duckymcdoorknob · 11 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 8: 𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓱
My lil dude whom I adore with my whole heart.
Oh look Naruto’s there too!
No I’m kidding I’d sell my soul to meet either of them.
Tags: @chrimsss @sleepysheepytea (I know you’re a Naruto fan, so I thought you might enjoy this!!) @tickletr-ash @ticklish-n-stuff @giggly-squiggily
—This do have tickles below the cut ngl—
As much as Naruto loved his friends, boy did they show up at the worst times. He WAS planning on spending his day off doing something incredibly important, mind you. Okay- fine, he was going to spend the day sleeping and eating, but that’s equally as important as anything else his friends have planned.
Though, the impromptu visits did make him feel loved. How far he’s come… younger him couldn’t even begin to fathom a life like this.
So, when he heard the ecstatic knocking at his door, a smile crept onto his features. He perked through the peephole and was delighted to see all of his friends.
“Hey, guys I was actually-“
“NARUTOOOOOOO!” Lee cheered, “We have come to see you on our day off! It is important to keep your youth healthy and abundant!”
The blonde ninja sighed. “My youth is perfectly abundant… I think?”
The group chuckled a bit. All of them removed their shoes and sprawled out on any and all furniture in the boy’s tiny apartment. Lee kicked his feet with a smile as he lay on his stomach to feed Akamaru little crackers, with Choji attempting to swipe them from him.
“Let’s play a game!” Kiba chirped.
“A game? What kind of game?” Neji inquired, eyes closed as Shikamaru carefully untangled his messy hair
“Oooh, how about truth or dare?” Choji asked with a Cheshire grin.
“What are we, twelve?” Shikamaru grumbled.
“Fine then, Shikamaru. We can-“
All eyes turned to the blonde, causing him to blink rapidly a few times. “I-I want to play. I’ve never… uh.”
The boys looked upon him with confusion.
“You’ve never played truth or dare before?” Shino asked in disbelief.
Naruto stared back at them as if they were all morons, lifting his tee shirt to reveal the seal that adorned his stomach.
A collective “ohhh” filled the room.
“So yeah, I think I wanna play.”
“Sure, man!” Kiba cheered. “Everyone come sit in a circle!”
All of the shinobi obey and are soon sat criss-crossed in a circle. Eyes dart around the group as they try to decide who will ask first.
Shikamaru finally sighed and spoke up. “Choji, you asked to play. You first.”
“Alright! Hmmm…” the red-haired boy looked around. He locked eyes with… “Neji, truth or dare?”
“Mmm, truth,” the Hyuga replied.
“Booooring- okay, fine. Do you have a crush on any of the girls?”
He opened his mouth to answer, but quickly closed it with a scoff. “O-Of course not. That’s-“
“Why the stutter, pretty boy?” Kiba teased.
“Yeah, Neji. You lie like a rug,” Shikamaru quipped as he squeezed the latter’s shoulders.
“Alright fine!” he cleared his throat. “I will say that… erm… I find Tenten to be rather alluring.”
A chorus of “ohhhh!”s filled the tiny apartment as they all chuckled and teased the Byakugan user.
“Ooooh! I must tell Guy-Sensei, he would be-“
“One word out of you, and I will sew your lips shut!”
“Don’t cross me, Lee!”
Amidst the chaos between the two teammates, the game continued. Kiba had to stand on his hands for a minute, Shino revealed a secret love for literature, Sai ate a spoonful of fridge jungle juice, aka whatever condiments they could find mixed with milk; and Shikamaru revealed a slight crush on Temari.
Finally it was Naruto’s turn.
“Alright, Naruto. Truth or dare?”
Oh man, tough choice…
“Mmm, truth! I pick truth!”
“Okay, uhh… let’s see.” A sudden flash of malice appeared in Shikamaru’s eyes. “Where are you most ticklish?”
Just like earlier, all eyes fell onto him. He shifted nervously as he tried to think of an answer.
“I- um… w-well, that’s- uh…”
“You can tell us. We won’t use it against you or anything,” the shadow user replied with a patient, but curious, smile.
“Well… I actually don’t… know?”
They stared at him, bug-eyed. Was he serious? There’s no way that he didn’t know… How could he not?
Realization appeared across the Nara’s features. “You’ve never been tickled before?”
“I-I didn’t say that-“
“But it’s true, isn’t it?”
“I- um…” A pink hue appeared on the boy’s ears. “I mean other than this one time that Pervy Sage did…”
“Alright, come here.” Shikamaru patted the spot in front of him. “Let’s find out.”
Was this guy serious?! Why so bold?? Should he just accept the-
“If you don’t come over, I’m gonna have to have Kiba take matters into his own hands, then we learn the hard way.”
Naruto’s eyes darted over to Kiba, who was already staring back at him with a menacing smile.
“Nopenopenopenope-“ The blonde ran from the circle, dodging around furniture, and eventually getting stuck in a corner.
“Come on, Naruto. Don’t make me do this the hard way. It’ll be easier for both of us if you just come to me.”
“Waaaaah! I want to but- NGH-“ In an instant the boy fell paralyzed, his arms holding themselves above his head. “Oh you bi- HYEAHA!”
Kiba smiled as he tweaked at the blonde’s hips. “Ohh, he’s ticklish alright!”
“Kihihibahaha! Wahahahait!” The jinchuriki whined.
“No wait! I’m curious! Let’s try here, I bet you’re ticklish here!” He mused as he skittered his fingers over Naruto’s stomach
“Hold on? But you’re so ticklish here! Is it because of your mark?” The brunette chirped.
The fanged boy’s eyes lit up as he had just snuck his hand under the blonde’s shirt to squeeze at his stomach. “Ohoho! It is the mark! Awww! That’s so cute!”
“Are you sure? Maaan some kind of endurance you have. What kind of ninja are you?”
“We gotta tell master Jiraiya about this, maybe he can help you.”
The teasing and the tickles in his worst spot were far too much… “OKAHAHAHAY! OKAHAHAHAY! YOHOHOHOU MAHAHADE YOHOHOUR POHOHOHOINT! STAHAHAHAPPIHIHIT!”
The Inuzuka boy smiled as he moved to gently scratch under Naruto’s arms. “Oh man, that is like so freaking cool. I never knew that your mark could affect you so much!”
The blonde closed his eyes and laughed helplessly, feeling vulnerable in front of the group, while also feeling the safest that he has in a while. “Kihihibahaha, stahahap teheheasihihing.”
Neji, being as perceptive as he is, noticed a small detail… “Ah… I forgot you too can feel what he’s feeling.”
The Nara boy was standing completely still, limbs vibrating as he bit his lip. “N-Nothing wo-worth mENtionihihihing.”
“Oye, Kiba! Don’t move spots, looks like we found Shikamaru’s tickle spot too.” Choji chimed as he looked upon his teammate evilly.
Welp… someone had to make the sacrifice. It’s not like he wasn’t expecting retaliation from it.
Let’s just hope he has more stamina than Naruto did…
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karol-d-gomes · 2 months
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🐞 🐶 🐱
Aburame Shino/Inuzuka Kiba/Kankurou
° Kiba being welcomed and Rasa being mocked, I died writing this
° Novamente, fanfic não é em inglês e espero que os que não sabem o português consigam ler usando o google tradutor, boa leitura !
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shoto-chann · 2 years
Title: Don't Ignore Me
Ship: KanuKiba
Description: Ever since Kankuro got to the Leaf Village, all he's been doing is fix his puppets. And Kiba wants attention and hates being ignored. So he teaches his boyfriend to never ignore him again.
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Kankuro had just came to the Leaf Village to spend some time with his boyfriend, Kiba Inuzuka. He had just won a battle with another rouge ninja, so he felt like relaxing with Kiba and Akamaru to destress. However, during his battle, Crow got badly damaged and had to be fixed. So Kankuro sat there in Kiba's house trying to fix Crow. But Kiba's getting a little impatient.
"Come on, Kankuro. I'm booored." Kiba sank into the chair he was sitting in, trying to get his boyfriend to give him attention. "Hold on, Kiba. I'll hang out with you. Just give me time." Kankuro said without looking away from Crow. "But how much time do you need?" "Give me ten more minutes. I'll be finished by then." "You said that ten minutes ago!" Kiba groaned loudly. He was tired of waiting for Kankuro to be finished. He wanted attention, and he wanted it now.
