarious. She was kind of subdued all night I feel, but you could see the Rachel in her come out at times, which was very endearing. And Dami was just effortlessly cool, no better way to describe her. All her parts got loud screams from the crowd. Near the end the girls left the stage for a while as the crowd screamed for an encore. Then they came back wearing the tour t-shirts and did the fun songs with no set choreo. I was jealous of the front row since the girls would often crouch down to wave at the phones or throw hearts and stuff at everyone during this time. Of course I should shut up bc I can’t imagine T3 and T4 could see much from the back of the venue since it wasn’t stadium seating :/ At the end, they didn’t even look that tired which was insane after 2 straight hours of non-stop dancing. And Dreamcatcher’s choreo is way more complex than most other groups too! They are truly consummate professionals of the highest degree. Above all you could just tell how much work and effort the girls put into every performance, and beyond that - how thankful they are to InSomnia for the love we show them. They thanked us many times for coming and promised to return as 7 someday. They also made us promise to visit them in Korea lol.
During the hi-touch and group photo after, they must have been really tired but still greeted us with smiles and photocards. It was sad to finally leave the venue, but I have so many happy memories to last a lifetime. This was my fourth kpop concert, and it unquestionably topped them all. It was truly an incredible experience all the way through. I would pretty much describe it as a perfect day, I’m so happy that they finally came for a US tour. If anyone is still able to make it to future concerts, I highly, highly recommend going! It really could be a once in a lifetime experience.
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softsoonhao · 5 years
You went and saw Astro oh my gah i'm so jealous SPILL ALL THE DETAILS GURL PLZ.
i’m gonna put it under a cut bc it’s gonna be very long, i can already tell.
so, I went to the newark show, which first thing, jesus was it cold. I’m from the south, and it was 30 degrees, and a bitch was freezing (after the concert. not so much before). second, throughout the show, astro kept saying “new york” instead of newark, which i thought was adorable.
so my friend and i get there, and there’s like, no one. maybe 30 people inside the venue. there’s no line, just people hanging out in the atrium of the performing arts center. there are lines, however, for hi-touch and photo-op, which we go to, to get our wristbands for hi-touch. after that, we just waited around in the atrium. there was a korean eunwoo fansite there! and some other fans selling cute little things, as well as some giving out fanchant banners for all night. it eventually fills up a lot more.
what shocked me most was that bags werent checked, there were no metal detectors or anything. i was too excited to realize it at the time, but afterwards, my friend and i were so shocked and grateful that no one tried to bring anything dangerous in. like i said, there were no lines. so when they opened the atrium, security just let people pile up to get their ticket scanned and then go through to wait another hour until they opened the seating.
FINALLY, we are let in. i was in the first or second row of p2 on the left side. the seats were so good (despite the fact that the two girls behind me kept screeching like banshees every 2 mins). they started playing astro’s mvs, and people were singing along.
the boys came out and i lost it. they are so cute and energetic. i had been listening to a playlist of the set list since it was dropped, bc i’m still a new Aroha and don’t know all their songs just yet, but ugh. they’re adorable and bin is so cute, and jinwoo is RIPPED WOW. i saw his two tattoos several times, also.
SO AFTER THE SHOW. staff tells p1 and p2 to wait and then tells us where to go for hi-touch and photos. waiting in line, me and my friend talked to some really friendly fans. the boy in front of me was a rocky stan, and when we entered the room, rocky was first. and the boy just froze, and was like “shit, i forgot what i wanted to say.”
i was like, 4 people away from Astro and holding my coat (bc it’s Newark and freezing out), and security stops me to check it as I’m walking. That distracts me, and next thing i know i look up and Rocky is smiling at me.
I tell him and Jinjin thank you for coming and I loved the show. They’re so beautiful IRL wow it was unbelievable. Sanha is a GIANT. I think I also told him thanks for coming. Idk, I was too busy staring a foot up at him.
CHA EUNWOO IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MAN EVER. time literally stopped when i saw him. I held his hand and told him thank you and that i hope he has fun in America, and he smiled and his eyes are just so genuine, and he nodded.
I - for some reason - told MJ to come to Disney World (it’s a word i know he’d recognize, and also hey kpop groups come to florida pls) and Eunwoo looks over, LIGHTS UP, and nods to me again. so i said it again lmao in my dazed state of eunwoo acknowledging me.
then i am suddenly in front of the newest LOML and i deadass pause, stare at him, hold his hand (INTERTWINE OUR FINGERS) and just say “hi. i love you.” in a dreamy, dazed way. he smiles this... weird smile? idk how to describe it, like i would say his expression was... curious? bc his head tilts slightly as he looks at me, and like. idk i was probably imagining it, but you know how sometimes someone looks like they want to say something but dont know how? (and it’s not always related to language barriers, could just be unable to think of the word)
and then later on, my friend said maybe he was “flattered by your pink hair but also very curious about your piercings and punk looking outfit choice”
which like, fair, but yeah, moon bin is beautiful and so tall and i cant believe i saw him face to face and held his hand and told him i love him wow. i left the room in shock and was just like. unable to process anything for a minute lmao.
then my friend and i went to eat and get beer at an irish pub and had a grand ole time before flying back home in the AM.
i know this took FOREVER to post, and i was about to just message you privately, but i want to be able to link to this in my about lol. hope you enjoy and that you are able to see these amazing boys some day!!!
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