#ler!kim namjoon x reader
acenolee · 1 year
BTS Reaction To You Getting Flustered
I’m not sure how well the writing is going to be in this post, I’m really writing this at 1 AM so I’m a little out of it. Anyways I just thought about this after watching a video of BTS being hilarious on interviews, so I said why not?
Some of these are going to be very long so I hope you don’t mind. And I really apologize for any cringy writing.
“Seokjin!” You squeaked as he pressed a kiss to your forehead and wrapped you up in his arms, practically carrying you to the couch so you two could snuggle.
You, becoming immensely shy, started to pull away, unable to meet his gaze, but he grabbed your hand to prevent you from leaving.
“Aish, where are you trying to go Y/N?” Seokjin pouted, suddenly doing an aegyo that made your cheeks redden. When you pulled away again Seokjin whined in a playful voice, “Jagi stop pulling away from me. Talk to me baby - I know you’re gushing over just how handsome I am so how are you supposed to see me if you’re looking away?”
“D-dinner, Jin.” You managed to choke out. “Dinner.”
“Yes what about it?”
Finally you managed to wriggle free and hurried to the kitchen, busying yourself with finishing the remaining uncooked food. Jin’s gaze burned at the back of your neck, but you didn’t dare look at him.
“It’ll be ready in a second.”
“Baby…” Jin trailed off, hurt clear in his voice when you didn’t respond to his call. All he’d wanted to do was make you smile but it seemed as though he’d only made you mad.
It was only when you turned to grab some celery off the counter that he noticed how shy you’d become. Then it dawned on him.
Jin leaped up and hurried over. Startled, you whirled around about to reiterate what you’d said before, but he was already cupping your face and gently rubbing your cheek with his thumb whilst a soft smile spread across his face, complimenting his already godly facial features.
You were a mess. You were a red tomato and too shy to look him in the eyes - or to even open your mouth and utter a single word, for the matter. Seokjin tried to get you to look at him, but that was too much for you to handle. “I-I have to make dinner,” You stammered, trying to find a way to excuse yourself. But Seokjin wasn’t having any of it.
“Y/N, look at me.” He said gently, and finally you lifted your chin to meet his imploring gaze, only becoming redder. “Baby you don’t have to be shy around me, hm?”
You nodded timidly. “I-I know but I can’t help it. I’m sorry.”
“Nonsense.” Seokjin immediately replied. “You don’t need to apologize.”
He didn’t ever want you to feel so shy around him that you felt like you couldn’t speak. He just wanted to cuddle and pamper you.
After a moment you let Seokjin guide you back to the couch and onto his lap, dinner forgotten, and began cuddling. Seokjin ran his fingers through your hair and you let your head rest against his chest briefly, closing your eyes and allowing a peace to wash over you. The two of you laid like this for a while, you finally calm and Seokjin beaming because he could cuddle you.
But then you felt a warm breath against your ear and Seokjin whispering mischievously,
“You’re lucky you’re so cute baby; I only stopped because tonight I’m going to tease you so much that you won’t even remember your own name.”
And then the whole process of you trying to run away started all over again.
Agh, that boy is going to drive you crazy.
“Here,” you said a little a little nervously, leaving the sticky notes that were filled with the lyrics you’d written. Yoongi had wanted to test your music making skills, so he’d practically begged you to write a song for him and you’d finally agreed, much to your own doubts. “I’m not sure if it’s good or not.”
“I’m sure its amazing, Y/N.” Yoongi said almost instantaneously, immediately reaching over to flip through the sticky notes and beckoning for you to sit in the chair opposite of him. As you took a seat and reached for you phone, already stressing about how awful the lyrics you’d written were going to be, Yoongi suddenly whirled around and stared at you with wide eyes.
“W-what is it?” You said, looking back at him and then to the sticky notes.
“Y/N,” he said, “these are wonderful.” And then he was all over you, patting your head and showing his iconic gummy smile, showering you in countless compliments. “What other hidden talents do you have?”
You blushed and pulled away, hiding your face from his view. Yoongi paused, confused by your reaction and also a little annoyed. Didn’t you want your work to be praised?
“It’s nothing.” You mumbled. “I’m sure they’re pretty bland compared to yours.”
For a couple of moments, Yoongi didn’t say anything. He was just silent, and you began to worry that you’d upset him somehow. But you were still so flustered from all of his compliments that you didn’t have the courage to look up to see his reaction.
“Jagi,” Yoongi finally said, bending down. He tilted his head so he could look into your eyes, but you quickly turned around, covering your face with your palm. And suddenly your reaction made so much sense to him. He wouldn’t admit it, but he found your shyness to be so cute and wasted no time on teasing you about it. “Aww, don’t be so shy. Your so cute like this, I didn’t know anyone’s face could turn so red.”
At that you cringed inwardly and buried your face into your palms. At this point it would be better to melt into a puddle, you concluded.
“Don’t hide cutie, I promise I won’t poke fun to badly~”
As Yoongi peelef your hands away from your face, he felt pride surge through him and vowed to show the rest of the boys your work later. He gently rubbed circles into your back to calm you. He didn’t want you to feel shy, but he loved how flustered you’d become. I mean - your entire face was burning up and you couldn’t even utter a single word.
After Yoongi helped you calm down, he mused, “You know, I might need you to write some more songs for me”
You giggled, still a bit flustered from his earlier comments. “I don’t know, if your just going to tease me about it then I don’t see the point.”
“The point is to get that adorable little flustered face of yours, that’s the point cutie.”
“Stop it!”
“Stop what?” Yoongi leaned forward and gave you his gummy smile, making you dissolve into flustered giggles.
“Aww, look at my baby getting so shy again, how adorable~”
“Are you alright, jagi?” Hoseok asked, immediately picking up on your foul mood as you came home from work.
You sighed tiredly, rubbing your temples as you took off your shoes and hung your coat up in the closest. You didn’t reply as you walked over to the living room and threw yourself onto the couch, closing your eyes.
Hoseok hurried to finish washing the dishes and then came to join you on the couch. He wanted to cuddle you and hold your hand to soothe you, but you rejected all of his affection, far too worked up and restless. So instead Hoseok settled for slinging one of his arms around you shoulders.
“Bad day?” He asked.
“Sorta.” You replied tightly.
“Do I need to go yell at anyone?”
“No, it’s okay.”
At your exasperation, Hoseok backed off a little, opting to turn on the TV and go grab some snacks and a blanket for the two of you to share.
When he returned, he draped the blanket over you and set the snacks down on the coffee table. He hoped that some food would and a warm blanket help you feel better, coupled with his cuddles.
As the movie dragged on late into the night, the two of you wolfing down the snacks within a few minutes, you found yourself calming down and feeling guilty about being so short-tempered with Hoseok. Looking over, you saw that Hoseok had his arms folded in his lap and head drooping to the side, eyes closed and breath gentle.
You watched him for awhile. The temptation to cuddle him was starting to overwhelm you, but you hesitated, not wanting to disturb his sleep as you knew it was something that Hoseok rarely got enough of. After a while, you finally surrendered to your own temptations and slowly inched closer until you could lean your head against his chest and wrap your hands around his shoulders. Sighing gently, you closed your eyes and listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
After a few moments, Hosoek suddenly wrapped his arm around you and patted your head. You looked up to see a huge grin spreading across his face.
“You are so cute jagi.” He cooed, and you blushed. “I didn’t know I was your personal stress ball.”
Flustered, you pulled back and said quite shyly, “Sorry Hobi, I couldn’t help it.”
He smiled at you. “I know you can’t resist this beautiful face, sweetie.” At your sudden flushed state, he chuckled and teased, “Aww, is someone getting shy? I didn’t know you were part tomato.”
“Oh be quiet!” You looked away, a smile rising to your cheeks.
“Just look at this beautiful smile!” Hoseok exclaimed, poking your cheeks. “My, baby you are so precious!”
At his continued teasing, you pulled away and pouted, “I just wanted to snuggle you. Why are you being so mean all the sudden?”
“And snuggle me you shall!” Hoseok declared, pulling you back into him.
As Hoseok pulled you into his arms, you let out a giggle as he continued to poke fun at you and shower you with praise. The night ended with him teasing you and trying to get your tomato face on camera so he could send it to the rest of Bangtan.
Man, did he adore the hell out of you.
“Y/N?” Namjoon called softly as he stepped into the apartment. He knew you liked to work well into the night, and sometimes loud noises startled you if you were to engrossed with your thoughts.
