#ler!jung hoseok x reader
ticklybtswriter · 5 years
ler bts headcanons
author’s note: sclskmdclkscm this is going to kill me and i haven’t even started writing yet. -rosalie
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i like to think he’s soft yet ruthless
you know, like not quite full-fledged tickle monster (not until you piss him off, more on that later) but still knows how to wreck your shit
mostly does it when the two of you are just cuddling together
you’ll look really cute all curled up beside him and he can’t help himself
you are now victim to his tickles
he mostly goes for the soft tickles
he really just loves spidering his fingers over your stomach or nuzzling into your neck so you can squirm
likes to have you in his lap with his hands around your waist as restraints
“awww, where does my little lee think they’re going?”
“tickle tickle tickle ~”
little kisses across your stomach while you’re laying down
all i have to say about that
so, when you stupidly decide to piss this boy off
you are dead
he really enjoys tickling you so when you give him a reason to go all out, he relishes in that feeling
you’re on your back pinned down, he’s looming over you
you think he’s going to go for the rough tickles
but you’d be wrong
he just takes his fingers and softly trails them against your skin
after a few minutes of the agonizing softness, you’re practically begging him to just wreck you
“no, i think i’m good doing this. what do you think? maybe another thirty minutes of just this? yeah, sounds good to me.”
death hello?
see, a soft but cruel ler
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an evil ler
i don’t know what you want me to tell you
he will always let you know that you’re enjoying his torture
“what do you mean stop? i know you like this, and so do you.”
for the most part, he’s a silent-type ler
like, he doesn’t tease you THAT often
mostly because the end goal for him is to have you physically spent
he really just likes to listen to your laughter and watch your face get red or have it just be plastered with pure mirth
it does something to him, really brings out his ler
he doesn’t really smile along with you, but is constantly smirking
that smirk just exudes evil, let me tell you
he lives for the perfect mix of soft and rough tickles
he loves the soft tickles when he wants you to just squirm and loves the rough when he wants your sweetest belly laughter
he seems like the kind of person to come back from the studio, tired as all hell and he’ll see you sitting on the couch and he’ll just walk over to you and wreck you because it actually really relaxes him
those are his favorite kinds of tickles
favorite place to tickle you is your thighs and i’m sure you can all decipher the reason
i’d beware if you’re a bratty lee, though because yoongi’s a brat tamer
you said something wild and he stared at you a minute with his intense gaze
he takes strides toward you, effectively backing you up against the wall where he takes your arms in one of his hands and holds them over your head and says, “you’re going to regret that baby girl/boy”
his brat-taming mood consists of sadistic tendencies of rough tickles, sometimes bondage if you’re moving too much for his liking, and overall just making it his goal to get you as close to the edge of your limits as possible without breaking them so he can do it all over again
once again, an evil ler i really want as my ler omg
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a very very tease-y ler
i’d say his probably the most playful of the seven while also being one of the most deadly
here’s why
opposite to yoongi who’s all about making you physically worn out, hoseok is one to aim to make your face as red as he possibly can
he consistently comments on how adorable you are when being teased
“why is your face so red, precious? i haven’t even started tickling you yet!! you should have that blush for when i actually get my hands on those cute hips of yours!!
he’s all about anticipation if you couldn’t tell
hoseok doesn’t even see it as evil but you know damn well that it is
he likes laughing with you
honestly he just really likes seeing you with this smile on your face, which is why he tickles you so often
to him, almost any moment is a tickle moment
like, he really will just tickle you all of the sudden, if it’s just a quick tickle to your neck, he’ll do it
if he’s in bed and you pass by him to grab something, you best believe he’s grabbing your waist, pulling you down on the bed with him, staddling you and then spidering away at your sides
you’re sitting at the table eating? his fingers are fluttering in your neck
don’t let this fool you though
just because he’s a usually calm and loving ler DOES NOT mean that he doesn’t have the power to absolutely wreck you
i know you all know that this mf can be downright scary when mad
that still applies to when you decide to provoke him
pins you down and gives you this E V I L smirk (like you know him to be the adorable ray of sunshine that he is so this is terrifying almost) 
whatever your worst spot is, he dives for it with such vigor
your resolve to keep up the bratty act is washed away completely after he starts going to town on you
“awww, what’s wrong, cutie? you had such a tough act on earlier. where’d all that go, huh?”
his teases are 50x worse when he gets like this so good luck :)
all i have to say
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aha have fun perishing
because here’s the thing, he’s another evil ler but i don’t think he’d start out that way if i’m being honest
i’d say he starts off pretty shy at first
like, he worries about pushing you too far so the majority of tickles in the beginning were just really cute and soft
ahahaha not any more
the entire time we was tickling you before, he was taking mental notes of how to properly wreck you
noticed which spots with which touches made you respond the best, noticed which teases worked best to make you blush, noticed all of the little things that made you squeal so adorably
that entire period of soft tickles was a ploy so that he could investigate all of the ways to tickle you so that were nothing but a giggly puddle at the end of your sessions
he’s good at soft where soft tickles are due, but he LOVES being able to go at your skin
makes you beg for it (he learned that having to ask for tickles makes you even more embarrassed so it’s obvious that the only say you’re going to get what you want is by having to plead for it)
“sorry, prince(ss), but i can’t give you want you want unless i hear you say that you want... what was the word again, prince(ss)?” “t-ti...” “what was that?” “t-ti-tickles.” “good girl/boy ~”
his teases are absolutely killer
“you can’t escape this, baby girl/boy~”
also always tells you how good you’re being and how cute your laughter is
the master of “don’t make me tickle you” and “i’ll go for your worst spot if you keep acting up like that” when you’re being pouty or bratty
but truthfully, you don’t want to be bratty with namjoon
punishment tickles with him are just as bad if not worse than they are with yoongi
the same rules of bondage and sadistic-ness still apply, but how would you feel when you can’t see what’s coming?
it definitely makes the electric toothbrush buzzing in your belly button and the feather against your neck come as a welcomed surprise, that’s for sure
just a very, very evil ler you don’t wanna cross
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ahhhhhhhhhh this sneaky, mischievous ler
you are playing a deadly game with him my friend
a game in which you are the mouse and he is the cat
he is constantly toying with you while in public
“wouldn’t it be a shame if i were to just tickle you right here at this party? imagine how cute everyone would find your sweet laughter.”
the worst he’ll actually do though is flutter his fingers against your chin though
because what jimin likes to do is fluster you and get you in a lee mood and then leave you there
apparently the waiting “does you good”
takes you in his lap- after a bit of struggling to escape because you know what’s about to happen- and starts attacking you in every spot his fingers can reach while leaving little nibbles against your neck
he’s all for the soft tickles and teases like hoseok
mostly because he’s enamored with your light, melodious giggles as opposed to your loud belly laughter
if he removes his arms from around you, do not leave, it is a trap
this is where the cat and mouse thing comes into play because he pretends to let you leave but the moment you make it a few feet away, he’s chasing you like his life depends on it
he lives to chase you, seriously he does
he loves seeing you scramble for an escape even though you both know the inevitability of the situation
once he finally catches you, he drags you back to your bed and pulls you in his lap and is like, “that wasn’t very nice, running away like that!! i’d say this earns you a punishment.”
you’re going to be stuck there for quite some time, congratulations (i say that sarcastically and sincerely)
but cuddles after!! and lots of hugs!!
i wouldn’t say he’s as villainous as yoongi and namjoon when you provoke him, but he isn’t someone to trifle with either
like, sure, he’s one of the sweetest lers out of all of them, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be totally mean the second you test his patience
really, it’s a fucking switch between soft boi to menacing ler
“keep doing that, baby girl/boy, and i’ll keep you laughing for hours when we get home. hmm, i might even bring out the tools. let’s see how you keep up after i put a feather duster against that cute tummy of yours.”
you definitely keep misbehaving and it’s definitely worth it... at first
he kept true to his word before he made it infinitely worse than you imagined
yeah, don’t fuck with the mischievous ler that is jimin
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everyone underestimates tae but i think that he is the evilest ler
he’s unsuspecting
like, he has this facade of being this playful guy with his boxy smile and his cute laugh
but that’s just a cover-up because beneath all that is fucking merciless, torturous ler whose only goal is to make sure you’re an incoherent mess
imagine this: absolutely ruthless tickles while being genuinely smiled at. not a smirk, like a genuine smile. this boy loves- really really really loves- have you endlessly squirming and full-out laughing
there’s just something about seeing him so happy at your torture that makes you so red in the face
also, he loves your blush oh my god does he love it
“ahhh, y/n~ never stop that adorable blush!!”
he doesn’t tease as much as jimin or hoseok, but his teases are pretty fucking bad when they do
“it’s tickle time, my lee!”
attacks you every chance that he can get, even if it’s inconvenient for you while not doing anything to actually infuriate you
like if you’re on the phone with a friend, he can and will start pinching at your sides so you’re forced to hold in your laughter
don’t imagine them running up and down your sides, across the soles of your feet, softly grazing the skin of your neck, totally squeezing away at your sides while he’s just smiling at you
taehyung doesn’t give you tickles if you’re bratty
he knows that it’s what you really want so he’ll make you beg before he even considers wrecking you
he even got you to say, “i’ve been a bad girl and i don’t deserve tickles” just at the mention of possibly giving you what you want
it took a while and he finally gave in
but not without the price of your sanity, because unlike yoongi and namjoon, he will break you past your limits if you angered him enough
wow, i really just put myself in a mood with this guy i-
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a two-sided ler
one side, the soft, loving maknae
the other, the lee-wrecker
firstly, his soft side doesn’t mean soft tickles
he still wrecks you but he’s extremely playful and teasy
smiles with you
pokes you in the sides, then acts like he didn’t before he does it again, claiming that if you don’t stop squeaking like that, he’ll have to do something about it
“hey, stop trying to move away like that! i’m not finished with you yet!”
ALWAYS pins you down because he knows that the difference in strength between the two of you really makes you blush
he utilizes his strength often when tickling you
deals with pouts in a playful way, which, i know, is very different from the others but i just think he saves his dominating personality for his other kinds of tickles
his lee-wrecking side isn’t hard to come by
in fact, it isn’t even caused by you acting bratty; most of the time it’s after a particuarly draining or frustrating day that you’ll see his true tickle monster
did i mention that he makes him call you that all the time? because when he is tickling you, he is no longer jungkook and is now the tickle monster, sorry not sorry
“y/n~ the tickle monster isn’t pleased with how you’ve been acting. you know, he’s actually kind of hungry right now. come here, little bunny~”
b-back to the evil maknae
he doesn’t go all out when he gets in his moods like the others, but he definitely likes to let you know that he’s the one in control here
is pretty quiet these times save for a few teases here and there as well as a constant smirk
“i love you like this, you know. all ticklish and compliant”
goes to every spot EXCEPT your worst because he wants you to wait for the grand finale
when he gets there, it’s game over sorry
he’s very double-sided so good luck :)
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if you have all of them as your lers, i’m so, so sorry to say that i will be attending your funeral
seriously, when all seven of them know, there is not a moment in your time with them where you aren’t crying tears of mirth
because now, there are seven people with the same end goal: to have you tickled to absolute pieces
jungkook is the one who holds you down because that rule still applies even with six others
jimin and hoseok continuously tell you how much you love it as they scribble at your feet
jin and taehyung giving you the most wicked raspberries because of their vocalist lung support you know
OOF namjoon and yoongi? the ones who FIGURE IT OUT AGAIN
like i'm so sure that they're the ones who tell the others about your secret and spill all of your worst spots to the others rhwkennw
constant fights over who can wreck you best
cuddle nights while watching a movie quickly take a turn because jungkook decided to pull you into his lap and start going to town
this, of course, meant that every other ler in the room wanted in on the action
the movie is quickly forgotten and you are quickly at the center of the seven tickle-hungry men
“awww, look how red they are!!”
“wait, did you hear that little noise?” “yes!! jin, do what you just did!! i have to hear that again!!”
“you know that you’re having fun, prince(ss)!! stop trying to hold back that precious smile!!”
teases are never short in supply so neither is your blush
if they’re on tour or you’re just separated from them, you best believe that jimin was able to persuade the boys into bombarding you with tickle-related texts, voicemails, and pictures to get you in a mood
they love it because he makes seeing you again even more of a treat
it makes the drive to see you when they return all the more 
look, i’m going to give it to you straight
if you want to live, you will not, i repeat WILL NOT act like a brat with them
even if you act that way to just one of them, that person WILL contact all seven so that they can destroy you
“you were being bad sweetie?” “it’s going to be a very, very long night.”
now i want you to imagine getting gang-tickled by all of them
got that? good, now multiple that times ten
getting punished with tickles by them is G O O D B A D
the teases are soooooooooooo amazing but blush-inducing
constantly letting you know that the only person to blame for your situation is yourself and also constantly telling you that you’re the most adorable person on the planet
“you’re so cute like this, y/n, being tickled by me and my hyungs.” cue everyone nodding in agreement at jungkook’s words
there is no getting them to stop unless you use the safeword (there’s no fun in that though)
let’s end on a soft note!!
they love using nicknames in their tickle sessions with you, their favorite being “our little lee” and “our ticklish baby girl/boy” that last one hit me omg
overall, they love you so much and tickling you is just a big plus because they get to see you with a smile on your face nearly 24/7
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author’s note: ajdjjnjsdfnljsdfnk;jsdfn ahhhhhhh i might make some full fics of some of these scenarios if anyone’s interested (but i might be deceased after writing the ot7 headcanons so we’ll see if i survive) -rosalie
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Upcoming ffs list:
• Take me with you - Park Jimin & Min Yoongi x Nefeli Cheer up tickles
• Rules for the ticklish ones - Park Jimin & Kim Namjoon x Nefeli "You have such a cute laugh!" Tickle games, playful tickles
• Cherry face - Maknae Line x Nefeli Group tickle fight "Let's count how many ribs you have, hm?"
• Yummy and ticklish Park Jimin x Nefeli Goodnight tickles "Aww you’re so sweet I could eat you. Maybe this is what I should do then"
• The medicine for missing you - Jung Hoseok x Nefeli Cheer up tickles "Nah ah ah you’re not going anywhere"
• The good, the bad, and the giggly one - Maknae Line x Nefeli Tickle game
• You are not an owl! - Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin Something similar to Braces, Namjoon and Jin are tryna convince Nefeli that she looks good in her glasses
Author's ideas:
• Saved by them - Ot7 (ff)
• Winter spirits - Ot7 (ff)
• Voodoo doll - Kim Taehyung (ff)
• Sleepyhead - Kim Namjoon (ff)
• TiKToK challenge - Ot7 (ff)
• 30 days of tickling (series)
• Show me! - Jeon Jungkook (ff)
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41 notes · View notes
il0veyoujk · 3 years
New house, new roomies
First Chap.
This is a tickle related series, so if you are not interested in that type of content, I’d suggest ya to find another ff to read, thank you :)
Mini series based on a request from an anon and one  of my ff Self-Esteem (I think you should better read it firstly so you can understand more what’s going on)
Summary: Nefeli (14) has just moved in with the boys and Jimin, but she is still not comfortable around them, so each one spends a day with her in order to get her to open up and to know each other more.
Warnings: None
Notes: None
Lots of love Nef 💕
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“Rise and shine Neffie”
“Ugh Min! Go away!”
“Well, good morning to you too”
“Lemme sleep!”
The next day the young girl woke up to some droplets being spilled on her face. Classic way to wake her up from someone specific. Jimin...
Nefeli groaned and rolled on her belly, cuddling her pillow, trying not to mind the droplets of water her older friend was spilling on her “Rise and shine Neffie”
However, Nefeli didn’t say anything. She just kept sleeping, ignoring Jimin, who had stopped spilling water on her.
“C’mon Nef, Jin is waiting for you to make breakfast together” Jimin rubbed her lower back in a circling motion in one of his attempts to wake her up. And lemme tell you that only made drift more to sleep, not waking her up at all.
“Mm-mm!” she murmured in her sleep, hiding her face in her pillow, snuggling into it. For the ones who haven’t noticed that yet, Nef is probably the biggest sleepyhead you probably have ever seen... Sleep for her is more important than food!
“Wake uuuuup!” the young lad shook her lightly, giggling a little as he heard her groan in frustration.
“Five more minutes Jimiiiiin” Nefeli dragged her words, getting annoyed for having her precious sleep being interrupted.
“No! Jin is waiting for you to make breakfast together!” Jimin messed her hair, still shaking her whole torso, trying his best to get her to wake up. And he was doing tiny progress but not too much.
“Ugh what do you want shorty?” she smirked in between her sleep. She knew that nickname would get on his nerves and at this point, she could do whatever it was needed to get him to leave her alone, sleep in peace.
However, that didn’t turn out as she expected.
Jimin gasped playfully and made a diving motion, jumping on the bed, startling the sleepy girl. The young lad started poking all-around Nefeli’s back, knowing from experience this could drive her nuts. Which worked perfectly.
Nef started giggling and squirming around under Jimin, as her eyes were still shut, shaking her head “Nahahahahaha Jimin ahahahaha I’m sahahaharry ahahahaha!!”
“You should have thought about it earlier” he blew in her ear, sending a tingling shiver down her spine “What a wonderful way to start your day, right Neffie?”
At this point Nefeli was squirming around like a worm, giggling hysterically and trying to escape the devilish pokes, but nothing was working. Jimin’s fingers were reaching the back of her ribs, and occasionally her sides, making her squeal or even let a tiny scream out, while he was chuckling at her.
“I’m up! I’m uhuhuhuhup ahahahahaha Jimin pleahahahase!” she wiggled around more, kicking her legs like a maniac, as a wide grin was on her face and uncontrollable giggle were running out of her like a waterfall.
The boy smirked widely before he blew an abnormally sensitive raspberry on each of her sides, sending her in fits of loud hysterics before he decided to let her go and get off of her.
Nefeli rolled on her back, panting with messy hair, will leftover giggles were leaving her while Jimin was sitting next to her on the bed, grinning from ear to ear lovingly “Thahahat-That was mean!”
Jimin simply shrugged and pulled her up on her feet. Her tired body was standing there, not moving at all, only yawning with closed eyes and occasionally rubbing her eyes with her fists.
“Jesus Christ Nef you are such a baby!” the young lad giggled and literally dragged the sleepy girl to the living room, where all the boys were... ready to go out? All instead of Jin of course who was cooking something probably delicious in the kitchen.
Nefeli lied on the couch, curling up in a small ball of herself, looking up Jimin with the best glare she could, considering she had just woken up.
“We are gonna go out for shopping to the groceries, we won’t be gone for more than two hours, so you’ll be alone,” Namjoon said, as he was wearing his coat, grabbing his keys, and opening the door, the rest of the boys copying his action.
This idea was making Nef more nervous, but she couldn’t concentrate on that, she was too sleepy to mind it.
“See ya later you two!” Hoseok waved happily at the eldest boy and the girl as they were all leaving the house.
“DON’T FORGET THE BLUE CHEESE!” Jin yelled at them, pointing his spatula at them intimidating, but none of them seemed to have heard him “Aish those boys, they never listen to me” he chuckled, shaking his head, as he kept mixing the ingredients of the doe he had in front of him.
Nefeli suddenly felt the couch swallowing her. Her eyes were stuck on his back, watching his every movement, listening to spoons clicking on the bowl.
“Ah Nef, come here, I’m making breakfast” he smiled widely at her and pulled a barstool out for her to sit.
Nefeli grinned widely and jumped like a bunny up, sitting on the barstool. Let’s be honest, Jin’s food is probably the best she has ever eaten, she would never say no to it.
Jin placed a nice mug of tea in front of her and pinched her cheek, making her groan playfully and shake her head, sitting next to her “Don’t think I haven’t seen how you are diving in my food every time” he winked, making her blush.
“What can I say? You are cooking amazingly!” she exclaimed, giggling at how Jin’s eyes widened in shock “Wow you are talking too?! Ah I’m really shocked right now!” the boy put his hand on his heart, gasping in fake shock, making Nefeli giggle more.
“Well, I talk sometimes, in my free time” she grinned widely, straightening up, but falling back again from sleepiness.
He chuckled and turned around to continue with the breakfast. Which was making the young girl really interested. Her stomach was growling, but she was trying her best not to show it, while her mouth was secretly watering.
“Will you help me sleepyhead, or will you keep staring at me?” Jin’s words hit differently now they are alone. They made her feel like she was with someone familiar with her, even tho some seconds ago she was feeling the complete opposite.
Nefeli nodded slightly and smiled widely, approaching him “How can I help?”
Jin looked around him, and then at the doe in front of him, thinking what was missing “Wanna put the chocolate chips in?”
“Sure!” she grabbed the chips, grinning widely. She happily poured them into the bowl as Jin was twirling it around so the chocolate could go everywhere and not stay in one place “What are we making tho?”
Jin smiled at her question, knowing that the answer would excite her more than anything “Pancakes”
And it did. Nefeli’s face lit up just by the mention of the breakfast. Pancakes are her favorite, and Jin’s recipe is really something else. They are literally delicious, she could eat them every day!
