candispice · 1 year
Incarcerated Uterus
Uterine incarceration is an obstetrical complication whereby a growing retroverted uterus becomes wedged into the pelvis after the first trimester of pregnancy.[1]
A number of situations may interfere with the natural process that would antevert a retroverted uterus during pregnancy. Such situations include pelvic adhesions, endometriosis, uterine malformations, leiomyomata, and pelvic tumors.[2]
When the uterus is tilted backwards, it is considered to be retroverted; this situation is common and regarded a normal variation. It has been estimated that about 15% of pregnancies begin in a retroverted uterus.[3] Normally, during the first trimester, the growing uterus changes spontaneously to an anteverted position, thus allowing expansion of the enlarging uterus into the abdomen. The cervix is then inferior to the body of the uterus. Thus, the presence of an early  pregnancy in a retroverted uterus is not considered a problem.[1]
On rare occasions the uterus fails to become anteverted, and the pregnancy continues to expand the retroverted uterus within the confines of the pelvis. By about 14 weeks the size of the uterus fills out most of the pelvis, pushing up the cervix.  At this point the uterus may get trapped below the sacral promontory and symphysis.  With further growth the pregnant woman may experience lower abdominal and pelvic pain, back pain, and difficulty, even inability to void, as the bladder is pushed upward and its outflow becomes obstructed. Constipation may be encountered. The frequency of this complication has been estimated to be about 1 in 3,000 pregnancies.[2]
 The cervix lies posteriorly to the urinary bladder, and the uterus normally extends superiorly from it, but the direction of the body of the fetus reveals that the uterus extends backwards.
In a pregnant woman who is entering her second trimester, the combination of urinary difficulties and pelvic pain may alert the physician to consider uterine incarceration as a possibility. On physical examination, the cervix is pushed up and anterior, and the pelvis entirely filled by the soft mass of the body of the pregnant uterus. Sonography may indicate the retroverted position of the uterus, check on the viability of the fetus, and demonstrate the location of the bladder being pushed cranially and unable to be emptied.[4] Also magnetic resonance imaging has been found to be helpful in the diagnosis of the condition.[4][5]
Spontaneous resolution of the condition can occur during the second trimester.[6] An unresolved incarcerated uterus can lead to further pain, vaginal bleeding, loss of pregnancy or premature delivery. Also, the uterus may develop a uterine sacculation, that is a part of its back wall softens like an aneurysm and allows  expansion of the fetus into the abdomen with a risk of uterine rupture.[3] Further, urinary complications may develop such as cystitis, and bladder distention could eventually lead to rupture of the bladder.[7]
A pregnant woman with an incarcerated uterus may present in the emergency room because of pain, bleeding, inability to void and constipation. Upon diagnosis steps can be taken to manually position the uterus into an anteverted position. The bladder is decompressed by a Foley catheter and the obstetrician may attempt to manipulate the uterus if necessary using general or spinal anesthesia.[3] Rarely will a woman with an incarcerated uterus reach term; if so, a cesarean delivery is called for.[8]
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pacehospitalshyd · 2 months
Myomectomy Surgery at PACE Hospitals: Preserving Your Fertility
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that can cause a number of problems, including heavy periods, pelvic pain, and difficulty getting pregnant. If you've been diagnosed with fibroids and want to preserve your uterus, a myomectomy may be the right option for you.
PACE Hospitals is a leading provider of myomectomy surgery in Hyderabad. Our team of experienced gynecologists is skilled in performing all types of myomectomy, including:
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Laparoscopic Myomectomy: This minimally invasive procedure involves making a few small incisions in the abdomen and using a laparoscope (a thin, lighted instrument) to visualize and remove the fibroids.
Robotic Myomectomy: Similar to laparoscopic myomectomy, but utilizes robotic arms for enhanced precision and control.
Hysteroscopic Myomectomy: Performed for submucosal fibroids (projecting into the uterine cavity) using a hysteroscope inserted through the cervix.
What is Myomectomy and its purpose?
Uterine myomectomy is a gynaecological surgery to remove uterine fibroids (leiomyomas) while preserving the uterus. Uterine fibroids are the most prevalent benign tumour (common non-cancerous growths) in the female, it usually develops during reproductive years, but they can occur at any age.
Uterine fibroids or leiomyomata exert a considerable impact on women in reproductive age, resulting in heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia), pelvic pain or pressure, and poor reproductive outcomes. Nevertheless, there are a considerable number of asymptomatic women across the globe (in whom symptoms do not manifest).
Although hysterectomy (surgical removal of partial or entire uterus) is usually the preferred surgical procedure for uterine fibroids, uterine myomectomy is the best surgical choice while leaving the uterus intact for women who want to retain their fertility.
What are the Indications of Myomectomy surgery?
Some women (usually women without biological children) with uterine fibroids choose myomectomy over hysterectomy to improve fertility or preserving their uterus when no other obvious cause for subfertility (reduced fertility characterised by prolonged periods of unwanted non-conception) is present.
Myomectomy can be performed by three different techniques such as open, laparoscopic or robotic, making it an excellent choice for future fertility in women. The following are some indications of myomectomy surgery:
Menometrorrhagia (when menstrual bleeding occurs outside the monthly cycle or extremely heavy and/or prolonged periods) result in anemia
Pelvic pain and pressure
Chronic pain in lower abdominal area, pelvic pressure and discomfort with large size uterine myoma seen in ultrasound
Uterine myomas or fibroids that are abdominally palpable
Enlarging fibroids with the possibility of malignancy (cancer)
Ureteral obstruction
Gestational size greater than 12 weeks and inability to evaluate adnexa (gynaecological organs around the uterus, - ovaries, fallopian tubes and neighbouring connective tissues)
Benefits of Myomectomy at PACE Hospitals:
Preserves fertility: Myomectomy allows you to conceive naturally after surgery.
    Minimally invasive procedures: Laparoscopic and robotic myomectomy offer faster recovery times, less pain, and smaller scars compared to traditional open surgery.
    Advanced technology: PACE Hospitals is equipped with state-of-the-art AI Robotic Surgery systems and advanced laparoscopic equipment for optimal surgical outcomes.
    Experienced team: Our team of gynecologists and surgeons are highly skilled in performing complex myomectomy procedures.
Is Myomectomy Right for You?
