ficsandgiggles · 3 months
Regretful Words (Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova)
Kate says something to Yelena which triggered her into shutting herself away, so it’s up to Kate to make things up to her. (Word count: 988)
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Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova haven’t seen eye to eye since the moment they met, but it was understandable considering what had happened with Yelena’s sister, Natasha, which sparked conflict between Yelena and Clint, which meant Kate was also on the list of people Yelena would be cold with, despite everything working out since Natasha came back alive.
The two often bickered a lot, about simple things such as not washing up their own things or leaving the bag of dog food out on the counter. However today, Kate was actually the one that took it too far, she got angry and said something which had triggered Yelena.
“I swear you were nicer when your sister was dead.” Kate snarled at her, the two were arguing about whose turn it was to clean up the dog mess in the garden. Yelena simply shrugged it off and said it was Kate’s turn and that she was busy trying to get things done she had put off as she had just come out of a depressive episode.
This frustrated Kate, who was already in a bad mood, and snapped at her for not doing her share of looking after the dogs, which caused an argument which led to Kate saying that statement.
There was a long moment of silence, Yelena’s eyes went from angry to sadness with a hint of defeat, tears brimmed her eyes as she got the poop bags and brushed Kate out the way, clearing up the dog mess and disposing of it before quickly washing her hands and heading to her room.
Kate continued to stand there, allowing herself to calm down and process what had just happened, reliving the conversation in her head before it dawned on her that she said something truly awful, which was likely to send Yelena back into a depressive state if she didn’t do something now.
She briefly knocked on Yelena’s bedroom door before letting herself in, guilt running through her as she saw the blonde laying on her side on the bed with her back to the door.
“Yelena I’m so sorry I didn’t-“
“Save it, Kate. I’m sorry I am less nice now my sister is alive. Perhaps she will be taken away from me again so I am nicer.”
“No… no Yelena I didn’t mean it I just got heated in the moment… I’m sorry…” Kate tried, rushing to Yelena’s side and putting a hand on her arm, attempting to be comforting.
“It is done now, just leave me alone so I can just lay in this room forever and hate myself.” Yelena murmured, her back still to Kate, who was rubbing her arm hesitantly.
Kate bit her lip, whacking her brains trying to think of a way to cheer Yelena up. She didn’t like her baking, she hasn’t been up for pulling pranks recently, and their dog walks had just been plain awkward.
Suddenly, she had an idea. There have been multiple occasions where Kate had peered into the living room to see Natasha straddling her sister, grinning down at her as she dug into her ribs. Helpless laughter was coming from the blonde as she continuously shoved at her sisters hands.
It was pretty adorable to watch, and Kate was more than willing to try it herself.
The archer let out a sigh. “Fine, I guess I have no choice but to cheer you up.” She told her, before digging into the blondes ribs, shaking in between the bones.
Yelena had no idea that was coming, she let out a yelp and rolled so she was laying on her belly, giving Kate the opportunity to jump on Yelena’s back, pinning the young Widow on her belly before shaking into her ribs.
“If you won’t accept my apology I’ll just cheer you up!” Kate announced, a little surprised that Yelena was so sensitive but loving it.
“Kahahahate Bihihihishop I will ehehend yohohou!” Yelena cackled out as she thrashed helplessly, her hands flying back to try and bat Kate’s hands away.
“Aw but this is fun!” Kate whined, moving quickly down to her sides and squeezing in rapidly, causing Yelena to yelp and buck, trying to throw Kate off now as she screeched with giggles.
“IHIHIHIT IS NOHOHOT!” She protested, shaking her head helplessly as she flopped around like a fish out of water.
Kate just grinned, finding this quite adorable. She suddenly felt someone watching, and she looked over to see Natasha smiling fondly, she then lifted her own arm and pointed underneath it with a smirk.
The archer immediately got the message and suddenly dug her fingers into Yelena’s armpits, the sudden change causing Yelena to gasp and cackle with helpless laughter.
“NOHOHOHO THIHIHIS IS MEHEHEAN!” Yelena whined out and squeezed her arms against her sides.
“Well now I’m trapped, silly.” Kate chuckled and scribbled in, trying to find methods that made Yelena laugh the most, she eventually went with the rougher method of drilling her fingers in.
Yelena cackled with laughter, shaking her head as she kicked out. “NOHOHOHO WHY?!” She yelled out, shaking her head into the pillow as she kept thrashing.
“Because I want to cuter you up since I said a mean thing!” Kate replied, grinning at the sight. Eventually though, she could tell Yelena was out of breath so let her go. The archer beamed proudly as she flopped on Yelena’s back, laying on her.
“You are… unbelievably mean Kate Bishop.” Yelena huffed out, but smiling shyly into the pillow, the physical grounding of her friend also strongly benefiting her.
“Hm, I don’t think you hated it, but are we even now? Do you forgive me?” Kate asked, really hoping Yelena would say yes, as that would help her too.
Yelena then smirked a little into the pillow, reaching back to squeeze Kate’s knees, causing her to flinch and let out a little giggle.
