#ler!ga ming
Taking Down an Oni - Part 1
Surprise Visit - Part 0 of 3 Taking Down an Oni - Part 1 of 3 (This Post), Also on AO3 Teasing a Childe - Part 2 of 3 Catching Wrio Off-Guard…or Not? - Part 3 of 3
Summary: Itto becomes The One and Ticklish Oni. In other words, he loses a tickle fight.
A/N: Here’s part one you’ve all been waiting for! It was fun writing Itto, especially with his event that appeared. As always, enjoy!
Word Count: 1421
A minute hadn’t even passed when Itto rushed into a random room with a half-hearted struggling Kazuha before going to town scribbling his sides.
“IHIHIHITTO! AHAHAHAHAHA!” Kazuha immediately laughed, trying to pull out of the clutches of the almighty Oni. “NAHAHAHA!”
The rapid pinches on his sides and fluttering of fingers on his belly had him weakening against Itto’s hold and his knees struggling to keep him upright.
“Hahaha! Still as ticklish as I remember, Kaz!” Itto grinned. “Say…are you still ticklish here?”
Itto started crawling his hands up towards Kazuha’s armpits, shooting ticklish anticipation through his body.
“Wait! WAIT! WAhahaHAIT! NoHOT THEhereHE! DOhoHOn’t GOhoho THEHERE!”
He started squirming with newfound energy as Itto’s fingers slowly walked up his sides toward their target. His laughter increasing in pitch and panicking by the second because he knows Itto will be merciless.
“Getting closer~ And closer~”
Kazuha willed his eyes shut and did his best to keep his mouth closed, not wanting to give Itto the satisfaction of his laughter.
“Playing tough guy are we, huh?” Itto teased. “Sorry to burst your bubble, Kazu-bro, but I’m winning this one because I am Arataki ‘Numero Uno’ Itto!”
With that, he drilled right into the center of Kazuha’s hollows, igniting his skin with ticklishness that went straight to his brain.
Kazuha’s eyes shot open and he let out a shriek of laughter.
“IHIHI- AHAHAHAHA! NO NO NOHOHOHOHO! GAHAHAHA! IHIHIHITOHOHOHO!” His legs finally gave out and he slumped against Itto’s chest.
“Haha! Now there's your laughter!” Itto laughed. “The One and Oni strikes again! Laugh me your praises!”
Suddenly, two figures rush through the open doorway. A flash of teal catches Itto’s eye before he feels a large weight impact him from behind and hang on to him.
Kazuha slipped from his grasp and fell right into Xiao's waiting arms.
“Xiao!?” Itto yelped in surprise. “Wait, then who is behIND MEHEHE?! GAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO!”
“Woah!” His tickler exclaimed, excitedly. “I didn't know that you of all people would be ticklish!”
“GAHAHAHAMIHIHING!?” Itto laughed, recognizing the voice. “AHAHAHAHA!”
“That's me!” He chuckled, digging between Itto's armpit and upper ribs. “You need something?”
While Itto laughed and danced around goofily, Xiao laid Kazuha down on the carpeted floor and checked on him.
“Hey, are you okay?” Xiao asked.
Kazuha tiredly grinned, “Never better. Kick Itto’s ass would you?”
Xiao let out a deep chuckle, “Was planning on i-”
“Aah, oof!”
Gaming landed beside them rubbing his back.
“Ow… that was a wild ride,” he groaned, his eyes widening when he saw Itto approaching.
“Wait! Wait!” He tried to scramble to his feet. “D-dohon’t come any clohoser! AAH!”
Itto grabbed his legs and pulled him towards himself, smirking down at him as he tried to crawl away.
“Where are you going buddy?~” Itto teased, spidering his fingers under Gaming's knees.
“HEHEHEHAHAHA! NOHOHO!” Gaming shrieked, trying to kick out of Itto's grip to no avail. “IHIHITOHOHO!”
“That was a bold move you pulled on me, but it's going to take more than that to bring this Oni down!” Itto boisterously laughed.
“XIAHAHAO! HEHEHELP MEHEHEHE!” Gaming called out, laughing uncontrollably when Itto went after his hips.
Xiao, who was amused at the scene before him, decided to take pity on Gaming and went to squeeze Itto’s sides.
