writingwitharlo · 3 years
Waking Up Beside You
A/N: Did I write this is one sitting? Yes. Is this the first tickle fic I've written in the last 2 years or so because I am absolutely Teddy Lupin trash? Also yes.
1677 words
Teddy/Victoire (Tedoire)
Summary: Victoire knows the most effective way to get Teddy out of bed.
Waking up beside Victoire in the same bed, was still something Teddy hadn't gotten quite used to. It was their spring break and unlike the rest of the Potter-Weasley clan, Teddy had decided he would be returning home for the two weeks they got off.
Mainly because he had promised Lily he would spend all his time with her, now that she was all alone at home with her brothers at Hogwarts. And Harry and Ginny had already made sure he could stay with them for a while. This would be his very last spring break before he left Hogwarts in the summer, so he had to make the most of it.
But for now he was at Shell Cottage. Quiet, peaceful Shell Cottage. It had always been one of his favourite places to come. Not only because usually it mean the would be able to spend time with Victoire but also because he gave him a sort of peaceful feeling, he couldn't quite place. Teddy guessed that this is what a home should feel like.
Of course he had spent many nights at Shell Cottage, always welcome for sleepovers and movie nights. But not waking up on the pull-out couch was a nice change.
Victoire's room was cool, and clean and homely. As part of an extension Bill and Fleur had built onto the tiny cottage as Victoire and Dominique got older, one side of the room opened up straight onto the beach. The large glass doors stood open now, the light curtains swaying slightly in the gentle breeze. With the days starting to get warmer, Victoire liked to leave the doors open at night.
The bed was pushed up against the wall, like it had always been, with the pull-out couch sitting just opposite. Neither of them minded this change though. Victoire because she had an excuse to climb over her boyfriend whenever she needed to get up for something. Teddy because he got to smush Victoire into the wall until he heard her huffs of disapproval.
Teddy wasn't sure what time it was. It was probably later than it felt but he wasn't quite ready to open his eyes just yet, focusing instead on the sound of the waves crashing in the distance and the occasional seagull announcing its presence.
He could feel the cool air move against his bare back, laying on his stomach with the side of his face mushed into his pillow. It was no surprise really. Victoire usually ended up hogging the covers. And Teddy didn't mind, being the one to run a little hot sometimes.
With a deep sigh, he shifted his pelvis to the side, allowing his leg to stretch out fully so his foot dangled just off the bottom end of the mattress. With the calming white noise from the waves and the cool air lulling him in again, Teddy was as good as asleep again when he felt it.
Fingers grazing against his lower back, following the waistband of his boxers. They were harmless, nothing to be worried about. If anything, they could have helped him drift off again, had they only stayed on the same course.
Travelling upwards along his spine, Teddy had to suppress a shudder. But the goosebumps along his arms were inevitable. It wouldn't be long now.
"I know you're awake," came the gentle whisper from beside him, bright and with the sound of a smile evident in the tone.
"Uh-uh," replied Teddy with a sleepy rasp.
"No? Huh," thought Victoire out loud. "Must have been imagining it then." Soft lips brushed against his shoulder lightly before the covers moved and all of her warmth pressed against his back.
One arm slipped around him and gently rolled him onto his side somewhat, allowing Victoire to engulf him as the big spoon. He didn't fight her, letting himself roll back against her front comfortably. With both of her arms wrapped around his chest, holding him securely in place and her chin propped against his shoulder, he could have stayed like this for hours, just enjoying each others company.
Of course Victoire had something else in mind.
"You sleep well?" she whispered as she placed warm kisses against his neck.
Teddy nodded slowly, a small smile tugging at his lips as he melted into her. It didn't take long for Victoire's hands to begin wandering again.
Her flat palm rubbed against his chest for a little while, eliciting a quiet hum of contentment from the other.
"You wanna come take a shower with me?" Victoire's hand paused once it had traveled down against his stomach.
Teddy was presented with a dilemma. Of course he wanted to take a shower with her, but that also meant leaving the comforts of the bed and especially her warm grip.
"I see," Victoire replied with a hint of mischief in her voice as she practically read his mind without him ever uttering a word. "I suppose we need to wake you up some more then."
Teasingly her fingertips began sweeping against his stomach, causing him to inhale sharply and suck in his belly some. Round and round they went, circling the center casually.
It took Teddy's sluggish brain a moment to realise what kind of information his nerve endings were receiving. But as soon as they did a whiny "Nooo," could be heard giggled out and one hand moved down to grab hold of her wrist.
Victoire paused her attack as soon as Teddy grabbed her but the moment she noticed he wasn't actually doing anything to stop her, the teasing fingers were back, zeroing in on his belly button.
Victoire didn't have unusually long nails but in moments like this Teddy could swear they were like claws. With every sweep and scrape they managed to produce a different sound. Pretty quickly Teddy was a giggly mess, and this was only from one hand.
A short minute later the other hand began scribbling just below his pectoral muscle. Throwing his head back against her shoulder with a laugh, he tried in vain to protect his chest with his only other free arm.
For a moment Teddy could only lay there and take it, his brain unable to come up with a way to help. But as Victoire's fingers abandoned their job of teasing the rim of his belly button to dipping into the shallow divot, his body acted on his own accord.
With a yelp he used his weight to break free from her grip to roll face down, onto his stomach, elbows clamped tightly against this sides but his hands trapped beneath his chest. Victoire laughed softly, propping herself up to observe him catching his breath through residual giggles.
"You're mean," he huffed, turning his head to the side to face her. His eyes had finally fluttered open and moved up to meet her gaze. The look she gave him had Teddy breathless for a moment longer.
Victoire grinned as she reached over to run her fingers through his hair. "But you make it so easy when you're all sleepy. Can't really blame me for that."
Teddy shook his head with a quick chuckle and let his eyes fall shut again, focusing on the fingers scraping against his scalp. "Guess you'll have to enjoy your shower solo then," he mumbled defiantly.
Victoire sat up fully and straddled his lower back within seconds. "Oh, no, I don't think so," she whispered against his ear as she leaned down to him. Teddy's arms clamped tighter against his sides in anticipation but he should have known it would be no use.
Lightly but without hesitation, Victoire's fingers swept up and down the back of his rib cage where his arms couldn't quite protect him. Travelling the full length of his back, from his shoulder blades to where she was straddling him, the touch sent tingly sparks through his body and brought back the goosebumps.
The giggles burst out a lot faster this time, only muffled by Teddy pressing his face into the mattress. If it wasn't for the unbearably light touch, this could have actually been relaxing.
He wiggled his torso, as if that was going to dislodge her somehow but Victoire could tell this wasn't going to give her the result she was looking for any time soon. So instead she scooted down until she was straddling the back of his thighs.
