#lemme kno yall's thoughts
baya-ni · 3 years
How Ep 7 Gave Us More Reasons to Hate ADAM, Beyond Being a Homewrecker: a Short Essay
Ok look, I know that we all hate ADAM for a multitude of reasons including but not limited to: driving wedge between renga, traumatizing reki, engaging in weird pedophilic bullshit with Langa, and just being a creep in general. But it's this scene from ep 7 between ADAM and Tadashi in particular that really infuriates me...
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And I don't see a lot of analysis of the truly horrid implications of this scene so I’ve taken it upon myself. In this essay, I’ll dive into ADAM/Tadashi flashback scene of ep 7, exploring the dynamics of their relationship through a class lens, and demonstrating the true extent to which ADAM deserves to be shot between the eyes. Ok let’s do it.
Early on in the season, we get a clear sense of ADAM's character as pompous and condescending, if not through the way he skates but through the way he treats his secretary; he degrades Tadashi, calls him names, shows no gratitude despite Tadashi’s unfailing service and compliance.
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And ADAM's abuse of Tadashi culminates in ep 7, when we learn that ADAM plans on letting Tadashi take the fall for his acts of political corruption.
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But what I find truly awful is the reason why ADAM is going to let Tadashi take the fall. In ep 7, we get this flashback:
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So these scenes tell us is that ADAM was first groomed by his father (then later by his aunts) to occupy some position of great influence in society, in business, in politics, or something similar. He was probably born into great wealth (since his family could afford to send him to America for school) and was expected to take up the mantel as family patriarch or something like that.
And in this scene, it’s implied that in an attempt to get ADAM to finally “grow up”, his father forces him to give up skating, trashes his board, and sends him away to America. Tadashi witnesses this, and clearly sympathizes with ADAM, but doesn't speak up for him.
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And supposedly, ADAM feels so betrayed by Tadashi's silence...
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...That he carries this grudge into his adult life, and it fuels his abusive behavior towards Tadashi. This is so utterly fucked up for so many reasons.
This scene takes place when ADAM was still a teenager, which means that Tadashi has served as his assistant/secretary for many, many years. I wouldn't be surprised if Tadashi's family has been serving ADAM's family for generations; Tadashi's loyalty to ADAM despite the abuse seems to imply such is the case- he has an inherited obligation to remain at ADAM's side.
But I also do think that Tadashi genuinely cares for ADAM, at least the person he used to be. If Tadashi has been tied to ADAM's family since ADAM was a teen, it's likely that they grew up together, and were probably close friends. One can imagine that ADAM often confided in Tadashi, trusted him and shared with him his love for skating. And though ADAM had skating friends like CHERRY and JOE, Tadashi would be the only one to understand the full extent of the expectations placed on ADAM to give up anything unrelated to his career and the success of his family.
My point is that Tadashi obviously feels guilty about not speaking up- its probably a big reason why he's so determined to stay by ADAM's side and why goes along with every one of ADAM’s dangerous skating (and skating related) stunts. He failed to support ADAM in the past, so he does so now. But ADAM hasn't forgiven Tadashi and never will...
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Rather, ADAM’s bitterness and resentment runs so deep, he sees Tadashi as nothing but a disposable tool.
But here’s the kicker, this backstory is some great drama (and I’ve been dying to know what the whole deal with Tadashi is) but the relationship between ADAM and Tadashi tells us a lot about what kind of person ADAM is, and why we should hate him for more than just being a renga homewrecker.
If we step back for a moment and and analyze the flashback a bit more objectively (that is, without much consideration for either of these characters’ personalities) what we have is a deeply troubling power imbalance.
Fundamentally, Tadashi is ADAM’s employee, and has been for all of ADAM’s adult life. No matter how fond ADAM might have been of Tadashi in the past, the gap in their wealth and class would have prevented them from ever being equals.
Tadashi has always had more to lose than ADAM.
And this holds especially true for the events of the flashback. What ADAM expected was for a Tadashi, who at the time couldn’t have been much older than ADAM, so literally a teenager, to jeopardize his livelihood by standing up to ADAM’s father, essentially the boss of his boss, in a culture that stresses respect for your superiors above almost all else, just so his skinny privileged ass could skateboard. It’s the entitlement and sheer willful Ignorance of that sentiment that really makes my skin crawl.
And again, this office scene illustrates an earlier point I made that Tadashi always has more to lose than ADAM.
