#lego beta 1 command base
bluenpinkcastle · 2 years
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20221128: today’s reconstruction is almost the last of the classic space sets. this is 6970: Beta-1 Command Base. it was definitely a neat build that didn’t take too much time but I seriously have concerns about a lot of their safety issues. for instance: the shuttle has two rockets where the passengers sit between them with zero protection. also, this isn’t like a safe shuttle at all, as there’s also nothing to prevent the passengers from floating right off into space (if they survive getting off the ground and aren’t thrown out behind the rockets to be instantly incinerated). at least the terminal has steps to get up and down from the platform and at least the front of the passenger car has a guard rail (though nothing to prevent them from falling off sideways). I suppose in a situation with limited gravity, you wouldn’t worry too much about people plummeting to their deaths but the station itself also doesn’t have any atmospheric protection, which means they should not be taking off their helmets to enjoy beverages, as implied by the mug on the table. overall? a fun build to inspire good creativity but not a design to mimic for real-life space travel :D
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duckulamoved · 4 years
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I cry everytime I think about Lego Space here are my top favorite sets I wish I could own. In order they are: 
Galaxy Explorer Alpha-1 Rocket Base (Love this one.  Beta-1 Command Base (I really love thiis one).  Space Dart-1 Intergalactic Command Base Astro Dasher Cosmic Comet Lunar Patrol Craft Cosmic Charger Cosmic Fleet Voyager
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lovelego · 4 years
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^@^* Lego 1980's 6970 Beta 1 Command Base (missing 8 pieces) Legoland https://ift.tt/2D6R2y4
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ditlyuk · 5 years
Google Cloud Next 19 - Everything You Need To Know | Highlights & Key Note
So as expected the event was very much a Google styled event with all of the fixtures and fittings looking like Google had just bought everything that was green, blue, red and yellow from IKEAs catalogue but it was really well put together and it was really interesting to walk around, there was never a dull moment.
They had candy tubes which dispensed actual jelly beans and this was used to highlight some of Google clouds USPs. They had a full life-size version of chess which was surprisingly popular. Vibrant display stands to draw you in, a pool of ducks obviously, a full arcade complete with retro-styled ssh terminals to allow you to practice your server commands. They also had a complete ‘Dev Zone’ game which was essentially a step-by-step tutorial of some of Google Clouds services. There was also a Lego board  with lego artist and a feedback board for questions which every company needs, oh and lastly, a cow, because, why not?
So onto the serious stuff! Google opened up the event with their main stage key note opened by Alan Coad, the managing director of Google Cloud. Alan basically opened up the day and stated the purpose of the event which was basically to bring all the customers of Google Cloud together to share the new innovations that Google has been working on so that we can collectively build better technology which runs in the cloud and move away from stand alone in-house servers. Which essentially is the essence of cloud technology.
As the Keynote moved on Alan invited various members of the Google cloud team onto the stage to talk about the new product and capabilities Google was bringing to Cloud. Firstly they mentioned their new N2 and N2D Processors from AMD and Intel which are purpose built processors designed for Virtual Machines. So unlike the processor in your laptop which is dedicated to your laptop these processors are designed to be able to run multiple workloads across multiple virtual machines or servers if you prefer. So they are super powerful and these latest versions included multiple performance improvements which will greatly impact the performance of virtual machines in Google’s Cloud.
Next they introduced, Bring your own IP. So in the past, for any server you spooled up in Google Cloud you would have to assign it a new IP from Google’s inventory, this isn’t great if you’re migrating an existing service and want to keep the same IP. Well now you can bring your IP address into Google Cloud which is much more seamless. 
They also released a handful of other new features such as the acquisition of CloudSimple, a cloud migration software company. Cloud SQL or SQL Server, New enhancements for SAP infrastructure, support or bare metal Oracle workloads and a Network Intelligence Centre for network troubleshooting and testing in real-time.
Next Google moved the keynote to focus on big data, which is one of the buzzwords of the year. Big data is so important at this point in time and the reason behind it is due to Artificial Intelligence. We are fully ware that Artificial Intelligence is coming and it’s going to have a huge impact on technology and our lives but to make AI work you need data, lots of data.So companies right now are harvesting as much data about anything and everything that they possibly can in order to build AI systems for the future. 5 years ago, companies would often delete or cleanse data and keep only what they needed as to store and query it consumed a lot of resource. Now however, is the complete opposite as the value of data is so rich and the cost to store and query it in the cloud has reduced significantly that we are now storing huge amounts of data.