She quietly cheered, jumping up and down on her feet, making Jin chuckle a little “Be careful, or you are cleaning up the mess!”
The young girl stuffed a handful of chocolate chips cheekily in her mouth, grinning widely as the incredible taste filled her mouth.
“Hey! Don’t eat them!” Jin poked her ribs, making her squeal loudly and squirm away.
Everyone knew how sensitive Nef was, ever since they moved in all together. They could all hear her every day giggling and laughing hysterically when Jimin was tickling her, for no specific reason. Plus Jimin had already told them some things about her, and trust me, her sensitivity wouldn’t be an exception.
Jin’s smirked wider and kept mixing the doe “Can you grab the pan from the cupboard?”
The young girl nodded and turned around to reach up to the cupboard. However, she was too short to even open it, so she had to stretch herself to open it, letting her short raise a little.
“Um Jin, can you help me a littl- AGH!” she shriek and shot her arms to the ground, giggling from another poke on her ribs. “What happened Nef? Give the pan to me please”
Nefeli stretched again, trying to reach it again, but some more pokes stopped her “Jihihihin stohohohop!”
“Okay okay, lemme help you” Jin lifted her up from her underarms, helping her reach the pan.
However, before she could even touch it, Jin dug in her armpits, making her squeal and fall into loud laughter, kicking her legs back and forth. Well, she should have expected it.
“Hey, give me the pan! You are almost touching it!” Jin teased, digging in her armpits with his nails, not hurting her but intense enough to drive her crazy. Her underarms and armpits were always a sweet spot of hers.
“Ihihihihi cahahahahannot ahahahaha!” Nefeli was shaking her head from side to side furiously, thinking this would stop the ticklish sensations.
But guess what. She wasn’t doing much.
“Oh? Why not, shorty?” Jin nuzzled her left side, still digging in her armpits, making her scream and shake her head more, getting one of her worst spots attacked.
“You ahahahahare tickling mehehehe!” Nef blushed just with the mention of the word. She couldn’t stand listening to that word, and it was even worse when she was saying it... But No one had to know about it!
“Am I?!” he gasped in fake shock “You mean that you’ll laugh if I do this?” he threw Nef upwards and fastly grabbed her sides, squeezing the life out of them.
The young girl threw her head back in loud laughter, kicks her legs more, and gripping on Jin’s wrists, trying to get them off of her hypersensitive spot. Jin’s thumbs were touching the back of her lowest ribs too, not helping the matter at all. Instead, this only made everything worse.
“AHAHAHAHAHA JIN PLEASE AHAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli was thrashing around in the air, screaming and laughing loudly, and trying to escape his devilish fingers.
Her legs were falling everywhere they could reach and her arms were desperately trying to get his bigger ones away from her, but nothing was working. She was trapped in Jin’s grip, not able to get away at all.
Jin’s fingers were dancing all over her hypersensitive sides and hips, lightly getting her lowest ribs too, while he had a wide smirk on his face, clearly enjoying what was happening.
What Nef wasn’t expecting tho was Jin to turn her around, in a swift move and nuzzle her tummy, while he was still squeezing her sides in the air.
Nefeli was immediately thrown in loud, belly laughter, not able to control it at all. It tickled way more than she had ever experienced nuzzles! Way more than she had ever experienced squeezes!
“GAHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHA!” she threw her head back, wiggling around and gripping on Jin’s wrists more and more as the seconds were passing by.
To say she wasn’t enjoying it tho would be a major lie. She was having so much fun. Plus she had never been tickled like this before, and it was making everything way more sensitive. It’s not like she was gonna complain tho...
“Aw, I think Neffie enjoys it...” Jun blew two abnormally ticklish raspberries on her tummy, sending her in a new round of loud laughter.
“JIN NAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHA! PLEAHAHAHAHASE!” she screamed, probably annoying all their new neighbors with how loud she was, while she was desperately trying to escape.
“Please what little one? Please more? Oh, I wasn’t wheeling on stopping too” Jin laid the screaming girl on the floor and pinned her arms above her head.
Before Nef could even say anything tho, Jin’s fingers were already scribbling furiously her armpits, making her shriek and thrash around.
“GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” her laughter rose an octave when Jin bent down and started blowing air and whispering random thing in her ear, sending her a sensitive shiver down her spine.
“You are so ticklish it’s unbelievable! Coochie coochie coo Neffie~” the young girl was officially dying! Those three words were able to make her way more sensitive than she already was and blush so much that someone could say she was having a heart attack.
“I’M NAHAHAHAHAT AHAHAHAHA!” she shook her face side to side, arching her back and falling back again on the ground nonstop.
“You are not? Then you won’t mind if I do this!” Jin’s mouth traveled from her ear to her tummy, nuzzling her blouse so high as to only reveal her ribs and not something that would make her uncomfortable and nuzzled there.
His hand let her arms go and stuffed both of them in her armpits, making every hair on her body straighten up. Nefeli trapped his fingers under her arms when she shot her arms on her torso and pressed them on it, unintentionally making the tickles worse and her laughter louder.
Nef fell into hysterical laughter, trying with all her might to push Jin away, but she wasn’t doing much. At the same time, she was trying to keep her arms on her torso to protect her sensitive armpits so she couldn’t push him away...
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHASE I’M HUNGRY AHAHAHAHA! LET’S JUST EAHAHAHAHAT AHAHAHAHA!” she pleaded, her face almost red from all the laughter and screaming.
“What a coincidence? I am hungry too...” Jin raised his head, smirking from ear to ear, and bent down again, facing her bare left side “And I have something too sweet in front of me to resist” with no warning Jin did the thing that can send Nef is pure hysterics: he nibbled her...
Nibbles and mouth tickles, in general, were always her number one weakness... And Jin was nibbling her sides, one of her worst spots.
Nefeli fell in serious hysterics, thrashing around and screaming louder than ever, trying to escape the devilish feeling.
“Nom nom nom, you taste so sweet Nef! Like our pancakes!” Jin teased, making everything worse for the poor, hypersensitive girl.
“PLEAHAHAHAHASE STAHAHAHAHAP NAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHA!” at this point Nefeli was kicking her legs nonstop, tears rolling down her cheeks and her face completely red. Her screams could wake up a corpse and her laughter was getting hoarse as the seconds were passing.
“Aw, what happened Nef? Cannot take some bites?” Jin added tiny pecks on her sides, making Nefeli unable to bear it anymore.
“PLEAHAHAHAHASE JIN NAHAHAHAO MORE AHAHAHAHA!” she couldn’t even move an inch, she was just lying there, taking it, unable to even raise her arms from how much it was tickling.
The young lad took the messages and stopped everything, rubbing her stomach soothingly “Are you okay little one? Do you need anything?” he asked her sweetly, looking at her rosy face.
“N-Nohohoho, I am fihihihihine” she let some left-over giggles leave her, panting hard.
“You have to admit it was fun tho” he winked at the young girl, making her blush really much, but finally giving him a shy nod.
Jin chuckled and kissed her forehead and rubbed her belly more delicately, helping her breathing calm down.
However, unlucky them, as soon as Nef had calmed down completely and Jin was chuckling at her, the door opened and Yoongi and Namjoon entered the house.
“Sorry we forgot Joon’s wallet-” they all froze at their view, looking at them with the most surprised look ever
“Um... What the...” Namjoon couldn’t find any words to express what he wanted to, from how shocked he was.
“What the hell is going on?” Yoongi’s jaw was on the floor, unable to understand what was happening.
Nefeli and Jin looked at each other giggling nervously “Well...”
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il0veyoujk · 3 years
Just Imagine 14
You are running for your life as your two best friends are running behind you. And you know better than staying where you are when they are chasing you
I guess you shouldn't have eaten all their food when they were practicing
However, as luck is never on your side, you are turning the corner when you bump into someone
Before you can even react, Jungkook and Jin have already pinned you down, tickling all over your ribs, sides, and armpits
Jin is sitting on your arms above your head, scribbling all over your armpits and digging in your hollows with his nails, without hurting you
Jungkook on the other hand is sitting on your waist, drilling his thumbs in your hips, touching every sensitive nerve of yours
You are letting out a shriek and you are falling in hysterics as two of your most sensitive spots are being wrecked, kick your legs out, and thrashing around maniacally, trying to escape, to no avail at all
"Oh seems that the thief is ticklish!" Jin exclaims, bending down and blowing two huge raspberries in your neck, still scribbling on your armpits
"Our food is in here! Lemme eat!" Jungkook bends down too and starts nibbling all over your tummy, and sides, reaching your lower ribs too, making your laughter go higher an octave
You are laughing and screaming like mad, as tears are rolling down your cheeks and your face is all red, with messy hair
The boys keep teasing and tickling you nonstop, not ceasing their attack while you are cackling and shrieking
Next time you won't eat their food for no reason...
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this ff is requested by an anon, I hope you liked it, love! 🥰
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il0veyoujk · 3 years
Just Imagine 15
You and your best friends are all cuddled up under your blanket in you apartment, you in the middle
You are watching your favorite show and you are focused on your favorite character when a poke on your ribs makes you flinch
You look on your right but you see Jungkook watching peacefully the movie so you choose to ignore it 
But a squeeze from Tae on your other side, makes you squeal and squirm in your seat as your two friends are smirking widely
Oh huh... You knew what that meant pretty good...
In a flash of light Tae and Jungkook have pinned you down and they are attacking your sides and thighs with fast squeezes and scribbles, sending you immediately in fits of loud, hysterical laughter
Jungkook is squeezing the life out of your sides, getting some of your most sensitive nerves you never knew were sensitive, smirking from ear to ear
Taehyung on the other hand is scribbling on your thighs like a madman, smiling his famous boxy smile every girl is melting for
“Oh, looks like someone loves being tickled, don’t you think Y/N/N?” his boxy smile turns into a smirk as your laughter immediately raises an octave from his teasing
You are kicking your legs furiously, shaking your head side to side while your hair is getting messier and messier as the seconds are passing 
“Oh look Y/N! Two spiders! The spiders are gonna getcha!” Jungkook starts spidering under your blouse your bare sides like no tomorrow, sending you in hysterics, as sides are one of your worst spots, along with your thighs, which are being already attacked
You are screaming and thrashing around on the couch, not even being able to sit back up, from how much it tickles. You are laying on the back of the couch, trying to avoid their fingers and kicking your legs as tears are rolling down your cheeks and your face is blushing from all the teasing
At this point you have stopped moving, and you are only moving your arms around like a washing machine, trying to protect your hypersensitive torso while your friends are cooing and teasing you at no ends, your worst spots being tickled more than you have ever experienced 
The boys let you go when your laughter turns silent, and cuddles you softly, rubbing the ghost tickles away
They may tickle you to death, but you love them so much
So do they...
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This ff is requested by @ticklish-hope​​, I hope you liked it, love! 🥰
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il0veyoujk · 3 years
The mood
Summary: Nefeli (14) is in THE mood and she tries to get her cousin Tae to get her
Warnings: None
Notes: None
This is a tickle related ff, if you are not interested in it, please keep scrolling
Lots of love Nef 💕
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Nefeli was in the mood again. And we can all understand what mood I mean. She wanted to be tickled right now and right then. Why? No one knows. She just woke up like that.
However, she couldn’t do much. The 14-year-old girl was stuck in her cousin’s house due to a storm and her parents were out with her uncle and aunt so she was forced to spend the night there. Don’t get me wrong, Nefeli of course adores her cousin more than anything, but she was really bored.
She was currently lying on the couch of his home, watching droplets of the heavy rain sliding down on the glass as she was trying to find ways to annoy him.
Suddenly he appeared in front of her, wearing a white, fluffy hoodie, and plopped himself next to her, scrolling through his phone. That was her cue to do something.
“Taeeeee” she dragged his name to get his attention and turned more to face him, her back against the arm of the couch and crossed legs.
Taehyung, her older cousin, looked at her and smiled his famous boxy smile every girl in his university melts for “Neffieeee” he mimicked her with a high-pitched voice, making her giggle.
“You look like a polar bear with this hoodie” she grinned cheekily and leaned back as she saw her older cousin raising his vision and looking at her.
“Then you are lucky because this hoodie is really soft and the best for cuddles and I can give you the best bear hugs,” he said and put his phone on the table in front of him and opened his arms for Nefeli to climb into them.
But the young girl had something else in her mind. After all, she didn’t want cuddles. She wanted something else...
“Nah, you are gonna eat me, like every animal” she mentally smirked as she saw his face straightening and a hint of mischief playing in his eyes. She was finally really close to get what she wanted.
“Take it back,” he told her as he scooted closer to her.
Nefeli was now having butterflies in her stomach and trying to swallow her giggles from anticipation. Her mood had started increasing and the more he was coming closer with such playfulness in his gaze.
“Why? I am just saying the truth! You are like a tall bear with that!” Tae’s lips formed into a smirk as he saw what his baby cousin wanted to do. When she was younger, she would always want to get tickled and he would always like to tickle Nef. And if he wanted to be honest, his studies had kept him away from his family and his cousin so he had missed having some fun.
“What do you want, Nef?” he leaned back on the other arm of the couch, smirking with the facial expression Nefeli gave him.
Her face flushed bright red and she looked down shyly. She had gotten caught. How would she now prove him wrong? He knows her better than his own self.
“Nothing, really” she grinned out of nervousness, playing with her fingers.
Taehyung smirked widen and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He loved so much teasing her about that. And he knew she liked that really much.
“Then I am not gonna do anything till you admit what you want” he tried to hide his smirk behind a serious face, but he wasn’t doing much.
This only pushed the young girl more in the mood and she wanted more to be tickled, but she was really shy to admit what she wanted. She was too afraid Tae would judge her. Little did Nefeli knew was that Tae finds what she wants really adorable and he likes it as well.
“So?” he asked, raising an eyebrow “Do you have something to tell me or I can go to my studio? I have a drawing unfinished y’know” he grinned, knowing full well he was really pushing her buttons.
It was a now-or-never decision. She was gonna tell him, but on the other hand, she didn’t want to say it. Ughhh, her mind was gonna explode! How she wished she would just go back in time and never had said anything to him about the hoodie? Now she is trapped in a trap of her mind.
“I-I um...” she shuttered, not really knowing what she wanted to do. Well, she knew, but she didn’t know how to do it. She was really embarrassed, especially since Taehyung was teasingly raising his eyebrow.
Her face was redder than a tomato and her nerves were only drumming in her head from embarrassment. She hid herself behind her long, black sleeves and giggled, carefully not to make any noise. Agh! This guy was always teasing her till death!
“Iwantyoutotickleme!” she mumbled fast inside the thick fabric of her sweater, not meeting his gaze.
“What? I cannot hear you? Speak louder please!” he mocked her, knowing full well he was embarrassing even more. It reminded her how they were messing when she was a baby.
“I want you to tickle me!” she said louder and hid even more behind her long sleeves and presses herself onto the arm of the couch. All the cheeky mood she was in some seconds ago was now vanished into thin air and now it was replaced by a shy one.
Taehyung chuckled deeply and pounced onto her, throwing over his shoulder and lying her onto the soft, warm carpet of the living room. He sat on her thighs, and pinned her arms above her head with ease, towering over her, since he is 178cm and she’s only 152cm.
“All you needed to do was to ask for it, y’know that, right?” he asked her teasingly, and not hesitating to wiggle his large fingers in front of her face.
Nef had already fallen into fits of tiny giggles, squirming around and trying to set her arms free, even tho she didn’t really want to. It was only a reflex. After all, this was why all of that had happened. For her to get into that place.
“Already in giggles? You must really want me to tickle you!” he exclaimed as he lowered his hand on her now bare belly, clawing there.
A waterfall of giggles poured out of her mouth as his fingers were wiggling softly around her warm skin “Tahahahehehe!” she giggled and tried to shot her arms down again. The fingers were roaming around her tummy, tickling and clawing fastly, and cute squeals and giggles were escaping her.
“Yes Nef?” he asked her, clawing faster on her flesh skin grinning from ear to ear.
“Nohohoho” she squealed, even tho she didn’t mean it.
“No? But you asked for it” he pointed out, shaking the tips of his fingers on her tummy, just above her bellybutton, bringing to the surface louden giggles and squeals “I think I should move somewhere else then” he smirked and moved his hands to her hips, drawing fast circles on her hipbone.
Nefeli arched her back and giggles louder, almost laughing as she felt electricity hitting her body. But if we say she wasn’t enjoying it, it would be a lie. She loved it.
Her giggles filled the room ad Taehyung’s hands were tickling her and her body was trying to squirm underneath him. But let’s face it, he was a giant against her. Nefeli was rocking herself left and right, trying to avoid the torturing feeling only out of reflex.
“Ahh, these giggles are so cute! I can hear them all day!” he said, not ceasing his attack, destroying her nerves one by one. It tickled so much but yet it wasn’t so intense that it was driving her crazy!
Just as she was thinking she wanted something more intensive, Tae brought his hand on her ribs, scribbling on them faster than the speed of the light. She exploded into loud laughter, thrashing around and howling like a wolf as one of her worst spots was being mercilessly attacked.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA TAHAHAHAHAE!” Nefeli cried in between her laughter as she was trying to curl up in a ball on one side.
Taehyung just chuckled down at his cousin, as her curly, chocolate brown, messy hair was all over her face and her smile was bigger than Europe. He felt like he was feeling before he went to university. Happy and with no worries about anything.
Her ribs were an incredibly sensitive spot on her body. Almost as sensitive as her sides and feet. She arched her back and fell back on the floor, shaking her head left and right, kicking her legs as she was getting what she wanted. However, she couldn’t help the ‘no’ which were escaping her mouth.
“PLEAHAHAHAHASE!” she pleaded, not really knowing why or what she was saying. She was too lost in her laughter which was going up octaves as Tae was alternating between her ribs.
“Please what Neffie? You are getting what you want, what else do you want now?” he teased more as he bend down and nuzzled his cute nose his her neck, sending her in a new fit of loud laughter.
“NAHAHAHAHAT THAHAHAT!” she laughed as loud as her lungs allow her and trying to block his nose from her neck but it was too late.
Tae was rubbing his nose up and down her soft, sensitive skin as the tingling sensations were being built up more and more. It felt like tiny bugs were running up and down her neck.
The young lad didn’t stop his assault on her ribs tho as he was pinching and rubbing each and every sensitive bone of hers like he used to do when she was a toddler.
Airy, childish-like giggles mixed with howled laughter was echoing the house as the weather outside seem to get worse and worse as the time was passing by.
“Do you have fun, baby cuz?” Taehyung whispered innocently inside her neck, sending shivers down her spine, tickling her more.
Nef tho didn’t respond. She was too busy laughing and trying to shot her arms down to protect herself. She was only shaking her head and howling with ear-piercing laughter.
“Tahahahehehe nahahahahahaha!” she giggled loudly and tried to shake her head side to side but she couldn’t since his head was still there, not letting her protect herself.
However, she couldn’t help but notice the wide smirk which formed on her cousin’s face all of sudden. Uh-huh... Nefeli could recognize the smirk from miles away. She didn’t know what he wanted to do, but she knew that whatever it was, it was sure it was gonna tickle like her.
Her eyes widened when she saw Tae leaving her arms go and turning around, facing her socked feet.
She started kicking and giggling loudly even tho he wasn’t even touching her, knowing full well it wasn’t gonna be like a walk in the park. Her feet are probably the most ticklish feet someone can ever meet.
“What are you laughing about? I haven’t even touched you yet!” he chuckled as he saw the panic in her eyes “But now I will” he smirked wider and scribbled his long fingers on her soles fastly.
Nefeli screamed loudly and fell into hysterical laughter, punching his back and the floor as she felt her nerves being set on fire.
Taehyung pulled back her socked toes and scribbled onto the base of her toes with his blunt nails as he was laughing along with her “Coochie coochie coo Neffieeee”
“NAHAHAHAHAHA TAHAHAHAHAE NAHAHAHAHAT THEAHAHAHAHA WAHAHAHAHARDS!” she snickered loudly and did whatever was needed to make the hellish feeling stop. She punched his back, she punched the floor, tried to kick his hands, tried to sit up but nothing seems to work.
“Yes, the words!” Taehyung laughed at her, knowing that she just couldn’t stand those words. They were just driving her insane!
“PLEAHAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHAHAHAT THEAHAHAHARE!” she shrieked loudly as he was now playing and scribbling on each of her toes, from their base to their tips.
The young girl tried to curl her toes to protect them but she wasn’t doing anything. She was forced to lie there and take it. But she wasn’t complaining at all. After all, she had asked for it.
Tae on the other hand was enjoying watching his baby cousin laughing from pure happiness and not because she wanted to let people think she was having fun when she didn’t. He had missed spending time with his happy shorty.
The young lad smirked widely as he brushed with his blunt, sharp nails the soft fabric of the shocks of her toes and soles and hearing at the incredibly loud laughter as his cousin was still tryna get him off of her,
However, Nefeli hadn’t tried one thing. With all her might she reached out and squeezed his sides three times before he finally let her go.