See how despite whatever trauma ADAM experienced in being made to give up skating and being sent away to America, he’s now one of the wealthiest and most influential political figures in Japan such that he has police chief in his pocket. He’s one of the greatest skaters the underground skating scene has ever witnessed and the founder of S, the most popular skating race in the region.
He hasn’t suffered one bit, yet Tadashi has lost everything.
Blackmailed and abused, a forced accomplice and fall guy for ADAM’s political corruption, Tadashi is a hostage and a victim, all because of one moment many years ago when a teenage Tadashi dared to choose self preservation over self sacrifice.
It makes me sick.
But at the same time, cheers to the writers for getting me to hate a character so singularly for so many reasons. I’m now very invested in Tadashi’s character and I so hope we get to see him team up with The Gang and the Inspector to get ADAM’s ass thrown in jail.
So in sum, Eat The Rich, Tadashi supremacy, thank you all for coming to my TedTalk.
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varibean · 5 years
ohohoho sylas and seiji for that ship meme if im not the first anon to ask for it!! (also has anyone picked a good ship name for them? seijlas?? sylji??? sogabois?????)
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you guys….you guys Get Me
send in a ship for this ship meme pls
who hogs the duvetseiji, boy hates the cold 
who texts/rings to check how their day is goingsince seiji just kind of waltzes right into sylas’ room cus he heard about him dropping out, it seems like he’s the one to rlly check on sylas, so imma say seiji. modern au with phones and stuff he probably texts sylas memes throughout the day
who’s the most creative when it comes to giftssylas ‘i wrote poems for my old crush and would’ve done interpretation dance if i thought it would win her over’ dubois. tbh i don’t see them being? super big on gifts rlly. sylas probably writes some poetry or something when he wants to be Extra Romantic, even if it’s not really seiji’s speed and maybe seiji buys something that just Screams Sylas every now and then
who gets up first in the morningsylas: early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise!seiji: early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy but socially deadbut tbh if given the opportunity they’d both sleep in
who suggests new things in bedi can’t do this i’m sorry 
who cries at moviesdepends on the movie tbh, i don’t really see either of them being Movie Criers. but on the flip side if a snake gets hurt in a movie There Will Be Tears From Sylas
who gives unprompted massagesi was gonna say neither but sometimes seiji just looks at the Bundle Of Stress that is sylas dubois and is like ‘something has to be done about this come here 
who fusses over the other when they’re sicksylas
who gets jealous easiesti mean…
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who has the most embarrassing taste in musicimplying that either of these two have good taste in music
who collects something unusualdon’t really see either as the collector type but if it counts sylas collects Cool Snacts (snake facts)
who takes the longest to get readyit’s sylas it’s so sylas, you’d think having a wardrobe that’s basically just button ups and vests would be easy to maintain but you’d be wrong
who is the most tidy and organisedsylas definitely, not to say that seiji is Super Messy but sylas likes thinks tidy 
who gets most excited about the holidaysseiji gets excited about getting drunk during the holidays if that counts
who is the big spoon/little spoonsylas is the big spoon and seiji is the lil and sylas is practically curled up around him with all of his long and lanky limbs. encased in Boy
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sportsseiji 
who starts the most argumentsseiji 
who suggests that they buy a pettwo familiars is enough for them but like…“sylas you already have a snake why would you want another snake, it can’t even talk ok just we don’t need just a regular old snake” 
what couple traditions they haveimma be honest i’m drawin a blank on this one cus i don’t rlly know what classifies as ‘couple traditions’, help me out 
what tv shows they watch togethermodern au i feel like sylas would get seiji to watch some kind of period dramas or something
what other couple they hang out withnone, any couple hang out or double date activity with any of the other couples in ns? doesn’t go well
how they spend time together as a couplethey just kinda like…hanging out. being in each other’s presence? nothing really overtly romantic or couple-y, they’ll just walk around, talk, enjoy being with each other and banter a bit 
who made the first movedont make me think about this cus on one hand you have seiji ‘slowly coming to terms with his feelings but not knowing what to do with them’ soga and on the other hand you have sylas ‘describes himself to a Tee as seiji’s type but still doesn’t realize he has a crush on him’ dubois so like…these two are disasters. i feel that in the end probably seiji
who brings flowers homesylas!!!!
who is the best cooki don’t feel like either of them rlly cook but if they were living on their own or something it would probably be sylas who learns. probably finds it relaxing and nice, experiments with recipes and seiji is the official Taste Tester
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bumblebet-20 · 5 years
Alright fam...