Teddy was half expecting her to ambush the backs of his knees or maybe even his feet, so the sound of surprise that he made when two hands snaked between him and the mattress was something else. "That's not allowed!" he cried out through a laugh, lifting his head in order to press his pelvis further against the mattress.
But Victoire had already found her target. Three fingers on each side curled around the extruding hip bones which were only made easier to latch onto by Teddy's attempt to hide them.
"Vihihic!" he howled, freeing his hands from beneath his chest and bringing them down to grapple at her arms.
"Yes, hun?" Victoire replied casually, as if she wasn't just wrecking her boyfriend to pieces. "Something on your mind?"
"You-Ah! Dohon't- Come ohohon!" Words were really not coming easy to Teddy. With his last good thought he lifted his pelvis, now able to reach beneath him for Victoire's hands and tug them aside.
"I'm awake," he panted, hips plopping back down. "I'm awake." Victoire had a move to retract her hands but Teddy wasn't releasing them just yet.
"Good," she chuckled, watching him affectionately. "You can get your revenge once we had some breakfast."
Teddy smirked a little and turned his head to look at her over his shoulder. "Oh, you know me so well," he joked, finally releasing her and sitting up once she climbed off of him.
They shared a sweet kiss, sitting there in the messy tangle of covers before pulling away and just looking at each other with a laugh.
Yeah, waking up beside Victoire was definitely something Teddy could get used to.
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ladymary1994 · 2 years
SH memes #14
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O meme bora Bill está em toda a parte, e não tem como não se lembrar do nosso Bill favorito: o Bill Weasley! Além dele, sua mulher Fleur e seus filhos Victoire, Dominique e Louis também entraram na brincadeira, embora Domi não tenha curtido muito a piada...
Todos eles estão na saga SOBREVIVENDO EM HOGWARTS, e também aparecem em um spin-off, narrado e protagonizado pela filha mais velha do Bill, Victoire: O RETRATO, que você também não pode deixar de ler!
Veja a versão em vídeo no nosso Tik Tok!
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jesseeko · 4 years
À l’occasion de la 92e cérémonie des Oscars, l’équipe du film Parasite s’est vue décerner la statuette dorée dans chacune des catégories suivantes : meilleur film, meilleur film étranger, meilleur scénario original et meilleur réalisateur. Historique par son aspect inconditionnel, Parasite semble avoir reçu une victoire qui, plus qu’une façon de faire, récompense une façon de voir le cinéma propre à  l’Asie. Ainsi, cette semaine nous nous attarderons sur l’esthétique et authentique scène cinématographique asiatique. Dans notre périple nous repasserons par la Corée du Sud avant de nous diriger vers le Singapour puis le Tibet. 
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Parasite nous raconte l’histoire d’une famille coréenne vivant aux marges de la société. Précaire, elle attend l’opportunité qui lui permettra de quitter sa situation. Ainsi, lorsque l’un d’eux se voit proposer de travailler pour une famille aisée, leur plan perfide s’enclenche. Parasite est le septième film de Bong Joon-Ho. Comme dans les précédents, le thème de la lutte des classes y est abordé. Il est en partie porté par l’acteur Song Kang-Ho, travaillant avec le réalisateur depuis son second long métrage. Sorti le 5 juin 2019, c’est après plus de 30 semaines d’exploitation en France que Parasite nous revient dans une version « black and white ». Passionné par le travail du réalisateur allemand Friedrich W. Murnau (Nosferatu), Bong Joon-Ho, à l’aide de cet effet, entend accentuer la tension de son film, le rapprochant de ceux d’épouvante qu’il admire.  WET SEASON - ANTHONY CHEN 
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Il pleut sur Singapour et rien ne va plus. Accablés de problèmes, un élève et une professeur perdent espoir. Menant des vies différentes, ils partagent pourtant la même salle de classe, lieu de naissance d’une amitié indéfectible. Wet Season est le second long métrage d’Anthony Chen. Comme dans Ilo Ilo, racontant le quotidien d’une immigrée philippine à Singapour, le réalisateur met en scène des personnages cherchant à trouver une place dans une société où tout semble en avoir une. Plus que thématique, la continuité se veut aussi physique, puisque l’on retrouve dans Wet Season Yann Yann Yeo et Koh Jia Ler, têtes d’affiches dans Ilo Ilo.
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À travers l’aventure de Jinpa, un camionneur tibétain errant sur les sentiers, Pema Tseden dresse le portrait d’une société tibétaine désorientée. Constatant la désagrégation de son patrimoine culturel, c’est au travers de films que le réalisateur en préserve les vestiges. Travaillant avec les mêmes directeurs de la photographie et du son depuis 2004, son travail se définit par sa cohérence, son unité. Toutefois, gagnant en popularité en Chine, ses revendications identitaires dérangent le gouvernement. À l’image d’artistes chinois tels que Liu Xiaobo et Ai Weiwei ayant dû défendre leurs idéaux face à un État, le travail de Pema Tseden se veut aussi exemplaire que nécessaire.
Jesse Eko Ebongue
Pour ON’: https://on-media.fr/2020/02/18/sorties-cine-du-19-02/
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tob-rpg-contos · 6 years
Past {One}
A luminosidade emitida pela lâmpada amarelada causava uma dor de cabeça em Arlo. Sentada numa das extremidades da mesa, encarava fixamente os pulsos algemados, puxando-os brevemente para si vez ou outra, certificando-se de que realmente não haveria escapatória daquela vez. Em sua direita, um vidro escuro, sendo possível ver seu próprio reflexo, mas, através deste, sabia que havia alguém lhe observando. Respirou fundo, tornando a encarar os pulsos e contando os segundos. Um, dois, três. Silêncio. Quatro, cinco, seis. Silêncio. Sete, oito nove. Silêncio. Dez. Silêncio. Ninguém entrou, a sala não emitia um único ruído, e aquilo era torturante. Contou os segundos, outra vez, fixando as íris azuladas nas algemas a frente de si, puxando, como se fosse capaz de arrancá-la da breve base elevada que a prendia ali. Mas não conseguiu. A vontade de chorar era imensa. Fechou os olhos, batendo os pés impacientemente por baixo da mesa, e foi aí que ouviu a porta se abrir.
Ao abrir as orbes novamente, encarou dois homens de estatura mediana, pôde ler os nomes nas pequenas condecorações em seus peitorais: Owen e Peter. Ótimo. Owen era portador de um emaranhado negro na cabeça, a pele bronzeada como se recém tivesse voltado das férias, embora a expressão cansada e olheiras negras. Era musculoso, podia notar facilmente sob o tecido azulado das vestes. Já Peter era velho, os cabelos castanhos eram mesclados ao grisalho, a pele branca e a barba muito mal feita, além de ter uma bela pochete como barriga, segurando todos os órgãos dentro, para que não caíssem. Na destra, segurava uma pasta bege, sentando-se em uma das cadeiras da outra extremidade e Owen ao seu lado, os idosos deveriam sentar, entendia isso.
