#commander salvadore
undyingembers · 7 months
OC Kiss Week - Lenarius/Salvadore
For Valentine's Day, I wrote up a little first kiss snippet of Leonosa and @dmagedgoods's Salvadore inspired by Len's Commander as a Companion.
Salvadore didn’t expect that Lenarius had wanted to see him so soon after everything had gone on with the contingent from Marhaven. When Lenarius’s brother had arrived and brought with him the revelation that Lenarius had joined the Crusade against the Viscountess’s wishes… well, it wasn’t the worst thing to be suddenly dropped onto Salvadore’s plate, but it was vital for the Commander to be in control over everything, and Lenarius knew that. That Lenarius was even still serving at Salvadore’s side was solely a testament to how useful and competent the arcanist had been up to that point.
Or so Salvadore could tell himself.
He sighed. He was not so foolish enough to believe that, but admission was still a very far leap. He chose instead to believe that it was the commonality in their backgrounds that made him want Lenarius to stay. Also, if what Lenarius had confided about his family after that meeting was to be believed, then the consequences of sending the tiefling back to his Crusader family could be…unconscionable.
Salvadore was not surprised to see Lenarius already waiting for him up on the battlements, though Salvadore was quite early himself. Lenarius looked as immaculate as ever. His hair was in its tight ponytail, and there was barely a wrinkle on his long tailored coat. His bespeckled eyes were raised skyward.
Focus, Salvadore reminded himself.
“After everything that was said and revealed at today’s meeting, you still want to have a word with me?” asked Salvadore. “It must be very important.”
“After my brother’s visit, I came clean with all the details and answered all your questions,” Lenarius responded, still looking at the stars. “I swear I have told you the whole truth about my situation and have not held anything back this time.
“However,” Lenarius continued, “I feel that I haven’t adequately apologized for keeping such vital details from you. Nor have I thanked you for allowing me to stay with you in spite of everything.”
Salvadore had many ideas for how he would like to be thanked or apologized to, but he wasn’t sure if Lenarius was even thinking of him in that way.
“Your sincerity was sufficient,” said Salvadore.
“All the same,” said Lenarius, “that surprised has caused you a bit of trouble, and I can only imagine the disappointment and lack of trust that came with me hiding crucial bits of information about myself. For that I am sorry, and I am very grateful that you supported me when my mother tried to order me back to Marhaven. No one has ever done anything like that for me in my life, so thank you.”
Salvadore couldn’t help the butterflies in his chest at Lenarius’s candor. He reminded himself that he needed to be firm in the face of what had happened earlier that day.
“Can I expect any trouble from your family?” asked Salvadore.
“My mother wouldn’t dare,” said Lenarius. “My family puts too much stock in the Crusades and their moral and religious reputation. The Viscountess wouldn’t throw it away so easily.”
Lenarius frowned. “It wouldn’t hurt the Crusade’s relations with House Scaeva to deploy some of the Marhaven troops to crucial areas in the front lines. Keeping Harol here and finding a suitable position for him was a good idea.”
“I will deploy these troops where I think they will be useful,” said Salvadore.
Lenarius nodded. “Marhaven trains its soldiers hard, and my brother is a veteran from the Fourth Crusade. You shan’t be disappointed on the battlefield.”
There was a pause. Lenarius kept his gaze to the stars.
“I did not accept your invitation merely to discuss Crusade logistics, or your family,” said Salvadore, “and I hope you didn’t, either.”
He took a step towards Lenarius. “The late-night talks over a bottle of wine. The literature exchanges.” Salvadore chuckled. “It is a lovely location you chose.”
Lenarius looked back at the stars. “You are an intriguing person, Commander…Salvadore. When I escaped from Marhaven to join the Crusade, I could barely imagine the sort of person I would be working under. I can say with confidence that you have overshot my every expectation. You’ve proven yourself to be the most inspiring person I know, brave, confident, and earnest. And prone to rescue poor youngest children from their family, it seems.”
“I was never going to let them force you away from me,” Salvadore asserted. Which was why it hurt that you didn’t tell me what was going on, he thought.
“I see that now,” said Lenarius. “You were remarkable in the Council chambers, as you always are.
“What of your family?” asked Lenarius. “If you don’t mind my asking. Were you happy growing up?”
Something inside Salvadore went cold. He did not mind Lenarius asking, but he didn’t know where to start. “From what I saw and heard of your family, the two of us are not so different. Like you, I also have trouble with my family because of what I am. Though, it seems no one is trying to kill you yet.”
“My condolences,” said Lenarius. “If anyone comes after you, I shall burn them to a crisp. It is only fair that I return the favor.”
Salvadore smiled. The thought of Lenarius smoldering Hemera on the spot with his magic and intense glare would be a sight to see.
