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Lelouch and CC
"We have our contract. I promise to stay with you to the very end."
- CC to Lelouch, Code Geass Stage 23
Ig: rosas.pandab
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sweet-evie · 1 year
First I wanted to thank you for liking my post in regards to your poll. Second, you ship boy SuzaLulu and LelouchxCC? A person of culture, I see.
Post was pretty accurate 😆.
And yes I dooo~ SuzaLulu and CLuCLu 24/7... 😍 All three of them in one relationship is one of my faves too. 😁
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kanna-kizuchi-enjoyer · 8 months
this is funny as fuck trust me
even if you dont watch code geass its funny
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miss-princesspenney · 5 years
To the world, he is Zero
To many, he is Lelouch Lamperouge. To few, he is Lelouch vi Britannia. But to CC, he is all that and more.
Tragedy is the cost of battle; peace is its gain. You can not have one without the other. Lelouch did not start this war, neither will he end it. Rather, the part he plays is one of precision and patience, it is calculated vengeance, and the human condition. What he lives for and what he dies for are one in the same. Nary a cloud before his goals, only those emotions that keep him from losing his mind - a great casuality closer to plausible than anyone knows. He would be a fool to ignore that which kept him healthy and sane; things that make him human. No matter how many voices, names, or ideas that he took upon himself, he would only ever be a man. Unless, of course, his goal could be reached. Then he would be granted that which is forbidden from all other life; immortality. A gift bestowed unto him from a witch who knew him inside and out. An alien who had seen who he truely was, who saw who he could be, and decided that she could aide his efforts in ways he never could as just a man. He was now a man with a gift, a man who paid a price, but a man who had her at his side, there to protect and guide him so that he might make his transition. His metamorphasis from someone who merely lived to die, into someone who would live forever.
There are nights when he trudges into the darkness of his quarters without switching on the lights. He doesn't look at her - the girl who lays on his couch - but knows that she's there, watching him. His thin fingers on his steady hands grasp the face of his mask and slowly remove it. He's downcast, the weight of his gift on his shoulders; a burden. His mind will never regret his decision but will always question his ways. He tosses the helmet to the end of the bed. He unsnaps his cape and places it on a hook. He removes his coat and loosens the buttons of his shirt. He sits at the edge of his bed and puts his head in his hands. Silence on the outside, roar of emotion on the inside. His coping mechanisms wear thin, and sometimes the strings begin to tense and the stretch can almost be heard, like the whine of an untuned violin.
It's on nights like this, when sorrow is heavy on him, as musk is on an ox, that she will approach him. She lays a hand on his shoulder. He looks up into her unwavering face, in all its stoic beauty. She bends down and places a kiss to his lips. It draws him to the here and now, instead of the constant drowning he faces inside himself. She places both hands on his face and his eyes form tears. There are more words spoken in this one moment, a greater exchange from her soulful globes into his, than there ever will be. It makes him feel alive, trembling beneath her, her body beginning to fall into his. He remembers what its like to feel, to hear, to breath. She will press her lips into his again, her tongue will ask his to join her. They will lay together, him grasping her hips, her fingers in his hair. This man of tact, genius, and patience. He will meet her strength, loyalty, and compassion. She will undress him. She will move her lips across him. He will close his eyes, feeling the heat of her breath and silk of her touch. He will feel the heat in his groin and the knot in his stomach. She reaches him where he is, she can pull him up. She will not place him on a pedestal. She will not underestimate him. She will believe in him and know what he is capable of and she will reward him for it and comfort him when it hurts. She will slip out of her clothes - or rather his, he'll notice - with slow ease and finally, the rest of the world is forgotten, unbalanced against the sight of her skin in the static of night. His mind empties, and he knows it, but he doesn't fight. She will sink down to him and press herself against his chest. He will feel her plush bosom on his firm torso. He will groan. She will stroke him in the place he needs it most. He reaches for her with slender fingers and pulls her mouth to his once again, now lost in the feeling - in what can be the only pleasure hidden in his humanity. He feels her tight heat and wonders how he got by without it. Its never been anyone but her; he would be naive to say that will never change; and it would be insulting to believe it could ever be better with anyone else. Sweat beads. She whines. He moans. She purrs. He's close. She cries - like she can feel it the same way he does. He releases within her. It blinds them. It always does. He kisses her once again. She runs a hand through his hair, brushes it aside, kisses his forehead.