Google knows this and so it flexed it’s cloud data warehousing tool, Big Query, by supporting huge data sets of 100’s of petabytes of data and new data engines other that SQL. On their Keynote Google even quoted that one of their customers ran the largest query they have ever seen which resulted in 100 trillion rows of data, to put that into perspective there’s 7.8 billion people in the world, there’s 1,000 billions in 1 trillion and this query resulted in 100 trillion rows so there are 13 thousand rows of data for every person in that query.
Streaming Data
Google then went on to discuss the processing of live streaming data, so this is data from services such as Netflix and Spotify. This is type of data collection and storage is particularly tricky but it’s important as 30% of data generated will be real-time by 2025 according to the IDC.  For example this type of data could be tracking something such as the number of times songs have been listened to on Spotify. This is a huge task as the data is consistently changing at the rate of millions of entries per second. Spotify is actually a customer of Google Cloud and this is exactly what they use Google Clouds Data tools for. They use Google Clouds Data Flow tool to track the number of times artists songs have been listened to so that they can pay the artists the correct royalties that they are owed, they also use the exact same system to display a personalised yearly roundup for each Spotify user for the artists and songs that they have listened to the most that year. If you’re a Spotify user, you should have received an email with a link on to your personalised lookback already this year.
Lastly one of the biggest announcements for Google’s data tools was ‘Connected Sheets’ this is where you can take data for Big Query, which is a data warehousing tool capable of storing trillions of rows and data and then syncing it to a standard Google Sheet so you can apply filters, graphs, share and analyse the data in a simple and familiar platform. That, to be honest is quite amazing. Try putting over a million rows into Microsoft Excel and watch it crumble under the strain - that is if your PC will even allow you to that in the first place.
So, moving on, we can’t talk about tech an not mention Artificial Intelligence or AI for short. It’s obvious it’s the future and it’s already becoming established in out everyday lives, the ship has sailed with AI and there’s no looking back. Unsurprisingly, Google is playing a large part in this. They firstly present the Contact Centre AI platform which is now readily available for any company to use and it’s even been integrated with 74% of telephony providers across the world. Contact Centre AI is essentially like having Google’s Assistant working in a call centre, it can independently talk to customers, process and relay information with alarming accuracy and it can also replicate human speech stumblings like when we say ‘erm’  when we’re thinking between sentences and also variance in pitch to sound as if you are just talking to a person.
Okay, so one of the biggest talking points at the whole event was Google showcasing the TPU’s. So, let's start from the top. A TPU is a Tensor Processing Unit. Tensor is the type of mathematical algorithm required to run Artificial Intelligence based queries. So a TPU is essentially a computer which has purposefully been built to process tensor algorithms and code and nothing else. Google explained that the reason they have built this is because Moores law has now come to an end. Moores law was a theory which stated that the advancement in processing power doubled every year as we were able to reduced the size of a transistor by half and therefore double the number of transistors on a silicon wafer every 2 years. However, we’ve now reaching the physical limit of transistor size and we currently can not make them any smaller. The only way to increase computing power is by multiplying the number of processors in a device or by optimising that device to carry out a very specific task, very well. And that’s exactly what Google has done with their TPU’s. They’ve engineered a processing unit which is perfectly optimised to cary out AI functions and nothing else. So these are not machines that you could run Windows 10 on for example, they have one job and you pay by the hour to use them for that specific job. Google’s latest TPU board, TPU 3 can process 420 tera flops in a super small footprint.
Google then connects 64 of these TPUs together to create what they call a Pod, which is essentially an incredibly powerful super computer than can process AI functions and incredible speeds. These TPU pods are available to use in Google’s cloud platform now and have been for some time, you can rent the usage of a pod in quarter sections, so you could request the processing power of quarter of a pod (or 16 TPU’s) and run you code on that hardware all from a laptop, connected to the internet anywhere in the world. Google claims that these TPU pods can process AI functions faster than any other cloud AI service.
