#lei xiaoyu
ydotome · 10 months
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I'm sorry. I guess they've taken a liking to you. - Dead Mount Death Play Part 2 - Episode 7
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hairunowa · 1 year
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Dead Mount Death Play OP 「Nero」 by Sou. https://youtu.be/QGmvHbxsxME
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vlyapewi · 1 year
-- 《 Lei Xiaoyu 》 --
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grissaecrim · 1 year
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It took me more than a month but at last I had finished my six fighting game characters set. It took so long cause I made each fighter individually on separate canvases, and these are only portions of each character. All full pictures are available at my patreon if you are interested on supporting me.
Elena from Street Fighter
Hisen Ko from Darkstalkers
Ling Xiaoyu from Tekken
Leona Heidern from SNK
Bridget from Arcsystems
Ayane from Dead Or Alive
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gaymer-hag-stan · 8 months
Who Is Tekken?
I made a tier ranking because I was bored and because this is TEKKEN 8'S RELEASE WEEK!!!
So, basically this is a tier list based on who I think represents the series best. Not personal preference, just who I think of when I think of Tekken, and which characters I think usually act as the "face" of the franchise.
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Tekken God Tier a.k.a. The one true "Face" of Tekken
Paul Phoenix - Although the story is centered around the Mishima Family feud, Paul I think best represents the spirit of Tekken as a whole. His design is outrageous, he can be considered goofy, not only because of the hair but because of his most recent portrayal and rivalry with Kuma, but he is nevertheless not treated entirely as a joke character. He is always there and he is a veteran.
Tekken Kings Tier a.k.a Characters present in all games that are also synonymous with Tekken
Yoshimitsu - Yoshimitsu is another character that is always present and, like Paul, he represents Tekken's spirit. He always looks ridiculous and he is completely redesigned in each new installment.
King - King also fits the same mentality as the other two. The jaguar mask, and the fact that when he speaks jaguar growls come out make him a staple to the "ridiculous but not a joke character" archetype that Tekken essentially jumpstarted and has polished to perfection over the years. Many other fighting games have joke characters of course, but some of Tekken's joke characters are actually pretty viable options.
Tekken Overlords Tier a.k.a. Characters who are present in almost all games and also represent the brand in promotional events and such
Nina Williams - Nina is undisputedly the Queen of Tekken. She is the only female fighter to appear in all Tekken games, she has her own spinoff game and she is almost always featured in collaborations and promotional events. She is the Chun-Li of Tekken with Cammy's demeanour. A two-in-one type of deal if you will.
Kazuya Mishima - Kazuya was the protagonist of the original Tekken game and has ever since taken on the role of either the primary or secondary antagonist. If Nina is Tekken's Chun-Li, then Kazuya is Tekken's Ryu, but with a twist. Kazuya is no hero, he is not the golden shoto honest boy who wants to save the world. Quite the opposite. Tekken can be campy but it can also be extremely edgy. Kazuya perfectly represents this inherent need to be edgy. When other fighting games attempted to replicate Street Fighter's Ryu by making more stoic stereotypical Japanese heroes who don't say much and only want to become stronger, Tekken introduced a villainous type of protagonist that will stop at nothing to achieve ultimate power. Tekken doesn't have a Ryu, only an Evil Ryu.
Ling Xiaoyu - Many would argue that Xiaoyu is Tekken's Chun-Li, and in the sense of having an upbeat female Chinese martial artist she is, but she is more like Chun-Li's little sister, or Tekken's little sister in this case. Nina is mature and sexy while Xiaoyu is cheerful and cute, childish even, in her debut appearance. Depending on who you ask she may be the main female character of Tekken but I'll say she's the second best thing. Still extremely important for the franchise.
Hwoarang - Hwoarang has never missed a game since his debut and I don't think he will in the future either. He is a very integral part of Tekken and his high kicks in the tightest of jeans definitely add a little more unhingedeness to the series.
Marshall Law - Every fighting game that respects itself pays homage to the greatest martial artist that ever lived. Law has every Bruce Lee mannerism that you can imagine and then some!
Tekken Warrior Tier a.k.a Jack
Although Jack's appearance and moveset are not necessarily remarkable, the fact that he undergoes a name change with each new Tekken entry, to match the mainline game's numbering, is kinda iconic in its own right and tied to Tekken itself. Even though he skipped Tekken 4 (and the JACK unit in the original game is a generic one not related to Jane's JACK who is present in all the following games) there is still a JACK-4 line, which further goes to show that you can't have Tekken without the JACKs.
Tekken Fighters Tier a.k.a. fairly recognisable characters who appear in most games
Lei Wulong - Tekken not only has its own Bruce Lee, but it also has its own Jackie Chan*! Lei has one of the most complicated movesets in fighting game history and as fighting game development gets pricier and pricier, he puts an actual strain on Namco's developments costs. While I don't think he will completely miss Tekken 8 or any following Tekkens, he is most likely gonna be permanent DLC to accommodate for the resources and money needed for his animations lmao
*since he is still alive though they actually started making his face more distinct as time went on and graphics became more realistic, possibly to avoid a lawsuit lol
Jin Kazama - Jin has essentially been the protagonist of Tekken since Tekken 3 (with a minor stint as a villain in 6 and, technically, being in a coma throughout Tekken 7's entire story) He is once again positioned as the "hero" in Tekken 8, although, like I said with Kazuya, Tekken doesn't do heroes the traditional way.
Bryan Fury - Bryan is the resident kickboxer of Tekken and he hasn't missed a game since his debut. His psychotic laugh is a Tekken trademark and his unhinged personality is a perfect match for a series like Tekken.
Steve Fox - Likewise, Steve is the resident boxer of Tekken. Arguably, he's not as strong in the personality department, so his fighting style kind of hard carries him and is also probably why he hasn't skipped an entry since his inception.
Asuka Kazama - Asuka is kind of the "new generation" type of Tekken girl. She had a really strong debut in Tekken 5, I think she really served in that game, but ever since the rivalry with Lili subplot was introduced I feel like Lili's personality overpowers hers. Nevertheless, they have been positioned by Namco as the new main female Tekken rivalry ever since Tekken 6 so that's that.
Tekken Brawlers Tier a.k.a. the last three core Tekken characters
Heihachi Mishima - Heihachi is arguably the Akuma of Tekken. He often assumes the final boss role and has been in all Tekken games until his death (?). Tekken 7 was teased as the big finale to Kazuya and Heihachi's rivalry, and his death (??) truly meant the end of an era for the series.
Feng Wei - I struggled a lot with this one because he's a character I personally don't care at all about, but personal bias aside I think his moveset is quintessential Tekken, and like Asuka he also had a very strong Tekken 5 debut that kind of hard carries him ever since. His scenes in the Tekken 5 opening cinematic are pretty memorable.
Lili - If the Tekken universe has an it girl it is her. Lili has been a consistently popular character since her debut and I don't think it's hard to see why. Her personality is hilarious, the rich mean daddy's girl type, her moveset is hella fun and her design is pretty slick and gets the message across - you know she is the spoiled brat before she even opens her mouth.
