#leonard wolfman wolfe x female!reader
topgun-imagines · 1 year
Following In His Footsteps
Requested: yes
Summary: Wolfman, your father, watches you graduate from Top Gun. Just like he did many years ago.
Word count: 0.7k
Warnings: anxiety? Not really any.
Pairings: Leonard ‘Wolfman’ Wolfe x daughter!reader
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You were surrounded by crowds of people as you made your way through the doors of the area where the graduation would be held. Based on the pictures you had seen, it was exactly the same as when your father graduated nearly thirty years ago. Nerves racked through you as you twisted your Annapolis ring around your finger.
Once the few people in front of you moved out of the way, you were able to move toward your assigned seat. Sitting down, you watched the rest of your Top Gun class find their seats. You offered a small smile to the WSO that sat down beside you. Over the past few weeks, you had gotten to know him as Bob. He was probably one of the kindest men in your class.
As people continued to find their seats, Cyclone began walking toward the podium. The large group quieted simultaneously as he approached the podium, hands resting on either side as he glanced down at his speech. His words were carefully chosen and calculated, much like everything else he did.
The Air Boss reflected on the past few weeks, highlighting certain aspects of your Top Gun course. He concluded his speech with a professional smile, eyes wandering across the graduates, as well as the family and friends, in front of him. He did a double-take when his eyes landed on Iceman. The man considered himself lucky that he wasn’t speaking, or he would have definitely stumbled over his words.
Your father, along with his pilot, Hollywood, Iceman, Maverick, and Slider were all sitting in the second to last row. For as long as you could remember, it had only ever been you and your father. Your mother apparently walked out on the man only a few months after your first birthday.
You were ecstatic when your dad said that he would come. And he planned on surprising you with the extra guests that he brought. Since your dad had raised you without the help of your mother, you grew very close with your uncles very quickly. He knew that you would be overjoyed to see that they all made time to come see you on your big day.
Nerves wracked through you as another official approached the podium. Now was the time that they would begin calling out awards. You wrung your hands in your lap, twisting the ring around your finger. When your name was called, you felt as if you couldn’t breathe. It felt like there was a rock lodged in your throat as you walked up in front of your classmates and the guests.
When you finally reached the podium after what felt like an eternity, you released that breath slowly. There was a small smile on your face as you shook hands with the official. The Top Gun Trophy was handed to you and a picture was taken. You had busted your ass to become first in your class. When you saw the broad smiles on your father's and uncle's faces, pride swelled in your chest.
You returned to your seat, a new spring in your step at the sight of your loved ones in the audience.
The rest of the ceremony passed quickly. You were called up once more to accept a ribbon for graduating from the course. After that, there were a few more words from Cyclone before you were allowed to mingle with the guests.
As soon as you were allowed to, you jumped out of your seat, rushing to your father and tackling him in a hug. His arms wound around you as he squeezed you tightly. “I’m proud of you, Kiddo.” He whispered. A grin overtook your face and you felt tears well in your eyes. You pulled back from the hug before wiping away the few stray tears.
You hugged each of your uncles, all of which had broad smiles on their faces. Each of them congratulated you. A wide and shy smile grew on your face at the praise from such highly decorated Naval aviators.
Cyclone and a few other officials stepping toward your little group drew your uncle’s attention toward them. Your father laid his arm across your shoulders, pulling you into his side. You beamed up at him. “Thank you for coming.” Your head fell against his shoulder as you watched the rest of your class mingle with their family and friends.
“Of course, Kiddo,” He pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
A/n: Thank you all for reading! Requests are open!
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Tagging: @alexxavicry @bradleybeachbabe @chaoticassidy @genius2050 @t0kyoreveng3rs @aviatorobsessed @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @oliviah-25 @shelbycillian @bruher
Join my taglist!
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Hi, sorry for the radio silence!
If your requests are open, can I ask for a wolfman x reader where the flyboys see the sonogram in Leo’s locker (he keeping it a secret but acting a little different) from the fwb fic?
I understand if you deny this request and respect your decision!
Sorry again,
Your biggest fan!
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Pairing: Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe x Civilian! Pregnant!reader
Characters: Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe (Henry “Wolfman” Ruth), Civilian! Pregnant!reader
Warnings: Fluff, I had fun with this one, I am very proud of Goose in this one, especially of one phrase he says (hehe), the guys love her, Iceman knows about everyone and the recent tea, Ron's a dad now, Charls and reader cannot go a day without betting, it's becoming a problem... or is it?, why is this so cute?, who authorized this amount of cuteness, the guys are such gossiping hens
Word Count: 1,774
One month later…
“This is really happening,” you tell the two.
“I guess it is,” she nods.
“Yeah,” Leonard nods. “What are we talking about?”
Charlotte takes a deep breath, keeping her comments to herself. “I’m still surprised you’re having his baby.”
“So am I, Charls. So am I.”
“Hey. Why are you two ganging up on me?”
“We’re not,” you turn to face your friend, “are we?”
She shrugs and snatches the instructions from your hands and flips back to page one. “Okay, this- this just isn’t working. Should it be this hard to put a crib together?”
Leonard shrugs and tries to screw the bars for one of the side panels. “No.”
“No one asked you,” she snaps back.
You chuckle, “you just did.”
“I’m pretty sure it was a rhetorical question.”
She nods, pointing to him. “I knew I liked him.”
Your bottom lip sticks out as you fight the urge to fight back. Maybe a joke would be a better thing to say, lighten the mood a little. “I’m pretty sure you told me you hated him when you realized how close he was with your ex-boytoy and his best friend.”
“You’re a liar. She’s lying,” she hands him the screw he’s looking for.
“It’s okay, he didn’t like you either.”
“What?” Her head snaps over in his direction.
“I never said that. She’s lying,” he turns to you. “Stop talking, stop saying things. The changes you’re going through are making it harder on you to keep these things to yourself so just,” he shushes you.
There was a bit of tension in the air as Charlotte and Leonard finished building the crib. 
Two weeks later
He quickly places the latest sonogram picture back into his locker at the sound of the guys coming in.
“We missed you up there… again.” Nick claps him on the shoulder.
He's quiet and doesn't respond, which isn't like Leonard, at all. It instantly puts the troublemaker on edge.
“Where’s your head at?” Pete asks.
“You’ve been off,” Rick comments, also wondering what’s going on with his friend.
“Nothing. It’s nothing- I haven’t- shut up.” He tries to fight the urge to blurt out the truth, but he knows you aren't quite ready for anyone else to know just yet.
You're trying to plan on having a gender reveal party- or something similar to that. He can't quite remember what you said, all he knows is that if you do plan on throwing a party, you'll be stressing out a lot.
"Maybe his old lady finally has him by the- well," Nick pauses, giving the guys a second to think. "You know what I mean."
Pete shoves his friend’s shoulder while Rick throws a crumbled paper ball at him. "Knock it off, knucklehead."
"She's not like that," Leonard chimes in, defending you.
"Is it that one chick you were talking to at the bar a while back?" Pete asks, taking his arms out of his sleeves, tying them around his waist so he can cool off.
"Uh- I mean, which- uh- who are you talking about?"
"The one who's close with Charlie, right?" Nick adds.
Pete grimaces with an affirmative nod. "Yeah, her."
"She's nice," Rick adds.
"If it is that one, I like her. She keeps you in line."