“You were right,” said Lenarius. “I did not invite you out here just to talk about my family. We’ve spent so much time together, and not in strictly professional settings. Forgive me if this is out of line. I can navigate around court well enough, but sometimes it is difficult for me to discern certain intentions.”
“Please elaborate what you mean by intentions,” said Salvadore, playing innocent.
Lenarius endearingly saw through the act. “Come now, I think we are past insinuations, don’t you think?”
Lenarius had chosen this venue well. The late autumn evening was crisp and a lovely shade of blue. The stars were beautiful from atop the battlements, almost as beautiful as Lenarius himself. The effects of the Worldwound gave the sky a beautiful purple effect, but none of the unsettling ill effects normal to the Worldwound, thanks to the protection from the Sword of Valor.
It was a perfect venue for a first kiss.
Salvadore traced a stray hair that fell from Lenarius’s perfect ponytail. Lenarius ran a finger on Salvadore’s uniform. Lenarius closed the distance, and the two of them pressed themselves into a kiss. The first one was brief, each of them pulling away for just a moment—just long enough for Salvadore to savor the rare smile on Lenarius’s face—before clinging onto one another once more. Salvadore held on, as if trying to prove that nothing would ever take Lenarius away from him, least of all House Scaeva and its Viscountess.
They were both breathless when they pulled away. Lenarius’s yellow eyes were simmering. The stars reflected on his glasses.
Salvadore straightened up. “Don’t think that I expect any less of you because of this. Your service had better continue to be exemplary.”
Lenarius nodded. “Of course.”
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dujour13 · 2 years
This wonderful drawing @dmagedgoods made inspired a little scenario in an alternate timeline where our OCs can duet their hearts out ❤️❤️❤️
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King Salvadore Arendae of Mendev had kept the Andoren delegation waiting, and if he was honest, he didn’t have much of an excuse. He paused before he entered the command room and straightened his uniform—as always impeccably dressed and kempt—even though Daeran, by contrast perfectly undressed and unkempt, had thoroughly inspected it mere moments before.
Suppressing an indecorous smile, Salvadore composed himself and strode into the command room purposefully like the busy man he was.
The Andorens had evidently made themselves at home while they waited. The Ambassador, a halfling, was inspecting Crusade trophies along the back wall, aided by a chair someone had helped her up onto. Two human diplomats stood on the balcony enjoying a soaring view of Drezen’s construction projects. And in Salvadore’s crusade command chair, one foot up on the table, lounged a blond half-elf lazily strumming an odd-shaped lute.
Read the rest on AO3
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jean-dieu · 3 months
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*smash announcer voice* EVERYONE IS HERE
Friends, mutuals and peoples' Pathfinder OCs, mostly their Knight Commander from Wrath of The Righteous! (and a lil bit of Kingmaker too I believe).
It was fun to draw!! I hope I didn't make too much mistakes in their design.
Who belongs to who:
-Raphaël : me lol
-Ariadne : @arendaes @alterdaes
-Ekaterina : @three-of-crows
-Vio : @mountainashfae
-Mahiri : @lexsnotdead
-Cascade : @eurekq
-Sparrow : @cassynite
-Emery : @knight-commander
-Layla : @amatres
-Salvadore : @dmagedgoods
-Hilde : @rollofleaf
-Len : @undyingembers
-Knave : @iwoszareba
-Aria : @bearvanhelsing
-Eddi : @molochka-koshka
-Rimrock : @arrow90-art
-Yunessa : @yunessa
-Gillys : @offsidekineticist
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dmagedgoods · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass
@undyingembers, thank you for thinking of me. Name: Lord/His Majesty Salvadore Arrigo Gender: cis male ~ insufferably conceited, god-complex ~ highly ambitious ~ 3 layers of ice around a core of hot light ~ elegant, intense body care routine, has his own tailors ~ almost always wears white ~ wants to change the world ~ principled workaholic but a strong romantic with the one he loves ~ lawful good leaning neutral with a cruel streak towards his enemies
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tagging: @chaosteddybear @cassynite @iwoszareba @dujour13 @ineadhyn
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gaymars97 · 1 month
So i’ll just go ahead and drop a few borderlands body temperature headcanons so if youre interested they’re right under the cut ⬇️
- Some siren powers influence the body heat of its user. Trance users tend to have a body temperature way above average, though they still aren’t hotter than Walk users, who are walking furnaces. Lock users and Leech users, on the other hand, both have very low body temperatures.
- This is pushes even further for born sirens (I could go on for whole paragraphs about my headcanon that folks who were born sirens should be special but that’ll be for another post) and sirens who enhance their abilities with eridium frequently. Therefore, Lilith is scorching hot while Maya is freezing cold, and don’t even get me started on the Calypsos. (hyperboles)
- Shift doesn’t have much of an effect on it’s user’s body temperature, however, due to the years of constant exposure to eridium, Angel also has very cold body temperature.
