#lenarius x salvadore
undyingembers · 8 months
OC Kiss Week - Lenarius/Salvadore
For Valentine's Day, I wrote up a little first kiss snippet of Leonosa and @dmagedgoods's Salvadore inspired by Len's Commander as a Companion.
Salvadore didn’t expect that Lenarius had wanted to see him so soon after everything had gone on with the contingent from Marhaven. When Lenarius’s brother had arrived and brought with him the revelation that Lenarius had joined the Crusade against the Viscountess’s wishes… well, it wasn’t the worst thing to be suddenly dropped onto Salvadore’s plate, but it was vital for the Commander to be in control over everything, and Lenarius knew that. That Lenarius was even still serving at Salvadore’s side was solely a testament to how useful and competent the arcanist had been up to that point.
Or so Salvadore could tell himself.
He sighed. He was not so foolish enough to believe that, but admission was still a very far leap. He chose instead to believe that it was the commonality in their backgrounds that made him want Lenarius to stay. Also, if what Lenarius had confided about his family after that meeting was to be believed, then the consequences of sending the tiefling back to his Crusader family could be…unconscionable.
Salvadore was not surprised to see Lenarius already waiting for him up on the battlements, though Salvadore was quite early himself. Lenarius looked as immaculate as ever. His hair was in its tight ponytail, and there was barely a wrinkle on his long tailored coat. His bespeckled eyes were raised skyward.
Focus, Salvadore reminded himself.
“After everything that was said and revealed at today’s meeting, you still want to have a word with me?” asked Salvadore. “It must be very important.”
“After my brother’s visit, I came clean with all the details and answered all your questions,” Lenarius responded, still looking at the stars. “I swear I have told you the whole truth about my situation and have not held anything back this time.
“However,” Lenarius continued, “I feel that I haven’t adequately apologized for keeping such vital details from you. Nor have I thanked you for allowing me to stay with you in spite of everything.”
Salvadore had many ideas for how he would like to be thanked or apologized to, but he wasn’t sure if Lenarius was even thinking of him in that way.
“Your sincerity was sufficient,” said Salvadore.
“All the same,” said Lenarius, “that surprised has caused you a bit of trouble, and I can only imagine the disappointment and lack of trust that came with me hiding crucial bits of information about myself. For that I am sorry, and I am very grateful that you supported me when my mother tried to order me back to Marhaven. No one has ever done anything like that for me in my life, so thank you.”
Salvadore couldn’t help the butterflies in his chest at Lenarius’s candor. He reminded himself that he needed to be firm in the face of what had happened earlier that day.
“Can I expect any trouble from your family?” asked Salvadore.
“My mother wouldn’t dare,” said Lenarius. “My family puts too much stock in the Crusades and their moral and religious reputation. The Viscountess wouldn’t throw it away so easily.”
Lenarius frowned. “It wouldn’t hurt the Crusade’s relations with House Scaeva to deploy some of the Marhaven troops to crucial areas in the front lines. Keeping Harol here and finding a suitable position for him was a good idea.”
“I will deploy these troops where I think they will be useful,” said Salvadore.
Lenarius nodded. “Marhaven trains its soldiers hard, and my brother is a veteran from the Fourth Crusade. You shan’t be disappointed on the battlefield.”
There was a pause. Lenarius kept his gaze to the stars.
“I did not accept your invitation merely to discuss Crusade logistics, or your family,” said Salvadore, “and I hope you didn’t, either.”
He took a step towards Lenarius. “The late-night talks over a bottle of wine. The literature exchanges.” Salvadore chuckled. “It is a lovely location you chose.”
Lenarius looked back at the stars. “You are an intriguing person, Commander…Salvadore. When I escaped from Marhaven to join the Crusade, I could barely imagine the sort of person I would be working under. I can say with confidence that you have overshot my every expectation. You’ve proven yourself to be the most inspiring person I know, brave, confident, and earnest. And prone to rescue poor youngest children from their family, it seems.”
“I was never going to let them force you away from me,” Salvadore asserted. Which was why it hurt that you didn’t tell me what was going on, he thought.
“I see that now,” said Lenarius. “You were remarkable in the Council chambers, as you always are.