I was talking to someone I work with and she lived in England for 4 months and had a FANTASTIC time.
So now I'm thinking of moving to Italy for a while and see if I like it. Maybe move there 🤷‍♀️
I've been researching the safest/best cities to move to in Italy and I need your opinions:
Venice?? Idk if anyone can cause 1: it's a small island 2: it's really only original families who live there but🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ 3: no reception/ wifi anywhere
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ijustwantagoodurl · 3 years
Overanalyzing WoH ep 1
Hey folks! Name’s Erazmus, I’m a chicano ex-cinema major, and was in a few AV camps/programs so lemme share my “i am thinking about the crew” thoughts w yall. i need yall to know the LOVE and THOUGHT that went into everything you see in this show. Spoilers for each episode, obviously.
This first shot isn’t like . particularly “CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY DID THAT?” i just appreciate it. its the governer’s lil lamp- a moth gets caught in the flame just as window of heaven comes knocking, and the moth dies just as he attempts to flee for safety. It’s an additional lil “this guy AINT surviving the night” a few min before he dies and it really struck me the first time I watched it. something so apt about how the moth dies without any fanfare i think?
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but THIS. THIS is the shot I need yalls attention for. this. its just SO much. this is when ZZS is leaving the lil Makeup Hut as I’ll go ahead and call it, after leaving Window of Heaven and after doing his lil transformation. I didn’t quite catch it, but the beginning of this shot is ENTIRELY dark. and as Zhou Zishu steps forward, away from the camera, he lets in all this VIVID light and takes a moment to adjust his robes and enjoy the sunlight.
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THAT BRIGHTNESS? The way the green and the bright sun and the soft brown of the building and finally Zhou Zishu himself is ALIVE? the way this shot goes from Complete Darkness to Bright and Colorful... the c a r e. the love the crew had . the way Zhang Zhehan’s blocking starts off this shot, this moment in the story, in absolute darkness and how he has to step forward first into the light so that it comes in on the edges first as he steps into the middle of this pavilion the editors and script not only allowing us the time to slowly adjust to the light and the colors with Zhou Zishu himself, in this moment in his own story, but the way the next shot is STILL letting us breathe with him and his freedom.
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This? how we are ENCOURAGED to sit a moment, in this place with this character. Zhou Zishu taking a moment to breathe, close his eyes and simply feel the sun on his face (his new face!!) and . how Simple it is to enjoy the sun, and how much Light is a thing in word of honor. The Respect the script writers and actors and camera and lighting crews, not to even fuckin mention makeup and costume designers, the Respect and Love and Care they take with this, with us, with them and their story and their world. its insane.
I’m trying to keep it to about one shot an episode for now but this HAD to be the shot. I’m about to cry just thinking about this shit. the fucking. ghghhh.
anyways. I also made a google slides about ep 1, its got a few extra shots and the various counters I have for visual cues/symbols they have here.
Uhh lemme kno if that doesnt work. anyways have a very good brainrot <3
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versatilewindow · 4 years
Food Poisoning, or Something More?
Find it on Ao3
Summary: Reader gets food poisoning, inspired by true events
Warnings: somewhat graphic depiction of throwing up/illness, implied afab reader
A/N: when I started writing this I intended a quick lil drabble, but alas
Rintaro was in bed, passing the time till he fell asleep for the night watching a random youtube video when the texts from you came in. Babe please come over, then another text, my stomach hurts, then the last, I rlly need u rn. He responded quickly, u kno u can just tell me when u wanna have sex, u dont have to pretend ur stomach hurts or something. He saw the three dots appear and waited for the response, i spent the last 10 min voming in the toilet. Worry filled Rin’s head, calculating the amount of time it would take to stop by the nearest drugstore to pick up some supplies before texting you back, 20 min. 
Walking into your apartment with a bag filled with medicine, sports drinks, and snacks, in his rush to get to you, he forgot to ask what medicine you already had, so he got whatever would seem useful. He called out to you, “Bunny? I’m here.” not that he needed a response, he could hear your retching from across the apartment. Rushing into the bathroom, Rin kneeled next to you, redoing the messy ponytail that you put up, rubbing your back, muttering encouraging words so that you would finish and he could comfort you. He flushed the toilet while you hovered over the toilet for a few seconds, making sure the wave of nausea passed before trying to get up. Suna followed your movements, setting his hands on your waist to steady your swaying while you washed out your mouth in the sink. “Please tell me you haven’t spent the last twenty minutes vomiting.”