If you are experiencing symptoms of uterine fibroids and want to preserve your fertility, schedule a consultation with a gynecologist at PACE Hospitals. We will discuss your individual situation and determine if myomectomy is the best course of treatment for you.
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medicinehealth360 · 6 months
Very Common Disease for Women Leiomyomata Fibroids
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vidavascular · 1 year
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What are the risk factors of uterine fibroids?
Fibroids comprise the most common reason behind hysterectomies that are performed. The traditional procedure hasn’t undergone many changes in the past 60 years. Patients are in a position to watch and then wait to see whether the fibroid grows and if it does surgeries or procedures for surgery are planned.
UFE is simpler than surgical alternatives and doesn’t require hospitalization. Also, it has a quicker recovery time. Studies reveal that 90 to 95 percent of women who undergo UFE procedures are satisfied with their results and feel significant or complete relief after the procedure.
An interventional radiologist (IR) performs fibroid embolization. They are experts in imaging blood vessels, which detect and treat various health issues.
Risk factors of uterine fibroids
Ø  Family history.
Ø  Ethnicity. African American women are 2-3 times more likely than other women to develop fibroids.
Ø  Increased estrogen levels.
Ø  Hypertension and obesity.
Ø  Red meat consumption. Available evidence suggests that women who eat more than one serving per day of red meat have a 70% greater risk for uterine myoma, compared with women who eat the least.
Ø  Alcohol consumption. Women who had one or more drinks of alcohol per day, specifically beer, had more than a 50% increased risk for leiomyomata.
The three most common surgical procedures to treat fibroids are
·  Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus),
·  Myomectomy (Removal of fibroid from inside uterine lining),
·  Uterine Fibroids Embolization (tiny pellets are injected into the uterine artery to cut off blood flow to the fibroid.
If you have a question about Fibroids or UFE treatment, our fibroid specialists at VidaVascular will help you!
– Our providers are respected experts in the region
– We provide the most advanced treatments
– Our procedures are usually less expensive than surgery or other alternatives
Why choose us?
–  It’s a non-surgical treatment
–  Your uterus remains preserved
–  Lower complication rate with reductions in pain and blood loss
–  Quick Recovery
–  No Hospital stay
–  Covered by most the Insurance plan
Schedule a free consultation today, for UFE treatment in National Harbor, Maryland.
Call us today to schedule telemedicine or video Consultation – 866-800-2346
Visit Us at: https://www.vidavascular.com/fibroid-center/
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A Case Study of Analysing The Rationality of Black Women With Afro Hair
The Representation of the Afro Hair
In general, hair was and and will always be used as a marker of various cultural indications. In Africa hair was used to indicate religion, social rank, age and marital status as well as other status symbols. In the Medi- eval African period (13th century), a young Wolof girl would partially shave her head to point out that she was not of marrying age. The giant crown fade was a modern day method of illustrating the multifaceted symbolism of Black hair—a thing that can be used as the message itself or to state a particular message. Additionally, true to African epistemology, spirituality has played and continues to play an essential role in Black culture. The extent of social messages in hairstyle choices did not end on the continent of Africa. As late as the 1980’s Black men wore a style known as the high top fade, a hairstyle where the sides of the head are shaved with the top portion growing upwards and as high as possible. The style conveyed various cultural and political messages such as images of Africa, corporate logos, partner’s names, and other symbols were etched into the hair or onto the scalp. In consequence, due to its inherent function, hair has been and continues to be used to increase the potency of medicines and indigenous healing potions. It is an understatement to suggest that hair is merely part of African cultural identity, as hair and identity are inseparable [10]. For both African men and women hair is intricately connected to cultural identity, spirituality, character make up, and notions of beauty.
The specific importance to the African was the comb. The comb had cultural meaning that indicated one’s particular group and other spiritual symbolism, personal history, and class status long before Europeans engaged in the mass enslavement of Africans in the 17th century. Men carved these symbols and spiritual demarcations into their combs that were specifically designed with long teeth and round and rounded tips to untangle African textured hair.
The Significance of The Afro Hair Care
As the age of colonization began, Africans lost control of both their lives and their physical bodies. Their bodies were subjected to traumatic physical harm including but not limited to: beatings, maiming, and rapes among other gruesome acts of violence experienced at the hands of white people. Losing control of one’s phys- ical body causes serious and long lasting psychological trauma [38]. This has led to what DeGruy [38] terms as posttraumatic slave syndrome and what we will refer to here as the multigenerational traumatic legacy of slavery (MTLS), since the effects of African enslavement are actively noticeable in modern society. Within the Western frame, the body is a thing to be controlled [6] with hair being the most controllable physical feature [1]. Conse- quently, Africans have had a long history of using drastic measures to attain “desirable” hair.
Chemical hair relaxers are used by millions of Black women and expose them to various chemicals through scalp lesions and burns. In addition, harmful chemicals cause minor to severe hair loss including balding, burns, and color change. Straightening highly textured African hair often requires the use of toxic chemicals or heat intensive tools such as a straightening comb or flat iron, which may be heated to over 400 degrees.  DeGruy (2000) noted that chemicals used in hair relaxers caused injury in the mouth and esophagus when in- gested and such products must therefore be labeled poisonous. Wise et al. Some tested hair relaxer use in relation to uterine leiomyomata (fibroids) incidence among 23,580 premenopausal Black women. Women who used chemical relaxers had higher incidents of uterine fibroids than those who never used relaxers. More precisely, 7146 cases of uterine leiomyomata were reported as confirmed by ultrasound (n = 4630) or surgery (n = 2516). The incidence rate ratio comparing ever with never use of relaxers was 1.17 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.06, 1.30). The findings indicate that hair relaxer use increases uterine leiomyomata (fibroid) risk. There are clearly dire risks involved with continuing the use of chemical relaxers that often require application every 6 - 8 weeks after the new hair grows.
In recent years, most black women are returuning to their natural roots and terminate the use of chemicals to straighten of flatten hair. In 2010, Design Essentials, a hair care company, conducted a study to measure the popularity of natural hair; they found that while 26% of women eliminated chemical relaxers in 2010, there was a 10 percent increase in 2011 making the new figures 36%. Also USA Today and Mintel , a consumer spending and market research firm, found that relaxer sales have decrease 17 percent since 2006.  Unlike the natural hair movement around 1960’s, today women of African/ American  descent are increasing in numbers to wear their hair natural. For many, it is less about a political statement and more about self-acceptance and love.