The cowboy hat lover let's out a fake chuckle, "you're so nice man. Yeah, it's her."
"You finally manned up and asked her out on a real date instead of lying to yourself. Dare I say," he wipes away a fake tear. "I'm proud of you."
Pete pouts. "Wait- now I'm lost."
"What he said? We need some background information," the mustached man gestures to him and his partner in crime.
Leonard rolls his eyes and quickly nudges his locker open just enough for him to grab his helmet, except he knocks it against the inside of the door and knocks off his pictures.
"I’ll help you," Rick offers, since his locker is right next to Leonard’s. He picks up a few random pictures everyone has seen (since they're more or less likely in them) and then he stumbles across a very special one. "What's this?"
Nick furrows his brows at the question and leans over, his brows instantly shooting up when he starts at the black and white, very familiar photo. "Oh, yeah. Dude, I'm going to need some background information like now because that," he points to it. "Is not something you can easily avoid. Also, congrats. Now you'll understand my struggle."
"And, what's that?" Leonard asks, snatching the photos from Rick's hands.
"Running on five hours or less of sleep with a newborn. I mean," he glances him up and down. "That is, if you two are going to do this together and you didn't leave her high and dry because, I'm not going to lie that'd be- the ultimate dick move."
"I'm pretty sure they're together, Goose."
"We'll, I can't just assume. What if she mailed him a letter and gave him a choice but he hasn't made one yet or he did and that sonogram is a reminder of what two people can create in the heat of the moment whether they love each other or not, huh. Explain that Mav."
Rick shakes his head and slaps the back of their heads. "You two, shut up. Wolf, what happened?"
"Uh, well-" He scratches the back of his neck. "We were "seeing" each other for a bit and then she left one night and then it was over."
"Oh, that's makes sense now."
"What makes sense?" Tom asks, with Ron coming in behind him.
"We finally got the official answer about why cowboy was depressed a few months ago," Nick tells him.
"It was a girl, wasn't it?"
"I already knew that."
"Okay," he pushes past Pete and Rick so he can lean against the lockers closer to the blond. "But now we know our infamous Wolfman, has some- well, I don't mean to be crass but," he claps Leonard on the shoulder (again). "He's got some excellent cowboys in his holster."
It took everyone a moment to realize what exactly Nick is talking about and everyone in the room groaned.
"I know. I know, I'm not proud of it either but it was the best I could come up with."
"So..." Tom starts.
"Yes?" Nick replies.
"Not talking to you."
"Are you two-"
"I'm not going to miss anything in the bubbles life." The corners of his lips twitch upwards. "We just built the crib."
"Wow..." Pete nods.
"How long did it take?" The mustached man asks.
"It would have been smoother had Charlie not tried to steal everything. I had to restart everything she did."
"Wait until the mood swings come."
Ron shakes his head with a groan, "don't remind me."
"How old are your kids again, Slider?" Pete asks.
"Tony's going to be three in four months and Lindsay just turned one."
"One already? It seems like they were just born yesterday," Leonard says.
"Wait, till you understand that feeling... dad."
Leonard groans, laying down on the bench, placing his hat over his eyes. "Shut up, Pete."
"Better him than me."
"You're both equally bad," Tom points out, glaring at Nick.
"But now you know a little bit of what you have to look forward to," Ron nudges him.
"Yeah, oh, I remember when we first heard Bradley's heartbeat. I cried."
"The heartbeat can make any man cry," Tom points out.
"Is there something you're trying to tell us, Icepop?" Nick asks.
"You're hearing things, mother goose."
"Not helping." Leonard pushes himself up.
"The most helpful thing we can say is, congratulations again and then we call your future baby mama and pass along the same-"
Nick and Pete glance at one another with their eyebrows raised.
"You weren't supposed to tell anyone, we're you?" Tom chimes in, asking the very question they were thinking.
"I have to go out now, come on, H-Wood."
Leonard grabs his friend by his collar, forcing him out of the room.
Charlotte hangs up and grabs yours and her lunch. "I owe you."
You shake your head, "no you don't."
"I do. You won."
"He squealed."
She nods, sitting down on the couch beside you. "He did. The guys know and I'm sure Viper's going to know before the end of the day."
"Never bet against me. You know that."
She sets her cup down and quickly swallows her sip so she can whine. "Don't be mean. I get it, you're the queen of bets."
"Damn right I am."
"Should you be cursing around the baby like that?"
Your smile instantly falls from your face. "Oh my god. Mini wolf's first word is going to be some curse word, isn't it?"
"As long as you don't do it often... maybe you'll be fine?"
"You're not helping!"
"Don't start crying again, please."
"Oh, thank god you're back- oh," Charlotte holds the door open for Leonard and the others to walk through the door. "Why are there more of you?"
"Well, they- uh-"
"We know they know but why are they here?"
"We wanted to say hi," Nick chimes in, with Pete right beside him.
She narrows her eyes at the two and sighs. "Fine, come on in. You better have brought food, at least. We do have someone who's eating for two."
"We did," Tom lifts one of the many bags they have.
"Thank god, one of you was smart."
You walk down the hall at the sound of many people talking, people you know you weren't expecting. "Hello?"
"Hi, baby." Leonard pecks your cheek, "and baby." He places his hand on your belly, smiling. "How is our little bubbles?"
"Growing... but I was actually thinking of changing their name."
"What do you think about mini wolf?"
"I think our baby's going to be very confused when they're born."
You nod, "yeah but I want to have a cuter nickname because you make me and mini wolf happy."
He smiles. "I’m happy to know that but I think bubbles was always a cute nickname. Now come on." He grabs your hand, "we brought a feast."
"Of things you probably shouldn't be eating but, we'll deal with better now."
"So," Nick says, extending the word. "Any names picked out?"
"Not yet."
"It'll come to you in the moment."
You smile and nod, "I hope so."
"Okay, we need to hear it from the source," Ron interrupts.
You furrow your brows. "Hear what?"
"What exactly happened?"
"Finally, things are getting interesting," Charlotte mutters.
"Can it, Charls."
Previously: Part I
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callsignthirsty · 2 years
For your 801 follower celebration,
I don't know if you write for him, but prompt 66 with Wolfman?
Thank you for being patient with me. This is the first time I’ve tried writing for Wolfman, and I really hope that I did him justice (or at least didn't butcher his character). The man is horribly underwritten (like most of the ‘86 crew).
Also, I changed the prompt ever so slightly (that > the). Oops.
Pairing: Leonard "Wolfman" Wolf x F!Reader (Henry "Wolfman" Ruth x F!Reader) Word Count: 900 Warnings: dirty talk (mild), smut, oral (f! receiving) Minors DNI
Smut Prompt #66
After weeks of dodging your friends, they finally convinced you to come to a girls' night. They claimed you couldn't spend all your time holed up with your boyfriend, but that was precisely what you'd been doing. Not that any of them should've blamed you; your Leo was convincing. But he hadn't stood a chance against all of your girlies (most likely because he wasn't there to defend himself), and you'd been booked.
That afternoon, you called Lisa to confirm the night's plans were still good and spent the rest of the time it would take Lisa to pick up your friends to freshen up with a change of clothes. It was the height of summer, and your work-appropriate slacks were hardly comfortable in San Diego's oppressive heat, so you'd changed into a simple skirt and sighed in immediate relief as fresh air swept through the window and across your legs.