Tekken Grand Masters Tier a.k.a. characters who are still pretty important but can skip a game or two
Lee Chaolan - Lee's trademark "excellent" is definitely pretty standard amongst Tekken fans, but from here on, him and the characters that follow are more or less characters who are mostly relevant within the Tekken community and don't necessarily represent the franchise as a whole or are instantly recognisable as Tekken characters. Lee's is a very interesting take on Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do. In Tekken 1, all of the "rival" characters are in some way reused or alternate versions of the initial eight characters' fighting styles. In this case, he practices Jeet Kune Do like Law, but unlike Law, he doesn't retain any of Bruce Lee's mannerisms, other than the outrageous screams.
Eddy Gordo - Eddy is the resident capoeira master of Tekken, and you could argue this alone could earn him a higher placing, but I feel like the fact that he was Christie's pallette swap for two games split the spotlight between them. He still has a story-related reason to fight and is therefore still coming back whereas Christie's story arc is done for now, but even still, he was missing from the initial arcade release of Tekken 7 and is now only coming back as DLC. Eddy is undoubtedly a trademark Tekken character, but I feel like all the characters above him have become a tad more essential than him over the years.
Sergei Dragunov - Dragunov certainly has his fans, and has a fun moveset and an interesting... gimmick, if you can even call it that, in that he chooses not to speak. Ever... Almost.
Jun Kazama - No other character has had such a strong impact in the Tekken fanbase as Jun. Despite only being canonically present in one game (and it will 100% remain so as she is definitely still dead in Tekken 8) she has been constantly requested by fans, has had a "clone" character in the form of Asuka, and even an "evil counterpart" in the form of Unknown. Jun is kind of the face of the Tekken Tag Tournament games, as both of them, and any future ones we hopefully get, were always fans' chance to get to see her again after her death. Even after Asuka's debut, Jun's comeback in Tag 2 was among the main marketing for the game.
Christie Monteiro - Like I said, Christie replaced Eddy in Tekken 4 and 5 as the "face" of capoeira for Tekken. Although Eddy was the OG, and I feel like his Tekken 3 and Tag 1 appearances are his main popularity and nostalgia boosts over hers, Christie is arguably the more fun of the two and although her story arc is over, she has more to give in the personality department. With Tekken 8 going the extra mile to make Kuma and Panda feel more unique, decades after their debut as identical characters, I think the same energy can be applied to Eddy and Christie. They already had different standing throws to begin with so a first step was taken ever since Tekken 4.
Craig Marduk - Marduk is the series' resident big burly screaming neanderthal type of character. He has had a bit of character development through his feud and eventual friendship with King and, even when it seemed like Gigas had kind of replaced him in Tekken 7 he actually made it back so good for him, I guess...
Leo Kliesen - Leo kind of invented being non-binary back in 2008 right? What was initially envisioned as a gimmick, a character without gender, has taken on a whole new meaning as people found new ways to express their identities that weren't as widely explored before and I think that this is a good thing. No one in the Tekken world seems to treat Leo's androgyny as something abnormal, in fact nobody even acknowledges it, nobody is bothered by it, nobody loses sleep about it. Leo is Leo and they're here to stay. My only issue is that Leo's personality trait sliders were all set right in the middle too and this is definitely something that could be worked on a lot more.
Lars Alexandersson - Tekken 6 tried really hard to set Lars up as "the new Mishima" and I don't think it worked. I mean look at Reina's reception. I think that's what they were going for at the time. Did it work? Yes and no. Lars is intrinsically tied with the story and he seems to have been positioned as a positive role model and moral compass for Jin to make him "find his way" or whatever the fuck. If you think about it, after Jun's death, Jin only had Heihachi's abusive relationship and murder attempt and then his equally bloody reunion with his father in the form of family. Lars, and I guess Lee (they don't seem to have canonically interacted with each other before Tekken 7's ending) are now positioned as the good influences in Jin's life. Although Lee has worked under both Heihachi and Kazuya, and Lars had no issues working as a mercenary for Heihachi in the Tekken Force and only quit after Jin started World War III. Once again this harkens back to how no one is a saint in Tekken. Lars is no exception.
Raven - He took a small break in 7 but his fighting style was still represented in the form of his master. Raven's design is a knock-off Blade but the fact that he is a ninja working for the United Nations and that they also keep expanding his organization with new members in the form of Master Raven and Victor is proof enough of his relevancy to the series.
Tekken Experts Tier a.k.a. the last few ones that actually matter
Kuma - Kuma is a joke character, but an arguably quite good one at that. Tekken employs many "jokey" characters, the Pauls, the Yoshimitsus, the Kings, as marketing gimmicks. "Oh you know Tekken has a guy with weird hair that punches real hard" or "Tekken has a mech space ninja" or "Tekken has a dude with a jaguar head" but nothing hits quite hard like "Tekken has a bear". Street Fighter II had many martial artists in its original eight-character roster. A stoic karateka, a cheerful Kung Fu master, a hardened wrestler. But it also had Blanka, a weird "out of the box" type of character that fights with an unconventional fighting style and has a unique appearance. The other characters I mentioned have unique appearances but Paul practices judo, King is a wrestler and Yoshimitsu is a ninja (so at least his shenanigans are somewhat excused). But Kuma is a talking bear (when he speaks we hear growls, just like with King, but he is canonically able to communicate with humans, he just follows Tekken's "everyone speaks their mother tongue" and therefore speaks 'bear') who practices a mix of Mishima-style karate along with... Well bear moves. Very few other games in the market can match that energy.
Anna Williams - Anna is unfortunately, more often than not, in the shadow of her older sister, a sentiment that perhaps hits too close to home for a lot of younger siblings. Nevertheless, even if she began as a Nina clone, she was among the very first who the developers started differentiating from their original counterpart, as early as Tekken 3. Anna is certainly popular, but she is constantly treated as an afterthought to Nina, which itself prevents me from placing her any higher. While Nina is allowed to be part of the main story and have a subplot with her son or others, Anna has only ever had her rivalry with Nina, her having the hots for Kazuya and an interaction with Lee that may not even be canon. Perhaps the fact that she constantly has to live in the shadow of a more popular sister is in and of itself her own gimmick within the Tekken universe. The fact that she always serves the cunt™, all the cunt™ and nothing but the cunt™ is also probably a reason why she is a favourite of the gays and the girls.
Ganryu - Ganryu is another joke character. He has many running gage, actually, from his obsession with Michelle Chang and then her much-younger-than-him (...) daughter and them barely even acknowledging his existence, his lying over his ranking in sumo (and being cancelled by the... Sumo masters??? because of it) and also trying and failing to promote his chanko restaurant through the Tournaments, Ganryu is perhaps the Joke Character of Tekken. Even so, Kazuya apparently found something in him as he was among his elite bodyguards along with Bruce, Anna and Lee in Tekken 2.
Julia Chang - Julia I feel like also peaked during her Tekken 5 era but has been slowly fading in the background ever since. Arguably the most interesting character development she's had was adopting the Jaycee luchadora persona... Which was not canon... Her new streamer persona doesn't seem to be necessarily popular and the fact that she's again missing from another mainline base Tekken game may reflect that Namco don't necessarily seem like they know what to do with her at all.