“Ahahaha! Xiahahao!” Itto doubled over in laughter, letting go of Gaming in favor of shielding himself and rushing to the other side of the room.
“Ushi, protect me!”
He brought Ushi out and Ushi went in between Itto and the other two. When Xiao or Gaming made a move toward Itto, Ushi was always there blocking their path.
“If I teleport or you jump over, Ushi will be after one of us and we don't know what Ushi might do to us,” Xiao pondered in thought. “And Itto is too much to handle for one of us only.”
“Hmm,” Gaming thought. “Ooh! I have an idea! Man Chai can lure Ushi away!”
“Man who?” Itto asked, confused.
Gaming didn't give a response and instead brought Man Chai out.
“Man Chai, take care of Ushi for us?”
Man Chai moved around enthusiastically before getting Ushi’s attention and flying across the room, Ushi chasing after him.
Itto panicked as his last line of defense disappeared and ran towards the door as both Gaming and Xiao came at him. Anticipating this, Gaming jumped towards the door and blocked it, making Itto skid to a stop.
“Where are you going buddy?~” Gaming teased, copying him from before.
“Ack! A-Away from you!” Itto squeaked.
“Are you sure about that?” A deep voice rumbled behind him, making goosebumps rise along his skin.
“L-Little Dude. I- WHA!”
Xiao grabbed both Itto and Gaming and teleported them next to Kazuha who was still down for the count.
“I will never get used to thaHAHAT!”
Itto barked out a laugh as he was brought down by Xiao and Gaming. Gaming raises his arms and sits on them and Xiao straddles his hips.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me ‘Little Dude’?” Xiao grumbled, going straight towards Itto’s ribs.
“I chose it for a reason,” a small mischievous grin made its way to Xiao’s face as he wiggled his fingers in between the ticklish bones.
“I wonder,” Gaming started. “Are your horns ticklish too, Itto?”
He was idly gliding his fingers along Itto's shoulder, but slowly moving them up towards his horns. Xiao toned down his tickling, also curious if Itto's horns were ticklish.
The Oni shook his head wildly. Whether it was to answer Gaming's question or because of the ticklish sensations running across his body, Gaming didn't wait for a verbal answer and instead went to rub them.
“Hehehey ihihi ahahaham nohohot a pehet thahat neheheheeds RUHUHUBS! AHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHO! OHOHOHO GOHOHOD! GAHAHA- AHAHAHA! GAHAHAHAMIHIHING! GAHAHAHAMI- AHAHAHA!” Itto squealed. He frantically tried to free his arms to cover his face and smother the ticklish sparks but they didn't budge.
“Jackpot!” Gaming grinned, with sparkles in his eyes. Enthusiastically, he also added little scratches, nothing that would leave marks or pain.
“MPHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHA! IHIHIT’S BAHAHAHAD! BAHAHAHAD! AHAHA-! NO! NOHOHOHO! EHEHEHEHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA! XIAHAHAHAO! EHEHAHAHA!” Itto hid his face in his shoulder to muffle his laughs, but Xiao scritched under his chin and went after his neck causing him to sway his neck from side to side.
“You are quite the ticklish Oni,” Xiao observed. “I thought your ribs were your most ticklish spot, but it's actually your horns.”
Kazuha, who has mostly recovered, slowly crawled over towards Itto's hips, nudging Xiao’s legs for him to move. Xiao obliged, moving off to Itto's side, spidering his fingers along the Oni’s armpits.
A tired smirk crossed Kazuha's face as he put his chin on his stomach and looked at Itto.
“Itto!~” Kazuha called out over his laughter. “Revenge is sweet.”
Kazuha planted his lips right on top of his navel and blew.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEASE AHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHO! NAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Itto was a goner, shaking his head and laughing hysterically. The teasing touches zapping ticklish sensations through his body.
“HEHEHEHAHAHA! WAHAHAHAHAIT WAHAHAI- AHAHAHAHA! GAHAHAHAHA! IHIHIHITS TOHOHOHOHO MUHUHUCH! GUYS! GUHUHUYS! HAHAHAHAHA!” Itto couldn't concentrate on trying to escape. His three skilled opponents were driving him crazy. Xiao scribbled his armpits, Gaming rubbed along his horns, and Kazuha blew maddening raspberries. They all turned him into a puddle of hysterical laughter.
