#leia gets trained by maul and he totally adores her
cadesama · 7 years
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
my all-time ultimate fave character: Anakin
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Clovis, in a weird way. I mean, he’s a piece of shit and I find his episodes highly questionable, but he’s such a laughably over the top dbag that I enjoy him.
a character I used to like but now don’t: Satine
a character I’m indifferent about: Barriss, to a certain degree. The show did entirely redeem her from her book characterization, but not enough to make her all that compelling to me.
a character who deserved better: Rex? Rex. Rex deserved some independent character work that dug deeper into the clone-Jedi relationship and the inherent evils of cloning people to use as grist in a war.
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: Ahsoka/anyone
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: Anakin/Padme :(
a cute, low-key ship: Ziro/Sy
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: Ahahaha Anakin/Miraj
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: hm, N/A?
my favourite storyline/moment: Actually early on, during the Malevolence arc, when Anakin and Padme are on the trains inside the ship and Padme has to jump so that Anakin can Force catch her. It’s a fun really parallel/rhyme to Luke and Leia jumping the chasm in ANH and it’s that kind of moment that made TCW for me.
a storyline that never should have been written: Darth Maul’s resurrection. In addition to undermining Obi-Wan’s status as the only Sith killer among the current Order, it’s honestly just a fucking dull run of episodes. They were so delighted with their own ideas that they decided to stretch them endlessly and never noticed how thin it got.
my first thoughts on the show: Uh, Anakin with a sidekick? They better not be fucking showing yet again how everyone knew he was a bad egg and even his apprentice was a better Jedi than him. 
my thoughts now: Adorable. Flawed, but exactly the kind of joyful re-imagining of canon that gets to the heart of what the story is and why it has endured.
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amorremanet · 7 years
anakin was allowed to have feelings au
the “send me an au, and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it” game
So, this tiny kid from Middle Of Fuck-Off Nowhere, Tatooine gets abruptly freed from slavery and trotted out to Coruscant, hauled up in front of the Jedi Council, and practically interrogated (which may not have been the Council’s intention, but that’s how it feels to Anakin, especially since his experience with authority figures has, until recently, been limited to Watto treating him like shit because he’s a slave and Watto is awful).
Despite Anakin’s attempts at acting like he’s fine (because Jedi are supposed to be Cool and Collected and have their shit together), Yoda still senses much fear in him.
“Perhaps that is not the boy’s fault,” says Mace Windu. “Perhaps we have made him feel as though he has cause for fear. What is troubling you, young Skywalker?”
Anakin opens up about how he’s afraid for Shmi’s wellbeing, since she’s back on Tatooine and still a slave, and how he doesn’t want to cause trouble and he really doesn’t want to let Master Qui-Gon down or prove that Obi-Wan is right to be distrustful of Master Qui-Gon’s apparent habit of collecting strays. (He notices that Master Windu facepalms, but has no idea what to make of it.)
“You are not a stray, young Skywalker,” says Ki Adi Mundi. “It is understandable that you feel ill at ease here, but you have been brought here to learn, not to be judged morally. We only wish to know how we can best help you.”
(After they’re done there and the Council goes in to deliberate, Anakin asks Obi-Wan why Master Windu facepalmed, and Obi-Wan just sighs because he doesn’t know the best way to explain that his Master’s husband is exasperated with Qui-Gon because he seriously tries to adopt anything he feels even remotely sorry for, not just tiny humans with outrageous midichlorian counts or Gungans who follow him home.)
There isn’t any nonsense about how Anakin can’t be trained because he has feelings; instead, the concern is that he’ll be too far behind if they put him in the field with Qui-Gon right away but feel too awkward to learn if they put him at the Temple with the younglings. Qui-Gon has Obi-Wan go do the trials so he can train Anakin, because he does a thing called what he wants. Then, Darth Maul does what he wants all over Qui-Gon’s ability to be alive.
