#ler yan wushi
danmeitickles · 1 year
lao yan loves to sneak up on shen qiao and poke him or blow on his neck, it’s adorable the way shen qiao scrunches up and squeaks, it’s also adorable how his cheeks turn bright red and scolds the older man, and sometimes lao yan would trap shen qiao between himself and the table while shen qiao is reading something and relentlessly poke up and down shen qiao’s sides to watch him giggle and squirm while at the same time trying to scold his husband for his teasy behavior
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666sanlang · 2 years
"Há muitas pessoas neste mundo — algumas são boas e outras são más. Mas há ainda mais pessoas que não podem ser simplesmente classificadas como 'boas' ou 'más'. Elas podem não pensar da mesma maneira que você ou seguir o mesmo caminho que você segue. [...]"
Sinceramente, há muitas coisas as quais eu aprecio em Qian Qiu, mas nenhuma se compara ao fato de não rotularem pessoas apenas pelas suas ações. Yan Wushi é muitas vezes descrito como peverso e maldoso, mas ele é apenas um humano que age de acordo com seus preceitos. E, eu amo isso nele. Já Shen Qiao benevolente e bondoso, tambem guiado por seus princípios e preceitos, ainda assim, é humano e toda bondade tem limite, sendo assim, quando precisa ser impetuoso não hesita e isso não o torna uma pessoa mais boa ou mais ruim.
Ler Qian Qiu é sobre detalhes, os quais você passa a amar muito em pouco tempo. Heróis e Anti-Heróis sendo falhos e frágeis como qualquer outro ser humano.
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danmeitickles · 1 year
Summer Day
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It's been awhile since I've posted a fic, haven't had a lot of inspiration. It's been so hot here the past few months that it has given me inspiration to write apparently haha. I hope to be more active with fics soon. Well I hope you all enjoy this one!
Pairings: Yanshen
lee!shenqiao, ler!yanwushi
The sun beats down on the land below, the rays keeping everything warm as the summer season hits its peak. A breeze blows past the trees and rivers that can make the heat almost bearable. When temperatures such as these come around, one must have a plan to cool off so two cultivators have gone off to their vacation home that they had chosen together years ago. This is where they come when they feel they need extra seclusion from the world.
The home is hidden in the trees but overlooks a small lake that seems to always stay cool, with a waterfall cascading from the rocky hill above it, the water doesn’t have time to heat up. This is where one of the said cultivators is currently. Usually shy, he had removed majority of his layers since there are no others around anyway. He sat just at the shore of the water with a relaxed disposition stroking the fur of his deer companion. A small smile can be seen as he converses with A-Qiao. He still needs to find a better name for him, though he doesn’t seem to respond to anything else. His husband, Yan Wushi, somehow has him trained to only respond to “A-Qiao”.
Yan Wushi was just coming out of the home when he is stunned on the spot. Of course he has seen his husband and his body many times, has made love to him more times than either of them can keep track of. Still it seems the demonic sect leader can still be awestruck by the beauty of Shen Qiao. Shen Qiao that relaxed at the shore with his beautiful legs in front of him as he propped himself up by an arm behind him while he pets the deer in his lap, his beautiful chest is bare with his shoulders relaxed and that soft, tender smile that could put Yan Wushi in a coma. His hair was in a slight messy, mostly up with strands falling out. The water on his body makes him glisten in the sunlight.
It took every ounce of his being to not melt when those doe eyes with that sweet smile looked up to him and called him over “Yan Zongzhu won’t you join us over here?” He didn’t need to be asked twice. Despite the heat, only his A-Qiao is capable of making him melt. He made his way over to where his two A-Qiaos were. As Shen Qiao watches his husband approach, he absentmindedly stopped petting the deer and the deer wasn’t happy about it. The deer A-Qiao began to nuzzle into Shen Qiao demanding more pets and attention, much like someone else he knows…
With his muzzle he nuzzled into the daoist’s torso with his nose and whiskers. Unexpectedly Shen Qiao squeaked and was trying to stop the deer from nuzzling more causing the deer to grunt in protest. He shot his eyes up to make sure that the one approaching hadn’t just noticed. Of course he did, there’s very little that gets by Yan Wushi and this is something that does not. Shen Qiao knows it but he looks into his eyes anyway hoping as the other gave a smile of tenderness with a hint of mischief. Yan Wushi really thinks he’s been blessed by the gods.
Shen Qiao’s face is red as a tomato as he stands up trying to pretend that silly event didn’t happen. “A-Qiao what was that?” Yan Wushi asks with his voice full of tease, a cheshire cat like grin made its way onto his face. “N-n-nothing, it was nothing, just got startled a little thats all!” He wanted to cringe for that slip of a stutter and how quickly he answered. “Are you sure? Because it seemed like when a-qiao touched his nose right here” Yan Wushi poked the spot the deer had nuzzled, Shen Qiao tried not to react, Yan Wushi spoke right into his ear “it tickled you”. Shen Qiao shook his head and tried putting distance between them “you’re speaking nonsense, it did not!” “But A-Qiao who’s the one speaking nonsense here? Certainly isn’t this venerable one when I know how ticklish you are” “Yan Zongzhu!!” Shen Qiao huffed at the teasing causing the other to laugh his menacing laugh.