Hearing him call your name, you quickly responded from the next room over, completely forgetting about your sketchbook sprawled on your desk and flipped open to the page you’d just spent hours working on. When Namjoon walked into the room, you were already on your feet and throwing your arms around his shoulders.
“Aww jagi did you miss me?” Namjoon cooed, welcoming the embrace. You blushed and buried your face in his chest to hide yourself, just wanting to be near him as exhaustion finally settled over you. Unfortunately for you, Namjoon had spotted your sketchbook and asked, “What’s that?”
“Hm?” In your sleepy state, you were a bit slow to realize that Namjoon had inched towards the desk to take a peek at your sketchbook. It was only when he said, “Oh wow jagi, did you draw this? It’s so beautiful baby, just like you. You never told me you were such an amazing artist.”
And suddenly you were wide awake. Namjoon’s compliment had you red as a tomato. Flustered, you immediately pried it away from his hands and flipped the sketchbook closed, tossing it carelessly away whilst stammering, “I-It’s nothing Joon. Just forget you even-I mean, uh, can we just talk about something…you know I got these new shoes today?”
Namjoon stared back at you, shocked by your reaction. You had turned around and were trying to look very busy inspecting your shoes, your eyes landing everywhere but on him. Stepping around you, he went to ask if you were quite alright, wondering if he’d accidentally stumbled upon something that was near and dear to you, but then he noticed how red your face was and that you were trying your hardest to ignore him. Oh how adorable you were, Namjoon couldn’t help but giggle at your reaction.
“Is my little sunflower getting shy?” Namjoon teased lightly, crushing you in a hug, chuckling at your squeals of embarrassment. “Your work is so beautiful, why don’t you show it off more often?”
When you were so flustered that you couldn’t respond with an intelligent response and hid your face in your hands, Namjoon lightly grabbed your hands and pulled them away from your face, titling your chin up until you had to look at him.
“Don’t hide from me, jagi~” He hummed, reaching for your sketchbook.
“Namjoon don’t-”
“Don’t what? I want to see what else you’ve drawn.” Ignoring your squeaks of protest, he started to flip through all of your most recent sketches, meanwhile you were reddening every time he made a compliment or opened up to a new page. “I’ve never seen you so flustered before. Your just so adorable I might use this as an advantage to see that cute smile of yours every now and then”
“Stop it! You’re so mean!”
“You’re just so cute I can’t help it~”
And indeed did Namjoon exploit this little discovery. He thought it was adorable how flustered you got over this one incident, and soon learned that compliments and affection were enough to make you red in the face and squeal and pout, something that made him incredibly happy.
“Comfortable?” Jimin asked quietly, shifting on the couch so you had more room.
“Yes.” You replied, letting yourself lean against his shoulder. “You make a great cushion.”
Jimin chuckled and flashed you a smile that sent your heart fluttering. “Good to know.”
He grabbed the remote and pressed play, the excitement evident on his face. You on the other hand were a little nervous. Jimin had finally convinced the other boys to let you stay for a sleepover, and had suggested watching scary movies all night to see who could go the longest without being scared.
But now you were regretting agreeing, especially considering this was only your “second date” with him.
As the time ticked by, you found yourself beginning to become more relaxed. Jimin had slung his arm around your neck, and you felt completely safe with him. To both of your surprise, the two of you were doing pretty well.
That was until a particularly startling jump scare occurred and you nearly flew out of your seat, grabbing Jimin’s hand without thinking and smothering him in a bear hug.
Jimin startled as he felt your viselike grip coupled with you suddenly wrapping your arms around him and burying your face in his shoulder. He blushed but didn’t say anything, both flustered and unsure of how to handle the situation.
After a few moments you dared to open your eyes, breathing heavily. And then you froze as you realized that you were clutching his hand and practically suffocating him, beginning to turn redder than an apple. The two of you stared uncertainly at each other for a couple of minutes.
“I’m sorry!” You yelped as soon as you steeled yourself, pulling away and becoming flustered as apologies tumbled out of your mouth.
“It’s okay.” Jimin replied quickly, running his fingers through his own hair and looking away. “I don’t mind. It was cute.”
Again you froze. “Y-you didn’t mind?”
Jimin shook his head. “No.” He wouldn’t admit it but he actually loved it when you hugged him. “When you’re scared you’re actually really adorable. I’m not sure exactly sure how you do it but you manage to pull it off.”
Embarrassed, you ducked your head and let out a mortified squeak. Jimin noticed and took a moment to look at you. And then a mischievous grin spread across his face.
“Wow Y/N, I didn’t know you could be so cute.” He cooed, his voice so soft that it was more like a loving purr. Jimin practically had hearts as eyes as he reached over and grabbed your face. “No need to act all shy now love. You’re just a little ball of nerves aren’t you sweetie?”
You giggled shyly as he booped your nose and pushed your hair back so he could look into your eyes.
“S-stop teasing me.” You pouted, scrunching up your nose. “It’s not fair.”
“Everything’s fair when it comes to this beauty you see right here, jagi. And there’s nothing you can do about it! I find that really adorable.”
And now he really had you blushing as he gave you a dazzling smile. You were a puddle of giggles and squeaks as he proceeded to tease you further, only stopping when you couldn’t talk from just how giggly you’d gotten.
“Aegyo or aegyo?” Taehyung asked, leaning closer to you so he could see your reaction. He thought it was more than adorable at the puzzled expression on your face.
“That’s the same thing!” You complained, already feeling a bit flustered at the way he kept beaming at you.
“Yes I know. I can’t have you choosing something else silly, I know you love my aegyo more than anything.”
Taehyung smiled cutely and you giggled into your hands, feeling your cheeks warm as he suddenly started to take pictures of you and coo over how adorable you were.
It seemed that just about anything could make you flustered, and Taehyung lived for it. He loved to tease you and make you giggle - he did it all the time and still claimed he wasn’t doing it intentionally.
That boy was going to be the death of you.
“Jagi why are you hiding?” Taehyung teased, pulling your hands away from your face. “You seem flustered all of the sudden and I’m just wondering why.”
“You know why!” You pouted, crossing your arms and refusing to look at him.
“Do I?” He asked innocently and pretended to think about it for a moment. “Hmm, I can’t seem to think of a reason why I guess you’ll just have to enlighten me.”
When you didn’t respond, Taehyung suddenly wrapped you up in his arms and said, “C’mere cutie.”
You didn’t think too much about it as he often did this. That is until he slipped his hands underneath your arms and started to poke your armpits.
“Taehyung stop it!” You giggled, swatting at his hands as he started tickling you.
“What?” He asked innocently, smirking as you flushed and tried to wiggle out of his arms, but he’d caught you in a strong embrace and didn’t plan on letting you escape.
You squeaked when he drew your heads closer together and started peppering you with ticklish kisses, his eyes glowing with adoration for you.
“Wow, you’re so red jagi! I know I’m cute but I didn’t know I could make you look so adorable with just one measly hug!”
Blushing and still laughing as his hands attacked your tummy, you closed your eyes and reluctantly relented, “Yes yes, fine you’re cute. That’s why I was so flustered before - happy?”
Chuckling, Taehyung stopped tickling you and let you relax, running his fingers through your hair. You let out a sigh of relief, allowing him to cuddle you.
“I’m sorry baby, but you know I only tease you so much because I love you right?”
“Yes I know.” You grumbled, although secretly you loved when Taehyung got into one of his playful moods. “You remind me every chance you get.”
He laughed and hummed in agreement, and the two of you fell asleep like that. Him laying on the couch with you bundled up in his arms.
“Kookie?” You called softly as you pushed your way into the dimly light room, trying not to drop the tray of food.
A second later you heard,
“I’m in my office!”
And turned to glance at the small, windowed room that housed Jungkook’s music studio, where, lately, Jungkook had disappeared to often as he was getting ready to go on tour with the boys.
Sighing, you carefully picked your way through the messy living room and opened the door to his studio. Notebooks were scattered all over the desk, and papers were strewn across the floor. Some of the recording equipment had been shoved quite carelessly against the back of the wall, and the cabinets were overflowing with writing utensils, water bottles, sticky notes, and other items. Small posters hung around the room, reminders, schedules, dates, and times scribbled all over them.
And Jungkook himself was bent over his computer, all his attention fixed on the screen.
Sighing again and wondering to yourself how Jungkook even managed to find his shoes in the morning, you carefully set the tray down on a mini table next to the side of the door, and went to tap Jungkook on the shoulder.
“Kookie, I made you some lunch.” You told him, briefly glancing at the computer screen to see that he was over viewing what the schedule for the arrival of the tour date would be like.