When Wolf came home from classes, you were sticking a note to the fridge and heading out the door. He caught you around the waist, exuberantly spinning the two of you before he planted a kiss on your lips. "Hey, baby." Wolf smiled at you beneath the crooked rim of his Stetson, your gloss sticky on his lips. "Where d'you think you're going?"
"To the movies," you'd insisted, preening as he nuzzled into the curve of your neck, helplessly batting at his shoulders to get him to let you go.
"Dressed like that?" came his muffled reply as he gave the swishy hem of your skirt an appreciative tug. Before you could reply, to complain about the heat, Lisa rolled up to the curb and laid on her horn.
"Leo," you giggled as you tried to work yourself out of your boyfriend's strong arms. "I've gotta go. You're going to make me late for the movie."
But instead of letting you go, Wolf had reeled you in closer. "If you leave the house wearing that, then the second you get home, I'm going to bend you over the bed." Your cheeks grew hot, but Wolf's a flirt. Playful by nature. This isn't the first thing he's said to try and rile you up, and you're sure it won't be the last.
"Sure you will," you grinned, not entirely believing him as you slipped from his arms and left him with a bubblegum smooch to the cheek as Lisa began yelling from her convertible that she would drag you out of the house if she had to.
That, of course, had been your mistake.
Assuming that Wolf wouldn't make good on his promise.
It takes a second for you to open the door, waving as your friends speed off. As the TV drones on in the living room, you toe off your shoes and smile at the thought of cuddling up with Wolf while he finishes whatever he's watching before you both call it a night. So he catches you by surprise when you look up, and he's suddenly there. Cupping your cheeks between his palms and pulling you into a sloppy kiss before corralling you toward the bedroom.
"God, baby," he breathes when you break apart, lips skimming to the corner of your jaw before stealing a shorter but no-less-urgent kiss, one of his hands dropping to play with your skirt. "You know what this does to me?" You shake your head, but as the evidence presses hot to your hip, you begin to get the picture. Wolf hums, his lips turning up against the column of your throat. "Guess I'll just have to show you, then."
Wolfman gives you a peck on the lips that contrasts the way he turns you around and promptly bends you over the side of the bed, your arms fanning out across the mattress to steady yourself. Wolf falls to his knees behind you, nudging your legs further apart as his hands trail up the sensitive insides of your thighs until he's gotten rid of your underwear.
One of his hands travels under your skirt to spread your pussy lips, the other holding onto the small of your back to keep you in place as he licks into you with a groan. And he doesn't stop until your thighs are quaking, his name leaving your lips in little mewls.
"Leo, please." He hums, tongue curling to suck on your clit. "Leo."
"Yeah, baby?" his voice is rough. Not wrecked but well on its way.
"In me," you gasp, wanting nothing more than for Wolf to climb onto the bed with you and cursing as he sucks a bruise into your thigh.
"You think you deserve it?" he asks, licking another broad stripe up your cunt. "After you got all dressed up and left me alone with a fucking hard-on?" Well, when he puts it that way, you probably don't. But it doesn't stop you from wanting.
"I didn't know," you whimper as Wolf finally pulls away, leaving you bent over the edge of the bed and your sanity. "But I can make it up to you," you promise. "Want to be good for you, Leo."
There's the metallic clink of a belt buckle and the rumple of fabric as it falls to the floor. The bed is dipping beneath Leo's hand as a warm thigh nudges your own further apart. A familiar weight settling over top of you and teasing between your legs. "I know you will."
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twistnet · 2 years
kinktober masterlist — 2022
going to pin this for a while, so if you’re looking for the navigation ⇢ go here
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“i think they should be absolutely terrified of you...”
welcome all to another year of kinktober! just like with the previous year, random names were drawn from my character list using the wheel of death and were matched with a prompt that fit that chosen character!
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⋯ ✧ PROMPTS ; prompts were chosen from this [ post ] by @the-purity-pen​​ ; these are pure smut, meaning 18+ only [ minors do not interact! ] — you can block #twistnet :: kinktober 2022 if you do not wish to see
⋯ ✧ EXPECTATIONS ; all works are 500-1000 words, with little to no plot -- just plain ole smut [ gn!readers, afab!readers + female!readers; will be listed in warnings + tags ]
⋯ ✧ NOTICES ; things to keep in mind
all kinks, pairings + readers were chosen by me; based entirely off what i felt comfortable writing. if anything from the below list makes you uncomfortable, i strongly advise you not to read it
ageless blogs // minors interacting with this post, or any of the linked posts, will be blocked
this post will serve as the masterlist for the event + days will be updated with links upon posting
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day one. 69 — pete mitchell x fem!reader
day two. floor sex — stella kidd x afab!reader
day three. glove kink — dmitri ‘enzo’ antonov x fem!reader
day four. missionary — jim street x gn!reader
day five. leather // latex — jill valentine x fem!reader
day six. cockwarming — matt murdock x gn!reader
day seven. costumes — robin buckley x fem!reader
day eight. voice kink — druig x gn!reader
day nine. double penetration — cobb vanth x din djarin x fem!reader
day ten. creampie — bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw x gn!reader
day eleven. erotic photos — abby anderson x fem!reader
day twelve. exhibitionism // voyuerism — steve harrington x fem!reader + eddie munson
day thirteen. face-sitting // fucking — kim burgess x afab!reader
day fourteen. love bites // markings — dani powell x fem!reader
day fifteen. overstimulation — jake ‘hangman’ seresin x fem!reader
day sixteen. bath // shower sex — vi x fem!reader
day seventeen. pegging — scott lang x afab!reader
day eighteen. lingerie — nancy wheeler x fem!reader
day nineteen. masturbation — alexei smirnoff x afab!reader
day twenty. mirror sex — tom ‘iceman’ kazansky x fem!reader
day twenty-one. praise kink — robert ‘bob’ floyd x fem!reader
day twenty-two. phone sex — javier peña x female!reader
day twenty-three. orgasm denial — leonard ‘wolfman’ wolfe x gn!reader
day twenty-four. outdoor sex — ellie williams x fem!reader
day twenty-five. sex pollen — stephen strange x gn!reader
day twenty-six. wax play — nora fowler x afab!reader
day twenty-seven. sensory deprivation — fennec shand x fem!reader
day twenty-eight. strap-ons — chris alonso x afab!reader
day twenty-nine. body worship — natasha ‘pheonix’ trace x fem!reader
day thirty. temperature play — robbie reyes x gn!reader
day thirty-one. wild card — robert hicks x afab!reader
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thank you and please enjoy!
~ love twisty
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A little about me
I’m 19 and an animal lover. I mostly write comfort ficus
My rules
This is my list of Fandoms I will write for and things I WILL and WON'T write for
Things I really write
Enemies to lovers
Fluff/ comfort
Yandere ( I'm bad at it though and don't condone this behavior in real life)
Female x Female
Male x male ( again not to good at it but I try)
Male x female
Male x Gender neutral
Female x Gender neutral
Things I won't write
Age gaps over 5+ years
Pregnancy ( not good at it and it makes me uncomfortable)
Suicide ( I will write the reader or any other character dying just not by Suicide)
Self harm ( it's triggering to me and others)
Eating disorders
Harry potter characters I will write
Neville longbottom
Luna Lovegood
Hermione Granger
Fred weasley
George weasley
Sirius Black
Remus lupin
The great Harry Potter himself
The owl house
King ( platonic only)
Raine ( can someone tell me if spelled their name right?)
