#legal firm sydney
hglaw · 1 year
Choosing the Right Commercial Law Firm for Your Business Needs
As a business owner, navigating the complex world of commercial law can be overwhelming. That's why it's important to find the right commercial law firm to help guide you through legal challenges and protect your business interests. With so many options out there, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this article, we'll provide tips for selecting the best commercial law firm for your specific needs. From expertise in your industry to a strong track record of success, we'll cover the key factors to consider when making your decision. Don't let legal hurdles hold your business back - choose the right commercial law firm to help you thrive.
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preciouslandmermaid · 5 months
nothing’s gonna hurt you baby (carmy x f!reader) - bonus post-epilogue chapter
Note:  I randomly wanted to write a wedding, but I don't actually include the ceremony, so this is more like a "pre-wedding/post-wedding" story if we're being honest ! Also it takes place about 2 years after the epilogue :)
Warnings/Tags: 18+ Content! (Explicit Language/Sexual Content).
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(Read on Ao3) /// (Masterpost)    
Sydney held the wooden spoon toward you and the scent of the honey and ginger glaze tickled your nostrils. Earlier in the afternoon, she rolled the sleeves of her dark green sweater to her elbows and the beaded bracelet (a gift from Richie’s daughter, Eva) slid partway down her wrist.
“Alright, it’s your entree. You get to try it first.”
“I thought that was the chef’s honor?”
“Yeah, well, you’re the bride so…” she trailed off, shrugging. “I think that superimposes chef’s honor.”
You smiled and raised both eyebrows at Syd. She didn’t have to help, especially considering how busy The Bear is nowadays, but she offered and you gratefully accepted. Wedding planning – as it turned out – was a stressful affair. You and Carmy had your location set, but the guest list, wedding registry, and menu were woefully incomplete. You tangled yourselves into knots over the planning, but the goal remained firm in your mind; a celebration with Carmy and your friends mixed with the legality of marriage. You would overcome any hurdles you needed to cross because all of it would be worth it in the end.
Wordlessly, you closed your mouth over the spoon. Your lips puckered and your tongue recoiled to the safety of your back molars.
“Oh, oh shit,” Sydney said emphatically, “you hate it.”
“N-no!” You coughed, swallowing, and grabbing your glass of water. “The acidity is just a little...strong. It needs to be adjusted, that’s all.”
“Fuck,” she said, slapping her palm on the wooden countertop. “Okay – uh – that’s okay. We can – I can totally fix this. No biggie.” When she tasted the glaze, her expression pinched before she stuck out her tongue and gagged. “Yeah, nope.” She released a forced, short laugh. “There’s no saving that one.”
You loved Syd’s earnest, anxious awkwardness. Her blunt nature had been the first foundational stone of your friendship. You liked that she didn’t let Carmy off the hook, regardless of his experience and talent, and their partnership was an integral component to the Bear’s continued success.
“Back to the drawing board,” you said, drumming your fingers on the countertop. “Maybe ginger is too sharp? Do we lean more savory?”
“Interesting idea coming from the baker,” she teased.
“Hey!” You pretended to be offended and infused your tone with as much indignation as you could. “Just because I run a bakery doesn’t mean I have a sweet tooth.”
Syd laughed. “There is literally a bowl of candy by the entryway.”
“It’s for Halloween.” You crossed your arms and said, “There are a ton of families in this building.” In truth, your lack of nicotine intake after quitting smoking had manifested into a ravenous sweet tooth and, the lollipops – although bad for your teeth – were monumentally healthier than cigarettes.
“Dude, Halloween is seven months away.”
“We’re prepared.”
“What for like kids who don’t know how to like tell time and show up a few months early?”
She finished scraping the glaze into the trash. “You’re fucking ridiculous.” Her bright smile faded and the light entered her dark eyes. You recognized it as her ‘I have an idea face’ and your mood lifted—the overly sour glaze quickly forgotten. When Carmy said he wanted The Bear to cater your wedding, you had been shocked, and concerned about the additional stress it would add to your lives. However, with Syd in your kitchen, the pan gripped in her hand and her expression rapt with wonder, you realized that you had nothing to worry about. The wedding’s menu and food preparation were in the best hands.
“Do you have any soy sauce?” she asked, “Worcestershire sauce will work too, or liquid aminos if we’re desperate.”
Carmy watched as your fingers held aloft over the keyboard and the spreadsheet glared menacingly in a harsh blue-white glow. The guest list had been easy to start. The obvious ones were Syd, Natalie, Peter, Richie and Eva, and your best friend, Taylor. The harder choices were family and how to arrange the tables. Your eyebrows angled in confusion and you drew your hands away.
“I’m not inviting my dad,” you said after a moment’s pause.
Carmy nodded. “Okay.”
His neck prickled uncomfortably. It wasn’t the flushed heat that arrived when he felt embarrassed. No. This discomfort traveled from his neck to his fingers. It raked across his skin like a thousand needles, pricking every nerve, and drawing blood. He thought about going to his coat pocket and withdrawing a crumpled pack of cigarettes. The quick, cold rush of nicotine would ease his headache and calm his nerves. But, if he smoked, then he’d need to walk downstairs and into the blustery sharp gray wind of March. And he didn’t want to bail on you. The puzzle of who to invite and who to sit with whom was a project for the both of you to untangle.
“I dunno if I should…” He cleared his throat and looked away when your eyes met his over the laptop screen. “I dunno.”
“Your mom?” you correctly guessed.
Carmy sniffed, scratched the side of his nose, and nodded. His heart thumped into his ribs. Maybe he should take a walk. Maybe the March air would clear this dreadful feeling from his skull. His stomach hardened into a pit at the idea of his mom coming to his wedding. But, at the same time, his dread and fear congealed into a sharp guilt that curdled his stomach acid. His mom was a force to be reckoned with. A hurricane of a woman. He loved her. He didn’t know if he wanted her at the wedding. He knew she’d be upset if she weren’t invited. But, both of you decided to keep the guest list small. The careful cuts were necessary, and not just due to the frugality aspect, but in terms of everyone’s enjoyment.
“She’d make it about her,” he said, “remember Sophia’s second birthday?”
You placed your hand on the middle of Carmy’s back, right between his tense shoulder blades, and he forced a harsh exhale through his teeth. They almost called the police, Carmy thought with a frown. His mom showed up and seemed fine, and then shortly before cake and presents, she buckled little Sophia into her car and claimed that Natalie hated her and didn’t want Sophia to have a relationship with her grandmother. His niece, at the age when separation anxiety often occurred, cried so much that she threw up on her special birthday dress.
“I do,” you said and your eyes softened.
“I’m a terrible son,” Carmy said, “I’m a fucking asshole. We have to invite her, don’t we? She deserves to be there.”
“Carmy, you’re not.” You rubbed his back. “Do you think I’m an asshole for not inviting my dad?”
He quickly said, “No.” The pit in his stomach gnawed at his smoke-deprived lungs. “It’s different.”
“How so?”
“He has another family.” Carmy stood, raking his hand through his hair. “My mom only has Nat and me.”
“So you have to sacrifice your happiness and comfort for hers?”