The young lad fell off of her and landed on the floor on his butt, looking at her with wide eyes and a smiley gasped mouth.
“What did you just do?” he asked in the most evil tone he could, making Nef gulp and try to back away.
She sat up and tried to stand to run away, but she was too slow. Taehyung had already pounced on her and pinned her down once again, hands above her head.
“Nahahahaha I ahahaham sahahaharry!” she giggled loudly and tried to escape what was coming. She knew whatever was coming was not gonna end up well for her. Probably it will leave her with tears rolling down her cheeks and panting hardly while she was still giggling her heart out.
“Ahhh I think you should have thought about it when you decided to squeeze my sides... Now you have to face the consequences” he lowered his voice in a devious and mischievous tone and lowered his head towards her now bare belly.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” she screamed and shook her head from side to side, preparing herself about what was coming.
Taehyung raised his head and looked at her with wide eyes “Wow, I didn’t even do anything yet and you are already screaming” he just chuckled and lowered his head again, only to receive another scream, a louder one.
“NAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP!” he raised his head again and giggled along with her “Agh what happened now?!” he tried to swallow his giggles but he didn’t do much.
“Dahahahahan’t do ihihihihit!” she yelled in between her giggles, still shaking her head in anticipation.
“Whahat am I doing? I didn’t do anything yet!” he raised an eyebrow at Nefeli’s sweaty and giggling face.
“Youhouhouhou will blow a rahahahaspebrry as alwahahahays!” she giggled out, not daring to meet his gaze.
“Oh I wouldn’t, but if you insist” he smirked and bend down, blowing an abnormally ticklish raspberry just above her bellybutton, sending her into fits of loud, almost hysterical laughter.
“NAHAHAHAHA TAHAHAHAE!” she screeched in laughter as he continued blowing raspberries around her midsection.
What really got her tho was the fact that every so often Tae was blowing on her sides. She just couldn’t take it. Her sides are the most ticklish spot of her body and even the smallest stroke can drive her crazy.
Taehyung let Nefeli’s arms go and he squeezed fastly her sides and he kept nuzzling his nose in her bellybutton and all around her tummy. The young girl tried with all her might to push him away, but he wasn’t going anywhere. He was way too strong for her to move with a weak push.
“Maybe it’s time for the bear to eat this little, sweet girl!” he exclaimed inside her belly, sending shivers down her ticklish spine. He was enjoying it as much as she did, maybe more. He also knew how much Nefeli loved tickling even tho she had never admitted it.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHAHAT THAHAHAHAHAT!” Nef screamed loudly, knowing full well what was coming. Something which was gonna send her in pure hysterics.
Taehyung just rolled his eyes mockingly at her and all of sudden nibbled fastly all over her right side, up to her lower ribs and reaching down to her hips.
The poor girl let out an inhumanly loud scream and fell into the most hysterical laughter she had ever experienced. Dead people probably could hear her screaming and laughter from down there, that’s how loud she was at this point. It tickled so much that she couldn’t believe it. Al her nerves were being ripped one by one and every hair on her body was now straight.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA TAHAHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli couldn’t form whole words, her hysterical laughter was cutting her every time. She was trying to breathe but oxygen couldn’t reach her lungs properly since she was laughing too hard.
“Ahhh, stop screaming, and lemme eat you in silence!” Tae teased her, his hot breath brushing her warm skin, tickling more, as he used his other hand to massage her other side, adding as much pressure as it was needed to make it only tickle and not hurt.
Teasing is always getting her really much and it makes her so shy that she looks like an alive tomato. When Nef is being teased, she feels mental pokes on her sides and that makes everything more unbearable. (a/n that’s a true fact lmao)
As her most ticklish spot was being attacked, Nefeli felt like all her problems and burdens were being vanished. She couldn’t help but feel so happy and a merry aura surrounding her. She was getting what she wanted but she was getting as well what she had missed. Good times with her older cousin.
As Taehyung’s fingers were dancing up and down her side while his teeth were torturously fast brushing against her bones, she felt her breathing being taken away little by little as the moments were passing by. Her laughter had tuned silent and tears were rolling down her plump cheeks.
“N-Nohohoho mohohohore!” she managed to yell in between her silent laughter and immediately the young lad pulled away.
Taehyung sat on the couch and pulled the exhausted and panting girl onto his lap, rubbing her sides and back affectionately until her breathing came back to its normal.
Nefeli rested her head on Taehyung’s chest, listening to his heartbeat, which helped her relax completely. She smiled in his embrace, feeling love and happiness circling her.
“Thank you for that” she smiled widely and snuggled more into his chest.
He chuckled and kissed her temple lovingly, putting a piece of her hair behind her ear “Always baby cuz” he whispered back and fell slightly behind, resting his head on the back of the couch, the young girl still in his arms.
“Ahhh I had missed that so much” Taehyung admitted, closing his eyes they both drifted to sleep, while the storm was being kept going outside.
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il0veyoujk · 3 years
Summary: Nefeli (20) pulls a mini prank on Yoongi whilst he is playing basketball
Warning: none
Notes: This is a mini fic I wrote before I start publishing my series. It’s still under edit so it will take some time till it gets published
This is a tickle related ff, if you are not interested in it, please keep scrolling
Lots of love Nef 💕
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Nefeli was sitting on a sunbed in the backyard of her apartment, drinking a cola. The weather was a little cloudy and chilly as the 20-year-old girl, was watching her roommate and best friend playing basketball in front of her. It was currently Saturday, during Spring Day and as they couldn’t do something else due to lockdown, they decided to stay home.
“Ah, are you planning on staying here all day long?” the young adult complained to her roommate, who wasn’t paying attention to her at all. Everyone knew that her best friend is hot and all but she was truly bored.
“Yeah yeah, gimme 10” the young lad kept bouncing the ball, staring at the basket in front of him, not paying attention to Nef.
Nef groaned loudly and threw her head back in frustration, rubbing her eyes “You literally said the same thing an hour ago Yoongz, I’m bored out here doing nothing!”
“Yeah yeah, gimme 10” Yoongi repeated, focused on his target.
The girl glared at her roommate, trying her best not to chock him. She had to do something not to die of boredom. Plus she was in a playful mood again and she wanted to mess with someone. So her victim would be poor Yoongi.
She looked around her, tryna find the perfect thing to annoy him with, when her eye fell on a glass of freezing water, making her smirk widely.
She grabbed it and on the tip of her toes walked up to Yoongi, who was standing in from of the basket with bend knees. His eyes were fixed to the basket and he was bouncing the ball, while his mouth was a little open while his back was turned to Nefeli.
Nef smirked widely and before Yoongi could shoot the ball, she poured the freezing water on her best friend.
Yoongi gasped and before he could turn around, the 20-year-old had already ran for her own life inside, running away from her best friend who was chasing her with the most mischievous smirk someone had ever seen.
“Come back here right now Nef! Y’know you cannot hide!” Yoongi growled playfully as he bolted towards the giggling girl who had a red face from all the running and giggling.
Nefeli squealed when she turned around and saw her best friend almost catching her and she sped up, not really knowing what to do.
It was known that Yoongi could be really merciless when you are messing with him. Once Nef had painted his favorite shirt hot pink, Yoongi has slept on her the whole night and before she could wake up, he had poured a whole bucket of iced water on her. Who knows what he would do now?
“Gah no!” she squeaked and turned a corner, running faster to find a hiding spot, leaving Yoongi some meters behind her chasing her and laughing along with her.
What she hadn’t understood tho was that she had entered his room... and she had to hide in there... ‘Ahhh good job Nef, good job!’ she mentally sighed and rushed under the bed.
I know I know, not the best place for someone to hide... But you cannot blame her, she wasn’t controlling her actions and she was doing whatever was crashing her mind at that point.
She thought she was safe, until she saw her roommate’s white, purple, and green basketball shoes entering the room, making her gulp quietly.
“Y’know hiding won’t get ya anywhere Nef!” Yoongi sing-sang with a teasing tone, wandering around the room “This is my room, and I’m not gonna let you go like that...” he opened fastly the door of his wardrobe, looking for her.
Butterflies erupted in her stomach from anticipation whilst she was trying her best to swallow the nervous giggles with were bubbling up in her throat. She always cannot help but feel flustered every time someone throws at her even the tiniest tease. And oh, Yoongi knew that too well... They were neighbors and friends since forever, even if Yoongi is older for 7 years, it would be ridiculous if he didn’t know how to get her to do what he wants to.
“Y’know you cannot hide...” he looked behind the door, still looking for her.
What Nefeli didn’t know tho, was that her tiny fingers were wrapped around the foot of the bed. And the young lad had seen that...
“If you come out right now, I may go easier on you...” he threatened, opening the bathroom door.
She squealed.
And it was loud.
Loud enough for Yoongi to-
“Was that a squealed I heard?”
She knew she was screwed. She had no chance against him and she knew that too well, even if he was a shorty. Well, she was shorter than him but still shorty.
“Well then, if that made you squeal, I wonder what sound you’d make if I do this!” Yoongi pulled Nefeli by her foot, getting her to scream a little, and in a shift move, he threw her on the bed, straddling her “Well hey there”
“Nonononono! I’m so sohohohorry Yoongz, I’m sorry! Please don’t smahahahash me again!” Nef shook her head furiously side to side, giggling her poor heart out.
Yoongi on the other hand tho was only staring at her, with a smug grin on his face, not moving at all.
“What-What are you looking at?” Nefeli stopped moving and stared back at her best friend confused.
“I haven’t even touched you yet and you are already laughing” he raised her blouse high enough to expose her hypersensitive sides and ribs, placing his hands on her sides.
And then it hit her.
He was gonna do it...
He was gonna tickle her!
As soon as his wet hands touched her warm skin, Nefeli flinched so hard she almost fell off of the bed, making Yoongi chuckle loudly “Please not that! Anything but that! Please please please nohohoho!”
“I’m not doing anything!” he exclaimed, not moving his hands at all on her sides. They were only resting there, driving the poor girl crazy. She didn’t know when he was gonna strike and the only thing she could do was dying of anticipation.
“Yoongi I’m so sorry! Please no!” Nefeli kept giggling, as she grabbed his wrists, trying to get them off of her, but Yoongi wasn’t moving an inch. He was just staring at her, with a tiny smirk on his face.
Nef’s cheeks were burning and her stomach was formed in a tight knot of shyness and embarrassment mixed with butterflies. To be honest, she loved those moments with Yoongi, they were so fun and they were destroying his badboy and cold image he wanted to show everyone. And a part of her loves being tickled anyway. But shh! You didn’t hear that from me.
“Well I think you should have thought about it before you splash me...” and with that his fingers started squeezing her sides, speeding up with each squeeze.
The poor girl let out an inhumanly loud scream and fell in loud fits of laughter, thrashing around furiously as one of her worst spots was being attacked mercilessly. And lemme tell you Yoongi knew that too well.
“GAH AHAHAHAHAHAHA YOONGZ NAHAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli was laughing uncontrollably, shaking her head from side to side like a madman. She couldn’t stand that, it was like billions of pencils were poking her at the same time.
“Oh, laughing already?” the boy’s smirk grew bigger as he kept kneading faster and faster, knowing that would drive her crazy.
“PLEAHAHAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli was squirming around so much that Yoongi was looking like he was riding a wild horse, ready to fall off of her.
“C’mon it’s only revenge, I thought you were tougher than that” Yoongi simply shrugged like he wasn’t currently attacking a screaming girl.
If you didn’t know those two knew each other for years, you’d think he had randomly made her go mad since the beginning, right? Well, wrong! Yoongi knew exactly what he was doing and knew from the start that this would get her for good. She just wanted to make her apologize. But this was gonna take him longer than he thought.
Yoongi moved his hands behind her back, scribbling on her lower back. This only made Nefeli arch her back, wiggling her torso side to side, trying to get rid of the devilish feelings, but nothing was working at all.
 “AHAHAHAHAHA MEAHAHAHAHAN AHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli was trying with all her might to push him away, even if she never meant that she wanted him to stop. Just a reflex.
What she hadn’t realized tho was that the more she was tryna push him away, the more she was reaching the edge of the bed.
“Nah I’m not mean yet...” he sang, bringing one of his hands on her hips, drilling his thumb there, while the other hand kept scribbling her lower back.
Nefeli’s laughter rose at least 3 octaves and she started kicking her legs furiously. She tried many times to bring her knees to her chest, but Yoongi’s tiny body wasn’t letting her do that. Oh well, it wouldn’t help anyway.
Yoongi’s thumb on her hip was moving in a fast, circling motion, touching all her nerves, and getting as reactions loud laughs and screams. The boy was only grinning like Cheshire Cat at his friend, clearly enjoying that. And to be honest, so was Nef.
“AHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHA LEMME GAHAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli was thrashing around like no end, trying to get rid of her roommate and the feeling. She was kicking her feet and legs furiously, not doing much at all tho.
“Ah, you want me to get your feet, little one? Sure!” Yoongi happily exclaimed and turned around, and sat on her ankles. He pulled the poor girl’s tiny toes behind and scribbled all over her hypersensitive feet, making her howl in loud hysterical laughter.
“GAHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHAHASE!” Nefeli was punching the mattress hard, thrashing around and shaking her feet and legs manically, trying to stop the sensations as much as she could, but she wasn’t doing much anyway. Yoongi was way stronger to even move from his place.
His fingers were dancing torturously fast up and down her soles, focusing on the very middle of her foot, knowing from experience this would drive her mad.
Nef was pushing his back, punching and kicking hard, screaming and shrieking like her life was depending on it, but nothing was helping the matter. The feeling of fingers on her hypersensitive feet was remaining the same and never change. It remained the same torturous feeling she ever knew.
“Coochie coochie coo Neffie!” that’s it, Yoongi had killed Nef with three simple words. One thing she cannot take is those three words, everyone knows that! And of course, Yoongi just HAD to do that.
Nefeli’s face turned a new shade of red and immediately her laughter went up an octave “NAHAHAHAHAT THE WAHAHAHARDS AHAHAHA!”
“Aw, what happened? Can’t take three innocent words?” ah teases were an extremely weak spot of her, and her best friend knew that and was fully taking advantage of it.
However, when the fingers touched her toes and their base, the scream she let out could wake up even dead people.
“Jackpot” Yoongi smirked widely and focused on that spot, squeezing the toes of one of her feet and scribbling on the base of them on the other, while cooing and teasing her nonstop “Look how cute and tiny your feet are”
Nefeli’s face was all red and sweat was all over her face along with the widest smile someone has ever seen. Hysterical laughter was coming out of her mouth. Mixed with hiccups and loud squeals every now and then.
She was pushing herself more and more to the edge of the bed, by pushing his back to set her feet and legs free. However, when she finally did, she hadn’t realized how close to the edge of the bed was, till she fell off of it. Well not completely. Yoongi sat on her thighs before she could fall, so only her midsection and head were off of the bed.
Uh huh... All her spots weak spots were fully exposed...
Yoongi’s smirk grew bigger as he looked down at his roommate hanging there upside down, fully exposed and nervousness in her eyes. Nefeli on the other hand was trying to keep her blouse in place, but it was useless since she couldn’t even keep her arms to her torso. Thankfully, she was wearing a sports bra under the shirt and nothing was revealed. And now you’ll ask me, why don’t her arms touch the ground? Well, lemme tell you that Yoongi may be short, but Nef is way shorter. And the bed is too tall for her, especially in the position she is in.
“Well well well... What do we have here?” Yoongi placed his hands on Nef’s sides once again. Only this time making her flinch harshly. “A too sensitive Nefeli... She better apologize soon”
“N-NEVER!” as stubborn and confident as that reaction was, so nervous and panicked Nef was inside. She knew she wasn’t helping herself at all...
“Well, this is gonna tickle” Yoongi threw her a wide grin and started squeezing her sides up and down with no mercy at all, watching Nef as she started cackling.
Well, lemme tell you when you are being tickled in that position, everything is 69474055892600 times worse.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAT THAHAHAT HAHAHA!” the young girl threw her head back in laughter, trying to keep her arms pressed on her torso, but she just couldn’t, it was impossible!
“Tickletickletickletickle Neffie~ I’m sure you love it!” Yoongi kept going and going, squeezing faster and faster and faster, while the poor girl could only hang there and laugh uncontrollably.
Nefeli felt electric shots hitting her body while her face was heating up more. Her arms were hanging above her head, only able to cover her already blushed face, and howl in loud laughter.
“PLEAHAHAHAHASE LEMME GAHAHAHAHA!” she was thrashing around in the air, careful not to fall down, but it was really hard to stay still. Thankfully, Yoongi was sitting well on her and she couldn’t fall down or escape at all.
“What is it Nef? Why are you laughing? Ah, sometimes, you are so weird!” Yoongi teased with his sing-song voice, making everything way worse for Nef.
And if you thought things couldn’t get any worse, I’ll tell you that Yoongi moved to her ribs... He kept scribbling, pinching, kneading, and squeezing her poor ribs, bringing to the surface hysterical laughter.
“Ahh, I think I don’t feel all your ribs... Lemme check” if Nefeli’s eyes go wide they would. Rib counting was probably one of the most sensitive things she could ever experience, along with toe playing “Oneeee...” he clawed her bare lowest set of ribs, sending her in a new round of cackling.
“AHAHAHAHAHA MERCY NAHAHAHAHAHA!” she managed to grab his wrists weakly.
“Twooooo...” Yoongi poked all over her second set of rib, making her loosen her grip a lot around his wrists.
“PLEAHAHAHAHAHASE NAHAHAHAHAT THEAHAHAHAHARE!” Nef started kicking hard again, shaking her head worse than before. She even tried to arch her back, but every time, she would fall back again from how much she was laughing.
“Threeee...” he squeezed fastly her third set of ribs, making her buck her hips in the air again.
“COUNT FAHAHAHAHASTER AHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli was screaming louder than she had ever screamed at this point from how much it tickled. Her ribs had always been one of her worst spots, and being attacked there was really heaven and hell for her.
“You want me to count faster? Alright then. Onetwothreefourfive...” Yoongi evilly started poking fastly all around Nef’s ribs, focusing more on the spaced between the bones and her middle ribs, making hers cream again and thrash around like a fish out of the water, laughing uncontrollably.
“Ah, I’m wondering what this noise is, it sounds like laughter...” his eyes never met the spot he was attacking, looking everywhere but her, pretending to try and listen to something more carefully.
If one thing was working on Nef, that was teases. They were driving her crazy and were making her look like she was an alive tomato.
However, the time stopped for her the moment Yoongi stopped and bent down, almost touching her stomach, whispering “I’m gonna do it...”
Nefeli widened, her eyes, knowing full well what he meant. Something Yoongi clearly knew she couldn’t stand.
“No... Nononono Yoongz please no! Have mercy!” the young girl was panicking, giggling like a maniac before he could even touch her. She knew what was coming. And it was never good...
“Aw, what do we have here? Such a sweet tummy...” Yoongi was alternating his eyes between Nefeli and her belly, making him look like he was ready to attack anytime soon. Well... He was anyway.
She covered her face with her hands, already feeling tingles “Nohohoho! Please don-”
“Lemme eat it!” and with that, he made a diving motion and started nibbling all over her sides... NIBBLING! HER! SIDES! He couldn’t have chosen something else, no... He simply HAD to nibble her! He just had to do that...
Nef was thrown into hysterics as soon as his teeth touched her skin. Nibbles had always been her hugest weakness ever since she was a baby and everyone knew that.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAH YOONGAHAHAHAHA!” at this point he actions could not be described. She was kicking the mattress, punching and throwing her arms in the air, and wiggling her torso around, like a wild animal.
It tickled so much she was thinking she would explode anytime soon. Thankfully, she didn’t of course!
“Agh! Stop shouting and lemme eat you!” Yoongi chuckled as her shrieks became louder, every time he was talking on her skin, messing and playing with her every so often.
One of his hands started kneading her hip while the other one was furiously digging in her armpit as he kept nibbling all around her midsection with no mercy.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHATE YAHAHAHA AHAHAHA!” obviously Nefeli never meant it every time she was throwing that at her friends, especially Yoongi. But it was the only thing she could say at that moment.
“You are hurting my feelings Neffie... I think I wanna cry!” and with that, Yoongi blew numerous abnormally sensitive raspberries all over her torso, sending her in a new round of manic laughter. “And you even splashed me some minutes ago, what did I ever do to you?!” his teases weren’t helping the matter, of course, only adding to the feeling, mentally.
“PLEAHAHAHAHASE MERCAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli didn’t know what to do to even stop him. She had started moving, only screaming and laughing. Mostly screaming, to be honest...
Tears were rolling down her rosy cheeks, as her laughter suddenly turned silent. Her stomach was aching from how much she was laughing and her cheeks and throat were burning
“I’M SAHAHAHAHAHARRY!” Nefeli managed to scream, and immediately Yoongi helped her sit up.
He pulled her into a tight hug, stroking her messy hair away from her face, giving her a glass of water “Are you alright?”
Nefeli only managed to nod, panting hard as she was gulping down the water.