Avatar the last Airbender (NOT the live action version but the animated version)
Suki (she's the only exception where I'll do Live or animated)
Luke Skywalker
Leia skywalker
Percy jackson/ Heroes of olympus
Charles beckendorf
Silena beauregard
Annabeth chase (book version only)
Percy jackson ( book version only)
Will solace
Tyson ( platonic only)
Jason grace
Piper mclean
Thalia grace
Leo valdez
Nico di angelo ( again platonic only unless you're a guy then I will do romantic since he's gay)
Bianca di angelo
Hazel Levesque
Frank Zhang
Legend of Korra
Avatar Wan ( my personal favorite)
Steve Rogers
Sam wilson
Peter parker ( Toby, Andrew and Tom versions)
Vision (platonic only)
Jean Grey
Scott summers
Barry allen
Cisco Ramon
Kara Danvers
Alex Danvers
Clark kent
Lois lane
Oliver queen
Top gun
Nick bradshaw
Naven Hollywood idk if I spelled his first name right
Leonard Wolfe Wolfman
Blood of Zeus
I think that's all the fandoms I can think of for now please send in request
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topguncortez · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet- L.Wolfe 
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pairing: Leonard ‘Wolfman’ Wolfe x female!reader
A/N: cause i got an anon once asking about this man in bed and now i got carried away so here it is:)
masterlist || my library
A: Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
-Wolfman is the king of aftercare. He knows how important it is to take care of your body, and he takes his time to care for you afterwards. When your body is shaking in overstimulation, he’s pulling you in close, keeping you warm and whispering sweet things into your ear about how good you did. 
B: Body part (their favorite body part of theirs, and their partner’s)
-His favorite body part has to be his hands. He works with his hands all day, they control a lot of different things when he’s up in the sky. 
-His favorite body part of yours, has to be your tits. Leonard Wolfe is 100% a tits man. He loves to watch them bounce when you’re riding him, or when you’re walking in that cute little sundress he tells you not to wear out in public. 
C: Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
-He is 100% cumming inside you. He’s not one to cause a lot of mess and deal with cleaning up, so he’s cumming inside you, whether it's inside your cunt or inside your mouth is up for you to decide. 
D: Dirty (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
-It’s pretty well known what Cowboy Law is, but Wolfman loves to see you ride with his stetson on your head. He’s been riding horses for years, and knows how to break them in. He’s guiding your hips the whole time you’re on top, gripping you with a strength you know is leaving behind small fingershapped bruises. 
E: Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
-He’s not all that experienced, not compared to Iceman or Maverick. But he’s smart, and learns quickly. He also loves when you tell him exactly what you want him to do. 
F: Favorite position (this goes without saying)
-Cowgirl. Obviously. This man loves to see you take control and take what you want. He loves watching your face, and how your head falls back when you ride him. He also loves the way that white stetson of his sits on your pretty little head. 
G: Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous?)
-He’s a little goofy. The man’s catchphrase is “this gives me a hard on”. He has his moments where he can be goofy, whisking you away from the bar, making sure everyone knows what he’s going home to do. 
H: Hair (how well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes?)
-He’s not completely bare, but it’s also not a complete jungle. He trims it up, makes it look nice. 
I: Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
-He’s a hopeless romantic, he’s taking his time and making sure that you are okay. He cares more about your pleasure more than anything else. He loves taking you in missionary, so he can be as close to you as possible, feeling your hands rake up and down his body, pulling him as close as he can get. 
J: Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
-He’s in the navy. . . he spends months away from you at a time. . . of course he’s jacking off. He has a polaroid that he takes with him, and he’ll take it to the showers after hours, or places a sock on the door to tell Hollywood to fuck off. He thinks of you each time, jacking himself off in the same way that you do, squeezing himself just right, finding that right tempo. 
K: Kink (one or more of their kinks)
-So cannonly, he’s a cowboy, so cannonly, he’s got a rope kink. The first time he asked you if he could tie you up, he was a little scared, but seeing that glint in your eye. . . he knew he was making a good choice. 
L: Location (favorite places to do the do)
-Wolfman is a quiet man, and he like his privacy, so he’s favorite place to do have sex is in the comfort of his house. No matter where he is in the house; the bathroom, the kitchen, the bedroom, the living room, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that it’s private and you can be as loud as you want to be. 
M: Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going?)
-Seeing you in that goddamn stetson, or in anything of his. Waking up on sunday mornings, seeing you in one of his Navy t-shirts cooking breakfast, instant hard-on. Seeing you doing anything sort of domestic, makes him want to bend you over the nearest surface and fuck you. 
N: No (something they won’t do/turn-offs)
-It’s a no to anything that’s going to cause you pain, or hurt you. He’s all about your comfort and pleasure, and won’t do anything that will hurt you. 
O: Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill)
-He’s a giver, 110% a giver. He loves going down on you, and will do it literally unprovoked. You could be sitting on the couch reading a book, and he comes home from work and walks right to you, spreading your legs and asking if he can eat you out. And man is he fucking skilled with that tongue of his. 
P: Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
-He likes to switch it up. When he’s in a mood he’ll go fast and rough, gripping your hips hard, and saying some of the nastiest shit you’ve ever heard in your life. Other times, he’s taking his time, long, fluid strokes, keeping eye contact with you as he’s hitting your g-spot over and over.  
Q: Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often)
-Quickies aren’t really a thing in Wolfman’s life, but he’s no stranger to them. Sometimes, he can’t control it, like seeing you in that floor length red dress with a thigh high slit at the Naval Ball. He’s whisking you away from Hollywood and Slider, and taking you to the nearest bathroom and bending you over the sink. Or early mornings before he has to go report on base. 
R: Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?)
-Riskiest thing was when you showed up on base one day, and he fucked you in the lockerroom. He knew that anyone could walk in at any moment, so he had to make it quick. Also fucking you in the dorms when he knows good and well you’re not supposed to be there. Trying to keep you quiet, and not letting his fellow aviators hear you. 
S: Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
-He can last a while, but not overly long. He’s usually making you cum twice before he does. But give him like 15-20 minutes and he’s back for another round. 
T: Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
-He likes to occasionally use your vibrator on you. He doesn’t see toys as a bad thing, he sees them as an extra lil helper. He also likes watching the way you squirm when he uses it on you. 
U: Unfair (how much they like to tease)
-Um. . . this scene: 
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-Yeah, he’s a tease and he fucking loves it. He loves to whisper dirty things in your ear and watch you squirm in your seat. Or when he ghosts his hand over your thighs. Or when he’s in between your legs pressing kisses to every place but the place that you need him the most. 
V: Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
-He’s not too vocal, just the occasional grunts and gasps that leave his mouth. He
W: Wild card (random headcanon for the character)
-Wolfman has a breeding kink and a housewife kink. When he comes home and sees you making dinner or doing laundry, all he can think of is knocking you up and making you his perfect little housewife. 
X: X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
-Average size, not too big, but knows how to use it. 
Y: Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
-His yearning is higher when he comes home from deployment. He just wants to hold you and make up for lost time. But literally anything gets him going. 
Z: Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward.)
-This man is a cuddler, and likes to cuddle after sex. It doesn’t take long for him to fall asleep, especially with you in his arms.
