duckymcdoorknob · 11 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 8: 𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓱
My lil dude whom I adore with my whole heart.
Oh look Naruto’s there too!
No I’m kidding I’d sell my soul to meet either of them.
Tags: @chrimsss @sleepysheepytea (I know you’re a Naruto fan, so I thought you might enjoy this!!) @tickletr-ash @ticklish-n-stuff @giggly-squiggily
—This do have tickles below the cut ngl—
As much as Naruto loved his friends, boy did they show up at the worst times. He WAS planning on spending his day off doing something incredibly important, mind you. Okay- fine, he was going to spend the day sleeping and eating, but that’s equally as important as anything else his friends have planned.
Though, the impromptu visits did make him feel loved. How far he’s come… younger him couldn’t even begin to fathom a life like this.
So, when he heard the ecstatic knocking at his door, a smile crept onto his features. He perked through the peephole and was delighted to see all of his friends.
“Hey, guys I was actually-“
“NARUTOOOOOOO!” Lee cheered, “We have come to see you on our day off! It is important to keep your youth healthy and abundant!”
The blonde ninja sighed. “My youth is perfectly abundant… I think?”
The group chuckled a bit. All of them removed their shoes and sprawled out on any and all furniture in the boy’s tiny apartment. Lee kicked his feet with a smile as he lay on his stomach to feed Akamaru little crackers, with Choji attempting to swipe them from him.
“Let’s play a game!” Kiba chirped.
“A game? What kind of game?” Neji inquired, eyes closed as Shikamaru carefully untangled his messy hair
“Oooh, how about truth or dare?” Choji asked with a Cheshire grin.
“What are we, twelve?” Shikamaru grumbled.
“Fine then, Shikamaru. We can-“
All eyes turned to the blonde, causing him to blink rapidly a few times. “I-I want to play. I’ve never… uh.”
The boys looked upon him with confusion.
“You’ve never played truth or dare before?” Shino asked in disbelief.
Naruto stared back at them as if they were all morons, lifting his tee shirt to reveal the seal that adorned his stomach.
A collective “ohhh” filled the room.
“So yeah, I think I wanna play.”
“Sure, man!” Kiba cheered. “Everyone come sit in a circle!”
All of the shinobi obey and are soon sat criss-crossed in a circle. Eyes dart around the group as they try to decide who will ask first.
Shikamaru finally sighed and spoke up. “Choji, you asked to play. You first.”
“Alright! Hmmm…” the red-haired boy looked around. He locked eyes with… “Neji, truth or dare?”
“Mmm, truth,” the Hyuga replied.
“Booooring- okay, fine. Do you have a crush on any of the girls?”
He opened his mouth to answer, but quickly closed it with a scoff. “O-Of course not. That’s-“
“Why the stutter, pretty boy?” Kiba teased.
“Yeah, Neji. You lie like a rug,” Shikamaru quipped as he squeezed the latter’s shoulders.
“Alright fine!” he cleared his throat. “I will say that… erm… I find Tenten to be rather alluring.”
A chorus of “ohhhh!”s filled the tiny apartment as they all chuckled and teased the Byakugan user.
“Ooooh! I must tell Guy-Sensei, he would be-“
“One word out of you, and I will sew your lips shut!”
“Don’t cross me, Lee!”
Amidst the chaos between the two teammates, the game continued. Kiba had to stand on his hands for a minute, Shino revealed a secret love for literature, Sai ate a spoonful of fridge jungle juice, aka whatever condiments they could find mixed with milk; and Shikamaru revealed a slight crush on Temari.
Finally it was Naruto’s turn.
“Alright, Naruto. Truth or dare?”
Oh man, tough choice…
“Mmm, truth! I pick truth!”
“Okay, uhh… let’s see.” A sudden flash of malice appeared in Shikamaru’s eyes. “Where are you most ticklish?”
Just like earlier, all eyes fell onto him. He shifted nervously as he tried to think of an answer.
“I- um… w-well, that’s- uh…”
“You can tell us. We won’t use it against you or anything,” the shadow user replied with a patient, but curious, smile.
“Well… I actually don’t… know?”
They stared at him, bug-eyed. Was he serious? There’s no way that he didn’t know… How could he not?
Realization appeared across the Nara’s features. “You’ve never been tickled before?”
“I-I didn’t say that-“
“But it’s true, isn’t it?”
“I- um…” A pink hue appeared on the boy’s ears. “I mean other than this one time that Pervy Sage did…”
“Alright, come here.” Shikamaru patted the spot in front of him. “Let’s find out.”
Was this guy serious?! Why so bold?? Should he just accept the-
“If you don’t come over, I’m gonna have to have Kiba take matters into his own hands, then we learn the hard way.”
Naruto’s eyes darted over to Kiba, who was already staring back at him with a menacing smile.
“Nopenopenopenope-“ The blonde ran from the circle, dodging around furniture, and eventually getting stuck in a corner.
“Come on, Naruto. Don’t make me do this the hard way. It’ll be easier for both of us if you just come to me.”
“Waaaaah! I want to but- NGH-“ In an instant the boy fell paralyzed, his arms holding themselves above his head. “Oh you bi- HYEAHA!”
Kiba smiled as he tweaked at the blonde’s hips. “Ohh, he’s ticklish alright!”
“Kihihibahaha! Wahahahait!” The jinchuriki whined.
“No wait! I’m curious! Let’s try here, I bet you’re ticklish here!” He mused as he skittered his fingers over Naruto’s stomach
“Hold on? But you’re so ticklish here! Is it because of your mark?” The brunette chirped.
The fanged boy’s eyes lit up as he had just snuck his hand under the blonde’s shirt to squeeze at his stomach. “Ohoho! It is the mark! Awww! That’s so cute!”
“Are you sure? Maaan some kind of endurance you have. What kind of ninja are you?”
“We gotta tell master Jiraiya about this, maybe he can help you.”
The teasing and the tickles in his worst spot were far too much… “OKAHAHAHAY! OKAHAHAHAY! YOHOHOHOU MAHAHADE YOHOHOUR POHOHOHOINT! STAHAHAHAPPIHIHIT!”
The Inuzuka boy smiled as he moved to gently scratch under Naruto’s arms. “Oh man, that is like so freaking cool. I never knew that your mark could affect you so much!”
The blonde closed his eyes and laughed helplessly, feeling vulnerable in front of the group, while also feeling the safest that he has in a while. “Kihihibahaha, stahahap teheheasihihing.”
Neji, being as perceptive as he is, noticed a small detail… “Ah… I forgot you too can feel what he’s feeling.”
The Nara boy was standing completely still, limbs vibrating as he bit his lip. “N-Nothing wo-worth mENtionihihihing.”
“Oye, Kiba! Don’t move spots, looks like we found Shikamaru’s tickle spot too.” Choji chimed as he looked upon his teammate evilly.
Welp… someone had to make the sacrifice. It’s not like he wasn’t expecting retaliation from it.
Let’s just hope he has more stamina than Naruto did…
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sisthatsthetea · 2 years
Naruto Team 7/Team Kakashi Tickle HC
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AN: I've seen all of Naruto and up to season 3 of Shippuden so just keep that in mind if I don't have all my Naruto facts right. Also I wanted to throw Sai and Kakashi into this one as a bonus since these boys don't get enough love in the tk community so thats why there are in there too lol
and also...
- 50% lee + 50% ler
- So like canonically this silly boy is tklish and has been tkled a bit through the show
- So like I hc that most of his friends already know his spots and when he’s being annoying they poke his side and are like “stop or I’ll keep going”
- And the poor dumb boy is just ignores the warning which ends in him getting wrecked
- His spots are his sides, his underarms, his neck, his little face whiskers, and his hips
- Normally tkled by Sakura, Iruka, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Sasuke, and anyone else he happens to piss off from time to time
- His laugh is really breathy and giggly too so at first people would always tickle him a little bit then let him go bc they think he’s had enough
- But ofc Naruto has almost infinite energy so this would lead to…
- As a ler Naruto is ruthless
- Like if he needs to he’ll cheat and use shadow clones to help tickle his lee
- Naruto is def a rougher tickler, he likes to really dig into the lees spots
- Also he dosent rlly know how to tease but he does it by accident all the time
- “Gosh you’re so ticklish!”
- “You should smile like this all the time!”
- “You’re laugh is so silly it makes me want to laugh!”
- Like bro stfu you’re ticklish too
- Normally targets Sasuke, Sakura, Gaara, Konohamaru, and sometimes Hinata
- 70% lee + 30% ler
- My mans is ticklish af
- So like when he was little I’m sure Itachi probably tkled him a lot before he had the whole killing spree
- So Sasuke knows he’s ticklish but never told anyone bc he was embarrassed abt it
- He sees tickling as a weakness so he never took part in it until he was put on Team 7
- Like he would see Sakura tickle Nartuo sometimes and so he would do it too
- Poor baby didn’t know what he was getting into
- And ofc Nars would go for revenge tickles so then they all found out Sasuke was tklish
- Normally tkled by Sakura, Naruto, Kakashi, Kiiba, and Shino
- His spots are his knees, back, under arms, sides, and his abs
- As a ler he would start off shy then get more sadistic
- Like he would tickle Naruto and at first just stay straight faced but slowly he would start to smile with him
- Big teaser
- “You’d think a shinobi wouldn’t be taken down like this”
- “I wonder what would happen if anyone else found out about this… I don’t think you would last a day without being tickled like this”
- “This is so embarrassing for you huh? Would it be better if I had someone else help me wreck you next time?”
- “Sorry you’re laughing too much for me to understand you!”
- Likes to pin down his lees
- Can and will use Sharigan to find his lee’s spots
- Tickle fights with Naruto are a normal occurrence
- Targets Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi if Naruto and Sakura help him
- 50% lee 50% ler
- Averagely tklish
- Squeaky laugh
- Like a mouse
- She finds it a bit embarrassing
- Tickled by Naruto if she’s having a bad day or if she just need cheering up
- Sometimes Sasuke helps if she is feels especially upset
- Her spots are her sides, her back, her neck, and her ears
- When she was a kid Ino took advantage of her ticklishness by poking her every time she went to go pick up a flower
- As a ler Sakura is normally really soft and sweet
- That is of course if you aren’t on her bad side
- She saves her ruthless ler skills for a specific energetic blond teammate of hers
- With most everyone else she skitters and spiders her finger lightly over her lees spots
- (She’ll also throw in a few pokes here and there)
- Doesn't normally tease but if she does it's always soft and sweet
- "I love hearing you laugh!"