“Heheh, it was fun” Yoongi smirked as Nefeli glared at him playfully, too tired to even react “You have to admit it was fun!”
“Okay okay! It was!” she rolled her eyes, drinking the rest of the water.
A loud thud made both of them flinch hard and then giggle loudly at each other “It’s raining” Nefeli looked outside, watching as people were running with newspapers and umbrellas to get into their house or cars to go home.
“Avengers marathon it is?”
Lemme tell you they both fell asleep on each corner of the couch under the duvet, while Steve was dancing with Paige on the screen in front of them...
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il0veyoujk · 3 years
New house, new roomies
So, because I cannot wait till I finish all the chaps, I decided to post the prologue so as you can have an idea about what I am writing for so long :)
This is a tickle related series, so if you are not interested in that type of content, I’d suggest ya to find another ff to read, thank you :)
Miniseries based on a request from an anon and one  of my ff Self-Esteem (I think you should better read it first so you can understand more what’s going on)
Summary: Nefeli (14) has just moved in with the boys and Jimin, but she is still not comfortable around them, so each one spends a day with her in order to get her to open up and to know each other more. 
Warnings: None
Notes: This part doesn’t have any tickle scenes since it’s the prologue, small chapter
Lots of love Nef 💕
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One week. It had passed one week since Nefeli moved with Jimin and his friends. The house was big, nice, and cozy. Nef had her own room, she had decorated it the way she wanted and she had her own space. The boys had their own rooms and the kitchen was of course Jin’s paradise. Everything seems to be idyllic.
There was only one problem...
Nef was shy. Like, really shy. She was not making eye contact with the boys too much, she was not talking to them too much, she was only going to Jimin and cuddle with him all day long, or stayed locked in her room.
The boys had tried to start a conversation with her or make her talk to them about herself, but nothing was working. Even Jimin had tried to convince her to open up but her shyness had hit new levels.
I mean who can blame her? She’s now living with 7 boys older than 20 years old when she is nearly 15. How cannot she be shy?
Nefeli was currently lying on her bed, scrolling through TikTok, munching on a marshmallow when a soft knock on her door echoed the room. A muffled ‘come in’ came out of her mouth as she turned on her back to see who was on the door.
The smiley face of Hoseok popped in her room, looking for her until his cute, brown eyes fell on her “Dinner is ready little one, wash your hands and come join us” he sent her a soft grin and closed the door gently behind him.
The young girl sighed and got up from her bed, walking into her bathroom and after she was done washing her tiny hands, she entered the main room, only to see all the boys sitting around the dining table, chitchatting and eating some pasta Jin had probably made.
She was not gonna lie, Jin is an amazing cook, and she knows that amazingly well. She always enjoys whatever he is cooking and she literally cannot stop eating it. But she doesn’t want to ask for more because guess what. No guts at all. So she was always staying with the desire, only say thanks quietly, before she returned to her room.
Nefeli sat next to Jimin and started eating quietly her meal, while the boys were laughing and chitchatting with each other.
“Jin it’s really good thank you,” the girl said quietly when they had finished their dinner, causing everyone to silent and look at her.
The oldest boy wore a proud grin and nodded his head excitedly “Thank you, sweetie, want more?” he asked her sweetly, but what he got as an answer was a shy shake of her head.
The boys looked at each other while Jin was grinning proudly from ear to ear. He had managed to get her to say something at least.
Jimin sighed and placed his fork quietly on his plate “I think we should do something about that shy girl, right?” he threw his arm around Nefeli’s shoulder, smiling down at her.
The girl hadn’t felt more uncomfortable in her life before. She swallowed the pasta she had in her mouth and sat back in her seat, looking at her lap. How much she wanted to just glare at Jimin at this point, but she didn’t wanna draw attention on her even more.
“Yeah, we cannot keep living in a house with 7 boys and a mini ball of shyness” Namjoon winked at her, only increasing her blush.
Taehyung and Hoseok chuckled at their older friend but mostly in disbelief at how uncomfortable his playfulness made her. But he was right. They couldn’t stay with her if she stayed quiet and not talking to anyone.
“Hm... Let’s do this! Nefeli is gonna spend one day with each one of us, without any of the rest. Sounds good everyone?” Jungkook suggested out of blue, getting everyone’s attention and a chorus of ‘yes’ and nods.
The young girl was not against that idea. She indeed wanted to learn more about the boys and spend time with them, open up and warm up with them a lot. After all, they were Jimin’s friends and Jimin would never do something which was bad for her, right? So she would try and finally get over her shyness.
Let’s be fair. Nefeli is an outgoing girl, who likes to jokes and mess around with people or tease each other and all, but it was taking some time. Most frequently only a few minutes were needed. But she couldn’t open up to adults just like that. With Jimin was different, they were raised together, ever since her parents died. She knew him her whole life, but the boys were something else. Jimin suddenly announced to her that she was gonna move with them outta nowhere and she didn’t know how to react but she was wheeling on trying and getting warmed up and have fun with them.
“Sounds good, little one?” Namjoon asked, letting his white teeth show a little due to the small smile he sent her, melting her heart like an ice cube.
“Sure” she returned the smile and put the last bite of her pasta in her mouth, making everyone giggle.
“I’ll go first tomorrow!” Jin yelled excitedly, his mouth stuffed with food and now it was her turn to giggle “And make sure you are all gone or else no dinner!” the eldest one playfully threatened, pointing at everyone with his fork.
Lemme tell you that was the biggest fear of the boys. Not eating dinner... And if Jin was saying something, he was always keeping his word no matter what...
Nefeli was too busy giggling when she felt being thrown over someone’s shoulder and carried to her room “Now time for bed Neffie!”
How that boy always managed to make her embarrassed?
The young lad ran straight to Nefeli’s bedroom, as she was bouncing and giggling like a maniac. He put her straight under the covers, not before he shook his hand under her shirt, on her belly, bringing to the surface loud and hysterical giggles.
Jimin and Nefeli had a special thing about tickling. They both knew they loved it and they were both enjoying it equally, even if no one had ever admitted it or said it out loud. They just knew that both of them loved it and they were having fun every time, ever since they were both toddlers.
Jimin kissed her forehead and pulled the covers up to her neck, tucking her in “Goodnight ticklish one” he winked at her and fluttered his fingers in her neck, making her giggle airily.
“Goodnight idiot” she kissed his cheek and drifted off to sleep as Jimin was closing the lights.
If we wanted to be honest... She was nervous af for tomorrow but also so excited! The boys seem so fun and sweet and she wanted to get to know them like crazy! Her only worry was that they won’t like her, but she would make sure that she would have fun and they would like her. She just had to wait some hours.
Tomorrow a new circle was gonna start for Nefeli and the boys...
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il0veyoujk · 3 years
Merry Christmas everyone!
Summary: It's currently Xmas noon, and the boys have planned a special present for Nefeli (15)...
Warnings: None
Notes: This a request from an anon and I could not say no so here you go. I tried to mix two requests in one fic, the one with the Christmas tickling and the ‘Little Piggy’ one. You can consider it as a mini-sequel of my ff 'Self-Esteem'
This is a tickle-related ff, if you are not interested in it, please keep scrolling.
Lots of love Nef 💕
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Nefeli skipped down the stairs like Usain Bolt, running to the living room where everyone was. It had been two months since she had moved with Jimin and his friends and now it was Christmas time. Her favorite time of the year.
“Good morning Neffie!” Jin waved at her from the kitchen counter as he was making lunch everyone.
“Hi!” she yelled and jumped on the couch, next to Hoseok who was currently scrolling through his phone.
“Why are you so excited?” he chuckled at her and ruffled her already messy hair.
“IT’S CHRISTMAS!” she yelled while she was bouncing on the couch from excitement.
Christmas is always her number one favorite time of the year. Maybe more than her own birthday. No one knows if it’s because of the presents, the sweet, the atmosphere, the lights, the tree or all that together, but she loves it more than anything.
Since her parents’ death, she was celebrating them with Jimin and Lucy at their hotel, and lemme tell ya they were some of the greatest memories she has. They were always managing to make every single year memorable and unique, so as the presents.
One year Jimin had bought her all the members of Stray Kids and Got7, her favorite kpop bands, as fanko pop figures, and another year Lucy had booked tickets for all of them for London.
But what was making every Christmas unique was the moments. Jimin was always giving her, her Christmas tickles and when he was done with her, Nefeli was completely out of breath, tears down her rosy cheeks, and leftover giggles were leaving her for at least ten more minutes. Lucy was cooking the most delicious meals Nefeli had had ever eaten, the dining table was filled with amazing delicacies and the atmosphere was always merrily and cozy.
“Yeah if you don’t know that, Nefeli over here is obsessed with Christmas” Jimin teased, getting out of his room. “Merry Christmas shorty” he kissed her temple softly.
“Merry Christmas too, dwarf” she teased back, only to receive multiple mini but fats and super ticklish kisses all over her neck. “Ohohohohohokay Ihihihi take ihihihit bahahahck”
Just then Jungkook, Taehyung, and Namjoon came in with bags and boxes wrapped nicely. Presents.
Let’s be honest. She may love the atmosphere and the tree with the lights and the red balls on it, nothing can beat presents. Like every decent 14-year-old kid all around the world.
“Look what we have heeeeere” Jungkook waved the shopping bags in the air as the other two lads were placing the boxes they had on their hands under the tree.
“Let’s open them!” the little girl yelled excitedly, already on her feet.
“On no missy, we are having lunch first and then we can open the presents” Jin held his spatula out, pointing it at her, like a teacher scolding his students, making her giggle.
“And when are we having lunch?” she asked impatiently.
“As soon as Yoongz wakes up” he explained and before he could say anything else, Nefeli was already on her way to him wake up.
Everyone shook their heads and chuckled deeply, knowing this was not gonna end up well. Everyone knew Nefeli was the biggest sleepyhead of the house, but if someone wakes up Yoongi, they don’t live to tell the story to anyone else.
“AGH!” Yoongi yelled, echoing the room, making the boys stop whatever they were doing, and look at his room’s direction in fear. The next thing which echoed the room was hysterical laughter and everyone sighed in relief. At least he didn’t do something else.
They rushed into the room and they saw Yoongi on top of Nefeli, kneading her sides mercilessly, with his still messy hair and sleepy face and a huge grin on his face. The poor girl was kicking her legs underneath him, and punching the mattress while she was trying to get him off of her, without success tho. Let’s face it, she was only 153cm and he was 174cm, she had no hope.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA!” she screamed in ticklish agony as her most ticklish spot was being attacked without mercy.
“Apologize for jumping on me and this will be all over!” he yelled, bending down and blowing a huge raspberry on her left side, making her shriek loudly, probably annoying all the neighbors.
The boys were leaning in the walls, enjoying the scene which was being played in front of them with wide grins on their faces. Taehyung was even recording it. That position was now the most common thing in their house. More common than diner. There was no day without Nef being tickled for at least twenty seconds every day by each of them. And there were days where she was being tickled by all of them until she was reaching her breaking point. But no one could say they weren’t enjoying it. Both the boys and Nefeli.
“AHAHAHAHAM SAHAHAHAHRYHAHAHA!” she managed to say in between her screams and laughter and Yoongi finally let her go and she curled up in a small ball, trying to vanish the ghost tickles, the boys’ giggles as a background.
“Youhou are mehehean” she said after she gained back her breath.
“Merry Christmas, giggles” Yoongi said with a cheeky smile and patted her back.
“Okay, everyone! Food is ready! Come here!” Jin yelled from the kitchen and the boys made a beeline for the dining table, except Nefeli who stayed on the bed for a few more seconds before she follows them.
The food was delicious, like every time. Jin was an excellent chef and everyone can agree on that. In a matter of minutes, all the food from the plates was vanished and already eaten.
“Are we gonna watch a movie after dinner?” Taehyung asked, shoving in his mouth a roast potato.
“Yayyy! Let’s watch Home Alone 1!” Nefeli yelled excitedly.
“Sure, but I thought you wanted to open your presents first” Hoseok smirked.
“Of course, we are gonna watch a movie after that. Y’know how much I love presents, especially Christmas presents!” the boys chuckled at her answer. It was true. Everyone knows that.
The rest of the lunch went by really quick. They were eating and laughing about random things. Jimin told them a story of when Nefeli was just a 3-year-old little girl and her father had broken a pomegranate (a/n in my country when you break a pomegranate on the floor during Christmas or New Year’s Eve, it brings you luck for the rest of the upcoming year) and a piece of the fruit had gone on her white dress and she was acting like a diva because her dress was destroyed and 14-year-old Jimin had to cheer her up with tickles and nibbles all over her tummy. Lemme say that the boys will mock her for the rest of her life for that…
“Can we open the presents now?” Jungkook asked before Nefeli could. She was ready to do it tho. Maybe she is not the only kid in this house after all.
“Yeah, can we? Please guys” Nefeli used her best puppy dog eyes she could, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin copying her. Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok exchanged looks and nodded “Alright, enough with those eyes, we can open the presents” Yoongi said and the younger ones jumped off of their chairs.
Everyone took a seat around the tree and started opening their gifts from the oldest to the youngest. Which leaves Nefeli last.
“Oh my gosh bro thanks, I wanted it so much!” Jungkook exclaimed and hugged Namjoon as he opened his last present, which was currently the newest Xbox.
Unfortunately tho, there weren’t any more presents under the tree for Nefeli. She looked up at the boys who were having cheeky smiles on their faces and they had already put the items away.
“Um” was the only thing she came outta her. She was too confused.
“You” Jimin pointed a finger at her “are getting a different present” and before she could say anything else, he grabbed her and lied her on the soft carpet, circled by all of them.
“You” Hoseok grabbed her arms and pinned them above her head “are getting” Taehyung and Yoongi got a foot each, pulling off her socks “a visit” Jimin sat on her hips and Jungkook on her shin bones, facing her knees and thighs “from” Namjoon and Jin lied on their stomach next to each of her sides “theeeee” Nefeli was giggling like crazy from anticipation “TICKLE MONSTERS!” and everyone dag in her torso mercilessly.
“NAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” was the only she screamed before she fell into a fit of hysterical laughter as everyone was tickling her all over.
Hoseok was scribbling all over her armpits with his blunt nails, drawing patterns on them, the t-short she had chosen to wear during December not making her a favor.
Jin was digging in between her ribs, like he was looking for gold, massaging fastly with his other hand her first bone while Namjoon on her left side was squeezing her side faster than light, driving her insane.
Jimin had raised her blouse and was taking care of her lower back and her tummy. He was scribbling his fingers for the one edge of her tummy to the other furiously, his nails passing on her belly button as his other hand was underneath her, pinching and scribbling her lower back and her spine, making the poor girl arch her back. Oops, big mistake, he now had taken her whole spine AND lower back at once.
Jungkook was fluttering his fingers around her left knee bone and digging behind it every so often as his other hand was squeezing her right inner thigh same speed Namjoon was using on her side.
And last but definitely not least, Taehyung and Yoongi were scribbling on the very middle of each foot, and on her arch sometimes, torturing her enough for a whole year and making her kick her legs desperately.
“Merry Christmas Neffie!” Taehyung yelled, making everyone laugh.
“I think you love your present, isn’t it right shorty? You are already laughing sooo much” Namjoon teased before he blows some air on her side, making her flinch.
“NAHAHAHAMJAHAHAHAN! NAHAHAT THAHAHAHAHAT!” she cried when she felt the warm air touching her bare side, and tried to protect herself with his arm but guess what? She couldn’t!
“Aw, you want to pull your arm down sweetie? What a shame… You are trapped under your tickle monsterssss” Hoseok teased above her, fluttering his fingers around her sweet spots on the crooks of her neck and she shook her head left and right, trying to stop the feeling at least from there, but she wasn’t doing much.
“Oh, remember where the pomegranate went that day, love? I think it went right here!” Jimin yelled and he dug right away at her hipbone, tickling her ridiculously much, like a living hell.
“NAHAHAHAHA JIHAHAHAHAMIHAHAHAHIN!!! NAHAHAHAHAT THEHAHAHAHAHAHARE!” she screamed and tried to buck her hips in the air but she was unable. Believe it or not, Jimin was almost double her size.
“Not there? And what about here?” he switched to her lower belly, under her belly button, squeezing there like no tomorrow.
“Ah, Jin! You are doing this the completely wrong way!” Namjoon scolded for her other side “That’s how you need to do it!” he started nibbling all over her lower ribs, bringing salty tears to her eyes, ready to fall. Who on earth can stand those freaking nibbles?! No one! And like that was not enough, Jin copied what Namjoon was doing.
“Such delicious ribs, I could eat them all day and all night!” he exclaimed, making nom-ing noises, to add on the already hella ticklish sensations.
“Ah, I just remembered of a game! Y’know what This Little Piggy is, Neffie?” if her eyes could go wide, they would. Of course, she had heard of that game but she had never experienced it. And she truly didn’t want to. Everyone knew that toes are the death of her. “Are you ready?” he asked her and everyone ceased their actions to see what was about to happen. The girl shook her head no, not daring to open her eyes and look down, as everyone was smirking at her.
“Too bad” Taehyung said and started counting out loud “This little piggy went to market” he wiggled her big toe, earning a high pitched scream for her “This little piggy stayed home” he wiggled the second toe which only made her kick and scream louder in ticklish agony “This little piggy had roast beef” he carried on with her middle one “PLEHAHAHAHAHAHASE MEHAHAHAHARCYHAHAHAHA!” she cried desperately “Mercy? What’s that? Tickle monsters don’t know that word honey, I am sorry. Now where was I? Ughhh, I think I need to start from the beginning” and he did as he said. He wiggled again all her toes and in the end, he kissed her foot infinitive times as copy was mirroring him with her other foot.
“Y’know what’s the best, sunshine?” Hoseok asked teasingly “There is no escape for you! You are in our hands now! Coochie coochie coo baby girl!” okay, let’s get this straight. Nefeli. Can NOT. Stand. Those. Words! No! Never! For no reason!
“I bet it’s too ticklish all that, isn’t it Nefeli?” Yoongi mocked her, as he was scribbling all over her sole while Taehyung kept going with his deathly game.
“Do you enjoy your present, little one?” Jungkook asked as everyone turned back to their tickling spots. Nefeli only shook again her head no, shrieking with loud, belly laughter and moving like a fish out of the water.
“No? Then I think we should continue until you get used to it” he teased, sending shivers down her spine and then going back to scribble on both her inner thighs.
At that moment the girl was only laughing her heart out. It was like electricity was hitting her every time. But she was not complaining. Of course, she was enjoying it. She loved it. But who was her to admit that? After all, she was nothing more than shyness herself.
“Ah, I think I am hungry” Jimin said out of blue and everyone knew that meant only one thing.
“No Jimin no! NonononoNAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” he blew six, abnormally ticklish raspberries on both her sides, as Namjoon and Jin were nibbling on her ribs and then nibbled on them too.
Nibbles were her number one weakness! Everyone knew that! And everyone was always using it against it, because why friends are there for?
“Ah, me too, lemme eat those cute toes, right Tae?” Yoongi teased from down there and both Taehyung and he nibbled on her toes on each of her feet.
“Yeah, me too! And this neck looks delicious!” Hoseok dived in her neck, blowing tiny but fast raspberries all over her neck and biting on her soft skin, always softly because let’s not forget Nefeli is only 14 years old and the boys are older than 20 years old. Jin is almost 30!
“I have nothing to eat” Jungkook complained, his cute lips forming an even cuter pout. “Aw Kook, com’ ere, you can have this side” Jimin motioned for the youngest boys who gladly accepted and started eating her left side.
Sweat was all over her face and her mouth and cheeks were aching from how much she was laughing. Her cheeks were rosy and tears couldn’t stop rolling. She was reaching her breaking point. She just couldn’t stand it anymore.
“LEHAHAHAHAHAMMEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP” she yelled before her laughter falls silent, alarming the boys that she had had enough. When Nefeli was saying stop that meant she was one step before passing out.
Immediately all let her go, and she curled up in a small ball for the second time that day, on Jimin’s lap who was ribbing her back affectionately while she was tryna catch her breath.
“Are you okay princess? Did we went too harsh?” he asked sweetly.
“Nohoho, I am alrihihight, don’t wohorry” she reassured them and they all exhaled in relief.
“Well, if that helps, here are your actual gifts” Jin said and appeared out of nowhere seven Christmas decorated bags. “Merry Christmas Nef!” Jungkook smiled his bunny smile and hugged her tightly, getting her on his lap from Jimin.
Everything was perfect. All the presents were unique and lovely. But what made those Christmas unique wasn’t the presents. It was them. The boys and their aura and love. Their presence was the best gift she could have. And she wouldn’t change that even for the biggest and most expensive gift in the entire world.
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il0veyoujk · 4 years
Just Imagine 2
You and Tae are sitting on your bed, chilling.
Your feet are on his lap while he is rubbing them.
Suddenly his long fingers are accidentally brushing them softly, making you flinch, small giggles escaping you.
Taehyung smirks and grabs your ankles, pulling you more onto him.