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topgun-imagines · 2 years
I’m Not Going Anywhere
Requested: yes
Summary: iceman finally gets the courage to confess his feeling for you after he learns you’re leaving Top Gun.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: angst. Crying. Arguments. Incorrect medical terms? Cerebral palsy?
Parings: Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky x fém!reader
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Everyone was down at the beach for the day. The aviators had decided that they would have another volleyball competition today. You were sitting on the bleachers with your son on your knee, cheering with him as you watched Wolfman and Hollywood play. Ever since you arrived in Top Gun, Wolfman had instantly connected with your son. The RIO would often give him piggyback rides, seeing as walking took him a great amount of effort. Early on in his life, your son had been diagnosed with Cerebral palsy and because of that, was unable to walk for long periods of time.
Leonard had become a massive help to you in the past few weeks. Your son's father died early in your son’s life, leaving you to care for him on your own. You loved your son more than anything in the world, but sometimes, you were grateful to have someone else there to help you. You were drawn back to reality by your son cheering loudly as Leo scored another point. He grinned over at your little boy, waving to him before resuming his position. You smiled at the interaction. They continued their game against Chipper and Sundown, only one point away from victory. Loud cheers mixed with groans from the other team erupted from the court when Hollywood scored the last point.
You and your son cheered along with them. Leo rushed over to the pair of you, picking up your son and swinging him around. He giggled loudly. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Viper walk up to the three of you, smiling warmly at you and your son. The older man offered you a sympathetic smile and wrapped you in a warm hug. You had informed him of your decision to leave Top Gun last night after a frantic phone call. Viper had come over instantly, helping you with your son and calming you down until your own cries had subsided. It was then that you had decided to leave Fighter Town. It simply held too many painful memories for both you and your son. Maybe a fresh start would be good for both of you.
“Have you told them yet?” Viper questioned, drawing back from the hug. You shook your head slowly. Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, you glanced over to when Iceman and Slider were playing their own game of volleyball. You had yet to tell the people that you considered your best friends about your sudden move. Viper patted your arm, offering you a knowing smile. It seemed as if the older man had picked up on your feelings for the blond pilot rather quickly, leaving you to question just how obvious you were. The man left you to your thoughts and headed over to your son. He smiled at wolfman and him playing in the sand.
With a deep breath, you sucked up all the courage you could and headed over to the court that Ice and Slider were on. You sat on the side and watched as they finished up their game with Maverick and Goose. You cheered loudly as Slider scored the final point. The taller man pulled Ice into him as they moved over to you. You offered them the best smile you could, which still seemed insufficient seeing as Ice’s eyebrows drew together almost immediately. “You okay?” He questioned, moving toward you and setting his hand on your wrist. You could only nod.
The pilot still didn’t seem convinced. You decided to just rip the bandage off. You needed to tell them. “I need to talk to you,” You started, doing your best to keep your voice measured. The boys nodded, following after you as you led them away from the bleachers. When you stopped, you hesitated slightly before turning to face them again. Something that definitely didn’t go unnoticed by the boys. You sucked in one last heavy breath. “I’m leaving.”
It was as if you hadn’t even spoken. Their faces remained the same, both staring at you as if you had grown a second head. “Pardon?” Slider questioned, drawing out the syllables. You sighed. Slider never used words like that. You watched as Ice’s face dropped.
“I’m leaving Top Gun this week,” You clarified. They continued to stare at you. As if in slow motion, you could see the walls that Ice normally had up, come back up. He was closing himself off from you. The thought almost made you cry. Slider only looked offended, as if what you had said was the worst thing he could imagine. The blond turned away from you. Tears rose in your eyes and a lump formed in your throat. “I’m sorry.” You choked out. You spun on your heel and walked away from them quickly, moving towards Leo and your son.
You didn’t tell them while you were leaving. You couldn’t. As hard as it was seeing Ice shut you out, you needed to do what was best for your son. If that meant leaving Top Gun, so be it. You stepped up to Leo and your son, wiping the tears from your lashes. Leo shot you a worried glance. You could only offer him a sad smile. He sighed and with a glance at his classmates, knew exactly what had happened. Your son continued playing in the sand while Leo wrapped his arms around you. He held you as you cried softly into his shoulder. His hand moved up and down your back, soothing you only slightly. He whispered quiet reassurances into your ear.
Unbeknownst to either of you, Ice was standing in the same spot that you left him, staring after you with a blank expression. Slider nudged his arm. “You look like you could kill him,” He murmured, talking about the RIO with his arms around your waist. When his pilot still didn’t show any sign of acknowledgment he sighed. “And I’m sure she could have used some comforting.” He gestured toward you. That seemed to snap Ice out of his trance. Slider watched as the pilot’s eyes softened instantly. He could count on one hand the amount of times that he had witnessed that happen.
Ice turned to his RIO. “What do I do?” Slider knew about his best friend's feelings for you. Saying that the man was head over heels in love with you would be an understatement. It was clear to everyone but you just how much Iceman loved you. It seemed as if you were the only person able to turn ice-cold, no mistakes into the version of himself that only Slider had seen. The RIO sighed. He could tell that you were hurt by their reaction and while his wasn’t the best he could have had, Ice completely shut down. It seemed as if he had retreated to default settings when you said that you would be leaving. He instantly regretted his reaction after you walked away.
“I don’t know what you can do,” He started, leaning back against a tree behind him. “I’d talk to her. Tell her that you want her to stay,” He continued. Slowly, his eyes drifted to where you were walking away with Wolfman who had your son on his shoulders. “But,” He got quieter, causing Ice’s eyes to follow his. “If she’s doing it for that little boy, I don’t think anyone would be able to convince her to stay.” Ice could only nod. His friend patted his arm before leading the both of them back to the court. There, they packed up their things and headed for their housing, ignoring the protests from Maverick and Goose.
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You were standing in your kitchen, wrapping up bowls before putting them into the cardboard box in front of you. There was a loud knock on your door, causing you to jump slightly. You set the bowl down before moving to the door. When you pulled it open, you came face to face with the side of Iceman’s head. He was bouncing his foot against your front porch, chewing his gum harshly, and fidgeting with the ring on his finger. You sighed quietly. You knew that these were all habits that he had when he was nervous.
You cleared your throat, startling him out of his daydream. Wordlessly, you stepped to the side so that he could come in. That only led to him standing in your entryway with his hands in his pockets and sunglasses still over his eyes. “I needed to know why.” He started, pulling the sun glasses off his face. You sucked in a sharp breath. While you were 90% sure that this was coming, you still weren’t prepared to try and explain it to him.
“It’s my son,” You spoke quietly. Ice followed after you as you headed into the kitchen. You stood on one side of the counter while Ice moved across from you. “He threw a dish last night,” The pilot's face instantly softened. He knew about your son's issues with the control of his emotions and had witnessed many of his outbursts. “He told me that I might not be here next year,” Your eyes met the blonds. “That I could be dead like his father,” Ice watched as tears formed in your eyes. He quickly rushed around the counter and wrapped you in his arms. “I’m sorry.” You whispered, shaking slightly in his hold.
The man could only shake his head, suddenly feeling like the biggest jerk in the world. “Don’t be sorry. You were doing it for him, yea?” You nodded softly. Tears leaked out and onto his black T-shirt. You could feel him begin to trace his fingers over your back. “It’s okay,” He murmured lowly in your ear. “Look at me,” He spoke again. One hand moved up to cup your jaw, tilting it up to face him. “It’ll be okay. You know I won’t let anything happen to either of you.” You nodded, lips parting slightly in shock. He only smiled down at you, like he had done so many times before. But this time felt different. Now, you could see the love that he had tried to hide in his eyes. You were shocked that it had taken you this long to notice. You looked at him the same way, admiration and love pouring out of the look you were giving him.