They let up, satisfied smiles etched on their faces as Itto gulped in some needed air and giggled at the ghost sensations.
“So,” Gaming started. “Should we call you ‘The One and Ticklish Oni’?”
Kazuha laughed and Xiao let out a small chuckle, while Itto groaned.
“I knew you guys would say something like that.” He pouted, bringing a hand to his face.
“Though,” Itto smirked, letting his hand fall from his face, revealing mischief running through his eyes. “The fight is not over yet. One of us hasn't been tickled yet.”
He glanced over at Xiao who felt goosebumps rise along his skin and a wobbly grin taking shape on his face as he crawled backward.
“I-I need to- nohoho! Dohohon't dohoho thiHIHIHIS! GAHAHAHA!”
The tickle fight continued, all of them getting their fair share of tickles as their laughs resonated around the room.
And away from the chaos was Ushi and Man Chai just vibing together.
45 notes · View notes
jc · 5 years
Das Beste aus Twitter, Januar-Edition
Schon wie­der einen Monat alt, das neue Jahr. Gut, dass uns die Tweets noch ein­mal in die Weihnachts- und Jah­res­wech­sel­zeit ent­füh­ren.
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— Ste­fan Hein­richs (@stefnhs) Decem­ber 16, 2019
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— Giles Paley-Phillips (@eliistender10) Decem­ber 15, 2019
-Papa, was ist eine Natio­nal­hym­ne? -Das ist ein Lied, das alle ken­nen. Und wenn die Men­schen es gemein­sam sin­gen, haben sie das Gefühl, dass sie zusam­men­ge­hö­ren. -So wie Aram­sam­sam?
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— Fun Signs & Graf­fi­ti (@SignsFun) Decem­ber 18, 2019
Immer die Hoff­nung, dass Stoff­tie­re, die nicht so schön sind, an Kin­der ver­schenkt wer­den, die sie trotz­dem lieb haben. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​O​g​e​9​q​K​Q​3DV
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— Only in Ame­ri­ca (@Crazzyintheusa) Novem­ber 29, 2019
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— Astrid Dirk­sen (@tweetingastrid) Decem­ber 31, 2019
Immer lus­tig, wenn man über Essen redet, ich erwäh­ne, dass ich Vege­ta­ri­er bin und die ers­te Reak­ti­on fast immer ist:“ Ja, also ich esse ja total wenig Fleisch und wenn, dann nur bio und echt sel­ten, ich pro­bier eh weni­ger zu essen...“ Like clock­work.
— Wur­zel­mann (@Wurzelmann) Decem­ber 31, 2019
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— Poli­zei Ber­lin (@polizeiberlin) Decem­ber 31, 2019
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— Chel­sea E. Man­ning (@xychelsea) Decem­ber 31, 2019
Doof, wenn man für IFTTT das Pass­wort ver­lo­ren hat.... 🤷🏻‍♀️ Trotz­dem: Ein tol­les neu­es Jahr euch allen!!! https://t.co/EtCqF8DGm8
— Hei­di Schönenberg-H. (@minus78) Decem­ber 31, 2019
2050 ist so weit weg wie 1990.
— Sham Jaff (@sham_jaff) Janu­a­ry 2, 2020
Heu­te kam die Rech­nung des Kran­ken­hau­ses über den 2-monatigen Auf­ent­halt mei­ner Mut­ter wäh­rend ihrer Krebs­be­hand­lung. 24,74€ für hoch­qua­li­fi­zier­te Betreu­ung. Ich zah­le sooo sooo so ger­ne Steu­ern und bin dank­bar, dass wir uns um Men­schen in Not küm­mern 🙏🙏🙏
— Ali Mahl­od­ji 😎 (@mahlo) Novem­ber 20, 2019
— schno­er­p­sel (@schnoerpsel) Janu­a­ry 1, 2020
Was hat denn die Umwelt jemals für uns getan?