- I don’t really know much about Steele, but seeing her whole « cold » motif, one could assume what my opinion is on that.
- Krieg is the ignition point on the triangle of ignition (hyperbole). Very high body temperature due to the experiments and the constant setting himself on fire thing. (Hot x cold Psyren real)
- Folks from Pandora tend to have body temperature above human average. Also, Salvador has high body temp, even in Pandoran standards.
- Gaige’s is above average (Hot x cold Gaigel also real)
- Axton’s is also hotter than average, although it’s closer to average than Gaige.
- If there is something human/alien under that suit, Zer0’s body temp is significantly below average.
Sorry that’s all from me. I just. Really love the vh2s. And sirens.
Feel free to reblog with your own hcs, i’d love to see em! /nf
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bean-pole-art · 1 year
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for this year's pride month I have decided to do icons of canon and my personal LGBTA headcanons for the blands characters. here are the gays 🏳‍🌈✨
please be respectful towards my hcs. feel free to use these as ur icons! credit is appreciated but not needed
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teddybaeran · 2 months
Prediction: In a more stable world, Mix would probably join them?
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The truth? While Mix stands for protection and fighting, what he really wants is to relax. Peace. It's a pipe dream.
Disclaimer: all I know about the path is the first booklet from act 1 😂😂 and been thinking about how Mix absolutely could not step away from this war, no question.
With Salvadore (from @dmagedgoods), one of the first pivotal moments to feeling safe and free was when Sal agreed to watch his pack so he could go on a solitary trip. Nothing could have made Mix feel more loved, supported, and trusting. To know he could enjoy himself without worrying. And when he came back and everyone was fine? Some even had a lot of fun? Mix melted and didn't let Sal escape his embrace for a very long time.
But in WOTR? Who will do that for Mix? No, it seems he needs to stay in charge.
Unless we are talking about their co-commander run..........maybe he would go azata there? Stay tuned as I learn more about what this path even is tbh 😂
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vaulthunterlands · 7 months
First time playing sal in a long while and I find a perfect DPUH... speechless
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outeremissary · 2 years
If you're still taking requests and only if you have the time, Sal with ❤️L. 👀
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Sorry it took so long to get to this (and that it turned out a bit messy)! For the requests, the eternally dutiful Salvadore. It's been a long time since I last drew a military uniform... I really admire the long, smooth shapes of your character designs, as well as the deceptively simple all white look so iconic to Sal.
By the way, I'd love to know what has him wearing such an uncharacteristic expression...
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skylarsblue · 2 years
✦C.o.D Call Sign Inspo✦
(I've been having a bad writer's block, but, I do have some mini ideas that I can't flesh out. But, I know some people struggle with names/concepts for Y/N's/Characters. So! I'm giving them out for free in hopes it'll inspire something in someone so they don't go to waste!)
✧Somno; Gender Neutral. A y/n that's main trait is being a hyper insomniac. To the point they always seem tired, constantly consuming caffine, etc. But even if they're falling asleep where they're standing, they have incredibly fast reflexes. Could lead to some funny scenarios of finding them asleep in weird places, or, a cute concept (them only being able to sleep when they feel completely safe; ie: with one of the c.o.d characters)
✧Mama; Feminine. Pretty on the nose, but it could also be translated into a different language to match a country of origin. The concept is basically just...an aggressively maternal lieutenant/captain. Because I feel we don't have enough strong MILF's in this world, let alone in this fandom. This could also be used platonically because 141 specifically could use a mom type. Ghost & Gaz specifically.
✧Saint; Gender Neutral. Can be used for a character that's incredibly self sacrificing. Which would make for good fluff & good angst, plus, I think a lot of us can relate to feeling. Partially inspired by a random line I thought of - "If I die protecting you, that's far less frightening than you being gone when I could've protected you. Dying once for you is a peaceful passing, rather than dying every day you're not with me."
✧Salvadora/Salvador; Fem or Masc. Disclaimer; when I had this idea I imagined a woman. An alternative to the cartel story line in Las Almas. Y/N runs a civilian resistance against the cartel and has commandeered a village to keep citizens safe. It's basically a paradise in the crime ridden city. They've been providing sneaky support for Alejandro's men. (Honestly, this concept is pretty specific, and more detailed, and I might break it down more/write it on my own if possible)
✧Copycat/Mimic; Gender Neutral. A y/n that's incredibly skilled at mimicking voices. Whether in different accents or actual voices.
✧Mirage; Gender Neutral. Disclaimer; I imagined this also as a woman because I like powerful ladies. Similar to the one above but instead of just voices, they're just great at disguises in general & particularly sneaky. Like they "fade out of existence" if you look away at the wrong time.