“No, I haven’t. But it sure felt like it.” Your boyfriend’s eyebrows furrowed that these words. Your voice was hoarse, skin washed out from its usual glow, the exhaustion clear in every aspect of your appearance. You buried your face in his chest, grabbing his shirt with labored breath. “Thank you for coming. I know it’s gross.”
Your words were just loud enough for him to hear. “It’s no problem bun-bun, I brought you some stuff, it's in the kitchen.” Rin pulled you out of the bathroom you were holed up in, setting you down on your couch. He walked away from you, presumably to get whatever it was he brought, and you shut your eyes, savoring the calm in the waves of nausea. You heard the rustling in the kitchen, pots and pans clanging, bringing your headache to stir and push down on your temples. While massaging your forehead, your favorite fuzzy blanket was pulled over your crossed legs, large hands replacing yours on your head. Rin kissed the crown of your head. “I have some soup heating up for you, and Pocari Sweat, and some meds.” He moved around the couch to sit on the coffee table in front of you. “Did you eat anything weird today? Did one of your co-workers have the flu recently? Because I don’t wanna catch whatever you have.”
You thought for a moment before responding, “I, uh, don’t think anyone was sick at work recently. I don’t think it's contagious then. Uhh Mina from school, it was her birthday, so we went to that new barbeque place for lunch.” Your words were slower paced than they usually were, taking all your effort to say something comprehensible. “I texted the groupchat, they said they were feeling ok, but um I think it was Hana? She said she didn’t feel too great, but nothing like me.”
“You’re not pregnant are you? Because as much as I like getting called daddy, I don’t really wanna hear it from a kid, only from you.” 
You look straight into his eyes, he winks, “Shut the fuck up. And no, I took a test, it was negative.”
“That’s good then, lemme check on the soup.” He got up, patting your head as you leaned back into the couch. He came back quickly, bowl and bag of “goodies”. As you slowly spooned the broth into your mouth, Rin pulled out a few bottles of Pocari Sweat, a bottle of anti-nausea medicine, some crackers, and finally the two greatest items in the bag, strawberry pocky and chuupets. You froze when you saw those, quickly putting down your soup to make grabby hands at the pocky and chuupet, but he lifted them out of your reach, “Nuh-uh, not until you feel better, you’d just throw them up now.” You gave him the best pout you could, but Rin stayed firm in his words, putting the treats back in the bag.
Rintaro spent the rest of the night taking care of you, grabbing whatever you needed, massaging your stiff stomach, letting you sleep against him while you slept sitting on the couch (he insisted that you stay upright, telling you how google said it would help the heartburn), and continuing to hold your hair back when you were dry heaving (there wasn’t any food in your stomach to vomit up by 3 am). You were settling into bed around five am, exhausted from staying up so long, ready to at least try and get peaceful sleep when Rin said, “So I know we already discussed this and have concluded you have food poisoning, but what if you just have a tapeworm? Google said it’s basically the same symptoms-”
“What the fuck Rin? A tapeworm? Who even gets tapeworms?”
“Well Google said people usually get them in contaminated pork or beef, and you got barbeque.”
“It would be an egg on the meat, and eggs take time to grow Rin-Rin, I’m pretty sure the gestational period for tapeworm eggs is not 8 hours.”
“But Babe, think about it, a pet tapeworm.” The bedroom was dark, but Rin felt your eyes burning through his skull. “You said you wanted a pet, so we go to the doctor’s get the tapeworm removed, and make him an aquarium.”
You deeply sighed, shaking your head, “When I said a pet, I meant a bunny, or a cat. Not a parasite.”
“I’d call the worm Mustard-”
“Goodnight Rin.”
The next day, Rin stayed with you, making sure you were okay. You felt infinitely better than the night before, with only a lingering headache reminding you of the situation. There was a knock on the door during your lunch, it was your friend Mina, “Oh honey, I’m so sorry you got sick yesterday, I feel so bad, I brought your favorite food to make up for it.” She placed a white plastic bag on your table.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s not your fault.” 
Rin took your empty bowl, replacing it with another, and ruffled your hair, “C’mon babe, you’re eating for two now.” The mischievous grin was obvious on his face.
Mina blushed, “Oh-oh my god...are you pregnant? Is that why you were sick? Is it a boy or a girl?”