“Thank you Y/N but I’m busy.” Jungkook said without looking at you. “Maybe pack it away for later?”
You frowned, reaching over to run your fingers through his hair. “But Kook you need to eat. How will you preform on an empty stomach?”
“I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again.”
“That’s not healthy.”
Finally, Jungkook paused and turned around in his chair, looking up at you. “I have to-” And abruptly he froze.
Alarm shoot through you. “What’s wrong?” Following his gaze, you noticed that he was staring at the tray. Unease flitted through your veins. “Do you not like it?”
Silence spread between you and Jungkook. His mouth had dropped and was fully agape, staring wordlessly at the lunch you’d prepared for him. As you opened your mouth to ask if he didn’t like it and would rather just order takeout, Jungkook suddenly sprang to his feet and wrapped you up in his arms, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He relaxed against you and rested his head on your shoulder, a sigh escaping his lips.
Dumbfounded, you craned your head around to look at him. “Kook?”
“Y/N baby its perfect and so thoughtful.” He mumbled into your shoulder. “Thank you so much, I love you.”
At that, you blushed and turned your head away, suddenly growing shy at his compliment.
“I-I love you too, Jungkook.” You whispered back. As he held you, you became more and more red. “It’s nothing really - I just thought you might be hungry.”
Jungkook finally pulled away and looked at you, surprised to see how red you’d turned. “Jagi why is your face so red?”
You blushed even more. “I just wasn’t expecting you to do that.” You mumbled, not specifying what you were talking about. Jungkook raised his eyebrow. “It was so unexpected, like when you bring me roses.”
“I think your the rose.” He teased lightly, grinning.
“Oh hush,” You huffed, placing your hands on your hips. “You would be the rose in an instant if I so much as grabbed you hand.”
And now it was Jungkook’s turn to flush. You immediately pounced on the opportunity to tease the maknae and lifted yourself onto your toes, poking his cheek.
“Now look who’s getting all red.” You teased, bringing your heads closer. Jungkook let out a shy laugh and tried to pull away, but you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. “Bunny, you think you’re so tough don’t you? I can see right through you though, you big baby.”
Giggling adorably and flushing red, Jungkook suddenly cupped your face in his hands and replied. “Of course I’m tough! Have you seen my muscles?” He then proceeded to start calling you endearing terms like honey and cutie whist flexing off his muscles, making you flush. “See? You can’t hide from this bunny cutie.”
I don’t know if this is good or not. I just stayed up half the night writing this, hated it and thought about rewriting the entries, then decided to suck it up and just finish it the next day. Sorry if it’s not written well, I was really losing my mind writing this.
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 10 S2
"Nohoho stohohop!" you cry in giggle hysteria as your best friend is stroking your feet up and down with his blunt nails. And all that while you were just watching a movie and you wrongly decided to put your feet on his lap.
"Stop? Why? Isn't that why you put your feet here? For a massage!" Namjoon chuckles and only keeps stroking your feet unstoppably, slowly speeding up and then suddenly stopping. And that has been going on and on and on for almost one hour now!
You have thrown your head back in hysterical giggles as you try your hardest to focus on the movie, but you always fail once his nails reach the middle of your soles. You may flinch, but you know you cannot go anywhere. Namjoon is gripping your ankles gently but at the same time firmly enough to hold you in place and make you feel each and every hypersensitive stroke.
Suddenly though, someone walks in. Someone you wish he never entered. Jungkook.
"What?! We are tickling y/n without me?!" he exclaims shocked, completely ruining the whole massage cover. Discreetness 10/10.
Namjoon bursts into laughter, showing his adorable dimples, and shakes his head "Yehes Kookie we are! But you can join! This movie is boring anyway..."
"Hey, you are doing it wrong though!" the younger lad yells in mock frustration once he sees how slowly Namjoon is torturing you "That's how you should do it!" and without a single warning, he gently grabs one of your feet and starts scribbling on your soles like a madman.
"BWAHAHAHA NAHAHAO AHAHAHA NAHAHAHAT THAHAHAT AHAHAHA!" you shriek at the top of your lungs and start kicking out in hysteria. That's why you don't want Jungkook near you when it comes to tickling! He kills you every time!
"See? That's the right way!"
"Ohhh... So like this!" Namjoon smirks and copies Jungkook's movements, only to get a way harder and louder reaction from you "Hehe you are right! She goes crazy with this!"
"EHEHEXCUSE MEHEHE! I'M HERE!" you scream and kick out like your life depends on it, completely flustered from all the teasing without even actually talking to you! You almost kick the poor lads in the face from flailing around like a fish out of the water and laughing at the top of your lungs.
"Aw cutie we see you! And we hear you!" Jungkook chuckles, focusing on the base of your toes to drive you even madder than you already are!
"And we'll keep hearing you until the end of the movie..." Namjoon grins and keeps torturing your hypersensitive foot, as your screams of ticklishness are probably making the whole neighborhood think someone's killing you.
Let's just say you're watching The Titanic... 2 more hours of tickling are coming riiiiight up!
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shy-lee-chu · 2 years
(Last updated:13/12/22)
Chu's Archive of Tickles
🪶Nahh I just can't help myself
Taehyung x Reader short imagination fanfic
Including: Slight sadism, reader fainting bc it tickles so much.
Chu's first work ever so it's kind of bad if you ask me NDKSNDKS but it's my work afterall so I better put my children on my list no matter what
🪶Lazy Lee Moods~
Jimin x Reader
Including: Jimin waking up reader with tickles, flustering the hell out of them ehe~
🪶BTS Discovering That You're Ticklish
BTS x Reader
Including: Nsfw-ish themes but not exactly, just bangtan's first time discovering about the reader's lil weakness
🪶 Quick Imagine No:1
Hoseok x Reader short imagine
Including: Tbh don't want to say much about the drabble, but I'm cringing when I'm reading my own works MFKSMDMD
🪶Being Bratty
Yoongi x Reader
Including: Mentions of torture but no actual nsfw themes, Reader is a clumsy bish, breaks yoongi's cookie jar 🤭
📽️ TXT: Beomgyu Getting Ticklish 🥺
📽️ (?)Idk who he is but the vid is v cute
📽️ (?)Getting Tickled While You Have To Speak
📽️ BTS: Ggukkie ticklish on his tummy
📽️ TXT: Getting in a tickle fight with Kai would be like
📽️ BTS: How can namjoon keep calm like that???
📽️ (?)Cutest tickle fight ever
📽️ TXT: Soobin Tickling Taehyun's feet
📽️ The corner of cuteness (GIFs)
📽️ BTS: Jin's belly is ticklish
📽️ BTS: Kim Taehyung getting tickled
📽️ BTS: Jungkook getting gang tickled
📽️ BTS: Proof of Kim Taehyung being ticklish
📽️ BTS: Namjoon and Taehyung chasing Jin and trying to tickle him
📽️ BTS: Baby Taekook tickle moment
📽️ BTS: Jungkook tickling Tae's armpit in photoshoot
📽️ BTS: Hobi getting under Jk's shirt, admiring his abs but also tickling him 🤭
📽️ BTS: Tae sneaking his fingers on Jin's nape during an interview and acting like he is not doing anything
📽️ BTS: Jk trying to poke sides
📽️ BTS: Jimin getting ticklish during the game
🪶Ler! Tsukishima x Reader Headcanons
Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Including: Chu's mind overflowing with how tsukki would bully someone by tickling them
📽️ (Non-tickle)Haikyuu stage play (1)
Including: Chu getting lost in the actor's facial expressions and getting flustered
📽️ (Non-tickle)Haikyuu stage play (2)
Including: Chu again, going crazy about the facial expressions that make her blush and get flustered so much
🪶(coming soon)
𝙲𝚑𝚞'𝚜 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚏𝚏
🪶 How you sometimes need a fidget toy
Including: Chu fantasizing about tickles
🪶 Imagine your s/o taking care of you after a long day
Including: A wholesome tickle tease that might make you melt~ 🤭💙
🪶 💥💥💥
Including: A screenshot from one of my roleplays that melts meh 🥺🫠
🪶 Fellas~
Including: Chu asking her followers if it's normal to do some lee stuff 🤭
🪶 Imagine 1
Including: Imagine if this happened...