“Oh we’ll be even… after this…”
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supermarvel-fics · 2 years
Tickletober Day 15: Games
fandom: marvel
word count: 650
pairing: kate bishop x reader (platonic)
summary: kate challenges you to a game of twister
A/N: I almost didn't write this one because I still haven't seen hawkeye yet (I KNOW I'M GETTING THERE I PROMISE), so kate's character is completely foreign to me, but I did my best!
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“I don’t think you realize exactly who you’re talking to,” You boasted, eyeing Kate as she laid the Twister mat out on the floor. She chuckled as she straightened it out, moving chairs out of the way to make more space.
“Oh, yeah? And who’s that?”
“The Twister champion of Death Valley,” You smugly grinned, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Just Death Valley? I would have thought you would have been at least the Twister champion of the nation with the way you’re bragging,” Kate turned to you with an eyebrow raise and an amused smile. “Let’s see you put your money where your mouth is.”
Playing Twister with only two people became a challenge once both of your hands were placed on dots and someone had to flick the spinner. It took a few minutes to get the hang of it, but ultimately you’d beat her. Kate whined that it wasn’t fair since she was distracted, so you offered her a different option.
“Make it hard for me, then. Give me a distraction.”
“Like what?” Kate asked as she sat in a free chair.
You shrugged in response. “I don’t know. I’m sure you can come up with something. I just want to prove to you that I never lose.”
Kate huffed, racking her brain for any ideas to throw you off your game. Then, she recalled an incident from a few weeks ago. You’d been training with her, Kate stepping in as your mentor since Clint was off on vacation with his family, and as she grabbed your waist to fix your form, you buckled under her touch along with a poorly suppressed giggle.
Of course, she’d taken full advantage of it in the moment. She’d called it ‘Training with an edge’. You told her she needed to work on the name and in retaliation, she tickled you to tears. So, doing the same thing now could put you back in your place.
“Fine,” She nodded to the mat, flicking the spinner. “Left foot, green.”
You followed her instructions each and every time she told you a placement, snickering snidely. Kate waited until both of your hands were place in an awkward position before striking. Once your arms were cross and your body was half-twisted, Kate waltzed behind you and squatted down to your level, wiggling her index fingers under your arms.
“AH!” You screeched in surprise, your elbows buckling beneath you. “KATE!”
“You said find a distraction! If you’re as good as you say you are, then this shouldn’t be a problem,” She smirked in satisfaction. “Go on.”
You spluttered in shock, glancing up at your friend with a pleading look. “I-hi don’t think this is exactly fair!”
“I’m beginning to think that maybe you were bluffing about being the best, then.”
“I’m not! I just… you—UGH! Fine,” You scoffed as you got back into position. From then on, you were acutely aware of where Kate was at all times, trying to prepare for her attack. Breathing deeply, you centered yourself so that when you felt her fingers pressing back into your armpits, you could at least stiffen your arms to keep from falling.
Kate tickled down your sides, smiling as your body shook from the effort to try and stay in position.
“Ohokay, Kahahate! No mohore!”
The brunette stopped at your request. Your entire body crumbled to the ground in exhaustion, a ticklish smile still on your features.
“I will admit that you have some serious endurance,” Kate complimented as she plopped down on the floor next to you.
“Yeah. All that and I can still kick your ass in this game. Let’s see you try next!”
“Oh-ho, no, I don’t think so!”
But you weren’t taking no for an answer. Even if Kate wasn’t going to play the game, you were still going to get your payback.
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ficsandgiggles · 2 years
Wakey Wakey!
“Could you possibly do one where kate or natasha want to hangout with the reader as a destress day but the reader doesn’t wanna get out of bed/off the couch cause they’re comfy or something like that?”
I absolutely loved writing Kate for a change, I hope you enjoy ❤️ (there is some Nat as well, don’t worry 😉)
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Kate Bishop had always been an interesting person to you, her sweet personality and ability to make you smile whenever you needed to endeared you, and you fell asleep last night knowing that you were going to be spending some much needed one on one time with her.
As much as you loved Yelena and Clint, you almost always had to share Kate’s attention with either one or the other, and their personalities were louder than yours, so you sometimes felt left out whenever you were hanging out with them, as much as they tried to include you in their crazy antics.
However today was different, Clint was out with his other family and Yelena was with Natasha for the day, so you were quick to jump on the opportunity to annoy Kate for the day. She seemed just as eager to hang out with you too, which lessened your anxiety, knowing you weren’t a burden to her.
Although you were incredibly excited for today, you didn’t sleep well last night, so your bed was your best friend for now and you had no intentions in leaving it. You automatically assumed it was too early to roll out of it anyway, so you happily snuggled back in and closed your eyes.
You were abruptly snapped back into reality as you heard the door open, you groaned dramatically as you pulled the covers back over you.
“Wakey wakey Y/N, it’s meeee!” Kate sang as she waltzed into the room, jumping on your bed and almost landing on top of you in the process.
You groaned in response, feeling yourself bounce a little when Kate landed on the bed. You curled up a little more, part of you thinking that you were dreaming it.