“But Master Kenobi, what’s going to happen to me?” Anakin asks at Qui-Gon’s funeral.
“What are you so afraid of?” says Obi-Wan, gently, kneeling so he can get on Anakin’s level instead of talking down to him. “You don’t need to act like you aren’t frightened, Anakin. The Council will find someone to teach you. It is what Qui-Gon would have wanted, and they have made the promise to train you.”
“But Master Yoda hates me,” says Anakin. “He was against letting Master Qui-Gon train me. What if he sends me back to the Jedi Temple, to train with the younglings?”
“Then it does not mean that you have failed.” Obi-Wan gently squeezes Anakin’s shoulder. “The Council will only send you there if they think it is what best suits your needs.”
The Council still lets Obi-Wan take Anakin as a padawan, but only as long as he keeps in touch with Master Windu, who would take on his late husband’s new padawan himself, but he has too many duties to the Council.
Anakin starts having nightmares about Shmi being in pain and even dying. He vocalizes how terrified he is, because he has increasingly learned to be open about his feelings, and he tells Obi-Wan how vivid the dreams are, because Anakin has come of age in an emotionally supportive environment, not an emotionally repressive one.
Obi-Wan sends word to Master Windu because Anakin’s dreams sound way too vivid for it to be natural. Sure enough, having an outrageous midichlorian count and being so adept with the Force can make you experience dreams about things that are actually happening
—not things that are yet to come, mind. Premonitions aren’t real, and the Jedi Council largely regards anything that looks like them with suspicion.
But dreams of things that are actually happening? Those aren’t uncommon among powerful Force-sensitives. So, Mace, Obi-Wan, and Anakin go out to Tatooine, and they save Shmi without any mass murder of Tusken raiders.
“Anakin…… You are staring at the Senator again.”
“*blushes* shut up obi-wan i am not that’s stupid you’re stupid”
“You and Senator Amidala unearthed Count Dooku’s treachery together. You both fought bravely in the battle, and she spoke very highly of you in all of her reports to the Council and the Senate. You are allowed to go talk to her.”
“*blushes even more* stop it obi-wan why are you doing this”
“Well, why are you so embarrassed. The Senator likes you very much. You should go and—”
“*needs to take a moment because okay, that was LOUD, what the fuck, Anakin, use your inside voice* ……Alright, well. Why are you feeling confused.”
“*looks like an adorable tomato, that’s how red he is* Because Master Windu asked if I was having an affair with you or with Padmé, and I’m not having either affair, and don’t know which idea I like more”
“…Oh. ………Ohhhhhhhh. ………………Oh, my. *bluuuuushes*”
Fortunately, polyamory is not that uncommon in this AU.
Mace Windu is, however, totally exasperated by the time the, “I do”s eventually end up being traded, because Obi-Wan is the most high-strung groomzilla ever, and neither Anakin nor Padmé will actually do anything to rein him in because they think it’s cute when he does that
Padmé gets pregnant and the babies are definitely Anakin’s (thank you, genetic testing). Anakin starts having nightmares about her dying in childbirth that are too vivid to be non-Force-related anxiety dreams about how he’s going to be a father.
However, because Obi-Wan and Padmé have read up on premonitions, after the incident with Shmi getting kidnapped, they know that premonitions are not real and deduce that Anakin’s dreams are being manipulated by someone — possibly the Sith Lord they’ve all been looking for.
Yoda stops being an annoying and overly conservative pain in the ass for long enough to teach Anakin some reverse dream manipulation and lucid dreaming shit.
Palpatine gets unmasked as the Sith Lord, removed from power and publicly disgraced, and eventually executed for high treason against the Galactic Republic.