🪶 I love being a tickle toy
Including: Chu explains why she loves being a tickle toy
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ticklybtswriter · 5 years
what you deserve
summary: you had been teasing your lers too much for their liking. one particular tactic to get the tickles you craved, though, proved to be a bit too effective.
request: Finally thought of a request: could you write a scenario where you've been teasing the boys a lot, like exposing your spots in front of them or mentioning how sensitive you are, until they get frustrated and gang up on you? Love your writing btw :)
warnings: nsfw-ish themes (not soft tickles at all skdfmlksdfm), bondage, being nearly naked but not entirely, kind of submissive/dominant if you look close, excessive use of princess because this is me we’re talking about there
author’s note: brought the brat out for this one, guys... i hate saying that because it means i’ve admitted defeat... but anyway, i’m really excited for this fic!! i’m always a fan of punishment tickles akmflskmdf ahhh
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Let’s get one thing straight: you knew what you had done. You were well aware of the fact that you had been teasing them, probably past the point of no return. 
You had taken deliberate moves just so you could get them all in ler moods. You would show off your sides and stomach when on the couch, masking your teasing through a faked yawn and stretch. You’d also told them how sensitive your muscles were whenever you woke up, knowing that they were already aware of your nerves’ heightened state.
It seemed, though, that they had taken a page out of Taehyhung’s book. Whenever you were being bratty, he would stubbornly hold out on giving you tickles until you became a good little girl again. But for some reason, you wanted to push limits you never even neared before.
You were home alone, still deprived of your tickles. You were plotting new ways to get what you wanted, but you were drawing blanks. Well, you were until you were scrolling through a tickle blog on Tumblr and saw a picture of a girl showing off her bare tummy with a teasy caption beneath. 
The smirk on your face could’ve rivaled Namjoon’s had anyone seen it.
You took a few hundred photos of every sensitive spot. From your neck to your stomach to your socked feet. You were a bit hesitant to send them at first, but then you remembered that they were being the stubborn ones. After that, you had all the confidence needed to press that “send” button before a series of pictures were forwarded to your group chat with them.
They were in dance rehearsal so you didn’t expect to get a reply as quickly as you did. It was only from one person, Jin, someone who was pretty well-tempered when it came to your antics. However, the message conveyed anything but the typically serene Jin you knew.
It merely said: Oh you’re in for it tonight kitten.
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You were buzzing with anticipation; giddy or fearful, you couldn’t quite tell yet. The text from Jin kept you on edge, especially since that was the only one you had gotten and it had seemed so definite. You questioned whether you’d taken it too far, but then you realized it meant you were getting what you wanted.
Thinking too far into the outcome of this wasn’t going to last long. You heard the jingling of keys from the front door. What put you off was how silent the men behind said door were. Usually, they’d be laughing or groaning about how exhausted they were, yet you didn’t hear anything.
The door swung open. The first person you saw was Hoseok, his eyes instantly connecting with yours. It was almost eerie how quickly he captured you with his hypnotic, dominant stance.
“Hello, princess!” He announced gleefully. “Did you enjoy your day?”
It was a trick question, you were sure of it. You weren’t sure what the trick was, but Hoseok was too cheerful to actually be that, even for Hoseok.
You didn’t get to answer before Jimin was standing beside him. He held up a photo of your thighs next to his head. “Oh, I’m sure she did, hyung. Didn’t you, princess? Putting your lers in the mood while they were working must’ve been so much fun for you, huh?”
Now you saw the trick to the question. “U-Um, well, you see-”
“What I see is a little brat who needs to be dealt with,” Jungkook made his way towards you. He picked you up by your legs, making sure to steady you over his shoulder. “And we’re not going to waste any time in doing that.”
Next to feeling totally helpless in Jungkook’s grasp, the worst part about your ascent up the stairs to your room was seeing the other six men smirking at you as they leisurely strolled after you and Jungkook. It was more flustering seeing them so calm then seeing them angry like you envisioned.
“U-Um, I’m sorry?” You whimpered to Namjoon who had been closest to you.
“Aww, it’s too late for apologies, baby girl,” You simply told you. “You made your lers unfocused during rehearsal today. For that, you need to be punished.”
Your face went bright red. The promise of your demise hung in the air, and everyone around you chuckled darkly at the wide-eyed stare you gave them when you finally realized how totally screwed you were.
You’d only ever been punished by them once, and truthfully, you couldn’t feel your diaphragm for a week. You had stayed curled in a ball for hours until Jimin and Taehyung had to coax you out of bed. It was so wonderful, yet so horrid at the same time with terribleness outweighing what was so pleasing about it.
Jungkook deposited you onto the bed. He was careful as to not hurt you but also put you down in a way that let you know he was in control.
“Arms up, baby,” He commanded. When you kept your hands firmly to your chest, he sighed. “Do you really want to play that game, darling? You know how impatient my hyungs can get, and we wouldn’t want to keep them waiting. After all, the longer they have to wait to get their hands on you, the meaner they’re going to be.”
A part of you wanted to resist, just to keep up that tough facade, but even you weren’t bratty enough to go against seven angry lets. You put your wrists together and above your head like he had instructed.
“There’s our good girl~” Taehyung cooed.
With all seven of them working together, they were able to get you out of most of your clothes save your undergarments and have your arms tied nice and tight above your head.
“Look at you all pretty and tied up~” Jin purred next to your ear.
“Where should we start?” Yoongi asked the room as he cracked his knuckles, something he knew drove you up a walk.
“I say...” Jimin started ever so softly trailing his fingers across your bare stomach. “We take this nice and slow.”
Another thing that drove you insane: when they all decided to warm you up with tickles by doing this. They were the tickles that were just barely there, the ones that weren’t enough to even get a giggle out of you. The point of this was to make you squirm, and you squirming was euphoric to them.
“P-Please, don’t t-t-tease me!”
“What’s that?” Hoseok asked mockingly. “Are you actually telling us not to tease you? After everything you’ve put us through these past few days?”
“The audacity!” Jin scoffed. He emphasized his point with a quick scribble to your side.
It came as a shock from the light tracing, forcing a squeak from your lips. “AH!”
“Making cute noises already, baby girl?” Namjoon question teasingly.
You shook your head, even though you knew it was futile. Whenever they heard a squeak or a rogue giggle that was cuter than the others, it was an incentive for them to thoroughly wreck you. You were aware of their new desire when Namjoon brought this up and they knew that you knew as well.
“Ready?” Yoongi asked you.
That was when the merciless torture officially began.
It was evil, beyond that. Your nerve endings were alight with ticklish sensations as all seven of them began scratching away at your sensitive skin. Not a single pair of hands relented or slowed or even showed any sign of hesitation. Even the softest of lers had taken to make sure you were wrecked with rough tickles.
“Nohoho! I’m sohohorry!” You whined.
“Are you though?” Jungkook debated with you. He hit a very sensitive part on your hips, loving the reaction you were providing him. “Because by the smile on your face, I’d say you’re pretty proud of yourself!”
“No! Nohoho, I’m nohohot!”
Someone started leaving butterfly kisses across your neck. You squealed at the soft sensations.
“Ahhh, Jin-hyung, I think she likes that~” Yoongi drew the phrase out.
“How could she not? After all, she’s always talking about how soft my beautiful lips are!” He exclaimed before returning back to his torture against your neck.
You wanted to focus on shooing him from your neck with your chin, but you had to throw your head back in laughter when you felt Jimin and Taehyung really start to scratch away at the roles of your feet. God, Jimin even went straight for the kill with your toes on one foot while he directed Taehyung to the worst spots on your other.
“Nohoho fahahair! Plehehehease!”
“Princess, I think it’s time you stop with all this complaining and just laugh for us,” Hoseok commanded of you. “Anything that isn’t a cute little laugh? Well, you remember, don’t you?”
How could you forget? Last punishment you accidentally cried out “no!” and somehow there was a toothbrush vibrating in your belly button. The seven of them didn’t bring out tools often, but you were fearful of their unpredictability... or maybe you were also extremely in love with it. Either way, it gave you shivers just thinking about it.
You nodded and just continued laughing. That was all you could do.
Your back arched when Namjoon and Yoongi tasered your sides in perfect synchronization. They gave one another a proud grin while you bucked between them. Those assholes... those freaking amazing and ruthless assholes...
You couldn’t even process the onslaught of tickles from those two for too long before Jungkook was back with his terrible hip tickles. All the while Taehyung and Jimin were still tickling your feet with such vigor. Hoseok was tracing patterns into one underarm while Jin got with other, making sure to add his tickly neck kisses into the mix.
You were in pure bliss but experiencing pure torture all at the same time. Your laughter began to go silent. Tears were running down your face before you knew what was hitting you.
“Such pretty tears, princess~” Yoongi cooed. He leaned over and kissed your cheek, showing some affection in this time of ruthlessness.
