#leon scott kenendy
rpdwong · 6 years
[LET’S TALK RE2MAKE] Ada and Leon
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There is so much I want to talk about regarding this game, that I’ve decided to just divide it in different posts because, wow, there is A LOT to unpack here. It’s no surprise that I started playing Leon’s scenario, mainly because I wanted to see Ada in this new rendition (and also Leon and Ada/Leon, of course!). A heads-up: this is probably going to be very convoluted and not-at-all-organized, but I need to get it out and talk about these two.
I’ll admit my main fear was that Capcom could’ve butchered Ada’s characterization, but in the end I had nothing to worry about because we could argue this Ada is even better than in any previous appearances. Mainly because RE2make has probably the best writing/acting in the series (it’s still campy at times and that’s good as well! but you know what I mean). This also applies to her relationship with Leon, which also has been improved and now feels more grounded.
First things first, I love the original RE2 to pieces. It was my favourite game in the series, it was the first I played, Leon and Ada are literally the first ship that I ever shipped without knowing what that was. But when you look at it now, even if the writing is good  in certain scenes, it’s… well, it’s not RE forte. I mean, Ada goes from running away from Leon to sticking with him and then saying she cared about him all of a sudden. It’s not that you can’t believe it, but because the game is too short, she gets very intense very quickly. Again, we have to suspend our disbelief here a bit because this game was made back in 1998, and narrative in games was limited. For its time, it was kinda good—but some of those scenes would have looked a bit out of place under the tone RE2make has set. Like the “I’m just a woman who fell in love with you”. I mean, I love it in its original context, but it was cheesy af at its time and I don’t think they could have pulled it off here in a believable way.
(I also think Capcom wants to keep the romance tone very subtle, as they have always said they don’t “include” them in their RE games <s>except they kinda do but anyway</s> and that love confession was by far the most blatant romantic scene in a RE game).
But I digress, since this is about what RE2make does well in regards to Leon and Ada, and I’d say pretty much everything.
The first thing I noticed I quite liked about this Ada was the contrast between her demeanor and what she was doing: she acted cold and distant, but still kept saving Leon’s ass (and she does save him here a lot, more than in the original). This really resonates with their later interactions in other games, even though here she is colder than usual because, well, this is their first meeting so they still don’t have that history and shared background.
[And they keep pointing guns at each other (another great detail, since this is pretty much their dynamic when they meet).]
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Now, in the original we know Ada tried to leave Leon behind multiple times— she had a job to do, and having a rookie cop with her wouldn’t help. But she just kept running away without saying anything and since we don’t know her true intentions until the end, it may come across as a bit strange, given her supposed circumstances. In RE2make this is more nuanced, I think. You can see she’s trying to push him off constantly, telling him to leave as soon as he can and escape the city. Some people always bring up that Ada manipulates Leon into doing things so she can accomplish her mission— and that is true to an extent (let’s remember, again, that she also keeps saving him just as much before even accepting his help). But you can also see that wasn’t her first intention, she just wanted to get rid of him and continue her mission. However, Leon is very adamant about not leaving her behind and helping her, because he wants do something for the city and bring those responsible down (I love that he repeats it like two o three times, the “you’re stuck with me” line basically).
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Even in her attempts at getting rid of him, there’s a difference between their first interactions and the ones they share later, from the sewers on. When he finds her in the dumpster wounded, she stills tells him something like “get out of here”, even if she knows she needs his help now to survive.
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When finishing Ada’s segment, you can even see she’s scared at the end after the fall (and, indeed, where’s Leon when she needs him xD). But what Leon says here is one of my favourite things:
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Now this is not only about uncovering Umbrella’s plot and bringin them to justice for him: they are a team and they protect each other to survive the hell they have been thrown into (which is very reminiscent of their interactions in the original game aka “We’re a team. I can’t just leave you behind”, even Leon points at this with his “Y’know we make a good team”, which only makes it all sadder because yes, they do, but now the truth has come out and they are “enemies”).
So, yeah, what was Ada supposed to say here? She goes along with it, and yes, she tricks him into retrieving the G virus for her, but that’s to be expected because she’s just not going to drop her whole mission and leave everything she’s ever known “for a pair of pretty eyes”, as Luke Skywalker would say, when we can see she’s very reserved and hides her true feelings/intentions constantly.