✧Lynx; Gender Neutral. For a small, deceivingly cute looking character that's actually super deadly and quick. Do not trust the toe beans.
✧Nessie; Gender Neutral-Fem Lean. Pretty self explanatory. A character that's illusive and great in water. Bonus points for Scottish rep.
✧Sparks/Fuse; Gender Neutral. Just a fuckin' pyromaniac that can make their own bombs, super impressive and intricate ones. Thought of a scene where they're all in the heat of battle, low on ammo, and Y/N brings up randomly that they were a troublesome teen who almost had a criminal record. Price asks what the charge was and they just light something that doesn't look at all like a bomb, with a giant grin. "It was arson!!" And then they throw a fuckin' devastating bomb.
✧Iris; Gender Neutral. A character known for a very intense/intimidating stare. Inspired by those clips of people losing to Angelina Joline's femme fatal stare. Also, them being able to read a shocking amount about a person purely through eye contact.
✧Sage/Blister/Morphine/Plaster; Gender Neutral. All names for a potential medic!Y/N. (Plaster, for us Americans, is a word for bandaid in the UK. I know y'all prolly know that but just in case)
✧Bee; Gender Neutral. For a Y/N that's visibly smaller than those around them but packs a real hard punch. Also good if they're particularly good at physical combat. "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."
✧Sugarcube/Honey/Cupcake; Gender Neutral-Masc Lean. I think the idea of a big buff, visibly masculine, intimidating dude being named something like 'sugarcube' is super funny.
✧Lasso/Big Mac/Stallion; Masculine. Isn't it obvious? Big cowboy man who's aggressively American even if he's actually been a UK citizen for years.
✧Bessie/Cowgirl/Chick; Feminine. Once again, aggressively southern Y/N. But, for fem!y/ns.
✧Tex/Stars/Anthem; Gender Neutral. See above, but this time, neutral. Cause I'm about equality in this bitch.
✧Cobra/Mamba; Gender Neutral. For a y/n that specializes in poisons to kill enemies, as well as a character with any association with snakes. Could be interesting for Ghost to hear.
✧Doll/Dolly; Feminine. A more "spy type" for the classic femme fatal who gets intel through allure. If you've seen my two fic concept posts, this is the call sign I'd give to the Y/N in Price's concept.
✧Tech; Gender Neutral. Pretty basic, a character that's particularly tech-y. Good with computers and hacking.
✧Bunny/Hare; Gender Neutral. For a y/n that's small, but super fast & alert. Bonus if they got Hinata jumping powers.
✧Clover/Shamrock; Gender Neutral. Irish rep. Use this for a Y/N that is somehow the luckiest unlucky person ever. Constantly ending up in situations that are stressful/intense but making it out with barely a scratch. Can add some dissonance if they actually hate this call sign because it's not luck that gets them out of these situations, and instead is there skill.
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callmearcturus · 1 year
my blog title is from a pamphlet handed out at Janelle Monae's Electric Lady tour, which I have carried in my heart ever since.
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undyingembers · 1 year
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Daeran Arendae, Lenarius Scaeva, and @dmagedgoods Salvadore Arrigo as crochet dolls.
See also my previous work of their daughters.
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dujour13 · 2 years
If Woljif wasn't around (I know 😔) would things between Siavash and Daeran would have developed differently? Also, how about Siavash and Arueshalae? 👀 (And I kind of want to ask about Siavash and Salvadore.)
I haven't been thinking about these ones at all... just a couple essays' worth... Thank you so much 💕
This one just doesn’t work at any level.
First of all, Daeran may gradually grow to have respect and affection for Siavash, but he’s not in love. He propositions him because Dae will be Dae, but there are no roses.
So in the hypothetical where there are roses: Siavash is all about grand romantic gestures. This would certainly get his attention. Then not-a-date—seeing Daeran relaxed and open would go a long away to softening relations, though they would still trade barbs. Siavash would be aware of what happened at Heaven’s Gate and feel more sympathy earlier on.
At that point Siavash would start seeing him as a rescue project. This would be bad. The one thing Daeran does want to be rescued from—the Other—he doesn’t believe is possible, and he absolutely does not want or need rescuing from anything else and would bitterly resent the attempt. Sincere friendship and support go a long way, but not some do-gooder trying to save him from himself.
Still, supporting each other through the horrors of the Abyss would create a real bond. In confronting the Other, Siavash doesn’t kill Liotr—he’s all about freedom and redemption requiring assuming responsibility for one’s actions. Daeran says he doesn’t resent it… but does he? The hypocrisy would not be lost on him. The freedom-loving azata turning him over to the Inquisition?