G Suite
Okay so to those that know me they know that I’m a big lover of Google’s Gsuite. Which is Googles office tools for business and education. Now, I’m going to make a fairly bold statement here which most people won’t agree with but I’m going to go out on a lim and try to predict the future. So here it is, in 5 years - 8 years time, Microsoft Office won’t be a thing. I truly believe that G Suite is dominating the market and those that haven’t moved over yet are being held back significantly. Microsoft is stuck in the past and can’t bring its users up to date with G Suite. Of course, Google agrees as they stated that independent research claims that companies using G Suite save 21 work days per employee due to the efficiencies of G Suite and they also have a reduced risk of a data breach by 95%.
Google released a few update to G Suite which continue to out perform Microsoft’s Office in multiple ways. For example, they have released Smart Compose to Google docs under a Beta. Smart Compose is currently available in Gmail and it’s a helpful feature that auto suggests the next part of your email based on AI learnings of what people tend to write. With this feature now available in Docs, Google will effectively be helping you to write your documents. All powered by Google’s advanced neural networks on their TPUs and delivered to you in a fraction of a second. This is the power of fully cloud based office.
Google also released support for Google Assistant with G Suite, so now business users can use Google Assistant capabilities to write emails, book meetings, dial into calls and more, it’s like every employee who uses G Suite gets a free personal assistant with Google.
Lastly, Google finished the talk with a nice hint towards improving their enterprise level support which is very much needed. Initially I think Google Cloud went with the stance of here’s the tools you need, go and build something and then whatever you build is your responsibility to maintain so we can’t offer support. And to some extent that’s still true, and the end of the day Google can not become a support team for every application and database built on Google cloud but I think it can do more to help businesses and seems to be making moves in the right direction. General support on server configuration and configuration of the cloud tools will be highly appreciated by system admins and developers across the globe so it’s really refreshing to hear them say this.
Okay so that’s my very top-level highlight summary of my day at Google Next’19, there is so much more I could talk about ad I did attend multiple other talks after the keynote which went into more detail about some of the things I have mentioned and more. However, there was so much to take in and so much going on at Next ’19 that it isn’t possible to relay it all back. If you’re interested to learn more about the event and would like to see more detail then I’ll leave a link to the Google Cloud YouTube channel playlist for Next ’19 which has hundreds of videos from the 2 days from talks, to workshops to discussion panels, there really is so much information packed into to 2 short days.
So thanks for watching, if you liked this video then please tap the like button below and leave a comment to let me know what you thought. Also if you haven’t done so already then please subscribe to my channel to see more videos like this, I try to upload a video once a week although I have been a little late recently as this was such a big video to plan and edit. A lot of time and effort does go into these videos and I publish them completely for free so if you could show your support and hit that subscribe button then I would really appreciate it.
Thanks again and I’m looking forward to next time.
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heath64mcwilliams · 5 years
Is Their Skins For Minecraft Classic
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When does Minecraft pocket editon come out with a update? Yes, if you happen to update to the latest iOS. Yes, But it is very laborious to find. Yes, the Nether at present exists in Minecraft Pocket Edition. How do you buy minecraft Pocket Edition with out Google playstore? Where can minecraft tips buy a terrific Halloween costume? As great as both Lego and Minecraft are in their very own right, to see a synergy between the two is actually wonderful. This means we're going to be very likely seeing newer additional Lego kits themed on Minecraft showing in the not too distant future. They started to supply Lego Miniatures in 1978. It’s estimated that they have produced 550 billion items of Lego. Yes, the Minecraft demo does certainly have monsters. Yes, I'm fairly positive that you may. Yes, pigs can be found/roaming in Minecraft traditional. What is Minecraft traditional? What number of millibites does minecraft pocket edition use to download?
Can you do mods on minecraft xbox 360 version? In multiplayer mode nonetheless, you can play with other users regardless if they have an Android or iOS device. As minecraft advice don't must log in to MinecraftSP, this means that you cannot change your skin on MinecraftSP. By having alternative a game creates rather more longevity to the entire expertise and it signifies that you aren't slowed down by options that you don't wish to explore. Minecraft is a web based recreation and cannot be cracked. How do you make a custom Minecraft head? How do you make clothes on minecraft pocket version? How do you make clothes on Minecraft? Online there are hundreds of thousands of various skins and you may make your own. There you possibly can download a pores and skin, or make you own utilizing their tools. How do you change skins using singleplayer commands mod in minecraft 1.4.7? When does skins come again to MTV? What do you do when your minecraft skin retains chaging again to the default pores and skin? Follow the directions on these web sites to obtain a pores and skin. When you've got finished that, you'll be able to search various Skin websites for a pores and skin of your preference. When you've chosen a pores and skin you want, download it.