Devil Jin - Devil Jin is not really an actual character, rather an alter ego of sorts of Jin, although we haven't necessarily "seen" him so far. Whenever Jin canonically assumes his devil form he just seems to lose control for a few seconds and then snaps back to normal. The reason for his existence is that people were pissed that Jin's Tekken 3 moveset was dropped in Tekken 4 as Jin relearned his fighting style to distance himself from his Mishima heritage and go back to his mother's teachings and Namco simply decided to bring it back in the form of an alter ego. He simply exists as a gameplay mechanic, although it still has endured for all these years, showing the impact Tekken 3 still has on the series. The initial story trailers for Tekken 8 seemed to hint that Devil Jin was no more but, for better or worse, Namco doesn't seem to be ready to let go just yet.
Baek Doo San & Michelle Chang - Both have been completely replaced by Hwoarang and Julia respectively so both are mostly in this tier for their presence in the first few games and the fact that their fighting style lives on through their disciples. Arguably Baek's is a little more alive than Michelle's though lol
Alisa Bosconovitch - Alisa is another one of the teen girly characters that Namco loves to push as their main form of female character archetype. Alisa being an android with chainsaw blades coming out of her arms was certainly an interesting gimmick back when she was added to Tekken 6, but it doesn't have an impact nearly as strong as "man with jaguar head" or "talking bear".
Zafina - Zafina closes up the last tier of actually important characters for the game's identity. She is cunty and as assassin but also her fighting style is extremely cooky and her animations are hilarious and, on top of that, she now also has the rotting Azazel hand. A perfect mix of the three pillars of Tekken; edginess, camp and c*nt~
Tekken Mentors Tier a.k.a. Pallette swaps, the last few legacy characters and Mokujin
Tekken Initiates Tier a.k.a Bosses, one-off characters and the literal newcomers who cannot be properly placed yet. I consider Leroy a newcomer since he didn't get a story chapter last time and since he's the only T7 DLC to make it in T8 thus far he gets a small bonus boost
Tekken Beginners Tier a.k.a. even more palette swaps, characters completely replaced by others or obscure randos that only come back for the Tag Tournaments. The rest of T7's characters that did not make the cut (so far) are here either because they didn't have as strong an impact as the rest or they were DLC and haven't shown their full potential yet
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fightingforjustice · 2 months
Kind Opinions To Kazujun and JinXiaos fans
Nowadays, regardless of games or anime, there are many fans who like shipping different characters with the others. Regardless the couples are canon or fanon, they can be good or bad, wholesome or abusive. They can also have a huge impact on everyone’s value. Now, I will take these two Tekken’s couples - Kazuya Mishima x Jun Kazama (Kazujun/Kazjun) and Jin Kazama x Ling Xiaoyu (Jinxiao) as examples, and share my notions about their fans / stans.
I believe everyone knows that Kazuya Mishima, Jun Kazama, Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu are famous characters in Tekken. In its story, Kazuya and Jun were in relationship. Then, Jin was borned. Jin has a chance to form a canon couple with Xiaoyu. In fact, the existence of Kazujun and Jinxiao has a negative impact on their characters and stories, it also distorts people's values and has a huge impact on the entire world.
Kazuya is Heihachi Mishima’s cold-blooded son. He loves Devil Gene, and has been consumed by it for a lot time. He comes from the wealthy Mishima family, so he can enjoy the luxurious products from his young age. After he defeated Heihachi Mishima in the tournament, he became the CEO of Mishima Zaibatsu. Despite this, he repeated to commit the crimes which Heihachi had committed and advanced them. Some of these crimes were related to murdering the animals and destruction of nature. This can prove that he despises the nature. After Jin being borned, and Kazuya being saved by the G Corporation, Kazuya is still cold-blooded, inhumane asshole with distorted values even if he did not turn into his Devil Form - Devil Kazuya due to the influence of Devil Gene. He hates Jin Kazama very much, so this is enough to prove that he will not care about Jin Kazama's life and death, and even abandon him. Jun Kazama is a kind, innocent and pure girl who adores the nature. She comes from the remote rural area, so it is difficult for her to understand city life. She adores Jin Kazama, and hates Devil Gene. It is very difficult to let the person who adores the nature, has lived in the countryside for a long time, adores Jin and hates Devil Gene and the other person who despises the nature, has his head in the clouds in his life, despises Jin and loves Devil Gene be together. It is very impossible to make Kazuya loves the nature.
Kazuya’s hate to Jin can show that he will be cruel to him except for abandoning him, but Jun Kazama loves him very much. If Kazuya and Jun are married, family violence will be happened. Kazujun reminds me of the couple in the movie called ‘Night and Fog’. Its plot is mainly related to them – Mr Lee and Mrs Lee gave birth to twin-daughters and moved to one of the places in Hong Kong – Tin Shui Wai after being married. However, Mrs Lee and her daughter were unlucky. They suffered long-term mental abuse from Mr Lee and were sent to an asylum center. Mrs. Lee's fellow residents persuaded her to leave Mr Lee and raise her daughter alone. Despite this, Mrs Lee returned to Mr Lee’s side. Unfortunately, Mr Lee lost his humanity. Also, he lost his temper with Mrs Lee, which caused Mrs Lee to be sent to an asylum center again. Mrs Lee worried about her daughters’ safety. She wanted to pick them up, but she found that the door was locked. After she found Mr Lee, she arrived at the fast food restaurant and took her daughter home. After returning home, a domestic violence incident occurred. Mr Lee called the police and committed suicide after murdering them. This movie is adapted from the massacre in Tin Shui Wai in the past. It became the talk of the town in Hong Kong and was adapted into the movie after the tragedy happened. According to the narrative of this movie, Kazuya’s despicable personality and his hate to Jin can prove that family violence will be happened even if Jun is alive. Even though Jun Kazama constantly protects him, he will abandon him and even become cruel to him. This will lead to the destruction of family. Will you feel poor for Jin and Jun if it happened to them? (God! They are your favorite characters)
Ling Xiaoyu loves Jin Kazama, but Jin is indifferent to her. Xiaoyu’s story is mostly related to her stalking Jin, but Jin Kazama just considers her as his best friend. In Tekken 8’s story, in order to seek Jin, she sneaked into the building of Mishima Zaibatsu in search of clues to find a missing Jin and to obtain data that would prove helpful in her search. Traveling around the world and following whatever traces she could find, six months had passed for her with no hope in sight. She had run out of leads, but she simply must find Jin, no matter the cost. There was something she needed to know from him...It was this unwavering and ever-growing determination which drove her ever forward. For Jin, he has never fallen into her. It would definitely be annoying to him if he knew that she sneaked into the building of Mishima Zaibatsu and traveled around the country to find him.