In the even more hypothetical that they got past all that, they’re just not in the same world. Daeran would make a wonderful traveling partner, but ultimately he’s rooted in Mendev with his titles and properties. The sex would be great at first, but Daeran would eventually get bored I’m afraid. Siavash’s absences probably wouldn’t hurt him as much as they would other lovers, but I could see those absences becoming longer and more frequent.
When together, Siavash would be a funny little lark singing in its cage in Daeran’s huge mansion. Dae could easily get him to dress better and refine his tastes in wine and other entertainments, but Siavash would chafe at the aristocratic lifestyle and would not get married or take the title of Count under any circumstances.
They are two men with different flavors of high charisma—Daeran’s in his beauty, his unapologetic forthrightness, his knowing exactly what he wants out of life; and Siavash’s in his cheerful, extroverted empathy and kindness. I think Siavash might be a little jealous of Daeran’s attractiveness and find his brand of charm too sharp-edged. Daeran would be exasperated with his people-pleasing and his sappy tastes.
Tldr - no
I answered for Arue here.
I confess the idea is intriguing 😁
Sal makes his forcefulness, righteousness and arrogance palatable by being elegant and suave, and that velvet fist vibe makes him extremely attractive to a certain type, though maybe not Siavash at first glance. The catalyst that would set off a wildfire would be finding out that underneath all that Sal has a tender, playful side he saves for those he’s closest to. That combination would go straight to Siavash’s brain like sniffing glue. He would have trouble keeping his thoughts straight.
Neither of them is unwise enough to believe it would work out in the long run, but Siavash could fall hard for Salvadore even knowing it was not meant to be.
I don’t want to read too much into what Sal thinks, but he might not be immune to the radiant smile and romantic flights of fancy, not to mention the occasional string duet. Siavash could never be his match like Daeran is, but I think he could make him laugh, and maybe soften his touch a little.
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prokhorvlg · 1 year
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"Incoming data stream, commander." "If that's SANGUINE again... I think I'd rather be factory reset." "Acknowledged, commander. Initializing factory reset." "...I'm surrounded by idiots."
Operator COBALT and their bodyguard, STONEWALL.
COBALT doesn't seem to be very fond of STONEWALL, or SANGUINE HAZE, or anyone really. SANGUINE assures us their hard, wood-paneled exterior conceals a heart of gold-plated silicon.
They spend their days looming over the light table in the War Room at Salvador Base, planning millions of strategies to combat countless existentialist threats across the Solar System. Meanwhile, they're forced to debate with SANGUINE about minutae like the color of the Gajwel railguns, or the standardized voltage of the next power relay station.
If it were up to them, they would all be gunmetal gray.
Lore here.
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dmagedgoods · 12 days
Knight Commander Salvadore’s opinions about his companions
Tag game: Give your KC’s first impression and final opinion of each of their companions! Thank you so much for the tag, @spyridonya ❤ Careful, the final impressions include spoilers. Tagging: @iwoszareba @shiawasekai @amatres @thesolemnhour @outeremissary @offsidekineticist I have no idea who already got tagged and guess wildly. ~
First impressions of Salvadore
Seelah – What a tiring acquaintance. Her morality comes with all the depth of the headnote in a children’s book. At least, her sense of honor speaks in her favor. She is capable with her sword and knows how to follow orders. Camellia – Suspicious, put-on, trying too hard. She would not survive a day in the high society of Absalom but find herself torn apart. Either her status is a role, or Mendev’s aristocracy more pitiful than I feared. Wenduag – Do not stare at those legs. Deep breath, stay composed. Her approach is intelligent, strategical even, her values, on the other hand, entirely misguided. She chose a dark path to reach the desperate lifeboat she confuses with strength. Nonetheless, I see potential in her. Potential worth saving? If she means her words and follows the lead of the strongest, I may succeed at giving her a new perspective and a true chance to put her abilities to use. Lann – A man who finds so little worth in his own existence and yet attempts to run forward without a moment of thought makes for an unworthy leader of his kind. Disregard. Woljif – Is he still talking? His words are a senseless flood of irrelevance. Well, he has his amusing moments, I assume. I will have to watch him to contain his embarrassing habit of taking what is not his. For the time being, he should be of use and make for an efficient tool. I assume he won’t stay for long, he is not a soldier, and I won’t hold him captive by any means. Ember – Heavens, what was done to her? There is a deep wisdom in her words and views. And yet she utters them with all the disarming innocence of the child she is. I will protect her and make sure no harm will befall her again. Daeran – Being in charge always comes with heavy duties. He refuses them all. And while he leads the life of a mindless rake, his lack of political ambition makes it, well, acceptable. And yet, there is more to him. He fights with skillful, elegant efficiency, not afraid face to face with the demons invading his house. There is an air of freedom around him, his shining eyes are impressively observant, his mind as sharp as his provoking tongue. I admit, I am intrigued. He will be mine. If only for a night. He will be mine. Nenio – This epitome of ignorance calls herself a scientist? - A claim as ridiculous as her pathetic questions. Galfrey – The failures of the last crusades weigh heavy on her. Once radiant ruler, I can see the cracks, the tiredness of the woman underneath the mythos I heard all those praises about. She presents herself as surprisingly approachable. In her weakened position, that might prove a mistake. I wonder what her next steps will entail. Sosiel – I recognized a kindred spirit in him and I assume the feeling must be mutual. Last night, we sat and talked about art, about craftmanship, and wine, and beauty. It caused a bittersweet ache in me. I’m too far from Absalom, and something tells me Sosiel suffers a similar kind of yearning for a place he had to part from and yet stays with him, always. Once this war is over, I hope to visit his vineyards. Regill – A stern leader, attentive, sharp-minded, knowledgeable, experienced, efficient. Is he trying to challenge me? He will lose this battle, should he attempt to. Nonetheless, I’m impressed and interested in a solid partnership. My idea of the Hellknights might need adjustment. Arueshalae – A demon with a conscience, choosing her own path? I have to stay cautious, and yet … Her determination moves me. Can it be true? Can even a succubus re-invent herself to step past her pre-destined chains and limitation? If so, it proves everything I believe in. Show it to me, Arueshalae, don’t disappoint me now.
Greybor – His company is pleasant. An intelligent man with a rational mind. Furthermore, a useful weapon. I appreciate his codex and harbor no doubt that our arrangement will prove advantageous to both of us. Trevor – He endured down here, all this time. Impressive. I will reunite him with his brother as soon as I found a way out. Ulbrig – [I played Salvadore’s playthrough before the shifter was added and will come back to write his impressions about him once I finished his second playthrough.] ~
Final Impressions of Salvadore
[Heavy spoilers for the ending of the game]
Seelah – Her self-doubt and inconsequence are a danger for herself and those around her and her choice of ‘friends’ speaks of a concerning lack of insight. Nonetheless, I wish her well and hope her travels will help her move past those shortcomings. Camellia – Would there have been another way? I cannot say that I understand her motivation, her drive, but we travelled and fought together and a part of me wonders if a different approach could have led to a less violent outcome. She forced my hand into attack and paid the price for her crimes, but too much stays in the dark. Lann – Still as bland as the last time. Wenduag – She must have realized the mistake she was making before the battle even started. How, after all this time, could she misjudge that badly? In the end she threw it all away, the position of power offered to her in my army, her developments, her own potential. It pains me. Not her betrayal but my own failure. Where did I go wrong in my attempt of showing her a better way? Woljif – You hid him well, the man you are. – Well enough you needed some time to find him yourself. I’m looking forward to our upcoming projects and adventurous nights you and my husband drag me to. In all you are, in all you became and always were: I am honored to call you my friend. Ember – I recognized your strength from the moment we met. I would like to claim I guided you, but it was all inside of you from the start and my advice merely a final drop to reach your full potential. Listening to your last speech left me impressed and proud. My heart is heavy thinking of your silent departure. Continue on, little bird, go and change the world. Should you ever need it, I will be your haven to return to. Daeran – Light of my life, center of my world, to see you free from all those chains is the greatest achievement, the strongest of pleasures, worth any sacrifice and nothing fulfills me more. I adore everything you are, your light and your darkness, your strength and your weakness, your vulnerable tenderness and each of your sharp edges. You are my goal and my reason, my home and my journey. I love you. Nenio – I grew weirdly fond of her. Why I felt happiness about her return is beyond me. But I’m willing to admit that I’m excited for the final version of her encyclopedia. Galfrey – It should not have ended like this. Our swelling battle for influence, my rise to power to threaten yours, you knew it, you were well aware. You sent me to the Abyss and marched to Iz, it was your decision, not mine, your miscalculation, your defeat, your duty as their leader to hold out until I saved our people, until I preserved the knowledge needed for the goal we shared. The risk you took, the duty to hold out, it is the price of rulership. Then why can I not get rid of the voice whispering in my mind? Telling me that I hoped you would fail and die, your throne free for the taking, that your death would pave the way for me. Mendev in the palm of my hand. We both failed, Galfrey, we both failed that day. But I will carry on, I will wear this crown and leave our faults behind, to shape a nation of light. Sosiel – I feel this certain distance between us since my rejection. It seems to stand between us and I find myself unable to overcome it. Maybe it just needs more time. I look forward to visiting him and his brother and sincerely hope he’ll find the peace of mind he deserves and a life filled with kindness and beauty. Regill – My trusted advisor and second in command, my friend I turn to whenever I wish for advice, wiser than me, with your unconditional, selfless devotion to our goals: You are not dismissed. I need you at my side. Trevor – He is strong and even with the horrors lingering deep within, he will make a life worth living, I am certain. Arueshalae – She succeeded. It proves that we all decide our own path and who we want to be, independently from so-called ‘destiny’, no matter where we stand. I will visit her soon, and urge her to overcome her solitude just enough to make the connections she craves.