- "You're doing do well!"
- Targets Naruto, (sometimes) Sasuke, Ino, and anyone else who might be having a bit of a bad day
- 70% ler 30% lee
- Not very tklish but he has a few spots that get him laughing
- Tklish ears, neck, and knees 100%
- The first to find out was Naruto (by accident ofc)
- He isn't tkled often but when he is his laugh is quiet and deep
- As a ler though you should run
- Can and will use his paint brushes to tickle his lees
- Loves painting on his lees too
- If he invites you to be a canvas for him DONT GO
- or do
- 80% ler 20% lee
- Big big ler
- He'll tk his students if they are having a hard day or get back from a hard mission and need to relax
- Nars is normally his victim lol
- Like if everyone is bickering he'll ask Naruto to come up to him. then he like pins him down and tkls him
- The whole time he just keeps talking about missions and normal stuff while giving Sasuke and Sakura this look thats like "loosen up or you're next"
- He tries to go easy on them when it comes to teasing but if he needs to knock Naruto or Sasuke down a level he won't hold back
- They know he means it all in good fun though and he always makes sure to stop when his students have had enough
- Most people don't try to tickle Kakashi cause they fear his wrath
- Though there is one person who isn't scared
- Might Guy will tickle Kakashi after he loses to him if he feels sour about it or just if he thinks Kakashi needs a laugh
- Casual pokes to Kakashi while he's talking or reading is very common
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okeutocalma · 1 year
My omega by rent - 01.
— Boas notícias. — Meu pai anunciou, entrando em meu escritório como se ainda fosse o dono dele. O Alpha mais velho havia reduzido consideravelmente seu tempo de trabalho pois estavam em viagem e naqueles dias. Era para ele aproveitar a viagem com mamãe mas está aqui.
Velhos hábitos custam a morrer, especialmente quando você é um bilionário que criou um vasto império corporativo do nada.
— Pai. Você se lembrou da importância de bater antes de entrar em uma sala? — Eu ofereci, deixando de lado os relatórios de conformidade que eu estava lendo antes da interrupção.
— Não. — Ele disse categoricamente. O loiro largou um tipo de arquivo na minha mesa, sorrindo da mesma forma que sempre fazia quando estava prestes a abrir um presente que ganhava de minha mãe. — Lembra-se da Hinata Hyuuga?
Bem, esse era um nome que eu não ouvia há bastante tempo. Era difícil esquecer quando eu conheci os Hyuuga a maior parte da minha vida.
 Um relacionamento de família, pais amigos, desses relacionamentos era mais tumultuado do que os outros, e sempre que pensava em Neji, o garoto tímido e meio desajeitado que sempre comia sozinho e sentava no fundo da classe.
— Sim. — Eu disse, limpando minha garganta quando percebi que meu pai estava me olhando daquele jeito. Aquele que toda a minha família estava me dando desde o meu primeiro heat.  — Eles são parceiros da empresa, vendem eletrônicos para fora do país, por muito tempo foram inimigos da mamãe. 
— Não mais. — Disse ele com orgulho.
— O que aconteceu? Eles vão à falência ou algo assim? Ou simplesmente a dona Kushina morreu para parar com o ódio do velho Hyuuga? — Eu perguntei, abrindo o envelope que ele jogou na minha mesa, começando a ler o conteúdo, eu senti tudo parar e o ar escapar de meus pulmões ao ler tudo.
Contrato de casamento,eu Minato Uzumaki assino esse contrato dando a mão de meu filho Naruto Uzumaki, um Alpha lúpus a Hinata Hyuuga.
Eu, Hiashi Hyuuga assino esse contrato, dando a mão de minha filha Hinata Hyuuga, uma ômega a Naruto Uzumaki.
Sinto um suor frio escorrendo sobre minha testa,eu dei uns dias de férias pro meu pai e é assim que ele me retribui?!
Com um contrato de casamento?!
O olho o fuzilando,o mais velho etava com um sorriso de orelha a orelha como se tivesse acabado de me dar um dos melhores presentes.
—Eu não vou me casar com a Hinata Hyuuga! — Afirmo me levanto da minha cadeira sentindo uma raiva desvomunal,eu nunca havia chegado a confrontar meu pai em suas escolhas,mas dessa vez ele passou demais de seu limite!
— Isso não é uma escolha Naruto. Não pode viver pra sempre nessa putaria, você deve se casar,é tradicional da família e você ja está passando seu cio com a Hyuuga a dois anos,quando pretendia assumi-la?_
Ele estava com uma expressão de desprezo em seu rosto seguido de um rosnado,eu odiava quando ele me olhava assim.
— Eu não quero me casar.Eu não posso me casar! — Afirmo batendo na mesa deixando minha presença escapar propositalmente
— Me dê um bom motivo para não poder se casar.VOCÊ É UM UZUMAKI.DEVERIA APRENDER A ASSUMIR SUAS RESPON…
— EU JÁ TENHO UM ÔMEGA! — Rosno alto cortando sua fala,vendo seus olhos se arregalarem.
ACOMPANHEI O PASSO RÁPIDO de Shikamaru, recusando-me a deixar que minha
mente se preocupasse com as possibilidades. 
Mantive a cabeça erguida, meu desprezo por aqueles ao meu redor nítido em meu rosto. Na verdade, não era fingimento, pois odiava praticamente todo mundo ali, dos cortesãos
e criados dos Hyuuga até os senhores bretões menores sem força moral, que não mostraram resistência quando ele tomou o castelo de sua duquesa para si mesmo.
 Lacaios covardes e bajuladores, todos eles. O Nara fez uma pausa pouco antes de entrar no grande salão, esperou que um pequeno grupo de vassalos passasse, e então os seguiu para dentro, minimizando as chances de que nossa entrada fosse percebida.
Dentro do salão, criados silenciosos corriam de um lado para outro, carregando jarros de vinho, atiçando o fogo, tentando antecipar todas as necessidades antes que pudessem ser repreendidos ou castigados por não
atendê-las com rapidez suficiente. 
Havia pequenos grupos de pessoas espalhados por todo o salão conversando furtivamente entre si. Sem dúvida, já haviam sido informados de que o contrato de Hiashi com meu pai.
A única pessoa no salão que não tinha o bom senso de se envolver em cautela era o idiota do Kiba. 
— Onde está Hinata Hyuuga? — Perguntei em um tom sério usando minha voz de Alpha, fazendo todos ali se tremerem de menos Shikamaru que já estava acostumado.
— Estou aqui Naru~ 
Um rosnado escapou de meus lábios e ecoou por todo salão silencioso, eu me virei para dar de cara com a ômega peituda que não usava quase nenhuma roupa.
— Pra você é Kurama. — Eu vi ela se encolher e um gemido choroso escapar dos lábios pintados de vermelho, apenas me deu nojo. — Que porra de contrato é aquele?! Faça seu pai terminar com aquilo Hinata!
— NÃO! — O grito dela fez meus ouvidos quase sangrarem, eu olhei para ela e a mesma estava com os olhos lacrimejando.
— Não? 
— Não! E-eu fiz meu pai começar com esse contrato! Eu fiz ele perturbar o relâmpago amarelo atrás deste contrato, e como você está na época de arrumar um casamento e só vive na balada, seu pai aceitou rapidamente!
Eu rosnei em desgosto e raiva e ao ver um brilho vermelho refletindo nos olhos perolados, eu percebi que meu lobo estava querendo assumir o controle.
Antes que algo pior pudesse acontecer, que minha vontade era literalmente avançar e rasgar a cara daquela puta, eu senti Shikamaru me puxar para trás e segurar minha nuca com força.
— Shikamaru! Me larga.
— Calado Kurama, você não está bem e se mata-la agora na frente destes criados seu nome e sua influência vai cair na lama,querendo ou não essa vadia é importante.
Rosno em resposta sentindo meu sangue fervendo.Eu odiava quando aquele Alpha estava certo,e opior é que isso acontecia frequentemente… Shikamaru eu confiava minha vida de olhos fechados e deixava a empresa nas mãos dele sem me preocupar.
— Vamos embora Kurama. — Ele falou soltando minha nuca e uma última vez eu olhei para a Hyuuga que tinha um sorriso vitorioso, eu iria arrancar esse sorrisinho da cara dela, de um jeito ou de outro.
Eu soltei um rosnado e saí do local, seguindo Shikamaru, o Alpha que a todo momento me olhava para ter certeza que eu não iria avançar na Hyuuga.
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shoto-chann · 2 years
There's been a change in plans. Here's the new list of fics I plan on working on:
My Hero Academia: Lee! Ojiro and Ler! Hunter
Demon Slayer: Lee! Muichiro and Ler! Tanjiro
Demon Slayer: Lee! Muichiro & Giyuu and Ler! Rengoku & Mitsuri
Naruto: Lee! Choji and Ler! Shikamaru
I'm good for about 3-4 more ideas for fics. Also, do you guys want a proper introduction of myself?
That's all for now. Until next time,
❄️🔥 shoto-chann 🔥❄️ out
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tickle-page · 2 years
“Tickle and ladders!”
🎃Tickletober day 4- games🎃
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Lee: Inojin
Ler(s): Boruto, Shikadai, Mitsuki, Iwabae, Denki, and brief Metal Lee.
Using this post👇
Inojin dosen’t know why he agreed to this, but he did. He had his arms strapped above him, stretched out w/ tape, while his legs are eagle spread straight out w/ tape. He was very vulnerable, but smthing deep down inside of him peeked his interest. Almost as if there is some sort of excitement building up inside of him.
What had happened was that Boruto had invited the boys to go camping with him, but they had their own little side bar, excluding out Inojin. Which means that they all planned out on what was gonna happen that night w/o Inojin’s knowledge bc they wanted it to be a “surprise” towards the blonde one. Shikadai being Shikamaru’s son obviously thought it was a drag to go w/ them, but he thought it would be a little fun to see his friend shriek, so he joined in as well.
They got to their camping trip, and set up their tents. Iwabae went to go get sticks for the fire, while the others was clearing the ground to put logs down and use them as chairs.
Hours went by and it started to get dark, so Shikadai helped them start a fire. They roasted their marshmallows, while telling Ghost stories.
Then the fun began. Ofc, everyone knows how insanely ticklish Inojin is, but the boys, his friends, knows how much he loves being tickled. It’s just the affection and a reason to laugh like an idiot that gets him so excited abt tickling. But the actions their abt to commit, has to be consensual or it wouldn’t be fun to them, and they just want Inojin to be comfortable while being tickled, they don’t want him to hate it.