The reason why people like Kazujun and Jinxiao should be related to their childhood memories. The reason why there are a lot of people who love the fanarts and fanfics that are about them, must be related to peer influence and fear of irritating their shippers. Despite this, the facts that you ship them is equal to encourage family violence and male chauvinism, and say that it is okay to follow the person you fall in love with without paying attention to the other person's opinions and feelings, and then follow him crazily. In Kazuya’s ending, the fact that he threw a statue of himself at Jun, contains male chauvinism – Only men (e.g. Kazuya) can become emperors or leaders, the women (e.g. Jun) cannot become emperors or leaders, but can only become men's subordinates, or his women. Meanwhile, men have the right to ignore family-related matters. This prompted Jun to become just Kazuya’s normal wife and lose the chance to dominate society. Even if Kazuya wants to commit the crimes, Jun can just listen to him. This indirectly has a bad impact on Jun’s character and story developments. Jun Kazama’s fans / stans have to feel poor for Jun because of that, don’t they?
The people who oppose to the anti-kazujun’s shippers, and criticize or block the shippers who ship Jun with the others, but allow the other ships (especially the straight ships) are actual hypocrites. They are kind to the others who ship kazujun, but their change their faces if they meet the shippers who do not accept Kazujun. Meanwhile, in order to make Kazujun work, they make numerous excuses like ‘Kazuya and Jun are made for each other’. They attempt to insist that Kazuya Mishima deserves the redemption, he should be saved by Jun…Guys, Kazuya’s humanity has already been gone. Your actions or behaviors actually encourage and romanticize the family violence and male chauvinism。They support Jun Kazama and Jin Kazama to be abused by Kazuya Mishima. If they oppose to the anti-kazujun’s shippers, this will show that they think Jun and Jin must be abused by Kazuya, even death. Jun should not be with the others for having a better life. This will make Jun Kazama cannot have a better life, and suffer a lot until death. Jun Kazama’s fans / stans must feel poor for Jun because of that, don’t they?
At the same time, their action of insisting that Kazuya is redeemable shows that they think the laws can be ignored. The criminals deserve to have their redemptions even if they commit a lot of crimes. In fact, their action encourages the people to ignore the law, and commit the crimes. Justice will not be existed if they commit the crimes, but have redemptions like Kazuya. Also, it is not fair to the other criminals who are punished by law if Kazuya has his redemption.
Jinxiao’s shippers criticize or block the other shippers who ship Jin with the others like Hwoarang, and call them ‘delulus’, but they support a crack ship which have no chemistry – ‘Hwoarang x Asuka’. This shows that they are also hypocrites. Their actions and behaviors encourage Xiaoyu continue being a childish and naïve girl. She should continue chasing after Jin. This affects Xiaoyu’s character and story developments, and make Jin feel very annoyed. Then, Jin’s emotional condition might have a negative affect. Its shippers ignore Jin’s feeling and notion, and make him feel annoyed because of her. You shouldn’t ship Jin with Xiaoyu if you care about Jin. Will you be happy if you find that Jin is annoyed by her?
Sometimes, the aesthetics are also important for shipping. For example, in the anime called ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’, ‘Katara x Aang’ (Kataang) has become canon, but there are still a lot of shippers who ship Katara with Zuko. The reason why it has happened is related to aesthetics. Apparently, Kazujun looks like that the kind, pure and innocent girl is prepared for being controlled, eroded and killed by the terrible devil dude. Kazujun is the equivalence of Chun Li x M.Bison. Also, Xiaoyu looks more like a childish and immature teenaged girl than an adult. She looks more like Jin’s younger sister than his girlfriend if they are together. Asuka is Jin’s cousin, but she looks more like Jin’s lover than Xiaoyu.
Moreover, the zodiac signs are unbelievable. It is because there are just 12 zodiac signs according to our birthdates. If the zodiac signs are believable, there are just 12 types of people in this world. Therefore, the zodiac signs cannot be evidence to prove that Jin is suited well with Xiaoyu.
According to Kazujun and Jinxiao’s aesthetics, how it affects their character and story developments, they can prove that both are disqualified to be couples. They have negative affects to the people’s values and the entire world. They deserve to be hated, and don’t deserve to be shipped. The reasons why Kazuya is not killed, Jun must ‘sell herself’ to ‘save’ Kazuya, Xiaoyu can continue chasing after Jin are relevant the human factors coming from their fans / stans. Their shippers who said that anti-Kazujun shippers are annoying, should be thinking of why they are hated. The secondary students also know the reasons why they are hated. To be honest, there would be no conflicts or wars if Kazujun and Jinxiao were not existed. At the same time, if Jun was with the person who has values like her – Lei Wulong, and Jin was with either Julia Chang or Hwoarang, Kazujun, Jinxiao, ‘Hwoarang x Asuka’ and the other ships which were forced by them like ‘Lei x Michelle’ (Leichelle), ‘Lili x Steve’…would not be existed. Also, ‘Lei x Jun’, ‘Jin x Hwoarang’ and ‘Jin x Julia’ would be more acceptable and welcomed than Kazujun and Jinxiao if they became canon. The Tekken’s devs or creators must have put more thought into Kazujun and Jinxiao instead of treating them as plot devices.
The gift that I give to its shippers is the sentence – ‘With a little forbearance, you will find calm and peace; take a little step back, and you will find more space around you.’ They should have been thinking of whether it would be much better for Kazuya and Jun if they were not together, whether they cpuld just be friends after their divorce, and whether Jin and Xiaoyu are better to be friends than lovers. I hope that their shippers can turn their head to see the shore.
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enydaki · 11 months
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Kind Opinions To Kazujun and JinXiaos fans
Nowadays, regardless of games or anime, there are many fans who like shipping different characters with the others. Regardless the couples are canon or fanon, they can be good or bad, wholesome or abusive. They can also have a huge impact on everyone’s value. Now, I will take these two Tekken’s couples - Kazuya Mishima x Jun Kazama (Kazujun/Kazjun) and Jin Kazama x Ling Xiaoyu (Jinxiao) as examples, and share my notions about their fans / stans.
I believe everyone knows that Kazuya Mishima, Jun Kazama, Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu are famous characters in Tekken. In its story, Kazuya and Jun were in relationship. Then, Jin was borned. Jin has a chance to form a canon couple with Xiaoyu. In fact, the existence of Kazujun and Jinxiao has a negative impact on their characters and stories, it also distorts people's values and has a huge impact on the entire world.
Kazuya is Heihachi Mishima’s cold-blooded son. He loves Devil Gene, and has been consumed by it for a lot time. He comes from the wealthy Mishima family, so he can enjoy the luxurious products from his young age. After he defeated Heihachi Mishima in the tournament, he became the CEO of Mishima Zaibatsu. Despite this, he repeated to commit the crimes which Heihachi had committed and advanced them. Some of these crimes were related to murdering the animals and destruction of nature. This can prove that he despises the nature. After Jin being borned, and Kazuya being saved by the G Corporation, Kazuya is still cold-blooded, inhumane asshole with distorted values even if he did not turn into his Devil Form - Devil Kazuya due to the influence of Devil Gene. He hates Jin Kazama very much, so this is enough to prove that he will not care about Jin Kazama's life and death, and even abandon him. Jun Kazama is a kind, innocent and pure girl who adores the nature. She comes from the remote rural area, so it is difficult for her to understand city life. She adores Jin Kazama, and hates Devil Gene. It is very difficult to let the person who adores the nature, has lived in the countryside for a long time, adores Jin and hates Devil Gene and the other person who despises the nature, has his head in the clouds in his life, despises Jin and loves Devil Gene be together. It is very impossible to make Kazuya loves the nature.