“Yes!” he said immediately followed by a quick, “No. I don’t know.” He reached into his coat pocket hanging by the door and fished out the squashed packet of cigarettes.
You trailed after him and wound your arms around him, pressing your face into his back, your hands coming to rest over his heart. Carmy froze. The pressure of your hands on his chest made him realize how fast his heart was beating. He squeezed the cigarette packet and it crinkled beneath his clammy fingers.
“Remind me,” you said, voice faintly muffled by his t-shirt, “what was the possible diagnosis your therapist gave her?”
“Borderline personality disorder.” His therapist also said his mom could have narcissistic personality disorder, but BPD was more likely, based on his descriptions of childhood. It helped to have a name for it. It gave him a better understanding of everything he went through.
“Which defines her behavior but doesn’t excuse it,” you said as you circled around him to face him. “Carmy, I love you.” You cupped his face in your hands. “I will support you if you want to invite Donna and I’ll weather any storms she brings with her. Who knows...maybe it’ll be a good day for her.” Your tone toward the end of your sentence became dubious.
Carmy sighed. “I don’t think I want to invite her, but I feel like I should.” He frowned. “That doesn’t make sense, does it?”
“No, it does. You feel an obligation as her son to share this big moment with her. I get it.”
“Do you feel guilty about not inviting your dad?”
“A little.” Your lips pursed. “But, if I visualize our wedding, the thought of my dad standing beside me doesn’t make me happy. I don’t feel excited about it. I just feel…”
“Dread?” he guessed.
You smiled faintly. “It’s more annoyance and anger for me.”
“Mm, yeah. Makes sense.” He leaned his forehead and touched it to yours. How did he get so lucky? He imagined the wedding. He imagined seeing you across from him, sliding the ring on your finger, and stuttering through his vows. The usual nervousness bubbled up inside his chest, but it was smothered by the overwhelming warmth and affection he felt for you that bled across his skin like thick honey.
“I don’t think I can invite her,” he whispered.
“That’s okay, Carm.” You kissed him softly. “That’s okay.” You repeated against his mouth. A sensation of cool and blissful relief extinguished the last lingering remnants of his dread.
“Something is weird,” you said, leaning forward in the passenger seat. “Why are there two florist vans? Did we accidentally get two?” You didn’t recognize the name on the second van either. Must be a local shop, you thought, although that doesn’t explain why they’re here.
“I don’t think so,” Carmy said.
As everyone poured out of their cars, their garment bags slung over their arms or over their shoulders, a sharply dressed black woman emerged from the entrance and strode purposefully toward you and Carmy.
“You must be the Berzattos,” she said breathlessly as she shook your hands. “It’s good to meet you. My name is Vivienne and I’m afraid I have bad news.”
“What sort of bad news?” Richie said, “The kind that gets us a discount?” He grinned at Carmy and your husband-to-be rolled his eyes.
Richie whispered, “Oh shit.”
“We’ve had some technical issues with our new scheduling program.” She wrung her hands together. “The venue has been double-booked.”
“Okay,” you said slowly, noticing all the additional staff buzzing to and fro across the manicured lawn.
Vivienne said, “I’m so sorry for the mistake. If you’d like, we can reschedule you.”
Your stomach dropped into your shoes.
“Absolutely not,” you said, “people flew out to be here. We can’t reimburse flights and accommodations, and nor should we have to considering this is your error.” You sighed, feeling a headache press into your temples. “Why didn’t you notify us?”
“How about a discount and you can split the venue?” she offered, “we only realized the mistake when the two catering companies showed up.”
“Well, that’s convenient,” said Richie.
“Fuck,” Syd said.
Natalie crossed her arms. “I’m sorry did they say double-booked?”
“Mommy!” Sophia pulled at Natalie’s pant leg. “Mommy, look! Sunflowers!” She pointed at the floral van carrying out their arrangements.
You shared a glance with Carmy. “Can we have a minute?”
“Of course. Again, we’re so sorry.”
You and Carmy broke away from the group of your closest friends and family. You rubbed your hands down the length of your face.
“We can’t reschedule,” you said, “but how the hell are we going to share the venue? They have one kitchen and we paid for our guests to stay the night.”
“Maybe the timing works out,” Carmy said, taking your hand in his. “You want to stay here?”
“Then fuck it. We stay.”
“Okay, fuck it.” You smiled. “Let’s negotiate a good discount.”
“Say the word and I’ll send Pete in,” Carmy joked.
You laughed. “God, we might need him.”
The organization was a cluster-fuck. The venue manager, Vivienne, assured and promised that the space was large enough and that the other party – the Carmichael's – were having a noon wedding with a 2 PM reception and everything would be cleaned up for your 4 PM wedding and 5 PM reception. But, you noticed the proverbial cracks in the foundation. The necessary kitchen prep work, the clashing decorations, the intermingling guests, and the underlying stress and confusion permeated every interaction. You practiced intentional breathing and hoped you’d make it through the day without bursting into stress-induced tears.
The zipper was halfway up when it broke. You felt the snag, then the tug and pull, and the abrupt separation. You pressed your hand to your mouth and muffled the noise of discontent and frustration that threatened to break free.
Taylor pushed her long, thick dark braid over her shoulder and pursed her red lips at you. “We can work with this,” she said after a long moment of contemplation. “We can fix it.”
You released a strangled, “can we?” You blinked back your burning tears—you didn’t want to ruin your makeup.
“Yeah, most of these places have emergency sewing kits,” your best friend said while digging through the drawers, “also, this might be a bad time, but is the chef single?”
Despite everything, you laughed. “Which chef?”
“The tall blonde one with the accent.”
Taylor’s eyes brightened. “Yes!”
“I’ll find out for you,” you said while reaching for your phone. You smiled at the sight of your phone background, a black and white photo of you and Carmy, and Taylor snickered.
“I remember when you told me about him,” she said.
“You do?”
“Yeah, you were all tied into knots about it...and now look at you! Tying the knot.” She winked. “I’m glad you guys figured it out.”
Your chest warmed with pleasure. “Me too.”
“Aha!” She held the little sewing kit aloft. It had the venue's name printed on the front of the bag. “Do you think they write this so nobody steals it?” She asked while tapping the swooping decal.
Before you could answer, your mom bustled into the room, her billowing lilac sleeves trailing after her arms.
“Oh! Look at you!” She grabbed your chin and kissed your cheek. “I’ve got something for you. A little tradition.”
“Mom, I don’t know if I can stomach any more surprises.” Taylor began to fix your zipper and the cold metal teeth periodically kissed your skin.
“You’ll like this surprise.”
Your mom removed a potted plant from her purse. The dark soil clung to her fingertips, the plant likely got knocked around more than once, as she set it down on the vanity. You recognized the wide, verdant leaves.
“A basil plant?”
“Normally, we give a flower of some type, but I chose a basil plant instead.” She smiled, pleased. “Nurture the plant as you nurture your future and it’ll thrive.”
Your throat tightened. “Thanks, Mom.” Your shoulders jerked as Taylor finished zipping and she whooped in triumphant delight.
“There we go, crisis averted,” said Taylor, “now we don’t have to worry about walking down the aisle naked.”
You rubbed your fingertips along the basil leaf and smiled at them.