A proud smile on his face, Rintaro replied, “It’s a tapeworm,” earning him a hard smack on the stomach.
A/N: yeah i got food poisoning from eating too much japchae, too much fiber makes ur intestine say no, and your stomach acid go crazy, dont recommend, but it inspired the fic! hope yall liked it! Leave a comment saying why you liked it! or why you didn't like it!
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meltwonu · 3 years
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😎 hope you found UIMY hehe 💕💕💕 WE’RE NOW ON CH 2 OF 5 ISN’T THAT CRAZY?!?! 🤣
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kdjhdkh LOL I'm sorryyyy 😭😭😭 its so short so u kno I had to drag it out a weeeeee longer 😭💕💕💕
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HE WOULD BE SUCH A GOOD PARTNER!! I definitely feel like he’d be the shy type at first tho... which is why fratboy!wonwoo is such 😌💕 like HE HAS SO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE BUT DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO SHOW IT YKWIM 😭😭 And thank you so much! 🥺💕
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I gotchu 💕 I know this week was sooooo much to take in for a lot of reasons and I was like, proofreading like, lemme change this and add a lil more fluff I think we all need it 😅💕 Thank you as well!! 💕
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galactawhorez · 4 years
*sighs* here you go guys since i haven’t posted in a minute 
<3 Galacta!
Lemme get the Egg foo young no egg
You still want the foo young?
damn bruh you’re a dumbass
that’s a possibility
who cooked dis fuckin rice? mama mia this shit crunchy 
ima go instigate 
dont do it
i gotta get shit poppin 
i never seen no shit like this 
tf going on back here?
we making shrimp fried rice , not shrimp fried ice
this shit cold
why the fuck are you at the Chinese place?
why the fuck people cant cook some 
is what i need to know
i ordered a egg foo young. no egg
foo young? 
did you hear me or not?
oh...i hear..the bullshit
cook that mf egg and take the shit out
you order egg foo young 
you get egg foo young
fuck the egg bruh just put in the foo young
you egg foo dumb
good god that was cheesy
you want egg and cheese?
i might fuck everybody up in this restaurant
Y E E T 
wtf is going on in here?
had to handle a little situaaaation~ 
big fuck up
you alright?
i cant fight this mf , you gotta do it
hey buddy, look at me
you’re trapped i here forever
he got me in a fuckin shadow realm
there’s no way for you to get out
yo where’s the exit?
this is my world you can’t escape
the fucking door is right here
Hi Galacta here i don’t kno wtf baku said right there sheesh okay back with the video!
yall mfs weird..witch craft and wizardy shit
alright fuck the egg foo young i want some lo mein
Lo mein?
how about mid mein
bc you smokin mid
you got egg foo lung
what is that? is he speaking italics?
its italean
this mf been eating stromboli
just make the damn chinese food
why you let this fuckhead in the kitchen?
ima go take my seat den
im boutta just start cooking at home
here’s your order
hold up
yall better be ready for action
cause aint nothing on this plate
thats what you ordered
yall love bullshittin huh?
hey buddy, look at me
dam he got me
im boutta beat some assets in this kitchen
if that lo mein aint cooked
| yung cash register aka lil broomstick |
yo nobody working in the front?
i had the teriyaki chicken with brown rice
two mfs in the kitchen fucking around?
| yung cash register aka lil broomstick |
damn alright then ill take the white rice 
take your bitch ass elsewhere
| yung cash register aka lil broomstick |
damn alright then ill take the brown rice
homie you got a table already?
| yung cash register aka lil broomstick |
ima wait outside
alright im coming
| yung cash register aka lil broomstick |
tf was you doing back in the kitchen?
you know me i gotta be problematic at all causes
| yung cash register aka lil broomstick |
thats understandable 
you know food services always on some shit 
you probably aint getting that rice
here’s your order
| yung cash register aka lil broomstick |
bruh wtf
listen i got money
we got a problem back here?
| yung cash register aka lil broomstick |
yeah we do 
*gun clicks*
this job really aint worth it
i’m going back to popeyes
| yung cash register aka lil broomstick |
had off that damn teriyaki chicken 
and take the egg foo young
| yung cash register aka lil broomstick |
thats what the fuck i thought
alright bro we good
finally you ain’t pay did you 
| yung cash register aka lil broomstick |
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kirayamidemon · 7 years
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Happy White Day~~!!!