Levine, P. (2008) The state of undress: Nakedness and the colonial imagination. Victorian Studies, 50, 189-219. RE
Byrd, C. and Chavous, T. (2009) Racial identity and academic achievement in the neighborhood context: A multilevel analysis. Youth Adolescence, 38, 544-559. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10964-008-9381-9
Cokley, K. and Chapman, C. (2008) The roles of ethnic identity, anti-white attitudes, and academic self-concept in African American student achievement. Social Psychology of Education, 11, 349-365. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11218-008-9060-
Solly, S., Moojen G. and Lindfors, B. (1985) Courting the Hottentot Venus. Africa: Rivistatrimestraledi stud e Docu- mentazione dell’Istitutoitaliano per l’Africael’Oriente, 40, 133-148.
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healthoholic · 4 years
Uterine Fibroid Tumors
Uterine fibroid tumors or leiomyomas are amongst one of the most prevalent tumors among females. In truth, it is obvious in 25-50% of women, says American Higher education of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Uterine fibroid tumors are ordinarily non-cancerous; however, there exists nevertheless the need for being aware of these tumors and a few risks it could convey on your well being.
To give you greater knowledge of these tumors, listed here are solutions to often requested issues on uterine fibroid tumors:
What are uterine fibroid tumors?
Uterine fibroid tumors, medically generally known as uterine leiomyomata or simply myoma, are growths consisting of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue commonly discovered within the wall of the uterus. Some increase beneath the lining in the uterus; some develop among the muscles of your uterus, even though some increase in the direction of the exterior component of your uterus. Uterine fibroid tumors may expand in clusters or like a solitary nodule and may possibly range in dimensions.
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What will be the causes of uterine fibroid tumors?
Scientific researches haven't nevertheless finally identified the brings about of uterine fibroid tumors. It has long been theorized though that uterine fibroid tumors result from hormonal, genetic and environmental things, which might be existing in combinations in every situation.
Are uterine fibroid tumors cancerous?
Nevertheless considered as tumors, uterine fibroid tumors are largely benign, which means that in most situations, they can be not as unsafe as cancerous tumors. Instances of uterine fibroid tumors turning into cancer could be very scarce, nonetheless, it truly is achievable. Though acquiring uterine fibroid tumors is normally not dangerous (it also has almost nothing to try and do with cancer from the uterus), it's uneasy to dwell with; therefore, females opt to own their uterine fibroid tumors removed.
Who will get uterine fibroid tumors?
In most situations, uterine fibroid tumors build in ladies of childbearing age, commonly those inside 30s and 40s. However, researches exhibit that women that have previously provided beginning are not as much likely to develop uterine fibroid tumors. Also, it has become discovered out that overweight women of all ages and youthful African women of all ages are extra vulnerable to acquiring uterine fibroid tumors. The motives for these usually are not nevertheless known, nevertheless, these details have already been prevalently noticed.
What will be the indicators indicating presence of uterine fibroid tumors?
In a lot of situations, uterine fibroid tumors will not cause symptoms, but some females having these benign tumors say they expertise ache and heavy bleeding all through menstrual durations though some experience bleeding in amongst their menstrual time period. She also urinates extra generally and feels total from the reduce element from the abdomen.
Some women of all ages also expertise pain within the reduced rear and pain through intercourse. Other signals of uterine fibroid tumors consist of miscarriage, complications during pregnancy and infertility.
Is treatment method vital?
Treatment method from the uterine fibroid tumors is not needed having said that since indicators may be serious on some women, they desire to possess their fibroids handled. The primary treatment method for uterine fibroid tumors is uterine fibroid embolization (UFE). This is usually a modestly invasive process whereby a tiny tube is inserted into an artery towards the uterine artery. This makes it possible for the interventional radiologist to provide in smaller plastic beads in the artery supplying blood towards the uterine fibroid tumors. Within this way, blood flow for the uterine fibroid tumor is blocked leading to it to shrink; therefore, signs and symptoms are relieved.
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grvnews · 2 years
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brightbensonsblog · 2 years
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Trevo and Fibroids
Fibroid Without Operation Foods Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors thatgrow within the wall of the uterus. Fibroids,known technically as leiomyomata, can vary insize and number and may be accompanied byinfertility, miscarriage, and early onset of labor.Most American women will develop fibroids atsome point in their lives. One study found that,by age 50, 70 percent of whites and 80 percent…
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sriramnanda-blog · 4 years
Uterine fibroids, otherwise called uterine leiomyomas, are the most widely recognized tumors influencing the female regenerative plot. These tumors upset the capacity of uterus and causes frailty, overabundance dying, and pelvic inconvenience. There are different treatment choices accessible for the treatment of the condition, for example, tranquilize treatment and surgery. 
U.S. uterine fibroids treatment showcase is evaluated to represent US$ 243.5 Mn regarding an incentive in 2020 and is relied upon to reach US$ 298.5 Mn before the finish of 2027. 
U.S. Uterine Fibroids Treatment Market: Drivers 
High rate of uterine fibroids among ladies is required to impel development of the U.S. uterine fibroids treatment advertise over the gauge time frame. For example, as indicated by the examination, 'A US populace based investigation of uterine fibroids finding occurrence, patterns, and predominance: 2005 through 2014' distributed in October 2018, the frequency rates for fibroids analyze was 240.3 per 10,000 lady years in 2014 in the age bunch 45–49 years. 
In addition, accessibility of viable treatments is additionally expected to help in development of the market. For example, ulipristal acetic acid derivation (UPA) is successful in lessening the side effects because of uterine leiomyomata. UPA is affirmed for short?term use before medical procedure and longer?term use. 
Hysterectomy held predominant situation in the U.S. uterine fibroids treatment showcase in 2019, representing 79.0% offer regarding esteem, trailed by myomectomy and endometrial removal, individually. 
Figure 1. U.S. Uterine Fibroid Treatment Market Share (%), by Value, by Procedure Type, 2019 
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U.S. Uterine Fibroid Treatment | Coherent Market Insights 
U.S. Uterine Fibroids Treatment Market: Restraints 
Entanglements related with morcellators are required to thwart development of the U.S. uterine fibroids treatment showcase. Laparoscopic power morcellators are utilized in hysterectomy and myomectomy methods for the treatment of uterine fibroids. Be that as it may, power morcellators could cause inconveniences, for example, metastatic leiomyosarcoma malignancy. 