Greybor – He is on his way home, to the place he is needed at. I support his decision. Maybe we will meet again one day. Ulbrig – [I played Salvadore’s playthrough before the shifter was added and will come back to write his impressions about him once I finished his second playthrough.]
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warningsine · 15 days
Fifty years on, the wounds left in Chilean society by the coup of 11 September 1973 are still very much open. Justice is a long way from being served, secrets remain untold, and the bodies of many of the victims are yet to be found.
Last Wednesday, the government announced a new national initiative to find the remains of 1,162 Chileans who vanished under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and remain unaccounted for. In most cases, the best their families can hope for are fragments or traces of DNA.
After ousting a democratically elected socialist, Salvador Allende, Pinochet rounded up opponents, social activists and students in Santiago’s national stadium and other makeshift detention centres, where nearly 30,000 were tortured and more than 2,200 were executed.
Allende’s body was pulled out of the bombed wreckage of the presidential palace, La Moneda. He is generally thought to have killed himself rather than be captured by soldiers loyal to Pinochet, the armed forces commander he had appointed a few weeks earlier.
Almost 1,500 others simply disappeared, and since the end of the junta in 1990, only 307 have been identified and their remains returned to their families. Anticipating the reckoning to come, Pinochet had ordered the bodies of the executed to be dug up and dumped at sea, or into the crater of a volcano. Investigators now hope that modern technology might help pinpoint massacre and temporary burial sites that might still yield vestiges of the dead.
Ariel Dorfman had been working as a cultural and press adviser in La Moneda, and was lucky to survive. Most of Allende’s staff were executed in the first days after the coup.
“This was a tragedy for Chile, for Latin America and for the world, because we were trying to open a way to a more just, radical society without violence,” Dorfman, a novelist, playwright and academic, told the Observer.
Trials are under way in a last-gasp effort at accountability before the perpetrators die of old age. On Monday, seven former soldiers aged between 73 and 85 were finally jailed after the criminal chamber of the Chilean supreme court upheld their convictions for the murder of Victor Jara, a celebrated folk singer and Allende supporter who was tortured and then shot 44 times.
Many of the details of the 1973 coup and the ensuing dictatorship remain unknown. Pinochet and the junta were efficient when it came to destroying evidence and the US has been grudging in declassifying its own records, which have emerged in a dribble over the years. Under pressure from Chile’s current president, Gabriel Boric – a 37-year-old former student activist – and from progressive Washington Democrats such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the US has declassified two new documents: presidential intelligence briefings given to Richard Nixon on the day of the coup and three days earlier.
It was hard to understand why they had been withheld for so long. They confirmed what had already been generally established: that the CIA had not directly stage-managed the 11 September coup. The presidential daily brief for 8 September contains reports of a plot by naval officers, but adds: “There is no evidence of a tri-service coup plan.”
“Should hotheads in the navy act in the belief they will automatically receive support from the other services, they could find themselves isolated,” the intelligence briefer told Nixon.
Even on the day of the coup itself, Nixon was told that, although some army units appeared to have joined the effort, “they may still lack an effectively coordinated plan that would capitalise on the widespread civilian opposition”.
Jack Devine, who was serving as a CIA clandestine officer in Chile in 1973, was eating lunch in an Italian restaurant in Santiago on 9 September when he got a message to call home. It was his wife, who told him a coup was coming.
One of Devine’s sources, a businessman and former naval officer, was leaving the country and had been unable to find the CIA man, so had gone to his house and told Mrs Devine to pass on his tipoff: “The military has decided to move. It is going to happen on September 11.”
Devine told the Observer: “That is the first clear sign that a coup was coming, just a couple of days ahead of time. We were caught by surprise. That’s the first evidence that something was coming. And many of the people still didn’t believe it in Washington and the CIA.”
There is no question, however, that the US had helped set the stage for the military takeover. From the time of Allende’s election on 4 September 1970 at the head of the Popular Unity alliance, the White House, led by Nixon’s national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, began plotting to get rid of him.
The CIA planned a putsch the following month, before Allende could even hold his inauguration. US spies found willing officers and supplied them with guns, cash and guarantees of US support for a military government. The plot led to the murder of the commander-in-chief, René Schneider, who had stood by the incoming president, but it fell short of toppling Allende when plotters in the military pulled out.