You squeal but burst into loud, belly laughter as he scribbles furiously on your soles, with no mercy.
“Awwww, your feet are so cute, I could eat them” he growls playfully.
You are laughing so hard, kicking your legs desperately to get out of his grip, with no success. 
His fingers move on your toes, wiggling them teasingly and scratching underneath them, driving you crazy. 
You are bouncing on the bed, tears rolling down your cheeks, as your laughter turns silent. Feet is your worst spot.
You accidentally tho hit his nose, making him leave you giggling and panting.
You two ended up sleeping hugged on the bed together. 
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il0veyoujk · 3 years
Summary: Nefeli (11) is insecure her new braces and Namjoon and Jin are tryna boost her confidence
Warnings: None
Notes: This is a tickle related ff, if you are not interested in it, please keep scrolling
Lots of love Nef 💕
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“No no no NO!” Nefeli yelled in frustration and crossed her arms in front of her chest, leaning on Namjoon’s bed’s headboard. Her parents had gone out with his parents and Nefeli had stayed with Namjoon.
She was currently in her neighbor’s room, hiding her mouth from the two lads in front of her. The 11-year-old had just put on her braces and she was feeling embarrassed. She didn’t like them at all. They were big and didn’t let her teeth show. She hated them
“Why not? I’m not asking you to gimme your ice cream, little one. I just want a smile” Jin, Namjoon’s friend sat next to her and rubbed her back soothingly.
The girl looked in the other direction and huffed in annoyance. She knew they just wanted to make her feel better about her mouth but she was not wheeling to do them the favor. She may be young but she wasn’t stupid.
Namjoon and Jin exchanged looks and sighed deeply. Nefeli’s family was friends with Namjoon for years and Namjoon sees her as his baby sister. If she was sad, it was his duty to make her smile and happy again. He knew how much of a trouble braces are for kids from personal experience, but he has never had so much negativity against them.
Jin on the other hand had experienced that with his fingers. They were something which cannot be hidden and at first, he was truly insecure about them. But after some time he learned to love them and he saw that this difference in him was something special about him, so he understood it was something he shouldn’t be embarrassed about.
“Oh come one Nef, braces don’t make you ugly. They will make your smile more beautiful than it already is!” Namjoon took a seat on her other side.
“I said no!” she yelled in annoyance and looked on the other side, only to see Jin, smiling softly at her. How she wishes sometimes she would be invisible. Nefeli is the type of person who chuckles and smiles with everything. Even the saddest thing, she will find something to smile for. She hates negativity.
“Hey, Nef” Jin nudged her arm “How does a penguin build its house?” he asked her and she just shrugged. “Igloos it together” Nefeli tried her best not to smile at that. Jin’s dad jokes always manage to get her to giggle a little. But she couldn’t help but crack a tiny smile, which she covered quickly with her original expression.
“Ah, I saw that smile!” Namjoon poked her cheek.
“Hey, do you want a crepe?” Jin asked but she shook her head.
“Hot chocolate?”
“A walk to the park?”
“A visit to the aquarium? It’s your favorite!”
Both Jin and Nefeli snapped their heads towards Namjoon who had a small but intense smirk on his face, which Jin copied. Tickling was always Namjoon’s way to cheer her up when she was younger, or a punishment all the times she was cheeky to him.
Nefeli’s eyes widened and she tried to make a run for it but she was easily caught and pinned down on the bed, arms above her head. Jin sat on them softly, trying not to hurt her and Namjoon lied sideways on her legs.
“Last chance Neffie. Smile or you are gonna wake up the tickle monsteeeeers!” Namjoon sang. What he got as an answer? A stuck out tongue from her.
“Alright you cheeky monkey, you are asking for it,” Jin said and both lads made their hands like claws as they were inching towards her.
Her eyes widened again and she started thrashing around like her life was dependent on it.
“What’s wrong Neffie? Are you scared of something?” the older one, Jin, asked as his hand made contact with the soft skin of her armpits and started clawing there like crazy.
Electric shots immediately hit her body and ticklish sensations filled her mind. She hadn’t be tickled in a while and she had forgotten how sensitive she was.
Just then, she felt a hand shaking her whole tummy in the most ticklish way she had ever experienced. Namjoon was a master at that, but she could have never thought he would be so improved since the last time she experienced it.
“Aww see? You are way much more beautiful when you are happy. Laugh for use, princess” Namjoon teased and targeted the middle of her tummy for the moment.
“Look how nice your braces look in your mouth, they make you even cuter” Jin sang from above her, as he rubbed fastly her hollows with his index fingers.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” she only cried in laughter and she was trying to pull her arms down but it was useless. Let’s not forget she was only 150cm and they both were 180cm and had more than double her years. There was no way out.
“No? No what? No, don’t stop? Well, lucky you, we are not wheeling on stopping anytime soon, don’t worry” Namjoon chuckled as he changed his tactic in spidering all around her tummy and blowing air on her sides, making her squeal and squirming around like a fish out of the water.
“NAHAHAHA NAHAHAT THAHAHAHAT” Nefeli cried in laughter.
“Ah I think you should get her sides, she seems desperate for it,” Jin said, pinching softly a soft spot on her collarbone with one hand, and the other one had found its way to her ribs.
“Oh, you’re right! How silly of me!” he said as he switched in squeezing mercilessly and kneading her sides. Her hypersensitive sides which could easily send her into hysterics with a single poke.
She was rocking herself back and forth, trying to get them to stop the torture, but they were far from even thinking about stopping.
“IHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAM SMIHAHAHAHALIHAHAHAHING!” she pointed out, using the only thing she could, but with no avail.
“Hm, what do you think Joon?” his friend asked in the most mockingly way possible.
“Nah, I don’t think I have had enough from that smile, I think I need to see a bigger one” Namjoon teased back and he blew air in her belly button, making the poor girl arch her back.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli yelled, kicking her legs under Namjoon’s ribs.
“Ah ah ah, we don’t kick. Don’t make me get your feet” he threatened playfully. Which for sure wasn’t an empty one.
It was feeling like billions of tiny bugs were running up and down on her skin, sending shivers down her spine and making her mind ready to explode. The squeezes were like electricity was hitting her mercilessly and all the scribbling was pure torture, but enjoyable.
If Nefeli wanted, to be honest, she loves it. Nef loves laughing and tickling makes her laugh. Plus it’s something playful and innocent. She makes her feel like she is still a kid. Which she is, but in the future, when someone will treat her like an adult, this would be the only thing that will remind her that someday she was a kid and there were days where she didn’t have to be mature and all.
But she couldn’t help it. The kicks were just reflexes, she was not able to stop them.
“Ah, I need she is desperate for you to get her feet” Jin teased as his fingers were pinching and silently counting her ribs from the top to the bottom. Which for some reason was tickling a whole lot more than she expected.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASE!” she cried in ticklish agony as Namjoon rolled to his other side.
She felt her socks being removed slowly. The soft fabric was sending shivers down her spine and tingles all over her tiny feet. She knew what was coming but she couldn’t do anything to stop him.
“Oh my God Nef, your feet are still sooooooo small! Remind me your shoe size” he asked her and before Nefeli could answer he started scribbling all over her bare, tiny, soft soles, sending her in fits of hysterics.
Jin was counting her ribs from the upper to the bottom one, which, for some weird reason, was tickling 126 times worse than when someone was doing it the opposite way. It made her feel like the mattress was swallowing her and as much as she was trying to break free, she was truly unable to.
Namjoon was drawing really fast circles with his nails, making her toes curl as her torso was wiggling like a maniac and as her skin was scrunched, the feeling was becoming unbearable.
“FOUHAHAHAHAHAR POIHAHAHAHANT FIHAHAHAHAHAVE!” Nefeli yelled as she was desperately trying to get her feet out of Namjoon’s grip, but she wasn’t doing much.
“Look how stunning your smile is Neffie, you are so cute!” Jin said in his sweet voice, blowing some air in her neck while he was torturing her poor ribs.
“PLEAHAHAHAHASE NAΗAHAHAT THEAHAHAHAHAHAHARE!” she cried, referring to Jin and her sixth and most ticklish rib which was being furiously scrabbled.
“Not there? And what about here?” Jin asked as he stretched his torso and shoot his hands on her hypersensitive sides, squeezing them fastly and without mercy, not giving her any time to react to the quick change.
Namjoon on the other hand had pulled back her toes and he was scribbling up and down her left sole faster than light, as her other leg was kicking the mattress frantically. She even put it in front of the hand, but the only thing she managed to do was to put it too in the tickling hell.
Nef felt a huge wave of ticklishness rushing into her as her more ticklish spots were being attacked mercilessly by two lads double her height and weight.
She knew she wouldn’t make it if they wouldn’t at least give her a break, so she did the only things which she could think of. Jin’s stomach was exposed from all the stretching of his torso and it was in front of her face. She collected all the strength she had in her body and did the only thing she could think of: she blew a raspberry on his stomach.
“AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!” Jin screamed and the tickling stopped. Namjoon turned around when he heard the noise, only to see his friend on the floor holding his belly and Nefeli panting hardly as leftover giggles were leaving her.
“What did you just do?!” Namjoon playfully growled while Jin was getting up from the floor.
Butterflies erupted in Nef’s stomach as she heard the mischievous tone in his voice. She could recognize that tone from miles away. And that was when she knew she was screwed. How she was wishing she would have never done that! Nefeli knew Namjoon and Jin could be merciless when they wanted. And now they did...
“Ihihihi- I am sorryhyhyhy” she tried to avoid what was coming but the boys were having none of that.
“You had the cheek to blow a raspberry on me and you think a sorry will make it up?” Jin said as he jumped on the bed and Namjoon pinned Nefeli’s arms above her head and sat on them, the same way his friend did before. It was really surprising how a 28-year-old and a 26-year old lad become little children in a matter of seconds for an 11-year-old girl who needed some cheering up.
Jin took a seat on her thighs, facings her bare sides and ribs. He could easily just start squeezing her thighs but he didn’t want to touch a little girl there, it was a little inappropriate for her age.
“I think miss little Neffie here needs to taste her own medicine” he teased and smirked down at her. The panding suddenly stopped and her eyes widened as he saw both Namjoon and Jin taking a deep breath and inching towards her side and neck.
“NononononoNAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” he cried as their lips made contact with her soft skin and the both blew major and abnormally ticklish raspberries on her, driving her crazy. Nefeli screamed so loud that dead people could hear her.
“Mmm your tummy tastes so food Neffie,” Jin said and nuzzled his head in her belly, making nom-ing noises, which for some reason, made everything tickle more.
“NAHAHAHAHA PLEHAHAHAHASE MEHAHAHARCYHAHAHA!” she screamed and Namjoon nuzzled his face in her neck, and making noise like he was smelling a flower.
Jin started nibbling on her lowest rib and poking her sides at the same time, while Namjoon was blowing raspberries on her neck and lightly scribbling on her armpits.
“You are smiling! You must like it so much, love!” Namjoon mumbled in her neck and blow three raspberries in a row, not giving her time to breathe.
Jin chuckled on her ribs from his friend’s comment, making Nefeli flinch really hard, making them almost lost the grip they had on her. Keyword: almost. If they don’t let her go, she cannot escape even if she starts thrashing around like a maniac.
Nefeli was in pure hysterics at that moment. She had tears rolling down her face and her face was all red, like a human tomato. Her belly was aching from all the laughter and she was more screaming than laughing.
“PLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Nefeli was losing her breath little by little and she just could not take it anymore, it was feeling like hell. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” she cried and the boys pulled away really fast. They knew when Nefeli says stop during tickling, she has reached her breaking point and she cannot take it anymore. So they let her go.
She lied there, curled up in a tiny ball of herself, covering all her ticklish spots and trying to make the ghost tickles vanish. Jin pulled her onto his lap and rubbed her side, trying to help her.
“Do you feel better now? Can I have my cheery friend back” Namjoon said, shaking her ankles in a teasing way, bringing more giggles to the surface.
“Yeheheah” she breathed out before she takes a deep breath and calm her breathing completely.
“Braces don’t make you less beautiful love, people barely notice them,” Jin said softly in her ear and then kissing her temple affectionately. “Plus, almost everyone has worn glasses in his life, they are really common, trust me” Namjoon rubbed her shin.
“Thank you guys, I don’t know what I would do without you” she smiled and sent a flying kiss to the guys, melting their hearts. “Can we have that hot chocolate and that walk to the aquarium now?” Nefeli grinned widely, making both of them chuckle.
“Sure!” Jin exclaimed and got her bridal style, running outside the house, as Namjoon followed the two shaking his head.
Nefeli is a really insecure child and they were wheeling to make her smile and cheer her up in every way possible. They would never let her be sad for things that don’t matter like her height, her weight of braces. Because after all, the only thing that matters is your soul, not your appearance.
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il0veyoujk · 3 years
Just Imagine 7
You and Namjoon are sitting in the library, reading your books. 
Namjoon rests his hand on your tummy, rubbing it softly, as you have your hand on his larger one. 
Suddenly, you feel a squeeze on your tummy as he turns the page, making you flinch and giggle loudly, earning the attention of many people.
Namjoon looks at you smirking, but returning to his book.
After some minutes of peaceful reading, you feel more squeezes on your tummy.
You let out a squeal, trying to be as quiet as possible but you’re failing.
Namjoon is squeezing you belly fastly, but he acts like nothing is happening while you are trying your best not to make a sound.
“What happened baby? Is something wrong?” he teases you, not ceasing his assault.
You are squirming under his tickling hand, trying to control your giggles.
However, as soon as they are escaping your mouth, you are rushing out of the library, your boyfriend following close behind as you are both laughing loudly.
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il0veyoujk · 3 years
Just Imagine 8
You and your best friends Yoongi and Hoseok are at the cinema, watching the sequel of your favorite movie.
You are in the middle of the boys and you are enjoying your celebrity crush performing. 
Suddenly you feel a hand squeezing your left hip.
You flinch, trying not to make any sound and you turn to your left only to see Yoongi trying to swallow his giggles.
Just then you feel a squeeze on your right hip. Hoseok. 
You try to grab their hands but they are so fast you cannot catch them.
The squeezes are being continued and you are only able to flinch and squirm on your seat, unable to giggle. 
“Why are you squirming so much?” 
“Is something funny?” 
The boys keep teasing you and squeezing your hips until you cannot take it anymore and you let out soft giggles.
They finally let you go when an old woman behind you shushes you three, leaving you red from embarrassment, having missed half of the movie.
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il0veyoujk · 3 years
Just Imagine 10
You, your boyfriend Yoongi and your best friend Taehyung are in the park eating ice cream, you on Yoongi’s lap sideways as he is hugging you. 
Suddenly you feel your boyfriend’s soft nose rubbing your neck and leaving tiny kisses all over the crook of your neck. 
You giggle and lean more onto him as you scrunch up your shoulders while Yoongi softly chuckles in your neck, sending a new way of ticklishness in your body and down your spine. 
And as you are thinking it cannot get worse, you feel Yoongi’s arms move and Taehyung’s large fingers poking all round your sides and ribs.
You squeal and thrash around on your boyfriend’s lap as three of your most sensitive spots are being tickled.
“Ahhh Yoongz, she is so ticklish! Check this out!” Taehyung exclaims as he scribbles fastly on your ribs, getting a scream and loud laughter from you as strangers are passing by and watch the three of you in awe. 
“That’s nothing, look at that” Yoongi nibbles fastly yet softly your neck and that’s where you lose it. 
You start scream and laugh loudly while electricity is hitting your entire body from how much it tickles. 
The boys chuckle and shake their heads as they let you go and continue tease you about how sensitive you are until you decided to go back home. 
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il0veyoujk · 4 years
New Girl
Welcome to my acc! This is my first ff and I hope you’ll like it!
Summary: Nefeli (20) is new in Seoul town and a young band called BTS are helping her. On a party-out night, the boys tho discover her guilty pleasure and next morning are using it against her in a playful way
Warnings: None
Notes: None
This is a tickle related ff, if you are not interested in it, please keep scrolling
Lots of love Nef 💕
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“Ha bro, I told ya, this movie was sooo boring!” Jungkook exclaimed as he and his friends, Jimin, Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Yoongi were sitting on their usual spot in the park.
The boys, well known as BTS, own a little unpopular band in Seoul. They do small shows at the local clubs just for their fun and when friends are coming around their place, they sing together to entertain them and they live all together since Jin turned 23, in 2015.
They all met at that exact same park years ago. Jimin and Taehyung had gone for a typical walk after a long school day, same for Hoseok and Namjoon who were studying at the same college. That park was Yoongi’s inspiration to write lyrics, so he was there to do his hobby. As for Jin, he had taken out his dog for a walk and Jungkook was waiting for a date that didn’t end up well.
Jimin had brought his guitar with him so he and his friend started singing ‘Stupid Love’ by Jason Derulo. Minute after minute the seven boys were singing together. One song, then another and another one, and another one until they had sung 12 songs together. And that’s how they met for the first time.
So now, seven years after their first met, the seven men were sitting again at the same bench and talking about everything and nothing and laughing like mad, which wasn’t rare when they were all together.
Just then a girl walked by. She was a girl around her 19s, with dark brown, curly, long hair. Her eyes were dark brown too and she was juicy… Her chubby cheeks were light red from the heat and 5.2 height was making her like she was 14 years old.
Her black – styled outfit caught the boys’ attention, as they were used to Korean girls wearing more colorful clothes, but she didn’t seem Korean. And also, the fact that she was looking around like she has amnesia and she couldn’t find herself made them more curious.
“She seems lost,” Namjoon noticed and that earned nods from his friends.
“Should we help her?” Jin asked which earned more nods. Yeah, for such a noisy boys, they were too quiet when it comes to girls.
“Um, excuse me, girl” Jimin said a little loud because he was away from her.
She turned her head and smiled softly at them as she came a little closer “Yeah?”
“You need some um… help? You seem lost” he asked her, returning the smile.
The girl looked around her and then back at the seven pair of eyes which were looking at her. The eyes were giving her the sense that the warmth of them was all around her.
“Yeah, I’m new to Seoul and I have no idea where am I or what to do” she explained.
Jungkook, Namjoon, and Taehyung let out some ‘ohs’ while the rest of them said nothing and just looked at each other.
“So, you’re looking for your house?” Jimin asked her again.
Their eyes widened as her answer which came out of her mouth was “Actually I don’t have a home yet”
The boys looked at each other, speechless. They had nothing to say. How’s even possible a girl was homeless and lives on the streets in a town like Seoul, it was too dangerous.
There was an awkward silence for some seconds before she spoke again, understood what they were thinking. “No no no, I’m not homeless” she laughed. “We exchanged houses with a girl from Korea, but she forgot to tell me where the house was, so I don’t know how to get there. She told me that she would text me the address, but she hasn’t yet, so I’m staying at a motel until she text me where to go”
The boys let sighs of relief as they heard that. They may meet her for the first time, but they were feeling bad for homeless people and they were always trying to help them.
“I’m Jimin and that’s my friends, Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook” he introduced themselves, pointing at each boy.
“I’m Nefeli” she said “My friends call me Nef tho” and smiled.
“You have a beautiful name” Jin said, which made her blush a little.
There was another awkward silence between the boys and Nefeli, so she decided to leave. “It was nice to meet you, thank you” and she made her way to go but she was stopped by a deep voice.
“Well, we can help you if you want” Taehyung suddenly said, earning looks from his friends and a surprised expression from the girl.
The boys were surprised too but then they changed into smiles and confidence. “Yeah, we can show you the town and help you get used to it” Jungkook explained happily.
Nefeli was seemed to be more surprised than she was before. She didn’t want to trust some random strangers, but she didn’t have a choice if she didn’t want to end up sleeping in the streets that night.
‘I can’t trust them, what if they are dangerous?’ she thought to herself. ‘But they seem so nice and they looked confused when I said that I don’t have a home’ she rethought. ‘Maybe I should trust them’
She kept staring at them lost in her thought when she understood that she hadn’t responded, and she was looking at them like she was from Mars.
“Um yeah, sure” she finally said. However, the boys sensed the fact that she was unsure about them. Her eyes could tell them. She just put a little smile on her face and then just sat there and waited awkwardly.
The boys really wanted to be polite to her, but they all knew they wouldn’t be more concentrated on her. They were just gonna help her but she wouldn’t their first priority at that time. They had wayyyy more important things to deal with, such as their job or colleges and their friends or family dramas.
As Nefeli’s eyes were traveling all around the place, they landed on a poster. She left from the spot she was standing to watch the details. The boys were watching her movements confused until they understood what this poster was about.
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 “Oh, are they you?” she asked them curiously/surprised and they all chuckled.
“Yeah, tonight is our last appearance, wanna come?” Namjoon kindly asked.