— leon­ce­und­le­na (@leonceundlena) Janu­a­ry 2, 2020
Ich weiß, ich bin da für vie­le zu sehr Hip­pie im Kopf, aber ich fin­de es ein Stück weit ver­rückt, dass die Reak­ti­on ist: „Es braucht Spen­den, um neue Affen zur Belus­ti­gung ihr Leben lang ein­zu­sper­ren.“ Statt zu sagen: „Das ist so furcht­bar, lasst uns nie wie­der Affen ein­sper­ren.“
— Herm (@hermsfarm) Janu­a­ry 2, 2020
A good les­son for the New Year: never give up on your goals. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​x​j​Y​R​R​q​a​dvm
— Bri­an Klaas (@brianklaas) Janu­a­ry 1, 2020
Mein Vor­satz für 2020 „fit hal­ten“ ist bereits erle­digt - das war leicht. Ich weiß gar nicht, war­um da ande­re immer so’n gro­ßes Ding draus machen. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​2​m​n​3​i​1​X​vAH
— Rico Apitz (@10Apitz) Janu­a­ry 1, 2020
im stan­des­amt ist bestimmt die höl­le los weil so vie­le paa­re am 20.20.2020 hei­ra­ten wol­len
— Ilo­na Hart­mann (@zirkuspony) Janu­a­ry 2, 2020
Die Men­schen, die mut­maß­lich den Brand im Kre­fel­der Zoo ver­ur­sacht haben, haben ihr Fehl­ver­hal­ten erkannt und sich der Poli­zei gestellt. Wenn alle Men­schen soviel Rück­grat bewei­sen wür­den, wäre die­se Welt eine ande­re.
— Gur­ken­sand­wich (@Gurkensandwich1) Janu­a­ry 2, 2020
This BBC adver­ti­sing for Dra­cu­la is geni­us. A series of bloo­dy sta­kes protru­ding from a bill­board. See­min­gly ran­dom, until darkness falls and they begin to cast a shadow. Fabu­lous. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​8​4​a​I​l​7​o​97r
— Alex Andre­ou (@sturdyAlex) Janu­a­ry 3, 2020
Das Blö­de an dem gan­zen Lego, das die Kin­der geschenkt bekom­men haben, ist ja, dass sie unbe­dingt beim Auf­bau­en hel­fen wol­len.
— Juliet Gibb (@mamigration) Decem­ber 28, 2019
„Mama, war­um essen wir im Kin­der­gar­ten nie Fon­due?“ Ich wer­de die Fra­ge mal an die Kita Whats­App Grup­pe wei­ter­ge­ben und es mir mit einer Tüte Chips gemüt­lich machen.
— Lil­li Mar­le­ne (@MarleneHellene) Janu­a­ry 3, 2020
„Die Mama hat kei­ne Arbeit, außer an der Stra­ße zu ste­hen.“ [Wie der #gKH dem #kKH erklärt, dass ich jetzt selb­stän­dig bin und mich ein­mal in der Woche als Schul­weg­hel­fe­rin nütz­lich mache.]
— Mela­nie Wyssen-Voß (@Mellcolm) Janu­a­ry 5, 2020
Beleh­rung via DM: ich darf nicht mehr „jemand“ schrei­ben, das hie­ße nun jemensch. Kanns­te Dir nicht aus­den­ken. 🙄
— Quee­nie (@Bergsommerliebe) Janu­a­ry 6, 2020
Guten Mor­gen. War­um wer­den Auto­fah­rer ver­rückt, wenn sie zwei Minu­ten hin­ter einem Müll­las­ter oder einem ent­la­den­wer­den­den LKW war­ten müs­sen - akzep­tie­ren aber 20 Minu­ten vor einer Park­haus­ein­fahrt? #Gelas­sen­heit im #Stra­ßen­ver­kehr
— Sebas­ti­an Eckert (@SebastianEckert) Janu­a­ry 7, 2020
Ich will mich ja nicht zu weit aus dem Fens­ter leh­nen... aber Schnee in LKWs rum­fah­ren ist even­tu­ell ein Grund für kei­nen Schnee. https://t.co/yChfJbtATe
— Frank (@frank_opitz) Janu­a­ry 8, 2020
Eltern Whats­App Grup­pe orga­ni­siert das Geburts­tags­ständ­chen für den Klas­sen­leh­rer. Gewünscht wird dass die musi­ka­li­sche Dar­bie­tung in ver­schie­de­nen Spra­chen von den Kin­dern vor­ge­führt wird. Bis­her Rumä­nisch, Chi­ne­sisch, Spa­nisch, Ita­lie­nisch ... Ich bat Hoch­deutsch an.