"Come on, babe. You promised we could hang out today. But ever since you got here, you've been fixing your toy and completely ignoring me." "Okay, first of all, Crow is not a toy. He is a friend." "But Kankuro-" "Kiba, I promise we will hang out. I didn't come all the way over here just to fix Crow. I will spend time with you. But in a few minutes. In the meantime, take Akamaru out for a walk. When you come back, I'll be ready."
Kiba opened his mouth to argue, but stopped himself. He didn't wanna argue with Kankuro and make this a big deal. He could wait a few more minutes. Right? Kiba pouted and sighed before making up his mind. "Fine. Come on, Akamaru." Akamaru barked and followed Kiba. Kiba opened the door and walked out without looking back. He shut the door behind him and stated walking with Akamaru. Kankuro chuckled as he rolled his eyes and started to speed up. He wanted to get done as soon as possible. He hated whenever Kiba was upset and didn't want to keep him waiting.
Meanwhile, Kiba and Akamaru we're walking around the village bored out their minds for about eight minutes. They didn't know what to do today while waiting for Kankuro. They didn't want to train cause it was their day off. Most of their friends were busy. And he had the house to himself, so the family wouldn't entertain them until they got back, which wouldn't be for a couple of weeks. "What can we do, Akamaru?" Akamaru whined, suggesting that he didn't know what to do. Kiba sighed and just thought about going back bored when something got his attention. Well, more like someone. "What the hell?" Kiba and Akamaru went to investigate and found Choji laughing, with Shikamaru sitting on top of him doing something to Choji. "Plehehehehease! Shihihihihika! Ihit tihihihihickles!" Choji laughed as he squirmed and giggled as he tried to get away. "It's supposed to, Cho. That's how tickling works." The smirking Shikamaru said as he started tickling Choji's neck, causing the young Akimichi boy to squeal and giggle like a little kid. Seeing his friends like this gave Kiba a great idea. He grinned at the thought of Kankuro's punishment and started walking back to his house.
Kankuro sighed and rubbed his temples. He was stressed and exhausted from all the working. Plus, It's been nearly fifteen minutes and Kiba hasn't came back yet. He was starting to get a bit worried. Was Kiba that upset? He was barely halfway done too! Oh, what was he going to tell Kiba? He was so focused on worrying about Kiba that he didn't hear the door opening. He felt someone's chakra in the air, but was too distracted to consider who it was. Kiba, on the other hand, was sneaking up behind Kankuro with an evil grin. He waited for his boyfriend to let his guard down. And the second Kankuro raised his arms-
Kiba tackled Kankuro to the ground and pinned him with his arms above his head. Kankuro was completely taken by surprise as he looked and saw Kiba over him. "What the hell, Kiba? What was that for?" "That was for lying to me. You said you would be finished in ten minutes." Kankuro got a bit nervous. "Uh, well I, uh... I'm halfway finished...kinda." "Kinda? That's not good enough for me." Kiba eyed his ribs and tummy. Kankuro, completely unaware what Kiba was thinking, got a little more nervous.
"Uh, Kiba? Are you gonna say something? You're freaking me out by not saying anything and staring at me like that." Kiba snapped out of his trance and grinned even wider. "Oh, you're in trouble now, Kankuro." Kankuro was now confused. He knew Kiba would never hurt him, but the thought of what Kiba might do to him was killing him. "Uh, what does that mean, exactly?" "Oh I'm certain you know what's coming." Kiba leaned in and whispered something in Kankuro's ear. "We both know what happens when you ignore me."
Kankuro's eyes widened in fear, his expression growing more nervous by the second. He had forgotten all the tickling he would get from Kiba whenever he would ignore him. And now that he's ignored Kiba yet again, he was for sure going to get it. "Wait, Kiba. We can talk about this." He struggled more under Kiba's weight as he tried to escape. "Nope. You're not getting out of this one, baby." "Kibaha, plehehease." "This is for ignoring me all day."
Kiba started tickling Kankuro's sides vigorously, to which Kankuro responded with loud and cute giggles. "Kihihihibahaha! Stahahahap!" "No. I just started. Plus, you deserve this. You knew this would happen if you ignored me." "I dihihidn't mehean to! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Kiba snuck his hands in Kankuro's shirt and tickled his sides more softly, knowing that his boyfriend was much more weaker to soft tickles. "Kihihihibahahahahaha! Plehehehehease! I cahahahan't breheheathe!" Despite Kankuro's pleading, Kiba did not stop. That only encouraged him to continue. "Kihihihibahahahahaha! Stahahahap ihihit nohohohohohow!" "Hmm. I wonder if Akamaru wants in on the fun." Kankuro hated when Kiba would bring Akamaru into this. When Akamaru would tickle him, he wouldn't stop unless Kiba said so. "Dohohohohon't you dahahahahare!" "Or else what?" Kiba asked with a smirk. "Or ehehelse I wohohon't vihihisit ahanymohohohohore!" Obviously that was the biggest lie he's ever told in his life. But if it meant it could get Kiba to stop, then he was willing to try anything.
And it worked because Kiba stopped immediately and got off of him with a worried look on his face. "No! You don't mean that, do you?" Kankuro continued laughing, but not because he was being tickled. It was because Kiba actually fell for his trick. "Mahan, you're so gullible. No I don't actually mean it." As Kankuro continued laughing, Kiba sat next to Kankuro and pouted. "That wasn't funny." "It was prehetty funny." Kiba growled. "Oh, I'll give you something to laugh about then." Kiba reached out to tickle Kankuro again, but Kankuro managed to grab his hands in time and hold them in place. "Oh no. I don't think so." Kankuro said. Kiba tried with all of his might to get free, but couldn't move anywhere.
"Damn it, Kankuro. You're ruining my fun." Kiba pouted again. "Aww, come on, baby." Kankuro poked Kiba's sides. Kiba twitched and suppressed his giggles. He didn't want to give his boyfriend the satisfaction of hearing him laugh. "Baby, come on. Don't pout. Let me see that cute smile of yours." Kankuro continued to poke his sides. Kiba squirmed and tried to get free, but all he could do was sit there and take the tickles. He shook his head while trying to keep his mouth shut. Kankuro, knowing that he would have to try harder, started squeezing Kiba's sides and hips, hoping that Kiba would at least crack a smile if he was going to be stubborn. Kiba let slip a few giggles with a small smile, but kept his mouth shut, now able to crawl away.
"Oh, no you don't." Kankuro dragged Kiba backwards and pinned him on his back. He continued tickling Kiba's sides and hips, and Kiba continued to fight back his urge to giggle. "Oh, come on, baby. You don't want me to see that cute smile of yours? That cute little baby smile you have?" Kiba lost his ability to hold back the giggles and let them all out. Kankuro's teasing was always more than enough to fluster Kiba and make him giggly.
"Nohohohohoho! Noho teheheheasing!" "Aww, there's my baby's precious smile." Kiba hid his face with his hands. "Stahahahap ihihit!" "And why should I? You didn't stop when I asked you to. And plus, didn't you want attention? Well, I'm giving it to you, aren't I?" Kiba squirmed like a dog giggling his head off. Of course, he obviously loved when Kankuro tickled him. It was his favorite way of getting attention. But Kankuro was supposed to be the one to fall into helpless giggles and beg for mercy. That was the entire point of the plan. And now that was ruined.
Kiba tried tickling Kankuro back in hopes of escaping. "Oh no no no. Not this time." Kankuro shot his hands in Kiba's armpits. Kiba threw his head back laughing three octaves higher and squirming more viciously than ever. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHERE! BAHAHAHABY!" Kiba kicked his feet and continued to squirm while holding his arms at his sides, trapping Kankuro's fingers in the process. "NOHOHOHOT FAHAHAHAIR!" Kankuro simply chuckled as he continued to tickle the hell out of his cute boyfriend.
"KAHAHAHANKUROHOHOHO!" "Yes, my beloved baby boy toy?" Kiba's already red face went even redder than the marks on his face. Shaking his head violently, tears now streaming down his face, he tried everything he could to get free. "STAHAHAHAP IHIHIT NOHOHOHOHOHOW! NOHOHOHOHOHO TEHEHEHEASING! NOHOHOHO MOHORE TIHIHIHIHICKLES!" "And why not? Don't you want attention? Do you not want attention anymore? Does that mean I can get back to work on Crow now?"