Kazuya’s hate to Jin can show that he will be cruel to him except for abandoning him, but Jun Kazama loves him very much. If Kazuya and Jun are married, family violence will be happened. Kazujun reminds me of the couple in the movie called ‘Night and Fog’. Its plot is mainly related to them – Mr Lee and Mrs Lee gave birth to twin-daughters and moved to one of the places in Hong Kong – Tin Shui Wai after being married. However, Mrs Lee and her daughter were unlucky. They suffered long-term mental abuse from Mr Lee and were sent to an asylum center. Mrs. Lee's fellow residents persuaded her to leave Mr Lee and raise her daughter alone. Despite this, Mrs Lee returned to Mr Lee’s side. Unfortunately, Mr Lee lost his humanity. Also, he lost his temper with Mrs Lee, which caused Mrs Lee to be sent to an asylum center again. Mrs Lee worried about her daughters’ safety. She wanted to pick them up, but she found that the door was locked. After she found Mr Lee, she arrived at the fast food restaurant and took her daughter home. After returning home, a domestic violence incident occurred. Mr Lee called the police and committed suicide after murdering them. This movie is adapted from the massacre in Tin Shui Wai in the past. It became the talk of the town in Hong Kong and was adapted into the movie after the tragedy happened. According to the narrative of this movie, Kazuya’s despicable personality and his hate to Jin can prove that family violence will be happened even if Jun is alive. Even though Jun Kazama constantly protects him, he will abandon him and even become cruel to him. This will lead to the destruction of family. Will you feel poor for Jin and Jun if it happened to them? (God! They are your favorite characters)
Ling Xiaoyu loves Jin Kazama, but Jin is indifferent to her. Xiaoyu’s story is mostly related to her stalking Jin, but Jin Kazama just considers her as his best friend. In Tekken 8’s story, in order to seek Jin, she sneaked into the building of Mishima Zaibatsu in search of clues to find a missing Jin and to obtain data that would prove helpful in her search. Traveling around the world and following whatever traces she could find, six months had passed for her with no hope in sight. She had run out of leads, but she simply must find Jin, no matter the cost. There was something she needed to know from him...It was this unwavering and ever-growing determination which drove her ever forward. For Jin, he has never fallen into her. It would definitely be annoying to him if he knew that she sneaked into the building of Mishima Zaibatsu and traveled around the country to find him.
The reason why people like Kazujun and Jinxiao should be related to their childhood memories. The reason why there are a lot of people who love the fanarts and fanfics that are about them, must be related to peer influence and fear of irritating their shippers. Despite this, the facts that you ship them is equal to encourage family violence and male chauvinism, and say that it is okay to follow the person you fall in love with without paying attention to the other person's opinions and feelings, and then follow him crazily. In Kazuya’s ending, the fact that he threw a statue of himself at Jun, contains male chauvinism – Only men (e.g. Kazuya) can become emperors or leaders, the women (e.g. Jun) cannot become emperors or leaders, but can only become men's subordinates, or his women. Meanwhile, men have the right to ignore family-related matters. This prompted Jun to become just Kazuya’s normal wife and lose the chance to dominate society. Even if Kazuya wants to commit the crimes, Jun can just listen to him. This indirectly has a bad impact on Jun’s character and story developments. Jun Kazama’s fans / stans have to feel poor for Jun because of that, don’t they?The people who oppose to the anti-kazujun’s shippers, and criticize or block the shippers who ship Jun with the others, but allow the other ships (especially the straight ships) are actual hypocrites. They are kind to the others who ship kazujun, but their change their faces if they meet the shippers who do not accept Kazujun. Meanwhile, in order to make Kazujun work, they make numerous excuses like ‘Kazuya and Jun are made for each other’. They attempt to insist that Kazuya Mishima deserves the redemption, he should be saved by Jun…Guys, Kazuya’s humanity has already been gone. Your actions or behaviors actually encourage and romanticize the family violence and male chauvinism。They support Jun Kazama and Jin Kazama to be abused by Kazuya Mishima. If they oppose to the anti-kazujun’s shippers, this will show that they think Jun and Jin must be abused by Kazuya, even death. Jun should not be with the others for having a better life. This will make Jun Kazama cannot have a better life, and suffer a lot until death. Jun Kazama’s fans / stans must feel poor for Jun because of that, don’t they?At the same time, their action of insisting that Kazuya is redeemable shows that they think the laws can be ignored. The criminals deserve to have their redemptions even if they commit a lot of crimes. In fact, their action encourages the people to ignore the law, and commit the crimes. Justice will not be existed if they commit the crimes, but have redemptions like Kazuya. Also, it is not fair to the other criminals who are punished by law if Kazuya has his redemption.
Jinxiao’s shippers criticize or block the other shippers who ship Jin with the others like Hwoarang, and call them ‘delulus’, but they support a crack ship which have no chemistry – ‘Hwoarang x Asuka’. This shows that they are also hypocrites. Their actions and behaviors encourage Xiaoyu continue being a childish and naïve girl. She should continue chasing after Jin. This affects Xiaoyu’s character and story developments, and make Jin feel very annoyed. Then, Jin’s emotional condition might have a negative affect. Its shippers ignore Jin’s feeling and notion, and make him feel annoyed because of her. You shouldn’t ship Jin with Xiaoyu if you care about Jin. Will you be happy if you find that Jin is annoyed by her?
Sometimes, the aesthetics are also important for shipping. For example, in the anime called ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’, ‘Katara x Aang’ (Kataang) has become canon, but there are still a lot of shippers who ship Katara with Zuko. The reason why it has happened is related to aesthetics. Apparently, Kazujun looks like that the kind, pure and innocent girl is prepared for being controlled, eroded and killed by the terrible devil dude. Kazujun is the equivalence of Chun Li x M.Bison. Also, Xiaoyu looks more like a childish and immature teenaged girl than an adult. She looks more like Jin’s younger sister than his girlfriend if they are together. Asuka is Jin’s cousin, but she looks more like Jin’s lover than Xiaoyu.
Moreover, the zodiac signs are unbelievable. It is because there are just 12 zodiac signs according to our birthdates. If the zodiac signs are believable, there are just 12 types of people in this world. Therefore, the zodiac signs cannot be evidence to prove that Jin is suited well with Xiaoyu.