Nefeli was a huge fan of music. Not just K-pop, she was listening to every genre of music. From pop to metal and from rap to classic music. The truth is that she had missed going to bars with friends and having fun. Her college was very demanding, and she had a lot of work to do every day, so she didn’t have time to go out and have fun. Now that her Erasmus made her come to Korea to finish her studies, she thought it was a good idea to have some fun. She was the only one who had high grades enough to go to an Erasmus. So, when she heard their invitation, she immediately thought it was a good idea to have some fun, even with some random guys she met just that day. And she wouldn’t be in danger because they wouldn’t be with her, she would watch them singing.
“Yeah sure, that’s a great idea!” she happily exclaimed. “What songs do you prefer?” she asked. She always wanted to know details about what she was about to watch and have planned the near future and her deeds. It was a part of her personality.
The boys chuckled. They weren’t the most popular band in Seoul, so they weren’t used to reply to questions about themselves and their program. So now that one girl asked about their show made them feel pleased and flattered.
“Well, the songs are ours and they’re pop. Me and Namjoon are writing the lyrics, Jimin is playing the guitar and Taehyung is playing the piano, while we are all singing” Yoongi explained. It was the first time Nefeli had ever heard Yoongi speaking. “However, I, Hoseok, and Namjoon are doing the rap parts”
“That’s amazing!” she said, a little louder. That caught boys’ attention, but not in a bothering way. They were more flattered than before; it was the first time someone was showing interest in their songs.
“Ugh… We should get going now, we have to practice” Jungkook sighed. The time was almost 20:00’ and they were only two hours left for their concert to begin.
“Jin and I have some time tho, we don’t have many lines today” Namjoon said “Let’s go for a coffee” he suggested.
Nefeli thought about it for some seconds. They were some guys she had met some minutes ago, in a city she was new to, and they were speaking a language she couldn’t understand.
However, the warmth of their eyes and their positive and pleasant aura confirmed her that they would not harm her and that she could trust them, so she nodded lightly. Yeah, that’s true. For someone who doesn’t trust people very easily and she’s afraid that they would hurt or abuse her, she trusts them very easily.
“Great” She was so excited to go for a coffee and eventually has some fun with friends, but now she was feeling weird. Like she didn’t belong with them. They were friends since… Well, since forever! And she was just a random girl they had met at the park some minutes ago, to who just showed pity and asked her if she was ok.
That was something that Nefeli hated most of all. People showing pity for her. It felt like people were talking to her because she was hopeless, and they were feeling sad about her life. It was like one time when her ex-boyfriend told her that he was staying with her because she didn’t have where to live, and he was feeling bad to leave her on the streets. Needless to say, that she broke up with him straight away. Fortunately, she found an apartment quickly, so she didn’t have to leave on a motel for too long.
But now it was different. She was feeling like a left-over piece of a puzzle. Like a coin between diamonds. Like a fly into milk. Her arms were folded in front of her chest and she was watching the boys chatting like she wasn’t there made Nefeli looking like an idiot. Her eyes were stuck to their backs and her pace was similar to theirs.
 Jin’s P.O.V
When I and my friends saw that girl, Nefeli, walking in the park, like she was an alien who came to Earth, we all thought we should help her. She seemed so… I don’t know… Out of this world.
When I noticed her black clothes, at first, I was confused. I’m not used to too many Korean girls wearing dark clothes. But she doesn’t seem to Korean. She’s wearing a black hoodie with a skull on it and black ripped jeans with black converse. I kinda like that outfit.
So Jimin decided to make the first move and asked her if she needed some help. It was the best choice. Namjoon wouldn’t know what to say like Taehyung and me, Yoongi never talks too much and that’s noticeable. And as for Jungkook, we all know how shy he gets when girls are around. I don’t know why Hoseok didn’t say anything, probably got shy too.
I was shocked when she told us that she didn’t have where to live, I don’t like people who live on the streets. I feel bad about them. Nefeli must have seen the sadness in our eyes when she said that because she fell a little bust, she covered that with giggles and explained the whole situation.
Gosh, those giggles were so cute, it reminds me of me and my brother when we were younger and he used to tickle me just too forced me to go and steal the cookie jar, then, when our mom would say that the cookies where gone, he would say that I ate them.
I’m so glad that Tae had the idea to help her and she accepted it. Usually, people wouldn’t have trusted some random guys they just met. She was about to leave when he suggested that to her.
And I’m really happy that she will come tonight to the club for our show. When she noticed the poster, I didn’t expect her to be so warm and interested in our little band. No one has ever been if I want to be realistic. Kids in our schools don’t give too much attention to us and it felt good that someone eventually did.
However, when Jungkook said we better should get going, Namjoon had a nice idea. We all saw that she was feeling still a little bit awkward with us. I don’t blame her; we’re some strangers in a completely new town who suddenly cared for her. So Joon said that I and he have some time free because we don’t have too much work or something like that and that we could go for a coffee.
The truth is that we have A LOT of work, but I didn’t want Nefeli thinks we’re some creepy boys who find random girls and just ask them questions. To be fair, I was surprised when she nodded.
Sometimes it’s like Joon and I have telepathy. He can guess what I’m thinking just by the look, so as I do with him. One day he had guessed that one of my sugar gliders was sick just by how I was looking at the TV. We don’t have the relationship Tae and Jimin have but we’re very good friends too.
Now we’re walking down the street tho, she’s not talking to us. Namjoon told me something about his ex-girlfriend to which I laughed a lot, but Nefeli didn’t seem to catch up. I don’t know what to do. She’s walking behind us with her arms folded and noiseless. I looked over Namjoon and mumbled a ‘do something’.
I know how she may feel. When I moved from Gwacheon to Seoul for my studies, no one was talking to me. When I finally found the company, they weren’t talking with me too much. Fortunately for me, I quickly took a step and started talking to them. But I was surrounded by boys my age. Unlike Nefeli, who’s surrounded by guys older than her.
 Normal P.O.N
Jin looked at Namjoon and mumbled a ‘do something’. They had sensed that she was feeling lonely and weird. But Namjoon had something on his mind.
“So Nef” she called her with her nickname hoping that would make her feel more comfortable. She looked up at them and smiled softly, didn’t want to show them how she felt alone. “We’re almost there. Let’s play a game while we’re on our way”
Nefeli sat near the window with Jin cornering her and Namjoon across her just when a nice little girl with short curly blonde her and two big hazel eyes got their order. Jin got a blueberry flavor tea, Namjoon an Americano, and Nefeli got a hot chocolate with marshmallows.
Namjoon had noticed the disappointment in her eyes when Jin announced that they were there, and they wouldn’t play the game so when their drinks arrived, he decided to just do that- “We can still play the game you know”
A little grin made his appearance on her face again while at Jin’s was confused. But that didn’t seem to bother him as he smiled too, and he was just waiting as impatient as the girl beside him for Namjoon’s decision.
“Let’s play 21 questions” he suggested which made Nefeli’s smile wider and Jin’s smirk appear. Nefeli like that game so much. She liked learning facts for other people. And also, it was a good time to learn things about those strangers.
‘Gosh, what am I doing? They’re complete strangers and I’m gonna play a game a have a chitty-chat with them!’ she thought to herself again. But that time the thought was a little faded. They had earned her trust and she didn’t know-how. She was just feeling safe with them for a weird reason.
“Okay Nef, you go first,” Jin said. His voice had something amused in his voice. Maybe it was the thing that they could know more about that mysterious girl who met just some hour ago at the park.
“Okay… Um… Fav song?” she asked not knowing how to start
“ME!” Jin answered quickly.
“Run with me,” Namjoon said too after he thought about it a little more and then asked, “Fav food?”
“Italian!” Nefeli exclaimed immediately, blushing a little.
The boys chuckled at her childish behavior and smiled at her “Lobster” Jin replied too and then proceeded to his first question.
“Biggest fear?”
“Elephants” Namjoon admitted not too loud, which earned Nefeli’s giggles as he playfully glared at her.
“Spiders” the girl said and now was the boys’ turn to giggle which made her glare at them just like Namjoon did.
The hour passed like that, with questions, giggles, and even some storytimes. The atmosphere was so light and nice. The guys turned out that they weren’t dangerous or that they wanted something from her, just like she thought. She had learned many things about them and some things for the rest of the guys too. Things like their most embarrassing moments, fav movies, first crushes, things about their families, and many more.
Just when she thought the game was over, Jin said that it was one question left and that he would ask it. He was thinking for a long time. He didn’t even look at Joon or Nefeli to concentrate more on his thoughts. Until it hit him-
“Biggest weakness?” he asked a mischievous smirk on his face, looking both at his friend and her.
“Um… I don’t know hyung… I don’t think I have one” Namjoon said, taking Nefeli by surprise.  ‘Everyone has one, he must have one too’ she thought and made the one thing she knew that would make him talk; she stared at him. Somewhen she read on the Internet that if you stare at someone who’s lying, that automatically makes him tell you the truth. And it worked. Soon Namjoon was looking at her and looking away immediately until he cracked.
“Okay, okay! Untidiness, satisfied?” he shot his arms up in surrender and leaned back on his chair. “Jeez kiddo, where did you learn to do that?!”
The pink line, which was on her cheeks by the heat, became clearer with the mention of the nickname. One of the things Nefeli really LOVED was nicknames. She was feeling nicknames are something special between her and her friends. Like something only, the two knew about and was important for their friendship. Especially when the nicknames were coming from her older friends.
Yes, Nefeli was feeling Jin and Namjoon, friends. They were the only ones from the group she knew well, and she was familiar with it. She laughed so hard that sometimes she was holding her belly of laughter. And she learned facts about the boys she couldn’t even think the boys were able to have done. Also, they shared with her stories of their lives. Childhood memories, teenage crushes, and adult adventures.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Jin’s voice who was looking impatiently at her, waiting for her answer. “Nefeli? What about you?” he asked her. ‘Oh my… I can’t say that! It’s weird’ she said to herself as the boys were looking at her and were waiting for her to answer.
“Uh um…” she opened her mouth to say something, but she hesitated to even though it was just a game.  
“C’mon Nef, it’s just a game,” Namjoon told her like he was reading her mind. “You don’t have to be embarrassed about anything”
And he was true. It wasn’t something she had to be embarrassed about, she just couldn’t realize that. The first time she told someone about it, it was her older cousin and after that, he couldn’t stop using it against her.
“Yeah Nef, everyone has one and that’s not bad. I’m sure it’s nothing you have to be insecure about” Jin comforted her. It was incredible how two boys she had met some hours ago, could give her the comfort she needed and read her like an open book.
“Well, it’s childish” she started to say. “So what?” the asked in unison. ‘Gosh, it’s just a game! Just say it already’ she pushed herself until she finally said it.
“I’m ticklish!” she admitted, immediately covering her face with her hands to hide her now tomato face.
The boys looked at her for some seconds before they chuckle and give her a comforting smile.
 Nefeli’s P.O.V
The boys were so sweet with me the whole time. I have a great time with them. Who knew that some random stranger would end up being some of the nicest people I’ve ever met? I don’t know about the rest of the boys, but these two are awesome! Namjoon even invited me to their concert tonight.
At first, when their friend, I think Jimin is his name, asked me if I was okay, I felt a little nervous and weird. I’m not that sociable and it was new for me people talking to me at the park. But their warm aura made me feel like I’m safe. Don’t ask me why! I don’t know either.
However, as we were walking down the street with Namjoon and Jin, I felt alone. They were talking and laughing together, while I was walking behind them, with my head down. I didn’t know what to do or say. Thank God, Namjoon is a clever guy and sensed how I was feeling so he suggested playing a game altogether. When Jin told us we were already there, I felt disappointed. I thought it was a good idea to get to know them better. Maybe the game was a good opportunity to see if they’re indeed dangerous and they wanted something from me, or they were just kind and gentle. But, instead of a rethink about the game, we just entered.
The café was so cute. There were also some posters of my fav band, Guns ‘n’ Roses. We sat at a sweet corner, beside the window, on a soft red velvet couch. I sat beside the window, Jin cornering me and Namjoon across me. An amazingly sweet girl came and got our orders. It was cold outside, and we just wanted something to warm our bodies.
So, when our drinks were on our table Namjoon told us that we could still play the game. He must want the same as I did. Probably.
So, he suggested one of my favorite games, ‘21 questions’. I always liked that game. I could learn facts for people and understand something more about their personalities.
I did the first question, even though I hesitate. I’m not the girl who would start the games so at first, I didn’t know what to say, but in two seconds I had said the first question that came to my mind.
The rest of the game was so nice. The boys told me so many stories and they made me laugh so hard. Jin told me about how his first date went when he poured a whole vinegar sauce on his girlfriend’s head as the waiter was passing by them and Jin accidentally kicked him. I laughed so much at it. Or when Namjoon had stuck his head under his bed because he was looking for his glasses which were on his head and he had forgotten about it. But the story I laughed at the most was one where they were all had gone to an amusement park and Hoseok, who’s afraid of heights, has stuck on the top of the wheel. He was screaming like me when I was five years old. I know that it wasn’t funny for him when he had to face his fear, but the story and the memory are.
However, when Jin asked about our biggest weakness I hadn’t had too much time to think as Namjoon spoke first and said he didn’t have one. I immediately knew he was lying. Everyone has one! So, I did the only thing I could think to make him spill it; I stared at him. Many years ago, I knew for a fact that one girl was lying to me about something. She had stolen twenty dollars from me, and I didn’t know how to prove it. I decided to make a research on Google until I finally found out that if you want to make someone who’s lying tell you the truth, all you must do is to stare at him. And it works every time! I finally got my twenty bucks back and I learned Namjoon’s weakness.
But soon it was my time to say my weakness. I really didn’t want to tho. It’s so embarrassing! The word itself makes me have so many butterflies in my stomach.
Since I told John about it, he tic… He does that to me every time! For love’s sake, he’s 42 years old! He got married this August and he still uses that when he wants me to do something and I don’t want to or when he’s just bored. And what’s the worst? I like it when he uses my weakness against me. Oh gosh… No one should ever learn about it! It’s too embarrassing and weird!
“Uh um…” I started but I closed my mouth immediately, realizing how weird it would sound. What if they wouldn’t want to spend time with me anymore? They were so sweet and caring with me. What if they thought it was creepy?
“C’mon Nef, it’s just a game, you don’t have to be embarrassed about anything” can Namjoon and Jin really read my mind? Because they comforted me for the exact same thing I was thinking about.
I was pushing myself and I was trying to make me sure that it wasn’t too weird and that I should not be embarrassed about it. And their eyes nailed on me, didn’t help the matter. It was like they were saying ‘Say it already!’. I was feeling like I’m under… Well, I don’t exactly know what, I was feeling stressed. And without even realizing it, I just said it out loud!
“I’m ticklish” as soon as these words left my mouth, I covered my whole face with my hands -at least I tried, my hands are super tiny!- to hide my now tomato face.
The boys chuckled and I looked up at him only to be met with two smirking boys, making me recovering my face. Even though they were trying to hide them, I could see them. I could never imagine them smirking at me. I met them one and a half hours ago! However, I liked it. I like people smirking at me. It hides something mysterious behind them and you can never know what’s hidden. And most of the time it’s not bad.
“Was that all?” Jin asked me to which I just nodded, behind my black sleeves, which I pulled high enough for them to reach the top of my fingers. If the skull on my hoodie could blush, it would.
“Cute” I heard Namjoon saying under his breath. Just then I felt some pokes on my sides. Jin! His fingers hit some of my most sensitive nerves, making me flinch so much that I would have fallen on the ground if I hadn’t had the table blocking me.
I backed in the corner of the couch and brought my legs up to my chest to block his devilish fingers as hysterically giggles were escaping my mouth unstoppably. I still can’t understand how he managed to hit my worst spot for the first time!
Namjoon took a ship of his coffee, wide smiling at the scene while Jin was laughing along with me as he was poking me all over my sides and tummy. Fortunately for me, the rest of the customers weren’t looking at us.
“JihihihiHIHIhin! Stohohohohop!”
“Leave the poor girl alone hyung” Namjoon finally saved my while I was trying to beat his hands away, successfully after Namjoon’s saving.  
“I like your weakness” Jin winked at me, making me blush one more time. I’m not the kind of person who blushes too easily, how did those guys managed to make me blush at least three times in one day? Well, it was kind of cute tho…
However, when I saw the clock on the wall I immediately turned to the boys and said “It’s 21:47” Jin and Namjoon jumped from their chairs, Namjoon ran to the barstool to pay for the drinks while Jin rushed outside the shop. I just sat there watching their super-speed like Flash had gotten into them in a cartoon program. I giggled as the two ‘animes’ made their moves in ten seconds. I tried to imagine them like real animes, and I tried my best not to burst put of laughing!
 Normal P.O.V
Nefeli snapped out of her thought when one hand landed on her shoulder, shaking her and pulling her to sit up. Namjoon. She looked up at her and grabbed her coat before she was pulled by a much stronger man outside to enter the car.
“I think I’ll walk until the club. I must learn the streets” she said right before she got inside. The boys looked at each other and then back at her. They were in a hurry, so their eyes were uneasy, and they were making quick moves.
“Nef get in the car” Joon insisted, making her more nervous and trapped in her thoughts. ‘If I got inside and they take me to a quiet place and do something?’ she thought. ‘I won’t get into the car, I’ll walk, nice opportunity for a nice, long walk’ and with that, she shook her head earning a look from both. However, they quickly sensed that, and they covered it with a warm smile and Jin told her “Okay, we’ll see you in some minutes, the address is…” she typed the address on her phone and saved it so she could ask the strangers if they could help her or the taxi driver she may take.
She looked at the car as it was running down the road fast, leaving some smoke behind it. That’s when she realized that they would be completely screwed up if they got late.
Nefeli let out a small smirk appear on her face and paced the exact way the car drove some seconds ago. Just then realization hit her. ‘Oh my gosh! It’s 21:50’!’ she yelled inside her mind and started running down the street. The boys would be very disappointed and sad if she didn’t show up. After all, they were so gentle and sweet with her that it would be at least rude not to go.
So, she did the only thing she could think at that time; she started looking for a taxi.
Jin and Joon had finally arrived at the club safe. When Jin is in hurry, his driving can be dangerous, and everyone knows that.
As they got inside, the audience was already waiting for the boys to start. They hadn’t seen too many people in place for their songs before. Even Namjoon, the tallest member, couldn’t see the stage properly.
The club was a huge, dark place, with low light. At the left there was a small stage, facing a large hall, filled with small and tall tables with two tall leather backless chairs. Behind that, there was a glassy bar, with a mirror from the right to left sides of the wall, with selves on it with the bottles of alcohol. The ceiling had all the lights for the shows and four huge black speakers. Also, colorful balloons and confetti were waiting for a great time to be released. The walls were leather with some marble details and gold corners.
They struggled to make it to the backstage (a little room behind the stage) to meet the rest of the boys, who all sighed in relief as soon as they saw their leader and the eldest member.
“Thank God you’re back! We start in like two minutes!” Jimin exclaimed, making the others nod while they were getting ready.  
Jimin was holding his guitar, ready to make his appearance on the stage, Taehyung was looking at his scores, Jungkook was drinking a water bottle and the rest of them were just sitting there enjoying the relax, before the big time’s arrival. They were all so nervous and yet so excited about their first ‘big’ show. Yoongi and Namjoon’s legs were shaking up and down.  
However, Jungkook was the first one who noticed that someone was missing as he popped his head from the door to see the audience and its amount.
“Where is she?” he asked a tone of sadness in his voice. Immediately all the eyes turned to Joon and Jin, looking at them quizzingly. They were waiting for her so much.
“She said that she will come by foot” the eldest explained, not looking at their bandmates while trying to fit the microphone in his pocket, God knows why.
Shock ran through them as soon as they heard that. They weren’t expecting that, partly because Nefeli didn’t know the town and partly because the boys thought she was trusting them.
Hoseok opened his mouth to complain but a guy from the club shut him when he came in to announce to them that it’s time and that they must come on the stage. “C’mon guys, it’s time, the audience will eat us alive if you don’t come up there anytime soon” earning nods from the small band.
As soon as they got out, on the stage, cheers and applause filled the room. Colorful lights fell on the boys as soon as they got on stage. A glossy piano was on the edge, and a base for guitar as well as a base for scores. From up there, the band could see all the people. It was an amazing experience!
“Hello guys, were BTS!” Namjoon started explaining and introducing the group. “Me and my bandmates are gonna entertain you for tonight! We hope you’ll have a great time!” the boys took their places. “Our first song is called ‘Run’” he announced before they start their show.
Time was passing so quickly and the band was getting more flattered. All that love was unprecedented. The lights were on them and blue, pink, and green lasers were playing with the dancing figures under the stage.
It had passed an hour and more and the girl hadn’t shown up yet. Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, and Jimin had lost their hope to see her again, in contrast with the rest of the members who were still waiting.
However, they didn’t let that eat them alive. They had better things to do at those moments. Let’s face it, she was just a girl they had met in a random place who just seemed lost. If they weren’t so carrying, they wouldn’t even discuss about talking to her. They may be waiting for her and be disappointed when they didn’t see her, but their show was their number one priority.
Now, the boys had sung more than half of the songs they had prepared for tonight's show. And they were so energetic that they were jumping and dancing like maniacs all night long.