“God,” Richie said, fixing his tie, “I can’t believe you’re getting fucking married, cousin.”
“Yeah, me either.” Carmy scratched the side of his nose.
“I always thought Mikey’d get married before you,” he said, “he was just more charmin’, you know? He had a way with people, women especially, God…” Richie shook his head. “He couldn’t walk down the street without getting some chick’s phone number.”
Carmy stared sullenly at his reflection. “Yeah, well, maybe it’s a good thing he didn’t? ‘Cause then he’d have an ex-wife, or a widow, or a kid or somethin, I dunno.”
Carmy wondered if he’d forever be in rooms with Mikey’s shadow stuck to the corners. It didn’t suffocate him as much anymore. Mikey’s memory lurked within every conversation – like slivers of light through the paneled window shades. Today of all days though, Carmy suspected those slivers would blind him. Mikey should’ve been here, could’ve been, and he wasn’t.
“Yeah, good point.” Richie turned the side and smoothed his lapels. “Still, it should be him.”
Carmy’s neck flushed with indignation. Did Richie seriously have to be such an asshole? His brow furrowed. It was his fucking wedding day for fuck’s sake!
“Cousin—” Carmy began.
“Standing here, I mean, as your best man,” said Richie. “Look, there’s no takebacks and this would be a hell of a time to change your mind but it should’ve been Mikey. Not me. I get that, okay? That’s all I’m trying to say…” He fixed his tie again. “And I’m gonna do everything to make sure that this day doesn’t go to shit. I can promise you that, alright?”
Carmy blinked, at a loss for words at Richie’s admission. It had been six years and counting since Mikey’s death and Richie had been with him for every one. If he was being honest with himself and not caught up on nostalgia, if Mikey was here, then Carmy wasn’t sure he would have trusted him with all the responsibility. Hell, Richie organized a pizza-making bachelor party for him. He offered to trash the other couple’s wedding.
“Who else would it be?” he asked softly, “you’re family, Richie.”
Richie sniffed, nodded, and clapped his hand on Carmy’s shoulder, jostling him. When Carmy met his eyes, they were glassy and bright.
“I know.” His lips twitched up into a grin. “Let’s get you fucking married!” He pulled Carmy in a one-armed, half-hug and shook him. “Put a fucking smile on that face, Carm. Come on! Come on!”
He affectionately pinched Carmy’s face in one hand, squishing his mouth, and Carmy shoved Richie away, annoyed, but laughing—in the same way he’d get annoyed and laugh whenever Mikey goofed around with him.
“Fuck off,” said Carmy, without any heat.
“Hey,” Syd poked her head into the doorway, “you ready? The photographer wants to see all of the groomsmen.”
“Shouldn’t you say grooms-people? To be like politically correct or whatever,” Richie asked, “or groomsmen and women considering you’re among us.”
Syd made a face. “Richie shut up and come pose with us.”
“Hey, I’m just trying to be inclusive,” he said loudly.
If someone asked you to recount all the details of your wedding—you didn’t think you could. It was the busiest and most stressful day of your life. You’d always remember the finer details like Carmy’s thoughtful, flustered vows, Richie starting a limbo competition, or Syd’s dad dancing with Taylor—at least for a while until she disappeared with Luca in tow. Good for you, you remembered thinking as you watched her form retreat down the hall.
But the rest of the day was an exuberant blur. It had been long and you were grateful to relax into the lush pillowcases with your short silk gown kissing your skin.
Carmy climbed into bed after showering and peppered kisses along your nose and jaw, his hands finding your hips beneath the covers and holding them.
“I can’t believe you’re my husband,” you said with soft laughter before chasing his lips with yours.
“And you’re my wife,” he said, lifting your wrists and placing them over your head, “keep those there.”
You said, “We’ve been married less than twelve hours and you’re already bossing me around?”
Carmy chuckled and his breath puffed over your peaked nipples. His tongue laved over the silk, and moistened it before he drew your nipple between his lips. The soft silk and warmth of Carmy’s tongue was a heady, back-arching mixture.
“Oh, fuck,” you whispered, plunging your hands into his damp curls and scraping your nails over his scalp.
“Yeah?” His calloused palm felt its way down your thigh, “Are you wet for me already?”
“A little,” you admitted as you parted your legs for him.
“God,” he muttered before mouthing along your breasts and wetting the silk with his tongue and lips. He held one of your breasts in his hand and squeezed, pushing the mound into his mouth again and sucking your hard nipple. The sensation turned to liquid, sticky heat between your legs. You moaned, pushing upward into his grasp and gyrating your hips in askance. His hand was frustratingly close to your cunt, but not close enough. He rubbed up and down your inner thigh from knee to apex, letting his knuckles occasionally brush your pussy, before drawing away without adding any pressure. The fucking nerve of him!
“My wife is so fucking hot,” Carmy said, and hearing the words sent a hot, fresh thrill trembling through you.
“And my husband is a fucking tease,” you said, digging your fingertips into his hard, sculpted shoulders.
Carmy pulled his mouth away from your wet breasts. The silk had darkened where his mouth had been and you could faintly see your nipples through the semi-translucent fabric.
“Am I?” He drew his hands away from you and grabbed your wrists again, pinning them above your head, “I thought I said to keep these here.”
You snorted. “When have I ever listened?”
“You’re a great listener,” he said honestly.
“I want to touch you, Carmy,” you said, matching his honesty with your own, even as his praise sang through your ears and warmed your skin.
He softened. “Okay.” He pulled your wedding ring-adorned hand to his mouth and kissed your knuckles. The moment he released your hand, you slid your fingers down his chest, smiling at the way his eyelashes fluttered and his cheeks darkened. You wiggled your fingers beneath the tight waistband of his boxer shorts and found him hard and pulsing within your grasp.
“Fuck.” He shuddered. “I feel like I could come just by looking at you.”
He jerked his hips into your touch as your fingers encircled him. You craned your neck upward and kissed him, finding the familiar rhythm of tongue and teeth, and moaning wantonly into his mouth when his hand cupped your wet folds. He hissed when his index finger pledged into you and your mind went white-hot and blank.
“Do you think the stress of the day has manifested into being super horny for each other?” You asked, your other hand cupping the back of Carmy’s neck, pinning his face close to yours so you could kiss him. His pretty blue eyes blinked at you.
“Maybe. But, I think I just want to fuck my wife.” His cock twitched in your hand and you grinned.
“It turns you on to call me your wife, doesn’t it?”
“It does.”
His admission made your walls clench around his index finger. Maybe you liked it too. Maybe. You felt Carmy smile against your lips. “Can’t wait to be inside you,” he muttered, “filling you, listening to you moan.”
You gasped and your eyes rolled back into your skull. It wasn’t often that Carmy engaged in dirty talk, so when he did, it was a rare and special treat that never failed to drench your core. Carmy ran his tongue along your neck, tasting your sweat before a second finger speared between your folds and coaxed that inner fire.
“Keep this on,” he said, dragging his teeth across the strap of your gown, “when I fuck you.”
“Mm – fuck. Okay,” you groaned.
“Actually, I—” his words were suddenly lost to a moan as you adjusted your grip on his cock, your fingers slicked with pre-cum. “Fuck, baby. I need you on top of me.”