That was the last straw. Kiba mustered the strength to overthrow Kankuro and pin him again. Regaining his breath, Kiba wipes the tears from his eyes. Finally being able to look down at Kankuro, he looked mad. "Uh, babe look. You tickled me, and I tickled you back. We're even now, right?" Kankuro was nervous. He was afraid of what Kiba might say or do. "Look, we can go hang out like you wanted to. How about a movie night? That sounds like a great idea, don't you think?" Kankuro tried to wiggle free, but found that he couldn't move. Mainly because of the fact that Kiba had his claws out. Kiba sighed and looked at Kankuro with a playful, yet menacing death glare. "Even? We're even? You tickled one of my worst tickle spots! So now, we're not even. I think it's time I get even with you..." "No. Kiba, you wouldn't." "Oh, I would." "Kiba, wait. We can talk about this." "It's too late for that."
Without giving Kankuro another chance to speak, Kiba attacked Kankuro's worst spot: his tummy. Kankuro bucked and howled with laughter as he was forced to endure the tummy tickles from Kiba. "WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kiba ignored his pleading. He raised his shirt past his upper belly and clawed at his tummy, specifically around the edges of his belly button. Poor Kankuro only laughed and squirmed like a toddler receiving tickles from their parents. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! KIHIHIHIBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kankuro tried to cover his extremely ticklish tummy, but Kiba's hands were too fast and kept on moving to different parts of his tummy. Kankuro kicked, screamed, and squirmed viciously, but no matter what he did or how hard he tried, he couldn't get free or slow down the tickles. All he could do was lay there and take it.
"KIHIHIHIBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! I'M SOHOHOHOHOHORY! I'M SOHOHOHOHOHORY!" "How do I know you're not lying to me just so I can stop? And besides, you're adorable when you're being tickled. You're just my little tickle toy." Kankuro had now reached his limit. If he wanted Kiba to stop, he had to do it. He had to admit defeat. Kankuro hated admitting defeat against Kiba in their tickle fights. Usually it was Kiba who admitted defeat. But this time, if he wanted to live, he would have to swallow his pride, and a couple breaths of air, and admit his defeat. "UHUHUNCLE! UHUHUNCLE! I GIHIHIHIVE! I GIHIHIHIVE! MEHEHEHEHERCY!" Kiba could tell Kankuro was reaching his limit. And he felt bad about going on for this long. Well...kinda.
"Alright, fine. I'll stop. But...I have to do one more thing, my cute baby." Kankuro violently shook his head, knowing what Kiba was going to do, but couldn't say anything because of the tickling. Kiba took a long, deep breath, lowered his head, and gave Kankuro a giant raspberry. Kankuro absolutely lost his mind in that exact moment. "AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His laughter went silent in that moment, and that's when Kiba finally stopped. He got off of Kankuro and rubbed his back as he sat up and tried to steady his breathing. He even let Kankuro pet Akamaru to help him feel better.
After a few minutes, Kankuro could breathe again, but his goofy smile refused to leave. Kiba chuckled and grinned. "I see you had lots of fun there, baby." Kankuro pushed Kiba playfully. "Shut up. At least I wasn't the one crying in laughter." "You're the one who went into silent laughter." "You're the one who was extremely cute while being tickled like the little baby you are." Kankuro winked and pinched his face, making Kiba turn red in the face in embarrassment.
"All jokes aside, thank you, Kiba. I needed that break. A lot. I guess I shouldn't have been so focused on fixing Crow instead of you." Kiba placed a hand on Kankuro's back. "It's fine, babe. Honestly. I'm just glad you gave me attention and had fun." Kankuro smiled and gave him a huge hug, to which Kiba hugged back. After their big, they both looked at each other and kissed. They kissed for about a minute before breaking it and looking back at each other. "Oh, just one more thing." Kiba said before poking Kankuro's sides again. "Don't ever ignore me again." "Okahahay! I wohohon't!" Kiba stopped. Kankuro smiled at him.
"Can I get back to fixing Crow now? Please?" Kiba sat and thought about it for a bit. "Oh okay. I'll let you work on your toy now." Now it was Kankuro's turn to poke Kiba's sides. "Crow is not a toy. He's a friend." "Hahahaha! Okahahay! He's aha friehehehehend! A friehehehehend!" Kankuro stopped and giggled as he turned to work on fixing Crow. Kiba sat next to him and watched him for a while. Eventually, Kiba felt drowsy and fell asleep, leaning on Kankuro as he fell asleep. Kankuro looked at him and giggled as he reached for their blanket from the couch and wrapped it around them and Akamaru, who walked next to Kiba and started sleeping as well. As Kankuro finished wrapping the blanket around the three of them, Kankuro gave Kiba a kiss on his forehead. "I love you, Kankuro." Kiba said half asleep with a big smile. "I love you too, Kiba, you cute baby boy." Kankuro responded with his smile before turning to finish fixing Crow. After he was done, he would put Kiba to bed and cuddle with him for a bit. He deserved cuddles after today. And so did Kiba.
*Author's Note
I am a huge fan of this ship and will forever be here for it. I hope you loved this fic as much as I do. I think this is one of my favorite fics so far. If you want to see a headcannon for this ship or any other ship (from Naruto, My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, or Demon Slayer), my dms and asks are always open. I will respond as fast as I can. And don't be shy in asking. I don't judge and I'm willing to make friends.
That's all for now. Until next time,
❄️🔥Shoto-chann🔥❄️ out
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lluzionz · 3 years
𝗡𝗮𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗼𝘆𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗲 𝗳𝗹𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗯 (𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 1)
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Naruto is getting really jealous even if someone is looking at you for too long. So when the two of you were the two of you were in a club having fun and as you were dancing, a guy came up to you and started flirting with you, he couldn't hold himself.
Stormed towards the two of you, took you by the hand and dragged you away from the guy.
"What's up with you? Why did you drag me away, that guy was talking to me!" You said as he dragged you away. "I don't want other guys seeing what I'm seeing, aka your beautiful face!" He said as he turned to face you.
You pause for a moment and just stared at him. He was so sweet and loving and he always found a way to maake your heart melt.
After that, you couldn't resist as you leaned over and gave him as soft kiss on the lips. He immidiately wrapped his arms around you and kissed you back.
"I love you Y/N!" He whispered as he hid his red face on your neck. "I love you too Naruto!" You whispered back as you pulled him closer to you.
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Sasuke isn't the jealous type, like at all. But he is also a person and madly in love with you, so when he sees someone else flirting with you in the club, he gets jealous.
He came up to the two of you and put his arm around your waist, squeezing it a little. "So you met my girl huh?" He asked the guy that was flirting with you. "Beautiful , isn't she?" The guy didn't answer and just stared at Sasuke.
Sasuke then put his finger on your chin and made you look at him as he leaned over and kissed your lips slowly. He then pulled away and turned to look at the guy, leaving you a blushing mess.
The guy just stared at the two of you for a few moments, but then turned around and left.
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Same as Sasuke, he doesn't really get jealous but when he sees someone else flirting with you, he has to act.
So he came up behind you while you were talking to the other guy, out of politeness and just glared at him. The guy didn't seem to mind Shino at all, so he just continued talking and flirting with you, in front of your boyfriend.
Shino got really mad with this guy's behavior and he wanted to yell at him for flirting with you but he knew that this would make you upset, so he decided to do something else.
He came closer to you, hugged you from behind as he rested his chin on the top of your head. "Oh Shino, you came!" A smile appeared on your face as you ler yourself relax in your boyfriend's arms.
The guy that was flirting with you stopped talking as he realized that Shino was your boyfriend. He actually got scared of Shino and the way he was staring at him so he found and excuse to leave. "He finally got the message." Shino thought to himself as he kissed the top of your head.
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Kiba is definitely the jealous type but he tries really hard not to show it. Deep inside, he is insecure and he fears that you're gonna leave him if you find someone better than him. You tried to convince him that you were in love with him and that you wouldn't leave him for anyone, but it didn't help.
So when he saw a random guy flirting with you, he got really jealous. He stormed quickly towards the two of you. He was about to give the guy a piece of his mind but then he saw you laughing with something that the guy had said.
He felt his heart aching because he thought that he was the only one who could make you laugh like that. But here you were, laughing at another guy's jokes.
He immidiately turned around and was about to leave but your sweet voice calling his name, made him stop. He turned around to face you, but the only thing he felt was your body against his and your soft lips on his.
He didn't know what exactly went on but he definitely liked it. He wrapped his arms around you and you whispered in his ear. "I love you!"
He could feel his face heat up and a little smile made it's way to his face. "I love you too babe." He whispered back.
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This guy just can't get jealous. He knows that you are his and no one, I mean, no one can change that. Also he thinks that being jealous is a drag.
But one day, as the two of you were in the club, a guy suddenly came up to you and started flirting with you and you didn't seem to like it. So Shikamaru being the good boyfriend that he is, came to your rescue.