“Noho- I- ple-hehe- You were struggling to get the words out. Thankfully there was some shred of compassion left in Namjoon.
“Here, let’s give her a break real quick,” Namjoon told the others.
They retracted their fingers from your shaking body after some time. You greedily gulped in as much air as your lungs would allow while some of the guys rubbed your skin comfortingly. Tae and Jimin cuddled up to your sides, rubbing your sides soothingly.
“Having fun?” Tae asked.
“Mehehean!” You simply told them.
“Sorry, princess,” Jimin gave you a joke-pout as he pushed your hair back. “But you deserve it after everything you did today.”
“Yeheheah, I’m sohorry about that...” You apologized genuinely when you came down from your tickle high.
Jin ruffled your hair. “It’s alright, baby. But you can’t do that kind of stuff while we’re working. Your adorable tickle spots are pretty distracting, you know. Makes us want to be mean to you, which you don’t want. Well, that’s what you say.”
“We’re about to get a lot meaner anyway,” Yoongi informed you as he got closer to your body. You could see the assortment of feathers he was twirling between his fingers as he approached. “Regardless of what you say.”
“W-Wait!” You stammered. “I-I-I thought i-it was done!”
“Oh, you thought that we were finished with you?” Namjoon asked with a quirked brow. “Baby girl, this is a punishment! Did you think you could get away with only a few minutes of tickling? And besides, I do beleive Hobi told you that you weren’t allowed to do anything other than laugh.”
“Sit tight,” Hoseok patted your stomach. “The night is still young, kitten~”
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author’s note: i’m kind of tipsy but i finished this so i’m content!!
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lerbts · 5 years
Forever and always
A/N: This is based on a fear I had as a kid. I was so petrified of falling off the monkey bars XD.
Request: Can you please do a scenario where you go somewhere like a playground (could be an amusement park or smth) with the boys and you get stuck in a toy and become vunerable somehow and they notice it than they turn into little brats and start to tease and tickle you to death please???
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"You're sure I'm not gonna fall?" 
Oh, you were so nervous. You had a bad fear of heights and the boys had insisted on helping you get over it by taking you to the amusement park today. 
So of course, they'd picked the monkey bars. 
You were currently cowering at the start of them at the top; Yoongi and Jimin behind you while Hoseok, Seokjin and Taehyung waited towards the end of the track of bars. Namjoon loomed on the ground just below you while Jungkook waited.a bit closer towards the middle. 
"Positive silly girl. That's why Jungkook, Seokjin, Hoseok, Taehyung and I are down here. We'll catch you if you let go and be with you every step of the way."
Namjoon reassured you, eyes gentle. 
You bit your lip as apprehension shone in your eyes. 
"C'mon angel. You got this. We believe in you."
Jungkook added; for once not teasing as he smiled gently. 
You swallowed nervously and hesitantly reached out for the first rung grabbing it with your left hand before slowly adding your second hand. You stayed like that; clutching onto the bars so hard your knuckles turned white from the strain. 
You squeaked as you felt an index finger brush the skin of your underarm, shivering from fear and exertion.
You whimpered. 
"Just step off the ledge and we'll stop okay?"
Jimin mumbled into your ear as Yoongi began slowly spidering at the exposed skin on your other side. 
"We're right here. None of us will let anything happen to you.  You're totally safe baby." 
His gruff voice muttered into your ears. 
You bit your lip to stop yourself from giggling but between their breath on your ears and their fingers against your armpits you were losing your composure and trying not to squirm as you shook slightly from holding yourself back. 
Just as you felt like finger graze your bare tummy thanks to raising your arms up you jumped as you couldn't take it anymore. 
You hung there and made it to the third rung before you stopped as your gaze went to the ground and you shakily released a breath; trying to calm down. 
"You're okay; I've gotcha babygirl."
Namjoon's deep rumble met your ears from below you as you felt his palm warm your slightly cool legs from the wind as they graze you.
"J-Joon, I'm scared-can I come down? Please?"
Your voice was shaky as you tried to keep your emotions in check. 
He squeezed your leg in a reassuring touch but you yelped and tried to kick on instinct at the bolt of ticklishness that assaulted your senses. 
"Namjoon careful!"
Though you couldn't see him you could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Oh? Careful of what? This?"
You felt a smile twitch at your lips before you started squirming as giggles escaped you when he wiggled his fingers underneath your knee. Your kicking was all for naught and only served to send your flip-flops flying off. 
You whined as you heard a few of the others snickering at your plight and blushed as you looked up towards the next rung. Through your stuttered giggling you sighed in relief as he stopped when you reached out and managed to grasp it making progress as you went from 3 to 7 putting you near Jungkook. 
You panted; out of breath thanks to holding up your body weight for so long. 
"Need a hand?" You tensed as Jungkook wrapped his hands around your bare middle. 
"Jungkook don't start please…"
You trailed off, a clear warning in your voice. 
"Aww are you tired pretty girl? Let me see if I can help you get some of that strength back~" 
You already were struggling a bit in his firm grip and pouted as he began ever so slowly tracing circles across your stomach and back. 
"Tickle tickle tickle~"
You whimpered and eventually he noticed you were ready to move on when he started squeezing at your sides and scratching  between your sensitive ribs and released you from his strong grip. 
You recovered and he noticed you lagging though a scribble at your bare foot was enough to make you hop the next two rungs. 
You saw Taehyung, Seokjin and Hoseok a little ways below you and you'd meet with them in a few more rungs. 
You swallowed nervously as thoughts of falling began to fill your mind but forced one hand in front of the other until you were at the end...and then you slipped. 
You yelped slamming your eyes shut in fear and hesitantly opened them to see Seokjin's face looking down at you as he held you bridal style in his arms. 
"Told ya we'd catch you if you fell princess."
He said teasingly; smiling smugly as you blushed madly and he set you down. 
You were surrounded by others immediately as they beamed at you. 
"You did it!! We couldn't be more proud of you."
Taehyung smiled cheekily as he wiggled his fingers into your neck, making you flinch away with a giggle. 
"Looks like your little weakness came in handy huh?"
Jungkook joined in on the teasing, jeering playfully at you as he hummed. 
"You must really like it if it calmed you down so much...why don't we reward you with more you pretty little thing?"
You flushed crimson and hid behind Hoseok, already feeling laughter building in your throat. "Guys...c'mon. We should go home first at least-"
Jimin shook his head with a grin as Namjoon smirked at you.  
"I'd start running if I were you doll."
You didn't need to be told twice. 
Giggles escaped your lips as you raced to avoid the 7 boys kind enough to give you a headstart. You headed up the stairs towards the top of the play area and your eyes lit up as you saw a tube  meant to lead to the slide on the other side, small enough for you to fit with holes on top to let some air in. It would be tight but that also meant the boys couldn't pursue. It was perfect!
You squeezed yourself in only to realize you were stuck. Oh God. You tried to squirm free but swallowed nervously as all you managed to do was flip over in the tube, leaving your legs and feet sticking out along with half of your tummy as you looked up at the sky. 
You head the boys laughter, and tried once more to struggle only to gulp as you realized you weren't going anywhere without their help. 
"Ooh, what do we have here?"
You felt yourself blushing already as you heard Yoongi's mocking voice. 
"Looks like a cute little girl has gotten herself stuck~"
Seokjin mused and you huffed. 
"Alright you've had your fun teasing just help me get loose will you?"
You would've jumped away if you could as you felt a pair of nimble fingers suddenly attacking your vulnerable legs, squeezing at your upper thighs and causing you to giggle helplessly. 
"Now is that any way to talk to the people who helped you get over your fear of heights hm?" 
Jimin only taunted you more and you blushed darker as Jungkook peeked at you from one of the holes on top of the tube. 
"Aww!! She's blushing so much! You really do like this don't you cutie? Here, lemme help."
Your hopes rose as you thought he meant he'd help you out only to instead see his hands coming through the other hole to attack your vulnerable ribs and upper stomach. 
"Nhohoho!! Come ohohon!"
"What's wrong? Can't take a little tickling kitten?"
Namjoon joined in on the teasing making you whimper in embarrassment. 
Hoseok purred and despite Jungkook's smirk being all you could see you quickly figured out he was by your feet as his arms locked around your ankles. 
"What pretty noises you make when flustered like this~ We'll have to do this to you more often. Good thing you enjoy it so much hm?"
He began scratching at your exposed soles and arches but turned his attention to your toes when he heard you squeal in panic. 
You were a mess by now; all the different tickling and by Gods the teasing was so horribly good. 