— Sabe por que está aqui? — O mais novo perguntou, enquanto o outro lia o “caso” nas folhas, separando algumas fotos. Negou, uma única vez, ainda analisando ambos os homens. — Você, Arlo, é uma das suspeitas no homicídio de Lea Andrews, uma garota de quinze anos que frequentava o mesmo orfanato que você.
— Inclusive, a cama dela era ao lado da sua. — Peter pronunciou-se, empurrando a foto do corpo da garota. Ao inclinar-se, o nariz da semidivina torceu-se, a garota já teve seus dias melhores. O pescoço cortado na horizontal, um de seus olhos havia sido arrancado brutalmente de seu rosto, e suas mãos separadas de seus pulsos. Também, podia ver os cortes através do abdômen da mesma, os órgãos metade para fora e metade para dentro.
Chëmistry ficou em silêncio por alguns segundos, observando a foto na frente de si e então, finalmente, elevou o queixo, sustentando o olhar de ambos para si. Como ela poderia ter feito aquilo? Suspirou pesado, apenas os olhando, sem emitir uma única palavra. Com seu voto de silêncio, Peter passou a destra no rosto, negando com a cabeça.
— Olhe, Victoire….
— Arlo. — Finalmente, uma palavra.
Ele arqueou as sobrancelhas.
— Certo, Arlo. Você e ela se odiavam, o modo como ela te tratava… Ninguém merece. Mas matar alguém é mais do que errado, é crime, e você pode pegar anos de prisão, ficar com pessoas perigosas mesmo. Quadrilhas. E caso esteja protegendo alguém, poderá pegar prisão ainda. Cumplicidade.
— Eu não sei do que estão falando. — Disse, soltando o ar lentamente entre os lábios. — Lea e eu tínhamos problemas, assim como tenho com todas as garotas do orfanato. Mas não significa que eu vá, no meio da noite, matar elas. Há meu DNA nas provas? Alguém viu eu o fazer?
— Arlo. — Outra vez, Peter começou a falar. — Seu DNA bate exatamente com as marcas de unhas no pescoço de Lea, próximo ao corte. — Owen inclinou-se, empurrando outra foto na direção da garota. — Há algo que queira nos contar?
“Deveria contar.” Uma voz ecoou em sua mente, rouca e embriagada de cinismo. “Deveria contar o quão divertido foi sujar o próprio corpo com sangue da outra, tocar-lhe os órgãos… E, principalmente, os gritos que ela dava, enquanto a torturava viva.” A voz riu.
— Não. — Por fim, disse, esboçando um sorriso nos lábios tortos. — Eu sou inocente, vocês pegaram a garota errada. Lea e eu brigamos mais cedo, por isso a marca das unhas, assim como ela me arranhou. Se eu aparecesse morta hoje, ela seria suspeita? Creio que não. A implicância comigo é que as Irmãs acreditam que sou endiabada, é mais fácil se livrar disso se me prenderem, não? Uma desculpa para que eu vá para longe delas.
Silêncio, outra vez. Até que Owen, após assentir à Peter, encarou a rebenta do submundo.
— Você está livre, Arlo. Por hora. — Ao terminar de falar, inclinou-se e desalgemou a garota, murmurando. — Eu não acredito que seja inocente. — Então, afastou-se, mas recusava-se a olhar os dois. Encarava algo ao lado de si. Uma sombra humanóide que parecia sorrir.
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istandistmag · 7 years
XXF Very Very French Festival Babylon’da
İstanbul Fransız Kültür Merkezi ve Babylon işbirliğiyle gerçekleşen XXF – Very Very French Festival, bu sene Renault’nun ana partnerliğinde 23 Kasım-6 Aralık tarihlerinde gerçekleşiyor. Festival kapsamında Amadou & Mariam, Kartell, Erik Truffaz, Vincent Peirani, Amine Edge & Dance, Aquaserge ve Juniore Babylon’da sahne alıyor.
Engelleri Yıkan İkili Amadou & Mariam
U2, Blur, Coldplay ve David Gilmour gibi isimlerle aynı sahneyi paylaşan Malili Afro-blues ikilisi Amadou & Mariam, XXF Very Very French Festival kapsamında 23 Kasım Perşembe günü Babylon’da. Bugüne kadar sekiz albüm kaydeden ikili, görme engellerine rağmen müzikle tüm engelleri yıkıyor. “Welcome To Mali” ile 52. Grammy Ödülleri’nde “En İyi Çağdaş Dünya Müzik Albümü” ödülüne aday gösterilen Amadou & Mariam, 2009 Nobel Barış Ödülleri’nde ve 2010 FIFA Dünya Kupası’nın açılış töreninde performans sergiledi.
  Yetenekli DJ’ler Kartell ve Cézaire Art Arda Babylon’da
Fransa elektronik müzik sahnesinin parlayan isimlerinden Kartell, 24 Kasım Cuma akşamı Babylon’da sahne alıyor. DJ ve prodüktör Kartell, French house, nu-disco ve elektronik üçgeninde cesur ve yenilikçi üretimlere imza atıyor. Kendi plak şirketi Roche Musique etiketi ile yayınladığı Riviera’dan Sapphire ve Last Glow’a tüm EP’leri ile sınırlarını genişletiyor. Nu-disco ve R&B etkili Paris müziğini, Karma Kid ve Jabberwocky gibi sanatçılarla iş birliği içerisinde de sunuyor. Kartell aynı zamanda elektronik müzik dünyasının kilometre taşları Kaytranada, The Magician, Bondax gibi yapımcılarla da çalışıyor.
Babylon’da müzik Kartell’den sonra Fransız elektronik müzik ekolünün vizyoner isimlerinden Cézaire ile devam ediyor. Fransa’nın önemli plak şirketlerinden Roche Musique’in kurucusu ve yaratıcı direktörü Cézaire, Kaytranada, Stwo, Onra gibi gezgin müzisyenlerden ilham alıyor. Funk, house ve hip-hop sınırlarındaki imajı ile çarpıcı üretimlere imza atan DJ, 80’lerin ve 90’ların groove ritimlerine getirdiği güçlü yorumla adından söz ettiriyor. Cézaire en son “Seize the day” EP’sini çıkardı.
Kartell ve Cézaire’den önce ise DJ ve yapımcı Hemi, house, trance, dubstep ritimleriyle Babylon’da müzikseverlerle buluşuyor.