Well, not yet, but I thought I’d post this bit early haha. I figured since I didn’t make valentine cards, I might make some for white day instead (this is why i don’t make cards cause i suck at coming up with shitty pickup lines romantic one liners)
White Day is a month after Valentines (3/14,yall might be more familiar with it as being Pi Day) and it’s basically the opposite of Valentines celebrated in Asian countries, where the guys who’ve received chocolates return the favor to the girls by giving gifts. So here are the boys presenting their gifts to you after your confession on Valentines! Think of it as the ‘once-they’ve-had-time-to-collect-themselves-they-try-to-save-face-by-being-smooth-and-suave-as-fuck-but-ultimately-failing’ version of that lol
So guys, if you wanna use the cards, you can trick convince your significant other that its double the guy affection they’re receiving, from both you and the boy of your choice eeeyyyyyy~ *finger guns* And while it’s traditionally for guys, don’t let that stop you girls, yall are free to use the cards!
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kazuchikaokada · 4 years
I dont understand why people cant keep their thoughts on here in the tags or smth like i dont need u to write an essay about how much kazu annoys u n how satisfying it was when kota hit him with the briefcase under MY gifset. i literally do not wanna kno. like why do people feel the need to let me kno at every given oppprtunity that they dislike kazu, that he dont deserve shit, that he sucks n idk what. yall can make ur own goddamn posts n lemme love n support my fave in peace but NO ruinin my day is more fun rite??? im honestly tired of it. its exhausting. i wanna ignore it but when i have to deal with this shit on an almost daily basis its rlly gettin too much.
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teruthecreator · 4 years
this is definitely a valid way to spell the ship name, and i might have to take a strawpoll as to what looks more aesthetically pleasing
but how i got to zaner for the ship name is i found the letter both their names share and then tacked on beginning and ending letters. 
there are two letters proceeding and following the n (in this case the “za” of zana’s and the “er” of rainer’s), so i just made it that hgbjrgbjgrh
i originally spelled it zanier bc i thought rainer’s name was spell ranier, but now i’ve realized zanier is another form of “zany” so im glad i ditched it hjgrbhjgb 
should it be zainer tho?? hmmmm lemme kno what yall think
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TTB is a straight male who works in accounting , who knew?
.......so lemme try and understand the enigma that appears to be your mind, you saw an anonymous ask sent to pgb's sister (@thetitsmcgee), thought it to be true information - because there's no way there is a bias from THAT source -, and then ran to tell me, the kaylor url, this clearly false information about the biggest kaylor in the fandom and one of my mutuals.
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also lets just take a gander at this shit
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first of all it's y'all gag me, second wrrow much source such reliability
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THEN this source is """allegedly""" spade. who was a kaylor at one point b/c she didnt like cowpatty. "and hasnt [believed in kaylor] for a while" "she never really believed in kaylor" soooooo which one is it 🤔 she USED to believe but HASNT for a while or she never believed. in addition, if this source is a source b/c they are deep within the web of hollywood, why would this person EVER have believed in kaylor??? if you have so much insider info it rly wouldnt be hard to figure out if taylor and karlie are together or not lmao, so are they just fucking dumb? also this source joined our ~crazy conspiracy cesspool~ to take the piss on calvin then jumped ship as soon as he was gone and decided itd be a fun lil hobby to trick us - sounds like a reasonable smart fella 👌👌👌 ALSO if this source IS spade right, literally all that has to happen is an encriminating conversation screenshot between this "source" and ttb w/ info blacked out, its literally that easy to be 100% sure, so the fact that she BELIEVES they are the same but isn't SURE when the confirmation would literally be THAT easy is telling. but she IS sure enough to believe this person has a fucking clue who ttb is - sounds legit. AND IF THIS IS SPADE YOU JUST OUTED THAT SHE'S A FUCKING MOLE, MORON
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i dont need a kaylor spin shes schmoozing for cats with the academy voters you fucking eggplants
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if you use female and you are a female you are BANNED from womanhood i dont make the rules srry (and there are like SEVERAL anons using that word as a basis of evidence aldjalajakalajakajaabag yall are......there are worms in your brains.)