“Hey, Inojin?” Boruto broke the silence, getting his friend’s attention.
“Mhm?” He had stuffed his mouth full with his s’more, finishing it so it wouldn’t melt in his hands.
“Do u want to play a game?”
“*cough*,” Inojin choked on his last bite of his s’more. He swallowed it, then looked up with furrow eyebrows and melted chocolate running down the side of his mouth. “What… kind of game?”
“It’s nothing in particular,” actually it is, “me, Shikadai, Iwabae, Metal, and Mitsuki, all made it up before we got here.”
Inojin has a hunch of what “game” it is bc they always like to either, poke his side, prod his thighs, or scribble his ribs. And it would happen atleast once a day by all of his guy firends. So it could be abt tickling, but he still wanted to ask what game it is.
“It’s a tickling game.” Boruto read his mind like he has telekinesis.
There it was, “it’s a tickling game” struck some part of him, down deep in his body. He doesn’t know if he should be worried, anxious, or excited that out of everyone here, they chose him to get tickled.
“Uhm…. Can-Can u explain… t-the rules?”
“Sure!” Boruto shot up eagerly, w/ a wide smile from ear to ear. Honestly, he was a little too excited to tickle his best friend. “So basically we have a dice, right? This dice has 6 sides, and what number the ler roles, is a minute of tickling.”
‘A minute? A… MINUTE?! I can’t even last 30 seconds, let alone 6 whole minutes! Maybe God would make me lucky and I’ll only get one minute each role, it’s a big leap, but worth a shot… right?’
Boruto continued to say the rules, “Then, we each have one body part per person. We put all of ur sensitive spots, which was everywhere, but we will only pull 6 parts because there’s only 6 lers here. Maybe u’ll get lucky and no one would pull ur extremely ticklish spot, only time will tell, yh? But here’s the catch, in order for u to not break free from our grasp, do we have permission to tape u down to the ground?”
‘I can’t believe he just casually asks me that! “Can we tie u down?” LIKE WTF?! I never been tied down while being tickled before, so I don’t know how I’ll react. Guess that’s y they asked me before they actually did it. I’m kinda eager to play this game ngl, so I guess I’ll give it a shot.’
“Sure, just stop when the timer gets done, got it?”
“Scouts honner,” Boruto put his hand on his chest, making a promise. “And only the person who roles the dice and body part, will do the tickling and/or teasing if they’re down for it. So let’s get started.” He pulled the tape out of his jacket pocket and taped the ponytailed boy to the ground.
His heart was racing, his chest was pounding, his breathing was dying down. He was a mess, and just by being tied up. He knows they’ll untie him if he says so, he just doesn’t want to get up yet.
“Ok, youngest goes first.” Boruto said
“Damn it, I’m last.” Iwabae cried.
“My birthday is, March 27,” Boruto.
“My birthday is, September 23,” Shikadai.
“My birthday is, October 20,” Safari didn’t say when Metal Lee’s birthday is, so I guessed.
“My birthday is, January 10,” It also didn’t tell me Denki’s birthday.
“My parent said my birthday was July 25,” Mitsuki.
They all looked at him perplexed, but didn’t care too much abt it. “Ok… So it goes Denki, me, Mitsuki, Shikadai, Metal, and Iwabae. Here Denki, u roll.” Boruto gave him the dice and the hat.
“I got 6!”
‘Damnit! And on the first try too! Things are not looking good for me.’
“I also got the neck,” Denki crawled over to Inojin’s twitchy head, and he pulled it back so he can reach all over his neck without him scrunching up.
“Oh God!” The blonde Lee cried out.
“Dw Inojin, I’ll go real slow so u can remember this moment.”
Boruto set the timer on his phone, “And… go!”
Denki swiped one finger up and down his front neck, lightly tickling his Adams apple.
The latter won’t give up that easily, though. It’ll take a lot for him to laugh out loud when his neck is being tickled. He scrunched up his face, and had his mouth puffed out like he was holding in a bubble like those elementary kids do in hallways, not to mention his face was beet red, and he had tears pricking the corners of his eyes due to him holding back his laugh.
“Oh? U won’t laugh? That just won’t do, now will it? I want to hear u beg for mercy.” For someone who is scared to stick up for himself, he knows how to tease ppl in the worst right way possible. He picked up his head and rapidly squeezed the back of his neck.
“AH!! Ahahhahahahahaha, no! Nohohohot there!! Plehehehehehease!!”
“Oh, I see now. The back of ur neck is way more ticklish than the front. I’m gonna put this to good use. Look how red ur neck and face is alr getting, and I’m just squeezing the back of this vulnerable area.”
“NOHOHOHOHO!!! Dohohohohon’t tease me, Dehehehehnki!”
“So ur weak to teases? Can u be any more cute?”
“5…4…3…2…1…” Boruto started to countdown, indicating how much time he had left to tickle the shit out of their best friend, then he finally stopped the timer. “0! Alr Denki, it’s my turn~”
The smart guy slowly put down the panting lee’s head, as to not hurt him, giving him enough time to breathe. “Let’s see, I rolled a… 4! And so got the body part: Knees!”
‘Knees? Knees?! Oh my god, when am I gonna get my least ticklish spot, like my palms, or my thighs?! I wish I never agreed to do this.’
Boruto sat on his thighs, facing his knees w/ his back towards the Lee in question. “U ready~?”
“No-“ he was cut off by the yellow haired ninja squeezing hard on his delicate joints. “AHAHAHAH!!! NOHOHOHO GOING EASY FIHIHIHIRST?!”
“Now why would I go easy on a ticklish person like yourself. These knees are itching for me to have my wiggly fingers dancing all over them. They want me to knead and scratch the delicate divots, and work my way up to where ur knees meet ur thighs, then back down, and to the back of them as well.” Holy shit, did Boruto… like… practice on how to tickle tease someone? Bc he’s doing a rlly good job for someone who doesn’t participate it degrading others.
“We’ll, my dad would always tickle me, while my mom would always tease me, so I kinda learn from the best.”
“GASP! Did u just say a naughty word?~” Boruto slowed down his kneading to Inojin’s divots on both sides of his knees.
This gave him enough time to take back in all the air that was taken out of him, “Ahahahhaha… w-what?”
“Well, naughty boys gets punished.” He decided to scratch and claw all around the boy’s under knees, making sure not to leave any space untickled. “U need to learn ur lesson, Inojin. Do u kids ur mother w/ that mouth?”
“Well, ur not going to anymore, once I get done w/ u. U’ll be a walking deflated balloon. Ur gonna remember the time ur best friend tickled u senseless. Ur gonna remember the time, u actually enjoyed this playful touch.”
“In, 3…2…1…” Denki counted down, stopping the timer at 0. “Ok Boruto, it’s Mitsuki’s turn next.”
Boruto got off of his thighs, laughing while we was walking back to his post. “Curse u Bor-Boruto…”
“U won’t be saying that for long once I get my tickle starved finger back on those sensitive knees.”
“Ok, I rolled a… 4, and I got the… ribs.” Mitsuki walked over to him, placing himself onto the lee’s stomach. “I’m not hurting u, am I?”
“No, not at all.”
“Ok, good. Boruto? When does my time start?”
And as soon as the yellow haired ninja said that, the snake ninja dove into his blonde’s ribcage. He isn’t a talkative ler though, he rather focus on making the lee squeal.
“Eek! Mmm…Ke- Pfft- *huff*” Inojin tried w/ all his power to keep the laughs contained.
Once Mitsuki figured out what he was doing, he decided to cheat, well according to the artistic ninja he did. He used his electric shocks to zap the latter just enough for it to tickle not hurt.
“NAHAHAHHASH!!!! UR CHEHEHHEHEHEATING U CAHAHAHAHN’T USE UR JUTSU!!” If somebody wasn’t sitting on his tomach, he would’ve arched his back like the Noah’s ark.
“Well, we didn’t state any rules abt NOT using our Justu’s.” Boruto snickered in his hand.
“I’ll use more bolts to the electric shocks, if u think I’m being mean.”
“Ok, Mitsuki ur time ends in, 6…5…4…3…2…1…” and Boruto ended the timer when it got to 0. “Next is, Shikadai.”
“Ugh, what a drag.” The strategic ninja scratched the back of his neck, and bent down to pick up the dice and hat. He rolled the dice and got a 3, he drew out of the hat and got the thigh.
‘Oh, thank god it’s my thigh! That’s like my least ticklish spot on my body, still ticklish though, but way less ticklish.’
“Ok Shikadai ur timer starts… NOW!” Boruto started the timer at 3 minutes.
Shikadai wasn’t in know hurry to make the younger one laugh, but he still bent down and started to squeeze his inner thigh.
“Kr- Pfft-mmmm…” He wiggled in place out of reflexes.
“Are u rlly not ticklish here?” Shikadai questioned while he scratched the latter’s bare inner thigh.
“Nhohot really, no.” Inojin giggled, but then relaxed bc it felt good more than tickled.
“Hey, Boruto can’t u stop my time? He’s not ticklish here, and I kinda don’t wanna waste my free day trying to tickle someone who isn’t ticklish on their thighs.”
“Uh, sure, so I guess it’s Metal’s turn?” Boruto stopped the timer, and the strategic ninja walked back to where he was originally sitting.
‘Ok, take deep breaths Metal, remember what papa, taught u.’ He walked over to pick up the dice and hat. “I rolled a… 5. And I got the… feet?”
‘Oh no, anything but the feet, please!’
The dad look alike bent down to the blonde’s strapped ankle, taking off his socks and shoes. ‘U got this Metal Lee, there is only 6 ppl staring at u, nothing to be worried about.’
“Ok, ur time starts… Now!” Boruto started the timer at 5 minutes.
It was Metal Lee’s cue to start scratching the latter’s bare soles. “HA!!! How do u like this?! And this?! And this?! U like ur soles being tickled, huh?”
“HAHAHAHH!!! NO I DOHOHOHON’T! STHAHHAHAP IT!!! PLEASE!” InoLee started to violently writher around, even if his limbs are bound to the ground.
“Don’t lie. We all know u crave this excitement. U like it when I hold ur toes back and slowly search up and down these sensitive soles u have~”
“I DOHOHOHOHON’T!! I REALLY DON’T!!! STOHOHOHOHOP IT!” It looked like his ankles was gonna break depending on how much he’s jumping and twitching.