Maybe you didn’t need to leave right away. It’s not as if you had sold your house. Maybe, you could spend some time with Ice and try and figure out what would be best for all three of you. If you were honest with yourself, you were leaving Top Gun to ensure that you would be there for your son. But with Ice there to protect you, that suddenly didn’t seem as a reason to leave. Your son loved Iceman. So long as you had your boys in your life and they were both safe and happy, you had no reason to leave. Your son would be happy to hear the news. And you knew Ice would be happy to help you tell him.
a/n: thank you for reading! Requests are open.
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topgun-imagines · 2 years
Will You Be There To Hold Me? [Part One]
Requested: no
Summary: a night out at the bar causes you to go home with Iceman. Something about the situation simply doesn’t sit well with Wolfman.
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: angst. Drinking. Smut, not that bad but still there.
Pairings: Leonard ‘Wolfman’ Wolfe x Neven!reader. Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky x Neven!reader
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Unsurprisingly, the O club was packed full of people. Seeing that it was Friday night, everyone in Fighter Town had come out to the bar to begin their weekend. You were standing at the bar top, leaning against it while you chatted with your brother and his RIO. Hollywood was filling you in on something that they had done in training that day when a blond across the bar caught your eye. Unbeknownst to you, Wolfman followed your gaze, grimacing when he saw one of his other classmates.
Iceman was standing on the other side of the bar, aviators on while he sipped on his ice water. Shockingly, there was no random woman clinging to his arm. He could feel someone staring at him and when he turned, he was met with your eyes burning holes into the side of his face. Ice smirked slightly when he noticed you staring, sipping on his water. The pilot slipped off his aviators, showing that he was, in fact, staring at you as well. In a shocking moment of courage, you plucked your drink from the counter before moving over to him.
When you walked away from the two of them, Hollywood and Wolfman were left staring after you. Your brother's words slowly faded out as he realized that you had most likely abandoned them for the night. He wasn’t upset that you were trying to find someone, he just knew that he knew of someone much better for you. And if he had to, Hollywood would wager that you felt the same way for him. When he faced his RIO, he instantly noticed the way Wolfman tried to hide the disappointed look on his face. He had known about his friend's hopeless crush on you for years and while Leo originally thought that your brother was going to kill him, it turned out that Hollywood was quite pleased with the information.
A hand was placed on Leo’s shoulder, pulling him out of his daydream. His pilot gave him a knowing look as he squeezed his shoulder. The both of them knew that Ice wasn’t necessarily a bad person, but seeing you flirt with him sent an uneasy feeling through both of them. Something about the situation simply didn’t sit right with them.
For the rest of the night, they watched as you chatted with Ice. The pilot was flirting with you as well, chuckling quietly at nearly everything you said. This was probably the most that either of them had seen the man smile. Leo could feel a sad smile rising on his face. While he was disappointed that you didn’t seem to feel the same for him, if Ice made you happy, he was happy for you. Just as Hollywood was ordering another beer, they watched you leave the bar with Ice, his hand resting protectively on your back. That seemed to be the final nail in the coffin for Wolfman. There was a lump in his throat as he bid your brother goodbye and paid off his tab.
You were following Ice out to his truck, thanking him when he opened your door for you and helped you into the truck. He got in moments after you before driving away from the bar. The drive to the base housing that he had been assigned was a quick one. You estimated that only seven minutes had passed before you were pulling up to a tiny bungalow. Just like at the bar, Ice moved around the truck to help you out before leading you to his door.
As soon as you were inside his lips were on yours, hands settling on your waist as he pinned you against the wall. You continued on like that for the next few minutes. Your hands eventually tangled in his hair, fingers running through the soft strands. He groaned into your mouth when you tugged on his hair. With his guidance, you stumbled your way to the bedroom. When you reached it, Ice nudged you onto the bed. He fell on top of you, caging you in with his arms.
With a playful smile, he began kissing his way down your body. When he was level with your jeans he glanced up at you, silently asking for permission. At your nod, he unbuttoned the clothing and pulled it down your legs. He continued to pepper light kisses over your thighs before glancing back up at you. “May I?” You nodded once more. Your panties followed your jeans as Ice slipped them down your legs. The pilot began to kiss his way back up your body, eventually pressing a searing kiss to your lips.
Moments later, the room was filled with the sweet sound of your combined moans. His hips rutted against yours, causing soft cries of pleasure to fly from your mouth. That was how the next hour was spent. You had lost count of how many times he had denied your orgasm. Finally, after what felt like forever, Ice fucked into you faster, drawing every wanton moan out of you. You felt your climax build once again, just about to reach the tipping point. As if Ice could sense that you were about to come, he snapped his hips into your harder, thumb moving down to toy with your puffy clit. The coil inside you snapped, causing you to cry out loudly. The pilot's thrusts slowly came to a halt. With one last thrust, he spilled inside the condom.
Ice pressed a kiss to your damp forehead, rolling over beside you as you caught your breath. The condom was removed and tossed into the trash can before he pulled you into him. You began tracing patterns into his firm chest. “Do I leave now?” You questioned quietly. Your eyes were trained on his chest, refusing to meet his. His hand that was resting on your back began to rub up and down, comforting you somewhat.
“Not if you don’t want to.” You hummed quietly in response. Your fingers continued to draw intricate patterns over his left peck, fingers almost dancing over his soft skin. His one hand kept moving across your back as the other moved up to cradle the back of your head. His hand slowly massaged over your scalp causing your eyes to flutter shut. His long, dexterous fingers carded through your sweaty hair. You almost wished that you could stay like this forever, wrapped up in his arms while pretending the world outside didn’t exist.
Instead of moving up and down on your back, his hand began to circle around it. The soothing combination of his hand on your back and the one in your hair made you extremely sleepy. Eventually, the hand that was on his chest stilled, resting over the warmth of his beating heart. “Sleep, baby,” He murmured lowly in your ear. “I’ll see you in the morning.” With one last chaste kiss to your forehead, your eyes drifted shut. You eventually fell asleep, the soothing feel of Ice’s heartbeat mixed with his intoxicating smell lulled you to sleep within minutes. If only you knew what would happen in the morning.
a/n: Thank you for reading! Part two should be up soon. Requests are open.
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topgun-imagines · 1 year
Following In His Footsteps || Moodboard
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topgun-imagines · 1 year
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Will You Be There To Hold Me? [Pt. 1]
A night out at the bar causes you to go home with Iceman. Something about the situation simply doesn’t sit well with Wolfman. Warnings: angst, drinking, smut.
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
Thick Gloves and Bloody Mouth Pieces
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Pairing: Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe (Henry “Wolfman” Ruth) x Fem!reader
Characters: Fem!reader, Dick Rick (bad trainer), Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe (Henry “Wolfman” Ruth), Tom “Iceman” Kazansky, Ron “Slider” Kerner, Rick “Hollywood” Neven
Warnings: Dramatic (I don’t know where any of the theatrics came from but I’m rolling with the punches), Rick the trainer is a dick (maybe not so much here but in my mind, he is), Tom and others tease reader, reader and Leonard are adorable idiots
Word Count: 2,894
You know you shouldn’t be here right now, not when you should be at home getting for- you don’t even want to think about the date right now. 