“What of your family?” asked Lenarius. “If you don’t mind my asking. Were you happy growing up?”
Something inside Salvadore went cold. He did not mind Lenarius asking, but he didn’t know where to start. “From what I saw and heard of your family, the two of us are not so different. Like you, I also have trouble with my family because of what I am. Though, it seems no one is trying to kill you yet.”
“My condolences,” said Lenarius. “If anyone comes after you, I shall burn them to a crisp. It is only fair that I return the favor.”
Salvadore smiled. The thought of Lenarius smoldering Hemera on the spot with his magic and intense glare would be a sight to see.
“You were right,” said Lenarius. “I did not invite you out here just to talk about my family. We’ve spent so much time together, and not in strictly professional settings. Forgive me if this is out of line. I can navigate around court well enough, but sometimes it is difficult for me to discern certain intentions.”
“Please elaborate what you mean by intentions,” said Salvadore, playing innocent.
Lenarius endearingly saw through the act. “Come now, I think we are past insinuations, don’t you think?”
Lenarius had chosen this venue well. The late autumn evening was crisp and a lovely shade of blue. The stars were beautiful from atop the battlements, almost as beautiful as Lenarius himself. The effects of the Worldwound gave the sky a beautiful purple effect, but none of the unsettling ill effects normal to the Worldwound, thanks to the protection from the Sword of Valor.
It was a perfect venue for a first kiss.
Salvadore traced a stray hair that fell from Lenarius’s perfect ponytail. Lenarius ran a finger on Salvadore’s uniform. Lenarius closed the distance, and the two of them pressed themselves into a kiss. The first one was brief, each of them pulling away for just a moment—just long enough for Salvadore to savor the rare smile on Lenarius’s face—before clinging onto one another once more. Salvadore held on, as if trying to prove that nothing would ever take Lenarius away from him, least of all House Scaeva and its Viscountess.
They were both breathless when they pulled away. Lenarius’s yellow eyes were simmering. The stars reflected on his glasses.
Salvadore straightened up. “Don’t think that I expect any less of you because of this. Your service had better continue to be exemplary.”
Lenarius nodded. “Of course.”
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dmagedgoods · 2 years
Kiss prompt: a kiss to prove a point!
“You overdid it again.”
Salvadore looked up from his paperwork. Lenarius seemed displeased with him. His/her posture appeared stiff, his/her arms were folded in front of his/her chest, and s/he radiated a flair of indignation. It took him a second to figure out what could have awakened his/her discontentment.
Of course. Their last visitor with the intellectual capacity of a stone who had just left the council chamber. His mistake, hubris, and cowardice would cost the army valuable resources.
“The poor man was close to tears.”
“He is lucky he only lost his position instead of finding himself imprisoned.” Salvadore put his quill aside, turning to Lenarius and raising an eyebrow. “I’m surprised. I wouldn’t have expected to hear complaints about a strict decision from one of the strongest advocates for law and order.”
“Law and order, not condescendence and humiliation.”
The faint hint of a smile played across his lips. “So, you didn’t enjoy it the slightest bit?”
“I don’t tend to enjoy ill-mannered displays of superiority,” the arcanist claimed.
Salvadore raised from his chair, stepping closer to Lenarius, close enough to cause him/her to unfold his/her arms. “My manners are immaculate. And,” he stopped him/her from an objection, “You like to watch a display of superiority every once in a while.” Without further warning, he captured his/her lips in a firm, determined kiss. Lenarius tensed in surprise. Then s/he gave into the touch. His/her lips parted and allowed his tongue to tease and find its way into his/her mouth. Lenarius deepened the kiss, now returning it in all passion.
When Salvadore eventually stepped back, a self-satisfied smirk adorned his face. “Point proven.”
“The only point you proved is your dire need for a well-deserved lesson in respect and civility.”
Salvadore chuckled. “Meet me in my chambers, an hour from now.” With that, he left the council room to initiate the necessary steps to sort out the mess with the supply chain and reserves. ~ Lenarius belongs to @undyingembers. ❤️ And this little scene to one of the universes where Lenarius, Salvadore and Daeran are in a polycule.
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undyingembers · 1 year
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Daeran Arendae, Lenarius Scaeva, and @dmagedgoods Salvadore Arrigo as crochet dolls.