Carmy rolled onto his back, yanking his shorts down, and you smiled at the sight of him – as desperate as you were with his chest heaving and his wet curls falling onto his forehead. Your walls clenched in anticipation as you hiked the hem of the dress over your hips. Carmy’s hands settled on your thighs and he watched hungrily as you held the base of his cock and slowly lowered yourself onto him. Your spine convulsed and the sensation of him stretching you and filling you wiped out every lingering thought in your mind.
“God,” his voice was strangled, “you feel so fucking amazing.”
You cupped his face, resting your forehead on his as you rode him, and said, “so do you.”
“I love you so much,” Carmy said reverently, “so goddamn much.”
Your heart threatened to break and regrow the from sheer tenderness of his words. Carmy, you learned over the years, expressed his love with acts of service and he said ‘I love you’ most often while having sex. However, something about this ‘I love you’ was different. It was more intense on your post-wedding night. You buried your face into his sweaty neck, your bodies and hearts joined, your futures intrinsically linked.
“I love you too.”
You tilted the watering can over the thriving basil plant and smiled.
“Auntie.” Sophia, freshly eight years old, held something in her hands. “I found a worm.”
You blinked at her. “Put it back?”
“Okay!” She replied cheerily and dropped the worm back into the potted rosemary. She spun when the balcony door slid open. “Hi Uncle Carmy! Do you want to see the worm?” She pointed.
Carmy smiled, first at his niece, and then at you. “Let me see,” he said, crouching. He balanced his wrists on his knees and the sunlight gleamed off his wedding band. Your heart skipped. My husband. You wondered what your grandfather would say if you could tell him that his death led you to your soulmate, a second family, and a range of new friends. Knowing him he’d tell me that he would’ve died sooner if he knew how happy it’d make me. Your grandfather had had a wry sense of humor.
Carmy stood and put his arm around you. “We’re going to need to re-pot the basil if it keeps growing like this,” he said absentmindedly.
You leaned into him and kissed his cheek.
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
Israel should “cooperate fully with UN investigators” and “provide all available evidence” for its allegations that United Nations staff were involved in the 7 October terrorist attacks, Australia’s ambassador has urged, saying the government wants to resume funding to the agency providing aid in Gaza.
The overnight intervention at the UN comes as the prime minister, Anthony Albanese, shrugged off an Australian law firm’s request for the international criminal court to consider investigating him for alleged complicity to genocide over Israel’s actions in Gaza.[...]
Sydney law firm Birchgrove Legal overnight filed a 92-page communique to the international criminal court, asking the office of the prosecutor to consider investigating Albanese and the Australian government over alleged complicity to deaths in Palestine.
Australia’s decision to freeze funding to UNRWA, approving defence exports to Israel and the government’s support for Israel’s actions are among the actions cited by lawyers in documents sent to the ICC.
Think you'd ask for that before cutting off funding [5 Mar 24]
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sgiandubh · 7 months
(Spaces after dots must be removed for the link to work)
www. tumblr. com/an-gaol-seo-ol/660216691912048640/its-not-my-email-so-i-dont-know-i-was-only?source=share
Dear Not Her Email Anon,
I am aware of that debate. It made me grin, the first time I read it. For many reasons.
I hope you are all aware that, in the UK, existing petitions 'stuck at nisi' (that expression alone should have told people it was NOT an automated response) can be resumed anytime. There is no 'expiry date' for that procedure and it is up to the person to go ahead and ask for the Decree Absolute (which will make things legally effective) or not.
You don't have to trust me, Anon. But maybe this legal opinion by a specialized UK law firm will give you pause (https://www.waldrons.co.uk/insights/does-a-divorce-petition-expire/):
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Just explaining the applicable UK legislation (Family Proceedings Rules), nothing more.
I am not sure of what you are trying to do here, Anon. But if you want me to diss on @samheughanswife, this is not going to happen. For many reasons, of which integrity and being brave are not the least. She proved it over and over and over again. Without her, we'd be all stuck not 'at nisi', but with some inconclusive pics of the Sydney Kilted Kid - to mention just the most recent episode.
If SHW is a PR plant, I am Greta Garbo. Seriously. And at this particular (difficult) juncture in time, it is of no good use to revive those childish disputes over things that are completely outside of our reach and control. Sorry, but I don't think we need more divisions, in here, just because some things don't fit this or that, whatever this or that might mean.
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caffeina-felina · 1 year
The Bear week | Day six: conflict/heart
[favorite, most interesting, or most touching relationship— anything from Sydney and Tina, Marcus and Carmen, Carmen and Richie, Sydney and Marcus, Sugar and Carmen, to Carmen and Sydney]
Carmy and Richie have a lot going on their dynamic, all of it negative right up until 'Braciole'. Richie sees himself as the rightful heir to The Beef, and it's hard not to blame him. He's spent easily over a decade working there, and he's repeatedly put himself at legal and financial risk making sure it stayed afloat. It must have been a painful shock to find out it was left to Carmen, someone who (in Richie's eyes) didn't care and acted too good for it anyway. That this viewpoint is built on conflicting info is not something Richie wants to fully acknowledge. He's too invested in believing that Mikey was beyond reproach. Whenever cognitive dissonance starts to flare up, he essentially punches it in the face and shoves it in a locker:
(Sydney): Wait, why didn't Michael want him to work at the restaurant? (Richie, doing mental gymnastic to avoid realizing that Mikey pulled a dick move on his little brother and hurt him): Because he's a little bitch, probably!
Then there's Carmy, who loved Mikey just as much as Richie did and was rewarded with exclusion from him and the creative world they'd always shared. Carm, who then took his wounded pride and found respect in the mentally cannibalistic world of haute cuisine, but gets that accomplishment minimized while his brother's beloved crew mocks and dismisses him on what should be his home turf. And he's only allowed back on that turf when the worst possible thing happens, because Mikey seemingly wanted it that way. How much more painfully literal can the phrase "over my dead body" get?
At the core of every fight and power struggle between Richie and Carm is Mikey. But it's not just the loss of him that fuels their many conflicts. Michael himself created the tension and resentment between them even before his death. It started with barring Carm from the kitchen, something we still don't know the reasoning behind. But it continued with the lack of support or pride he showed towards his brother's achievements. There's no echoes of positive statements he made to the crew about Carm, no clippings in his office about the rising star chef. But there is palpable disdain and resentment from Tina and Richie. I don't think Mikey knew how much of an impact any casual jokes or moments of blowing off steam about Carmy's career had on the people around him. So when he passed and the other brother is suddenly there, changing things and erasing aspects of Mikey, is it any wonder why they quickly jumped to animosity?
Not to mention, the inherent rivalry of blood brother who's very different from Mikey vs. wanna-be brother who's practically a living homage to Mikey. Actual inheritor vs. spiritual inheritor. A man who sees change as necessary to keep his brother's vision alive vs. a man who sees any change as taking Mikey away all over again.