In addition, current medicines for fibroids are principally careful and costly, which is additionally expected to constrain development of the market. 
U.S. Uterine Fibroids Treatment Market: Opportunities 
Improved mindfulness and training with respect to uterine fibroids treatment is required to offer rewarding development open doors for players in the market. For example, the investigation, 'Weight, Prevalence, and Treatment of Uterine Fibroids: A Survey of U.S. Ladies', distributed in November 2018, inferred that ladies with fibroids or side effects reminiscent of fibroids experience huge trouble that decreases personal satisfaction and that few numerous ladies are likely undiscovered, which builds the requirement for improved mindfulness and training. 
In addition, uterine fibroids is a troublesome condition to consider. Notwithstanding, the weight of the condition is high, which expands the requirement for thorough and creative exploration identified with the condition. 
The U.S. uterine fibroids treatment showcase was esteemed at US$ 236.7 Mn in 2019 and is conjecture to arrive at an estimation of US$ 298.5 Mn by 2027 at a CAGR of 3.0% somewhere in the range of 2020 and 2027. 
Figure 2. U.S. Uterine Fibroids Treatment Market Value (US$ Mn), and Y-o-Y Growth (%), 2019-2027 
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U.S. Uterine Fibroid Treatment | Coherent Market Insights 
Market Trends/Key Takeaways 
Utilization of ulipristal acetic acid derivation (UPA) may prompt drug?induced liver injury. Be that as it may, this can be considered as an uncommon peculiar occasion. UPA ought not be prescribed to patients with liver peculiarities or issues. 
The reception of pharmacologic treatment is high in the U.S. for the treatment of uterine fibroids. For example, as indicated by the examination, 'Weight, Prevalence, and Treatment of Uterine Fibroids: A Survey of U.S. Ladies', distributed in November 2018, 71% of uterine fibroids patients utilized pharmacologic treatment for manifestation help and 30% experienced careful or procedural treatment. 
U.S. Uterine Fibroids Treatment Market: Competitive Landscape 
Significant players working in the U.S. uterine fibroids treatment advertise incorporate, Blue Endo, Boston Scientific Corporation, CooperSurgical, Inc., KARL STORZ SE and Co. KG, Myovant Sciences (Sumitovant Biopharma Ltd.), Halt Medical, Inc., LiNA Medical USA, Merit Medical Systems, Olympus Corporation, and Richard Wolf GmbH. 
U.S. Uterine Fibroids Treatment Market: Key Developments 
Significant players in the market are centered around R&D to extend their item portfolio. For example, in April 2020, Sumitovant Biopharma Ltd. reported distribution of modified works from Myovant Sciences in regards to the viability and security of relugolix mix treatment in ladies with substantial menstrual draining related with uterine fibroids, in the diary Obstetrics and Gynecology. 
Significant players in the market are additionally centered around receiving M&A techniques to grow their item portfolio. For example, in April 2018, CooperSurgical procured the benefits of The LifeGlobal Group and its associates, a main worldwide supplier of in-vitro treatment gadgets. 
About Us- Coherent Market Insights is a global market intelligence and consulting organization focused on assisting our plethora of clients achieve transformational growth by helping them make critical business decisions.
Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154, U.S.
Phone no- +1-206-701-6702
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Lupine Publishers-Gynecology Journals
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Uterine Leiomyoma (UL) is the most prevalent benigngynecological tumor in the female population. The tumor originates from the smooth muscle of the myometrium [1-3]. As many as 1 in 5 women in child-bearing age may have UL, and between 20 to 80% of all women may have the tumor by the age of 50 [4]. It seems that UL is more common in black than white Caucasian women [5,6]. The exact a etiology of UL is unknown, but there is considerable evidence that it might be due to a combination of factors, such as: hormonal, environmental, chromosomal, genetic drivers, cellular modulation, and phenotypical changes [7-9,2,10,11]. The UL have different sizes, locations and growth pattern and it may attain enough volume to significantly distort the uterine cavity and endometrial surface and affect the menstrual flow [12,13]. It may also affect reproductive outcomes and may be associated with pregnancy loss, preterm birth, dystocia and fetal malpresentation [14-17]. The impact and the severity of the symptoms depend on: the size, the number and the site of the tumor, and black women are more likely to have severe or very severe symptoms [18]. Huge leiomyomata may be mistaken for pregnancy and in some conservative societies this can cause significant social embarrassment, especially to the single woman leading to lower self-esteem and negative impact on the quality of life. Although UL have no apparent effect on: libido, arousal, lubrication or, orgasm [19]. however, some women with UL reported pain during sexual intercourse [20-22], and this could possibly lead to anxiety, apprehension and sexual dysfunction and understandably sexual dissatisfaction and fear of pain during sex may dissuade the woman from sexual activity and can potentially lead to marital disharmony [18]. The association between UL and subfertility is controversial and lacks convincing evidence; however, a systemic review by Pritts and coworkers (2009) showed that UL, regardless of location, were associated with: reduction in pregnancy rates, live birth rates, and increase in miscarriage. These effects vary according to the type of fibroid itself, but the effect is more prominent with sub-mucous UL perhaps by distorting the implantation site [16]. UL are the leading cause of hysterectomy in the USA [23] and hysterectomy is considered a definitive treatment; however, recurrence and loss of reproductive potential could have psychosocial impacts on these women. Nonetheless, there are several alternative medical and less radical surgical modalities for the treatment of UL and the choice of treatment is dictated by many factors such as: the patient’s desire to become pregnant in the future, the importance of uterine preservation, the severity of symptoms, and the tumor characteristics
For more Lupine Publishers Open Access Journals Please visit our website: https://lupinepublishers.us/
For more Open Access Journal of gynecology articles Please Click Here: https://lupinepublishers.com/gynecology-women-health-journal/
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Natural Remedies for Fibroids & Cyst
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Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors of the uterus. Uterine fibroids are also known as leiomyomata, myomas or uterine polyps. Uterine fibroids grow within the muscles of the uterus, on the outside of the uterus, hang in the uterine cavity or very rarely form within the cervix. They can range in size from microscopic to several inches in diameter. Uterine fibroids form in the childbearing years of a woman’s life. There may be just one fibroid or many, with differing locations. Uterine fibroids are rarely a cause for concern, but when they become too large, or there are many present, they may become a problem.