See also my previous work of their daughters.
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undyingembers · 2 years
❛ take off your clothes. ❜ for the smut sentence starter meme. 😁
Salvadore could never resist when Leonosa wore one of her gorgeous dresses. The arcanist always had an amazing sense of style, whether s/he be wearing long, sensuous velvet dresses that hugged his/her body in the loveliest ways to the powerful, yet tasteful, ballgowns that moved as elegantly as s/he did. Leonosa always knew the right fabrics to go with the right cuts and the right accessories to adorn him/herself with. Leonosa drew Salvadore's eye wherever s/he walked, and it was always a treasure to have him/her on Salvadore's arm when they went out on evenings.
This occasion was more common than a ball, but somehow no less salacious. The two of them were in the study, discussing political relations with Druma. Leonosa had decided to wear one of her lovely dresses today. Even in such a relatively casual setting, she wore this elegant red and purple dress with lacing fabrics that looked so soft to touch. The dress was low-cut, as most of his/her dresses tended to be, allowing such an exquisite view of his/her chest covered in dark hair. A pendant rested on her breastbone, just above the white scar. Leonosa's posture was perfect as s/he fretted over the treatises on her lap, but his/her crossed ankles gave Salvadore a peek at those lovely high-heeled shoes, custom-made for his/her very unusual feet. Oh, how Salvadore would love to run his hands up Leonosa's skirt, feel the juxtaposition of his/her course leg hair and the softness of the dress. If he could nuzzle into...
"Is everything all right, dear?" asked Leonosa.
Salvadore's head snapped up. "Of course. Why wouldn't it?"
"You mistook Druma's capital for its second most important trade city twice."
Salvadore bristled. He kept his voice steady. "I assure you that my mind is as sound as always. Now go over the debts the Crusades have accrued with the Kalistrade."
Leonosa only let his/her gaze linger on Salvadore for a moment before flipping through the pages and listing the numbers. Gods, this wo/man could make the numbers sound like the most sensuous poetry in the world, but still Salvadore's gaze fell to that bust with intricate lace patterns, and with every moment, Salvadore could feel his trousers only getting tighter and thank the gods he was sitting at his desk right now.
Oh Hells.
Salvadore abruptly stood. Leonosa paused and looked up at him.
"Your dress is distracting. I need you to take it off," said Salvadore.
Leonosa continued to look up at him, as if s/he were puzzling something over in his/her head.
S/he put the papers to her side on the sofa. "Very well," s/he said. "You first."
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undyingembers · 2 years
E, H, N for Len please?
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Lenarius prefers to have a more dominant role. S/he's very peculiar about how s/he wants things to go, and has difficulty letting others take control. There's also a people-pleasing aspect. S/he loves making his/her partner completely helpless with care and/or pleasure. Daeran loves submitting to Leonosa in bed, loves all the things s/he does to him. And while Len can never truly tell Daeran what to do, Daeran has come to see him/her as someone he can rely on and doesn't mind letting Len take the lead on some things.
Now that being said, Len can be persuaded to (and immensely enjoy) taking on a submissive role. But that is extremely rare because of the whole having trouble letting go thing. It would take an immense amount of trust and a strong appeal and force of personality from the other to pull it off. So far, the only person who has managed that on a fairly consistent basis is @dmagedgoods's Salvadore.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
With Len, it is very mixed. S/he much prefers to be honest and open about everything with his/her loved one. In practice, it sometimes doesn't work. If Len feels that what his/her potential partner may find out might cause them to reject him/her (especially in regards to his/her own emotional needs; s/he would die if the other person mocked them or found them a burden), then s/he will probably bury his/her emotions deep. However, if Len feels safe with his/her partner, then s/he's definitely willing to share more and more.
With Daeran, apart from the Other, he's always had trouble opening up about pretty much anything. He hides his emotions and trauma with mockery and distractions. Len can always see right through it, though, even though Daeran's behavior confuses him/her at times.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Oh gods. Len and Daeran don't do nicknames much. Sometimes, they will refer to each other as "my darling", "my dear", or "my love", but nothing other than that. Len sometimes calls Daeran "Dae", but Daeran almost never uses "Len"; it's almost always one of his/her full names, "Lenarius" or "Leonosa".