Especially not when Leonard looks so cute in his non-official uniform, a jacket that has a zipper and gym shorts or as you like to call them basketball shorts (followed by innocent teasing from Leonard and Ron mostly, although the latter takes it further by making jokes about you two getting together which somehow manage to go over the former’s head). 
Your eyes wander around the room, checking on the others, making sure no one needs anything like water or a first aide care. There have been too many times when that’s happened plus, you’re the only one who can even do a proper stitch. 
You inwardly groan at the sight of Dick Rick. 
Sometimes you wonder why he couldn’t have been named something else because you guys already have a Rick and he has a much cooler nickname, Hollywood (not given to him by you, thank God he’ll always say during his interviews). 
You pretend like you don’t see him and let him sit near you. 
Even knowing he’s sitting there beside you pisses you off, good thing no one likes him. Honestly, the only reason he got the job was because he has the qualifications… and his uncle is the one in charge of this whole thing, but everyone can admit that he genuinely does have what it takes to be here and that’s ALL you give him credit for. 
The new fighters always wonder what he did to make you hate him so much and then they hear him open his mouth and some understand while others join in. 
Now, usually you’d have one of the guys sitting with you (more like babysitting you) but today, no one could because they have a fight they need to train for. 
You’re on the edge of your seat watching as Leonard practices, always giving everything, he’s got no matter what. “Kill ‘em!” 
“Ease up on the coaching there.” (Fake) Rick advises. “He’s got enough to worry about right now. We don’t need you trying to get into his head.” 
Your head snaps over in his direction. “You know what I think? I think that you’re actually worried that your uncle is gonna lose out on big win and making me seem like I’m the bad guy is your way of coping with it, which isn’t gonna get you very far. All I’m doing is supporting him. Now, either you shut up or lose it.” 
He opens his mouth to say something, but you cut him off. 
“Listen here, Dick. I’m going to cheer him on. I will be screaming as loud as the other people in the crowd. I get this is practice, but I am proud of him, and I will show it any time I can. Either you shut up or I do it for you.” 
He stares at you with his every day sour expression. “The names Richard-” 
“Dick can be short for Richard. Think about Dick’s sporting goods, a place you don’t own, so sad.” Was it necessary to bring that up, no. Did it feel good, hell yeah. 
“I prefer Rick and they’re practicing. Tonight’s the big night so you’re “supportive” screaming isn’t helping anyone.” 
You raise your brows, “I say otherwise because he’s doing a real good job right now.” 
He doesn’t need to look over at Leonard and Tom, he knows they’re doing good. “It’s practice. You don’t need to scream.” 
“I'm going to scream as loud as I want because he’s a good fighter and I am going to show it.” 
“I understand what you’re saying but-” 
“But nothing. I’m gonna go check on him and our friends because this conversation is going nowhere and you’re pissing me off.” 
Dick Rick doesn’t try to argue with you knowing this is the smartest thing to do. 
You get out of the chair and head over towards Leonard (who exited the ring right before you started to walk over) and Tom who sits in the chairs closest to the ring, sweat dripping down their heaving chests. “You two did good today.” 
“You mean, he looked good, and you assume I did good because you were too focused on screaming for him,” says Tom before he drinks some water. 
You scoff, glancing over at a non-focused Leonard, “someone is totally, not completely off?” 
The man with frosted tips raises a brow. “Everyone but dogboy knows you’re horny for him.” 
Your eyes widen, “what the hell?” You smack his shoulder. “Don’t say that.” 
He chuckles, “am I wrong?” 
“Shut up,” you walk away and head over towards their boxing partners, Ron and Rick. 
“You two feeling alright?” 
Ron lifts his head, staring at you. 
“Has anyone come over to check that out?” You point to the blood trail on the edge of his eyebrow closest to his temple. 
“Yeah,” he says. 
“He’s lying and you know it.” 
You take the first aid kit from Rick. “Yeah, yeah.” You grab the items you need and start by cleaning the wound. 
“He’s staring.” Ron hisses, you mumble an apology. 
“He’s preparing for the fight.” 
“He’s staring at you,” the two say. 
“Why do I even bother trying to fight you two anymore?” You finish with the wound and start cleaning up. 
“You ever gonna tell him?” asks Ron. 
“If I haven’t told him and I’ve known him for- God- as long as I can remember-” 
“Hasn’t it been more than five years?” asks Ron. 
“Thank you, Mister know it all.” Your brows furrow together, “how do you know that?” 
“He won’t shut up about you. Plus, you showed up around the time he did.” 
“That seems like it could be true.” 
“Could be?” He scoffs, “it is true, and you know it.” He pushes himself off the bench and walks over to where Tom is. 
“He’s not wrong, you know,” Rick informs you. Always the one to tell you the truth when it comes to this kind of thing (plus it’d be nice [for all the guys] if the two of you got together). 
“If what you’re all saying is true, then why hasn’t he said anything?” 
He doesn't think he heard you correctly. You’ve never agreed with them or even thought about the possibility of Leonard liking you to be true. “What was that?” 
You shake your head, grabbing the first aid kit, “nothing. I’ve- Dick Rick pissed me off today and I’m not making sense so I’m gonna go.” 
“Come on, don’t be like that.” 
“How else am I supposed to be, Hollywood? I mean… seriously, if he hasn’t said anything by now, even when all you guys say is how much he likes me. Why hasn’t he tried to ask me out?” 
He shrugs, “maybe-uh- maybe he thinks you’re not interested.” 
“Do you honestly think that’s why?” 
He struggles to give you a response. “Yeah, I didn’t think so. Look, I’ve got to go.” 
“Wait- where are you going?” 
You huff, the strand of hair blocking your view moves off to the side of your face. “I’ve got to go. I- I didn’t tell anyone but I have a date tonight and I wasn’t going to go on it but now I think I will. Maybe see where things take us, you know.” 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” 
“I’m all out of good ideas when it comes to my love life but I’m ready to put myself out there and see what happens.” 
He clearly doesn’t approve of this idea, but you could care less right now. 
“I’ll be here for your guys’ fights, alright?” 
He says nothing. 
He blinks, processing what you’ve said. “Yeah, yeah. Have fun.” He keeps an eye on you as you walk out. 
He rushes over towards Leonard and smacks his arm. 
The latter breaks out of his daze, rubbing his arm with a confused expression. “What the hell was that for?” 
“Because you’re an idiot and everyone here can agree with that.” 
“That’s not true.” Various “yes's” and “he’s not wrong” can be heard through out the area. 
Leonard scoffs, “whatever.” 
“You need to get off your horny butt and go after the woman you’ve been fawning over for the last thousand years.” 
“You’re exaggerating.” 
“What if I told you that she’s out on a date right now?” 
“Is she?” 
Rick shrugs, “you tell me.” 
“Do you know with who?” 
“She didn’t tell me that much.” 
“What if she winds up really liking this guy?” 
“That means you would miss your chance.” 
He pushes himself out of the chair, “I have to go find her.” 
“And then what?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“You mean to tell me, you’re gonna crash her date with absolutely no reason?” 
“Well, I mean, technically, I have a reason… she’s gonna know right?” 
“No because you haven’t given her any signs you moron.” 
