despondent-beauty · 4 months
Felt like making a new leivbunning.
Prugdunate [prug-DONE-it] (adjective): Extremely boring/irritating but simultaneously unstoppable/necessary.
Plain rice is a prugdunate food.
The prugdunate internet outages at my house are pissing me off like crazy.
School is often a prugdunate affair.
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despondent-beauty · 5 months
Ten words I like:
1. Prevaricate [pruh-VAR-ih-kate] (verb)
To lie, especially with the purpose of making others act in a certain way.
2. Promulgate [PRO-mul-gate] (verb)
For an official to distribute information they declare is true. Very associated with governments.
3. Leivbunning [LEAVE-bunning] (noun)
A neologism for the specific purpose of communicating a complex idea in a single word.
4. Apertate [a-PER-tait] (adjective)
Weird in an unsettling or evil way.
5. Lionize [LION-eyes] (verb)
To laude, idolize, and idealize. Usually applied to a person.
6. Holonym [HOLE-oh-nim] (noun)
A word labelling the physical object that other words belong to. 'Car' is a holonym of 'tire' because cars have tires.
7. Hypernym [HYPE-er-nim] (noun)
The conceptual supergroup of a specific word. 'Animal' is a hypernym of 'dog,' but so are 'mammal' and, if you want to be cute, 'friend.'
8. Ubiquitous [you-BIK-wit-us] (adjective)
Appearing everywhere.
9. Ascientific [ay-sigh-un-TIF-ik] (adjective)
Can't be proven or disproven. 'Science does not apply.'
10. Insouciance [in-SOO-see-ince] (noun)
Irreverent casualness. Lackadaisical attitude.
Extremists and radicals often prevaricate to paint themselves as more acceptable.
The president promulgated his new tax plan by way of national television and flyers.
The word 'nokoombian,' which refers to someone who is poor and blames it on not being an alpha male plus also holds incel ideology, is a leivbunning.
In the original 101 Dalmatians, Cruella de Vil is presented as a wicked woman with apertate fashion tastes and a casual indifference for life and law.
Taylor Swift is lionized by her fans, many of which claiming she can do no wrong.
I have a battery, a case, a motherboard, and a touchscreen. A holonym for all of these words is 'smartphone.'
Dogs, otters, birds, tree, worms, man, at the end of the day, one hypernym rules us all: Life.
Television became ubiquitous in American households sometime in the 1960s, though the racist programming common at the time served to divide the US even further between Caucasians and minorities.
The existence of God is ascientific, and that's fine; it's a personal choice to have (or refuse) faith in that which science can neither prove nor disprove.
The child giggled, dancing on the edge of the cliff with an insouciance that sent her mother into a full-on screaming sprint... only to discover that the 'cliff' was only two feet deep and that the seeming sheer drop was a trick of her distance and perspective.
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