— Quat­tro­milf 🇪🇺🏳️‍🌈 (@ebonyplusirony) Janu­a­ry 8, 2020
Der aus­tra­li­sche Pre­mier ist nach eige­nen Anga­ben „ent­täuscht“, dass die Feu­er­ka­ta­stro­phe mit der Debat­te zu den natio­na­len Kli­ma­zie­len ver­mischt wer­de. Ver­steh ich. War frü­her auch oft ent­täuscht, dass mein Schla­fen im Unter­richt mit dem Noten­ver­ga­be­pro­zess ver­mischt wur­de.
— Nico Sems­rott (@nicosemsrott) Janu­a­ry 10, 2020
Ich bin rich­tig sau­er!!! 😡 Wer­de nie mehr beim #Sie­mens Schuh cen­ter ein­kau­fen!!! Schä­men sie sich @JoeKaeser 😤 pic​.twit​ter​.com/​0​s​P​n​8​P​H​0O0
— Ger­rit Mül­ler (@gerritmueller) Janu­a­ry 13, 2020
* * *
Ende des Tex­tes. Bit­te wer­fen Sie eine Mün­ze ein!
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2020/01/das-beste-aus-twitter-januar-2020/)
0 notes
A Baton and a Magic Wand
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Links to Art (credits go to original artist(s) as always!): Gaming | Lyney | Anemo Boys
Summary: How does pranking Heizou become a tickle chase? Aether finds the answer. 
A/N: I’m back with a fic with my favorite boys! Nothing much to say other than, enjoy :)
Word Count: 2284 Bonus Word Count: 494 Also on AO3!
All was peaceful in Aether's abode in a teapot, but the same can't be said for Aether himself. He was feeling quite mischievous and wanted to push his partners’ buttons and conveniently, Heizou was his victim. His plan was simple. Replace Heizou’s baton with one of Lyney's magic wands and have it explode in an assortment of Rainbow Roses. Easy.
Or so he thought. 
“H-Heizou! Stop chahasing mehehe! I wasn’t dohoing anything!”
“I was juhust busy cleaning! Yeah, cleaning!” 
“Yeah, like I buy that along with your giggling. Come back here and explain yourself or experience my wrath!”
Aether looked back only to find that Heizou wasn't chasing him anymore. He gulped and continued running, clutching the baton and wand closely.
“Come back here, Ae~!” Heizou's voice echoed throughout the house, shooting shivers down Aether’s spine.
“You won't catch me!” He shouted back slamming a door closed to throw him off and then rushing into a bedroom. 
Only to be captured by Gaming in a bear hug, dropping the baton and wand.
“Gammph!?” He said, his voice muffled against his captor’s chest.
"Sooo, what troubles were you up to?" Gaming asked as he closed the door softly and hoisted him up, bringing him to the bed.
"Nohohothing!" Aether giggled out as struggled against him.
"For someone so giggly I think you are guilty of some trouble, no?" Gaming remarked, swiping a finger along his side. 
"GAHAHAHA! No! Nohoho! I-I dihidn't doho anything!" 
"Are you sureee?" Gaming lifted Aether's arms over his head and trapped them beneath his own knees as he towered over him with a smirk. He hovered his hands over him and wiggled his fingers. 
"Ihihihihi swehehehear! Hohohonest!" Aether squirmed as he was forced to look up at Gaming and that teasing smirk while he gave his own innocent smile to avoid the inevitable.
"I don't believe you~"
The door suddenly opened and Heizou entered.
"I heard some giggling. Is Aether-" Heizou started, his expression morphing from surprise into a predatory smirk. "Ah. Thank you for doing the prep work, Gam."
Aether froze at the sound of Heizou's voice before his squirming began anew. This time with more urgency as he frantically giggled as he watched Heizou get closer. 
"Gaming Gaming Gahahahamihihing! Dohohon't lehehehet hihihim gehehet clohohoser! Lehehet mehehehe gohohoho! Pleahehese!" Aether gave Gaming the cutest puppy look he can give, making him about to give in before Heizou's voice cut through. 
"Don't you dare, Gaming," Heizou threatened, turning his gaze towards him, making him gulp. "If you do, I'll make you suffer like Ae and you don't want that, do you~?"