“Say what! Jjeoreo Jjeoreo Jjeoreo!” Jungkook finished his part as well as the song. Cheers, clapping hands, screams from little girls, and people were screaming for more, as the band’s faces were something more than excited and thankful. Their hard work was finally recognized and appreciated.
“Saranghae-ah!” Hoseok shouted from the microphone and the audience went mad. It was by far their best concert and they were feeling blessed.
As they were ready to start their next song, Yoongi and Taehyung noticed a familiar figure in the audience looking at them with a soft smile. Nefeli. She finally made it and now she was sitting there, on the bar, watching them and having fun.
Yoongi grabbed the microphone before Jin could take it “We have a very special person here with us tonight” he announced, earning everyone's attention. However, the rest of the boys immediately realized who he was talking about and they made sure to wear their biggest, gummiest and sweetest grin they could.
“Give us your warmest cheer for our friend, Nefeli” he exclaimed. In a flash of light people were screaming, whistling loudly, and clapping just for her.
It felt so… Sweet. Never someone had done this for her and she felt like she was special. In her life, people aren’t giving her compliments or talking and treating her so kindly and making her blush so hard. She was so flattered and red that she was feeling like she would explode from all the blood that was in her heart at that moment.
The smiles and the grins on their faces could tell they were happy she was there. Suddenly it felt like she was their first priority. It was so kind she made it and came to their concert. They were sad but at the same time so concentrated on their work, but now they were relieved.
“Our next song is dedicated to her and it’s called ‘Euphoria’” Jimin cut his words, gaining a glare from Yoongi and some chuckles from Jungkook and Hoseok.
The song was so nice! Its lyrics were sweet and so emotional (in a good way) she thought she would break out with tiny, crystal tears. As the song was going on, the girls were all amused and you could see hearts flying above their heads for the seven young singers.
The hours were passing so pleasurable. It turned out that the boys were so talented and their songs were very good. Nefeli liked a song called ‘Run’ the most. It was obvious that she liked that so much tho. She was moving with the rhythm and she learned the refrain for the first time, even if she couldn’t understand the language. It was a heart-touching song it was clear.
Now it was 01:02’ and the program had finally come to an end. More people had come and now the place was more crowded than before. The boys were in the backstage and Nefeli was outside the club. She was freezing cold but she could handle it.
It was the first time she had so much fun in months! Her college had swallowed her and the lessons were tough. Music was her favorite thing in the whole wide universe, so it was like she was in Heaven. Live Pop music in a nice club, just paradise.
‘Why didn’t I bring a coat with me? Jeez, the weather here is so cold’ she mentally complained, hugging herself. And she was right. The nights in Seoul are too cold in December and Nefeli wasn’t prepared for it.
Just as she was thinking that a tap on her spine makes her flinch and let out one single giggle before turning around to see the seven singers. They were dressing in heavy clothes, their faces were sweaty and their hair was messy. Their breaths were coming out like smoke as they were mixed with the cold air and Jungkook and Jin were wearing skull caps. The boys were exhausted and Nefeli could sense that, however, they were super happy about their success and they were smiling like crazy, from ear to ear.
“Wow, guys that was perfect! Congrats! You’re very talented!” she exclaimed, couldn’t wipe the excitement off of her face, making boys’ smiles grew and let out some chuckles.
“Thank you, Nef! Where were you? We were looking for you” Jin asked too happily, gosh knows why.
“I was here, I was waiting for you to come here and congrats you to go f-” She couldn’t finish her sentence due to Jimin pulling her with them back inside. “No no no no, you’re not going anywhere!” he said.
Nefeli started getting anxious. Jimin was pulling her with them, inside a bar, not knowing why. After all, she wasn’t knowing them too well. Sh4e was so confused. ‘Why do they insist so much? I came here, watched them, had fun… What do they want now?!’ she asked herself, so she stopped.
“No!” she shouted, gaining weird and confusing looks from the boys, and some strangers. “I-I’m just tired, I wanna go to a motel for some rest,” she said, realizing she had snapped out. She didn’t want to be rude, just defend herself, and make sure she was safe.
“It’s okay, we understand... We just wanted to have some fun with you and get to know you better, like Jin and Joon” Yoongi explained, making the boys nod in agreement. However, their face dropped to the ground. “So, that means we have to say bye” Taehyung continued looking sad in his eyes which were screaming tiredness too. “It was so nice to meet you, we hope we’ll see you again sometime!” Namjoon gave a warm smile and waved at her like the others before they turned their backs to get back inside.
She immediately felt bad. They were all so kind and sweet to her and they helped her feel so comfortable. And how she returns the favor? She lies to them, confuses them, and disappoints them. She didn’t like disappointing people. Seeing them sad, was making her sad too. Especially when she was the cause of their sadness.
“Wait!” she yelled, walking up to the boys, making them stop their way. “I’ll come with you” she smiled. Jungkook and Hoseok pulled them inside happily, and the rest of the band followed them, satisfied with the way things turned out.
The place was more grounded than before and the bar was full. Music was all around and some couples were making out too. There was a barman behind the bar who was purring vodka in shots.
“One round of eight” Jungkook ordered immediately.
“It was so nice coming with us after all” Namjoon said, side hugging her. That caught Nefeli by surprise. But hugged him back anyways. Cuddles and hugs are her number one favorite thing in this universe.
“I’ll just have only one, I don’t like alcohol,” Nefeli said as her chubby cheek was pressed on Tae’s torso, afraid of being drunk, gaining some chuckles and giggles from the band.
“As you wish, girly” Hoseok joked, making her smile widely and blush at the nickname.
“Here we are,” Jungkook said excitedly, bringing the shots with him, making the rest of them cheer, along with the young girl.
“Okay on count on three,” Jin said as everyone was holding his glass. “Oneeeee” he started counting “Twooooo” he continued, everyone ready to drink “Three!” he yelled and drunk and laughed.
“More more more more!” Yoongi commended, hitting his glass on the table they were at, everyone nodding in agreement, except Nefeli.
“Oh c’mon Nef… Just one more!” Jimin pleaded while the six others were giving her puppy dog eyes. She giggles too at the boys’ childless. She didn’t want to destroy the atmosphere tho, so she finally agreed “Fiiiiiiiine, but only one!” she said, holding the new glass of vodka.
 One shot became two
 Two became three
 Three became five
 Five became eight
 Eight became twelve
 And soon she was drunk!! Just what she didn’t want to.
She was dancing and laughing with nothing, just by herself. And she was saying incomprehensible things. Alcohol had a bad effect on her, after all, she wasn’t used to drinking.
The seven singers had noticed that and they were trying to stop her, unsuccessfully. At first, they were laughing at her deeds, but then, when things started getting worse, they were trying her best to calm her down. Everyone was expecting Yoongi to drink too much, but no! It was her.
“Slow down girl, you’re gonna pass out!” Jimin tried to grab the glass of her hand, but it was useless. She had an iron grip on it.
“Noooo I’m *hic* okayyyy, look!” she dragged out the words, before she made a turn, around herself. However, she fell onto Namjoon, bursting out in laughter, only she knows why. Fortunately for her, Namjoon was quick and he caught her before she could reach the floor, face down.
The leader looked at his friends like he was saying ‘we should do something’ and they all agreed while her giggles were hitting their ears, still on Joon’s arms.
“I think we should get going” Jimin announced to the girl out of blue after his mental conversation with the band.
She shook her head furiously, her mood changing immediately and she was really close to tears now. “Noooo, I don’t wannaaaaa goo” she complained, giving them her best puppy dog eyes. She hugged the table, refusing to let it. Jin took a step closer to her and tried to wrap his arms around her waist to pull her.
As he did that she did something unexpected; she flinched away and giggled harder, making the boys look at her confused.
“Hehey! Stohohop!” she yelled, glaring both smiling at the eldest. Jin and Joon just chuckled, realizing what the girl was talking about in contrast with the five who seemed to be more confused than before. “You know I’m deadly ticklish!” she continued, bringing grins to their faces as soon as she said that. It was clear that she couldn’t understand who she was talking to so she kept going “You know, I actually love when people making me laugh with that! It’s super fun!” they all awed at her confession.
“Oh really? Whyyyyyy?” Jungkook played with her drunk self. “Because I like laughing and when they tickle me I laugh and it’s so nice to laugh and I like it and it’s good and my mind goes whoooooo and I don’t think of anything bad and sad” she laughed so much at herself, making the band laugh along with her.
Suddenly her expression changed and became serious “But don’t tell the boys! It’s too embarrassing!” the boys laughed and all nodded in agreement. “Sure, girl” Taehyung joked around.
All of sudden, she started looking around like she was in the space and she could walk properly. Her arms were reaching whatever they could and her head was too dizzy. She was feeling her stomach spinning right round like a washing machine and her legs couldn’t stand her anymore. Her mouth was numb and her breath was sharp.
“What’s happening?!” asked Jin worried, trying to catch her arms.
“She’s just too drunk” Yoongi explained, having been in her position too many times so he knew what she was doing and how she was feeling. “Just give her some seconds”
Jin, Hoseok, and Jimin were trying to hold her now still, Jungkook, Namjoon, and Taehyung was trying to make space for them and watch their moves so that they could help if it was needed and Yoongi was just sitting there doing nothing but watch. “Some seconds to what?” asked a very worried Hoseok. “I don’t feel well…” Nefeli said out of blue, getting them all by surprise. “Oh Jinnie I didn’t know you had a twin brother, neither for you shortie” Jimin’s jaw dropped while the others were trying to hold back their laughter unsuccessfully. “I think- I think I need to-” she started.
“3, 2, 1…” Yoongi counted under his breath. And then BLACK. She fell onto the floor, making everyone in the building look in their direction.
The band was shocked! Was it a good idea to invite her with them? What were they going to do with her? Was that their fault? They were the ones who were insisted on more shots and yet they were the only ones who were not drunk. Guilt was filling them, and at the same time, the boys didn’t know what to do.
The crowd had circled the eight young adults, watching the scene. However, no one made a move to help the poor singers. A glare from Yoongi tho, made all the people look away and follow separate ways in the club, holding their drinks.
“I think we should keep her home” Namjoon finally said. He may be the clumsiest, but his ideas were always the bests and the boys were following each and every word he was saying.
Jungkook picked her bridal style, letting her long curly hair fall behind his arm, leading to the car. Hoseok left some money on the table and followed him, as the other five members were already in the car. Namjoon was at the driver’s seat, next to Yoongi. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jin were behind them and Jungkook, Hoseok, and the girl would be sitting in the third seat.
Jungkook set her on the seat and Namjoon start the car. Yoongi was used to drunk people, but Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, and Namjoon weren’t.
They were all super silent during the ride and their thoughts were complicated. How did they managed to get under their protection a random girl? Even if that protection is for only one night. Yes, they were insisting to meet her and know her better, but they could never imagine things turning like that. But they were feeling guiltier than under pressure.
As they parked at the parking lot and got inside, they decided to let her sleep on the couch. They all needed a good rest so as Nefeli. And their couch was huge, in contrast with her who was too short.
Hoseok grabbed a duvet for her. The house was too cold. Jungkook, who was holding her bridal style once more, set her on the sofa softly and Jimin covered her tiny body with the duvet, before they all headed to their rooms, saying goodnight whispery.
   “Ughhh, my heeaad…!!” Nefeli complained as she opened her eyes. The boys were already awake and chitty chatting in the dining room when they all turned their heads towards her.
Her head felt like someone was hitting it with a hammer, her eyes were red and puffy, and her stomach was spinning right round. Her hair was a mess, she couldn’t feel her legs and she was still wearing the same clothes she was wearing the day before.
As the eyes scanned the room, she immediately understood she wasn’t at the motel she was staying at and shoot up from where she was laying. Well… She tried to… She fell back on the couch, realizing she was too dizzy to stand up.
As soon as she noticed the boys tho, she got panicked, getting she was at some strangers’ house, not knowing why. “Why am I here?” she asked, a little harshly for her normal talking”
“Good morning to you too Nef,” Tae said, making her feel bad straight away. However, she still needed some answers so replaced that feeling with anxiety.
The seven were all sitting there, watching her moves, which made her feel awkward and yet more nervous. Yoongi wasn’t smiling too much to her, when was he? And as for the rest of them, they were all giving Nefeli some warm smiles, which made the young girl return the smile.
“You were too drunk to let you go just like that, so we decided to bring you here” Namjoon kindly explained. That didn’t help the matter…
However, Hoseok was more awake than his leader so he caught what she was thinking. “You can leave whenever you want, you’re not forcing you to stay forever” he chuckled to lighten up the mood and gained some surprised yet weird looks.
“I think that’s obvious” Jimin spoke up. Nefeli just nodded.
As soon as Nefeli heard these sentences, she felt guilt rising inside her. These boys took care of her when she couldn’t take care of herself, and then she got scared of them. How could she think like that? It wasn’t fair for what they did for her. However she didn’t let those feelings showed up on her face, she didn’t want the seven men watching her like that.
There was a comfortable silence as Nefeli leaned again at the couch, watching the room better, noticing it was decorated both cutely and boyish. It was a brown-pastel color, with a wooden floor, and a fan on the ceiling, at the same color. The kitchen, the living room, and the dining room were one and behind the table, there was a huge glazing. The apartment wasn’t too big, but she could see ten doors. Maybe eight bedrooms and two bathrooms. ‘How did they managed to fit all them in such a small house’ she thought.
The smell of fresh coffee hit her nose which made her broke out of her thoughts. Jin had prepared a mug for her and set it on the table where they were all sitting. It was a nice smell. She traveled her back in time when she and her mum were sitting on their balcony, Nefeli drinking chamomile and her mum coffee.
She made a last effort to stand up and walk but failed one more time. “Ughhh” she complained, holding her head, earning some chuckles from the boys.
“Wanna come help?” Namjoon asked kindly, offering a hand to help her stand up and she happily accepted it. He passed an arm around her back and with his free hand he held her arm and lightly pulled her on, walking her to the table and sitting her between him and Jin, in front of her mug.
“How was your sleep, baby girl?” Hoseok questioned her. ‘Babygirl? Am I still drunk’ she asked herself, hearing the nickname. ‘It was cute tho’ she felt a little more comfortable, so she nodded and gave a soft smile.
“Thank you so much,” Nefeli said before she took a sip of her coffee, feeling better straight away. However, they all seemed confused about what she said. “About what?” Jimin asked her. “About bringing me in and taking care of me when I wasn’t able to do it for me” being shy she was, she didn’t dare to look at them.
“No need to thank us,” Yoongi said, smiling at her too. Just then a box of painkillers inside a huge hand appeared in front of her mug.
“Those should do for your headache” Taehyung assured the young girl, placing the box and a glass of water beside the dirty pink mug full of sweet coffee. She thanked him and opened the box to take the magic pill which will solve her problem.
She swallowed the water with the painkiller and felt immediately better. The hammer stopped and the washing machine in her stomach was spinning softer.
“Sooo” Jungkook started. “Wanna stay for lunch?” he suggested. Now all the eyes were on her. But instead of feeling comfortable, she nodded straight away. She wanted to spend some more time with them. After all, they had proved that they are not dangerous and that they were kind and friendly, so why not? Also, she wanted to thank them for all the care they showed towards her.
“Of course!” she exclaimed “I’ll cook,” she said, a little too loud, which made her grab her head in pain and the boys grin.
“I’ll do it for you. You’re in our house and we must make you feel comfortable” Jin disagreed. “I’ll help you tho!” she made sure her tone was both imposing and sweet, so they won’t feel bad.
“Okay, so get up!” the eldest playfully commended, banging his hand on the table, making her groan in pain as her head felt like it had just been hit by a bell. “Jiiiin!” she complained, the boy immediately apologizing and pulling her. “C’mon, it’s 13:30’ already!”
“What?!” she exclaimed, still holding her head, turning it to look at the clock on the wall. “Okay fiiiiiine” she stood up, tiredly, following Jin in the kitchen, some steps away.
Half an hour had passed and the apartment was all filled with a delicious smell of Korean fried chicken and some fried rice tingling in everyone’s nose.
Laughter was all around the living room as the eight young teenagers were sitting on the couch, chatting, while eating what Jin and Nef had cooked in the kitchen. It turned out that the young girl was a fast learner when it comes to cooking.
“Last night was so good! And your songs are super amazing!” she said out of blue. The singers all grinned, satisfied with her having fun with them. At first, they thought she wouldn’t even show up at the club. Even though they didn’t care so must at all when they invited her, they lit up when they saw her.
Their songs were all written by them and the majority of them were written a long time ago. Due to their colleges, studies, and works, they were able to write too rarely, either lyrics or music.
“It was our pleasure” Jimin smiled at her.
“Did I do or say something too weird?” she innocently asked. Only if she knew… They looked at each other not knowing what to say. If they told her the truth, they would make her feel uncomfortable one more time. But it was her right to know what she did last night. It wasn’t too loyal of them to hide it. Jin and Namjoon were in the worst position tho. There were the first ones who learned about it and they promised her not to say anything to anyone.
“So?” she insisted, waiting for an answer impatiently. She immediately understood something was wrong and that she indeed had done something embarrassing.
“You were just too happy and you were dancing and laughing alone” Hoseok tried not to bring her in a bad mental position, bringing fun and nice memories to all of them and making all chuckle. Except of course the poor girl who was too drunk to remember a single thing.
“That’s so embarrassing…” she smiled nervously, pulling her long, black, sleeves to her fingertips and hiding her face with them.
Suddenly, a nice noise echoed in the room. She lifted her head and saw a nice, wooden guitar on Jimin’s lap. The melody tho was too familiar. It was a heart-melting song, which we're bringing images of her teenage life when she had had a hard time. Images of her idol, one of the biggest guitarists of all the time who owned that specific song with his band, images of her and her best friend singing that song, images of her group of friends doing their stuff in public without giving a damn about what people say or think about them, images from an age that passed irrevocably. Until those thoughts were cut off of the first lyric.
She's got a smile that it seems to me, Reminds me of childhood memories…
Jimin’s voice was ringing in her ears like paradise. She hadn’t had listened to that song for a long time and now it felt like she was a teenager again, with all those amazing memories and moments being brought back to life in the most amazing way!
And soon, when Jin, Jungkook, and Taehyung added their voices it was even better!
I’d hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain…
She was moving with the rhythm, humming the melody. Namjoon, Yoongi was sitting on the couch taking videos of the moment, smiling, while Hoseok decided to join the singing club.
And that’s how their day passed. With songs, jokes, and laughter. Sitting on the couch, talking about everything and nothing, with small breaks for some singing.
Now, Nefeli was lying, her back against Jungkook’s side, thinking about what she would do and listening to the boys’ chat.
‘I think I should get going’ it was the first thing that came to her mind. She didn’t want to bother them… ‘But I’m having fun… Plus I don’t know how to get to the motel…’ Nefeli changed her mind.
However, what made her break out of her imagination was a simple poke on her ribs.
She flinched and squirm around, only to see Jungkook lightly smirking at her, not showing his (A/N cute) bunny teeth.
“What?” she asked the grinning boy. What she got as a reply? Another poke. She squirmed, even more, not knowing what Jungkook was trying to do. “What are you doing?” Now all the eyes were on them. The boys caught were their youngest friend was doing. Jin and Namjoon glared at him, Hoseok was grinning widely, Yoongi was just watching (everyone could see a hint of amusing in his eyes tho…) and Jimin and Taehyung were smiling fondly.
Nefeli knew them for only some hours but yet she was feeling close with them. That was a part of her character, when people were treating her like a piece of glass and sweetly, they had automatically win her and her heart.  And that happened with those seven; they had won the girl. She was feeling close and she could be herself with them. Playful, sad, happy… Whatever she felt…
“You woke the toddler inside him, kiddo” Namjoon noticed mockingly, earning some wider grins and smiles from his bandmates and a giggle from her.
Now, Jungkook was slowly putting her in a playful mood. Even if she didn’t know that they knew about her ‘guilty pleasure’, she wished deep inside they could tickle her.
“I’m not doing anything!” the bunny-tooth boy said innocently, jabbing her some more, making her back away, a stupid grin on her face as she was trying to swallow her giggles.
No one made a move to help her, enjoying the fun scene. As she was backing away, Jungkook following her movements, she reached the arm of the couch. Her playful mood was 126% on, like the boys’ mood. So she did the only thing she could; she got up and ran, followed by Jungkook.
“Get her!” the young singer yelled to his friends, and they did as he said. Unfortunately for her, she passed by Taehyung, who grabbed her legs and throw her over his shoulder with ease. Leading her back to the couch, she begs for letting her go mixed with her giggles were all around the room, making the boys laugh under their breaths.
Nefeli slapped his back multiple times, trying to get him to put her down, which did literally nothing. She was hanging over his shoulder, giggling her heart off. Taehyung lay her on the couch, pinning her arms above her head with only one hand, everyone circling the pair. Hoseok was facing her feet, Namjoon and Yoongi her knees and thighs, the Jin and Jungkook her sides and ribs, Jimin her neck and Tae her armpits.