“Heyyyy, wake up!” Kate whined and shook you, poking up and down the you shaped lump on the bed. “I wanna hang out with you!”
You rolled your eyes with a fond chuckle, which you quickly disguised as a snore, knowing your playfulness will be enjoyed by Kate, who was always playing tricks on Yelena and Clint.
However, the one thing you didn’t think about was what Yelena and Clint would do after Kate pranked them, but you were definitely going to find out very soon.
“Oh Y/N, I really think you should get up…” Kate warned you quietly, poking up and down your body gently, not exactly knowing where a puts she was poking until she felt you flinch, she had poked your ribs.
You bit your lip, silently beating yourself up as you came to realise what was about to happen. Giggling nervously, you shuffled away from her, grabbing the covers so Kate couldn’t rip them off you.
The young archer chuckled as she turned to see one of your feet sticking out, smirking as she swiped a finger up your sole. “Last chance, Y/N… are you going to get up?” She asked teasingly, chuckling as you squealed and pulled your foot back underneath the covers.
She was met with silence, which she quickly broke by quickly ripping the covers off you with ease and pouncing towards you, scribbling her nimble fingers into your ribs. “Your funeral!”
You yelped and burst into hysterical giggles, immediately rolling onto your back to try and shove Kate away. The only problem was, you were way too sensitive to even make her move an inch. You heard Kate laugh evilly as she scribbled under your arms.
“You can’t stop me! You’re waaaaay to ticklish.” Kate teased, pinning your arms over your head to continue the armpit torture, smirking as she felt your pathetic attempts to pull your arms back down, knowing she was stronger than you.
“KAHAHAHATE PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” You begged, your face was scrunched up adorably and your legs were thrashing around in an attempt to move even an inch away from Kate’s mean fingers, but she was just laughing at you.
“You should’ve got up! We could’ve been on our way to get ice cream or something by now but nooooo, you had to be lazy!” Kate told you, now moving to gently shake her fingers into your ribs, still holding you up with one hand so you couldn’t get away.
You whined and arched your back, giggles growing louder as you occasionally let out a squeal, which made Kate’s face light up proudly.
“Awww you’re so cute and ticklish! Maybe I should just do this all day!” Kate suggested teasingly as she then danced her fingers over your belly, chuckling at your squealing self.
What Kate didn’t notice however, was that Natasha was peering into your room, smiling fondly at the scene. No one had really seen you let yourself go and laugh like that before, so she was happy to be the second person in the compound to witness it. She was also mentally noting your worst spots for the future.
However, she also knew that you needed help, so she was going to come to your rescue with a little bit of friendly guidance.
Being the amazing spy she was, Natasha slowly crept up behind Kate, winking at you when you briefly made eye contact with her. She waited for a few moments before squeezing rapidly into her sides from behind, pinning her down the second Kate yelped and fell backwards, releasing you from her grip.
Nat grinned and spidered into her neck, looking over at you. “Her thighs, ribs and sides are her worst spots, have fun.” She smirked, continuing her gentle tickles on the giggling Kate as you took a moment to recover from her torture.
Eventually, you sat yourself down on Kate’s waist, smiling shyly down at her before shaking all ten fingers into her ribs, focusing between the bones which seemed to get her more.
“This is what you get for disturbing my slumber!” I announce, smirking as Kate burst into hysterical giggles.
“I HAHAHAHTE YOU BOTH SO MUHUHUCH!” Kate cackled out as she pulled at her arms and tried to throw you off her waist, but to no avail, she was truly pinned and there was nothing she could do about it.
You pout playfully and move to squeeze rapidly into her sides. “But we were gonna hang out today!” You whine, pretending to be hurt by her words as she squeezed up and down her sensitive sides, your act soon falling into a fond smile as Kate kept giggling hysterically.
“OKAHAHAHY IM SORRY I DOHOHOHONT HAHAHATE YOU!” Kate broke out quickly, letting out a high pitched squeal as you reached back to now squeeze up and down her thighs. You just chuckled and shook your head fondly.
“Too late, you said it now, my feelings are hurt.” You replied, but in a playful tone so Kate knew you didn’t mean it, deciding to squeeze rapidly into her side and thigh for thirty seconds straight before rolling off her, leaving the archer to lay there and pant.
“That was… so mean…” Kate huffed out, pulling her arms down to wrap them around her upper body, the occasional ghost giggle slipping out.
“You love me.” You grin and poke her nose, before squealing with giggles as you felt a pair of spidering fingers spread across your ribs, you turned around to see a smirking Nat, who tickled under your chin briefly before getting up and heading out of the room.
“I think you’re both just as bad as each other. Have fun.” She smirked before going back downstairs.
You and Kate rolled your eyes before Kate tackled you into a hug. “So, what do you wanna do today?” She asked eagerly, poking your cheeks for the sake of being annoying.
You couldn’t help but smirk a little in response. “I think we need to get revenge on a certain someone.” You told Kate, which made her smile turn into an evil smirk in agreement.
It was time to plan revenge on Natasha.
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