Heizou stopped a few feet from the bed and looked at him as Aether stopped squirming, holding his breath. As the two looked at him, Gaming weighed his options. One. He can keep Aether trapped and work together with Heizou to give Aether the punishment he oh so deserves. Or two. Let Aether go and hope he will make it worth his while to be tickled by the unmerciful tickle monster that Heizou is. 
One. Wreck Aether.
Two. Be wrecked with Aether.
“Let's go Ae! Hop to it, Man Chai!” 
Gaming didn’t know why he went with option two. Maybe it was because of the giddy look on Aether’s face. Maybe he wanted to play around like he wished he could back then. Maybe… Maybe it was the chance to bond with Aether and his boys after Aether confessed to him. Whatever the reason was, he jumped off the bed and directed a defiant look at Heizou, carrying Aether with him as Man Chai bought them time to run out. 
“No! Hehehey! Cuhuhut ihihihit out! I'll gehehehet youhuhu both! Hehehehahaha!” 
As Heizou tried to get Man Chai off of him, Gaming ran down the hall still carrying Aether, who managed to pick up the baton and wand, while trying to look for a place to hide. 
“You are pretty hard to say no to, you know that?” Gaming said, opening doors left and right.
Aether just grinned, making him roll his eyes. 
“Where are you guys~?” A voice rang out, making Gaming curse under his breath.
“There doesn’t seem to be any good spots. Let’s just hide in the living room. You know what they say, hidden in plain sight.”
He let Aether down as he went to squeeze behind the couch. 
“Hey!” Aether exclaimed, setting the baton and wand on the center table. “What about me?”
“You hide yourself behind the pillows on the couch,” Gaming said, like it was the most logical thing in the world. “Relax, you will blend in perfectly. Your furnishings are pretty much bright colors like you. Just don’t move too much.”
“Don’t give me that look! You can call this my revenge for you pulling me into your shenanigans.”
“You could have just worked with Heizou and tick- I mean you know,” Aether said, getting flustered just from saying the word. 
“Umm,” Gaming’s face was heating up as he looked away from Aether. 
Aether stared at him confused before it dawned on him. 
“Did you actually want to be-” Aether wiggled his fingers, making Gaming swat at his hands.
“Stop that.”
“You can tease me, but you can’t handle your own teases?” 
“You don’t need to rub it in. You’re the same!”
Footsteps echoed in the hall and they stared at each other in horror. 
“Where are you guys~?” Heizou called out.
“Come on, just hide!” Gaming whisper yelled. 
Aether sighed before he hid behind the couch pillows and covered himself with a blanket for good measure. 
“Man Chai, you got anything?” an elegant voice chimed, shaking both Aether and Gaming to their core.
Is that Kazuha!?! Man Chai? 
“You think they would hide in here?” Kazuha continued.
“Don’t underestimate Man Chai and my intuition.”
“There you go with your detective’s intuition.”
“It’s true though, that’s why I am the most successful detective of the Tenryou Commission.”
“But your intuition didn’t expect this.”
Kazuha tickled his exposed underarms and gave him a kiss.
“Kahahaz!” Heizou giggled, grabbing his arms and restraining them. “Don’t make me-”
“Ehehehehe! Mahahahan Chahahai! Nohohoho!” 
Gaming’s laughter rang throughout the living room as he crawled out from behind the couch with Man Chai following close behind. 
“Youhuhuhu lihihihitle rahahahascal!” 
He didn’t realize where Man Chai was making him go until too late. He walked right into Heizou’s waiting arms. 
“Behehetrahahayal! You betrayed me, Mahahahan Chahahai! No! Hei! AHahahahAHAHA!”
“Good work, Man Chai,” Kazuha praised, ruffling his fur. 
“That’s one down. Now where is Ae, Gaming?~” Heizou held him tight as he led them toward the couch where Aether was on. 
“Wait! Wahahahait! Nohohoho!” Gaming twisted and turned frantically trying to escape and buy Aether time. 
“H-Hey! Stop Mo-ving! Kaz, a little help here?”
“Of course.”
Kazuha swept Gaming off his feet and they brought him on to the couch. 
“Oof! We-we can talk about THIHIHIS! AHAHAHAHA!”