Luke and Leia have two daddies, two mommies because Padmé also has a Thing with Sabé, one awesome grandpa, one awesome grandma and her moisture farmer husband, awesome Aunt Ahsoka Tano, Cool Uncle Bail Organa, an annoying green muppet who follows their Grandpa Mace around and speaks in cryptic word-twisted nonsense, and Grandpa Qui-Gon, who is a Force ghost
And everything is wonderful and nothing hurts, all because the Jedi Order decided not to be emotionally unhealthy and full of shit
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shadowsong26fic · 8 years
Random crossover headcanon/notes
So, I’m reading the latest Heralds of Valdemar book (because I love that series, and I really like Mags (the protagonist of the last several books) and it’s out or has been for a while and my lovely roommate brought it home from the library for me <3)
Anyway. Reading this book. And, as you may know if you’ve been following this blog, I have been trapped in the black hole that is Star Wars for the past year or so. And, as happens when I read a Valdemar book, thaaaaaat means a crossover/fusion!
I am seriously indebted to my roommates for letting me bounce ideas off of them and helping me fill in some of the gaps here.
Obi-Wan, naturally, is a Herald. About sixteen when Our Story begins. Already Too Old For This Shit. Gifts are Mindspeech, Empathy, and Fetching. Some extremely unreliable Foresight as well.
His Companion may or may not be Qui-Gon.
Qui-Gon may or may not be his father. And dead.
Both of these facts may actually be the case. Yay awkward reincarnation?
Alternatively, Yoda is his Companion?
Possibly his second after Qui-Gon died?
IDK, I haven’t figured that part out yet.
The important thing is, he is still very much Obi-Wan.
Padme! Padme is also a Herald, because the plot demands it—she is the Heir/Queen. Fourteen when Our Story begins. Pretty sure her only Gift is Mindspeech, but that remains to be settled.
Sabe is her Companion, of course.
She was Chosen when she was about twelve.
She is the actual trufax Queen now (ish—too young and still a Trainee; more on that later).
·  Poor, poor Bail.
Bail is the son of a Councillor and grew up in Haven/at court
He’s eighteen when Our Story begins.
He’s friends with Padme. She’s like his little sister.
He tried to rein in her enthusiasm
(this doesn’t work very well)
(especially since Sabe only encourages her half the time)
He grew up being more or less groomed to take over his mother’s Council seat.
Six months ago, he became Queen’s Own.
He got rushed through all the training he didn’t have (which wasn’t much, mostly Gift stuff and bonding with Taver/Rolan/whichever) and was just officially put into full Whites.
IDK what his Gift(s) is/are.
He and Obi-Wan are bros.
There may or may not be a pretty young Healer with enchanting dark eyes he’s mooning over.
(there totally is)
Some backstory!
Six months ago, due to some unspecified tragedy (possibly a war) Padme’s parent(s) and the previous Monarch’s Own were killed.
Councilor Sheev Palpatine rose to the occasion, was named the Lord Regent because who else could be more trustworthy, and has kept the Kingdom stable during the uncertain time of the Queen’s minority.
(he will, of course, retreat with grace when the regency is over and Padme is of age/has her Whites)
(he’s just laying groundwork now)
(he plays the long game)
(he’s probably planning to repeat this process with Padme’s child)
(something like that)
That’s where things stand when Anakin turns up on the scene.
First off, Anakin does much better as a Herald than as a Jedi.
For one thing, having a Companion helps.
For another, he doesn’t have to cut all ties to his mom.
Etc., etc.
Ahsoka is his Companion.
She’s just barely old/mature enough to Choose and flounces out of Haven to go track down her Skyguy.
(meaning about ten, if I remember Valdemar canon correctly)
(she and Anakin grow up together)
(it will be adorable)
Anakin is nine, lives on the Border with his mom and Watto.
He’s, like, a tiny gladiator or something.
So ‘Soka turns up and is all ‘Hi!’
And he’s all ‘Hi!’
‘Guess what you’re a Herald now.’
‘Come on, we’re going to Haven.’
‘YAY! …wait, Mom?’
‘...uh…screw it, I can carry you both!’