  Erik Truffaz Bir Kez Daha Babylon’da
Avrupa caz sahnesinin önde gelen isimlerinden Erik Truffaz, 25 Kasım Cumartesi XXF Very Very French Festival kapsamında bir kez daha Babylon sahnesinde! Günümüzün özgün müzisyenlerinden Fransız trompetçi Erik Truffaz, cazı ham haliyle değil, günümüzün modern türleri arasından seçtiği seslerle harmanlıyor. Sanatçı, İlhan Erşahin, Syl Johnson, Nya, Mounir Troudi, Hüsnü Şenlendirici, Philippe Garcia gibi dünyanın dört bir köşesinde farklı akımları temsil eden müzisyenlerle ürettiği albümler ve sergilediği performanslarla kendini caz dünyasında ayrı bir karakter olarak konumlandırıyor. Bugüne kadar kendi adıyla yayınladığı sayısız albümü Blue Note gibi önemli plak firmalarınca basılırken, sanatçının Fransa’nın prestijli caz ödüllerinden “Prix Special”ı da bulunuyor.
  Kalıpları Yıkan Virtüöz Vincent Peirani
Fransız caz sahnesinin önemli sanatçılarından Vincent Peirani, Renault sponsorluğunda 30 Kasım Perşembe akşamı XXF Very Very French Festival kapsamında Babylon’da. Kariyerinin başında sayısız uluslararası ödül ve yarışma kazanan klarnet ve akordeon virtüözü, vokal ve besteci Vincent Peirani, Bayreuth, Salzburg, Viyana, Roma ve Stockholm’de prestijli festivallerde sahne aldı. Bill Evans ve Fransız caz-rock grubu Sixun’un etkisiyle caz sahnesine atılan müzisyen, Michel Portal, Daniel Humair, Renaud Garcia Fons Quintett, Sylvain Luc, Louis Sclavis ve Vincent Courtois gibi isimlerle performans sergiledi. Django Reinhardt tarafından 2013’te Yılın En İyi Müzisyeni ödülüne layık görülen Peirani, 2014’te Les Victoires du Jazz’da Yılın Müzisyeni ödülünü aldı. Fransız meslektaşı soprano saksafoncu Emile Parisien ile Belle Époque isimli albümünü yayımlayan Peirani, dünya klasiklerinden modern caza ve chanson’a uzanan tüm müzik deneyimini akordeonun çeşitli ses olanakları ile Babylon sahnesinde bir araya getirecek.
G-House’un Öncüleri Amine Edge & Dance
Fransa’da yükselen G-House (Gangsta House) akımının öncü figürlerinden Amine Edge & Dance, 2 Aralık Cumartesi akşamı, XXF Very Very French Festival kapsamında Babylon’da. Tohumları Güney Fransa’da atılan Amine Edge & Dance, house, soul ve 80’ler hip-hop ekseninde dinleyicileriyle buluşuyor. Bağımsız plak şirketi Desolat etiketiyle yayımlanan ve Loco Dice’nin desteğini alan “FCK UR OPINION” EP’leri ile teknoya da uzanan ikili, bugüne kadar duyulmamış karanlık ritimleri de sahneden yaymayı başarıyor. Ekip, Solomun, Carl Cox, Laurent Garnier gibi isimlerden övgüler topluyor.
  Aquaserge ve Juniore İlk Kez Babylon’da
Modern psychedelic müziğin Fransız temsilcileri Aquaserge ve Juniore, 6 Aralık Çarşamba akşamı XXF Very Very French Festival kapsamında Babylon’da art arda sahne alıyor. Tame Impala, Stereolab, Melody’s Echo Chamber, Acid Mothers Temple elemanlarından oluşan Aquaserge Türkiye’de ilk kez Babylon’a konuk oluyor. Afrobeat’ten, tango, funk, Karayip ritimleri ve krautrock’a uzanan geniş bir repertuvar sunan ekip, yeni albümü “Laisse ça être”in ardından Liverpool Psych Fest, R.I.O. Festival, Faust’s Klangbad gibi önemli sahnelerinden sonra Babylon’da!
Anna Jean öncülüğünde kurulan Fransız indie pop dörtlüsü Juniore, müziğinde retro Fransız pop unsurlarını surf gitar tınılarıyla birleştiriyor. Vokal stiliyle Françoise Hardy’ye saygı duruşunda bulunan Juniore ilk EP’leri “Marabout”un artından kendi isimlerini taşıyan ilk albümlerini yayınladı. Son olarak geçtiğimiz Mart ayında “Ouh La La” adını taşıyan ikinci albümünü yayınlayan Parisli dörtlü Türkiye’de ilk kez Babylon’un konuğu oluyor.
  Tarih Etkinlik 23 Kasım 2017 Perşembe Amadou & Mariam 24 Kasım 2017 Cuma Kartell 24 Kasım 2017 Cuma Cézaire 25 Kasım 2017 Cumartesi Erik Truffaz 30 Kasım Perşembe Vincent Peirani 2 Aralık 2017 Cumartesi Amine Edge & Dance 6 Aralık 2017 Çarşamba Aquaserge 6 Aralık 2017 Çarşamba Juniore
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writingwitharlo · 3 years
Sound of Comfort
Summary: Teddy isn't a happy bunny, but there is something that can always lift his mood. (tiny bit of angst, little bit of comfort, loads of fluff)
Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley
A/N: no idea what this is but it's whatever, enjoy, i like this idea, haven't really seen this much i don't think
The silence in the Hufflepuff common room was disrupted by the sound of footsteps descending down from the entrance.
Victoire looked up from the book she had been reading to occupy herself as she waited for Teddy to return from his evening's detention. Earlier that day, he had asked her to help him with a potions assignment and, of course, she wouldn't leave him hanging, even though it was already getting late.
Her mouth opened as said boy came into view, ready to ask him how it went, but seeing the dark and tired look on the Hufflepuff's face, her lips shut again. Victoire got to her feet, ready to greet him with a hug, or whatever he needed but before her hand could even made contact with the older boy's arm, he had already pulled away and muttered a low 'Don't touch me' as he headed straight for the boys' dorms.
Confused and concerned, Victoire exchanged a look with Teddy's best friend and fellow Hufflepuff, Caden, who had been lounging around the common room as well.
(Caden and Teddy were the only two Hufflepuff boys sorted into their year, meaning their dorm was only ever occupied by the two of them. This obviously contributed to both of them becoming very close friends, and essentially like brothers.)
Caden shrugged and jerked his head in direction of the boys' dorms, gesturing to Victoire that she should follow him. The Ravenclaw simply nodded and made her way quietly to their shared dorm room.
Carefully, she opened up the door and peeked inside. At first she was unsure if Teddy was even there; the lights were off and there seemed to be no sound. The pile of shoes and clothes next to the dresser, however, told her otherwise.