Types of Uterine Fibroids Submucosal: grow in the innermost layer of the uterus Intramural: grow in the middle layer of the uterus Subserosal: grow in the outer wall of the uterus Pedunculated: attached to a stalk either outside of the uterus or within the uterine cavity Cervical: in the cervical tissue Interligamentous: between the uterine broad ligaments
Causes of Uterine Fibroids Though a large percentage of women suffer from uterine fibroids, doctors are actually unsure of what causes them to occur. What they do know however, is that estrogen and progesterone contribute to the growth of the fibroids. Estrogen and progesterone are at their highest levels during a woman’s childbearing years, this is why uterine fibroids are thought to develop during this time. Normally, after a woman goes through menopause her body produces lower levels of estrogen and progesterone causing the fibroids to begin to shrink and any associated symptoms, such as pain and pressure to subside.
Uterine fibroids are hormone dependent. They develop during the hormonally active years and decline in menopause. Fibroid tissue has a higher amount of estrogen and progesterone receptors. Fibroid tissue is hypersensitive to estrogen, but does not have the capacity to regulate estrogen response, this is why they can grow to become quite large. Other hormones play a role in the growth of uterine fibroids as well, including prolactin, parathyroid hormone, insulin growth factor, and pituitary growth hormone.
Natural Remedies for Fibroids & Cyst
First cleanse, reduce exposure to xenoestrogens, promote healthy estrogen metabolism. You can start cleansing by doing a detox with Empress Organics Yoni Detox Pearls. Fertility Cleansing: The best way to begin any natural fertility plan would be to do a Fertility Cleanse. A fertility cleanse encourages the liver to cleanse the body of toxins and excess hormones. It also supports the uterus to cleanse itself of old stagnant blood and increases circulation to the uterus while tonifying the uterine tissues.
Self Fertility Massage is a series of massage techniques that are used to help support reproductive health, the menstrual cycle, and your fertility all from the comfort of your own home! One of the greatest benefits of massage is the ability to break up adhesions and bring in circulation to the area being massaged. Uterine fibroids may compress and compromise circulation to the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries or other surrounding organs. Self Fertility Massage™ helps to promote healthy circulation, helps the body to rid itself of old stagnant blood and tissues in the uterus, and promotes hormonal balance by strengthening the hormonal feedback loop. Do not do during menstruation.
Reduce Exposure to Xenohormones: Exposure to certain environmental toxins may contribute to the development of uterine fibroids. Xenoestrogens are a subclass of endocrine disruptors. Endocrine disruptors, also known as xenohormones, are human-made chemicals. These chemicals have the ability to interfere with the natural functions and development of our bodies. The main function of the endocrine system is to serve as our body’s message center. Hormones deliver messages, the endocrine system coordinates hormones. Xenoestrogens have the ability to bind to our estrogen receptor sites. This is particularly concerning for women with uterine fibroids. This is because fibroid tissue is hypersensitive to estrogen, it contains a high amount of estrogen receptors, this is why they can grow to become quite large. Exposure to xenoestrogens can fuel uterine fibroid growth.
Ways to Avoid Xenohormones: Eat rorganic foods, Avoid exposure to pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers, Use natural feminine care products, Use organic, natural body care products, including makeup, Avoid food preservatives and dyes, Use low VOC paints, Use recycled unbleached paper products.
Key Herbs for Fibroids and Their Beneficial Actions:
Fenugreek: This is one of the best herbs for fibroids as it helps with hormone balance and to prevent a state of estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance not only increases the risk of developing uterine fibroids but it also causes fibroids to get bigger and increases the various symptoms of uterine fibroids. Fenugreek is one of the best herbs for fibroids and is the perfect female herb because it contains phyto-estrogens which are similar to the estrogen produced by the body but are much weaker. Phyto-estrogens prevent a state of estrogen dominance as they can replace the excess estrogen produced by the body and because they are weaker than the estrogen produced by the body, they can prevent a state of estrogen dominance. Fenugreek also helps the pelvis eliminate toxins and excess mucus trapped in the pelvis which if left to fester can increase the risk of developing fibroids or worsening the symptoms. Other benefits of fenugreek is that this herbs is said to help increase breast size naturally as well as increase milk production in nursing mothers!
Chasteberry: Chasteberry is also another of the best herbs for fibroids, especially for its ability to shrink fibroids. It has been shown to be able to shrink certain small intramural and subserous fibroids. Vitex is also able to strengthen and heal the entire reproductive system making it an important female herb. Vitex (4,00mg 2 times daily). Vitex or chasteberry reduces estrogen levels by promoting the production of progesterone. It is an excellent herbal solution to maintain hormonal balance, lower estrogen levels and reduce inflammation. Simply take 25 to 30 drops of chasteberry tincture two to four times a day. Note: Chasteberry will help regulate menstruation and bleeding between periods, but may also reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. For best results, vitex should be taken for at least six months.
Milk Thistle: (150 milligrams 2 times daily). Aids body in liver detoxification, which can balance hormones. This herbal remedy helps metabolize and get rid of excess estrogen. Estrogen is a reproductive hormone that stimulates cells to release growth factors, which in turn contributes to fibroid growth. Simply take 10 to 25 drops of a tincture of this herb up to three times a day for three to four months
Evening primrose oil: evening primrose oil for fibroidsThis is another herb that can help promote hormone balance because hormone imbalance can worsen PMS, menstrual cramps, fibroids as well as many other feminine issues. While evening primrose oil injections are very effective, enteric-coated tablets are also effective since they enable evening primrose oil to bypass the digestive system and go directly to the bloodstream where it can be better able to promote hormone balance. Another benefit of evening primrose oil is that it can help to prevent and cure ovarian cysts and cysts in the breasts.