After Taehyung joined in by going after your hips while the others teased you entirely lost it and began begging which only encouraged them. 
Jungkook called out once he saw tears of laughter though. 
"Alright alright guys, she's crying let's help her out."
It took a bit of tugging but thankfully you tumbled out with their help. 
You glared at the 7 of them and tried not to pout or blush; both of which you failed miserably at as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
"Oh don't be like that~ You know you liked it."
Jin sing-songed with a grin that had a shy smile twitching at your lips. 
A gentle squeeze to your side was all it took to make you join them for a group hug. 
"We're all seriously proud of you baby. You did amazing today. We love you."
You couldn't help your beaming smile if you tried. 
"I love you guys too. For forever and always."
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wellloveandpeace · 6 years
BTS x Reader
Estou lendo
Hello, kitty - 2
Summary; after being forcefully taken from your home you fall hopelessly under the big bad wolf's wing.
Mythomania - 28
Summary: She’s the love of his life, the object of his affection. Too bad she doesn’t know it yet.
A Dancer's Thighs - 6
Summary: You’re basically crazy for thighs, the title says it all.
Bunny Trouble - 2
Summary: A quick decision to save a hurt bunny on the side of the road might not seem like a big deal to many people, Y/N doesn’t think much of it either and decides to take care of the little male rabbit but what she doesn’t expect is when he one night turns into a human and hell breaks lose…
Pretendo ler
Summary: You’d think being mutually duped by your dodgy landlord would be more than enough common ground to bring you together, but somehow, with Hoseok, it did the opposite. You both signed the lease though, so now you were stuck with each other whether you liked it or not. At least he was cute, even if he did spend the better half of his time glaring at you.
Summary: Surviving in an apocalypse is hard, but what's harder is surviving it together with a person that you care about and that you could lose in the blink of an eye. That's what you and Taehyung thought when you decided to try and survive together, keeping the distance between each other. 
However, things don’t just work out the way you expect them to.
A Natural
Summary: You’re a single mom, and your son is your entire world. When you take him to get his first hybrid, his choice is pretty bewildering, until you realize that he was picking out a dad.
Summary: You drunkenly touch yourself in front of your neighbour, hoping he’ll take notice. you can’t help but do a double take when he actually does.
Summary: A sunflower bud sat under an oak tree, always growing in the shade. When the pole that supported the flower fell over, a dragon dug around the flower careful of the roots. He brought her out to the sun and became her support. He was going to protect his flower, his sunflower.
Summary: Who wants a snow leopard as a pet? No one, and  you don’t want to be a pet, but the day before you’re supposed to be euthanized you’ll take what you can get; a nice enough man, but something about him seems off.
Let the Villain Win
Summary: Kim Namjoon, famous author and your childhood friend has been keeping a secret from you. His new book treads on such dark themes that he’s finding it difficult to write. Excited by the prospect of a sinister plot you offer him a piece of advice, “Let the villain win…” 
Your Every Wish is My Command
Summary: It’s Friday night and everyone you know in a 12 miles radius seems to be out and about dancing or drinking their lives away. Bored out of your mind you decide to call out the Genie that happened to fell in your hands a month prior to this very night. You just want some company, somebody to talk to and entertain you but things take a spicy turn when you accidentally make your very first wish and it’s a rather impious one.
Taken at Dusk
Summary: The moment you sauntered into the party, his gaze was locked in on your form. Everywhere you went, his eyes followed along, not wanting to lose you in the huge crowd of sweaty bodies. There was something about you that drove his instincts wild. Was it your scent? Your attitude? The manner in which you held yourself? He didn’t have a clue and he couldn’t have cared less, so long as you were his and his only. And he would do anything to make that happen.
Áudio / Vídeo
Love me, love me
Ride It
Don’t Hold Back
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 11 S2
"Tickle attack!" all of a sudden you hear Hoseok scream and loud footsteps coming towards you.
"Eek nohoho!" you scream back and try to make a run for it. But unfortunately for you, Jimin is faster than you.
"AGH NAHAHAO STAHAHAP!" the moment the young lad scoops you up in the air, Hoseok headlocks your feet and starts scribbling your socked soles. Jimin on the other hand immediately digs his fingers into your ribs ad starts kneading them like crazy.
"Coochie coochie co cutie pie!" Hoseok giggles and wiggles your toes one by one, cooing at you cute they are. And all that while he is still wiggling his fingers on your soles with his other hand.
"WHYHYHY WHAHAHAT DID I DOHOHO?!" you scream in laughter while you are still trying to get away. But guess what! You are not going anywhere!
"Cause you have adorable laughter! And it's a pity not to hear it, y/n/n!" Jimin smirks and kisses your cheek as he keeps digging into your poor ribs, focusing on your lower ones to make sure he gets both your sides and ribs at the same time.
"STAHAHAP IT'S NOHOHOT ADORABLE AHAHAHA!" you scream loudly and kick out like your life depends on it. You throw your head back in loud laughter and try to grab Jimin's hands, but they are way too fast for you to catch.
"What did you just say?!" Hoseok gasps and speeds up his fingers, focusing on the arches of your feet.
"Now you are in for it! An hour of tickling's coming!" Jimin giggles into your ear and lays you on the floor, pinning your arms over your head "Prepare yourself, little ticklish liar!"
"BWAHAHAHA NAHAHAO AHAHA!!!" is the only thing you manage to say before your get lost in a sea of hysterical and unstoppable laughter.
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's sorry it's so small guys, I promise the next one will be longer!
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 4 S2
It's around 1 in the evening and you are still asleep. I guess it wasn’t the best option to stay up until late, binge-watching Itaewon class.
You turn on your back, trying to wake up as the evening sunlight is touching your eyes softly. With no warning at all though, you feel five soft fingertips clawing fastly all over your bare tummy and the space next to you getting heavy.
“Come on, y/n/n, it’s time to wake up” Jungkook blows gently into your ear, increasing your already loud giggles.
Thrashing around gently and gripping onto his wrists, you scrunch up your shoulders as loud snickering keeps pouring out of your mouth “Gahahahaha Jungkahahahak ahahahaha! Lemme sleheheheep!” is the only thing your sleepy mind could think.
“No, it’s already midday! You have to wake up exactly how you like!” he keeps murmuring into your ear as his fingers have now moved to your belly button, twirling his finger in it.
Oh-oh... Bad move...
Letting out the loudest shriek you ever have, you make sure both you and your possibly napping neighbors finally wake up before you fall into hysterical laughter “BWAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAO!” you scream whilst you are rolling side to side in loud, deep, belly laughter.
Jungkook chuckles and keeps twirling his finger in your hypersensitive bellybutton while you are losing your mind, laughing at the top of your lungs “Aw I don’t think you are awake yet! Maybe I need to use the secret weapon!”
Gasping, you immediately try to push yourself out of the bed, but the young lad’s grip is tight around you. Without warning at all, Jungkook bends down and starts blowing uncountable raspberries in your neck, not ceasing his attack on your bellybutton “OKAHAHAY OKAY I AHAHAM AWAHAHAKE AHAHAHAHA!”
“Aw are you sure, cutie?” he mumbles into your neck, only adding to the already too-ticklish sensation as he moves his fingers to your hips, kneading them like dough.
The waves of ticklishness that are hitting you at this point are massive, making your laughter go silent. And that's the signal for him to stop and let you go with a wide smirk on his face.
Pulling away, Jungkook helps you up smirking, only for you to fall back on the bed from how giggly you were “Good morning cutie” he chuckles at you, whilst you are still panting all red and blushy.
“Good morning meanie” you giggle shyly, your spots still tingling a little. Well, a good beginning makes a good ending.
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 8 S2
“Oh y/n! Come out come out wherever you are! If you come out now the tickles won’t last long!” Taehyung giggles as he’s wandering around the house looking for you.
He has looked everywhere for you but he can’t find you behind the couch. Or so you think. In reality he has found you a while ago, but he didn’t say anything. He just keeps walking around and teasing you.
However, a great idea pops up into his mind when he sees once again your feet sticking out from underneath the couch “Oh well... I guess that if you don’t want to come out, I will just watch TV until you do”
You suddenly feel the space above your feet getting heavy and immediately some cold, tickly fingertips stroking your bare soles “I will be in the living room! Follow the adorable sound if you want to come here!” he giggles while he strokes your feet unstoppably with his blunt, sharp but yet extremely tickly.
“Agh nahahahao stahahahap ahahaha!” you want to control your giggles but you can’t! Those fingers tickle so much more than you had ever experienced!