Leonosa does have a special nickname for Sal, though. S/he rarely uses it, but when s/he really wants to fluster or embarrass him, s/he will refer to him as her "kitten".
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dmagedgoods · 2 years
💛 for the moodboards if you’re up for it.
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undyingembers · 2 years
Oh wow I have to hear more about the Mass Effect AU!! 👀
Yes! Here it is. Most of it takes place after the Reaper Wars, after the galaxy has more or less re-established the Council and its various societies.
Len and his/her family are all asari. Despite not being a pureblood, Len somehow became an ardat-yaakshi, an asari who is unable to perform the melding without overwhelming their partner's nervous system and doing them harm. While Len's strain isn't lethal (s/he can safely meld with someone if they space it out about once every month or so, but if s/he does it too often with one person, they run the risk of living with permanent brain damage, a lobotomized existence), by asari law, s/he had to stay at the temple with the other ardat-yaakshi.
When the temple got attacked during the Reaper Wars, Len managed to escape and was presumed dead. Having come from a long line of matriarchs who became justicars and received top combat training, combined with his/her combat experience during the Reaper Wars and his/her ardat-yaakshi and powerful biotic powers, s/he was able to find success starting his/her own mercenary company called "the Justices" alongside Sabine (an old washed-up krogan wrestler), Lann (a vorscha sniper), and Woljif (a rare quarian biotic whose mother somehow got exposed to element zero on the engine she was working on).
(Side note, Len's other "parent" is a turian, as was his/her "grandfather" and (supposedly) "great-grandfather". It's a running joke that each member of the Scaeva family will only produce children with the hardest and most stone-faced turian general they can get their hands on. Len's great-grandmother Moraenia Scaeva was a justicar legend, and stories still speak of her epic battle against the ardat-yaakshi Dyrghaena, though if you are familiar with Len's canon backstory, you might guess that something more complicated happened with that that might have led to Moraenia's entire line susceptible to breeding ardat-yaakshi).
(Other side note: Len's birth name is Leonosa in this AU. Though s/he still feels attachment to that name s/he also goes by Lenarius, a turian masculine name. S/he develops a very complicated relationship with gender having seen how other races experience it. For practical reasons (namely, not wanting to be found by his/her justicar mother), Len almost always introduces him/herself as Lenarius.)
At some point after the Reaper War ends, Lenarius gets landed on Palaven, the turian homeworld. Len's mother had caught wind that Len might be alive and on Palaven. In order to avoid a diplomatic incident with the turians, Thessia used its connections to lock down the space port where Len was at until they could find him/her. Len reaches out to his/her old army contact Galfrey for help, but she cannot get him off world, but she suggests that her cousin Daeran might be of help, as he is sometimes said to smuggle substances, entertainments, and mercs for his own amusement.
Daeran is a very unusual turian. Everything turians care about--honor, duty, and military service--Daeran scoffs at. When Daeran was still in-utero, he and a bunch of other turian fetuses were exposed to element zero in an effort to put these kids in special turian biotic units. Sadly, Daeran didn't care for that at all. Even more unfortunately, Daeran was the only kid who ended up developing biotic potential. When it was time for him to enlist in the turian army, his mother had just died. The turian army gave him only twelve hours to grieve. Daeran decided it would be much easier instead to hack the recruitment office to make it seem that he was being placed on a different world and then spent his mandatory service time partying it up on Illium, Omega, and other unsavory places (Daeran is a Sentinel, a biotic and a hacker). The turian army is really pissed off at him. "Tens of thousands of credits and ten pounds of eezo down the drain," turian generals say of him. (There's also an incident where the head of a turian military academy insulted Daeran one to many times; Daeran responded by hacking into that academy's database and replacing classified documents with hanar and elcor porn.)