He put his arm around your waist amd pulled you closer to him. "Hey babe, I missed you so much!" He said as he started kissing and sucking at your neck.
The guy just looked at the two of you. He didn't know what to do or say so he just left without saying anything.
"S-Shikamaru stop. He left." You murmured, as a little moan escaped your lips. But Shikamaru didn't stop. He continued kissing you until you got hickeys on your neck.
"Now I'm done!" He grinned proudly as he looked at your marked neck.
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I can't see him as the jealous type, but when he's jealous it's better to be far away from him because he's gonna take it all out on you.
So when he sees another guy flirting with you, he came towards you and took you away from the guy without saying anything. You tried to ask him what was going on, but he didn't answer to you.
He dragged you away from the crowd and pinned you against a wall. Before you could do anything he pinned your hands above your head and kissed you passionately. He used his tongue to make the kiss deeper, while his body was pressed up against yours. He then started kissing your chin all the way to your neck. Little moans were escaping your mouth as he left marks all over your skin.
"You are mine and no one is allowed to even look at you!" He murmured as he kissed your neck. This made you go weak on the knees and you couldn't even stand up properly. "When I saw that guy flirting with you" he continued "I wanted so badly to come there and rip his eyes out for even daring to check you out!"
Just when you thought that you couldn't fall in love with him more, you found yourself falling even harder for him. He was just perfect and honestly, you were so happy that he was your boyfriend.
After a few more hickeys, Neji let go of your hands and wrapped his arm around your waist. His other hand found its way to your neck, rubbing it gently as he sucked and kissed your soft skin once again.
"N-Neji stop!" You moaned. "Why, are you scared that someone is gonna see us?" He pulled away and took a look at your blushed face. You nodded and he took a step back. He took your hand gently and lead you somewhere.
"Where are we going?" You asked him as the two of you walked away from the club. "To your house. We didn't finish what we started." Your face became tomato red but you didn't say anything.
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He can get jealous very easily but he has a fun way to show it. So when he saw somebody else flirting with you , he came up to the two of you and started flirting with you too.
Like the other guy said something about your eyes? Lee showered you with compliments about your beautiful eyes. The other guy said that you're beautiful or cute? Lee said that you're like a goddess or the cutest person on the earth. The other guy asked you to dance? Lee took your hand gently and slow dance with instead of him.
The other guy eventually walked away, because he couldn't handle the competition. Lee then pulled you closer to him and said in a low voice. "I won!"
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Gaara definitely isn't the jealous type but when he sees someone else flirting with you, other than him, he has to show them that you're his.
So he calmly walked towards the two of you and turned your face with his fingertips, making you turn your attention from the other guy to him.
He then placed his hands on your cheeks as he rubbed them with his thumbs. "Hey babe, I haven't seen you at all today. I missed you." He said as he left a soft kiss on the tip of your nose.
You could feel your cheeks becoming red as Gaara stared at you. You gave him a small smile as you wrapped your arms around him, giving him a big hug.
"Oh, so you missed me too!" He slightly teased you. He then turned to the other guy and glared at him, scaring him to death amd making him practically ran off.
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He is the jealous type and he just can't stand other guys flirting with you (which is a common thing).
The two of you were on a club date when suddenly, a guy came up to you and started flirting. Kankuro saw that and got mad but decided to do something else, other than yelling.
He came up to the guy, put his arm around the guy's shoulder and said something like "I see that you like this girl. Sorry for ruining this for you but she's already have a boyfriend. Me!" He pointed at himself as an ear-to-ear grin appeared on his face. The other guy's smile faded away from his face.
Kankuro then came up to you and placed his hands on your waist. "Now if you excuse me, I have to explore her beautiful body!" He winked. You blushed really hard, while the guy just stood there and stared at the both of you.
He then took your hand and lead you to the dance floor. The two of you started moving your bodies to the rhythm of the music, while Kankuro's hands were running across your body.
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6. Kiba lee and Shikamaru ler?
6. Cheer up tickle
The Nara's eyes just happened to glaze over towards the training grounds to be a dejected Kiba, sitting and leaning on a tree, lazily petting Akamaru.
He walked over, squatting down to be at his level. "Kiba? You alright?" He tapped his arm.
The dog-nin, gently nodded, not really wanting to look Shikamaru in the face.
"Yeah, I'm fine..."
Shikamaru let out a sigh. "C'mon, dude. I know you lost, but you can't let it affect you like this." This earned a low growl from Kiba.
"I don't wanna talk about it, alright!" He said with a grumble.
"Kiba..." Shikamaru grunted before rolling his eyes. "Look, I don't want to have to do this, but you're leaving me no choice man..."
Kiba suddenly shot a icy look towards the Nara. "Do what? You wanna fight or something?!"
Shikamaru said nothing, instead suddenly reaching out his arms and squeezing at Kiba's sides, which he needed to do a bit hard to make sure it was felt through his coat.
Kiba was taken completely by surprise, unable to stop the wide grin that began to form as he tried to push Shikamaru away.
"Hey! C-cut it out!"
The Nara let a out a cheeky side smile along with a chuckle. "If you won't snap out of it, I'l just do what Ino and Chouji do to me!" His hands squeezed up and down his sides, even as Kiba's hands tried to pull them away.
"Shi-shihikamaharu stop!" Kiba couldn't help but to giggle and snort; Akamaru jumping off of Kiba's lap and finding a secluded spot to nap, away from the ensuing chaos.
"Will you cheer the hell up? If not, then I won't." The Nara replied, managing to get his hands under the Inuzuka's coat and tickled hia stomach covered only by a mesh shirt underneath.
"GAHAHAA!! GEHET AWAHAHAY!!" Kiba let out with a higher pitch of laughter, trying to kick him away now. It annoyed him just ticklish he actually was.
"I'm actually surprised this is working so well..." Shikamaru mused aloud, to Kiba's growing embarrassment. "Maybe Naruto should've done this to you instead." He poked and circles around Kiba's belly button.
"SHIHIHIKAMARU IHI'M GOHONNA KIHIHILL YOU!" Kiba raged with a shriek as he rolled away from Shikamaru's clutches.
Standing up, the Nara put his habds in his pockets. "There. Are you good?"
Kiba, panting and glaring daggers at Shikamaru, shook his head and stood up, before giving him a defeated fanged smirk before punching Shikamaru's arm.
"You're a real ass, you know that?"
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Espaço aconchegante e boêmio promete conquistar Franca.
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Imagem pública da página de Facebook do ZAZ Coffe & Beer.
Todo bom francano que se preze deve reclamar exaustivamente que não há nada para se fazer na cidade, dos bares mais antigos às gourmetizações estamos cansados dos mesmos ambientes, mas esses dias estão contados se depender do ZAZ Coffe & Beer, empreendimento situado na Saldanha Marinho e que segundo sua página no Instagram “porque o dia só começa depois de um bom café e só termina depois de uma cerveja gelada”.
Não costumo ter grandes expectativas em relação a bares e cafés na cidade, mas o Zaz me surpreendeu e conquistou nos primeiros cinco minutos, principalmente pelo atendimento exemplar e simpatia difícil de se ver em estabelecimentos situados no centro. Existe algo de encantador em sua atmosfera boêmia e despreocupada em que um café pode se tornar uma cerveja, depois um drink e até uma garrafa de vinho ao som de sambas da velha escola, algo artístico e acessível. O tipo de lugar onde pode se levar um bom livro para ler à tarde, a namorada em noite de som ao vivo e os amigos no happy hour, quem sabe até sua sogra para fazer uma média. Talvez esse seja o segredo da versatilidade: um pub simples, despretensioso e aconchegante. Ah, e visualmente agradável!
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Imagem pública da página de Facebook do ZAZ Coffe & Beer.
Sem falar a música, tanto na discotecagem – que no geral eram sambas paulistanos – quanto no som ao vivo – com repertório popular, na noite de sábado comandado pelo músico Ruy Cunha - estavam impecáveis. O volume foi a sacada de mestre, provavelmente resultado de uma gestão que conhece a acústica do espaço e sabe o limite que o som pode alcançar sem interferir na socialização dos clientes, genial: a possibilidade de sentar-se, beber e conversar sem ter de gritar ou se irritar é impagável.
Mas a pergunta que não quer calar: É caro? Bem, é acessível e considerando todo o combo de qualidades já listadas é um preço mais que justo pela experiência.
Eu rasgo elogios, porque merecem.
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Morzão fazendo hang loose com nosso drink “Azul é a cor mais quente”, isso aí morzão kiba minhas fotos mais que ainda está pouco.