According to Kazujun and Jinxiao’s aesthetics, how it affects their character and story developments, they can prove that both are disqualified to be couples. They have negative affects to the people’s values and the entire world. They deserve to be hated, and don’t deserve to be shipped. The reasons why Kazuya is not killed, Jun must ‘sell herself’ to ‘save’ Kazuya, Xiaoyu can continue chasing after Jin are relevant the human factors coming from their fans / stans. Their shippers who said that anti-Kazujun shippers are annoying, should be thinking of why they are hated. The secondary students also know the reasons why they are hated. To be honest, there would be no conflicts or wars if Kazujun and Jinxiao were not existed. At the same time, if Jun was with the person who has values like her – Lei Wulong, and Jin was with either Julia Chang or Hwoarang, Kazujun, Jinxiao, ‘Hwoarang x Asuka’ and the other ships which were forced by them like ‘Lei x Michelle’ (Leichelle), ‘Lili x Steve’…would not be existed. Also, ‘Lei x Jun’, ‘Jin x Hwoarang’ and ‘Jin x Julia’ would be more acceptable and welcomed than Kazujun and Jinxiao if they became canon. The Tekken’s devs or creators must have put more thought into Kazujun and Jinxiao instead of treating them as plot devices. The gift that I give to its shippers is the sentence – ‘With a little forbearance, you will find calm and peace; take a little step back, and you will find more space around you.’ They should have been thinking of whether it would be much better for Kazuya and Jun if they were not together, whether they cpuld just be friends after their divorce, and whether Jin and Xiaoyu are better to be friends than lovers. I hope that their shippers can turn their head to see the shore.
Please stop shipping Kazujun and Jinxiao if you do not support family violence, male chauvinism and want your friends’ emotional conditions to be affected. Please block or report all of these accounts from different websites (e.g. twitter / X, tumblr, deviantart, fanfiction.net, ao3…) if you rebel against the family violence, male chauvinism and want your friends’ emotional conditions not to be affected. The below are the accounts that I suggest all of you to block or report by punishing them:
-@lei_jessy (twitter / X)
-@PandaSara4ever (twitter / X)
-@Harpsochordx (twitter / X)
-@EstefaniAmanda7 (twitter / X)
-@dosa_gamer (twitter / X)
-@Negin06554597 (twitter / X)
-@nunukazama (twitter / X)
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zelskzerker · 11 months
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local trpg playing shota cannot withstand vampire onee san rizz
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druzoddy · 1 year
Here's some DMDP ships I really like using THAT one template.
Enjoy 👋
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I feel like I got some of the ages off but I'm not sure. Some of them I had to purely guess. I think Civil and Soara COULD be 18 or 19? Idk. Definitely late teens at the very least.
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headlessstar · 1 year
watching a tekken lore video series that's awesome in breaking down the narrative of the game but also misses so hard when it comes to some overarching character stories. I finally found a youtube channel that goes in-depth into this story and this is what I get
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ydotome · 10 months
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mana-sputachu · 2 years
I know there’s such a good chance you are a Xiaoyu main, and if so, how did she become your main? Jin as well (if he’s your main too)
Unsurprisingly, yes, I was. XD I say "was" because I haven't played in AGES, I switched to playing on PC only for at least 10 years now and I played different type of games despite still loving fighting games, therefore I haven't touched Tekken in who knows how much.
ANYWAY. I started with Lei (T3) at first, I loved him and his style a whole lot. Then switched to Xiao since her fast gameplay was fun as hell to me. Jin became a main a bit later, it took me a while to warm up to him. XD I think I started maining him around Tekken Tag and became a staple in T4... only to despising his gameplay in T6 because I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED but it felt different to play? Like... clunky? "Heavy" to move? I don't know how to explain it but playing him became annoying to me. :I
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terabyteturtle · 6 months
Wife Headcanons (Jin, Lee, Lars, & Lei)
This ties in with the daughter request posted a while ago, so there are slight mentions of having a kid. This was requested by Tumblr user @kawaistrawberry21. Hope you enjoy!
Jin Kazama
He’ll definitely be around more often than he used to. With everything starting to settle down, Jin will finally have time to breathe and relax, taking time to do stuff he actually wants to do.
He’ll help you out with as much of the household stuff as he can. He’d hate for you to have to do everything by yourself, so expect him to offer you assistance at every opportunity.
Unfortunately, Jin doesn’t know how to cook, so you’ll have to help him out with that. He’s helped his mother in the past, but he’s forgotten most of his kitchen skills since she’d gone missing.
He does, however, know how to eat; you’ll have to cook a lot because this man has quite the appetite. Oh, and make sure you save some food for Hwoarang, too; chances are he’ll show up to family dinners uninvited.
He’s still as protective over you as ever. You becoming his wife never changed that.
Xiaoyu and Panda are your girl-besties. If you need advice on something, or you just want to vent, they’re your go-to gals. Girls’ nights out are ALWAYS spent with them.
Congratulations, because now Lee and Lars are your uncles-in-law, which is probably one of the most awesome things that could ever happen. Lee’s always offering to give you guys money, even though you and Jin are doing perfectly fine on your own, and Lars is a great babysitter for when you and Jin need to have a night out alone together.
Going for nature walks is something Jin is fond of doing, as it helps him calm down and clear his thoughts. However, he finds he enjoys it more when he’s with you. If he decides to take a trip to the nearby trail, you’re most likely going with him.
Chances are you’ll live somewhere secluded. Living in the city is undesirable for Jin, and he’d rather live peacefully in a place where no harm can come to his family. He was practically born and raised in nature, so ideally he’d want to live somewhere with a lot of foliage. When he sees the shady glade of a forest, or hears the water rushing down the brook, or feels the sun’s warmth on the back of his neck, Jin feels at home.
Jin will often share stories about his mother and his childhood. He even has a picture of himself when he was younger. For the longest time, he wanted to throw it away, but now he’s glad he kept it.
He waits for everyone else to fall asleep before he does. He already did that before without even realizing it, but now it’s just become a routine thing. Jin knows that he just can’t sleep unless everyone else is peacefully resting first.
Overall, you can tell he’s a much happier man when he’s with you, and now that he’s married and has a kid with you, Jin is just over the moon.
Lee Chaolan
There’ll be more lavish dinner dates than usual, which was already a lot to begin with.
Expect a bouquet of roses for every anniversary and Valentine’s Day. Not that he didn’t do this already, but again, you’ll receive more than you did before.
You’ll frequently have to attend business meetings and formal parties with him. Sometimes, the people there can be a little obnoxious, but hey, the food’s always really good. On top of that, you have the comfort of knowing that if anyone talks bad about you, they’re gonna have an angry Silver-Haired Demon to deal with.
Because you’ve been with Lee for a long time, you’ve already been introduced to most of his coworkers and staff members. Despite this fact, Lee can’t help but show you off to them, constantly telling them you’re his wife even though they know that already.
He always reminds you how excellent you are.
Just because you guys are married doesn’t mean that he still can’t sweep you off your feet. This man was and always will be a professional when it comes to charisma, and if you’re not careful, he could make you swoon or take your breath away in the blink of an eye.
Slow-dancing just because: “Hey Hachi, can you put on some music for me and my lovely wife?”
Speaking of which, he uses Hachi for a lot of things. It’s almost like you have an Alexa, but way funnier.
Lee will always fill you in on his latest projects and innovations. Sometimes, it’s something cool and you’re just as excited as he is. Other times, it’s very lame and you got to talk him out of making an investment he might regret later.