So anyway, Len reaches out to Daeran and asks if he can smuggle him/her and his/her merc company off of Palaven. Daeran agrees if Len would help him with a mission. Len does so, and Daeran arranges for a smuggler to take Len and his/her crew off world. Len is impressed with the way Daeran handled himself on that mission and offers Daeran a spot in his/her company. Despite Daeran's very close interest he develops for Len, he declines. However, just as the Justices are about to leave, Daeran catches up to them. The turian army just discovered (with or without help from Galfrey) Daeran's desertion from the draft and are super pissed off about it and Daeran needs to get off world until this can all be sorted out. Len is appalled, but s/he helps Daeran make a hasty escape.
(Side note about Daeran: Daeran didn't lift a single finger to fight in the Reaper Wars. He spent his whole time throwing parties and doing what he pleased. "After all, the world is ending, and I do not fancy myself meeting an ignoble death on some planet crushed under a colossus's foot.")
The Justices build a reputation of not only effectiveness, but of having a spotless record when it comes to the law and civilian casualties. They will not accept a contract that makes them do illegal activities, and they will not take a civilian life, and they will not do business with known criminals. Having morals as a merc is very risky, but there are clients out there who want to be above reproach and want to know that their own hands won't get dirty when they hire mercenaries. One such client is the new human Councilor Salvadore Arrigo. Salvadore is a human politician who also served in the Reaper Wars, and was able to occupy Udina's now vacant seat on the Council. He is a very frequent client for the Justices, and calls on them either for bodyguard work or to protect his interests across the galaxy.
Len very rarely deals with clients personally, preferring to use Daeran as a middleman, but Salvadore is such and important and impressive client that s/he makes an exception for him/her. People who don't know who the leader of the Justices is assume that s/he is a turian. Salvadore is quite surprised that the person he's had regular contact with turns out to be an asari. The two meet at a very fancy gentleman's bar and hit it off right away due to their elegance, intelligence, and refinement. Salvadore decides he wants to pursue something with Lenarius.
There are a few snags, however, the biggest one being that Len has already started something with Daeran. While that relationship hasn't been settled yet, Len is very loyal and will not just drop a partner. This turns into a very bitter, if short-lived rivalry between Sal and Daeran over Len's heart. Sal is very resentful towards Daeran, particularly as it seems that Daeran isn't taking Lenarius's heart seriously. Daeran, for his part, is super amused and never misses a chance to rile up this handsome Councilor in not so subtly flirty ways. Their rivalry comes to a head when the two of them have a private talk somewhere. That talk almost ends badly, with each of them furious at various things the other says. However, in that talk, Daeran opens up about his insecurities about not being able to love Len the way Len deserves and how in another lifetime, if Sal had met Len first, Sal would be the one with Len. Daeran and Sal both admit that if the two of them had met, perhaps they would be together instead. They both admit to having a mutual interest in each other as well as Len, and Daeran suggests that the three of them go out to a restaurant on the Presidium. Sal makes the reservations, and Lenarius agrees to go with Daeran to meet Sal on that date.
Another snag in their relationship is the fact that Len is an ardat-yaakshi. Daeran wasn't the only one to keep Len at arm's length. Len was also freaking out about starting a relationship with anyone, knowing that his/her partner would notice that s/he wasn't trying to mind meld with them. Also, as an ardat-yaakshi, Len is wanted by the asari governments, and they will most certainly want to either capture or kill him/her if they ever found out.
Of course, Sal and Daeran eventually find out. Not much about ardat-yaakshi is known outside of asari space. Daeran is sympathetic to what Len has gone through and agrees that they should keep Len away from the asari (though he also sneers at any ardat-yaakshi who chooses life in the temple over death or freedom). I'm not sure how Sal reacts at first, but at some point he is outraged that Len cannot stand openly by his side and wants to do something about it.
The idea that Len and Sal come up with is for Sal to nominate Len as a Spectre. As a Spectre, Len would be above asari law and only answer to the Council. Len is a powerful biotic and a formidable fighter who has done a lot of work for Sal and the Council already. Giving Len Spectre status is only an extension of that. The asari Councilor is very against it. Not only is Len an ardat-yaakshi, and therefore belong in the temple, the asari know that Len's mother is a justicar, and asari justicars operate outside the laws as well. The justicars would not accept the Council's decision, and it would cause a major diplomatic incident if they went after a Spectre. Despite the protests, Sal gets the support of the other Councilors to get Len tested for a Spectre position.