(Shmi has no idea what to do with this but is somewhat alarmed)
(she and her son have been kidnapped by a horse that Ani swears is talking to him)
(Watto might still come after them and kill them)
(It’s okay Shmi everything will work out just hold tight)
Anakin, like Vanyel, has ALL OF THE GIFTS.
(unlike Vanyel, he at least acquired them naturally, not under p. much the worst possible circumstances)
(also his Healing, like, barely works, but it does exist)
He turns up in Haven all earnest and excited and eager and NO IDEA HOW TO HUMAN PROPERLY.
Because, y’know, he was a slave
And a tiny gladiator
Obi-Wan facepalms and takes the poor kid under his wing.
(wait, when did I adopt a small child?)
Anywho, at some point, Anakin gets brought to Alberich for weapons training, as you do.
(shut up timelines means nothing)
And he mentions ‘but I already know how to do this stuff’
And Alberich and Obi-Wan are like ‘what’
And he says ‘oh, yeah, Watto used to make me fight people so he and the other masters could gamble on it.’
And they’re like ‘WHAT’
‘I was really good! I even won my last fight!’
‘…kay let’s go see the Queen and Council because uhhhhhhhhhhh’
And then he meets Padme.
They’re lifebonded, of course.
But! He can grow into it and have a better grasp on how normal people, y’know, date and stuff.
So everything will go much better.
Just in general Heralds are much better at this sort of thing than Jedi are.
Anakin being a Herald solves SO MANY PROBLEMS GUYS
Uhhhhhhh, I don’t really know what happens next. Anakin’s a field Herald for a while (and he’s very good at it) until he and Padme actually get married.
He is not actually crowned King because ahahahahaha even with therapy and a better support system and a Companion and all the things that make him much more successful as a Herald than he ever was as a Jedi…no.
His title is Prince Consort
Leia is their daughter.
Luke is her Companion.
Palpatine attempts to do his Thing at some point
Possibly before Luke shows up
The goal seems to be ‘kill Padme, get named Regent again, only this time don’t leave when the Queen comes of age’
Especially because he’s banking on building the whole relationship with Anakin
And then when Anakin shuts down after Padme’s death, who else will he turn to?
Of course this won’t work in this timeline for several reasons
(most of those reasons are Ahsoka)
(and Mindhealers)
(so Anakin is much less vulnerable to Palpatine than in canon)
(especially since Anakin isn’t cut off from Shmi)
(and Shmi doesn’t die)
(also the Heralds are…better…about issues like Anakin’s than the Jedi are)
(also also Valdemar has much better defenses against this sort of thing than the Galactic Republic does sorry)
Not sure where Han and Lando fit in.
And Chewie
And the droids
Han possibly gets Chosen at some point because lol.
He is not super thrilled by this.
Also not sure about the rest of the Council, Dooku, Maul, Tarkin, Mothma, Ackbar, etc….
Most of this is focused on the prequel folks because I have to figure out how that all resolves before I send Herald Leia out into the world.
ETA: After discussing with one of my roommates, Rex will fill Alberich’s role as detailed above. May or may not be a Herald, have not yet decided.
Cody is around too; he’s Rex’s twin. Head of the Palace Guard.
Possibly also Fives and Tup?
Dooku is doing Something, and will eventually maim Anakin, which leads to Anakin being reassigned to Haven.
Anakin and Padme are already married at this point.
Only select members of the Heraldic Circle know.
(and Shmi)
(Anakin suggested reading Palpatine in but Padme talked him out of it)
(they wanted to be married Just In Case a) something happened to him, or b) someone tried to shove a treaty marriage down her throat; but they knew that as soon as their marriage was public, he’d be stuck in Haven and he was too useful in the field)
After Anakin recovers, he and Padme marry publicly.
He’s probably the Weaponsmaster’s Second after that.
(this is very confusing for visiting dignitaries)
I’ll probably add more if I come up with more, sooooooo....IDK watch this space?
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