They sleep good on nights like these; they have created a sense of peace. He sleeps good for several nights. He will make practical decisions. He will make better plans. She will have made him more man than either of them knew he could be; all so that he could someday be more.
He won't know that she does it for her almost as much as she does it for him. Afterall, she was once a woman, as he will have once been a man.
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~art by unknown~
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therewillbebeauty · 7 years
something borrowed - cluclu
Lelouch sighed as he steadied himself against the doorframe. It had been a long day. His eyes blurred with exhaustion as he keyed in the password to his room, more thanks to muscle memory than any higher brain function. He exhaled, and the door slid open seamlessly, revealing the not-quite-comforting sight of his room in the palace. Using the Emperor’s Suite still felt wrong. He’d had the whole place gutted and re-done, but he could still feel his father’s eyes glaring at him from every corner, every shadow. Lelouch doubted he’d ever feel truly alone here.
He chuckled to himself. Of course he wouldn’t; C.C. insisted on sharing his quarters, claiming that he had the most comfortable bed, and that “I’m your accomplice, aren’t I? What if we need to conspire in the middle of the night? I can’t be seen sneaking into your room at night.”
Lelouch had argued that her sneaking into his room at any hour of the day was suspicious enough, but he’d let the issue drop.
For once, he let the clothes fall as they may on his floor as he disrobed. He was too tired to care, and besides, it wasn’t like C.C. didn’t already leave hers everywhere. The room was certainly no worse for wear because of his robes. The crown, however, he rested carefully on its form. He had dozens of robes, but only one crown; to have it appear wrinkled, crushed, or sullied would be imprudent.
C.C. was already in bed, clutching her Cheese-kun to her chest in her sleep. She shifted as he climbed into bed beside her, but didn’t stir. Lelouch suppressed a sigh of half-amusement, half-annoyance; as expected, she’d stolen all the covers and wrapped herself in a cocoon of sorts. A few tugs displaced enough sheet him, and Lelouch finally settled into the deep, dreamless sleep he’d been needing.
In the morning, which came far too early, Lelouch blinked his sticky eyes open as sunlight struck his face. He rubbed at his eyes with his hand in an attempt to wake himself enough to read the time of his clock. The rubbing didn’t do the trick, but the time itself certainly did: it was well past noon and approaching one in the afternoon.
Lelouch practically threw himself out of bed, and landed on the floor in an ungraceful heap. He looked back at the bed to see that he’d caught his foot in the blankets. Grumbling, he kicked his foot free, fretting all the while. Why hadn’t his alarm gone off? He’d missed several appointments already!
Finally, he made his way to his closet, and his already bad mood plummeted. In his sleep-deprived haze he could’ve sworn there was a fresh set of robes for today, but only plainclothes and special ceremony garb greeted him. He cursed, and moved to retrieve yesterday’s robes from the floor, only to come up short. The maid must have come in while he’d been sleeping and collected it for the laundry.
This day couldn’t get any worse.
Lelouch resigned himself to a day of house-arrest. Maybe he’d tell the staff he was sick or something to excuse his absence. He could use a chance to catch up on his sleep, and this could be the chance he needed to get ahead on paperwork. Completely reworking Britannian culture required quite a lot of paperwork, after all.
On the other hand, dissenters might take news of his poor health as an opportunity for assassination. He really didn’t want to experience his first death until he absolutely had to, for the sake of authenticity.
Still in his pajamas, Lelouch opened the door to his lounge. His jaw hit the floor. “C.C. … please return my robes.”
“Why do you get to wear the comfy robes while I have to wear that impractical dress?” C.C. countered, wiping the pizza grease from her delicate hands on the silky fabric. “This is much more comfortable, anyway. I’ve always preferred pants, ever since women started wearing them.”
“Just give me my robes.”
“Why can’t they be my robes? You try wearing that dress you made for me and see how you like it.”
“Firstly, no, I’m not wearing your dress. I told you, I’m never dressing as a woman ever again. Not since,” he shuddered, “not since that time in the Chinese Federation. And secondly, I’ll get you something else to wear, but I need those now!” Lelouch lunged for C.C., who danced gracefully out of his reach, a smile on her lips.