Depois do Zaz, não tem como reclamar da falta de opções na cidade, mas se ainda não estiver convencido e acredita estar meio cedo para um drink, passa lá e toma um café, come um pão de queijo. Ô coisa de francano né?!
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conexaosasusaku · 8 years
Entrevista de Kishimoto para Viz Weekly Shonen Jump
Kishimoto Masashi, autor de Naruto, concedeu este ano, na Jump Festa 2017, uma entrevista para a Weekly Shonen Jump. Na entrevista Kishimoto não cita Sasuke, ou Sarada, mas fala sobre Sakura e o seu envolvimento na relação entre Naruto e Hinata.
A tradução do trecho você confere abaixo.
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SJ: Você decidiu cedo que Naruto e Hinata iriam se casar, ou você considerou Naruto terminando com a Sakura?
Kishimoto Sensei: Quanto eu introduzi a Sakura, eu apenas a considerei como outro personagem. Eu não a introduzi para trazê-la como uma personagem feminina especial. Ela estava no mesmo nível que personagens como Kiba ou Shikamaru, então não havia nada definido em minha mente sobre a Sakura e o Naruto serem um casal. Obviamente, eles seriam amigos e companheiros de time. Quanto a Hinata, eu decidi bastante cedo que eles ficariam juntos. Então eu pensei que seria mais interessante se Sakura ficasse no meio, criando um triângulo amoroso confuso. Mas para ser honesto, não havia muito espaço e tempo para incluir coisas como essa de forma alguma. Naruto é um mangá de batalha, não uma história de amor. Você tem que decidir em que irá focar, o que você acha que os leitores gostariam de ler. Então eu nunca pensei em torná-los um casal, mas eu realmente coloquei algumas sugestões para que os leitores pensassem que sim. Desde cedo, tudo foi sobre Naruto e Hinata se casarem. Fonte: Viz Weekly Shonen Jump.
♚ Tradução ─ Lily.
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fromnaruto · 8 years
kiba inuzuka lockscreens please? tumblr mais a+ que existe
postei! espero que você goste, fiz de coração e muito obrigada pelo carinho, fiquei muito feliz ao ler (人^з^)♡
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Reviews Aps2# from Nyah!
Malfoy25/08/2013 às 18:17 • O Castigo de Hermione Granger!
Voce não vai acreditar, ou vá, eu não sei. Mas eu comecei a ler a primeira parte dessa fic, e estava amando e tal, porém, enquanto eu procurava por fics Dramiones acabei me deparando com a sua! A parte 2! E me senti a maior trouxa do mundo ao ler a sinopse! Fiquei morrendo de raiva por conseguir estragar a surpresa! Sem querer eu descobri quem ganha a aposta :P
Estou irritada, mas estou feliz por saber que a fic tem uma segunda parte! ♥
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: Ol? Malfoy, primeiramente desculpa por estragar a surpresa. Por causa disso estou dando um jeito na release das fics... que bom pelo menos que achou a continua??o! Espero que goste e continue acompanhando. Pois h? tamb?m a terceira e quarta parte estarei postando agora. Obrigada por escrever. Beijos ♥
Jé Malfoy20/09/2013 às 15:36 • O Castigo de Hermione Granger!
Oia eu aqui de novo
Viva sentiu minha falta?
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: kkkkkkkk claro que senti! Espero mais coment?rios agora xD Come?arei a postar a quarta parte desse "romance catastr?fico" agora hehe beijos
Carol Malfoy12/10/2013 às 12:12 • O Castigo de Hermione Granger! 
Angryyyyy, pelo amor de Deus, que ótimo que você postou!!!!!!! Estava esperando ansiosamente e só vi agora.
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: Pois? linda, eu demoro mas posto! Obrigada por ser paciente hehe. Postarei a quarta parte agora, espero que goste. Beijinhus!
Luiza Traverso14/10/2013 às 00:38 • O Castigo de Hermione Granger!
O que mais gostou no capítulo?
MUITO BOOOOOOM! Gritei quando li "seremos namorados" ahahaha ri mt, amei!
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: kkkkkkkk Draco ? muito persuasivo n?o acha? Fico feliz que tenha gostado! Beijos linda ♥
Kiba-Ino23/08/2013 às 18:33 • A Prisioneira da Serpente! 
só passei pra dizer q amo demais essa fic....
É uma das melhores que já li, sou apaixonado por esse casal e essa fic só fez firmar o amor que tenho por eles ainda mais....
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: Obrigada linda!!! Fico muito feliz em saber disso. Espero que goste dos novos capítulos. 100 Beijos!
Jé Malfoy20/09/2013 às 17:04 • A Prisioneira da Serpente! 
Cara rachei o bico
Eu já disse que vc é a melhor escritora do mundo?
Não? Vc é a melhor escritora do mundo!
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: kkkkk J? sua linda, boba, cruel sonserina, p??ra de me iludir por favor... me deixa ser humilde... n?o posso mais querer ser a melhor, que terei de competir com o mundo todo. Pra mim basta ser aquela que mais vai te fazer rir ou chorar, j? est? de bom tamanho... j? recomendou a fic? kkkk viu j? estou folgada. Beijinhoos linda!
Thay21/06/2015 às 23:10 • A Prisioneira da Serpente!
O que acha que precisa ser melhorado?essa parte da musica da xuxa não ficou legal, e por vezes a linguage chula não é cabível..... o livro é bom a proposta é boa, mas para ter ainda mais sucesso é bom ver esses pontos, principalmente oa palavrões..
O que mais gostou no capítulo?do lado do Draco querer mostrar - se diferente, afinal a visao dele para os fãs de harry potter não é boa..
A imagem do Draco e Hermione se encaixa tão bemmmm..
Resposta do Autor [Angy Black]: Ola Flor! Muito obrigada por sua review e suas críticas construtivas. Aprecio bastante. A primeira temporada eu escrevi em 2005 e admito não levava a escrita tão a serio, Aps aliás começou como uma pequena comedia.E acabava servindo de desabafo com muitos palavrões. eu nao podia imaginar que um dia me arrependeria disso kkk. Essa cena da aula de snape por exemplo, não entendo o que me fez escrever isso, que parece mais um devaneio sem sentido kkk. Eu editei muita coisa na fic durante os anos, mas porque muitas leitoras antigas gostam dessas cenas bizarras e chulas eu acabei decidido deixar a fic o mais original possivel... agora estou repensando isso kkk talvez fosse melhor mesmo reescrever alguns capítulos. enfim, obrigada pela crítica! ♥
Jé Malfoy20/09/2013 às 17:37 • O Presente de Pansy Parkinson 
Uhul toma pansy buldogue babento
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: Quem que ? menino? Eu n?o kkkk. Gostou da vingan?a pra Pansy n?.... danada kkkk
Jé Malfoy20/09/2013 às 18:26 • A Vingança da Mulher Gorda 
tive que ler a parte final no pc do meu irmão porqu a merda do meu celular apitou indicando que estava sem bateria... minha vontade foi de escalar o edificio mais alto e me jogar de lá
só não fiz isso porque não quero morrer antes de ler a saga completa
enfim rachei o bico com o malfoy  nervoso
e que quadro filho de um hipogrifo
enfim adorei
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: kkkkkkkkkkkk entendo bem o que ? isso. Meu note ? uma antiguidade... ja me abandonou varias vezes, mas ainda sobrevive... fico mt feliz que est? gostando da fic! xD beijinhus
Jé Malfoy20/09/2013 às 19:27 • A Mui Chique e Elegantíssima Sala da M
Own que fofooooooooooo
Eu amo dramione
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: Eu tamb?m, amo e odeio x) hehe
Jé Malfoy20/09/2013 às 20:47 • Tensão Para Matar! 
Amei a música
Não é do filme da mulan?
Enfim amei o soco da babenta tenho certeza que ela expôs a Hermione no profeta diário
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: Pois? ela mereceu hehe. Sim, a m?sica ? da Christina Aguilera : My Reflection ;**
Jé Malfoy20/09/2013 às 21:24 • O Problema do Amor É... – Parte 1 
Como sempre amei a música amei o Cap e amei a situação desesperadora de draco malfoy
Tadinho do bixinho gente
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: hoIAHOIhaoiHA eu tamb?m me realizo com os acessos de raiva deles, principalmente o Draco t?o lindo com raiva ^^ vem muito mais pora?...