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Yet she doesn’t want to hurt him (as she admits during their confrontation and this is genuine, no lies here), so that’s the best scenario in play: Leon gets the G virus, he gives it to her under the pretense of taking it back to the FBI, they escape, go their separate ways, she succeeds in her mission. End of story. Thankfully, Leon is not such a naïve ass in this game. Seriously, I replayed the original RE2 just before the remake’s launch and Leon is incredibly gullible to the point of no reason— though it’s endearing in its own way too. But I definitely appreciate more that this Leon still has a hopeful, positive vibe and he really wants to trust Ada, without coming off as an utter fool.
Then the confrontation comes (in a walkway with no railing, guys, haven’t you seen Star Wars??? THAT DOESN’T BODE WELL, NEVER) and it’s beautifully made. They could have gone the Leon B route with Ada dying in his arms, but the Leon A version was incredibly poignant— and it remains the same here, even more so because the acting was top notch for me here. (It’s true Ada “died” in Leon B to save him and that’s powerful as well, but… she has saved him so many times in the remake, it wouldn’t have felt that “special” I guess?). Even though Ada has been actively more deceitful in the remake (she takes advantage of the FBI lie much more than she did with the “worried girlfriend” thing), in the end she is not able to shoot Leon— and he knows she won’t. 
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The moment he says “but I don’t think you can” and lowers his weapon is SO GREAT and is a perfect summary of their whole dynamic: they are usually on opposing sides, yet he still trusts she will never harm him; because she can’t. They always walk a very thin line between friend and foe. We as the audience know Ada won’t shoot him, but it’s a such leap of faith for Leon here, at this moment— especially because now he is certain of what Ada is and what she is doing with the G virus. Rationally, there’d no reason for her not to shoot him and get the virus— but despite Ada’s lie, the connection they have developed is real. And Leon knows this, trusts his instincts and it pays off. It’s so much more fulfilling than the original scenes or even later ones.
Then we have Ada’s “death” and it’s heart-breaking. That “Shut up I’ve got you” from Leon KILLS me every time, and Ada’s “it’s not worth it” says so much about her, as I understand the implication is that she thinks saving her is not worth it. 
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Again, this is something that was also present in the original, so I think they’ve managed to blend all versions of Ada quite well (she can be standoffish, independent and sassy, but also show warmth, sadness and compassion). Not only that, I found it quite endearing that she also comes off as very proud and hates feeling weak, rejecting Leon’s gestures of kindness when he finds her wounded in the sewers. There’s the “don’t push it, rookie” and she claims she would feel even worse if Leon carried her. I don’t think this was a trait we had witnessed before in Ada, even though you could assume she doesn’t like being thought of as weak. But it was really nice to see that on screen and it’s just another detail that helps to make her feel more human.
What about the kiss? I’ve seen some people having mixed feelings about it, but I actually liked what they did— again, because this time it all feels more grounded and less “melodramatic” (which isn’t bad per se, but the tone is different, as I’ve mentioned). We weren’t getting a love confession out of nowhere because it didn’t fit the character, so… how can we get a kiss in this situation? Well, now it’s part of Ada’s manipulation in a way— but that doesn’t invalidate that she’s starting to care about him in some way and viceverse.
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But they are still walking on thin ice: Leon wants to trust her, but he doesn’t know if he should, and she knows she’s lying to him. So she just shuts him up when he starts blabbering about keeping her safe. I don’t mind that it’s part of the manipulation because, once more, this is their first meeting and I also think part of her was also being genuine about it, like she thinks he’s very sweet for worrying so much about her. This is my interpretation, of course, but I think it fits the scene when she says “don’t worry about me” and claiming she’d like to see him again, that she has plenty to live for. This is of course all up to debate, because it’s made ambiguous on purpose, to make us feel as confused as Leon is. But, in the end, we know what happens in later games (even in this one, when she is unable to shoot him), and whether you like Ada or not, we can’t argue that she cares about him enough to put him before any mission.
Leon’s line in the train is also very telling and so much better than the original “Goodbye, Ada” or “I’ll always remember you”, in my opinion. He says “I can’t believe I actually miss her” and that rings so true, because, despite the deception, the connection they had was true, they worked well together, they teased each other, they bantered. They made a good team, and Leon made it out alive thanks to her as well. It reflects much better that duality they have, whether they can trust each other or not (as he says in RE6: it’s complicated).
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Just to end this, because I’ve been blabbering long enough, the other thing I’m forever grateful this remake has given us is Leon and Ada bantering and even their own sort of recurring catch phrase, with the whole “keeping scores” that comes full circle: first in a negative way, then it shows up again in a moment of tenderness between the two.