Victoire inhaled deeply before stepping inside, gently shutting the door behind her but with enough force so that Teddy was aware somebody else was present. With a quick flick of her wand she ignited a couple of lamps, flooding the room in soft warm light.
"Teddy?" she spoke softly, observing the lump underneath the covers on the far left bed. When it didn't move, Victoire approached slowly, settling down next to it quietly and resting a gentle hand on top what she could only guess was Teddy's shoulder.
They stayed like that for a little while until the lump moved, but only enough to lift one corner of the covers. Victoire didn't need to be told twice; she took the corner and scooted closer to the warm body underneath, draping the covers over the two of them.
Victoire's arms slid around his torso as she pressed herself close to the other's back, her nose burying into the back of his neck. Only their heads were now poking out from the covers. Teddy had stripped off his jeans and socks, leaving him in his boxers and the long-sleeve shirt he had worn all afternoon.
"What happened?" Victoire whispered quietly, resting her cheek against his shoulder.
"It's stupid," Teddy grumbled, his voice a little raspy.
"It can't be that stupid if it made you this upset."
There was more silence and Victoire almost accepted that she would not be finding out today, but with a huff Teddy began explaining the argument he had gotten into during his detention with a Slytherin boy.
It didn't sound like it had been a serious argument, but by the end of it Professor McGonagall decided to check on them, just as they reached the height of the argument. Of course the Slytherin threw him under the bus and Teddy got dealt another days detention.
Victoire couldn't help the soft giggle that spilled over her lips, causing Teddy to look back over his shoulder at her. She slightly released her grip on him, allowing him to turn over and fully face her. "Sorry," she whispered, placing a hand over her mouth. She didn't mean to be insensitive.
Teddy pouted at her, but he already seemed less upset than when he had first returned. Nevertheless, Victoire opened up her arms for him, allowing the Hufflepuff to snuggle close. His head rested against her chest, tucking itself beneath her chin as his arms snaked around her body instinctively.
Victoire's fingers found their way into the other's blue hair, combing through the soft curls. "Tell me, what can I do to chase away this grumpy-grump?" she asked softly, scratching the back of Teddy's scalp and smiling as she felt him melt into her touch.
Teddy didn't reply with words, only a soft groan.
"Is this helping?" Victoire asked with a chuckle, focusing the gentle scratches to the base of his scalp.
Another hum.
Victoire laughed, letting her head fall back onto Teddy's pillow. It would never stop being adorable how much Teddy's mood could be affected by physical affection, it was like dating a human sized puppy.
Teddy's arms tightened around her, drawing her closer by her waist. He had his arms placed between her cardigan and the vest top she was wearing, giving his hands full access to rub her back.
The Ravenclaw smiled to herself, letting her eyes flutter shut as she felt his warmth traveling up and down her back slowly before sliding back around her waist.
One thing Teddy inherited from his father was his lankiness. Built tall and lean, his arms could easily fully encompass Victoire in their grip. He held her so close, that his hand could reach the respective opposite sides of her waist.
Victoire let out a content sigh, planting a couple gentle kisses to the top of the other's head.
Teddy slowly lifted his head, looking up at the Ravenclaw with a face of innocence. "I think I know what might help," he mumbled quietly.
Victoire raised a questioning eyebrow, bringing one of her hands up to brush a stray curl out of Teddy's face. "Yeah? And what would that be, my love?"
Before she had even fully asked the question, Victoire knew she was in for trouble.
Teddy's eyes darkened slightly and a playful smirk tugged at his lips.
Only a sharp inhale of anticipation was heard before the poised fingers struck their target. Victoire let out a shriek of surprise at the meticulously executed attack before she was subjected to a peal of giggles. The fingers rapidly clawed at the softer parts between her lower ribs.
It wasn't often that Victoire found herself on the receiving end of these torments. Quite early on, even before they started dating, Victoire was aware of Teddy's persistent physical touches. A squeeze to the knee, an arm wrapped around the shoulders, a quick scribble to the back of the neck, it was Teddy's most frequent gesture of affection. So it only made sense that the Hufflepuff boy craved similar gestures in order to receive the same affection.
It didn't take long for Victoire to realise that Teddy would purposefully put himself into situations that would make him victim of a good tickle. Whether that was being extra sassy with his responses, or annoying Victoire when she was trying to study, or even just playfully tackling Caden to the nearest cushioned surface, it would always eventually lead to the same scenario.
Now that Victoire and Teddy had spent more time together and learned more about the other's ways, it almost came natural. Of course, this was one of the less common situations.
"You're mehean!" Victoire protested as she tried to push Teddy away by his shoulders. His grip was so tight, however, there was absolutely no chance she would be able to free herself.
"I'm just taking up your offer to help me," Teddy replied, the smile on his face much to smug for the Ravenclaw's liking.
Every now and again, Teddy would get into these moods where nothing but a squirming Victoire beneath him could quite satisfy.
Teddy let one of his hands climb higher up Victoire's ribcage, forcing her to clamp her arms down, which was futile since another set of arms was already in the way.
"Nooho! Ted!"
Teddy grinned and halted his attack. His grip loosened and his hands settled flat against her back where they wouldn't do any real damage.
"Merlin," Victoire panted, a few residual giggles still bubbling over. "Next time, give me a head's up at least." She looked down at Teddy's still smug face and rolled her eyes, planting her hand on his face and shoving him away. "You had planned this from the start, didn't you?"
Teddy chuckled as he flopped onto his back. "I didn't actually"
He looked back at her with sincerity. "After you laughed at my detention story, I was reminded that your laugh is actually really comforting."
Victoire wanted to roll her eyes at his sappy reply but from his face she could tell that he was actually being serious and the tips of her ears turned a little warm. "You couldn't have just said that?" she huffed also flopping onto her back.
Teddy shrugged, biting down on his bottom lip. "Where would be the fun in that?"
There was a moment of silence between them, with Teddy watching Victoire, unsure if he had overstepped some line and with Victoire staring up at the dorm ceiling, still a little breathless.
"You're really going to be the end of me, you know that?" Victoire suddenly spoke, sitting up and discarding her cardigan before laying back down.
Teddy's eyes widened in confusion and he propped himself onto his elbow, unsure what she meant.
"You get five minutes. Do your worst."
"W-What?" Teddy asked.
"You heard me."
Teddy got onto his knees, the covers now long forsaken as they slid off the bed onto the floor. "Are you serious? You are serious." He could barely contain the grin that split across his face as he straddled just one of her thighs, giving her enough freedom to kick him off if she really felt the need to.
"Don't eye me up like that, Lupin. Just get it over with already." Victoire wanted to squirm under his intense gaze and felt her body heat up slightly. Even with his disheveled hair and crumpled shirt, he could still express something menacing if he wanted to.