A huge turning point in Richie's side of the rivalry is when he finally gets checked by Tina. Once having been his partner in the "Carmy sucks" club, Tina's grown and now sees change as something that will keep them all alive instead of as something that further buries Mikey. It takes that loving but firm ego check from Tina for Richie to lower his best friend from an untouchable pedestal and to stop carrying the sibling rivalry torch that he picked up from him as well. Carmy, for his part, doesn't seem to harbor nearly as much resentment towards Richie. Being deprived of respect is largely the cause for Carmy's negativity towards him, and rightfully so. Yet Richie is still a huge link to his brother, and calling him cousin seems to come very naturally to Carm. He's part of the family and Carmy needs family now more than ever. The bond of what they were to Mikey is what forces them to be in the same room, but the bond of what they can be to each other is how they'll keep Mikey's spirit alive and turn The Beef into a thriving and joyful manifestation of it.
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ashfieldaccountant · 10 months
Unleashing Business Potential: The Advantages of Engaging an Expert Accounting Firm in Inner West Sydney
In the dynamic business landscape of Inner West Sydney, navigating the complexities of financial management is crucial for success. As businesses strive to thrive in this vibrant community, the services of an expert accounting firm become invaluable. In this informative blog, we'll explore the numerous advantages that businesses in Inner West Sydney can gain by entrusting their financial affairs to a reputable accounting firm.
Navigating Complex Tax Regulations:
Inner West Sydney, like any other business hub, is subject to a myriad of tax regulations. Engaging an expert accounting firm ensures that businesses stay compliant with the latest tax laws, maximizing deductions and minimizing liabilities. This proactive approach not only saves money but also prevents potential legal issues that may arise from non-compliance.
Financial Strategy and Planning:
Beyond mere number-crunching, expert accountants bring strategic insights to the table. By analyzing financial data, they can assist businesses in crafting comprehensive financial strategies that align with their goals. This strategic planning is essential for long-term success and sustainability in the competitive Inner West market.
Cost-effective Solutions:
While some businesses may consider handling their accounts in-house, the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing to a professional accounting firm often outweighs the benefits of an in-house team. Expert firms leverage economies of scale, providing services at competitive rates while ensuring a higher level of expertise and efficiency.
Time Savings for Business Owners:
Entrepreneurs and business owners in Inner West Sydney wear many hats. Juggling various responsibilities can be overwhelming, and handling accounting tasks can consume valuable time. Engaging an expert accounting firm allows business owners to focus on core operations, innovation, and growth while leaving financial matters in capable hands.
Risk Mitigation and Compliance:
The regulatory landscape is ever-changing, and compliance is a critical aspect of business operations. Expert accounting firms specialize in staying abreast of regulatory changes, ensuring that businesses in Inner West Sydney operate within the bounds of the law. This proactive approach mitigates risks and safeguards the financial well-being of the business.
Access to Specialized Knowledge:
Inner West Sydney hosts a diverse range of industries, each with its unique financial challenges. Expert accounting firms bring a wealth of specialized knowledge to the table, ensuring that businesses receive tailored advice and solutions specific to their industry. This industry-specific expertise can be a game-changer in achieving financial success.
Scalability and Flexibility:
The business landscape is dynamic, and the financial needs of a company can change rapidly. Expert accounting firms provide scalability and flexibility in their services, adapting to the evolving requirements of businesses in Inner West Sydney. Whether a startup or an established enterprise, businesses can scale their accounting services as needed.
In the competitive and bustling business environment of Inner West Sydney, gaining a competitive edge requires more than just operational excellence. The advantages of engaging the services of an expert accounting firm extend beyond number-crunching to strategic planning, risk mitigation, and industry-specific insights. By partnering with professionals who understand the unique challenges of Inner West Sydney, businesses can unlock their full potential and embark on a path of sustained financial success.
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bartfargo · 2 years
Maybe you'd just like a break from Santa Claus, Ebenezer Scrooge, George Bailey, and the other usual suspects. Maybe you're just not feeling the Christmas spirit this year. Maybe you feel like you're going to scream if you see one more Hallmark Channel or Lifetime Christmas movie. Whatever the case, this blog has your back, with some off-the-sleigh-path movies that you can safely categorize as Christmas movies under the Die Hard rule.
• The Thin Man
Nick and Nora Charles drink as much as your uncle at the family Christmas party. But, while your uncle repeats everything he's read on Facebook or heard on Fixed Noise or Overthrow America Now, Nick and Nora say things that are witty and clever. And, every now and then, they get the whim to solve crimes. Here, they're visiting New York for the holidays when an old friend asks them to find her missing relative, the titular thin man.
• The Miracle of Morgan's Creek
This is the story of Norval Jones and Trudy Kockenlocker (let's take a moment to savor that name, shall we?). Norval has had a thing for Trudy as far back as anyone can remember. However, Trudy hasn't noticed: she's got a thing for men in uniform, and Norval is 4-F due to panic attacks. One spring night, Trudy uses a date with Norval as a smokescreen so she can go to a party for members of the armed forces who are heading off to fight in World War II. She returns with a splitting headache, hazy memories of the night before, and a cheap wedding ring on her finger. The wedding may not have been legal, but the consummation was 100% real, as she has a baby on the way. The movie follows their efforts to fix things so that she and her child won't be smeared for life.
• The Lemon Drop Kid
Bob Hope stars as Sydney Melbourne, although so many people call him the Lemon Drop Kid that he doesn't even recognize the other name. He makes a living as a racetrack tout, conning gullible bettors. That leads to trouble when he makes a mark of the arm candy of a crime boss. Now, he's got until Christmas to pay $10,000, or the matter will be handed over to Sam the Surgeon, who brags about how many of his patients don't make it off the operating table.
• Black Christmas
If not the first slasher movie, the one that helped pave the way. A mysterious killer holes up in the attic of a sorority house, killing the residents one by one. The original stars Olivia Hussey and John Saxon; it was followed by two movies using the same title, but both should be avoided.
• Mitchell
Dirty Harry led to a lot of knockoffs, and they don't come any dirtier than Mitchell; he's a police detective who always looks like he's either starting or coming off of a bender. He upholds the law, just as long as it suits his purposes; he shoots people just to find out who they are, and isn't above accepting a bribe in the form of a $1000 a night sex worker.
• Trading Places
A Wall Street up-and-comer and a street-level con artist find themselves at the center of a low-stakes wager between the heads of an established firm. Takes place at Christmas.
• Night of the Comet
In this movie, the Christmas season coincides with the Earth passing through the tail of a comet that hasn't come this close since the dinosaurs died out. As it turns out, that last part isn't a coincidence: Everyone who was fully exposed to the comet turns to red dust; everyone who was fully shielded by steel survives; and everyone who wasn't fully shielded turns into a zombie.
• Trancers
A villain in a postapocalyptic future uses time travel to attempt to kill off the government leaders before they're born, so Jack Deth must go back and live in his ancestor's body to stop him. Includes a shootout involving a zombie Santa.
• Brazil
Terry Gilliam's dystopian masterpiece.
• The Ref
Denis Leary is a cat burglar pulling off one last job before he retires. When things go wrong, he hides out in a nearby house until the heat dies down. Unfortunately for him, the house is home to a bickering couple, and he must pretend to be a marriage counselor when their family comes for Christmas dinner.
• Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Robert Downey, Jr., plays a burglar who gets mistaken for an actor. Cast in a mystery movie, he ruffles the feathers of a gay private eye (Val Kilmer), but the two must team up when Downey is framed for murder. This is the movie that convinced a lot of people that Downey would make a good Tony Stark.
• Krampus
A family finds itself dealing with the evil opposite of Santa Claus when their Christmas spirit is lacking. Tread carefully looking for this: Krampus is a figure of folklore, so anyone with film and a script can make a movie and call it Krampus. You want the 2015 feature film from the guy who made Trick 'r Treat.
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sedgars55 · 10 hours
criminal lawyer manly
Best Criminal Lawyer Sydney & Central Coast (Gosford & Wyong)
If you're facing criminal charges, it's essential to have an experienced legal team to defend your rights and help navigate the complexities of the Australian legal system. For residents of Sydney and the Central Coast, including Gosford and Wyong, Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers are recognized as leading experts in criminal defense. Offering top-notch legal representation, Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers are known for their ability to provide the best defense for a wide range of criminal cases.
Why Choose Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers?
When selecting a criminal lawyer in Sydney or the Central Coast, experience and a solid track record are crucial. Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers stands out for several reasons:
1. Proven Expertise in Criminal Law
With years of experience in handling criminal cases, Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers has built a strong reputation in Sydney, Gosford, Wyong, and beyond. Their team understands the intricacies of criminal law and offers the expertise necessary to defend you effectively, whether you're facing minor charges or serious accusations.
2. Comprehensive Legal Services
Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers offers legal representation for a wide range of criminal offenses. Their services include, but are not limited to:
Drug Offenses: Whether it’s possession, trafficking, or manufacturing, their team is skilled at building strong defenses.
Assault Charges: From common assault to grievous bodily harm, they provide expert legal defense against all forms of assault allegations.
Theft & Burglary: Facing theft or burglary charges? Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers will work diligently to minimize the impact of these serious accusations.
Traffic Offenses: For those charged with driving under the influence (DUI) or other serious traffic violations, the firm has an excellent track record of reducing penalties or having charges dismissed.
3. Local Knowledge of Sydney & Central Coast Courts
One of the key advantages of choosing Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers is their deep understanding of the local court systems in Sydney, Gosford, Wyong, and other parts of the Central Coast. Their team is familiar with the nuances of local courts, judges, and prosecutors, allowing them to tailor their defense strategies accordingly.
The Importance of Hiring the Best Criminal Lawyer in Sydney & Central Coast
Facing criminal charges is a stressful experience, but having the best legal representation can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Here are several reasons why hiring a top criminal lawyer like those at Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers is critical:
1. Protect Your Rights
Without a skilled lawyer, you may unknowingly waive certain rights or make statements that can be used against you. Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers ensures that your rights are protected from the moment you're charged, including during police questioning and court proceedings.
2. Expertise in Negotiating Plea Bargains
Many criminal cases in Australia are resolved through plea bargains, where charges are reduced in exchange for a guilty plea. Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers have extensive experience negotiating favorable deals that can help reduce penalties or avoid a trial altogether.
3. Courtroom Representation
If your case goes to trial, having a seasoned lawyer with courtroom experience is essential. The legal team at Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers is skilled in presenting persuasive arguments, cross-examining witnesses, and challenging evidence, all to ensure the best possible outcome for your case.
4. Tailored Defense Strategies
Each criminal case is unique, and the defense strategy must be customized to the specific circumstances. Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers carefully analyze every detail of your case to craft a defense strategy that maximizes your chances of success, whether that means getting charges dropped, reduced, or winning at trial.
Criminal Cases Handled by Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers
Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers offers legal services in a wide range of criminal cases, including but not limited to:
Drug Offenses: Possession, trafficking, and manufacturing charges.
Assault: From simple assault to more serious charges, such as aggravated assault or domestic violence.
Theft and Robbery: Defending individuals against accusations of shoplifting, robbery, and burglary.
Traffic Violations: DUI, reckless driving, and other traffic-related offenses.
Fraud and White-Collar Crimes: Handling complex financial crimes such as fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering.
Contact Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers Today
If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges in Sydney, Gosford, Wyong, or anywhere on the Central Coast, you need the best criminal defense team on your side. Karim Criminal Defence Lawyers offers free initial consultations to help you understand your legal options and the steps involved in defending your case.
Contact Us :-
Suite 7, 247 Church Street, Parramatta NSW, Australia
Phone : 0414 812 182
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Sydney Family Lawyers
A Sydney Family Lawyer can help with various legal matters. Some of these include divorce and separation, children’s matters, property settlement, and domestic violence. It is important to choose a family lawyer with good communication skills and empathy.
If you are experiencing separation issues, it is best to hire a Sydney Family Law Specialist who has the knowledge and expertise to handle your matter. They can help you navigate the process and get your life back on track after separation.
Doolan Wagner Family Lawyers
Doolan Wagner Sydney Family Lawyers is a based law firm that specializes in family law. They handle cases involving divorce, property settlement, child custody, and domestic violence. They also offer legal services for restraining orders and appeals. Their lawyers have extensive experience in the industry and are well-versed in the local laws.
The firm’s criminal law practice handles matters related to bail applications, Section 2 application (mental health), and District Court appeals. They have an in-house counsel, a notary public, and solicitors agent. They are available to assist clients 24/7.
Family law is a complex area of the law that involves numerous facets of a relationship. A good family lawyer in Lower Northern Sydney can help you navigate this challenging process with sensitivity and empathy.
Shore Lawyers
Attorney Shore has been practicing law in New Haven County for nearly a decade. She is a member of the Connecticut Bar Association and has been on several committees, including the Family Law and Estates & Probate sections and the Young Lawyers Executive Committee. She also serves on the Board of Directors for the New Haven County Bar Foundation.
She is a partner and co-owner of Wolf & Shore Law Group and practices in family law, estate planning and juvenile law. She has completed GAL and assigned counsel training and is accredited in veterans benefits.
She is a passionate client advocate and zealously advocates for clients’ rights in courtroom trials. She also coaches a high school mock trial team. She is a proud member of the Electric City BNI group.
Maatouks Law Group
Maatouks Law Group offers legal services in Sydney CBD, Liverpool, and Narellan. Its lawyers specialize in family, property, and immigration law. They also offer mediation and arbitration services. They are available around the clock to assist you with your legal needs.
Peter Maatouks began his legal career in 1993 when he commenced employment with a medium sized firm in Parramatta. Since then, he has become one of the most sought after Sydney lawyers. His success is due to his willingness to be accessible to the Australian public. He puts his face and contact details out in the public domain and takes calls 24/7.
The firm’s criminal lawyers handle bail applications, Section 2 applications, and District Court appeals. Their family lawyers help clients with divorce, property settlement, and same-sex marriages.
Goldman & Co. Lawyers & Attorneys
Goldman & Co is an international legal firm specializing in dispute resolution and litigation, private investments, international tax, wealth and assets. Its discreet commercial private client expertise attracts high net worth individuals and wealthy families both locally and internationally.