“Oh, we’ll definitely talk,” Heizou smirked, vibrating his fingers along Gaming’s ribs. “I’m going to ask you again. Tell us where Aether is.”
“I’m nohohot tehehelling youhuhuhu! AhahahahaHAHA!”
“Suit yourself,” he nodded towards Kazuha who slipped his hands behind Gaming’s knees. “We’ll find him. In the meantime, let’s have some fun, right Kazu?”
“Yeah, let us have some fun~”
Both gave him teasing looks before attacking. 
Gaming lunged toward Kazuha as he pinched the back of his knees before Heizou brought him back down with a skittering of his fingers along his neck, circling slowly around his mole to make him squirm. 
“I can’t get enough of how cute you look laughing like this,” Heizou said, kissing him while wiggling his way to his armpits.
“MMPH! Mmhehe! Mmm-MHAHAHAHA!”
Gaming broke the kiss, panting for air as he laughed. He patted Heizou’s head for a breather, which he obliged and Kazuha slowed down to a lazy trace of his fingers along his stomach. 
“I believe that is what you call dope, hmm?” Heizou grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“Oh my gohohod,” Gaming rolled his eyes and he threw a pillow at him, a happy smile painting his red face. “You both are the wohohohorst.”
Kazuha laughed at that as he walked towards Heizou.
“Kaz. What are you-?” Heizou started.
“I can’t let you have all the fun, Hei~” he answered, pecking him on the cheek. “Let’s switch. Oh, stop pouting. There’s still Ae to have fun with.”
For good measure, Kazuha fluttered his fingers against Heizou’s armpits.
“Okay! Okahahay! Fine.”
Heizou took his place as Kazuha did the same.
“For someone who is being tickled a lot, so we can get Ae’s location, you don’t seem to mind. Not even escaping since we haven’t tied you.” Kazuha remarked, before getting close to Gaming’s ears. “Is it that you want to be tickled-te~?” he teased, sending shivers down Gaming’s spine. 
“That’s what youhuhuhu think?” 
A wobbly grin made its way to his face as Kazu rested his fingers against his collarbones, thrumming them softly. 
“Ihihihi ahahaham meheheherely prohohohotecting Aehehehe! N-Nohoho teheheasing!”
“Are you sure that’s the only reason?~” Kazuha eyed him with a teasing glint in his eyes.
“Yeah!” he squeaked out quickly. “I mean, yes. That is the only reason,” he said more slowly, trying to convince him.
“I don’t believe you~” Heizou chuckled, positioning his hands above his hips. “Come on, tell-”
Aether let out a battle cry as he tossed the blanket at Kazuha and kicked a pillow at Heizou, nailing him in the face. 
“Now that was dope.”
Kazuha deflected the blanket with Anemo and got Aether tangled up, “Haha, right back at you, Ae~”
Gaming tried to get back at Heizou, but Kazuha managed to restrain him with one hand and bring down Aether with the other. 
“Oh you are both in for it now~” Kazuha said, a devilish smirk on his face as he pulled the blanket off Aether’s head. 
“You both will go down,” Heizou’s sinister voice made its way to their ears. A vengeful look and shit-eating grin were etched on his face and filled them with nervous anticipation.
“You have the audacity to not just steal my baton,” he started, curling a hand over Aether’s side. “Ehep!” “But to also kick a pillow in my face.”
“And you,” he turned towards Gaming who tried to squirm away, but Kazu held fast. “You call me being nailed in the face by a pillow dope?” he curled his other hand on his side. “Gaha!” 
Heizou bent down towards their ears and whispered, “I will tickle and tickle and tickle you until I finish dishing out my revenge. Now, laugh~”
The tips of his fingers started to swirl with Anemo just like Wanderer causing Aether and Gaming to panic before the most ticklish sensations they ever experienced made them dissolve into screams of laughter. 
They laughed hysterically, yanking their arms to which Kazuha responded with whispered teases.
“Ticklish aren't we~? Tickle tickle tickle~”
Suddenly a soft sensation rubbed along their feet making them kick out.
“Man Chai! Thanks for helping out,” Heizou grinned, blowing raspberries on their bellies. 
Man Chai, who had been watching from the sidelines and decided to join in, excitedly rubbed his fur more against Aether and Gaming’s feet in response.