Teddy hovered over her, planting his hands on either side of her head. "You're the best girlfriend, did you know that?" he murmured, pressing his lips against hers for a moment.
As he pulled apart, he grabbed each of her wrists and slowly brought them together above her head where he pinned them easily with one hand.
Victoire swallowed, instinctively tugging at her arms but not surprised when they barely budged. "I hope you know that you'll be getting your share after this."
Teddy chuckled and took in the body beneath him, his eyes getting caught on the strip of skin now visible as the hem of the thin top had rucked upwards.
"Oh, god," Victoire whispered and Teddy looked at her with a smirk, his free hand coming up to lightly trace across the bare skin.
With a suppressed squeak, Victoire tried to suck in her belly as much as possible. Not that that was going to save her.
His hands were warm and gentle, but tickled nonetheless. Only when a finger dipped into her belly button and wiggled deep against its base did Victoire break, a loud clear laugh erupting.
The touch felt like it was coming from inside her body, causing the Ravenclaw to twist her pelvis from one side to the other but with no success.
Now that Teddy had begun he was not holding back. A claw formed over the center of the belly, the fingers twitching just ever so slightly and yet were enough to produce a completely new sound of desperate laughter.
As the tormenting fingers passed by her ribs and reached Victoire's armpit a little while later, she could feel that she was reaching her limit. There was no way of telling how many minutes had passed. For all she knew, it could have been 2 or twenty.
Teddy gave her the shortest of breaks to catch her breath before lightly tracing sloppy lines and circles from her upper arm to her upper ribs and back again.
"Ahaha, fuhuck!" Victoire snorted, making a move to bite at his hand.
Teddy gasped, retracting his free hand but keeping her pinned with the other. "Did you just try to bite me?" he asked accusingly, that certain look in his eyes that always left Victoire feeling giddy and hot.
"Nobody said... I couldn't," she replied factually while still trying to catch her breath.
Teddy licked his lip as his eyebrows shot up and he nodded slowly. "Very well. Nobody said I couldn't either."
Before Victoire could even process his words, Teddy had released her arms, using both hands to grab ahold of the vest top's hem and revealing her full stomach to which he pressed his face, playfully biting and nibbling at the skin.
Victoire shrieked. Not only were the gentle nips and the occasional swirl of his tongue torturous, the 7th year was also starting to grow in a decent amount of stubble, meaning with every movement, the prickly hairs sent tiny electric sparks through the Ravenclaw's nerves.
Said Ravenclaw trying her best to curl in on herself but it was no use. Teddy had found his new target, which meant the only defence was offence.
With her head thrown back in laughter, Victoire blindly searched for his open spots. One hand managed to find its way across the back of his shoulder and into his armpit while the other explored every inch of his exposed neck.
Needless to say, Teddy's attack did not last for much longer, interrupted by scrunched shoulders and shouts of protest. Victoire's revenge was quick to follow.
Only when Caden eventually returned to the dorm were they able to agree on a truce. As they collapsed next to each other, cheeks burning and stomach's hurting, both of them knew they weren't leaving that bed until the next day.
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writingwitharlo · 2 years
Teddy Lupin & Victoire Weasley - Tickle HCs
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stole some otp tickle questions from @calmturquoise and @ticklishraspberries (x,x)
Who’s more ticklish?
Teddy, it's actually ridiculous. He's just very touch sensitive. Victoire is decently ticklish too but Teddy is worse.
Who’s the lee and who’s the ler?
Teddy is definitely the lee, Vic is the ler. Sometimes Teddy gets ler moods but not super often and Vic just enjoys having big, cuddly Teddy falling to pieces.
Who gets embarrassed by tickling?
Teddy sometimes, but only when he gets tickled in front of strangers. Most of the people in his life already know what a mess he is, so then he doesn't mind. He just blushes a lot more and gets kinda tense.
Who teases the other about tickling more?
Victoire teases the shit out of Teddy. He gets all flustered and sheepish and forgets how to form sentences. It's worse when Vic first finds out about his thing for it, but he gets better after a while and only really gets affected when she catches him off guard.
Who initiates the tickle fights?
They both do. Perhaps Teddy a bit more than Vic because its on his mind more and he likes to be physical and roughhouse occassionally.
Do either of them have a tickling kink?
Teddy does. I think it took him a while to learn that it was an actual thing, but he always knew he didn't hate getting tickled.
Who has the cutest tickle laugh?
Teddy. It gets all giggly and hearty.
Victoire's laugh is cute regardless.
Who is ticklish in unusual places and where would that be?
With the right touch, Teddy is ticklish practically anywhere. Like literally anywhere.
Vic has only a couple of odd places, like her sternum and her lower back.
Who gets cheer-up tickles?
Both, when the situation allows it. Victoire can get caught up on little things sometimes, and even though Teddy will happily listen to her rant or try to comfort her, there are occasions when all that doesn't work and his last resort is to tickle some sense into her.
Teddy, on the other hand, just gets into these moods sometimes where he's kinda grumpy for now reason or just refuses to talk which is usually when Vic will bring out the cheer-up tickles.
Who takes advantage of the other one getting their arms stuck while taking off their shirt?
Both of them, all the time. They already struggle keeping their hands off each other anyways and they're a pretty playful couple, so whenever it happens, the other has a field day.
How did they discover each other’s ticklishness?
I don't think either of them really remember. They've known each other for so long and have always been so close, it's just one of those things that their brains have filed away with all the other useless information.
I imagine Teddy saw Bill or someone tickle Victoire when they were little, and he heard the sound she made and knew that he wanted to hear it again.
Victoire would have found out through someone else, perhaps Harry or Ginny or even little James spilling the beans to her and Vic immediately having to find out for herself.
Who can’t take tickle bites?
Vic! It's just too much. Especially once Teddy starts growing in some stubble. She'll literally have to grab his hair and pull him away. Of course he slips them in every now and then just to be annoying.
Who has to be tickle-forced out of bed in the morning?
Teddy, not a morning person. Victoire, however, very much a morning person. But also sleepy Teddy is the cutest, and adding tickles on top of that just makes him all giggly and blushy.
Who is in danger of getting hurt when attacking the other?
Teddy. Not that Victoire is a particularly violent person, but she does squirm a lot and since Teddy is a good amount stronger than her, she's not all too worried about him getting hurt.
Who provokes the other into tickling them and how?
Teddy and through any means known to man. Hiding things Vic needs behind his back or out of reach, being purposefully annoying, snarky/cheeky replies, stretching, exposing ticklish parts 'accidentally'... you get the idea.