In a telephone conversation on 23 October, Kissinger told Nixon that there had been “a turn for the worse”.
“The next move should have been a government takeover, but that hasn’t happened,” he said, describing the Chilean military as “a pretty incompetent bunch”.
“They’re out of practice,” Nixon replied.
After the failure of the 1970 coup, Devine said, “Nixon sent out specific instructions to the CIA that there be no more coup plotting.” The US administration focused instead on undermining the Allende government, which had been elected by a slender margin and was facing substantial internal opposition. Washington coordinated with its allies in Latin America to block Chile’s access to international finance, persuaded US companies to leave Chile, manipulated the global price of copper, Chile’s principal export, and helped foment strikes within the country.
The Nixon administration was also quick to throw its support behind the junta. When shocked US diplomats sent reports of the slaughter that had followed the coup, Kissinger told his aides: “I think we should understand our policy – that however unpleasant they act, this government is better for us than Allende was.”
Pinochet found another powerful friend on the world stage when Margaret Thatcher was elected in Britain in 1979. She restored Chile’s export credits and dropped an arms embargo on the regime, selling it jet fighters and training its troops.
A succession of Tory ministers visited Chile, admiring the high economic growth rate and the wholehearted adoption of the absolutist monetary policy extolled by Milton Friedman at the University of Chicago. A group of Chilean economists who had studied there, known as the Chicago Boys, took top positions in Pinochet’s government, and the country became a test case for the policies of privatisation, deregulation and tight control of the money supply. Complicating social factors, such as trade unions and popular resistance, had been taken out of the picture.
“The Chilean coup was a triumph of the anti-communist movement in the United States and Latin America. You can’t get around the fact that it led to the defeat of democratic and progressive governments all over the region,” said John Dinges, who lived through the violent early years of the Pinochet era as one of the few US journalists to remain in the country after the coup.
“There was a youth-oriented revolutionary movement, which was sometimes quite extreme, advocating armed struggle, and that was also physically eliminated. So the violence was successful,” Dinges, the author of two books on the Pinochet regime, said. “More than 80% of the population of Latin America was under rightwing military dictatorships by the end of 1976.”
The Pinochet regime coordinated with fellow military-run governments in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil to eliminate leftwingers and social activists in Operation Condor, a concerted slaughter across the region. It had US support, in the form of technical support, training and military aid, through the Ford, Carter and Reagan administrations, all in the name of fighting communism.
The coup’s lasting legacy around the world has been defined mostly by the international backlash to its shocking cruelty. It galvanised the human rights movement in Europe and the US. In Washington, the US’s involvement shocked politicians such as Senator Frank Church, who oversaw the first congressional hearings on the CIA’s covert activities which ultimately led to constraints on its future operations.
The martyrdom of Allende and his experiment in democratic socialism inspired a generation of leftwing political activists around the world.
The record of the Allende government is complicated. The Popular Unity alliance never commanded a parliamentary majority and was deeply split. Rapid nationalisation and blanket pay rises for workers brought with them mismanagement of state enterprises and hyperinflation. But because it was violently cut short, many different myths grew up around what might have been.
“It became like a Chilean mirror. People read into Chile what they wanted to see,” said Tanya Harmer, associate professor in Latin American international history at the London School of Economics.
“Across the world, the diverse groups on the left learned the lessons they wanted to learn from the coup. Social democrats viewed it as constitutional democracy overthrown, so it was about the rule of law. The more radical left read it as evidence that you could never have a revolution without an armed struggle.”
Dorfman argues the Allende government and its destruction changed the course of progressive politics. “There were lessons to be learned and they have endured: the need for vast coalitions to effect that structural change, and the way in which Chile’s suffering created a consciousness about human rights violations,” said Dorfman, who has written an assessment of the Allende legacy in the New York Review of Books, and a novel about Allende’s death, The Suicide Museum.
Inside Chile, the coup’s legacy is still being fought over. A recent Mori poll found only 42% of Chileans thought it had destroyed democracy, compared with 36% who said it had saved the country from Marxism.
Peter Kornbluh, a senior analyst at the National Security Archive in Washington, who has led the pressure on the US government to declassify its documents on the coup, warned that denialism about the atrocities of the Pinochet era was strengthening, along with the rise of the far right.
“It is a Rosetta Stone for the discussion over the threat of authoritarianism versus the sanctity of democracy,” said Kornbluh, who is the author of a book based on the documents declassified so far, The Pinochet File. “And Chile is having that debate about its past because it’s dealing with this threat right now – and a number of other countries including the US, and countries in Europe, are facing the same issue.
“The coup in Chile was really the repression of a lot of hopes and dreams around the world, and I think that dynamic still resonates and is still relevant today.”
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