Len gets an assignment from the Council, supervised by one of their Spectres. It is a difficult and delicate mission, but one that Len would be expected to complete. Unfortunately, Len's mother Lodetta does not respect the Council's decision and decides to go after Len on this test. The complication makes the assignment brutal, and Lodetta nearly gets Len killed. The whole thing is a harrowing experience for Sal and Daeran, who for the longest time think Len might be dead. However, Len manages to escape the situation with the objective complete and gains his/her Spectre status.
The three of them celebrate by bringing Len to one of Thessia's major cities, where s/he can openly walk the streets. Lodetta and the other justicars will still want to either kill Len or lock him/her up, but they can no longer rely on the asari government for help. Len also wants to use his/her newfound freedom and power to gain freedom and rights for other ardat-yaakshi.
I would like to give thanks and credit to @dmagedgoods for letting me include their OC Salvadore and for the very intense roleplaying sessions with this AU. It was a lot of fun, and Sal is very wonderful, as always.
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undyingembers · 2 years
How about "a biting, passionate kiss"?
"Where is he?" Lenarius didn't mean to question the servant so sharply. It wasn't that big of a deal. Still, s/he couldn't shake the deep apprehension that gripped his/her heart. "Have you seen Lord Salvadore?"
"T...to the kitchens, m'lord...lady...ma'am," said the servant. "Lord Arrigo seemed in such a hurry. He moved with such frightening purpose it was like a demon overtook him. No one dared ask him what he was doing."
"Thank you," said Lenarius and hastened towards where the servant said they had seen Salvadore run.
The kitchens? What in the Nine Hells could he be doing there? Something seemed very wrong, Lenarius had felt it since Salvadore had abruptly ended their time together in the Commander's chambers.
The two of them were locked in a passionate embrace. Their lips against each other's as their tongues danced in open mouths. Hands were on each other's clothes, shirts quickly discarded onto the floor. The two of them yearned for another night of heat and love.
But then Salvadore started kissing Lenarius's neck. Kissing led to sweet sucking, which led to Salvadore's teeth grazing against Lenarius's hot skin until the dhampyr couldn't resist sinking his fangs into that sweet, sweet heat. Lenarius moaned and held onto Sal's hair as Salvadore drank of that Hellish reservoir.
It lasted but a single moment before Salvadore tore himself away from Lenarius. Lenarius had to stop. Never had s/he seen Salvadore look so mortified.
"Lenarius...forgive me...I..." Gods, but Salvadore was actually trembling.
"Salvadore, it's all right," Lenarius said, not understanding what was going on.
Salvadore winced. "No, I can't..."
"Salvadore, please tell me what's going on," Lenarius pleaded. His/her hand went to his/her neck. "Is it...?"
Salvadore suddenly went calm. "It's...I'll...I'll explain everything, I promise. Will you allow me to clear my head in the washroom? I'll return right away, I promise."
Lenarius was not satisfied. S/he knew that something wasn't right here, but s/he didn't want to push his boundaries. "All right. You will come back?"
"I promise."
Except Salvadore had not returned. Lenarius had waited in their chambers for over an hour. His/her neck had bled heavily, but it wasn't something s/he wanted to bother the healers over. S/he had just waited there, cleaning and putting pressure on the wound with a damp cloth until it had stopped bleeding, and still Salvadore had not returned.
Worried, and somewhat furious, Lenarius rushed through the corridors until s/he finally got to the kitchens. The cooks wouldn't be in at this hour. When s/he opened the door, the scene in front of him/her appalled and horrified him/her.
Spread out over the table were probably the most disgusting foods Salvadore could have ever pulled from the Citadel kitchens: lard and kidneys, raw onions, pickled eggs, brittle tack, unseasoned jerky, cheap wine, and an assortment of herbs that Lenarius knew were some of the most foul-tasting ever to be found. Just looking at all of this made him/her want to gag.
What was worse was Salvadore sitting at the table and just gorging himself, except his face was calm, almost dead, and his hands were machine-like in how he shoveled that slop into his mouth. The dhampyr froze when Lenarius stormed in.
"What is this?" Lenarius demanded. "What are you doing? Why...?"