“Awww, come on, I didn’t even get to the main coarse yet… Let’s see if these piggies are willing to be my breakfast. This little piggy went to the market,” Metal wiggled Inojin’s big toe, then held it back and scratched the part where his toe met his foot.
“This little piggy stayed home,” he wiggled the latter’s index toe, held it back and gave him a little scratch at the same place he did w/ his big toe. “This little piggy had roast beef,” he did the same thing prior to the other two toes. “This little piggy had non,” he did the same thing to his ring toe that he did w/ his other three toes. “And this little piggy went,” Metal Lee wiggled his pinky toe, “wee wee wee,” he held his toe back and scratch everywhere around his last toe, “allll, the way, home.” Then Metal Ler sat on Inojin’s ankles and held all of his toes back with his left hand and scratched rlly hard on his bare soles. It didn’t hurt Ofc, just madly tickled like hell.
“Ok Metal, ur time’s up. Now, last but not least is-“
Boruto was cut off by Iwabae yelling, “ME!” He went to go pick up the dice and hat, and got 1 and the Navel. “I got 1…?” He cried.
“Iwabae, ur time starts…”
“I only have one minute, let’s make this one count. FOR THE BOYS!!!”
“Now!” Boruto started the timer at 1 minute.
The older ninja sat on the lee’s waist, lifting his shirt up, and just destroying the inside of his navel. He scratched the walls, drilled deep into the hollow, and gave him a few raspberries to put on top.
“NAHAH—— *Snort* ST *snort* STOP IHIHHIHT!!! *wheeze*.”
“Are u insane?! I have 30 seconds left! I’m not stopping for the world.” He scratched the wall again, and circling around his belly button before dipping it back in the hollow circle.
“IHIHIHI… CHAHAHAHAN’T BR-…” Inojin’s voice went silent. His head was pounding, he was crying, his breathing was fast, but all of the sudden, it would randomly slow down.
“Umm… Iwabae? I think ur actually killing him, u only have 10 seconds left, u should stop.” Boruto mentioned so his bsf wouldn’t actually die from being tickled.
“Yh, I guess ur right…” Iwabae got off of him and Boruto, Metal Lee, Shikadai, and Denki took off the tape that was now metaphorically suffocating his limbs.
“*panting*, thanks guys…”
“For what? Ticking u? Or stopping?” Iwabae laughed.
“For stopping!”
“Ur welcome, now go inside the tent u need sleep.”
“I- can’t feel my legs, I’ll just sleep here for tonight.” Inojin cradled himself, but was later lifted up by the older one, and gently placed down on his sleeping bag.
“Good night, Inojin,” they all whispered as to not wake up the resting Koala.
A/n: I don’t even wanna proof read this, so hopefully it makes sense.
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babyanneh · 3 years
Narusaku - Habits of my heart.
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Você acredita em historias com finais felizes? Uma estória de amor ou uma estória de horror? Caros leitores, te convido a se aventurar nesse mundo obscuro com toques doces da excitação do fascínio, um mundo onde tudo deve seguir a crença vã da perfeição, ou em outras palavras, a ilusão do ramo da música. Será que o amor de um mero casal conseguirá superar as grandes dificuldades que estão por vir? Eu lhes apresento o renegado cantor J-pop atraente com tudo para ser considerado o semideus perfeito: Uzumaki Naruto. Porém o que se esconde por trás de toda essa beleza? Talvez, seja possível, para esse vocalista lírico, amar e aprender a desfrutar das premissas que a vida está a lhe oferecer? Que lições de vida este terá que aprender? Já no outro lado, aqui temos Haruno Sakura, uma recém-formada universitária, depois de batalhar por seu diploma de ciências contábeis, conseguiu arrumar um emprego na JK-HITS, no entanto, o que não contava era se apaixonar por Naruto, que talvez seja seu próprio anjo ou como também destinará a sua própria perdição? Desde já, lhes pergunto: o que vai ser? A excelência dessa heroína irá salvar o nosso personagem ou eventualmente o transformará em alguém de mal a pior?
Capitulo 01: Infinity.
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“As vezes
O pedido de desculpa
Não vem
Quando se espera
E quando vem
Não é esperado
Nem necessário
-você chegou atrasado.”
Os lábios permaneciam intactos, e suas palavras haviam morrido dentro do estômago. Os médios lábios grossos e carnudos formaram um ‘o’ de espanto.
Enquanto, os longos dedos femininos foram até aqueles olhos azuis, para enxugar o resto que tinha ficado das lágrimas.
Uma gota de suor escorreu em sua testa.  Uma lágrima escorreu de seus olhos. O rapaz sem hesitar, com toda tutela pegou a braçada de peônias e checou se as pétalas estavam abertas exalando a doce fragrância. Ainda mais, suas pétalas são tão finas que pareciam de papel de seda colorido.
Engolindo nervosismo, o rapaz retirou a mão da garota de seu rosto. Imediatamente, ele entregou o ramalhete de peônias para a ela.
- Naruto, eu não posso aceitar. – Sakura expressou reprovação, ao olhar para flores.
- Por favor, me perdoe. – Ele continuou segurando o buque de flores e esperou que a mesma pegasse. – Pegue essas peônias, elas são para você.
- Não. - Ela recuou dando passo longe, e virou ás costas e seguiu seu caminho puxando a sua mala consigo indo em direção ao setor de imigração.
Naruto sentiu seu coração quebrar em vários pedaços, mas mesmo assim, ele sabia que precisava conquistar a confiança de sua amada outra vez. Afinal, ela tinha o direito ser fria, porque no fim das contas quem pagou o preço pelos erros dele foi ela e não ele.
Além disso, um de seus guarda costa permanecia vigilante para que nenhuma fã cometesse um ato insano, como tinha sido na última vez, graças a esse ocorrido a empresa reforçou a segurança com todos integrantes do grupo ou seja todos agora tem uma “baba” por perto.
De súbito, o jovem dos cabelos loiros, começar a andar em passos rápidos, ele sabia aquela talvez aquela seria sua última chance. Só que um de seus guarda costas notou que aquela seria uma atitude muito imprudente.
- Senhor, porque não deixa essa moça em paz? - O homenzarrão puxou o braço de Naruto com força impedindo o de prosseguir caminho.
- Isso é um contra fato, que eu não posso responder agora. - Ele falou num tom áspero e puxou seu braço de volta e se pós novamente a correr.
Eu estava errado...
A verdade é que... eu só estava com muito medo.
Mas... fui eu quem te afastou.
Nesse meio tempo, ele começou a fazer uma auto avaliação de suas atitudes. E nessa avaliação, sua mente trouxe átona todas lembranças das últimas semanas atrás.
Alguns dias atrás:
Na sala de dança todos estavam cansados. Depois de um longo dia de treino, passando quase oito horas de ensaio. Todos estavam sentados descansando.
- Olá meninos! – Sakura fez uma breve mensura a todos. – O chefe de vocês pediu para eu entregar os documentos de suma importância.
- Você é um pé no saco. – Naruto se colocou de costas para moça dos olhos esmeralda e fez sinal com dedo para que ela saísse.
- Naruto, olhe para mim. – A garota pediu com lágrimas nos olhos insistindo para que o mesmo pudesse lhe dar uma oportunidade dela explicar-se.
- CAI FORA! EU NÃO QUERO TE VER DE NOVO! – Uzumaki se virou e gritou com toda fúria.
-  Eu até pensei que tinha feito algo de errado... você é muito cruel Uzumaki Naruto. - uma grande dor se espalhou no coração. Os integrantes do grupo que estavam na sala observavam a briga toda.
- Rapazes, o relatório do aproveitamento mensal de vocês estão prontos. Peço que deem uma olhada e se tiver faltando alguma coisa me avisem. - Haruno permaneceu quieta e sem reação, e olhando para baixo, entregou a pilha de documentos para Neji. - Até mais tarde. - Ela acenou com cabeça, e foi até a porta indo embora.
Sasuke que estava perto, pegou a pilha de documentos da mão de Neji e deixou no criado mudo. E colocou mão no ombro de Naruto, o chamando para conversa.
- Sabe cara, ela nunca te traiu.
- Mas o que você sabe? -  Ele murmurou colocando cabeça entre as mãos.
- Como você pode acreditar nesse rumores sobre ela?! E depois de tudo que vocês tiveram... você vai deixar ela ir? - Sasuke fez uma expressão de reprovação, e esperou que suas palavras fizessem efeito. Mas sem sucesso.
Shikamaru se aproximou e deu um tapa na cabeça de Naruto fazendo o mesmo reagir com raiva, a ponto de querer devolver o tapa com um soco. Mas seu amigo segurou sua mão impedindo o de fazer aquilo.
- SEU TOLO! - Shikamaru gritou novamente fazendo o Uzumaki ficar ainda mais confuso. - Porque você tratou ela daquele jeito? Fui eu que pedi para ela vir aqui!
- Então foi-
Konohamaru segurou o braço de Naruto para que ele não fizesse nenhuma loucura.
- Cara, é melhor você escutar. – Sasuke fazia de tudo para acalmar o amigo.
- Na verdade, eu insisti para que ela viesse aqui, para que você mesmo escutasse a verdade da boca dela de que aqueles malditos rumores eram falsos. - Shikamaru olhou para o amigo e sentiu peso da culpa em suas costas, como por consequência de sua ideia a Haruno saiu mais ferida do que já estava.
- Me soltem. – O rapaz dos olhos azuis pediu em um tom mais calmo.
Outrossim, os dois jovens assim o fizeram.
- Brother, desculpe pelo tapa.
-Tudo bem.
Logo depois, o jovem foi embora sem dar satisfação a ninguém. E chegando no dormitório, fechou a porta com raiva e se deixou apoiar contra o batente da porta, até sentar no chão, e ficou olhando para nada.
“(...) E depois de tudo que vocês tiveram... você vai deixar ela ir?”
“(...) Para que você mesmo escutasse a verdade da boca dela de que aqueles malditos rumores eram falsos.”
Não apenas se sentia confuso como também sentiu se perdido, naqueles pensamentos.
De repente, várias lembranças reapareceram instantaneamente.
A primeira troca de sorrisos que ambos deram um ao outro, e a primeira vez onde virá ela dançando desajeitadamente na pista de dança.
E depois, as primeiras carícias.
E por fim o primeiro sabor.
Ele passou os dedos nos lábios relembrando  aquele primeiro sabor e sem se dar conta ele acabou se afogando naquele mar de recordações.