“You know what to do to make it stop~” Heizou smirked, kneading their hips.
“What for~?”
Heizou clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction, increasing the intensity.
“Nope. Wrong answers. Try again,” Heizou dug into Gaming’s ribs, while switching to scribbling Aether's tummy. At the same time, Kazuha let up on restraining them and instead lazily traced their neck and nibbled their ears, while still whispering his teases. Man Chai happily zoomed from their feet to their shoulders and wherever he could reach.
“Good. And you, Gam?”
“Good enough.”
Heizou stopped making Kazuha and Man Chai stop as well. The only sounds in the room were Aether and Gaming’s giggles as they recovered. 
“Thahahank youhuhuhu.”
“Hehehehe. Hahahah~”
“Kaz, do you mind getting some water for us? They definitely need it and I think we are all getting sleepy,” Heizou yawned out, stroking his lovers’ hair. 
“Haha, okay,” Kazuha gave his lovers kisses before leaving the room. 
He went to get the glasses of water humming to the tunes of Aether and Gaming’s laughter and went to grab a couple blankets. When he came back, he was greeted with a sight that made him smile. Aether was asleep on Gaming’s chest, hugging him. Gaming was also asleep and had a hand tangled in Aether’s hair and the other dangling off the side of the couch, while Man Chai was resting in the crook of his neck. Heizou was asleep on a nearby couch with a soft smile on his face. Kazuha savored the moment before setting down the water on a table near the baton and wand that started it all. He covered his lovers in the blankets, giving each of them a kiss before lying next to Heizou and falling into a slumber like them.
“We are home!” Venti shouted as he, Xiao, Lyney, and Wanderer entered the house.
“How do you people shop this much?” Xiao grunted as he carried groceries inside with the help of Lyney. “Ae is going to go broke with how much we keep spending.”
“It’s Ven’s vault,” Wanderer blamed as he started to arrange the groceries on the kitchen counter. “Case in point,” he held up five wine bottles. “Why the fuck do we need more wine? Stop sneakily buying this!”
“Come on, loves. A man can’t have too much wine.”
“Not when we have another five or more in storage!” Wanderer said in exasperation. “Not to mention your apple cider.”
“Hey,” Lyney cut in, “Give him some slack, he didn’t buy as many apples this time compared to our last grocery run.
“Hmph! You guys just don’t appreciate the taste of fine wine and apples,” Venti pouted, walking off. “Kazu and Ae will agree with me.”
“Hey! Come help with the groceries! Ugh.” Xiao shook his head as he stored some stuff in the fridge. “Aether’s going to cook, right?”
Before anyone could respond, Venti rushed in with a grin on his face.
“Come! You have to check this out!”
“Venti, we are storing the groceries. Can you-”
“No! This can’t wait,” Venti started herding them to the living room. 
“What is in the living room that is so-” Lyney started before falling silent like everyone else who, just like Kazuha before, stared in awe at their other lovers sleeping. 
“So cute!” Venti was grinning from ear to ear. “And look,” He grabbed the wand from the table. “I am a magician like you, Lyney!”
“What?” Lyney said in confusion as to why his wand was on the table before looking in horror as Venti was waving it around. “Wait! Don’t shake it, Venti!”
The wand exploded a bunch of rainbow roses into Venti’s face and all around him. Venti stood there with a shocked expression on his face, while Xiao had a look of amusement and a small smirk crawling up his face. Lyney was trying to look concerned, but a small smile was tugging at his lips. Wanderer was snickering and doing his best to hold in his laughter. 
“Serves you right, drunk bard,” Xiao said, breaking the silence. 
“Xiao! You are so mean!” Venti whined, going after him with rainbow roses in hand.
“Don’t chase me!” Xiao whisper-yelled, going into the kitchen. 
“Tsk. Let’s just do the cooking, while Xiao occupies Venti,” Wanderer huffed.
“How about the rainbow roses?” Lyney asked.
“Let Ven clean it,” he replied, walking into the kitchen. “He’s the one who made the mess. I can’t be bothered cleaning it. Besides, if he doesn’t, Ae will get him to do it no matter what.”
“You got a point,” Lyney said, following after him. 
“When do I not?" he smirked. “Now come on and stop staring at our sleeping beauties. We got work to do.”
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