Wiggling his fingernails on top of your toes, Taehyung is smirking lazily as he’s playing with your toes “Hm! Those cute little buttons are so fun to play with! I haven’t played with some in so much long!” he giggles as he scratches softly the base of your toes.
You are stuck underneath the couch and the only thing you can do is giggle, laugh and scream bloody murder from ticklishness, but nothing more! “Pleahahahase mercyhyhyhy ahahaha!”
It’s useless to beg for him to stop. He isn’t going to stop anytime soon... Maybe you should have just gotten out and not hidden... Now you are stuck and getting tickled unable to stop it and who knows when it finally will...?
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 7 S2
You are a giggly mess. Like, a loud giggly mess. And why? Because of Jimin and his cold nose all snuggled into your neck which he is rubbing up and down all over the crook of your neck.
“Jimin stohohohop!” you are giggling loudly as the young lad’s nose explores every single bit of your hypersensitive neck while you two were cuddling under the covers.
However, the evil boy had another plan. Switching his nose to his sharp teeth, Jimin tightens his grip around your waist and arms, as you let out a deafening shriek of laughter “Ow why are you screaming so much, y/n/n? I stopped!” he smirks in your neck.
The evil little rat!
Bouncing on the bed in between his legs and pushing at his arms, you are desperately trying to escape the super ticklish hell he has just gotten you into “BWAHAHAHAHAHA MY GAHAHAHAHAD YOU AHAHAHAHAHARE MEAHAHAHAHAN AHAHAHAHA!” you scream in between your loud, almost hysterical laughter.
“Om nom nom nom! Your neck is so delicious y/n/n, I cannot get enough!” he giggles in your neck, increasing the tingly and tickly sensations his teeth and hot breath are leaving on your skin.
“AHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHAHASE IT TIAHAHAHACKLES!” like he didn’t already know... Ah sometimes you are being so silly, you really thought he had no idea about what he’s doing and how much he loves making you giggle and laugh!
You are tightly trying to pull your arms out of his grip while his soft nose doesn’t help all the feeling against the crook of your neck. You start feeling like tiny bugs are running up and down your skin and at the same time a way too ticklish thunderbolt has just stricken your body with every nibble on your neck.
“Oh really?! Oh, this is awesome! Then we are staying like this for a loooooooooong time, cutie! Prepare yourself for a long, ticklish afternoon!” Jimin mumbles in your neck and returns to his assault, putting you once again in a hysterical-laughing state, not planning on showing you mercy anytime soon... But it’s not like you hate it...
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 14 S2
"Where did you hide them?!" Taehyung giggles at you and your adorable, yet deafening laughter.
"I DAHAHAON'T KNOHOHOW!" you shriek underneath them and thrash around like a fish out of the water. His long, skinny fingers are gliding up and down your armpits, using his nails to add to the already way too ticklish feeling.
Jimin on the other hand is clawing at your tummy under your ugly sweater, showing literally zero mercy "Liar! You know! Tell us where they are!" the young lad demands playfully as he wiggles his fingertips all over your tummy, while he is sitting on your thighs.
Tonight it's Christmas night. You and your brothers should exchange presents after dinner before you start your all-nighter Christmas movie marathon. However, your rascal self decided to play games and hide their gifts. Good choice y/n. Now face the consequences!
Taehyung has your arms pinned above your head and is sitting on them while he torments your poor, exposed armpits "Liar liar pants on fire y/n/n! You have to be honest, or Santa won't come for you either!" he chuckles and moves one of his hands to your exposed neck. He scribbles the crook of your neck with his blunt nails as he drills his thumb into the middle of your armpit fastly and mercilessly.
"I'M NOHOHOT LYING AHAHAHA!" you are lying. Even if you scream and laugh like crazy and bounce on the floor like a maniac, you keep lying.
"You are practically asking for it, cutie!" Jimin chuckles and shakes his head happily. Suddenly, the clawing on your tummy turns to soft pinches and tasering on your sides "Suit yourself then!"
"Coochie coochie coo, little liar!" Taehyung smirks widely, not ceasing his attack.
The blush on your cheeks gets darker from your brothers' bold teasing and intense tickling. You are reaching your limit, ready to give in to their vicious, indirect blackmail, but still, you are still holding tight "I'M NAHAHAHAOT GONNA TAHAHALK AHAHA!"
"No? Alright then, I guess it's time for the kill, right Tae?" Jimin's eyes suddenly turn devilish and so are Taehyung's.
Both of the boys stop whatever they are doing, confusing you. Soon though, the confusion turns into panic when you feel your sweater raising and your head turning to the side "No... No no no nohoho! I'm sorry! I'll talk pleahahase nohoho!" you giggle nervously and flail around. You know what's coming, and you instantly regret hiding the gifts.
"Naw, that's good! But now It's gonna happen! A liar needs punishment! And she's gonna have it!" Taehyung grins. The two lads take a deep breath.
"BWAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAO I'M SAHAHAHAORRY AHAHAHA! PLEAHAHAHASE AHAHAHA! IT'S UNDER MY BEHEHED!" you shriek once unstoppable and intense raspberries start blowing on your exposed tummy and neck, and you immediately give up.
Kicking your legs and wiggling around, you try to pry them off of you and put an end to the ticklish hell you are currently into.
Which works. Both lads fall off you, but intentionally. They rush to your room, leaving you a giggly and panting mess on the living room floor.
But you have to move quickly! You have to be fast if you want to avoid-
-more tickles.
You immediately try to make a run for it and hide from the new round of ticklish interrogation. But no! You are soon caught again and fall into fits of hysterical laughter, even worse than the previous ones.
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Merry Christmas everyone!!! 🎄❤️
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 9 S2
"Oh c'mon y/n! We have to go home!" Suge whines and folds his arms over his chest. It's been around 1pm and you and your brothers are still in the playground.
You three were supposed to be back 30 minutes ago, but you are stuck. Stuck hanging on the horizontal bar and refusing to jump off.
"I told you not to do that! Now you're scared!" he keeps whining and pouting frustrated.
"No no no! I'll fall!" you only shake your head and wiggle around. Being scared of heights is not bad, it's only bad when you decide to face it and you end up stuck in the air.
"That's that point!"
Taehyung on the other hand is looking at the two of you and highs "Uh, I guess there is no other choice then" he starts walking towards you and raises his sleeves.
Tilting your head confused, you only blink twice in confusion "Huh?" you ask.
However, your confused face turns deep red when you see your older brother start wiggling his fingers and inching closer and closer "Last chance, cutie pie" his smirk is getting wider and wider as he sees panic flooding you and Yoongi copying your movements.
"Too late!" Yoongi exclaims before you can even answer and launches on you. His fingers start clawing on your sides and tummy, walking his fingers all over the soft skin of your midsection.
"BWAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAO AHAHAHA!" you immediately fall into hysterics and start thrashing around in the air unstoppably. It's like mini shots of ticklishness are hitting you over and over again, driving you mad and making you slowly lose your mind from how much it tickles.
The classic technique used ever since you were little. Tickle attack!
Taehyung on the other hand has a more effective way. He goes straight for the armpits. The kill. He doesn't even want to tease you first. He starts scribbling at your armpits unstoppable with his blunt nails "No? No what? You brought this to yourself, y/n/n! You should have gotten off when we told you to!"
You throw your head back in hysterics, your laughter echoing throughout the whole area. It tickles way too much for you to handle "NAHAHAHAO I'M SOHOHORRY! PLEAHAHAHASE LEMME GOHOHO!" you scream once again and kick out nonstop, almost kicking Yoongi in the face.
"Agh! Now you'll get it!" your oldest brother suddenly dips his index finger in your belly button and starts wiggling it around faster than the speed of light.
And that's where you lose it.
"NYAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAP AHAHAHAHA I HAHAHATE YAHAHAHA AHAHAHA!" your shriek as loud as you can and immediately let go of the horizontal bar to protect your tickled torso.
Falling into your brothers' arms, you curl up in their grip all giggly and teary from laughing too much "Yohohou are meahahan!" you giggle out and lean onto Taehyung's chest to catch your breath, only to receive a kiss on each cheek from each of them.
"Works every time" Taehyung chuckles and high-fives Yoongi proudly after he ruffled your hair. You pout cutely and fold your arms over your chest mad though.
You may seem mad, but inside you, all three of you knew how much fun it was and how much you liked it... So don't even try to deny it! They know you way better than you think!
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 5 S2
You are randomly chilling in the kitchen, scrolling through your phone when all of a sudden you hear loud and fast steps thundering toward you.