Dong Quai root: Dong Quai increases circulation, which helps to bring in fresh healthy blood to remove excess tissue growth, heal tissue damage, as well as limit scar tissue and adhesion formation. Healthy circulation ensures healthy natural cleansing of the body as well. Proper circulation is required to remove toxins, dead tissue, diseased tissue, and metabolic waste from our bodies. This is very important for women with uterine fibroids, dong quai is a staple of ancient Chinese medicine and is an important female herb as it can relieve painful cramps, menopausal symptoms and PMS. Dong quai is one of the best herbs for fibroids because it mimics the estrogen produced by the body and by doing so it can replace natural estrogen produced by the body with a weaker form which then helps to prevent a state of estrogen dominance that increases the risk of developing fibroid tumors. Do keep in mind that dong quai should not be used by itself. The most effective formulations include dong quai with other herbs including some that are discussed here.
Goldenseal Root: This herb is extremely antibiotic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. It works to help reduce pain and inflammation from foreign tissue growth. Reduction in inflammation may help to prevent scar tissue and adhesion formation.
Echinacea: This very beneficial herb is good for treating various issues including many gynecological problems such as fibroid tumors. This North American wild flower which looks like a daisy is a known immune system booster which helps to improve general health and wellbeing in addition to helping the body eliminate disease causing toxins. Research has also shown that the healing properties of Echinacea can help cure fibroids naturally by shrinking the tumors and helping to rid the body of the dissolving matter from these dying tumors.
Dandelion Root & Leaf: This plant provides excellent liver support for improved hormonal balance. Dandelion leaf is very nourishing to the body, being high in vitamins and minerals. The root aids in liver health, and stimulates digestion for improved estrogen metabolism.
Ginger Root: Ginger root is a wonderful herb used to increase circulation and promote blood flow to the uterus. The increased circulation also helps to reduce inflammation of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes.
Black Cohosh root: This root promotes regulation of the entire menstrual cycle. For women with a uterus that feels inflamed or irritated throughout the month, Black cohosh may be an effective option in relaxing the uterus by helping to reduce inflammation.
Red Raspberry Leaf: Raspberry leaf works to tone the uterine muscles and normalize blood flow during menses. This is one of the best normalizing herbs for the female reproductive organs. Raspberry leaf is astringent, contracting and shrinking internal and external body tissues. It may help prevent hemorrhage due to excessive bleeding and is one of the best herbs for uterine health.
Maitake Mushroom: This mushroom has been shown to enhance immune system function and has been shown through several studies to contain anti-tumor properties. It is also useful for improving glucose metabolism.
Avoid Foods that Makes Fibroids Worse
This includes:
High-Fat, Processed Meats. High-fat, processed meats are some of the worst food choices for women when it comes to fibroids. Foods high in unhealthy fats like non-organic meats are processed meats can increase inflammation levels and often contain chemical additives. (Think hamburgers and processed breakfast sausages.) When you eat beef, you should always opt for grass-fed beef.
Conventional Dairy. Non-organic dairy is very high in steroids and other chemicals that can alter hormones and encourage the development and growth of fibroids.
Refined Sugar. Consuming refined sugar can increase pain and reduce immune function in the body. It may also lead to weight gain and hormonal imbalance, two factors that encourage the development of fibroids. Studies have even shown that a high dietary glycemic index is associated with higher risk of uterine fibroids in some women. (3) Refined Carbohydrates. Managing hormones not only involves the elimination of sugars from the diet, but also refined carbohydrates.
Refined carbs cause insulin levels to spike and hormones to become out of whack. Consuming processed grains like those in instant hot cereals and commercial breads causes a sharp rise in insulin. These refined carbohydrates have been stripped of everything but starch, so they offer negative health consequences and no good nutritional value.
Alcohol. Overdoing it in the alcohol department increases inflammation throughout the body, reduces immune function and encourages hormonal imbalances. By reducing or eliminating alcohol, you can help to get your hormones back on track and hopefully shrink those fibroids fast.
Caffeine. Too much caffeine is taxing on your body, especially your liver. When you give your liver more work to do than it ideally should have, it isn’t going to do as good of a job at keeping your hormones in check. Drinking more than two cups of coffee daily may boost estrogen levels in women and could worsen conditions with a hormonal basis like fibroids. (4) The more you can keep your alcohol and caffeine consumption down, the easier it is for your liver to detoxify your body and keep your hormones in proper, fibroid-discouraging balance.
Without eating a whole food diet, the body will not respond to herbs, supplements or natural therapies as well. We suggest eating a nutrient dense whole food fertility diet. This way of eating will create a foundation for a healthy, properly functioning body.
The Importance of Fiber Your main focus and one of the first things you should do right now is eat more fiber. Fiber helps the body to get rid of excess estrogens. Good sources of fiber: Dark leafy greens, Broccoli, Swiss chard, Quinoa, Chia seeds, Beans, Ground flaxseed and Whole Grains. Choose whole grains whenever possible, avoid white refined grains. Good choices of whole grains would be brown rice, millet, spelt, buckwheat, rye and oats.
Eat Foods that Heal Fibroids
The following foods should be included in your diet to keep your fibroids at bay:
Organic Foods. Eating organic foods can help to prevent and shrink fibroids. Pesticides impact estrogen and other hormones levels. Since hormonal balance is key to natural fibroid treatment, you want to reduce your pesticide intake as much as possible.
Green Leafy Vegetables. Green leafy vegetables discourage the growth of fibroids in a woman’s body. These vegetables are vitamin K-rich foods. This vitamin aids in clotting and helps control control of menstrual bleeding.
Cruciferous Vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables support detoxification of your liver and balance estrogen levels. Research has shown that high consumption of broccoli, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, tomato and apple seems to be a protective factor for uterine fibroids. A greater intake of cruciferous vegetables (and fresh fruits) is believed to be capable of reducing the incidence of uterine fibroids in women.
Beta-carotene Rich Foods. Upon digestion the human body turns beta carotene into vitamin A, which promotes the growth of healthy tissues as well as the repair of tissues, which can both be very helpful for healing fibroids. Some foods high in beta-carotene include carrots, sweet potatoes, kale and spinach.
High-Iron Foods. Fibroids sometimes cause some women to lose more blood during their monthly menstruation. This can lead to anemia. To replace the excessive loss of iron, include high-iron foods like grass-fed beef and legumes in your diet to help replace that lost iron and prevent anemia.
Flaxseeds. Flaxseeds help balance estrogen levels in the body, which can help to shrink fibroids. You should aim for at least two tablespoons per day if you have fibroids. You can sprinkle flaxseeds on oatmeal, in your smoothies or simply eat the seeds by themselves. Whole Grains. Instead of refined grains, opt for healthier whole grains like millet, spelt, brown rice, buckwheat, rye and oats.