“Not so fast, dearest accomplice. How do I know you’ll keep your promise? You have a history of breaking those, you know.” She took another slice of pizza.
She said it so casually, but Lelouch winced anyways. He knew he was a liar through and through, but it was for the greater good. Having it thrown back in his face hurt.
He managed a half-smile and shrugged. “I promised I’d make you happy, didn’t I?”
C.C. considered him for a moment, and then set her pizza on the coffee table (without a coaster or plate; Lelouch shuddered again). “Fine. But I expect that alternative wardrobe by the end of the week.”
“Wardrobe?” Lelouch echoed dumbly. “I never agreed to …” he trailed off. “C.C.!”
“What?” she asked, arms raised over her head.
“I didn’t mean to start stripping in the middle of the lounge!”
“So fussy,” she tsked, passing him by on her way to the bedroom. “I’ll be right back, Your Majesty. Oh, and you might not want to shout so loud when you say such suggestive things,” she added with a smirk. “I’m sure your staff are very discreet, but you’re the one always worrying about decorum.”
Lelouch blushed as red as the jewels on his (C.C.’s) robes as his accomplice skipped off to their bedroom.
“Oh, by the way,” she called over her shoulder, “I’m the one who disabled your alarm, too.”
Lelouch slapped his head. “Why would you do that?”
“You weren’t waking up, and the sound was annoying me,” she explained matter-of-factly. “And, besides, you looked like you could use the rest.”
“Just hurry up and change, you stupid witch,” he sighed, plopping down onto the sofa. “I can still make some of my appointments in the evening.”
“Promise you won’t eat my pizza while I’m gone?”
“You’ll be lucky if there’s any left for you. You made me miss breakfast and lunch. I’m starving.” Lelouch selected a greasy, cheesy slice and chewed it slowly.
“Well, maybe I just won’t give you your clothes back, then,” she reasoned from the next room over. “Maybe I’ll toss them out the window.”
“Do it and Cheese-kun follows.”
C.C. gasped in indignation, and Lelouch smiled to himself as he finished his slice.
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aslaanjade · 4 years
Omg you watched code geass! Can I get a Lelouchxcc edit, please?? Be it from the latest movie, or not If you haven't watched it, original series will be alright!
Hi dear anon!!!! And yes, I did 💕💕 I watched it a long time ago but it’s one of my favorite anime ever!!!! So yeah, I’ll definitely take your request 💕💕!!!!! Thanks for requesting, really *^* !!!!!  💕💕
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ozenkalily · 6 years
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Resurrection SPOILERS!!
IT’S FUCKING LELOUCH X C.C. END GAME!!!!  \o/ MY 10 YR OLD SHIP HAS FINALLY SAILED!!! 😭😭😭 I AM SO EMOTIONAL AND HAPPY!!! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THIS DAY WOULD EVER COME??!! I honestly wasn’t expecting the movie to even address anything romance wise, or just figured they’ll have a ‘safe’ harem ending. BUT OMG 10+ YRS LATER AND MY BABIES ARE TOGETHER.  ❤️❤️❤️
Here’s some Lelouch x C.C. moments in chronological order. 
- C.C is on the phone with Shirley, thanking for her help. Next to her is someone wearing a hat, the wind blows and the face is revealed to be Lelouch. 
- Lelouch’s body is recovered but his mind is blank (child-like). There is also a geass mark on his chest. They travel around for a while trying to restore him.
- C.C being motherly and looks after Lelouch, cooking, carrying their luggage etc. Lelouch is unstable and has sudden outburst, C.C hugs and comforts him telling him that he won’t be harmed. (mirroring when Lelouch looked after C.C during her memory loss). 
- They both enter C’s world to search for Lelouch’s soul/heart. While near the brink of death, Lelouch’s memories awakens and he uses his geass to order the enemies to die (again, mirroring the anime scene). He then tells C.C that he’s back “Tadaima, Shi-tsu” and C.C replies “Welcome back, Lelouch” “Okaeri, Lelouch”
- Not a LelouchxCC moment, but after getting injured, Suzaku wakes up to see Lelouch, there is some weird BL face touching going on xDD where he tries to confirm that Lelouch is really back, then proceeds to punch him.