Leonard stops, taking a deep breath, “I’ve got to go, man. I can’t stand here and wait anymore.” 
Rick chuckles, slapping his shoulder, “go man.” 
You sip your drink, not at all enthralled by what your date is saying and no matter how many times you try to give your two cents, the man just… won’t… shut… up. 
“And then he was like-” 
A handful of flowers are shoved into your face. “I love you.” 
You set the glass down and take the flowers, finding them to be one of the prettiest combos you’ve seen, sunflowers and roses. 
“I love you,” he says again. 
You turn to see your the cowboy. “Leonard? What are- what are you doing here?” 
He opens his mouth to respond when your date interrupts him. 
“I’m sorry, whoever you are, but we’re,” he gestures to the two of you. “On date here so if you could just go back to wherever your redneck ass came from, that’d be great.” 
The man in the cowboy hat bends down to whisper in his ear. 
Your dates eyes widen before he rushes to get out of his seat, practically tripping over the legs of the chair. 
Leonard sits down in the, now, unoccupied chair with a cocky grin dancing across his lips. “What did you tell him?” 
“Nothing much. A little “harmless” threatening.” 
“What kind of threatening?” 
He shrugs, avoiding your gaze, “harsh enough to ensure that he doesn’t come back… here… on a date with you… ever.” 
Your jaw drops. “Wait- wait.” You remember he said something. “What did you say earlier?” 
“I don’t want him to date you.” 
“After that.” 
“I threatened him.” 
“No!” you set the flowers down on the table. “What did you say?” 
He gulps, unsure if he should tell you again or not. “I- do I really have to repeat myself?” 
“Please?” your tone wavers, thinking you may not have heard what you think he heard. 
He smiles, reaching for your hand. “I- I think I made the dumbest mistake waiting to tell you this but, oh boy. Here it goes, I-" he looks around, seeing how many people are here. “Actually, could we do this outside?” 
“If we do, will you ever tell me? Because when we need to have a serious conversation, it never happens, and it feels like you’ve shut down on me.” 
He leans forward, rubbing his hands across his faces. 
“Okay. Okay. Uh- there’s this- I- I’m having a real hard time trying to tell you this.” 
“Let’s start with what you first said when you shoved these beautiful flowers in my face,” you say with a light chuckle. 
He cracks a smile. “You caught that huh?” 
“I think I did but I don’t know for sure if what I heard was the right thing.” 
“Well, that- uh- that depends on your reaction to what I’m about to say.” 
“I think we both know what we’ve been denying for so long.” 
He leans closer, “and what’s that?” 
“That you, cowboy, are completely as smitten with me like I am with you.” You pray he doesn’t turn you as doubt swirls around in your mind. 
That crooked boyish grin takes over and that damned hat of his tips forward, covering his eyes. “That’s good to hear.” 
“Why? Cause it means you didn’t crash my date for nothing.” 
“Hey now. If I knew all I needed to do was this, I would have had Hollywood set you up a long time ago.” 
“Like I would have accepted whoever he wanted to set me up with.” 
“You... I think you would have.” 
“He probably would’ve told me his plan and then tricked the both of us into meeting at the same place.” 
He chuckles, “yeah, maybe.” He glances around, “how about we- uh- get out of here and go somewhere you’d actually enjoy.” 
A teasing smiles stretches across your lips. “What if I like it here?” 
“You don’t, I know it.” 
A heavy sigh slips past your lips, “if we must.” 
“I’ll make it worth your while.” 
“I told you not to order so much,” you chuckle, munching on a couple of fries. You kick your legs, the cool air hitting the exposed skin of your lower legs. 
He smiles, setting his burger down, wiping his face after you gestured to the mess on his chin. “You look really pretty by the way.” 
“You sound like a middle schooler with a crush.” 
“I’m just being honest, sweets.” 
“We both know you have more to say.” You’re hopeful that he’ll just come out and say it again. 
“Okay, maybe I do but I don’t want to scare you off.” 
You scoff, “please.” 
“Hey! I’d like to keep the woman I love close to me since I was on the verge of being too late and barely gained enough courage to ask her out tonight.” 
You cover your mouth, preventing any more food from flying out as you cough. 
He pats your back. “Are you okay?” 
“You just,” you croak with a hoarse voice. “You just- just said the woman you love.” 
“Oh,” he extends the word, finally realizing what he said to you (again). 
You grab your drink and gulp as much as you can, wanting to get rid of your hoarse voice. “That’s what you said right?” 
“Said what when?” 
“Don’t mess with me like that, Leo. You know what you said.” 
He gulps, taking a sip of his drink. “You’re right. I know what I said and I’m- I’m scared that you don’t feel the same.” 
“If I didn’t feel the same, would I have accepted this date?” 
“You’ve gone out with me before,” he points out with attitude. 
You scoff, “because I thought that you were asking me out on a genuine date! But then there you were talking to some girl just a few feet away from me.” 
“I’m sorry for thinking I never had a chance with you!” 
“If you had asked, you would have known!” You set your food off the side, pushing yourself out of the truck bed. “I’m leaving. I can’t do this with you right now.” 
“You can’t- you can’t do this with me right now? Seriously?” 
You reach for your purse. “I’m not going to sit here and fight with you over how scared I was that you didn’t like me even though I’m in love with you and how much it hurt to see you talking to all those girls when you were the one who invited me to go out with you!” You’re too upset to even realize that he’s pushed himself off the truck bed. 
He spins you around to kiss you only for it to end in laughter. The corner of his lips tugs upwards. “Are you really laughing at my romantic gesture right now?” 
You chuckle, staring into his pretty eyes. “You know exactly what I’m laughing at.” 
He nods, the hat bumping against your forehead once more, in a more affectionate manner. “That I do.” 
You snatch the item off his head, tossing it beside the food. You take a deep breath, watching the way his eyes dip down towards your lips. 
“This isn’t going to be as dramatic; you know?” 
“Just kiss me you-” Your hands slid up his arms, fingers interlocking against the back of his neck. The warmth of his hand on your cheek and your hip causes the butterflies in your stomach to flutter harder than they ever have when you’re with him. You’re the first to pull away, eyes still closed enjoying this moment. 
“Wow,” he breathes out. “I think I’m getting a hard on.” 
Your eyes snap open, finding that he’s staring at you. The corner of your lips twitch (of course he would say that now), you finally understand what everyone else has been saying, eyes truly are the window to one’s soul because all you can see is the love, he holds for you. “Guess everyone was right.” 
“What’s that?” 
“We both fell for each other but didn’t want to admit and now,” you stare at the collar of his hoodie for a few seconds realizing what the boys are gonna do. “And now they’re gonna make fun of us.” 
“Maybe, but then we can just do this,” he pulls you in for another kiss. 
You chuckle against his lips. 
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Unhappily Ever After Collage
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Presenting, Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe in...
Broken Glass Slipper
He was just too frazzled to give more information than just find the girl with the missing shoe. 
He missed the maiden whose name he knows not, but am undoubtedly in love with. 
Leonard stood with his new bride at his side at a court meeting his father held with a blank gaze and clenched jaw. 
His friends could see that he wasn’t happy, the only time Rick had seen him truly happy was when he danced with the mystery maiden at the ball. 
His friends didn’t like to see him this way, constantly angry and upset.
(Created by the fabulous and co-collaborator @callmemana)
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