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ladymary1994 · 3 years
SH memes #10
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O jogo da discórdia movimentou o #bbb na última segunda e isso contagiou a nossa Lizzie Daniels, protagonista de Sobrevivendo em Hogwarts, que decidiu criar o dela... 😂
O que acharam da leitura de jogo da nossa sonserina favorita?
Mudariam alguém de lugar?
Ficou sem entender alguns nomes?
Então, comece agora mesmo a ler SOBREVIVENDO EM HOGWARTS para entender o que rolou!
Mas, se estiver cansado da cantoria e do clima de paz e amor do BBB, vem comigo e acompanhe as explicações!
NÃO FAZ FALTA: Lucy Weasley
Lucy aprontou todas na sexta temporada e quase prejudicou Lizzie em vários aspectos: tentou destruir o namoro dela com Louis, tentou fazê-la perder a credibilidade com os amigos e colegas e também tentou fazer Lizzie ser expulsa. Ela foi embora, seus pais Percy e Audrey decidiram transferi-la para Ilvermorny, e se tem alguém que está aliviado com essa partida é justamente ela, Lizzie Daniels, que (talvez) possa desfrutar de alguns minutinhos de paz.
JÁ ME DECEPCIONOU: Ben Kiddell e Scorpius Malfoy
Quem acompanhou a primeira temporada de Sobrevivendo em Hogwarts se lembra muito bem do quanto a Lizzie se iludiu com este bad boy de cabelos platinados e olhos cinzentos. Scorpius roubou o coração da Lizzie e depois fez o quê? Estraçalhou após trai-la com diversas garotas. Outro ex decepcionante é Ben Kiddell, que na quinta temporada, manipulou Lizzie para que ela fizesse tudo o que ele queria (incluindo ir pra cama com ele) e mesmo sabendo que ela queria terminar, usou de chantagem emocional para que Lizzie desistisse da ideia e ficasse mais e mais presa a ele. Além de ser bem grosseiro com os amigos dela, a Kendra e o Cameron...
PALESTRINHA: Rose e Hugo Granger-Weasley, Jennifer Jolie
Esses três adoram um textão, e quando é pra falar em público, prepare-se: serão horas e horas de um longo e entediante discurso. E a Lizzie, apesar de não odiar exatamente este trio, sabe que eles são bem duros de aturar quando ligam a matraca. Rose pode ser bem pedante às vezes, principalmente quando cisma que a Lizzie está envolvida em algo errado. Hugo fala tanto que até foi chamado para ser narrador das partidas de quadribol da escola! E a Jolie capricha na oratória quando quer defender algo que acredita, ou mesmo expor alguma teoria que pipocou em sua mente brilhante.
ATRAPALHA O MEU JOGO: Fleur Weasley, Minerva McGonagall, Priscilla Harper
Surpreso em ver a mãe de Louis (e Victoire e Dominique) e a diretora de Hogwarts nessa lista? Pois é, você não ficaria se lembrasse do quanto a dona Fleur atrapalha o namoro da Lizzie com o Louis, com suas implicâncias e favorecimentos a pessoas como Lucy. E também a dona McGonagall, grifinória até os ossos, sempre sabota a casa da Lizzie, a Sonserina, tirando vários pontos por besteira (e premiando a Grifinória por fazer o mínimo). E a Priscilla Harper, nem precisa comentar o quanto essa garota atrapalha a Lizzie, ajudando a manchar a fama da Sonserina com seu jeito metido de ser. E quando foi monitora, tudo piorou: Harper usou esse cargo pra se dar bem, chegando a intimidar a Lizzie e a qualquer um que atravessasse seu caminho.
Se tem uma pessoa que tem medo de se comprometer, é Albus. Ele é homossexual, mas morre de medo de sair do armário, e por isso, mantém um namoro falido com a Rose. Fora que no início da terceira temporada, foi revelado que ele nem fez nada pela Lizzie quando ela foi expulsa do clube de bexigas, e ainda ficava cobrando posicionamento dela pra decidir entre o quadribol e a bexiga...
NÃO É CONFIÁVEL: Dominique Weasley e Blake Fletcher
Eles formam uma dupla estranha, ela toda patricinha, ele maloqueiro, mas na verdade, eles têm muito em comum, a começar pelo mau caratismo. Dominique nasceu numa família privilegiada e ainda dentro dos padrões de beleza. Sabendo disso, ela se aproveitou para pisar e humilhar quem ela achava indigno, e ainda tentou moldar as pessoas próximas a ela para serem como ela queria, como ela fez por anos com Roxanne, Molly e Louis. E o Fletcher nunca teve boa fama em Hogwarts. Era melhor amigo do Scorpius, sempre o ajudava em suas armações e ainda praticava alguns furtos. Pra piorar, ele também é filho do ladrão Mundungus Fletcher, que roubou algumas relíquias de Sirius para vender. Talvez tenha sido por isso que eles resolveram montar uma sociedade nos golpes e na vida, formando o casal mais trambiqueiro de Sobrevivendo em Hogwarts. Escondam suas carteiras!
E então, concordam com a Lizzie ou ainda acham que tem gente fora do lugar? Para formar sua própria opinião, meu conselho é você começar a ler Sobrevivendo em Hogwarts agora mesmo!
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ladymary1994 · 3 years
SH memes #7
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É como diz o ditado: você só conhece verdadeiramente uma pessoa quando uma criança chora perto dela 😂😂😂
Não entendeu nada? Nem sabe quem são essas pessoas do meme? Então, não fique por fora! Comece a ler SOBREVIVENDO EM HOGWARTS, disponível apenas no Spirit Fanfics e Histórias.
Ou, se não tiver nada melhor pra fazer, leia a nossa detalhada explicação (e conheça um pouco esses personagens).
TENTAM FAZER RIR: Lizzie, Louis, os gêmeos Scamanders e James
A protagonista e principal narradora da história, Lizzie Daniels, é marcada por sua irreverência e tiradas certeiras e sarcásticas. Meio atrapalhada, a garota não iria se abalar tanto ao ver uma pobre criança aos prantos e iria usar de seu arsenal de brincadeiras, piadas e trapalhadas para ao menos tentar fazer essa criança dar um risinho. Seu namorado, Louis Weasley, pode até bancar o sério de vez em quando, mas também é do time da zoeira, principalmente quando se junta com seus melhores amigos, James Potter, Lorcan e Lysander Scamander. Só haveria o perigo do Louis acabar convertendo essa criança para a torcida dos Chudley Cannons, seu time de coração. Ou do James irritar a criança com sua constante mania de ser o centro das atenções. Ou dos gêmeos tentarem fazer essa criança virar torcedora dos Ballycastle Bats ou fazer alguma idiotice que traumatize esse pobre fedelho para sempre...