"I need to wash away your taste." Salvadore's gaze looked so lost as he continued to stare ahead right in front of him. "Earlier, I...it was too good. I don't deserve it...you don't deserve..."
Gods, this was one of those moments were Salvadore was punishing himself. Lenarius pushed the table away with a telekinesis spell. S/he levitated him/herself and sat down across from him so that they were eye-to-eye.
"Back there you promised that you would come back and tell me everything," s/he said evenly. "Well I'm here. Explain yourself."
Salvadore winced and looked down at the floor. "What I did...drinking your..."
"You mean this?" Len said softly, touching the healing scab on his/her neck.
Salvadore winced even harder. "That was...unworthy...an act of a monster. I shouldn't want this. They said it was wrong and vile and that I could lose control. Gods...what if I hurt you...?"
"So you left me there to bleed while you flagellated yourself?" Lenarius was frantic.
Salvadore didn't answer. Instead, he kept his gaze to the floor. Gods, he looked this close to just sobbing.
Lenarius felt a simmer of rage. S/he too knew what it was like to have to watch his/her every move, lest his/her family suspect him/her of falling to his/her infernal tendencies. S/he and Sal had so much in common. If Salvadore had suffered even a fraction of what s/he had gone through...
"Salvadore. Salvadore!" S/he cupped his chin and turned his head towards him/her. "You are not a monster. Nothing I saw made me think you could possibly be a monster."
Salvadore's lips trembled. "You mean, you don't despise me? You still love me even after I..."
"Of course," said Lenarius. "Just...don't leave like that again. You worried me to death, and you promised you would come back, but you didn't. Don't break anymore promises to me, and don't run away from me."
Sal winced again. Before he could go back down another self-punishing spiral, Lenarius kissed him fiercely on the lips. S/he held his chin in place as she licked, sucked and bit at his quivering mouth. That mouth quickly gave in and embraced all that Lenarius gave him. The aftertaste of all that horrendous bile that Salvadore had been consuming was rancid, but somehow it only fueled Lenarius's determination to bring Salvadore back from the brink.
S/he pulled back. "Come on," s/he commanded. "We are coming right back to bed, as soon as you clean your mouth. With actual paste, not with soap or whatever idea you had of punishing yourself."
Salvadore smiled. "You know me far too well."
"And a good thing." S/he stood and took Salvadore by the hand and led him back to their chambers.
Salvadore belongs to @dmagedgoods. Salvadore, Len, and Daeran are in a polycule together.
Sorry this prompt took so long!
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dmagedgoods · 2 years
2, 22, and 42 for Daeran and Salvadore (and Len if you're comfortable)
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare? Time to answer the question for Len. (I know you already read the reply for Daeran and Sal ❤️, so I’m just adding the link to make it complete: X) Waking up and finding Lenarius captured in nightmares or in a state of panic, Salvadore gently touches his/her arm and softly talks to him/her, hoping his voice will cause him/her to realize where s/he is and that there are no dangers around him/her. As soon as s/he becomes awake enough for the haze to clear a bit, Salvadore asks him/her if s/he is alright, if s/he wants to tell him about it and if s/he needs anything to feel better, water, light, fresh air … Whatever it may be, he gets it for him/her immediately. If it’s just comfort, he pulls him/her in his arms, makes sure s/he knows that he is there, protecting him/her against any threat and lets him/her know how much he loves him/her. Daeran probably woke up already as well, asking if they can carry their sappy confessions to some place where he doesn’t try to sleep. – Another badly played attempt at hiding his very obvious concern. It only takes him a moment to wrap his arms around Leonosa from the others side, placing a kiss on his/her shoulder. What follows could be quiet talking in the dark or if they feel more restless, Salvadore offers to read something to him/her or both of them or to try if music helps. If nothing does, preparing the early breakfast it is, this time the three of them. 22. What reminds each of their partner?