Logo após passar meia hora correndo, finalmente conseguiu chegar no setor de desembarque. Naruto viu Sakura sentada lendo alguns papeis.
- Ei! - Ele se aproximou dela cautelosamente. - Você esqueceu de pegar isso aqui.
Ele tentou chamar atenção dela, mas a mesma nem ligou para sua presença.
- Vai me ignorar?
A garota continuou tentando manter a concentração no papel, mas os seus esforços tinha sido em vão. Ele sabia que ela estava fingindo ler o maldito papel.
Serio... eu não gosto disso!
Ele respirou fundo e fechou os olhos por um momento para aliviar as batidas de seu coração que estava descompensada. A atmosfera começou ficar pesada, com uma energia quase impalpável.
Antes que pudesse, dizer mais alguma coisa, a Haruno sentiu uma grande mão puxando seu pulso.  Uma energia percorreu sua espinha e arrepios deliciosos começaram a passear em sua pele.
Por algum, motivo ela tentou negar os toques. Mas foi inútil e ficou estática parada. Ela sentiu a respiração quente em seu pescoço e logo depois a língua que explorava toda região de seu pescoço.
Naruto ficou parado por alguns instantes, como se estivesse testando a mesma.
- Naruto... não. – Sakura pediu entre gemidos arfantes.
Quando Naruto acariciou seu rosto, a respiração dela ficou curta, e sua mão apertou sua cintura.
- Eu quero que sua boca me toque inteiramente. – O Uzumaki sussurrou, fazendo eco no ouvido de Sakura.
Logo quando o doce perfume, delicado e exótico invadiu as narinas do Uzumaki, o mesmo perdeu todo seu juízo, isso o deixou totalmente desconcertado.
- Naruto, me solta! - Ela gritou entre soluços. - Eu não quero isso.
O jovem Uzumaki nem deu ouvidos ao pedido Haruno e continuou deixando sua mão se aventurar sensualmente pela curva da cintura feminina, enquanto seu tórax grudou contra o peito dela, a imobilizando de fazer algum movimento.
E segurando sua nuca para ter maior controle da situação, ele deixou sua outra mão percorrer a parte baixa de suas costas, até onde começar a bunda. Com uma lentidão diabólica, ele começou a distribuir beijos pelo seu pescoço novamente só que na parte mais delicada.
- Quantas saudades eu tinha desse cheiro...- Naruto grunhiu de leve.
Subitamente, Naruto toma os lábios de Sakura com uma intensidade, como se fosse devorar ela inteira. Já ela entreabriu os lábios para acolher a língua de seu parceiro.
Foda-se o bom senso! Faz tanto tempo, que estou privado desses tipos de sensações!
Quando as mãos femininas acariciaram o peitoral de Naruto e puxou sua camisa, o mesmo acabou soltando um gemido.
Eu não passo de um corpo fervendo, impaciente, suplicante.
Finalmente, depois de alguns minutos enquanto ambos continuavam os beijos, a garota de olhos esmeralda ainda estava ofegante e procurou por um espaço e moveu seu rosto para o lado impendido, que Naruto continuasse o beijo.
Assim ambos conseguem recuperar o equilíbrio e separam imediatamente.
- Eu te deixei molhadinha? - Naruto esboçou um sorriso pervertido.
- Depois de tudo que aconteceu, você acha que pode vir aqui e me agarrar como se eu fosse um objeto? – Sakura mostrou zanga no tom da voz.
Por um momento eu me pergunto se esse momento quente não passa de um fruto da minha imaginação.
- Claro que não! – O Uzumaki falou desesperado e apertou os ombros da garota sacudindo a. – Eu só quero sentir sua pele outra vez.
- Naruto, eu não sou igual a suas ex namoradas. -  Sakura falou e se afastou o mais rápido possível.
“(...)Você é muito cruel Uzumaki Naruto!”
- Então você vai negar que nunca sentiu nada por mim?
A Haruno parou de caminhar e ficou em choque.
- Quem vai te amar? Se não for eu? - Naruto apertou os punhos e rangeu os dentes.
Sakura continuo parada por um momento, mas voltou a prosseguir seu caminho.
Subitamente, ela não teve cautela suficiente, porque mais a sua frente estava uma escada reta com estrutura de granito preto.
- Ei Cuidado-
Entretanto, já era tarde demais, para avisar, porque a última coisa que Haruno pode sentir foi seu corpo cair dez lances da escada. Antes que tudo ficasse preto seus pensamentos disseram as tais palavras:
“Me perdoe Naruto.”
Notas da escritora:
Olá quem leu até aqui, acesse o link abaixo para ler os outros capitulos! :)
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jujubys-2000 · 4 years
Hoje resolvi tomar café enquanto falo um pouco do amor da minha vida, se estou bem embriagado? Só se for do amor que sinto por ela, ela é incrivelmente linda e perfeita, maravilhosa.. Quando ela surta, mano ela fica incrível... Mais maravilhosa que o normal. O amor pra mim era lenda, até ele vim em forma de uma garota, que mudou minha vida e meus pensamentos. Garota não tem dúvidas você é o amor da minha vida! Minha mãe um dia disse:"você ainda vai ter o coração fisgado" mas eu nunca levei a sério, e olha aonde estamos... Cá estou eu escrevendo um texto que provavelmente você não vai ler, é possível alguém despertar sua ansiedade e a mesma ser a calmaria? Caralho nunca pensei que tremeria tanto só de pensar em um nome. Você é a mulher da minha vida temari, ou melhor Monique. Nunca quis lutar tanto por alguém como quero lutar por você, por nosso amor, por isso sabe? Esse sentimento Bom que só vem depois de ver esse sorriso perfeito e incrível que você tem.
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Lembra do jiraya? Eu nunca fui muito interessado nesse personagem só no shikamaru mesmo, mas quando percebi que receberia áudios seu, com aquela voz, com aquela gargalhada gostosa que amo ouvir, que inclusive tenho vontade de colocar em um pen drive só pra mim ouvir sempre, e mesmo que um dia você chegue a ir embora eu ainda terei o som a sua voz. Mulher você tem um efeito único sobre mim, só você desperta o melhor de mim, por você eu seria o melhor sempre. Eu te amo tanto que as vezes é falta ar, eu tenho certeza que nem se eu usasse todas as palavras do mundo pra dizer o quanto te amo não descreveria ao certo oq sinto por ti.
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6. Kiba lee and Shikamaru ler?
6. Cheer up tickle
The Nara's eyes just happened to glaze over towards the training grounds to be a dejected Kiba, sitting and leaning on a tree, lazily petting Akamaru.
He walked over, squatting down to be at his level. "Kiba? You alright?" He tapped his arm.
The dog-nin, gently nodded, not really wanting to look Shikamaru in the face.
"Yeah, I'm fine..."
Shikamaru let out a sigh. "C'mon, dude. I know you lost, but you can't let it affect you like this." This earned a low growl from Kiba.
"I don't wanna talk about it, alright!" He said with a grumble.
"Kiba..." Shikamaru grunted before rolling his eyes. "Look, I don't want to have to do this, but you're leaving me no choice man..."
Kiba suddenly shot a icy look towards the Nara. "Do what? You wanna fight or something?!"
Shikamaru said nothing, instead suddenly reaching out his arms and squeezing at Kiba's sides, which he needed to do a bit hard to make sure it was felt through his coat.
Kiba was taken completely by surprise, unable to stop the wide grin that began to form as he tried to push Shikamaru away.
"Hey! C-cut it out!"
The Nara let a out a cheeky side smile along with a chuckle. "If you won't snap out of it, I'l just do what Ino and Chouji do to me!" His hands squeezed up and down his sides, even as Kiba's hands tried to pull them away.
"Shi-shihikamaharu stop!" Kiba couldn't help but to giggle and snort; Akamaru jumping off of Kiba's lap and finding a secluded spot to nap, away from the ensuing chaos.
"Will you cheer the hell up? If not, then I won't." The Nara replied, managing to get his hands under the Inuzuka's coat and tickled hia stomach covered only by a mesh shirt underneath.
"GAHAHAA!! GEHET AWAHAHAY!!" Kiba let out with a higher pitch of laughter, trying to kick him away now. It annoyed him just ticklish he actually was.
"I'm actually surprised this is working so well..." Shikamaru mused aloud, to Kiba's growing embarrassment. "Maybe Naruto should've done this to you instead." He poked and circles around Kiba's belly button.
"SHIHIHIKAMARU IHI'M GOHONNA KIHIHILL YOU!" Kiba raged with a shriek as he rolled away from Shikamaru's clutches.
Standing up, the Nara put his habds in his pockets. "There. Are you good?"
Kiba, panting and glaring daggers at Shikamaru, shook his head and stood up, before giving him a defeated fanged smirk before punching Shikamaru's arm.
"You're a real ass, you know that?"
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treze-maneiras · 4 years
A guerra se aproxima e eu só penso nela! - ShikaSaku
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Sinopse: Sakura, é uma médica que acaba de entrar no exército por ser a única alternativa de emprego em uma época em que a guerra se aproxima. Shikamaru é o capitão do Exército que está de luto por perder sua noiva em uma missão, o último lugar em ele quer estar é aquele lugar repleto de memorias com sua noiva falecida, ou seja, seu trabalho. Sakura é uma mulher disciplinada que apesar de não gostar do trabalho se esforça muito, Shikamaru é alguém que não quer saber de lutar ou negociar, tratando seu trabalho com um estorvo desnecessário. O amor entre Shikamaru e Sakura não é algo esperado por ninguém.
Clique aqui para ler a Fanfic.
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anxiiss · 5 years
4,12,30 :)
probably my sides
like being back hugged and someone attacking you seems cute
12. dkdndmdkx there are too many but recently its been
robin from stranger things,all these steve x robin fics with ler robin kILL ME
cedric diggory bc of that stupid post and dream i had
and shikamaru from naruto but specifically shippuden shikamaru bc he hits different
30. literally everything, mostly my reactions/laugh and being close to someone since im so unused to it and because im so unused to it AND have sensory issues im v hypersensitive
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
——🎃 𝓓𝓾𝓬𝓴𝔂’𝓼 𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 🎃——
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Happy October, everyone! I finally decided to take on a monthly challenge after three years of blogging. I hope you enjoy! >:)
I used the lovely @august-anon ‘s prompts, and I can’t wait to get to work :)
Lers names are listed first, Lees second, with fandom listed in red italics.
Naturally, days that are bolded and in red, I will be skipping. Those prompts aren’t in my wheelhouse, and that’s okay!