Jé Malfoy20/09/2013 às 22:10 • O Problema do Amor É... – Parte 2 
Genteee vou entrar em estado pnico
Ela assumiu que ama draco malfoy
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: kkkkkkkk ela assume sempre, mas n?o aceita, nega... como eu disse, "perceber" "aceitar" e "fazer algo a respeito" s?o passos demasiadamente problematicos para a grifinoria kkk
Jé Malfoy20/09/2013 às 22:40 • Menininha!
Nossa doeu em mim
Coitada da mione ela sem saber cometeu a maior burrada da vida dela
Mandou embora quem realmente a amou
Se o Harry não tivesse visto ela chorar ele nunca teria "se tocado que a ama"
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: :( por favor continue a comentar!!! Adoro suas conclus?es hehe ;*
Natii Rose Black25/09/2014 às 06:09 • Menininha!
O que mais gostou no capítulo?Sua otaria
Resposta do Autor [Angy Black]: Quem eh a otaria? Eu ou a Hermione? haoihaiohaioha
Hermione Malfoy26/08/2013 às 15:28 • Uma Garota Que Não Tem Medo de Amar.
Como assim continua a não tem um proximo cap e  fic diz estar terminada?????revoltada aqui u.u seio msm faz isso não continua ai pfpfpfpf
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: Oi Hermione Malfoy, desculpa pela frustra??o e demora linda. Se tu for no meu perfil vai achar as continua?es da Fic "Apaixonada pela Serpente 2 " e "Apaixonada pela Serpente 3" e come?arei a postar agora "Apaixonada pela Serpente 4" te espero l?..... beijos linda
Liebe27/08/2013 às 12:26 • Uma Garota Que Não Tem Medo de Amar. 
Acho sua fic incrivel
o jeito divertido e envolvente,a personalidade dos personagens,tudo,adorei o modo que ele fez ela voltar,tomara que ele descubra logo,por favor
vc vai fazer qntas temporadas?
vou te seguir no twitter(c_imy só pra vc saber quem é)
amo o jeito que a Mi escreve,e morri de rir com o "ohhhhhhhhhhh" da mãe da mione,hsahhsahsahsa
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: Oi linda! fico muito feliz que tenha gostado da fic, e espero que continue acompanhando as pr?ximas temporadas e comentando, pois me motiva a escrever... eu acabo demorando por falta de tempo, mas n?o desistirei. Eu pretendia fazer 5 temporadas, mas agora estou tentando concluir todos os cap?tulos em Aps 4 pois toda a saga vai fazer 10 anos j? no ano que vem rs.... n?o quero enrolar mais at? o fim, apesar de que d?i mais cada vez que se aproxima do final.... Fico feliz que estar? me seguindo no Twitter, assim saber? quando atualizo. Pode me escrever quando quiser. muito obrigada pela palavras gentis. espero te ver nos proximos capitulos. Beijos
Khaleesi Dracarys29/08/2013 às 00:05 • Uma Garota Que Não Tem Medo de Amar. 
adorei as suas fics, li uma atras da outra e agora queria mais..
nao demora muito pra continuar com essa saga.. :)
bjs de portugal
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: Ol? Khaleesi! Nossa que emo??o uma leitora de Portugal! Fico t?o feliz com seu coment?rio! Espero que os pr?ximo capitulos continuem de seu gosto, come?arei a postar a quarta temporada agora, s? entrar no meu perfil que voc? acha. beijoss
Leh Kiraly30/08/2013 às 17:46 • Uma Garota Que Não Tem Medo de Amar. 
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh   quando vc vai postar o outro???
Eu estou apaixonada pela fic...  *-*
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: Oi linda! Fico feliz que tenha gostado da segunda parte. J? viu a terceira temporada? Os capitulos s?o muito mais recheados espero que goste. E hoje come?o a postar a quarta parte! Espero por seus coment?rios! *___* beijinhus
Srta Malfoy11/09/2013 às 14:12 • Uma Garota Que Não Tem Medo de Amar. 
puutz, acabou aqui, ou tem outra temporada?ueheu
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: Oii, l?gico que tem mais hehe. Se for no meu perfil vai achar "Apaixonada Pela Serpente 3" e come?arei a postar a quarta temporada hoje. Beijinhus te espero l?
Jé Malfoy21/09/2013 às 00:29 • Uma Garota Que Não Tem Medo de Amar. 
O draco está apaixonado pela mione e nem desconfia
Amei essa história
Daqui a pouco te escrevo la da 3 ok?
Resposta do Autor [Angy]: ? que o amor e o ?dio se confundem demais... e os jovens pouco entendem n?... vamos dar mais alguns cap?tulos de cr?dito para os dois. Eu espero descrever cada etapa dessa rela??o complexa rs. Come?o a postar a quarta parte hoje. Espero seus coment?rios. Beijosss
MaxonFeels02/05/2014 às 18:03 • Uma Garota Que Não Tem Medo de Amar. 
Simplesmente perfeito!!! Amo sua fic e com certeza vou ler aps3!!!!!!!!!!
Resposta do Autor [Angy Black]: Fico muito feliz que tenha gostado da fic! Espero que goste da terceira e quarta temporada também. Beijos. ;***
BlackWolf18/01/2015 às 18:41 • Uma Garota Que Não Tem Medo de Amar. 
Já pensou em ser escritora? Pq você escreve muito bem, meu Deus.
É apaixonante, e dá pra sentir tudo o q os personagens sentem, algo q até mesmo muitos escritores com obras publicadas não conseguem.
Resposta do Autor [Angy Black]: Dear BlackWolf , não sei como lhe agradeceu pela sua review breve e maravilhosa. Definitivamente o que qualquer jovem escritor deseja ler como review. Fico mt satisfeita e feliz de saber que consigo te levar lá, na raiz dos sentimentos como eu pretendo, nunca da pra ter certeza se foi sucedido realmente. E sim pretendo escrever outras coisas, quem sabe alguns livros no futuro... vc me leria? Espero que sim ♥
Lyanna Deschain03/07/2015 às 18:29 • Uma Garota Que Não Tem Medo de Amar. 
Na boa, como é que você consegue? ESSA FIC ESTÁ AINDA MELHOR DO QUE A PRIMEIRA!
Eu tô surtando aqui! Lendo que nem uma louca e quando vejo já acabou! Tão rápido... Porquê? Porquê?
Sério, parabéns é pouco ainda pra uma fic como essa. Com certeza, lerei a APS3!
Até lá!
Resposta do Autor [Angy Black]: Oi de novo! Obrigada por me escrever novamente! Tenha certeza que se a fic rendeu tantos capítulos foi por causa da motivação de vocês leitoras, minha única fonte de motivação mesmo, mas que me inspiram de forma tão intensa, a satisfação que sinto com as reviews faz todo esforço valer a pena. Fico muito feliz que essa temporada tenha te conquistado mais ainda, a idéia era cada temporada ter apenas 10 capitulos mesmo, mas na terceira temporada eu meio que perdi o controle haiohiaoh espero que goste ainda mais da continuação. ♥ ♥ ♥
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shoto-chann · 2 years
*I am now starting to write Naruto stories. But before I do, I have my own head cannons on how I think this will go down. Feel free to disagree, but this is my opinion and the way I see it.