Janet Goldman has developed extensive relationships with financial and insurance companies, fellow attorneys, and the Rhode Island courts. She uses these connections to guide clients through the complexities of bankruptcy and other debtrelated issues, divorces, and family law matters.
She also has experience in complex real estate and commercial litigation, including mortgage foreclosures and landlord/tenant matters. She has counseled and litigated numerous issues pertaining to condominiums and cooperatives and has experience in arbitration and mediation. She has also lectured extensively on the subjects of employment and insurance coverage law.
O’Sullivan Legal
Alison O’Sullivan delivers multifaceted and compassionate legal Legal advisor Sydney to private clients in complex family law, guardianship, and contested estate matters. Her extensive experience in these sensitive cases, combined with her empathy, allows her to guide clients through every step of their legal journey with compassion and expertise.
In addition to family law, she has significant commercial litigation and creditor’s rights experience. She also has an active international practice, advising public and private companies on a variety of corporate transactions and disputes.
After graduating from Cornell Law School summa cum laude, she clerked for Chief
Judge Levin Campbell of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor of the Supreme Court of the United States. She also has substantial experience in complex financial litigation, including mergers and acquisitions and white-collar criminal defense work.
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hglaw · 1 year
Finding the Right Commercial Law Firm for Your Business Needs
As a business owner, navigating the legal landscape can be overwhelming. That's where a commercial law firm comes in. With their expertise in areas such as contracts, intellectual property, and employment law, a commercial law firm can help protect your business and ensure its success. But with so many options out there, how do you find the right one? In this article, we'll explore the key factors to consider when choosing a commercial law firm, including their experience, reputation, and client testimonials. We'll also discuss the benefits of working with a commercial law firm and how they can help your business stay compliant and avoid legal issues down the line.
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oxfordlawyer · 8 days
Criminal Lawyers Sydney CBD
We recognize that facing criminal accusations can be one of the most difficult situations in life. Understanding and negotiating a case's intricacy without the assistance of a law firm might have serious implications. This is where we provide skilled legal aid to protect your rights throughout the legal procedure. Our team is prepared with the necessary measures to ensure that you receive a fair trial and the best possible outcome.
Visit- Criminal Lawyers Sydney CBD
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freedomtaxagency · 12 days
The Ultimate Guide to Taxation Services in Sydney
Taxation is a crucial component of financial management, both for individuals and businesses. In Sydney, with its thriving economy and dynamic business environment, navigating the complexities of tax laws can be daunting. Whether you're a small business owner, a freelancer, or a large corporation, professional taxation services can help you stay compliant, maximize tax deductions, and plan for future financial success. This guide will explore the types of taxation services available in Sydney, their benefits, and tips on choosing the right provider for your needs.
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Understanding Taxation Services
Taxation services encompass a wide range of offerings, designed to assist individuals and businesses with their tax-related needs. These services include:
Tax Preparation and Filing: Tax professionals assist in preparing and filing annual tax returns, ensuring that all information is accurate and submitted on time to avoid penalties.
Tax Planning: Tax planning is a proactive service aimed at minimizing tax liabilities through strategic planning. This includes advising on deductions, credits, and tax-efficient investment opportunities.
Business Tax Services: Businesses, from small startups to large corporations, face more complex tax requirements. Tax professionals can handle business tax returns, Goods and Services Tax (GST) filings, employee-related tax obligations (such as PAYG withholding), and more.
BAS and GST Lodgments: Business Activity Statements (BAS) and GST filings are essential for businesses registered for GST in Australia. A tax professional ensures these are correctly lodged, avoiding costly mistakes or delays.
Auditing and Assurance Services: In case of an audit by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), professional tax services provide support, preparing financial statements and ensuring that records meet all legal standards.
Tax Dispute Resolution: Should an individual or business face disputes or issues with the ATO, taxation professionals can offer representation, manage negotiations, and work to resolve conflicts effectively.
Why Hire Professional Taxation Services in Sydney?
Sydney’s business landscape is vast, encompassing industries such as technology, finance, construction, and tourism. Each of these sectors has unique tax requirements, making the need for professional assistance even more critical. Here are the key benefits of hiring taxation services in Sydney:
Expert Knowledge and Experience: Taxation professionals are equipped with a deep understanding of Australian tax laws, which are constantly changing. Their expertise helps ensure compliance with the latest regulations and helps individuals and businesses avoid errors that could lead to penalties.
Maximizing Tax Savings: A qualified tax professional can help uncover deductions and credits that you may not be aware of, potentially saving you significant amounts of money. For businesses, tax specialists can structure transactions in a tax-efficient manner, further enhancing profitability.
Time-Saving: Tax preparation can be time-consuming, especially for businesses with complex financial structures. Outsourcing tax services allows individuals and businesses to focus on core operations, while professionals handle the intricate details.
Accurate Filings: Filing taxes accurately is essential to avoid audits, penalties, and legal issues. Tax professionals ensure that all documentation is in order and filed correctly, reducing the risk of complications down the road.
Audit Support: In the event of an audit or inquiry from the ATO, having a tax professional on your side can make a significant difference. They can represent you during audits, provide documentation, and work towards a fair resolution.
Types of Taxation Service Providers in Sydney
In Sydney, taxation services are offered by a variety of providers, ranging from large accounting firms to individual tax agents. Understanding the types of providers available can help you make an informed decision.
Chartered Accountants: Chartered accountants are highly qualified professionals who provide a broad range of accounting and tax services. They are often sought by businesses for comprehensive financial management, including tax planning, auditing, and compliance services.
Tax Agents: Registered tax agents specialize in tax preparation, planning, and lodgment. They are licensed by the Tax Practitioners Board and have specific expertise in Australian tax law. Tax agents are ideal for individuals and small businesses looking for assistance with personal tax returns, business tax filings, or advice on deductions.
Certified Public Accountants (CPAs): CPAs are qualified accountants who offer taxation services, including tax preparation, financial advice, and business tax strategies. They often work with both individuals and businesses, providing a broad scope of services.
Boutique Tax Firms: Boutique firms specialize in specific areas of tax, such as GST, business tax, or international tax services. These firms are suitable for businesses or individuals with specialized tax needs.
Tips for Choosing the Right Taxation Service in Sydney
When selecting a taxation service provider in Sydney, consider the following factors:
Qualifications and Registration: Ensure that the tax professional you choose is registered with the Tax Practitioners Board. This guarantees that they meet Australian standards for tax agents.
Experience: Look for a provider with experience in your specific industry or tax needs. A tax professional who understands your sector can offer more tailored advice.
Reputation: Check reviews, testimonials, and references to gauge the reputation of the tax service provider. Positive feedback from previous clients is a good indicator of reliable service.
Fee Structure: Understand the fee structure before engaging a tax professional. Some may charge flat fees, while others work on an hourly basis. Ensure that the cost fits within your budget.
Communication: Choose a tax professional who communicates clearly and is readily available to answer questions or provide updates. Good communication is crucial for a smooth tax process.
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law-notes · 12 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Law Schools in Australia
Australia is home to some of the world's most prestigious law schools, offering a pathway for aspiring lawyers to pursue a career in the legal field. Whether you're aiming for corporate law, human rights advocacy, or environmental law, Australian law schools provide a rich blend of academic excellence and practical skills.