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i dont even kno what to say here so ill let the images speak for themselves. yikes.
anyway i blocked them tho so legitimately like
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ask-gangreen-snake · 5 years
Descriptive Character Profile
//saw this going around so i thought i’d give it a try! i got it from @obvidalous (lemme kno if u want me to untag u) but i’m not sure who the OP is
Full name: Sanford D. (Daiki) Ingleberry
Gender: Nonbinary
Sexuality: nblm
Pronouns: Any! (Though he favors ‘they’)
Family: Mother: Kohaku Ingleberry (deceased), His Father Who Shall Not Be Mentioned (deceased) and of course the Gangreen Gang
Birthplace: The City of Townsville
Job(s): Barista and part-time piercing artist
Phobias: the dark, enclosed spaces
Guilty pleasures: smoking and eating horrible junk food
Morality alignment: chaotic good
Sins:  Lust / gluttony / pride / envy / wrath  / sloth
Virtues:  Charity / diligence / kindness / patience / justice
T H I S   O R   T H A T
introvert / extrovert / in between
organised / disorganised / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / restless / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
OTP: Snarchie (snake/archie), Snickers (snake/rick- this one, to be specific: @metal-mindfuck)
Acceptable ships: - i don’t care long as that shit is safe sane and consensual 
BroTP: the whole gang tbh, snacy
NOTP: uhhhh i ain’t got one? ship w/e yalls
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no one asked but I can’t sleep so I’m gonna order the Hargreeves siblings from most attractive to least attractive and why I think that. now I will preface this by saying of course this is just my opinion, the humble opinion of a stupid bisexual monster.....but I am right and this is the only correct ordering of these characters in terms of hotness.
click the read more for some spicy takes. 
1. Right off the back. The hottest is Allison. 
side note: Be honest with me. OF COURSE the top two spots were gonna be Allison and Vanya. They are the only two of the siblings with real jobs. Luther, Klaus, Five are unemployed disasters. Diego lives in a boiler room in A GYM. And Ben is dead. Get real.
Now why is Allison first place and not Vanya? Simple. She got money. Now you may call me a gold digger, shallow, a fool (all of which are true and valid descriptions of who I am) but as a mentally ill, broke as hell, trash person I am very VERY attracted to a little bit of sugar, ya kno what I mean? Anyway besides the money, Allison is funny, fun, beautiful, charismatic, and yes a little self-centered but I can get with it. Plus she’s going through a divorce. Now I know that sounds bad but I am a fucking exposed emotional nerve and I need someone who can meet me at that level and a messy divorce will do that to ya. 
2. Second is Vanya. Of course. Listen, her life as a sad, poor, violinist living in a shitty but also tragically romantic one-bedroom apartment in a big city is what sapphic dreams are made of. She is nice and wears flannel. My big gay heart can only take so much before I fall in love. Now she DID cause the apocalypse and yes she does have some major emotional baggage but listen...so what. I wanna wake up every morning and make her coffee while we live out our quiet, broke as hell, artist lives together. She can play Vivaldi and I can write poetry and in the summer we’ll go swimming. 
3. Well now this is conundrum. Who the fuck of the literal disasters stands above the rest. The answer is *drum roll* DIEGO now I know what you’re thinking, “but Briana!!!! He wears leather pants and a sweater un-ironically and thinks its cool and also lives in a boiler room :CCCC.” The thing is...I have never really understood irony in the slightest. If you gonna do/believe/say/wear/create anything??? Why not do it whole-heartedly and earnestly? And my boy Diego is nothing if not painfully earnest. He covered up what was potentially robot homicide just cuz he loves his moms. He carries knives around and wears the same outfit everdya...wait this line of thought is not doing Diego any favors. Let's move on. Diego is a Momma’s Boy. Plus, of the male cast, David Castaneda IS the hottest. Go check out that video where he is doing crunches. I felt on fire, man. Plus he is the onlu guy with a job. 
4. Ben. Yes, he’s dead. But I watched Casper. I know that love transcends the confines of life and death. And I get that choosing the literal dead guy over the other three seems...callous. But that’s only because it is............Anyway! Ben is funny, he’s cute, and likes to read. 
5. Klaus. Now you may be thinking, “Briana...really? really??? you gonna do Five and Luther like that?? Klaus is an addict.” And to that I say, “you really need to check yourself about your unfair prejudices against people with addictions. Addiction is not about moral bankruptcy or a show od poor chracter. It is instead based on things like emotional trauma, undiagnosed mental illness, etc. and you need to get fucking real and decolonize ur mind.” Anyway. Klaus is, underneath it all, a lost soul who is just figuring out his life and recovering from a life of addiction and abuse. He and I would have a lot to talk about. 