Try Supplements that Aid in Fibroid Reduction
Be sure to check with your doctor before introducing new supplements into the mix. These supplements have a strong reputation for creating better hormone balance: Fish Oil (1,000 milligrams daily) or Flaxseed Oil (1 tablespoon daily). The essential fatty acids found in fish oil and flaxseed oil can help reduce inflammation in your body, which may play a part in fibroid growth. B-complex (50 milligrams daily). If B vitamins are lacking in the diet, the liver is missing some of the raw materials it needs to carry out its metabolic processes and regulate estrogen levels. Progesterone Cream (1/4 teaspoon, days 6–26 of cycle). Applying progesterone cream topically can help balance out low progesterone. When treating fibroids, it’s important to work with a doctor who has tested your hormone levels so you can be best advised if natural progesterone cream is the right option for your body.
Turn to Essential Oils
Thyme, clary sage and frankincense are the best essential oils for natural fibroid treatment. They all have the ability to help balance hormones naturally. Clary sage oil has also been shown by researchers to significantly lower cortisol levels as well as have an anti-depressant effect on mood. This is just one of several studies that show clary sage oil’s ability to benefit a woman’s hormones. Rub two drops of these essential oils over your lower abdomen two times daily; put two drops of frankincense oil on the roof of your mouth two times daily.
Castor Oil Packs
By applying a castor oil pack to your abdomen, you increase circulation in the lymphatic and circulatory systems and also increase lymphocytes — white blood cells that eliminate disease-causing toxins from the body. Many holistic practitioners believe a buildup of toxins plays an important role in fibroid development. Castor oil also contains anti-inflammatory ricinoleic acid. While there hasn’t been any scientific research to date that directly studies the impact of castor oil packs on uterine fibroids, it makes sense why castor oil packs could be helpful. A 2011 study did show that castor oil packs can help detoxification for by decreasing symptoms of constipation.
Saturate a piece of wool flannel in castor oil. Place it on your abdomen and cover it with a plastic wrap. Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on it and cover that with an old towel. Leave it on for about one hour, and then remove it. Repeat three or four times a week for at least one month, or until you see improvement. Note: Do not use this remedy during menstruation or if you are trying to conceive.
Avoid Exposure to Environmental Toxins
Stay clear of the following to improve your hormonal health as well as your general health: pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, bleach, food preservatives, harmful cleaners (even certain eco-cleaners) and food dyes. You’ll also want to opt for natural, unbleached feminine care products as well as organic body care products and makeup.
Getting regular exercise can actually help to prevent fibroids before they start! According to one study, the more a woman exercises, the less likely she is to get uterine fibroids.
Many herbalists believe that poor liver function leading to poor elimination of excess hormones contributes to fibroids. Dandelion aids in liver detoxification and clearing excess estrogen from your body. Herbal teas help soothe the symptoms of fibroids by decreasing inflammation and rebalancing certain hormones. Teas made with chasteberry, milk thistle, yellow dock, dandelion root, nettle and red raspberry all have systemic benefits for the uterus and reproductive system.
Boil three tablespoons of dandelion root in three and one-half cups of water. Let it simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat, and allow it to steep for another 15 minutes before straining it. Drink this tea three times a day for at least three months.
Green Tea: Studies indicate that green tea contains a compound called Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that inhibits growth of fibroid cells, eventually increasing their death rate. EGCG offers anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and antioxidant effects. Researchers have found that in addition to reducing the size of fibroids, green tea can reduce the severity of fibroid symptoms. Drink two or three cups of green tea or take two 400 mg green tea capsules daily for several months.
Burdock Root Tea: Burdock root improves the liver’s ability to metabolize estrogen, thereby reducing fibroids. Plus, being high in the lignan arctigenin, it can help reduce the size of fibroids and inhibit new tumor growth. Add one teaspoon of dried burdock root to a cup of hot water. Let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes, and then strain it. Drink this tea three times a day. Alternatively, you can take 10 to 25 drops of burdock root tincture three times per day. Continue either of these remedies daily for three to four months.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be helpful in reducing fibroid symptoms because it helps remove toxins from the body and promotes fat loss. Though not proven scientifically, it is believed to help shrink fibroid tumors too. Add one teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. You can also add one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses or some natural sweetener for taste. Drink it daily on a regular basis. Gradually increase the dosage of apple cider vinegar from one teaspoon to one or two tablespoons per glass.
Garlic has natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that discourage the growth of tumors and uterine fibroids. So, eat three to five garlic cloves daily. If the garlic taste and odor are too strong for you, then follow it with a glass of milk. Milk will also help reduce the incidence of fibroids. Garlic is one of the best natural cures for fibroids because it helps stop fibroid growth by preventing fibroids from having access to a robust blood supply and nutrients. These tumors will then shrink the longer that they are without what they need to grow.
Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
Being an antioxidant and immunomodulator, Indian gooseberry is an excellent Ayurvedic remedy to reduce fibroids and their symptoms. Mix together one teaspoon each of Indian gooseberry powder and honey. Consume it daily, first thing in the morning. Continue for at least a few months to get positive results. In addition to these remedies, make sure to exercise regularly and drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out toxins. Exercising also helps regulate ovulation.
Fibroids Risk Factors & Root Causes
The following factors can raise a woman’s risk for fibroids:
Heredity: A woman with a mother or sister who had/has fibroids is more likely to develop fibroids herself. Age: Fibroids tend to appear when a woman is in her 30s and 40s. Race: African American women are two to three times more likely to develop fibroids than women of other races or ethnicities. Black women tend have fibroids at younger ages, and have more fibroids and larger ones. Diet: Eating a lot of poor quality beef and any type of pork is linked to higher fibroid risk. Obesity: Women who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop fibroids compared to women who maintain a healthy weight. High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure or hypertension seems to increase a woman’s risk of fibroids. Hypothyroidism: Overt hypothyroidism has been associated with the presence of uterine leiomyoma (fibroids). Early menstruation: Women who being menstruation prior to the age of 10 are at a higher risk for fibroids than women who started menstruating after the age of 10. Birth control: Taking birth control pills can make fibroids grow more quickly because of the increased estrogen level in the body. Foods that are high in estrogen, and hormone-disrupting chemicals that mimic estrogen may also play a role in the development of fibroids. Doctors aren’t exactly sure what causes fibroids, but research and clinical experience point to a few factors likely contributing to the development of uterine fibroids. (5) Since fibroids run in families, fibroids appear to be genetic. For example, identical twins are more likely to both have fibroids than nonidentical twins. Many fibroids also contain changes in genes that are different from the genes in normal uterine muscle cells.