In this article, we’ll delve into the top law schools in Australia, the benefits of studying law in this country, and tips for succeeding in your law exam papers.
Top Law Schools in Australia When considering where to study law in Australia, several institutions consistently rank among the best. Here are a few of the most notable:
University of Sydney Law School
Established in 1855, the University of Sydney's Law School is one of Australia’s oldest and most respected institutions. It offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programs that are internationally recognized.
Melbourne Law School
Ranked as one of the top law schools globally, Melbourne Law School is renowned for its rigorous curriculum and diverse research opportunities. It’s a leader in offering joint degrees that combine law with other fields like commerce or public policy.
The Australian National University (ANU) College of Law
Based in Canberra, ANU's College of Law is highly respected for its research-driven approach and its commitment to producing graduates ready to enter the global legal profession. University of Queensland (UQ) Law School
UQ Law School is known for its innovative teaching methods and strong focus on research. The university offers various specialized programs in areas such as intellectual property law, international law, and human rights.
Monash University Faculty of Law
Another top-tier law school, Monash is recognized for its focus on practical skills. The school has strong connections to major law firms and offers unique clinical legal programs for students.
Why Study Law in Australia?
Australia offers a unique combination of high-quality education, internationally recognized law degrees, and a vibrant legal job market. Some reasons why students choose Australia for their legal education include:
Global Recognition: Australian law degrees are respected worldwide, opening doors to international law careers.
Practical Legal Training: Many Australian law schools emphasize practical legal education, offering clinical programs and internships with law firms.
Diverse Specializations: Students can choose from various legal fields, such as environmental law, international law, corporate law, and human rights.
Succeeding in Your Law Exam Papers Once you’ve enrolled in one of the top law schools in Australia, succeeding in your law exam papers will be critical to your academic success. Here are a few tips:
Understand the Exam Format
Each law school has different exam formats, but generally, you will encounter a mix of essay-based questions, problem-solving case studies, and multiple-choice questions. Understanding what to expect is crucial for proper preparation.
Focus on Past Law Exam Papers
Reviewing law exam papers from previous years can give you an idea of the types of questions typically asked. Many Australian law schools make past exam papers available to students as study aids. Make sure to practice these papers under timed conditions to simulate the exam environment.
Master Legal Principles and Case Law
For many law exams, you'll need to reference relevant case law and legal principles. Ensure that you have a good grasp of landmark cases and can apply them to hypothetical scenarios.
Develop Critical Thinking Skills
Law exam papers often test your ability to think critically and apply legal principles to real-world problems. Practice writing well-structured answers that demonstrate both your knowledge of the law and your analytical skills.
Time Management
During the exam, time management is key. Allocate enough time to address all questions and ensure that your answers are well-thought-out and concise. Law schools in Australia offer world-class education, providing students with the tools to excel in the legal profession. By choosing one of these top institutions and preparing diligently for your law exam papers, you can set yourself up for a successful career in law. Make use of past exam papers, study consistently, and stay engaged with current legal developments to ensure you stand out in your academic journey.
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akif122514 · 13 days
Family Lawyers Sydney | Navjot Singh | Pannu Lawyers
When it comes to navigating the complex waters of family law, having the right support and guidance is crucial. Australia, finding adept family lawyers Sydney who can address a spectrum of familial issues with compassion and expertise is essential. Family law encompasses a wide range of matters, including divorce, child custody, property settlements, domestic violence, and more. Within Sydney, numerous legal firms and practitioners specialize in this field, offering personalized services to assist individuals facing these intricate challenges.
Family lawyers in Sydney are equipped with the knowledge and experience to handle sensitive and emotionally charged situations delicately. They understand the intricacies of Australian family law and are adept at providing tailored advice and representation to meet the unique needs of each client. Whether it's an amicable separation or a contentious divorce, these professionals strive to achieve fair and equitable outcomes while prioritizing the well-being of any children involved.
One of the primary roles of family lawyers is to provide legal guidance and support during divorce proceedings. They help clients understand their rights, responsibilities, and entitlements concerning property division, spousal maintenance, and child custody arrangements. These lawyers aim to facilitate negotiations and, if necessary, represent their clients in court to ensure their interests are protected.
Child custody matters can be emotionally challenging, and family lawyers in Sydney approach these cases with sensitivity and empathy. They prioritize the best interests of the child while advocating for their client's parental rights. They assist in crafting parenting plans, negotiating custody arrangements, and, when needed, representing their clients in court to secure favorable outcomes for both the parent and the child.
Property settlements in divorces often require meticulous attention to detail. Family lawyers in Sydney assist in the fair division of assets and liabilities accumulated during the marriage, considering factors like financial contributions, future needs, and parenting responsibilities. Their expertise ensures that clients receive equitable settlements while navigating the complexities of property law.
Additionally, family lawyers play a pivotal role in cases involving domestic violence or apprehended violence orders (AVOs). They provide crucial legal advice and support to victims, helping them seek protection orders and guiding them through legal proceedings to ensure their safety and that of their family.
What sets apart reputable family lawyers in Sydney is their commitment to empathy and understanding while providing robust legal representation. They offer not only legal expertise but also emotional support during what can be one of the most challenging times in a person's life. By prioritizing open communication, trust, and a client-centered approach, these lawyers strive to achieve positive outcomes while alleviating the stress and uncertainty often associated with family law matters.
In Sydney's legal landscape, the presence of dedicated family lawyers underscores the importance of having compassionate and skilled professionals to guide individuals through the complexities of family law. Their commitment to upholding the rights and well-being of their clients ensures that individuals facing familial challenges can navigate these tumultuous times with confidence and support.
Visit: https://pannulawyers.com.au/navjot-singhfamily-lawyers-sydney/
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visasthings · 14 days
Flyworld Migration
Your Trusted Australian Immigration Lawyers
Flyworld Migration is a leading immigration law firm in Melbourne, offering reliable visa services to clients from all over the world. Our comprehensive range of services includes Skilled Visa, Business Visa, Employer Sponsored Visa, Student Visa, Partner Visa, Tourist Visa, Visa Extension, and Administrative Tribunal Appeals.
Our Services
We specialize in a variety of visa services:
Skilled Visa: For professionals looking to work in Australia.
Business Visa: For entrepreneurs and investors.
Employer Sponsored Visa: For employees sponsored by Australian businesses.
Student Visa: For students aiming to study in Australia.
Partner Visa: For partners of Australian citizens or permanent residents.
Tourist Visa: For visitors wanting to explore Australia.
Visa Extension: For extending your stay in Australia.
Administrative Tribunal Appeal: For appealing visa decisions.
Personal Assistance
At Flyworld Migration, we pride ourselves on providing personal assistance for migration, study, business, and work visas. Our knowledgeable lawyers are committed to guiding you through every step of the visa application process, ensuring you have all the information and support you need.
Contact Us
With offices in Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, and Canberra, Flyworld Migration is conveniently located to serve you. Visit Flyworld Migration to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your migration goals.
Flyworld Migration is your trusted partner for all your Australian immigration needs. With our expert legal team and personalized services, we make the visa application process smooth and hassle-free. Contact us today to start your journey to Australia.
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