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It’s also such a nice way to tie all their history together, because that’s what they always do: they might be on opposing sides, but they always end up saving each other.
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silvernais · 6 years
Para los Haters de Ada:
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Ojalá alguien pueda traducir este comentario Desde que salió el remake he visto mucho hate hacia Ada (más de lo usual xd) así que creo que es momento de que hagamos un breve repaso a la historia de Ada, esto va dedicado para quienes no la conozcan y la llamen puta sin más:
En 1998 Ada era una espía contratada por una compañía RIVAL a umbrella para recuperar la muestra del virus G en Raccoon City, ahí conoce a Leon y si bien al principio lo usa se terminan enamorando, en el juego original en el escenario B ( el cual fue por un largo tiempo el canon de la saga hasta que salió el remake) Ada arriesga su vida y salva a Leon de Mr.X quedando así muy mal herida, en ese momento se produce el icónico beso (el único visto en la saga) le confiesa a Leon sus sentimientos y "muere" en sus brazos, en el remake lo cambian y ada "muere" al caer del precipicio, esta escena también estaba en el original en el escenario A, pero en este Ada le decía a Leon que en verdad le hubiera gustado escapar con el, escapar de todo.
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Mas tarde nos enteramos en Resident Evil Umbrella Cronicles que Ada fue enviada a Raccoon City por Wesker quien la ayudaría a escapar de Raccoon City a cambio de la muestra del virus G. Ada se muestra un poco preocupada por lo que podría pasar con el virus G pero sabe que si no lo entrega morirá. en ese juego también se aclaran las intenciones de Ada de traicionar a Wesker, en el epílogo. Y también hay que resaltar una frase que dice al inicio de esta campaña "algo cambió en mi luego de mí encuentro con Leon" dando a entender que realmente si desarrollo sentimientos por este.
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En re4 Ada y Leon se vuelven a encontrar y en este juego hay una campaña llamada "Separete Ways" donde nos muestran que Ada había recibido órdenes de matar a Leon pero muy al contrario de ésto, lo termina protegiendo. Si Ada en verdad no sintiera nada por Leon y solo lo usará hace tiempo que Leon estaría muerto, sin embargo Ada siempre termina arriesgado su vida o sus intereses para salvarlo, me gustaría que recordaran eso antes de llamarla puta. Al final de la campaña se revela que Ada traiciona a Wesker y no entrega las muestras de las plagas sino más bien "un regalito diferente".
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En la película Resident Evil Damnation nos la volvemos a encontrar, y en esta película Ada vuelve a ayudar a Leon y sus compañeros, aquí hay uno de mis momentos favoritos de la pareja en el que ada le pregunta coquetamente a Leon "cuando continuaremos lo que dejamos sin terminar aquella noche" los escritores de la película (que por cierto es canon) aclararon en una entrevista que escribieron esa frase pensando en un posible encuentro entre Ada y Leon después de los sucesos de re4.
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Ya en RE6 vemos como la pareja se vuelve a reencontrar, Ada ayuda a Leon y sus compañeros continuamente en el juego y al final le deja a Leon la información necesaria para probar su inocencia y la de su compañera Helena y también un helicóptero para poder escapar junto a un lanzacohetes (el cual tiene un beso suyo pintado con lápiz labial) el cual usaría para derrotar a Simmons. En este juego también se nos presenta a la clon de Ada, Carla Radames, la cual es la UNICA clon que salió exitosa de los proyectos de Simmons y la cual roba la identidad de Ada, esta es la responsable por las muertes del equipo de Chris no Ada.
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Ada es la de rojo.
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Carla es la de azul.
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PD: No me molesta que no les guste Ada, no a todos nos puede caer bien, me molesta que la insulten y más si esos insultos están basados en la ignorancia.
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imagineleonkennedy · 7 years
imagine that leon smuggles cocoa puffs in to work in his socks because agents arent allowed to eat snacks on the clock, and when he inevitably gets caught his boss rips his pants off and spanks him until he cries in front of all the other agents and hes too embarrassd to ever go to work again. as a result he becomes homeless and has to live in a sewer for the rest of his life
First of all, I thought this said snuggles…Second, this took so many turns I‘m lightheaded
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imagineleonkennedy · 9 years
Imagine Leon's hand in yours when you walk through crowded stores shopping for Christmas. He holds your hand tight so he doesn't lose you.
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