The only thing which was escaping her mouth was a waterfall of small shyly giggles and some small breaths in-between them. She knew what they were up to, she didn’t know why, but she was enjoying every second of it. She didn’t want to admit it tho as she still wasn’t aware that they knew about her little secret.
“Look at you, all red” Tae teased, poking her armpit, making her flinch and laugh harder, the band laugh along with her. Soon enough, her laugh grew an octave when Taehyung dragged zillions of times his finger from her elbow to her armpit, its speed getting faster by every second, which drove her insane.
As things couldn’t get any worse, some pokes were added on her sides by Jungkook on the left and Jin on the left; one of her two worst spots. “Aaaha” she screamed as a reflex, making the guys smirk wider. “Soft spot?” teased Namjoon who was now digging under her knees, making Nefeli kick her legs.
However, when Taehyung decided to sit on her arms she was unable to move an inch. Electric shots run up her body when she felt someone play with the very middle of her sole. Hoseok. “Nohohohohoho” she giggled, trying to get free, which turned out it wasn’t easy. That was until Yoongi and Jimin decided they wanted to join the fun with Yoongi squeezing her thighs and Jimin fluttering his fingers around her neck, satisfied when he found a sensitive spot on the crook of her neck. “PLEAHAHAHSE!” she pleaded, as she was attacked to all her sensitive body.
Jin out of blue sat on her waist, smirking down at her as he bends down on her ribs’ level. Scribbling all over them Jin brought to the surface some of her loudest laughs and shrieks he could. “JIHIHIHIHIN NOOOHOHO” she yelled as his finger slipped in a space between her lowest and second-lowest rib.
“Hey, do you remember that song… How was it going…?” Hoseok innocently asked, playing with her toes like piano, earing some childish-like giggles from her. “HOSEOHOHOK!” she cried, wiggling her toes like crazy, trying to stop the torturous fingers. “Aish, this piano is so noisy!” the rapper teased, not stopping his assault.
Jungkook, that evil little boy, was now pinching her sides with his thumb and index finger, as squeaks were leaving her mouth every time, mixed with the hard laugh from the rest tickling. “One for me” he said pinching near her hips, earning a squeal. “One for Jinnieeee” he continued, pinching near her ribs, the squeals getting louder. “One for Yoongiiii” he sank, pinching in the middle of her sides, making her scream more than before. The young boys knew he had hit the jackpot with that spot, so he just continued with the pinches and clawing there, while he was counting all the members, five times each of them. “JUNGKOOHOHOHOHAHAHAHA!”
They had get her for sure and were rough from the start. That didn’t seem to annoy her tho. She was enjoying it so much. She had some centuries to laugh like that and she needed it.
“Oh-huh… Looks like someone’s afraid of crabs!” he said, as his friends laughed at his comment.
Just then Jimin had the most evil but at the same time a good idea he could think. “Hey Nef you like raspberries?” he asked innocently. Her eyes would widen if they could, as he bent down and nuzzled his nose in her neck. “No no no no nooOOHOHO JIMIHIHIN!” her laughs were all around the room. Smiles were growing bigger on their faces as they were watching the girl smile and laugh like that. It was so nice making sure they weren’t scaring her. If they wanted to be honest, they were into tickling too, just like her. However, only those seven men knew about each other’s guilty pleasure and they were only using it on each other too. They didn’t know if people were okay with that. But when they found out about Nef thinking the same about it, they knew they were gonna give a try. And they didn’t regret that…
“Oh no, look two spiders!” the eldest mocked, pointing at his fingers. “They’re coming towards your belly, they spiders are gonna get ya!” he played with the laughing girl underneath him. When the spiders- sorry, fingers, came in contact with her skin, they run wherever they could. “STOOHOHOHAHAHAHP!” she pleaded with watering eyes, trying to shake her head from side to side, unable to do it tho, due to Jimin’s head blowing raspberries and nuzzling at the crook of her neck.
Namjoon’s fingers were squeezing her kneecaps with difficulty. Nef was jerking and kicking her legs so much that he couldn’t even catch them at times. So he decided to go back behind her knees, but this time he had something in his mind. He got out of his pocket a big feather and dragged it at the spot, making the poor girl arch her back. Jin then got the opportunity to blow a raspberry on her ribs, and Nefeli collapsing her torso back to the couch and wiggling. “Ah, a lil worm is trying to escape!” the eldest mocked, his hot breath tickling her ribs more.
Yoongi tho, who had sat on her too, had a hard time with her thighs. As she wasn’t too sensitive there, the rapper couldn’t find a nice spot on them. However, when he reached her inner thighs, he knew he had a sweet spot to play for a looooong time. He was scratching and pinching and digging there, making the girl underneath them rocking her hips and laughing harder and harder.
“NOHOHOHAHAHAHA!” she couldn’t do much more than wiggle her torso and arch her back. She was starting to get exhausted and no one could blame her for that. They were in that position for only 15 mins but still, it was like hell. Well… In a good way.
The tears had no stop on her eyes and the smile on her face wasn’t leaving its place. It couldn’t anyways. The tickling was never something she could resist and her ticklishness wasn’t something she could hide from anyone. And she thought she could take it more until-
“NOOOOHOHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT THAHAHAHAHAHAT!” she must have woken up the dead people from their graves with her scream when a hairbrush simply touched her sole. Immediately all the tickles stopped and the eyes were on her panting self. Nefeli’s breathing was heavy and her cheeks were redder than a cherry. Her eyes closed and she wasn’t moving.
“Are you okay sweetheart? Did we go too harsh?” asked a very worried Jimin. He was feeling bad and could say that the rest of them too. They never wanted to scare her or make her uncomfortable with them.
“Nohoho I’m *cough* good. I just haven’t experiehehence something like thahat before and I was surprihihised by the hairbrush” she giggled when she calmed down, ghost tickles still on her body. Relief formed on everyone’s faces and some sighs could be heard around the exhausted girl.
“We’re sorry Nef,” Jungkook said, rubbing her palm with his thumb, helping her relax.
“Yeah, we know you like it so-” Taehyung started but when all the eyes -including Nef’s- fell on him he stopped, aware of the stupid move he had just done.
Nefeli’s eyes widened and if her face could turn redder, it would do. The secret was out and no one could do something about that. She glared at Namjoon and Jin who shot their hands up in surrender saying in unison “It wasn’t us!”
“Then?” she asked, folding her arms in front of her chest as she sat up. She was feeling so embarrassed and now distant towards them.
“Y-Yesterday, when you were drunk you told us about that and no one managed to stop you” Namjoon explained, looking down. “Also we like it too and we thought it would be a nice way to break the ice” Yoongi continued. Nefeli had nothing to say. She was just blushing more and more and a shy grin appeared on her face.
“We’re sorry, we thought you’ll like it… If you wanna go then you can, we didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable” Hoseok apologized and everyone started backing away and sitting up from the couch.
‘Nononononononoo’ Nef mentally cursed herself for letting that happen. She didn’t want that, she wanted more fun. She wanted more time with them. She wanted more laughter. She wanted more… “Um…” she started and the boys turned their heads at her. However, she was just too shy to ask. Just the idea of the word was making her flustered, red, and… A strange knot was making its appearance every time in her stomach. Her smile would turn shyly and her eyes would shine and not even dare to look at something else than her feet. “Yeah?”
“I-It’s um…” Nefeli started, not knowing how to tho. The band circled and towered her, looking at her with wide eyes, waiting for an answer. She took a deep breath and finally said “It was okay, it um… I didn’t feel uncomfortable…”
All the faces lit up and relief filled everyone’s heart. They smiled at the shy girl in front of them, Jin sitting beside her. The eldest threw his arm around her body and hugged her. The hug was warm and calming, making Nefeli melt in it and hug him back.
“So? We can continue?” Jungkook broke the nice moment, making the hugging duo look up at him and the girl flush redder. With all her might she brought her body closer to the young many next to her and lightly nodded “B-But n-not all together…” the words escaped her mouth like a river, surprising everyone.
They discussed with their eyes, confusing her. Hoseok and Jungkook took a step towards the girl after that and Jin lied her down, leaving her with the two boys. The youngest sat on her waist pinning her arms above her head with one hand, her childish-like giggles filling the room, the boys smirked. Hoseok sat again where he was, facing her feet. She was feeling nice with the whole situation and she was giggling like a toddler from anticipation.
“Now you have calmed down I think I shall continue what I started,” Hoseok said before he scribbled the hairbrush all over her soles, bringing a whole new waterfall of hysterical laughter to the surface. “NOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” A huge grin appeared on everyone’s face and they all get comfortable, enjoying the view of the laughing girl. He, OF COURSE, had to start with one of her two worsts spots…
“That must tickle a lot” teased Jimin, making the things much worse for Nef. One thing the young girl hated (OBVIOUSLY loved) was being teased. She didn’t know why but she did and it was always nice and fun.
The boy continued his assault, not caring if he was currently tickling a screaming girl. Jungkook was still sitting on her, looking at her red face, as she was frantically shaking her head from side to side. Her curls were moving with her head, becoming messier.
“Aww… Is our poor girl too ticklish to stand a lil hairbrush?” Hoseok scribbled faster the thing on her feet. “Ow ow ow ow!” she yelled, the scribbling becoming softer. “Sorry baby girl” if she could smile more, she would to the nickname.
Just then, the younger singer pulled up her hoodie and bent down near her face. “I wanna eat some ribs, how many can you gimme?” he smirked, immediately bringing his fingers in the first pair of ribs, rubbing his index ones on the bones. Nefeli arched her back, feeling her nerves shake in her body. “Oneeeee… Twooooo… Threeeee…” he counted, slowly and torturous, still rubbing the bones back and forth. The next number, the next bone. Losing the turn now and then, starting from the beginning, driving Nef crazy.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” the hysterics were poured out of her mouth without stopping. Taehyung, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin were watching amused from the other corner of the room.
“Aaaand tweeeelve…” Jungkook counted, finally setting her poor ribs free. Hoseok was now using his blunt nails to scratch right below her curled toes. Her knees and feet were shaking, as she was trying to avoid the feeling, unsuccessfully.
“Coochie coochie coo,” Hoseok said near her feet, his hot breath not helping the matter. He was alternated between playing with her toes and digging in the back of her knees, Nefeli going mad.
“What’s the matter, sweetie? What’s so funny?” Taehyung innocently asked. If Nefeli could glare at him, she would, but she couldn’t. She was busy laughing and getting tickled. Hoseok made sure he had hit every sensitive spot on and behind her knees, making were kick her legs.
“I think it’s time to eat,” Jungkook said, as he bent more. He opened his mouth ready to touch the spot, making Nef mentally wide her eyes. “DOHAHAHAHAHAHAN’T!” she cried inside her laugher.
“Don’t what Nef?”
She fell…
“As you wish” he teased, nibbling with his sharp, bunny teeth all over her right ribs. They were running up and down, touching every bone they could and every time his mouth would close, they would end up on her sixth and most ticklish rib.
As if things couldn’t get any worse, Jungkook started poking her side, earning a wild scream from her “AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”
Worst spot pt.2…
All the boys smirked wider and continued enjoying the view. Not that Nefeli wasn’t. In fact, she was having so much fun and she was the one who was enjoying the most.
“Ohhh soft spot I see,” Hoseok said, running his index and middle finger up and down her foot. Why was it necessary to be hit to her most sensitive spots at once?! The rapper’s fingers felt like it was a billion tiny bugs running up and down in the most torturous, yet enjoyable way. Her toes had curled up and her feet were shaking right and left.
Jungkook on the other hand was squeezing her sides furiously, electric shots hitting her body with every squeeze. She couldn’t do something more than lay here and take it. She was so exhausted and red. And then he remembered something…
“Ah, I almost forgot your favorite,” he said as then, without warning he blew an abnormally ticklish raspberry just above her belly button. “NAHAHAHAHAHAT AGAIHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAN” Nefeli couldn’t control the waterfall coming out of her bunny-tooth mouth. Things got worse when he blew on her sides yet again, bringing hot and salty tears out of her mouth
As the tickling was going on, Jin had got out his phone and he was recording the whole scene. The truth is it was a very nice and funny scene. They were all clearly loved it.
However, when her laughter fell silent, they all sensed she had had enough. Her face could tell. Her mouth had turned a shape which was yelling it wasn’t enjoyable anymore and her breathing was hard and shaky.
Jungkook and Hoseok creased their tickling and they finally stopped, letting her catch her breath. They even rubbed her spots, helping the ghost-tickles disappear and her relax more. Jungkook came down from above her and cuddled with her, as the rest of the bad circled them.
“Are you alright love?” Jin asked sweetly, stroking her curls. She nodded, smiling softly and leaned more into the boy behind her.
“I hope we didn’t go too harsh on ya,” Yoongi said, sitting on the floor below Nef.
“No, it was good” she admitted, hiding her face, making everyone chuckle. She didn’t want to say that she loved it…
After that day, Nef was every day with them. Having fun, laughing, with some tickling and mostly love and care. They became best friends and the boys welcomed her in their group like she was belonging to it since forever.
It also turned out that the house she was staying at, was just a few meters away from the boys’ and they were all glad about it.
Who could imagine that a walk in the park would turn out so good?
Who could imagine that a stranger would become their new best friend?
Who could imagine that a new girl would fit so well in a new town?
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ticklybtswriter · 5 years
summary: having been dragged to a video shoot by your seven friends, you thought nothing of it. well, until you found out what your true purpose of it was.
author’s note: this is my first tickle fic ever and i’m honestly pretty nervous but also really pumped to write it!! there’s obviously a lot of room to grow and i do accept constructive criticism so if you have any tips, let me know!! but other than that,i hope you all enjoy it!! -rosalie
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You knew that something was going on when Jungkook and Jimin practically begged you to come to their next video. They’d even gone as far as to pull out the puppy dog eyes, a surefire way to get you to do whatever they wanted. So, you gave in and accompanied them to the filming site.
In truth, you weren’t really paying attention to what was going on around you. That was probably your second mistake after allowing yourself to be dragged here in the first place.
But it wasn’t really your fault for not focusing either. You had always felt a bit off when on set with them. You weren’t an idol or a staff member who had a specific job to be doing. You were just sort of there... That’s why you kept your head down, staring at your phone for a good amount of time. As far as you were concerned, your surroundings were nothing of importance. Sounds were white noise. Well, they were until-
“Blah blah, tickle-”
Your head instantly shot up, the realm of your phone drifting from your mind in a single second. A sudden tingle opened up in the pits of your stomach at the sound of that dreaded word. A blush took over your face as the man described the game. A game that involved them tickling one another.
Those sons of bitches... this was their plan all along. They begged you to come here so they could get you flustered beyond belief... Those dicks.
Your revelation was soon confirmed when you saw Yoongi, the god of anticipation and probably the mastermind of this entire scheme, send a wink your way. That in itself made you start to subtly squirm.
Ever since they found out about your little secret, the boys would look for any excuse to absolutely wreck you. If you made a snarky comment or you reached up to grab something, you instantly fell victim to their mischievous smirks and tortuous fingers. Hell, sometimes they didn’t even look for a reason to attack you. You couldn't even begin to count the number of times Jin or Jungkook saw you going about your day and decided to trail circles with their fingers across your stomach.
You shivered at the memories.
They wasted no time in starting your their torture. The game was similar to the one they had done a few years ago where they had water in their mouths. In this one, there was no water, and the object was to hold in their laughter, a game that Hoseok constantly made you play.
Jimin was up first. It wasn’t hard for the boys to break him. A few simple tweaks against his sides and to his neck was enough to side him into hysterics.
It was the same with Namjoon. Namjoon puts up this great act, but he is definitely just as ticklish as some of the others. (Don’t get it twisted, though, he will still tickle the shit out of you and is in no way a ler to be trifled with.)
The entire time this was happening, you were stuck in your seat. You wanted to squirm since the faded memories of their hands scratching mercilessly at your skin was returning to the forefront of your mind while at the same time not wanting to attract any attention to yourself. So, you sat there, suffering while imagining yourself in the position of whoever was getting attacked.
Halfway through Yoongi’s turn, a staff member noticed your flushed face and asked, “Are you alright?”
“Hmm? Yeah!” You whispered while waving her off. “I’m fine, thank you!”
“Are you sure? You look pretty red.”
“Yeah, you know, actually, do you know where I can get some water?”
She told you that there was a room in the hallway where a bunch of snacks and beverages were set up for the staff and guys. You saw this as a window of opportunity to inconspicuously leave the set and hide in their dressing room.
The moment you opened that door, you threw yourself onto the couch. You grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. The images of them tickling each other, just to mess with you, were fresh in your mind and were replaying over like a broken record. Those memories only served to push your further and further into a lee mood. Oh, how you wished vengeance upon them...
Perhaps an hour passed before you heard the door open and multiple pairs of feet sounded around you. You couldn’t see them because you had hidden in a large blanket, both as an act of protest against them and to mask just how flustered you really were.
“Aww,” Hoseok cooed. “Is someone being shy?”
“No,” You grumbled.
You felt the couch dip beside you and someone lean against your curled-up self. That person asked, “No? But you seemed so into it before you ran off!”
“Yeah, that wasn’t very nice, you know.” 
You ignored Tae and Jimin’s words and buried yourself deeper into the blanket. You let out a soft curse that you thought would be muffled by the thick fabric, but you were proven wrong.
“What was that, baby girl?”
You knew you were fucked. Why? Because Namjoon had done two things just then. The first was call you ‘baby girl’ because he definitely knew how that nickname made you blush. The second was use the tone of voice that held pure, mischievous ler-ness. The realization kept your tongue firmly in your mouth.
“Hyung,” Jungkook piped up. “I think Y/N is ignoring you!”
“I think you’re right!”
“Well, we have to do something about that!” Jin announced.
Right after he said that, the blanket was ripped from your body. You shivered at the sudden loss of warmth but didn’t have much time to think on it before they pounced. Your arms, after only a few seconds of struggle, were pulled over your head while someone gathered your ankles in their strong arms.
“Wahait!” You giggled. “This isn’t fahahair!”
“Oh, and why’s that?” Yoongi questioned as he inched his nimble fingers towards your now-bare stomach.
“B-Because, you were the ones that put me in th-this mood by bringing me here!” Perhaps you got a little too confident in your accusation. You figured that out when Tae, the one holding your sock-clad feet you discovered, gasped.
“Now you’re accusing us for your behavior?”
“You just dug your own grave, princess!” Hoseok smirked.
All seven pairs of hands descended upon your body as if they were a singular unit. At once, every nerve was aight with the ticklish sensations.
Namjoon had taken residence beside your head so that he could reach over and scribble at your underarms. You desperately wanted to pull your hands down, but Jungkook, with his great strength, made sure that you couldn’t. He used his free hand- yes, the bastard was only using one hand to keep you in place- to wiggle his fingers into your neck. On instinct, you pressed your head to your shoulder to attempt to ease the ticklish feelings but only succeeded in keeping his hand right where he wanted.
“Aww, cutie!” Jungkook gushed. “You trapped my fingers! I can’t get them out!”
“Yeheheah! I-I knhow!”
“Oh, is the ticklee getting a little sassy?” Hoseok used this as an incentive to squeeze your left side even harder while Jin was busily spidering his fingers on your right.
“N-Nohoho, I-I’m nohoHOHOT!” You exclaimed when Yoongi decided to stop poking at your stomach and ventured to wiggle his finger in your belly button.
You let out a squeak when Jimin decided to squeeze at your knees with one hand and squeeze your hip with the other. It made him break out into this giddy smile, “I’m so glad you like this, angel! It means we get to hear these adorable sounds of yours all. The. Time.” He accentuated each word with another squeeze to your hips.
“He’s right!” Jin shouted over your frantic laughter. “And you’re just so cute like this!”
Hums of approval came from each of the men around you, and if you weren’t blushing furiously before, you definitely were now.
“STOHOP TEHEHEASI-” You couldn’t even get the final syllable out before Namjoon picked up the speed in scratching at your armpits.
“Never.” Yoongi plainly told you with that devilish smile. “You love it too much.”
You were embarrassed beyond words, your body was spent, and you wanted nothing more than to curl back up in that blanket to hide. But at the same time, you were so blissfully happy. That smile on your face wasn’t in any way forced; it really was just a truly adorable sight to behold.
They were right in that you were enjoying every second of it, and they knew that. It was why they were having so much fun, too. They had the power to both wreck and tease you out of your mind while also giving you such joy, a deadly combination.
After a while, though, tears started forming and your breath was a little too shallow for comfort.
“Alright, let’s give her some air.” Namjoon firmly spoke. He ruffled your hair affectionately. “Can’t kill you just yet.”
Jungkook let go of your arms after one more teasing flick of his fingers to your neck. When he finally did, you rubbed at your stomach to ease away the ghost tickles that still remained and you brought your knees to your chest. Everyone around you chuckled at your instantaneous reaction, all murmuring of your cuteness in doing so.
“You ready to go home?” Yoongi asked, taking your hand in his.
So you all can destroy me more? “Yeah.”
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