Looking behind, you don’t have time to understand who the footsteps belong to, feeling yourself being raised from your position and thrown over someone’s shoulder “Gah! Who is thiAHAHAHAS AHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAO AHAHAHAHA!" you immediately scream when you feel your feet being scribbled like crazy.
“Oh wow, I knew your feet were ticklish but this seems to make you go crazy!” you can obviously understand that this teasing voice belongs to Jin, who is currently smirking like a Cheshire cat because of your almost hysterical laughter.
Hitting his back as much as you can and kicking out nonstop, you are laughing at the top of your lungs. His sharp, blunt nails are scribbling all over your hypersensitive soles and arches, getting each and every sensitive nerve from the bottom of your heels to the top of your cute little toes.
“AHAHAHAHA MY GAHAHAHAHAD STOHOHOP AHAHA!” you shriek loudly, feeling way more ticklish due to the surprise tickles, not expecting them at all.
“Aw, I’ll stop... When you stop laughing!” he evilly whispers as he is now playing with and squeezing your bare toes mercilessly. Oh, how you wish you had worn your socks... You would have at least avoided the toe torture.
You are feeling your toes tingling so much that your whole feet are like they are being tickled as well. Jin is walking around with you in hysterics on his shoulder. The cheeky grin which is printed on his face won't leave as your laughter is like music in his ears.
“BWAHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHAHASE HAHAHAHAVE SOME MERCY AHAHAHAHA!” your legs are kicking out in the air and your laughter is hitting an octave you didn’t know you can reach. Oh, your feet are so ticklish you sometimes wish they weren’t!
“Mercy? What does that mean?” Jin giggles and proceeds to scratch the middle of your feet as he is entering the living room.
And that's when you lose it completely! You shriek as loud as you can before you fall into silent laughter, kicking out and thrashing around uncontrollably. You even fall off Jin’s shoulder but you managed to stay on. And still, you cannot understand why he's doing that! But you are not going to ask, are you? You are having fun~
And as he promised, Jin lets you go. Placing you down on the couch, you immediately curl up, rubbing your feet together to get rid of the devious tickle ghosts, as the young lad is towering over you with a huge grin “Well this was fun!” he giggles and sits next to you on the couch, rubbing your back soothingly.
Melting immediately, you simply stick your tongue out at him “You are mean...” you mumble purring from the relaxing feeling of his soft hand on your lower back.
"Oh, I know..." he chuckles teasingly, giving your side a last, playful squeeze.
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 6 S2
You are currently laying underneath Namjoon laughing your heart out. The evil lad had decided to sit on your arms and attack your poor ribs with devious tickles, even though you had apologized multiple times! I guess you should have never annoy him while he was reading his book. So now you are paying the price of your cheekiness.
“AHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP AHAHAHAHA!” you shriek at the top of your lungs, trying to pull your arms down to protect your way too ticklish for your own good ribs.
The smirky lad is only looking down at you with a mischievous grin while his fingers were working their magic on you. You knew so well that Namjoon can wreck you to pieces with a single finger and yet you kept annoying him. Now this is your payment.
Hey! Don’t complain at all! Both you and I know you love this!
“One... Two... Three... Two... One... Four... Six... Ten... Seven... Ah, those ribs are so fun to count! They make so many sounds!” Namjoon keeps poking all over our ribs, getting random bones. His pokes are sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Sometimes light, sometimes a little more intense. Never hurt, but always tickle you out of your mind.
“You ahahahahare counting wrohohohong!” you scream through your loud, almost deafening giggles, while you are trying to squirm out of his grip as much as you can and want.
Chuckling, Namjoon only keeps poking up and down all over your ribs. You are so asking for it, aren’t you? “Okay then... Lemme try again! One... Two... Three... Am I doing it right now?” he giggles at your cackling state, only speeding up his fingers to tease you more.
“Agh nahahaha ahahahaoh my gahahad ahahaha!” you are giggling your heart out, kicking out and wiggling like a worm in Namjoon’s grip.
The smirk on the young boy’s face grows wider and shakes his head laughing “No? I am doing this wrong again?! Oh man... I guess I should keep going until I do it right, huh?” and then he proceeds to poke all over your vulnerable ribs unstoppably.
This afternoon will be a really ticklish one for you...
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 13 S2
"It was just so annoying!" you whine as you explain to your two best friends what happened at the school bus some hours earlier "He kept poking me even if I told him I am not ticklish! Ugh!"
Jungkook and Taehyung look at each other "Not ticklish?"
"So you lied?" Jungkook tilted his head in mock confusion.
The two lads don't even give you time to react! They immediately start poking all over your midsection!
"Whahat nohoho! Guys stahahap!" you squeal through your giggles as you wiggle around unstoppably!
"No? What no? Of course, you did! Look how wiggly you get with just a few pokes!" Taehyung smirks and brings his face closer to your face to further fluster you.
Well, goal achieved!
"Yeah y/n/n! It's not like we're doing something much!" Jungkook giggles and starts squeezing your sides fastly.
"EEK AHAHAHA I DIDN'T AHAHAHA!" you keep lying through your loud laughter. But that doesn't mean you'll admit you were lying! After all, you always enjoy the playful side of the two!
And to be honest... You purposely mentioned that detail... ;)
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il0veyoujk · 2 years
Just imagine 12 S2
"I can't believe Jin was your favorite, y/n/n!" Hoseok groans in mock annoyance and plops himself next to you.
"Seriously? The oldie?" Jungkook does the same on your other side and gives you his best fake puppy eyes "Didn't you like us?"
"Guys! Ihihit was ages ago! If Namjoon hadn't mentioned it today, no one would ever know! It doesn't mean anything now!" you giggle at their childish behavior "And of course I liked you all, I just preferred Jin 'cause he seemed funnier! But that's not true now!"
"That hurt though! You liked Jin more than us!" Jungkook pouts and pokes your sides a few times.
"And you didn't even tell us! You lied!" Hoseok squeezes your knee with every word he says and brings his face close to yours.
"Eek wahahait!" you giggle and wiggle around a bit in your seat.
"No! You're gonna get it, y/n/n! You hurt us and this is our revenge!" Jungkook lets a mini giggle slip through his pout and fully activates his attack on your sides. The pokes turn into squeezes and his pout struggles not to turn into a mischievous smirk.
Pushing you back on the couch, Hoseok starts scribbling and squeezing all over your thighs and knees, gliding his fingers up and down "Yeah! Cause you are mean for not telling us!"
"Agh! Nohoho pleahahase! Let me gohoho!" you try to push yourself off the couch, but your giggles have already weakened you.
"Let you go? Nu never! Not until you admit we are your favorites now!" Hoseok demands playfully and speeds up his fingers.
You shake your legs and wiggle around nonstop, but the tickles are not stopping. Let's face it, you have nowhere to go without passing through them. And even if you try to, they'll pull you back down into your ticklish punishment.
"Neveheher!" you're too stubborn for your own good. So you'll have to face the consequences!
The two lads exchange glances of mischief and shrug before they dig again into your ticklish spots "Oh well! Suit yourself then!" Jungkook exclaims and starts squeezing your sides faster than the speed of light.
"We're not gonna stop until you admit it!" Hoseok, on the other hand, starts squeezing your kneecaps and scribbling your thighs with his nails.
"AGH NYAHAHAHA NOHOHO STAHAHAP!" you immediately shriek and start flailing around unstoppably. You never expected to have such ticklish thighs!
Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head "Did we not just say we won't stop until you admit we're your favorites? Tsk tsk tsk y/n/n, I think the ticklishness has driven you nuts!"
"THAHAHAHAT'S MEAHAHAN AHAHA!" you scream at the top of your lungs as you try to wiggle your way out of the tight grip of your friends', but nothing's working! You're stuck until you admit it!
"Nah that's not mean!" he giggles and pauses for a second "But that is!" he cries and suddenly raises your shirt and starts blowing berries all over your midsection.
"Time to admit we're your favorites, cutie pie!" Hoseok giggles happily and follows Jungkook's steps under your shirt.
You want to say it! You really do! It tickles way much more than you expected! But you cannot stop it... Cause you're laughing too hard... You can't even form whole words! I guess you shouldn't be this ticklish... Now you're stuck in a ticklish situation until they decide to have mercy on you... And that's not going to happen anytime soon...
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Hiii, I know I said I would make this an actual ff with only Jimin, but I decided to make it a Just Imagine episode since the anon's req was for the series. I just added Jungkook because Hoseok's episode is already up. Soooo...
I hope you liked this nonnie! ❤️
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