- C’s world is destroyed, Nunnally is saved. After the victory, Nunnally wants her and Lelouch to go back to how they were before. C.C seeing Lelouch, Suzaku and Nunnally finally reunited decides to leave quietly. Kallen tells her that she doesn’t need to go, but C.C says that she is not needed here. 
- Lelouch chases after C.C (out of breath after a few seconds LOL). He tells C.C. that he wants to go with her, C.C asks “what about Nunnally?”, Lelouch replies that Nunnally has grown up and he doesn’t need to worry anymore, the world no longer needs him. 
- C.C then argues what if his name is exposed, Lelouch says he can be “Lelouch Lamperouge”, so how about “L.L.” “Eru-tsu” (lmao). C.C is shocked, and laughs. Lelouch and a teary C.C hold hands and walks off. 
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Lelouch.: 待てよ、おい 、C.C. !  / “Wait, Oi, C.C. !” C.C.: なんだ。忘れ物か ?/ “What? Did you forget something?” Lelouch.: 一緒に......行く / “Let’s go.....together.” END CREDIT: (images showing everyone after the movie)
- Lelouch calls Shirley after leaving, she is crying.
- Suzaku (in new zero outfit) stands at the special zone in front of candles (Euphy memorial). A cat is there. 
- Jeremiah and Anya at an orange farm, Sayoko is on watch. 
- Lelouch and C.C walking in crowd/traveling together.  POST CREDIT: L.L & C.C IN COUPLE OUTFITS!!! (similar to the clamp illustration of them in black formal wear). Lelouch tells C.C that as long as he has the geass, she won’t die, Lelouch’s eyes are all red colored now. He then repeats the line C.C said to him that those with the power of geass are destined to be isolated to an unseen person (but it’s a little different, he says something about taking away the geass from those who are not prepared?). 
Incase Lelouch’s “L.L.” thing wasn’t clear enough, the movie pamphlet from the screening basically spells out that IT WAS A PROPOSAL!! (Lelouch wanting to change his name to C.C’s, like a married couple taking on the other’s name.)
“It might be a little hard to understand, but in actuality this is Lelouch’s own way of proposing.” - Taniguchi
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madara-fate · 7 years
Hi Senpai! It's been a while since I've read your posts in tumblr and I feel so refreshed and energized reading your new ones. I thoroughly enjoyed your post on favorite Code Geass scenes because I totally agree with all of them! I'm wondering who you ship in that anime. :) For me, it's the only show wherein I'm conflicted because Lelouch has a lot of personas. Student Lelouchx Shirley Savior of the world LelouchxCC Zero-Kallen What do you think? :)
Well honestly speaking, I never really actively shipped any of the Lelouch pairings, at least not by my definition of shipping. However, I suppose that if I had to choose one that I would have wanted to be canonised, it would have probably been Lelouch and Kallen. I guess in my opinion, Lelouch and C.C had more of the “accomplices” vibe, and Lelouch and Shirley, while cute, they lacked the chemistry that I think Lelouch and Kallen demonstrated.
Furthermore, I just think that Lelouch and Kallen just generally had far more sexual tension between them than any of the other Lelouch pairings ^_^
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catatankejahatan · 6 years
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Gue baru sadar scene ini.
Serius? Jadi selama ini Lelouch dan CC tidur satu ranjang? HAHAHAHAHA its more than sweet.
#codegeass #lelouchxcc #llxcc
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The Demon and his Witch
Watercolor process 💜💚
Ig: rosas.pandan
TikTok: ola.rosas.pandan
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artsy-alice · 9 years
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Code Geass | Lelouch and C.C. inspired by Semper Fidelis, my old Reincarnation AU fic from ye olde days
Maaaan, this took hours. Anyway, maybe I’m compensating because I’ve written tons about these two but I never drew them.
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thisvaryingexistence · 10 years
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Every CluClu fan ever.
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worthierset · 11 years
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artsy-alice · 11 years
A/N: Kinda rambly and more toned-down than its predecessor, but it's still my good ol' Lelouch and C.C. Contains stuff from The Second First Night and I Met You Once.
Genre: Romance/Hurt/Comfort Characters/Pairings: Lelouch/C.C. Summary: On their third first night, Lelouch didn't hold C.C., because to him, she was a stranger sleeping in his bed. Set in mid-R2.
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nihonarashi · 11 years
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the most perfect couple ever!
code geass, Lelouch C.C
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