TENTAM BRINCAR: Kendra, Sandy, Teddy, Victoire e Helena
Kendra Abbey, a melhor amiga e colega de quarto da Lizzie, seria outra que tentaria de tudo para acalmar a criança, usando seu jeito fofo de sempre. A garota, marcada por sua doçura, iria até mesmo apelar para seu talento como cantora para fazer a criança relaxar. Outra amiga, Sandy Miller, também agiria de maneira semelhante, embora não seja lá uma grande cantora, mas ela contaria histórias até a criança dormir. E Teddy e Victoire, como pais da pequena Doris (que nasceu bem no começo da 7ª temporada) usariam de sua experiência como pais e babás das crianças das famílias Weasley e Potter para fazer essa criança ficar quieta em pouco tempo. E Helena McLaren, que tem um irmão menor, o Cedric, também usaria sua experiência para sossegar a criança.
DÃO INSTRUÇÕES AOS PAIS: Eu Cameron, Rose, Hugo, Newton
Cameron Fingal é o melhor amigo de Lizzie e Kendra, e é conhecido por ser o mais sério (e rabugento) do grupo. E ele é o monitor da Sonserina, né, amores? Ele não teria sido escolhido se não fosse bom com crianças. Muito menos se não fosse capaz de fazer um bom relatório para autoridades competentes. Mas talvez Rose, Hugo e Newton Keating sejam ainda mais prodigiosos nisto. Os três estão entre os mais inteligentes de sua geração, e os irmãos Granger-Weasleys são monitores também (com Rose sendo eleita monitora-chefe no final da sexta temporada). Sem contar que Hugo e Newton são da Corvinal, né? Dar instruções é com eles mesmos! Esse quarteto não faz corpo mole quando é chamado para explicar algum tópico complicado para quem quiser saber, e a própria Lizzie apelou para eles quando precisou de ajuda ou quis descobrir mais detalhes sobre determinado assunto que ela desconhecia. Só tem um probleminha: Rose pode soar antipática e pretensiosa às vezes (o Keating é ainda pior, acredite), e Hugo e Newton volta e meia se alongam demais no tema e se o interlocutor não se cuidar, pode acabar dormindo durante a palestra deles. O que pode ser péssimo para os pais que precisarem de instruções desses dois...
CHORAM JUNTO: Fred, Damon, Cedric, Albus
Não, eles não fazem isso por mal. Eles até têm boa vontade em tentar acalmar a criança, mas nem sempre eles conseguem segurar as lágrimas e a vontade de chorar pode acabar sendo mais forte do que eles. Fred Weasley II choraria por ser extremamente sensível e compreender que os motivos da criança estar chorando são tão sinceros e verdadeiros que ele acaba chorando junto, por compreendê-la como uma igual. Damon Lioncourt, o namorado do Cameron, choraria por ter uma autoestima baixa e se julgar incapaz de fazer uma criança ficar calma. A insegurança também seria um fator dominante entre Cedric McLaren e Albus Potter, embora o irmãozinho da Helena fosse ficar furioso caso alguém o visse chorando e o provocasse por isso.
Lucy Weasley, Ben Kiddell e Priscilla Harper são três dos personagens mais controversos e menos queridos de Sobrevivendo em Hogwarts. A primeira fez algumas armações para prejudicar a Lizzie, enquanto posava de boa amiga. Talvez ela até acalmasse a criança se visse vantagem nisso, mas se não tivesse ninguém olhando, ela seria a primeira a ignorar. Outra que teria atitude parecida seria Priscilla Harper, que ignorou muita coisa errada em seu curto mandato como monitora da Sonserina. E Ben Kiddell, o ex-namorado babaca da Lizzie, seria outro que passaria reto caso alguma criança chorosa trombasse em seu caminho. Apesar de ser monitor e ter ambições (frustradas) em ser monitor-chefe, ele não faria tanta questão de ajudar se entendesse que isso não faria diferença em sua jornada para ser o escolhido da direção (bom, dá pra entender porque ele não conseguiu, né?)
MOTIVO DA CRIANÇA CHORAR: Scorpius, Jolie, Dominique, Lily
Não é surpresa pra ninguém que leu Sobrevivendo em Hogwarts encontrar Scorpius Malfoy e Dominique Weasley nessa categoria. Scorpius é conhecido como o maior delinquente da escola, é capaz de tudo para conseguir o que quer e chega a ameaçar e a azarar quem atravessa seu caminho. Lizzie que o diga, afinal, como sua ex-namorada, ela foi perseguida por ela por um bom tempo. Dominique, a irmã do meio de Victoire e Louis, é famosa na escola por ser uma espécie de abelha-rainha do mal. Junto com suas primas e amigas Roxanne e Molly, ela formava um trio famoso e temido: as primas Weasleys. E na qualidade de líder desse trio, Domi, como era chamada pelos mais íntimos, fazia de tudo para se impor perante seus colegas, incluindo alguns atentados, azarações, chantagens e ameaças. Lizzie (novamente) é quem tem muita propriedade no assunto, afinal, Dominique aprontou todas quando ela e Louis começaram a namorar. Agora, encontrar por aqui alguns personagens tidos como "bonzinhos", como Jennifer Jolie e Lily Potter, pode ser surpreendente para alguns leitores incautos, mas não se enganem: Jolie e Lily podem ser crueis com quem elas acharem que merecem. Jennifer Jolie, uma ávida ativista social, pode ser virulenta na defesa de suas opiniões, e não hesita em entrar numa briga se for benéfico para suas causas. E Lily... Bom, no começo, quando ela era aquela garotinha ingênua que sonhava em entrar para Hogwarts e ser selecionada para a Grifinória, ela poderia ser até meio chorona, mas agora, que foi para a Sonserina, se envolveu com Scorpius e aprendeu uma série de azarações secretas, ela é simplesmente a garota mais temida da escola. Se alguém faz piadinhas com ela por Lily ser uma Potter e estar na Sonserina, ela vira o demônio. E ai de quem aprontar com ela!
E agora, entendeu? O que achou dos personagens? Quer saber mais sobre eles?
Leia agora a série Sobrevivendo em Hogwarts e veja essa turminha em ação!
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ladymary1994 · 6 years
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Uma one-shot acaba de sair do forno! Conheça “O RETRATO”, a prequela de Sobrevivendo em Hogwarts, protagonizada por Victoire Weasley e Teddy Lupin!
Sinopse:  “O que parecia impossível aconteceu. Teddy Lupin e Victoire Weasley estão separados. Mas será que não há chances do casal 20 de Hogwarts se reconciliar? Ironicamente, quem acaba ajudando é justamente um velho retrato de uma bruxa preconceituosa que coloca os valores bruxos em xeque”.
Tá fazendo vários nadas? CLIQUE AQUI PARA LER
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