Naruto Tickle Headcannons (Konoha 11 + Sasuke + Senseis + Sand Siblings):
-This man is the most ticklish person in the entire village
-He just can't control his actions when he's tickled, so unless he's pinned down or tied up, no one can blame him for any injuries or trips to the hospital
-One of the few who enjoy starting tickle fights
-His most ticklish spots are his belly and feet, but is practically ticklish everywhere
-What starts out as cute giggles at first turns into loud cackles as time passes
-He can't take teasing very well
-He has a secret spot on his ear that makes him squeal like Tonton (only Sasuke knows about this)
-Squirms and kicks a lot, so he needs to be held down in order to get him
-He's only ever tickled when he's being too annoying or he pulled off one of his pranks (especially on Sasuke and Sakura)
-Whenever he is a ler, he'll allow his lee to run away for a bit......only for him to use his Shadow Clones to catch them and tickle them
-Loves teasing his lee
-Raspberries are his speciality
-After he's done, he'll wait for a bit trying not to get attacked again, but also making sure his lee is okay
-Fun fact: Kiba and Hinata know what happens when they tickle Naruto's back
-Many people think that the great Sasuke Uchiha isn't ticklish
-Only a select few know the truth (thanks to a certain hyper knucklehead ninja)
-Sasuke isn't as ticklish as Naruto, but he's pretty close
-Unlike Naruto, however, he's not ticklish everywhere
-He's not ticklish on his knee area or his thighs
-He's the only person that can actually control how he laughs when he's tickled
-His laugh starts out with nothing more than giggles, slowly turning into a deep, belly laugh whenever he can't control his laugh anymore
-He can't take teasing very well because it reminds him of when Itachi used to tickle him when they were kids
-Squirms around quite a bit, and WILL kick anyone who isn't holding his legs down
-Swears a lot
-Whenever he becomes a ler, he shows his lee no mercy, immediately going in for their most ticklish spot
-Fortunately, he doesn't want to kill his lee, so he lowers the torture for a few minutes tickling his lee's lesser ticklish spots until he goes in for the kill again when he gets bored
-Whenever he is finished, he'll make sure the lee is okay, then walk away as if he just didn't tickle torture someone (but not without threatening them about tickling him again)
-This girl isn't insanely ticklish
-At most, she's about a 5/10
-But she is still ticklish, making it fun for Naruto and Kakashi to tickle her so she doesn't feel left out
-She is only ticklish on her sides, stomach, feet, and neck (her feet being the most ticklish spot)
-She squeals a lot when her neck is being tickled
-She can take teasing surprisingly well
-Doesn't squirm as much as her teammates
-Snorts every now and then
-Whenever she becomes a ler, she's a little ruthless
-She rarely ever teases her lee
-Spider tickles are her favorite to give to her lee
-Whenever she is finished torturing her lee, she'll make sure they're alive and walk away to avoid any more tickles
-You would think that someone like Kakashi wouldn't be ticklish
-Imagine Team 7's surprise when they found out that Kakashi was indeed ticklish
-He is a little embarrassed about it because the only ones who knew were Obito, Rin, and Minato
-Like Sakura, he isn't very ticklish (he's only ticklish in two spots)
-His underarms and hips seem to be the only places that get him to react in any sort of way
-It takes someone like Guy to hold him down and have him beg for mercy
-He can take teasing very well (unless his ler is Guy)
-His laugh starts out as loud cackles but eventually gets into a childish laugh with occasional giggles
-Doesn't squirm as much as his students
-But once he's a ler, his lees are all but done for
-He will slowly tickle his lee to get them to giggle and make them all red because slow tickles are unbearable
-He will make his lee wait for the big tickle attack he has coming, but he makes it so that it takes forever to come
-Sometimes he just quickly tickles his lee to make them think that he's getting serious, but he's just messing with them
-Sometimes he'll copy his lee's tactics on how they tickled him and tickle his lee the exact same way
-Once he's done tickling his lee to the point of passing out, he disappears, planning his next attack and expecting a tickle ambush
-This boy is the ultimate tickle partner to have
-One of the few who enjoy starting tickle fights
-He is almost as ticklish as Naruto, being just above Sasuke by a bit
-He doesn't get embarrassed when someone tickles him (unlike a certain teammate who gets flustered just by the word alone)
-Although, he can't take teasing very well
-His laugh is high pitched and sincere, making his ler laugh along too
-He's ticklish just about everywhere, but his underarms, palms, and knees are the most ticklish (his ler should remember not to tickle his underarms for too long, unless they plan on making Kiba wet himself)
-The only person he's afraid of being tickled by is Kurenai
-His feet aren't that ticklish because he is used to Akamaru's fur underneath his feet
-He has the cutest giggles when his neck is tickled
-He squirms a lot like a dog and tries to tickle his ler back (most of the time, unsuccessfully)
-Once he becomes a ler, he is ruthless
-He constantly teases his lee as he wrecks them
-He uses his teeth to nibble on his lee's spots to get them to a pile of giggles
-Akamaru sometimes helps Kiba tickle his victims as well
-His sharp nails make slow tickles even more unbearable
-He only attacks his victims most ticklish spot whenever he and Akamaru are going to finish
-When he's done, he asks his lee is they're okay, and let's them pet Akamaru cause he's a nice guy
-Fun fact: Sometimes Akamaru goes against Kiba and tickles him instead, turning the tables quite quickly
-This man isn't ticklish at all
-Kiba tried tickling Shino once, but quickly became disappointed when he found out that the guy wasn't ticklish
-At least, that's what everyone thought
-Hinata accidentally found out that Shino was ticklish while training with him
-She promised not to tell anyone about his secret (until Kiba forced it out of her)
-Kiba tried tickling Shino's back and was satisfied with the result of Shino screaming
-His back is the only place where he is ticklish, and Kiba takes full advantage of it whenever he wants to be annoying
-Shino can only tolerate tickling as long as it's with Team 8 and it's in private
-Whenever he can tolerate it, he can't take teasing at all
-He isn't really into the idea of tickling in general though, and he really prefers to stay away from it as much as he can, but sometimes he's dragged into it by either Kiba or Hinata
-Shino is a decent ler that can follow and have boundaries
-Doesn't tease his victims
-Will not tickle for too long (unless his teammates ask for it)
-Sometimes he'll cheat and use his bugs to help him tickle his victims (but ONLY on Kiba, as Hinata does not like it)
-When he's done, he'll ask if they're okay and ask them to not bother him with tickling again (knowing that Kiba isn't going to listen)
-This girl is too cute not to tickle
-She is a lot like Naruto, only minus the violent thrashing and kicking
-She is ticklish everywhere, her feet being the most ticklish
-Kiba likes to tickle her for fun because it's funny to see Hinata's reaction
-She can't take teasing very well
-She doesn't mind the idea of tickling, but she tries to stay away from it like Shino because she doesn't want Naruto to find out how terribly ticklish she is (something Kiba takes advantage of every time Naruto is around)
-Luckily because Naruto is so dense, he never found out (that is, until Kiba got impatient and told him because Naruto was too dense to figure it out on his own)
-Her laugh is adorable, and a lot like Sakura, a mix of giggles and squeals, with a hint of snorting and squeaking everything now and then
-Hinata will not become a ler unless Kiba or Naruto convince her
-Once she is a ler, she's gentle with her tickles, never going too rough with her tickles unless her lee really asks for it
-Unless her lee is Shino and Kiba
-With them, she's not the same Hinata she once was
-She will tickle Kiba and Shino without hesitation and with her Byakugan on to find their tickle spots and where they squeal the most
-She doesn't go for too long, though, and stops whenever her lee gets red in the face
-Once the tickling stops, she will make sure that her lee is fine and that they don't hate her for doing that
-This woman is a bit complicated
-She is one of those people who need to be caught off guard in order to tickle her (to date, Asuma is the only one who has been successful)
-Her laugh is a mix of giggles and squeals like her student Hinata
-She can take teasing surprisingly well
-Her most ticklish spot has to be her neck (that explains why she never let anyone touch it, especially Asuma)
-Once she's a ler, her victims had better hope that she's a nice ler
-Depending on who tickled her, how they tickled her, and how long they tickled her, she can either be a nice ler or an evil ler
-As a nice ler, she's gentle and quick with her tickles, blowing raspberries and teasing lightly as to not make them lose too much oxygen or get too red in the face
-As an evil ler, she's ruthless with her tickles, blowing raspberries, squeezing in some quick pokes and squeezes to her lee's most ticklish spot every now and then, and teasing every chance she gets, not really caring too much about how red their face is or if they need to use the restroom (and this is why Kiba is afraid of being tickled by Kurenai)
-Once she's done torturing her victims, she'll apologize IF she was the evil ler and will take her victims out to eat
-If she's done being the nice ler, she' won't apologize cause she knows that she didn't go overboard, but she'll still take her victims out to eat
Rock Lee
-Jeez, this kid just CANNOT catch a break
-Being just about on Kiba's level of ticklishness, he is almost always a victim to tickle fights
-Fortunately for him, he is one of the few of enjoy starting them before he becomes a victim
-His laugh sounds almost like Guy in a way
-He can't take teasing very well