Sound off in the comments for any days that you would like to be tagged in! Kisses!
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☠︎︎ 𝘼𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙥𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: Itto and Aether / 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡
☠︎︎ 𝘼𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙡: Doug and Kirill / 𝐷𝑜𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑟
☠︎︎ 𝘾𝙪𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙨: Shadow and Miya / 𝑆𝑘8 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦
☠︎︎ 𝙒𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙎𝙥𝙤𝙩: Magna and Luck / 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟
☠︎︎ 𝙄’𝙢 𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙏𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝: Leorio and Killua / 𝐻𝑥𝐻
☠︎︎ 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙚: Rengoku and Tanjiro / 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑆𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟
☠︎︎ 𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙: Saiki and Kaidou / 𝑇𝐷𝐿𝑂𝑆𝐾
☠︎︎ 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙩𝙝: Shikamaru and Naruto / 𝑁𝑎𝑟𝑢𝑡𝑜 𝑆ℎ𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛
☠︎︎ 𝙇𝙞𝙚: Karma and Nagisa / 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚
☠︎︎ 𝙂𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙩: Yami and Finral / 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟
☠︎︎ 𝙎𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙖𝙡: Hinata and Kenma / 𝐻𝑎𝑖𝑘𝑦𝑢𝑢!
☠︎︎ 𝘽𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙨/𝙉𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙨: Luffy and Zoro / 𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑃𝑖𝑒𝑐𝑒
☠︎︎ 𝙎𝙣𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝘼𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙠: Rock Lee and Neji / 𝑁𝑎𝑟𝑢𝑡𝑜 𝑆ℎ𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛
☠︎︎ 𝙎𝙤𝙛𝙩: Cyno and Tighnari / 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡
☠︎︎ 𝙏𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙚 𝙁𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩: Luffy and Usopp / 𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑃𝑖𝑒𝑐𝑒
☠︎︎ 𝙐𝙣𝙪𝙨𝙪𝙖𝙡 𝙎𝙥𝙤𝙩: Baji and Chifuyu / 𝑇𝑜𝑘𝑦𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑠
☠︎︎ 𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘: Finral and Asta / 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟
☠︎︎ 𝘼𝙧𝙢𝙨 𝙐𝙥: Chongyun and Xingqiu / 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡
☠︎︎ 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮: Nene and Hanako / 𝑇𝐵𝐻𝐾
☠︎︎ 𝙏𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨: Loid and Yor + Anya / 𝑆𝑝𝑦 𝑥 𝐹𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦
☠︎︎ 𝙄𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩: Dazai and Atsushi / 𝐵𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑜𝑢 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝐷𝑜𝑔𝑠
☠︎︎ 𝙋𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙙: Draken and Takemichi / 𝑇𝑜𝑘𝑦𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑠
☠︎︎ 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜: Gojo and Yuuji / 𝐽𝑢𝑗𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑢 𝐾𝑎𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑛
☠︎︎ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚: Beidou and Kazuha/ 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡
☠︎︎ 𝙒𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙐𝙥: Power and Denji / 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑤 𝑀𝑎𝑛
☠︎︎ 𝘾𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩: Doug and Kirill / 𝐷𝑜𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑜𝑢𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐾𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑙𝑙
☠︎︎ 𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚: Joe and Cherry / 𝑆𝑘8 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦
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gridpudim · 7 years
Duas Vilas - Capítulo 08 - O Pássaro
- TEMARI, CADE VOCÊ, ESTAMOS INDO EMBORA – Kankuro entra em casa gritando, abre a porta do meu quarto e diz. – Ah, você está aí.
- KANKURO, que mania! – Acordei no susto, meu coração estava na boca, que ódio dele. – Não sabe bater na porta não? Já chega gritando.
- Nossa, desculpa, eu não pensei que estivesse dormindo. – Ele respondeu.
- Será que toda vez você irá me acordar assim? – Sentei na cama, e fiquei olhando para o rosto de Kankuro, eu estava meio desnorteada por causa do sonho.
- Foi sem querer, você sabe. – Ele se fingia de sério, mas eu sei que por dentro, estava rindo da minha cara, prosseguiu. – Vim lhe avisar que estamos indo já.
 Gaara parado na porta, com os braços cruzados, me diz:
- Espero que fique bem aqui sozinha. Se tiver algum problema, mande um pássaro a Konoha para o Hokage, ele me avisará.
- Tudo bem, façam boa viagem e avisem quando chegar. – Disse ainda sentada na cama.
 Resolvi levantar, eles se despediram de mim, e levei-os até a porta. Assim que a fechei, fui a cozinha e tomei um copo d’água, bebi metade, e fiquei olhando para a janela. Já estava entardecendo, e eu comecei a lembrar do meu sonho. O que foi aquilo? Porque eu estava desse jeito? Eu nem sei o que é esse sentimento.
 Resolvi fazer algo para comer e parar de pensar nisso, mas não adiantava. Eu começava a cortar os ingredientes e nem prestava atenção no que fazia, só pensava se algum dia, aquele sonho, iria ser verdade.
- AI! – Me cortei. Sai pela casa a procura de um curativo, fui ao banheiro e achei a caixa de primeiros socorros.
 Chegando na cozinha novamente, a água no fogo já estava borbulhando de tão quente. Quando fui pegar a panela, esqueci de pega-la com um pano, estava muito quente e acabei derrubando por todo o fogão, sorte que não pegou em mim, mas minha mão acabou ficando vermelha e ardida por conta da temperatura da panela. Pelo jeito, hoje eu teria que comer fora de casa mesmo.
 Próximo a minha casa, havia um bairro com vários bares e restaurantes. Eu fui em um restaurante pequeno que servia um yakissoba muito bom. Fiz o pedido e me trouxeram bem rápido. Estava comendo sozinha, quando de repente sinto uma mão em meu ombro direito. Era Nasako Hiroshi, um chunin de Suna, do estilo vento, assim como eu. Nós fizemos a academia juntos, mas virei jounin antes dele. Eu sorri para ele, e sentou-se ao meu lado. Perguntando-me:
- Olá, quanto tempo Temari-senpai!
- Oi, muito tempo mesmo. – Respondi terminando de engolir o macarrão que ainda havia em minha boca.
 Hiroshi e eu já saímos uma vez, para nunca mais. Ele era muito bonito e as garotas de Suna morriam de amores pelo seu jeito de galã, mas eu não conseguia gostar dele. Kankuro dizia sempre que ele era apaixonado por mim justamente por eu não gostar dele, era como se fosse um desafio, até que fazia sentido.
 Hiroshi era metido, e só falava asneiras. Seu clã era um dos mais populares de Suna, mas pela beleza, porque de inteligência, dava dó. Eu, definitivamente não tinha paciência com ele. Apesar da minha cara de insatisfação, ele continuou puxando assunto:
- Como está você minha princesa?! Fiquei sabendo que estava em uma missão complicada esses dias em um país diferente.
-Pera ai, você me chamou de sua princesa? – Eu fiquei furiosa, nunca havia lhe dado essa intimidade, a minha vontade era de jogar o resto do yakissoba na cara dele.
- Chamei sim, não pode?! – Me respondeu dando um sorriso.
- Não, agora me de licença, estou comendo! – Fui grossa de propósito, eu não o queria ali.
- Desculpa, prometo não a chamar assim novamente. – Desculpou-se, mas eu não respondi. E fez um pedido. – Por favor, um yakissoba!
 A garçonete o serviu. Eu, como já havia terminado, paguei e sai sem nem me despedir. Mas Hiroshi veio atrás de mim.
- Temari, por favor, vamos conversar? – Ele perguntou e me puxou pelo braço.
 Virei para trás nervosa, puxei meu braço contra meu corpo, e respondi ríspida:
- Conversar o que?
- Faz tempo que não nos vemos Temari-senpai! Quero saber como você está, como vai a vida, essas coisas... – Ele tinha um sorriso no rosto, e eu não suportava.
- Tá bom, tá bom. – Resolvi ceder, mas tinha certeza que iria me arrepender, cruzei os braços e o esperei prosseguir a tal conversa.
- Como está Temari? Pelo que vejo está sozinha, você também não costuma jantar fora de casa, aconteceu alguma coisa? – Ele perguntou.
- Estou bem sim, só resolvi não fazer comida hoje. – Obviamente era mentira, mas ele não precisava saber de tudo, na verdade eu não queria nem estar ali.
- Oh, vejo que está com o dedo machucado, está tudo bem? – Perguntou olhando minha mão vermelha e meu dedo com o curativo.
- Sim, está tudo bem, já estou melhor. – Eu estava pedindo aos céus para alguém o chamar, ou aparecer uma louca e agarra-lo, como de costume.
- Como você está bem, pensei em irmos em algum lugar, tomar um drink, conversar mais a vontade. – Ele colocou a mão na parede próxima, se apoiando, inclinado. Era tão clichê aquilo que eu me achava ridícula por participar desse momento, a outra mão ele colocou dentro do bolso, e deu outro dos sorrisos que ele costumava a dar quando queria algo de alguém.
 Eu nem o respondi, virei as costas e sai andando. E então ele veio atrás e puxou meu braço novamente. Isso me enfureceu demais. Dei meia volta e enfiei um soco no meio da cara dele. Nem vi se ele estava bem ou não, mas pelo tanto de mulheres que foi ao seu encontro, no chão, ele não morreria por falta de cuidado.
 Finalmente cheguei em casa, e resolvi tomar outro banho, fazia muito calor em Suna. Entrei no chuveiro para ver se me acalmava também. Hiroshi acabou com o meu humor, ele era muito inconveniente. Sai do banho, me sequei e coloquei roupas limpas, resolvi deitar para conseguir dormir de novo, dessa vez dormiria de verdade, Kankuro não iria atrapalhar.
 No meio da madrugada, um barulho na minha janela, eu já pensava que era uma gracinha de Kankuro, devia ter pago para alguém me encher o saco, ou Hiroshi, jogando pedra na minha janela, se a quebrasse eu quebraria a cara dele.
 Me levantei, assim que fui me aproximando da janela, vi um vulto pequeno, ao abrir as cortinas vi que era um pássaro, fiquei com o coração na mão, pensando ser dos meus irmãos. Abri o vidro da janele e peguei o recado que estava preso na perna do pássaro, comecei a ler.
 “Mais uma vez você me salvou. Mais uma vez você me bateu. Mais uma vez eu estou pensando nisso. Espero te ver em breve, Problemática.”