Like a prince, Lee will bend down and kiss the top of your hand before and after every night out. Once again, the man never ceases to exude charm.
Your daughter called him the Rizzler one time and he had no idea what that meant, so he decided to look it up. Needless to say, he lost a couple brain cells that day. (Sorry, this isn’t much of a headcanon, but I thought it was really funny.)
You’ll probably live in a smart home with some super advanced technology. It’s pretty cool, but sometimes you think it’s a little over-the-top. Like, do you really need a toilet that can talk to you? It's kinda creepy.
He’ll open up to you and only you about his traumatic childhood. It isn’t something he usually talks about with anyone, but he trusts you so much and wants you to know the truth about his experiences. 
You know that portrait of the historical figure with his face plastered on it? He’s currently trying to make one of you, too.
Lars Alexandersson
He’ll also be around far more often than he used to be. With more people helping him out with Yggdrasil, Lars will be able to make more time for you.
Considering he’s seen war with his own two beautiful blue eyes, Lars finds comfort in doing mundane tasks. In other words, he’d literally do all of the cooking and cleaning if you wanted him to. He doesn’t mind at all.
This also applies to dates and anniversaries. Lars is a simple guy, so it doesn’t take much to please him. He doesn’t need anything extravagant to celebrate your time together; as long as he’s with you, he’s more than happy.
His cooking is absolutely amazing, by the way. Not even Ikea could beat Lars’ special Swedish meatballs.
Now that you’re officially married, he’ll share all of his secret family recipes with you. If you didn’t know how to cook crayfish already, you do now.
Lars finds that he can relate a lot more to his fellow soldiers who have families of their own. Before, he could sympathize with them and tried his best to see the situation through their eyes. Lars understood what they were going through, but there was something missing that kept him from completely seeing the full picture. Now that he’s experiencing the same thing himself, that missing piece has found its place in his heart, and he completely understands every intricate feeling that comes with the situation.
If he has to be away for a while, he’ll call you every morning and night. If he doesn’t have time to call, then he’ll send a quick text message with a red heart at the end.
Alisa will become a close friend, always there to help you out in times of need. She’s fun to be around, and the two of you enjoy spending time together if Lars is away or if you just want some time away from home. You often find yourselves spending time inside the local cafe, talking about whatever comes to mind and watching the people go by.
Lars loves to read! Thrillers, fantasies, science-fiction—he’ll read it all! When he’s away, he doesn’t get much time to do it, and when he does, he doesn’t have easy access to much of anything, considering the base doesn’t have a library. To fix this, he’ll call you and ask if you could read a chapter or two of whatever he’s currently reading. If your daughter wants to join in too, that’s fine by him. Not only does he get to keep up with his book, but he also gets an excuse to hear your lovely voices.
On the subject of books, you have a giant library at home, complete with its own sliding ladder to reach stuff.
You’ll end up having a lot of deep conversations, especially during breakfast for whatever reason. Lars usually likes discussing his books, and often that leads into a conversation about deeper, larger thematic concepts. Since you often read to him, he’ll ask you about your thoughts on certain events, characters, etc. You might be treated to some historical facts as well. This might sound boring to some, but Lars has such a way with words that he makes it all sound really intriguing.
Goodnight kisses every night. Even when he’s away, Lars will kiss you through the phone. That goes for your daughter, too.
Lei Wulong
He honestly can’t believe that he’s made it to this stage. Every time he looks down at the ring, he can’t help but smile.
Unfortunately, his work schedule doesn’t change after you become his wife. If anything, he might take on more shifts just to give the two of you more financial support. Lei wants nothing but the best for you, and he wants to contribute as much as he can to keep a roof over your heads.
It’s not that he believes you can’t hold up your end. It’s that he wants to give you as stress-free of a life as possible. Lei will do anything for you, and he’d hate to see you upset in any way, especially if it’s because of something detrimental to your wellbeing.
For a while, it’s going to take a lot of convincing to get Lei to sit back and chill out. He needs to be reminded that marriage is a partnership and that he doesn’t need to overwork himself. You don’t mind working, and you want to make life easier for him as well. You hate seeing him so tired every time he comes home from a grueling shift, and it pains you not to see him very often.
Once he starts cooling down, Lei will spend far more time with you. Unless he’s working on a gripping case, he’s always helping around the house, taking care of the kid, and basically trying to make up for lost time.
When he’s out on the job, he’ll text you every so often to let you know that he’s okay. The only time he won’t do this is when he has to work overnights. He doesn’t want to risk disturbing you while you’re sleeping.
Little does he know, you’re not sleeping at all while he’s not there. Lei doesn’t take overnight shifts nearly as much as he used to, but on the rare occasions he does, it’s very difficult to sleep without him. Since he doesn’t text you at night, you’re often wrought with anxiety until he comes back in the morning. 
He feels horrible about stressing you out like that and gives you tons of kisses in the morning to show you he’s sorry. Y’all might even make love if you’re down for it.
This man can not cook. Before you met him, he somehow made a living off of Cup-O-Noodles and donuts for years. You still don’t know how he managed to scrape by without any major health problems, but you’re grateful it hasn’t happened. To this day, the only thing he knows how to make is instant packaged ramen. 
Despite being married for a while, it still amazes you that your lighthearted, laid-back husband can get so serious. Looking at pictures from his younger years, you can’t believe it’s the same guy. It’s insanely attractive.
Family dinners are never silent with Lei around. He could keep an entire conversation going all by himself. 
Movie night is almost every night, and more often than not, Lei will end up falling asleep with his head on your shoulder.
He gets super anxious whenever he sees a head of silvery-white hair. The possibility of Bryan Fury showing up anywhere near you scares him to death.
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yukiinvs · 9 months
🍒 : Lana del Rey songs I think suits the Tekken characters
This was a random thought in the early morning and I couldn't help but do it 😭, I didn't think much about whether the character's story remained, I just imagined it as a mv video with the background music and well this came out.
. Alisa : "Video Games"
. Anna : "Black beauty"
. Asuka : "Flipside"
. Baek Doo San: "Terrence loves you"
. Bob : "Florida Kilos"
. Bryan : "Serial Killer"
. Christie : "Summertime Sadness"
. Claudio : "Bel Air"
. Marduk : "Guns and Roses"
. Devil Jin : "Gods and Monsters"
. Dragunov : "High by the beach"
. Eddy : "Diet Mountain Die"
. Eliza : "Cruel World"
. Fahkumram : "Ultraviolence"
. Feng Wei : "Happiness is a butterfly"
. Ganryu : "Love"
. Heihachi : "Fucked my way up to the top"
. Hwoarang : "Ride"
. Jin : "Born To Die"
. Julia : "God Knows i Tried"
. Jun : "Dark Paradise"
. Katarina : "Burning Desire"
. Kazumi : "Carmen"
. Kazuya : "Off to the races / Ultraviolence"
. King : "Body Electric"
. Kuma : "The greatest"
. Kunimitsu : "Heroin"
. Lars : "Young and beautiful"
. Lee : "Million Dollar man" (I really thought about this one)
. Lei Wulong : "Art Deco"
. Lili : "Doin' time"
. Xiaoyu : "Lolita"
. Lucky Chloe : "Radio"
. Law : "American"
. Michelle Chang : "Lucky Ones"
. Miguel : "Freak"
. Nina : "A&W"
. Panda : "Yayo" idk ok
. Paul : "West Coast"
. Raven : "Coachella"
. Shaheen : "Honeymoon"
. Steve : "Off to the races" (again cuz' ottr fits with all characters)
. Wang Jinrei : "Yes to heaven"
. Yoshimitsu : "ridin'"
. Zafina : "Violet For Roses"
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gaymer-hag-stan · 2 years
When Was Each Tekken Character Born?