I answered it for Daeran and Salvadore here and you did for Daeran and Len 💕, so I'm adding the things that remind Salvadore of Lenarius: Valuable books, quills and parchment paper, every look into the night sky if it’s clear enough to see the stars, expensive garments in strong pleasant colors, poems and stories they read to each other, stage plays they watched together, rabbits, certain extravagant furniture, ballroom dancing, heavy fabrics, special pieces of expensive jewelry he spots that would look beautiful on him/her (he never resists buying those for him/her when it happens), riding crops, texts about the law, the feeling of commitment and devotion 42. What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.) Salvadore loves the sun. – In a symbolic way as much as in reality. It’s his favorite weather for many things he likes to do with Daeran and Leonosa too: swimming, sailing, hiking, spending a free afternoon in the luxurious garden they’ll own … He also has a special love for long warm evenings, sitting outside with a glass of wine either in comfortable silence (enjoying the stars), listening to music or captured by a passionate conversation. Daeran agrees with him, after all he looks beautiful in the sun while rain sometimes makes it difficult to shine. Nonetheless, I like the very cliché thought of Salvadore using one of his wings to protect Daeran and / or Lenarius from getting wet. Daeran loves thunderstorms though and to watch their beauty from within while feeling alive with their energy. Salvadore finds them beautiful as well. The three of them could enjoy the spectacle from a cozy place. During more thoughtful (or even melancholic) phases, Salvadore has a secret fondness for clouds, their heavy gray and fog. He finds the mood inspiring and may be found standing in front of a window playing his violon for hours, filling the house with his music. I imagine Lenarius and Daeran listening for a while or just enjoying it while reading or writing letters.
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dmagedgoods · 2 years
A, O, and W for Sal and Daeran (and Len if you want to throw it in ;) )
Ohh, thank youu! 👀 A - Acrobatics - How bendy can they get in bed? What is their favourite position?
Sal is doing martial arts, fencing and dancing, Daeran and Len can expect some flexibility in bed, he's dexterous, even if his athletic skill is higher than the dexterity skill. Daeran is able to keep up, is probably even more bendy than him. - A nice advantage, Sal loves to do bondage and to experiment with creative positions every now and then. It also means he'll find out Len's limits regarding flexibility quite soon. But you tell me where those limits are. 😁 A favorite position is very hard to pick. Sal enjoys so many. In romantic moods it's quite classic actually, and more about closeness, just being in each others arms, moving together, looking into each other's eyes or burying his face in the curve of the other one's neck. In more kinky situations, he highly enjoys having Daeren or Len in his lap, back pressed against his chest, hand around his or his/her throat. Daeran loves to ride his cock and that definitely is among Salvadore's faves as well and will be with Lenarius too. Or the other way around, ofc. doing the riding himself. The "bend the other one over a near desk or other furniture" position is another one Sal and Daeran highly enjoy (and I have a feeling Len does as well). It truly depens, everything can be so good if done the right way. O - Oscar - Do they enjoy role-playing?  Yes, omg yes! 😳 In all ways imaginable. They both (or all 3, I'm very sure) are great at it. Daeran has some fantasies about people in certain positions / with a certain status who use their power in different ways than it's supposed to be used and Sal loves to play along with this. They also roleplay without going for becoming someone else in those fantasies sometimes. In that case they are themselves, but in very different situations. (Daeran is a healer for example and they both have some ideas how this could go in different fictional scenarios. Just to name one of their many ideas.) Salvadore himself has his "little" humiliation kink going on and very much likes to roleplay some pretty fucked up things. He is also amazing with the dominant part, though, and whatever they go for, they stay deeply within their role until the very end. If Len joins in the roleplaying fun, they can go even further. 😁 W - Wish - What’s one of their wildest fantasies? For Daeran throne sex seems to be among those, a wish Sal definitely wants to grant him. (He may have fantasized intensely about having his cock sucked while sitting on this throne himself.) Aside from this, Daeran probably enjoys sex in very uncommon, public or semi-public places, the list is long and Sal more than willing to help fulfill his dreams. Salvadore's wildest fantasy, well ... We're not talking about the stuff he'd like to roleplay, right? Because then it’d really get wild. Anywayy, he has so many, but I'll pick one of his faves: Keeping Daeran (or Len if s/he lets him) from having an orgasm for a longer period of time, days, weeks maybe, being in complete control, doing regular teasing and edging and semi-public games, but without allowing him to cum, involving magic to guarantee there won't be accidents and maybe other tools as well. Of course he'd also highly enjoy having the very same done to himself by Daeran, Lenarius or the two of them.
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