Hormones are another root cause. Estrogen and progesterone hormones are responsible for stimulating the growth of the uterine lining each month in preparation for a possible pregnancy. Estrogen and progesterone also appear to promote the growth of fibroids, which contain more estrogen and progesterone receptors than normal uterine muscle cells. Another reason this hormone theory makes sense is the fact that fibroids tend to shrink after a woman goes through menopause. Menopause coincides with a decline in a woman’s hormone levels.
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iamdrssekandi · 4 years
Uterine fibroids: Take a brief look.
Uterine fibroids: Take a brief look.
Surgery for uterine fibroids is not an uncommon procedure: I have performed quite a number, removing fibroids that are nearing 1 kg! 
Fibroids, or leiomyomata (myomas), are common noncancerous growths that often occur in or on the muscle walls of the uterus. One cell repeatedly divides and grows into a firm, rubbery mass separate from the rest of the uterine wall.
Close to 50% of women older than…
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brightbensonsblog · 2 years
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*REXTORE HERBAL CAPSULES* *(100% ALKALINE)* *REXTORE* contains in the right proportion 400mg of: 1. Oregano Extracts 100mg 2. Senna Alata 150mg 3. Boerhaavia Diffusa 150mg *INDICATIONS :* - *Detoxifies, Renew & Rejuvenates* *the entire body system* *Liver, Kidney* - *Natural Immune booster* - *Treatment of Tubal blockage due to* *Infection or Hydrosalpinx* - *Fertility challenges in both sex* - *Hormonal Imbalance* - *Takes care of Gas* - *Treatment of Ulcer* - *Loss of memory* - *Releases you from stress* - *Urinary Tract Infection* - *Pelvic Inflammatory Disease* - *Takes care of Malaria and Typhoid* - *There are some proven benefits of* *Rextore Capsules in reducing non* *calcified Fibroid Nodules in some* *patients presented with* *Uterine Leiomyomata* https://www.instagram.com/alartsglobalhealth/p/CZIJnzWoqfd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vidavascular · 3 years
Uterine Fibroid Embolization: How to Get Relief from Fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are the most common benign (non-cancerous) tumors within the female reproductive system. While the majority of uterine fibroids are diagnosed and treated in women between the ages of 35 and 54, fibroids can occur in women under the age of 35. They are common – some studies show that up to 80% of women will have fibroids at some point in their lives – and for many women, they don’t cause any symptoms.
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A fibroid starts as a normal muscle cell in the uterus. For unknown reasons, this single cell grows and multiplies into a cluster of cells that form the fibroid. Fibroids are stimulated to grow by estrogen (a hormone produce by the ovaries) and blood flow. During menopause, as the estrogen level naturally declines, the fibroid tumor often shrinks on its own.
The following risk factors may contribute to development of fibroids:
-          Family history.
-          Ethnicity. African American women are 2-3 times more likely than other women to develop fibroids.
-          Increased estrogen levels.
-          Hypertension and obesity.
-          Red meat consumption. Available evidence suggests that women who eat more than one serving per day of red meat have a 70% greater risk for uterine myoma, compared with women who eat the least.
-          Alcohol consumption. Women who had one or more drinks of alcohol per day, specifically beer, had more than a 50% increased risk for leiomyomata.
 Best Treatment Option For Uterine Fibroids :
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Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) is a nonsurgical permanent treatment for fibroids. Compared to the surgical options, UFE results in fewer complications, a shorter hospital stay and a far quicker recovery time. Long term data show that 90 to 95% of women who have the UFE procedure report ongoing satisfaction and significant or total symptomatic relief for many years following the procedure.
UFE is performed through a tiny puncture either in the femoral artery in the groin, or in the radial artery at the wrist. The radial artery puncture is a newer technique, and allows the patient to get off the procedure table quicker and also to position themselves more comfortably on the recovery bed.
Under fluoroscopic (xray) guidance, the interventional radiologist guides a wire and catheter into the uterine arteries on both sides (which supply the fibroids), and injects small particle, the size of grains of sand, that block the blood supply to the fibroids, causing the fibroid to shrink and die. The outpatient procedure is performed in about an hour in our on-site vascular suite, and the patient is awake but sedated and comfortable. Heavy periods usually take a few cycles to lessen. Patients can usually resume normal activity after a week (as opposed to a hysterectomy which usually requires a much longer recovery time).
Why did you choose to have a UFE?
A lot of factors went into the decision for a women . For people who want more children, UFE is a much better option. (Note: Pregnancy is possible after a UFE for most women. However, there are additional risks associated with pregnancy after a UFE. As always, speak with your care provider.)
COVID-19 was also a factor. Because UFE is less invasive, it meant less of a hospital stay,.
But the main thing is that you don’t  want to have a surgery, and if you I dinn’t want to be put under general anaesthesia, Because many people  had a bad experience with anaesthesia before, and of course that’s not most people’s experience.
What are the benefits of Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE )? Benefits of Uterine Fibroid Embolization include:
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Effective alternative to     surgery and hormonal treatment
Completely noninvasive — no     surgery and no blood loss
Minimal hospital stay
Quick return to normal     activities
Preserves the uterus, cervix     and ovaries
Significant improvement in     quality of life:
Decrease in menstrual bleeding     from symptomatic fibroids
Decrease in urinary     dysfunction, pelvic pain and/or pressure
Request a free screening  from the fibroid experts
Call us today  866-800-2346 To schedule a free screening for this and other conditions at a VidaVascular office in northern Virginia (convenient to Springfield, Fairfax, Alexandria, Arlington, Woodbridge), Maryland (convenient to National Harbor, Oxon Hill, Waldorf, La Plata, and Clinton), and Washington DC.
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https://www.vidavascular.com/fibroid-center/ https://www.yelp.com/biz/vidavascular-springfield https://www.yelp.com/biz/vidavascular-white-plains https://www.yelp.com/biz/vidavascular-forest-heights https://g.page/r/CUZgvWJp6-3GEAE
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