Although we don’t have exact dates, we can actually figure out the year during which each character was born in based on the years the games themselves take place in. 
First of all, based on the game’s manual itself, we know that Tekken 1 takes place in the year of its console release and Tekken 7 sorta also confirms this based on the date of the Mishima Zaibatsu’s formation, so Tekken 1 takes place in 1995. Tekken 2 is set two years after that so 1997. Tekken 3 is set nineteen years after the events of Tekken 2 so that means 2016. Finally, all the other games from Tekken 4 all the way to Tekken 7 take place two years after 3, meaning we’ve been frozen in 2018 since 2001 when 4 came out, which in turn means the Tekken universe never got to experience COVID lol. Maybe that’s why they never changed the year again xD
So, with those dates established, let’s move on to the characters!
Paul Phoenix, Marshall Law, Lee Chaolan, Baek Doo San
Paul and Law were 25 years old during the first tournament so that means they were born in 1970. Lee is the same age as these old geezers but we can clearly see who got the good genes as he still looks fucking 30 lol. Baek is also apparently the same age as these guys though he arguably looks older than all of them and looked that way even all the way back in Tekken 2
Nina Williams, Jun Kazama
Tekken’s number 1 female fighter was 20 years old when she first appeared in Tekken 1 so that means she was born in 1975. One of the biggest mysteries in the series, Jun, was herself born in 1975 as she was 22 years old in Tekken 2
Kazuya Mishima
The original game’s protagonist was 26 years old when he defeated his father in the original game, placing his date of birth sometime in 1969
Ling Xiaoyu, Miharu Hirano
Tekken’s other prominent leading lady was 16 and still in school when she started kicking ass in Tekken 3 so that means she’s a 2000 baby. Something interesting about Xiaoyu is that she’s in her last year of high school from T4 to T6 and, since for the first time ever she doesn’t have her trademark Mishima Polytech school uniform in Tekken 7, this could mean that she finally graduated?? Her bestie Miharu who made her debut in Tekken 4 is also the same age as her
King II
King II was 28 years old when Armor King I finished training him and he was ready to officially succeed the original King so that means he was born in 1988. 
Hwoarang, Steve Fox, Jin Kazama
Hwoarang and his eternal rival Jin are 19 by the time they meet each other in the third tournament so that means they were born in 1997. Steve joined during the fourth tournament which is set two years after the third, and he was, and still is, 21, meaning he was also born in 1997
Lei Wulong
Super cop was 26 in 1997 so that means he was born in 1971
Heihachi Mishima
Heihachi was 52 years old when he lost the Zaibatsu to his son so that would mean he was born in 1943
Jane’s JACK, Feng Wei, Sergei Dragunov, Miguel Caballero Rojo, Tekken 1 JACK
Although he has a different body each time, the JACK robot that saved Jane was 5 years old by Tekken 2 when he found her. Ever since he got destroyed after the second tournament, Jane made it her life’s goal to save him and has been trasnfering his data to the prototype of each new JACK model from Tekken 3 onwards, meaning JACK-2, GUN JACK, JACK-5, 6 and 7 are, essentially, the same “person”. That means Jane’s JACK has existed ever since 1992. Alternatively, the moment that particular JACK-2 unit decided to develop a conscience and save Jane can be considered his “birth” year so, 1997. Feng and Dragunov are, to my surprise, only 26 years old (although they both look dangerously close to 40), so that means they were born in 1992 as well, which is sus if you ask me. Miguel is also 26 but he arguably actually looks the part. The JACK robot that fought in the original tournament shares the same year of creation as Jane’s JACK, but not the same conscisnce
Bryan Fury
Bryan was 29 years old when he started wreaking havoc in the series for the first time, during the events of the third tournament so that means he was born in 1987
Craig Marduk, Prototype JACK, Fahkumram
Marduk is currently 28 so that means he was born in 1990 and the prototype of the JACK series of robots was also brought into the world of Tekken that years as well. Newcomer Fahkumram is also 28, one of the three Tekken 7 newcomers who have their ages revealed
Christie Monteiro, Leo Kliesen
Christie and Leo are both 19 throughout their appearances in the series so that makes their year of birth 1999
Asuka Kazama
Miss Kazama is 17 years old so she was born in 2001
Eddy Gordo, Lidia Sobieska
Eddy was born in 1989 as he is 27 by the time he gets out of prison to fight in the third tournament. I’m not 100% sure about Lidia’s because her bio simply says she was 29 when she became prime minister of Poland, but the very next sentence says that she requested Heihachi Mishima removes the Tekken force soldiers he had stationed in Poland with him instead inviting her to the seventh King of Iron Fist Tournament so, while not 100% clear, it is heavily implied that her back and forth with Heihachi happens shortly after her election as prime minister
Julia Chang
Julia was born in 1998 and is 18 years old in Tekken 3, her debut game
Lili is 16 years old so that means she was born in 2002, interestingly, the year when Tekken 4 was released and started the in-game 2018 year that we’ve been stuck in ever since
King I, Bruce Irvin
The original masked wrestler was 30 during the events of the original King of Iron Fist so that means he was born in 1965. Two years later, Bruce joined the ranks of Kazuya’s Tekken Force so that means these two share a birth year
Michelle Chang, Anna Williams
Michelle and Anna were 18 years old when they joined the fight as part of the oiginal cast so they were both born in 1977
Ganryu was 32 in Tekken 1 so that means he was born in 1963
Kuma II
The original Kuma’s son is 8 years old in Tekken 3 so he was born in 2008
Wang Jinrei
Wang is already 82 years old and still kicking in Tekken 1 so he was born all the way back in 1913!
Bob, Forest Law
Mister Robert and Law Jr. are 27 years old, placing their dates of birth somewhere during 1991
The myserious assassin may not have a confirmed place of birth but she does have a confirmed age of 23 years, making her year of birth 1995
Xiaoyu’s pet-bodyguard is 7 years old in Tekken and was thus born in 2009, although in Tekken 5 she tells Kuma that she’s “too old for him”...
Eliza is 1.000 (and 4 months!) old during the T4-T7 timeline so that means she was born sometime in 1018
So there you have it! If you’ve made it this far congratulations! If your favourite character is missing then that means they don’t have an official age stated, most notably the majority of the Tekken 7 newbies. Some have speculated ages, like Lars being “around 28″ or Leroy being “over 50″ but these are too vague to take into account I think
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