6&7. Now....I’ve grouped these two together. Not because character-wise I think of Luther and Five on the same level. Both are absolute disasters and both of them made poor decisions but what were the best conclusions they could draw from the information that they had at the time. No....I put them here at the bottom because this isn’t America’s Best Friend Race. This is a list of how attracted Briana is to fictional characters. And Luther has an ape body. Five is in the body of a 13 year old. Mama ain’t a furry and she ain’t a pedo. Based on personality alone? Five would have been #3 but it ain’t just about personality and that’s the ugly truth. I'm talking about fucking as much as I'm talking about feelings and I'm not fucking an ape and I ain't fucking a kid. You got a problem with that lemme give you a neat little hotline to vent ur anger out on: 911. It is absolutely free to seek Jesus yall.
Anyway. I’m bi as fuck and I have no regrets about what I’ve said and what I’ve done. 
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pigstepmp3-moved · 5 years
9-1-1 as marvel characters?
ok um im kinda bad at things like this, but im going to Try My Best to make this as accurate as possible. if any of yall have Better suggestions tho, def feel free to lemme kno. and i’m basing all my thoughts on the mcu cause thats the Only marvel stuff that im familiar w kfahdjf
honestly....... the First thing i thought when i read this was buck being steve
bobby is def bruce..... the Voice Of Reason tm
chim is probs tony
maddie! is! pepper!!! not jus bc chim is tony, but also bc maddie And pepper are tuff yet Soft ladies who own my heart and theyre both Too Good for their mans
honestly........ eddie is probably......... bucky. not jus bc buck is steve but bc theyre both veterans and would kick their mans ass if (read: when) hes being an idiot
um!!!! athena is valkyrie!!!! she kicks Ass and looks dam good doing it!!!!
hen gives me sum gamora vibes tbh.... tuff lady whos def secretly Soft af
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lovinglukas-blog1 · 6 years
well what’d u know,,,,, the bitch did it. from the award winning maker of Grumpy Ass Gerard comes Lukas: Big Dumb Puppy
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SO,,,,,,,,, here’s what u need to kno abt bby boy lukas
grew up a spoiled LA boy ngl
never rly got to see mama much tho due to her bein an fbi agent and all
he’s p popular and well liked, has a lot of friends so childhood’s p great
until his mama is killed in action under suspicious circumstances
gets p fucking paranoid from here on out, always questioning ppls motives, making them jump thru hoops to prove they’re “real friends”
lowkey manipulative but he does have a natural persuasion to him, plus who could say no to that face
Big Dumbass
Really, Massive Big Fucking Dumbass
how did he graduate high school?????
then papa gets diagnosed w/early onset alzheimer’s
lukas moves them out to what he hopes would be a quieter, calmer place for him to take care of his dad & get his BA in criminal justice
AKA Valdez
while studying there he meets someone who befriends him, slowly starts talking abt a “group” he was apart of, eventually gets lukas interested
tells him all he has to do is remember conversations, especially at his local police dept internship interview, then come back to him & tell him what happened and he’d get money!!
lukas agrees w/out much thought bc he needs the money for papa
also bc hes a DUMBASS
gets the internship & continues this throughout, only finds out whole truth when sworn into the dept as a full fledged officer 2 yrs ago
was rly upset and mad that he’d been made a fool of like that but at the same time,,,,,,,, this “friend” is offering him a real position now. be a crooked cop, and collect 2 paychecks. that’d definitely cover the treatments and help his papa needs
in the end he agrees to do it
feels hella guilty abt it but!
he’s always been a party boi and when off duty just drinks booze like its water and eats drugs like they’re candy
overall he’s a sweet boy, a gentle giant
literally giant
fc is 6′5, no, im not joking
he’s v loyal
loves to fucc tho lmao
lives in a decently sized apartment w/his dad and 2 kitties
EDIT: forgot to add he’s epileptic!! takes his meds every day tho so usually no issues unless he cant get to it for whatever reason
OK OK i’ve rambled enough!!! the rest abt my bby boy is here! yall lemme kno what u think n shit ok!!!!
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creatingchimera · 6 years
Final Space God Tiers??
so ive been working on a homestuck crossover au and oof god tiers are more difficult to assign than i thought
heres what i have so far!
Gary: Maid of Blood/Breath
Quinn: Mage of Mind
Avocato: Knight of Doom
Little Cato: Prince of Time
Tribore: Witch of Hope
If yall have any ideas, lemme kno!
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