#lemme rb some fics in a bit
chigirisprincess · 10 months
one day i will write suga x teacher reader and it will be selfish, and delicious, and beautiful
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skullvins · 3 years
Can you give me some Omega(or aviator) headcannons its not that I don't have any ideas I just don't have any ideas (the fish surfs alone without tumbler ) Also sorry if Im bothering you
nah dw! I can go over a few
bisexual, she/they enby. just turned 20 at debut, is about 21 going on 22 at this point in the manga.
vintage's older half sister by about a year. she got into turf first, which got him into it when he was old enough to play
on good terms with her biological father, who she goes to see sometimes (and did so as she was growing up). she sometimes feels a little disconnected from the rest of her family (mother/stepfather/vintage) because of it, but it's not a big deal
knows vintage better than he knows her (because she's MUCH quieter than him)
a lil on the chubby side, but only a little bit. like vin, she's particularly pale
her eyes are naturally light blue, she wears red contacts to match vin and the team's aesthetic. because of how my other hcs go, her natural ink colour is also light blue (unlike vin's, which is red)
wore her hair in a makeshift bun for a bit while she was growing it out between games
her music taste is pretty wide, but she does have her favourites. big into alternative stuff (that's basically canon tho)
goes salmon running with the intention to hear their music live (amongst other things) (stole this one from a fic by @lightredfox)
doesn't eat a lot/kind of a light eater (also stolen from @lightredfox, I love this hc a lot. I think it shines a light on the differences between her and vintage)
good cook, but she doesn't like doing it much because she grew up cooking a lot and is kinda tired of it. was the resident cook on the skull/vin/omega/avi team
pansexual, greyromantic/arospec, demiguy, he/him (maybe sometimes they/them too???). about 3 months older than skull, making him 17 at debut and 20 at the current point in the manga
his eye colour, and by extension, his natural ink colour, is a honey gold colour, complete with a natural glittery shine. he got picked on a little because of it at school, and the insecurity has kinda stuck with him. that being said, the shininess also means his eyes often catch light and kinda reflect it back towards him and block his vision with little specs of white, hence the sunglasses
skull really likes his eyes though, thinks they're pretty. avi has a soft spot for skull's goofy smile (which HE'S self conscious about)
idk how to quite describe his skin tone, lighter than rider/npacer but not by a lot, kinda mid tone. skinny, but generally a little toned (more evenly than skull is because someone is a nightmare and lives off sweets). he's also just, kinda good looking, like, objectively. has a nice face EHDKDNDK
was skull's next door neighbor growing up, the two went to school together and met up all the time. also means he's been skull's little support system for a lot of his life (lord knows skull has Issues™)
actually these two in general would kill for each other they're very very close
has a part time job at a local makomart. he's worked there for a while now I could see him getting promoted a bit
good friends with diver, nozzlenose gang rise up
other misc hcs:
Anyone who's been following me for five minutes knows I'm a fan of aviskull and doublemega
funnily enough, I hc these two had a bit of a crush on each other for a bit when they were on the same team, but it never went anywhere
If I think of any more, I'll rb and add them. also, if you're the guy who sent the last hc ask, dw, I did see it. I just haven't thought about it a lot, and also have a fic lined up to explore this dynamic that I don't wanna spoiler. but lemme tell you it's dumb/dumber/brain cell haver that can't stop both of them
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