-He's ticklish everywhere, but his forearms and knees have to be his weakest points
-Squirms like a fish out of water
-Sometimes kicks his ler if they're not careful (he can't control his actions sometimes)
-Once he's a ler, he shows almost no mercy and starts a tickle war with his victim
-He has observed Guy's way of tickling as well as Naruto's way
-He uses his speed to quickly tickle his victim and his strength to hold them down so that they can't escape
-Doesn't tease his victims because he doesn't know how
-He will squeeze his victims special spots sometimes just for fun
-When he's done, he'll ask if they're okay and apologize repeatedly for doing that (sometimes earning him extra tickles)
-This man is not ticklish at all
-I don't care what people say, you cannot convince me otherwise
-He finds it amusing how his ler tries to tickle him and quickly become disappointed
-Once they see his evil grin, they better run
-If they're unlucky enough to get caught, then they better hope that they live because NEJI HYUGA IS AN EVIL, EVIL LER
-He will tickle his victims nonstop until he's satisfied with what he gets
-Teases are a must for him
-Raspberries are only for those who must be punished (definitely not looking at Naruto, Hinata, Rock Lee, and Tenten)
-Once he's done, he'll have no regret of what just happened, but he'll make sure that his victims are okay
-This girl is just like Rock Lee in almost every way
-She can't take teasing very well
-She squirms a lot, but doesn't kick
-She is ticklish everywhere, but her stomach seems to be the death spot
-She rarely ever gets to be a ler because she's almost the main victim of tickling when it comes to Team 9
-Once she does become one, however, she likes to play dirty
-She can and will use her wide arsenal of weapons to trap her victims and tickle them regardless of their endless begging
-Not too fond of raspberries or teasing
-She will sometimes use her weapons kit to tickle as well
-Once she's done, she'll let her victims go and promise to not go easy on them next time
Might Guy
-Another person who isn't ticklish at all, but unlike Neji, he'll play along and act like he is to trick his "ler" into letting their guard down
-Once he turns the tables and reveals the truth, his victims better hope to live after Guy's done with them
-He does it all (raspberries, squeezing, poking, teasing, nibbling, etc)
-He won't tickle for too long, as he wants his victims to at least try and either escape or fight back
-Once he's finished, he'll make his victims alright by offering them a deal of some sort
-This one pretends to not be ticklish so he can avoid any tickling
-But his best friend Choji always ropes him into it somehow
-He's very ticklish everywhere (especially his belly) except his feet
-Will scream with laughter if he's tickled for too long
-He squirms a lot and tries to use his Shadow Possession Jutsu to escape, but fails every time
-He can't take teasing very well
-He snorts whenever his neck is tickled, and squeals when his back is tickled
-He also has a secret tickle spot that only Choji knows about and uses when Shikamaru either calls him fat (accidentally or not) or he's being too lazy
-Once he becomes a ler, he's the smartest ler that his victims will ever have
-It's as if he knows exactly where to tickle his lee
-He will tease and give raspberries, along with squeezing his lee's spots
-Otherwise, he will just use his Shadow Possession Jutsu to catch and tickle his lee if he's too lazy to actually use his hands
-Once he's satisfied, he'll release his lee and try to relax as if nothing had happened
-Fun fact: Shikamaru is cautious when using his Shadow Possession Jutsu as he knows that whatever happens to his victims caught in the jutsu, he's affected by it as well, so he tickles himself in order to tickle his victims because he can't feel it, but his victims sure can
-This big boned boy is quite ticklish, especially on his stomach and feet, which are his most ticklish spots
-He can't take teasing very well, but he can take it better than Shikamaru
-He is one of the few who enjoy starting tickle fights, even if he knows he can't win them
-It takes three people to hold this big boy down (or one Shikamaru)
-He has the cutest squeals and adorable squirm because he's careful not to crush or hurt anyone
-He always tries to curl up in a ball to reduce the tickling, but it doesn't really work
-Like Shikamaru, he has a secret tickle spot that only Shikamaru knows about (but Shikamaru only uses it when Choji is either being too much like Choji or he has to convince Choji to do something)
-Once he's a ler, Shikamaru will be praying for whoever is unfortunate enough to suffer the wrath of Choji
-Choji uses his weight to hold his lee down and tickle them
-He teases quite a bit and uses raspberries to really make his lee laugh
-He will laugh along with them because his lee's reaction is priceless
-Whenever he's finished, he'll make sure his victim is alright while eating chips
-This girl is pretty much Sakura, only her death spot is her neck
-Other than that, nothing else is different
-Asuma is very ticklish, because he spent a lot of time with Hiruzen and Konohamaru, and found out just how ticklish he is
-Shikamaru was the first person on Team 10 to find out, and promised not to tell the others if Asuma managed to beat him in Shogi
-Naturally, Asuma lost and now has to deal with Team 10 and their tickle attacks
-He snorts and squirms a lot
-He's not ticklish on his feet, knees, or sides, but he's ticklish everywhere else (his underarms are his death spot)
-He can take teasing very well
-Kurenai loves to tickle Asuma's belly button because he has that deep belly laugh and he tries so hard to escape
-Team 10 quickly realized that they need to think about ever tickling Asuma sensei after he became a ler
-Like Guy, he does it all (raspberries, squeezing, poking, teasing, nibbling, etc)
-Like Kakashi, he copies whatever his ler did to him
-Like Kurenai, he has two ler sides: a nice ler and an evil ler (both of which are exactly the same as Kurenai's)
-When he's done, he'll always give his lee a hug and offer something to them
-Tickling was introduced to him by Naruto and Temari, and ever since then he's been attacked with tickles
-He can't take teasing very well
-He's not as ticklish as one would hope, but he's decently ticklish
-He's ticklish on his belly, feet, underarms, sides, and knee area
-He squeals a lot and squirms a lot
-His laugh sounds almost child-like
-He actually had to be taught how to tickle by Naruto and Temari, something that he is thankful for cause now he can get them whenever he wishes
-He does not tease his lee, nor does he give them raspberries
-Rough tickles are his thing
-Can and will use his sand to expose his lee's spots more
-Once he's done, he'll apologize and walk away
-Oh boy, we've got another good one
-This boy is just about on Shikamaru's level, if not a little lower than that
-He has the cutest smile when he laughs
-His laugh is adorable and his snorts are even more adorable
-He is only comfortable being tickled by his siblings and Kiba (anyone else who tries will get sent to the infirmary)
-Temari and Kiba love taking advantage of this every time they hang out
-He's ticklish everywhere but his neck, and his belly is the most ticklish
-He doesn't really squirm that much, as he sort of enjoys being tickled
-One time, though, he accidentally punched Temari because he really needed to use the restroom and she wouldn't stop tickling his belly
-Once he becomes a ler, he become a fun ler
-He makes sure his lee is having as much fun as he is
-Spider tickles and nibbles are his speciality
-Once he's done he'll always give his lee a hug
-She's not tickled that often (with the exception of Shikamaru and Kankuro)
-She doesn't like her laugh when she's tickled, as it's high pitched and squeaky
-She squirms violently to get her let away from her
-She's not ticklish on her feet and stomach, and her death spot is her neck
-She's an evil ler once she becomes one
-Nonstop tickles and teasing
-Vibrating hands to make tickles more unbearable
-Whispering and blowing into the lee's ears to send more tickles
-When she's done she'll admit she had fun and plan her next tickle attack on her next victim
Here's the list of characters from most ticklish to least:
Rock Lee/Tenten
Might Guy/Neji
If you have any questions or requests, let me know, and I hope you enjoy my first Naruto story.
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Loving this blog! Any tickle stats for Kiba?
Each spot rated 1-10 for ticklishness
Stomach: 7
Sides: 9
Ribs: 8
Neck: 3
Underarms: 9
Thighs: 7
Knees: 5
Feet: 8
Their attitude towards tickling (Lee/Ler/Switch)
He's a tickle fighter, probably leaning .ore towards a ler then lee. With those nails and his high energy, he's a tough one to crack.
80% ler / 20% lee
Who their tickle rival(s) is/are
Naruto. He's probably the only one that can match his energy. Their fights last a long time.
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Naruto (Shippuden or Kid is fine either way) Tickle spots?
Each spot rated 1-10 for ticklishness
Stomach: 8
Ribs: 8
Sides: 8
Neck: 8
Underarms: 7
Thighs: 4
Knees: 5
Feet: 9
Their attitude towards tickling (Lee/Ler/Switch)
Definitely a switch. He’s a fighter at heart, so tickle fighting is right up his alley. He’ll love dishing it, but taking it he’ll buckle just a bit. He is pretty ticklish.
100% Switch
Who their tickle rival(s) is/are
Sasuke (obvs), Kiba (they could go for a pretty long time), and Hinata (to which he’ll give Hinata chance after chance to tickle him back).
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What are Hinatas tickle stats!
Each spot rated 1-10 for ticklishness
Stomach: 10
Ribs: 9
Sides: 9
Neck: 8
Underarms: 10
Thighs: 9
Knees: 10
Feet: 10
Their attitude towards tickling (Lee/Ler/Switch)
The poor girl is a Lee. Like almost 100% of the time. She can't stop herself from being tickled. She's too adorable.
99% Lee / 1% Ler
Who their tickle rival(s) is/are:
Hard to have "rivals" if you're just getting wrecked by tickles lol.
But Kiba, Naruto, and Sakura do a lot of tickling on poor Hinata.
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