 Shikamaru. Quer dizer então que eu não sou a única doida que ficou pensando nisso? Eu não fazia ideia do que escrever, em resposta, a ele. Peguei um papel e uma caneta que estavam em minha mesa, e escrevi apressada:
“Da próxima vez, espero não ter que te salvar. Da próxima vez, espero não ter que te bater. Da próxima vez, espero que não seja um encontro breve. Bebe Chorão.”
 Amarrei o recado na perna do pássaro que ainda me esperava com a resposta, e ele voou. Pelo jeito, eu não dormiria essa noite!
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conexaosasusaku · 8 years
Entrevista de Kishimoto para Viz Weekly Shonen Jump
Kishimoto Masashi, autor de Naruto, concedeu este ano, na Jump Festa 2017, uma entrevista para a Weekly Shonen Jump. Na entrevista Kishimoto não cita Sasuke, ou Sarada, mas fala sobre Sakura e o seu envolvimento na relação entre Naruto e Hinata.
A tradução do trecho você confere abaixo.
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SJ: Você decidiu cedo que Naruto e Hinata iriam se casar, ou você considerou Naruto terminando com a Sakura?
Kishimoto Sensei: Quanto eu introduzi a Sakura, eu apenas a considerei como outro personagem. Eu não a introduzi para trazê-la como uma personagem feminina especial. Ela estava no mesmo nível que personagens como Kiba ou Shikamaru, então não havia nada definido em minha mente sobre a Sakura e o Naruto serem um casal. Obviamente, eles seriam amigos e companheiros de time. Quanto a Hinata, eu decidi bastante cedo que eles ficariam juntos. Então eu pensei que seria mais interessante se Sakura ficasse no meio, criando um triângulo amoroso confuso. Mas para ser honesto, não havia muito espaço e tempo para incluir coisas como essa de forma alguma. Naruto é um mangá de batalha, não uma história de amor. Você tem que decidir em que irá focar, o que você acha que os leitores gostariam de ler. Então eu nunca pensei em torná-los um casal, mas eu realmente coloquei algumas sugestões para que os leitores pensassem que sim. Desde cedo, tudo foi sobre Naruto e Hinata se casarem. Fonte: Viz Weekly Shonen Jump.
♚ Tradução ─ Lily.
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shoto-chann · 2 years
Hey guys, I'm currently working on a requested fic that'll be out today. In the mean time...
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O Internato
Nome: Nicolas Kane idade: 18 anos Orientação Sexual: Homossexual Aparência: Jack Abel http://pin.it/FaMMyMx Personalidade: Nico é um rapaz bem esquisito. É calmo e fala apenas o necessário,e quando deseja dar sua opinião. Sempre fica com uma expressão de foco no rosto, como se não entendese o que está acontecendo a sua volta. Se impressiona fácil, as pessoas costumam acha-lo um garoto idiota a primeira vista,mas ele demonstra que não é bem assim. Inteligente e ágil,sabe prestar a atenção quando necessário. As pessoas o estranham quando demostra sua inteligência,mas não tira sua expressão costumeira. Não gosta de se gabar, na verdade não acha que tem muito em si para fazer isso. Um rapaz gentil,pode desistir de alguma coisa para dar a aquele que necessite. Ele é bem curioso e as vezes não tem noção que isso pode lhe deixar em serios poblemas. Fala sem pensar, na maioria das vezes parece que está falando com uma criança, e grande parte é de um jeito grosseiro mas não é a sua intenção. Não costuma se irritar, mas se alguém parte pra cima dele,usa sua inteligência e agilidade para joga-lo no chão dando tempo de sair correndo. Muito ciumento,odeia todos que se aproximam da sua irmã com segundas intenções até que provê que é digno História: Gêmeo mais velho, nasceu em uma família rica em Londres. Seus pais nunca tiveram tempo para ele e sua irmã,ela que sempre o fez companhia. Foi mandado para o internato por causa da Nicole,mas não a culpa,na verdade até agradece Gosta: - Parques - Jogos de raciocínio - Desafios - Paçoca - Filmes de terror - Chuva - Comer - Pimenta - Frio - Música - Anime: Naruto preferido :3 - Ler Não gosta: - Pessimismo - Complexo de superioridade - Complexo de inferioridade - Mel - Calor - Rios - Que mexam com sua irmã e amigos - Barulho - Mortes - Quem não gosta de animes - Filmes diferente dos livros É bolsista ou não?: Não Como acabou entrando pra escola?: Seus pais o mandaram junto com sua irmã por culpa da mesma Seus familiares mais próximos: Nicole Kane Pretende ter algum relacionamento ao longo da História?: Sim ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Nome: Nicole Kane idade: 18 anos Orientação Sexual: Heterossexual Aparência: Dove Cameron http://pin.it/v4pSnxo Personalidade: Nina tem uma personalidade explosiva e imperativa. Alegre e extrovertida,sempre fazendo as pessoas que estão a sua volta sorrirem. Não é escandalosa, está longe disso,odeia pessoas que só sabem gritar para chamar a atenção. Costuma sempre manter uma expressão alegre,mas se mexe com seu irmão,ai o negócio fica sério. Sarcástica,às vezes seu sarcasmo soa um pouco grosseiro,mas as pessoas sabem que ela não faz por mal. Ciumenta,mas nada obsessivo. É uma garota romântica,gosta de ajudar seus amigos a ficar com quem eles gostam, é como uma cupido. História: Depois de explodir "sem querer" a sala do seu pai com uma bomba caseira, Nina e Nico foram mandados para esse internato Gosta: - Nutella - Música - Internet - Ler, Preferido é Percy Jackson - Anime, NARUTOOOOOO - Neji Hyuga, Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara,Gaara no Sabaku e etc. - Desafios - Verdade ou Desafio - Chuva - Frio - Pimenta Não gosta: - Sasuke Uchiha e Sakura Haruno - Calor - Filme e livros diferentes - Terror - Bolo - Chinelo molhado - Cheiro de suor - Burrice - Que mexam com seu irmão - Falsidade - Complexo de superioridade - Complexo de inferioridade É bolsista ou não?: Não Como acabou entrando pra escola?: Depois do "acidente", foi banida do mundo social indo para lá Seus familiares mais próximos: Nicolas Kane Pretende ter algum relacionamento ao longo da História?: Claro
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shoto-chann · 2 years
Title: Don't Ignore Me
Ship: KanuKiba
Description: Ever since Kankuro got to the Leaf Village, all he's been doing is fix his puppets. And Kiba wants attention and hates being ignored. So he teaches his boyfriend to never ignore him again.
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Kankuro had just came to the Leaf Village to spend some time with his boyfriend, Kiba Inuzuka. He had just won a battle with another rouge ninja, so he felt like relaxing with Kiba and Akamaru to destress. However, during his battle, Crow got badly damaged and had to be fixed. So Kankuro sat there in Kiba's house trying to fix Crow. But Kiba's getting a little impatient.
"Come on, Kankuro. I'm booored." Kiba sank into the chair he was sitting in, trying to get his boyfriend to give him attention. "Hold on, Kiba. I'll hang out with you. Just give me time." Kankuro said without looking away from Crow. "But how much time do you need?" "Give me ten more minutes. I'll be finished by then." "You said that ten minutes ago!" Kiba groaned loudly. He was tired of waiting for Kankuro to be finished. He wanted attention, and he wanted it now.
"Come on, babe. You promised we could hang out today. But ever since you got here, you've been fixing your toy and completely ignoring me." "Okay, first of all, Crow is not a toy. He is a friend." "But Kankuro-" "Kiba, I promise we will hang out. I didn't come all the way over here just to fix Crow. I will spend time with you. But in a few minutes. In the meantime, take Akamaru out for a walk. When you come back, I'll be ready."
Kiba opened his mouth to argue, but stopped himself. He didn't wanna argue with Kankuro and make this a big deal. He could wait a few more minutes. Right? Kiba pouted and sighed before making up his mind. "Fine. Come on, Akamaru." Akamaru barked and followed Kiba. Kiba opened the door and walked out without looking back. He shut the door behind him and stated walking with Akamaru. Kankuro chuckled as he rolled his eyes and started to speed up. He wanted to get done as soon as possible. He hated whenever Kiba was upset and didn't want to keep him waiting.
Meanwhile, Kiba and Akamaru we're walking around the village bored out their minds for about eight minutes. They didn't know what to do today while waiting for Kankuro. They didn't want to train cause it was their day off. Most of their friends were busy. And he had the house to himself, so the family wouldn't entertain them until they got back, which wouldn't be for a couple of weeks. "What can we do, Akamaru?" Akamaru whined, suggesting that he didn't know what to do. Kiba sighed and just thought about going back bored when something got his attention. Well, more like someone. "What the hell?" Kiba and Akamaru went to investigate and found Choji laughing, with Shikamaru sitting on top of him doing something to Choji. "Plehehehehease! Shihihihihika! Ihit tihihihihickles!" Choji laughed as he squirmed and giggled as he tried to get away. "It's supposed to, Cho. That's how tickling works." The smirking Shikamaru said as he started tickling Choji's neck, causing the young Akimichi boy to squeal and giggle like a little kid. Seeing his friends like this gave Kiba a great idea. He grinned at the thought of Kankuro's punishment and started walking back to his house.
Kankuro sighed and rubbed his temples. He was stressed and exhausted from all the working. Plus, It's been nearly fifteen minutes and Kiba hasn't came back yet. He was starting to get a bit worried. Was Kiba that upset? He was barely halfway done too! Oh, what was he going to tell Kiba? He was so focused on worrying about Kiba that he didn't hear the door opening. He felt someone's chakra in the air, but was too distracted to consider who it was. Kiba, on the other hand, was sneaking up behind Kankuro with an evil grin. He waited for his boyfriend to let his guard down. And the second Kankuro raised his arms-
Kiba tackled Kankuro to the ground and pinned him with his arms above his head. Kankuro was completely taken by surprise as he looked and saw Kiba over him. "What the hell, Kiba? What was that for?" "That was for lying to me. You said you would be finished in ten minutes." Kankuro got a bit nervous. "Uh, well I, uh... I'm halfway finished...kinda." "Kinda? That's not good enough for me." Kiba eyed his ribs and tummy. Kankuro, completely unaware what Kiba was thinking, got a little more nervous.