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Type in your search engine 'Miners need cool shoes' here you'll be able to create your individual pores and skin and obtain it onto minecraft. In your opinion are there any plugins you'd suggest like is there a guide on certain plugins you would wish so as to add for certain servers? Like I need to have a creative, survival video games, and regular survival server. When the total Minecraft sport is launched you'll have it if you purchase the beta. It got here out on Xbox Live in 2012 and on a disc for Xbox in 2013. When the Xbox One is released, Minecraft might be launched for play on it. For me the number one thing that defines a Minecraft recreation is a sandbox surroundings. It will redirect you to associated site and will ask you if you need to change your skin to the one specified. 26.95 US dollars. However, they do offer a demo model for the Pc, and basic (which isn't too much like the full recreation, demo is extra like the full recreation).
Wow I discovered my old account though my outdated starvation games map submission isint there anymore, alright appears like spigot might be my focus. When will minecraft iOS pe replace 0.3.Four Come out? What should you do if your Minecraft skin won't work? How are you able to make your own skin on Minecraft? Are you able to get a pig in Minecraft basic? No; diamonds weren't yet applied in Minecraft Classic. Can you get diamonds in basic Minecraft? Minecraft no longer helps the free Classic mode. Can you get free skins on 1.6.6 offline minecraft? When you've got a I phone or I pad then go onto the and retailer and type on " minecraft skins" I'm the App Store. You have got a lot of sites and contribute to different websites too. A few of these websites are likewise not protected. Is planet minecraft safe in 2019? You restart your minecraft. Are you able to run Minecraft on a tablet? This multifaceted count of items indicates how much constructing could be done with each set to some extent. How a lot do skins cost in minecraft?
Does it price to play Minecraft on Pc? Hint: You'll be able to keep redownloading the demo so you can continue to play with your folks for greater than 10 minutes. Can iPad 1 run Minecraft? Why are there solely mobs within the ipad Minecraft survival? Why cant you download pores and skin edit for minecraft? It’s made by wrapping a very simple 2D image file around a 3D player structure (which is the reason why it’s generally known as a skin). On this you too can readily accessible to produce your individual skin to your Minecraft avatar, then it’s an easy factor. You possibly can all the time trust him. You should purchase minecraft on the internet with paypal Only. Where do you buy Minecraft? Is there another webpage for minecraft installers that is not skydaz? There are no rails and minecarts in Minecraft Classic. Is there lava in minecraft pocket version for the ios? You cannot change the seed within the demo you possibly can solely in the complete version. You'll be able to. Just get it from the Minecraft Forum.
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doutlereijba · 5 years
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via Vintage Lego Space Set #6970 Beta-1 Command Base 1980 w/ Minifigs & Box! ( 30 Bids )
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jeuvso-veexwu · 7 years
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Lego classic space, 6970, Beta-1 command base, town, city http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410320&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=262920704576
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fuokdi-leens · 7 years
Lego classic space, 6970, Beta-1 command base, town, city
Price 36.75 USD 25 Bids. End Time: 2017-04-09 18:11:16 PDT http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337506718&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=262920704576 from Lego http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337506718&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=262920704576 via IFTTT
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xuomze-quoxvi · 7 years
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Classic Lego Set #6970 Beta-1 Command Base 1980! COMPLETE w/ Instructions! http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337506718&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=352018625489
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geawjo-wiadfu · 8 years
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Vtg 1979 Lego 6970 Beta-1 Command Base Space Station W/ Instruction Manual & Box http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410315&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=172571840496
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lovelego · 4 years
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^@^* Vintage Lego Space Beta 1 Command Base. Printed Instructions No Box https://ift.tt/2Bqqgjt
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lovelego · 5 years
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Lego Vintage Classic Space Beta 1 Command Base 6970 100% Complete https://ift.tt/2Y0adTm
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lovelego · 6 years
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Vintage Classic Lego Space Set Instructions Beta-1 Command Base Some Sealed 6970 https://ebay.to/2TJwC1D
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