"Uh, Kiba? Are you gonna say something? You're freaking me out by not saying anything and staring at me like that." Kiba snapped out of his trance and grinned even wider. "Oh, you're in trouble now, Kankuro." Kankuro was now confused. He knew Kiba would never hurt him, but the thought of what Kiba might do to him was killing him. "Uh, what does that mean, exactly?" "Oh I'm certain you know what's coming." Kiba leaned in and whispered something in Kankuro's ear. "We both know what happens when you ignore me."
Kankuro's eyes widened in fear, his expression growing more nervous by the second. He had forgotten all the tickling he would get from Kiba whenever he would ignore him. And now that he's ignored Kiba yet again, he was for sure going to get it. "Wait, Kiba. We can talk about this." He struggled more under Kiba's weight as he tried to escape. "Nope. You're not getting out of this one, baby." "Kibaha, plehehease." "This is for ignoring me all day."
Kiba started tickling Kankuro's sides vigorously, to which Kankuro responded with loud and cute giggles. "Kihihihibahaha! Stahahahap!" "No. I just started. Plus, you deserve this. You knew this would happen if you ignored me." "I dihihidn't mehean to! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Kiba snuck his hands in Kankuro's shirt and tickled his sides more softly, knowing that his boyfriend was much more weaker to soft tickles. "Kihihihibahahahahaha! Plehehehehease! I cahahahan't breheheathe!" Despite Kankuro's pleading, Kiba did not stop. That only encouraged him to continue. "Kihihihibahahahahaha! Stahahahap ihihit nohohohohohow!" "Hmm. I wonder if Akamaru wants in on the fun." Kankuro hated when Kiba would bring Akamaru into this. When Akamaru would tickle him, he wouldn't stop unless Kiba said so. "Dohohohohon't you dahahahahare!" "Or else what?" Kiba asked with a smirk. "Or ehehelse I wohohon't vihihisit ahanymohohohohore!" Obviously that was the biggest lie he's ever told in his life. But if it meant it could get Kiba to stop, then he was willing to try anything.
And it worked because Kiba stopped immediately and got off of him with a worried look on his face. "No! You don't mean that, do you?" Kankuro continued laughing, but not because he was being tickled. It was because Kiba actually fell for his trick. "Mahan, you're so gullible. No I don't actually mean it." As Kankuro continued laughing, Kiba sat next to Kankuro and pouted. "That wasn't funny." "It was prehetty funny." Kiba growled. "Oh, I'll give you something to laugh about then." Kiba reached out to tickle Kankuro again, but Kankuro managed to grab his hands in time and hold them in place. "Oh no. I don't think so." Kankuro said. Kiba tried with all of his might to get free, but couldn't move anywhere.
"Damn it, Kankuro. You're ruining my fun." Kiba pouted again. "Aww, come on, baby." Kankuro poked Kiba's sides. Kiba twitched and suppressed his giggles. He didn't want to give his boyfriend the satisfaction of hearing him laugh. "Baby, come on. Don't pout. Let me see that cute smile of yours." Kankuro continued to poke his sides. Kiba squirmed and tried to get free, but all he could do was sit there and take the tickles. He shook his head while trying to keep his mouth shut. Kankuro, knowing that he would have to try harder, started squeezing Kiba's sides and hips, hoping that Kiba would at least crack a smile if he was going to be stubborn. Kiba let slip a few giggles with a small smile, but kept his mouth shut, now able to crawl away.
"Oh, no you don't." Kankuro dragged Kiba backwards and pinned him on his back. He continued tickling Kiba's sides and hips, and Kiba continued to fight back his urge to giggle. "Oh, come on, baby. You don't want me to see that cute smile of yours? That cute little baby smile you have?" Kiba lost his ability to hold back the giggles and let them all out. Kankuro's teasing was always more than enough to fluster Kiba and make him giggly.
"Nohohohohoho! Noho teheheheasing!" "Aww, there's my baby's precious smile." Kiba hid his face with his hands. "Stahahahap ihihit!" "And why should I? You didn't stop when I asked you to. And plus, didn't you want attention? Well, I'm giving it to you, aren't I?" Kiba squirmed like a dog giggling his head off. Of course, he obviously loved when Kankuro tickled him. It was his favorite way of getting attention. But Kankuro was supposed to be the one to fall into helpless giggles and beg for mercy. That was the entire point of the plan. And now that was ruined.
Kiba tried tickling Kankuro back in hopes of escaping. "Oh no no no. Not this time." Kankuro shot his hands in Kiba's armpits. Kiba threw his head back laughing three octaves higher and squirming more viciously than ever. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHERE! BAHAHAHABY!" Kiba kicked his feet and continued to squirm while holding his arms at his sides, trapping Kankuro's fingers in the process. "NOHOHOHOT FAHAHAHAIR!" Kankuro simply chuckled as he continued to tickle the hell out of his cute boyfriend.
"KAHAHAHANKUROHOHOHO!" "Yes, my beloved baby boy toy?" Kiba's already red face went even redder than the marks on his face. Shaking his head violently, tears now streaming down his face, he tried everything he could to get free. "STAHAHAHAP IHIHIT NOHOHOHOHOHOW! NOHOHOHOHOHO TEHEHEHEASING! NOHOHOHO MOHORE TIHIHIHIHICKLES!" "And why not? Don't you want attention? Do you not want attention anymore? Does that mean I can get back to work on Crow now?"
That was the last straw. Kiba mustered the strength to overthrow Kankuro and pin him again. Regaining his breath, Kiba wipes the tears from his eyes. Finally being able to look down at Kankuro, he looked mad. "Uh, babe look. You tickled me, and I tickled you back. We're even now, right?" Kankuro was nervous. He was afraid of what Kiba might say or do. "Look, we can go hang out like you wanted to. How about a movie night? That sounds like a great idea, don't you think?" Kankuro tried to wiggle free, but found that he couldn't move. Mainly because of the fact that Kiba had his claws out. Kiba sighed and looked at Kankuro with a playful, yet menacing death glare. "Even? We're even? You tickled one of my worst tickle spots! So now, we're not even. I think it's time I get even with you..." "No. Kiba, you wouldn't." "Oh, I would." "Kiba, wait. We can talk about this." "It's too late for that."
Without giving Kankuro another chance to speak, Kiba attacked Kankuro's worst spot: his tummy. Kankuro bucked and howled with laughter as he was forced to endure the tummy tickles from Kiba. "WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kiba ignored his pleading. He raised his shirt past his upper belly and clawed at his tummy, specifically around the edges of his belly button. Poor Kankuro only laughed and squirmed like a toddler receiving tickles from their parents. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! KIHIHIHIBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kankuro tried to cover his extremely ticklish tummy, but Kiba's hands were too fast and kept on moving to different parts of his tummy. Kankuro kicked, screamed, and squirmed viciously, but no matter what he did or how hard he tried, he couldn't get free or slow down the tickles. All he could do was lay there and take it.
"KIHIHIHIBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! I'M SOHOHOHOHOHORY! I'M SOHOHOHOHOHORY!" "How do I know you're not lying to me just so I can stop? And besides, you're adorable when you're being tickled. You're just my little tickle toy." Kankuro had now reached his limit. If he wanted Kiba to stop, he had to do it. He had to admit defeat. Kankuro hated admitting defeat against Kiba in their tickle fights. Usually it was Kiba who admitted defeat. But this time, if he wanted to live, he would have to swallow his pride, and a couple breaths of air, and admit his defeat. "UHUHUNCLE! UHUHUNCLE! I GIHIHIHIVE! I GIHIHIHIVE! MEHEHEHEHERCY!" Kiba could tell Kankuro was reaching his limit. And he felt bad about going on for this long. Well...kinda.
"Alright, fine. I'll stop. But...I have to do one more thing, my cute baby." Kankuro violently shook his head, knowing what Kiba was going to do, but couldn't say anything because of the tickling. Kiba took a long, deep breath, lowered his head, and gave Kankuro a giant raspberry. Kankuro absolutely lost his mind in that exact moment. "AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His laughter went silent in that moment, and that's when Kiba finally stopped. He got off of Kankuro and rubbed his back as he sat up and tried to steady his breathing. He even let Kankuro pet Akamaru to help him feel better.
After a few minutes, Kankuro could breathe again, but his goofy smile refused to leave. Kiba chuckled and grinned. "I see you had lots of fun there, baby." Kankuro pushed Kiba playfully. "Shut up. At least I wasn't the one crying in laughter." "You're the one who went into silent laughter." "You're the one who was extremely cute while being tickled like the little baby you are." Kankuro winked and pinched his face, making Kiba turn red in the face in embarrassment.
"All jokes aside, thank you, Kiba. I needed that break. A lot. I guess I shouldn't have been so focused on fixing Crow instead of you." Kiba placed a hand on Kankuro's back. "It's fine, babe. Honestly. I'm just glad you gave me attention and had fun." Kankuro smiled and gave him a huge hug, to which Kiba hugged back. After their big, they both looked at each other and kissed. They kissed for about a minute before breaking it and looking back at each other. "Oh, just one more thing." Kiba said before poking Kankuro's sides again. "Don't ever ignore me again." "Okahahay! I wohohon't!" Kiba stopped. Kankuro smiled at him.
"Can I get back to fixing Crow now? Please?" Kiba sat and thought about it for a bit. "Oh okay. I'll let you work on your toy now." Now it was Kankuro's turn to poke Kiba's sides. "Crow is not a toy. He's a friend." "Hahahaha! Okahahay! He's aha friehehehehend! A friehehehehend!" Kankuro stopped and giggled as he turned to work on fixing Crow. Kiba sat next to him and watched him for a while. Eventually, Kiba felt drowsy and fell asleep, leaning on Kankuro as he fell asleep. Kankuro looked at him and giggled as he reached for their blanket from the couch and wrapped it around them and Akamaru, who walked next to Kiba and started sleeping as well. As Kankuro finished wrapping the blanket around the three of them, Kankuro gave Kiba a kiss on his forehead. "I love you, Kankuro." Kiba said half asleep with a big smile. "I love you too, Kiba, you cute baby boy." Kankuro responded with his smile before turning to finish fixing Crow. After he was done, he would put Kiba to bed and cuddle with him for a bit. He deserved cuddles after today. And so did Kiba.
*Author's Note
I am a huge fan of this ship and will forever be here for it. I hope you loved this fic as much as I do. I think this is one of my favorite fics so far. If you want to see a headcannon for this ship or any other ship (from Naruto, My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, or Demon Slayer), my dms and asks are always open. I will respond as fast as I can. And don't be shy in asking. I don't judge and I'm willing to make friends.
That's all for now. Until next time,
❄️🔥Shoto-chann🔥❄️ out
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