The daoist hardly had time to react, the moment he saw his husband give him a look and made a lunge for him, he took off in a haste. However despite being chased, he didn’t put up much of a difficulty to catch, afterall despite his flustered reaction he couldn’t deny that he enjoyed these kinds of moments. Moments when it was just them two without the weight of the world and their responsibilities as sect leaders. “Yan Zongzhu please wait!” He exclaimed when he was nearly caught, he couldn’t hide the smile on his lips as the chase went on “You will not hide that laugh from me A-Qiao, let me hear it” “Nooo” Shen Qiao couldn’t help the giddy response. The demonic sect leader could easily catch his lover, but just like the other, he was also enjoying this playful moment.
Shen Qiao had run into the shallow end of the lake just a few inches deep, and tried to splash at his husband drawing near. A surprised squeal escaped him as he felt two muscular arms circle his waist pulling him back into the body of his lover. “Gotcha A-Qiao!” Yan Wushi teased into his ear as the daoist struggled to free himself “Nooo Yan Zongzhu wait!”. He maneuvered the man in his arms to the ground putting his head in his lap while the rest of his body lay in the shallow water. Shen Qiao gasps as hands came into view and hovered over his body and couldn’t help but stare at them as they made their descent on his body.
Throwing his head back he fights the laughs trying to escape him as fingers start tracing and wiggling at his ribs and tries to catch the other’s hands. “A-Qiao I’m sure by now you know the consequences of hiding that laughter from this venerable one” there is only tender teasing in his voice. The daoist’s eyes widen and then shut as the dam breaks when those fingers dig into his ribs, digging between each one thoroughly as laughter flows from that pretty mouth of his. It’s music to Yan Wushi’s ears, a sound he would never grow tired of. Legs are splashing and flailing in the water, soaking them both, but that doesn’t stop the demonic sovereign, in fact something he noticed is the slipperiness of the water seems to make his husband more sensitive.
“Ah hahaha Yahan- Yahahn” He could hardly form a word, the tickling making his brain malfunction. Yan Wushi can’t help but laugh along with his beloved, “You trying to say something A-Qiao? I can’t hear you over your laughter” “thahahts behehecahahse you- you ahahare AHAhahaha nooo” Even in his predicament Shen Qiao still tried to correct the other’s statement, but was interrupted by laughter when his husband changed spots suddenly to wiggle up and down his sides and the spot where A-Qiao had nuzzled drilling a finger on that spot. His nose scrunched up as he tried to curl to protect himself, but the hands switched sides on him causing him to roll back.
His fingers danced and scribbled around his bare sides and tummy. Amused by the cute reactions his husband has to the tickling. Especially when different spots are under attack. He wants to see them all, see how Shen Qiao wiggles side to side as each side is squeezed alternately. The way he squeaks and shoving his husband’s hands away as he sneaks a finger into his navel wiggling it around. When he digs his thumbs into his hip bones causing the daoist below him to cackle uncontrollably. His eyes squeezed shut as he pleaded “AHhahaha nohoho mohohore pleahahahse yahahn zohohohngzhu”.
It’s moments like these Yan Wushi feels like he’s been blessed by the gods. He looked down to his beloved in his lap, and once again is nearly stunned on the spot, this time he gets to see the beauty up close. It doesn’t make sense for a grown man to be this adorable, but the way his nose scrunches the more he laughs that beautiful laugh of his and the squeaks that escape him when he hits particularly sensitive spots. He soaks up every single micro expression, every reaction on that face, the face that is currently blushing like crazy with those precious lips upturned in uncontrollable laughter. The only sight more beautiful than this one is when they are in their private chambers and Shen Qiao is moaning in ecstasy from their intimacy.
His thoughts were interrupted when Shen Qiao let out another surprise squeal of “NOOooo stop that!” his eyes shot open as soon as he felt it. A wet whiskery nose had once again started to nuzzle his tummy and even adding a few licks. A-Qiao still wanting attention from Shen Qiao had trotted over to them “nohoho a-qiaoho dohont doho thahat!”. Afraid of hurting the deer Shen Qiao tried his best to not kick his legs and flail his arms instead. He tried pushing the deer away to no avail as he heard an evil chuckle from above him “Even A-Qiao couldn’t resist your laughter A-Qiao” to which Shen Qiao tried to glare at him that didn’t look much like a glare.
Not knowing what to do with his hands, Shen Qiao covered his face which in the back of his mind knew wasn’t a good idea but his mind was a bit fuzzy at the moment. “Yahahn Lahahng nooo” “Yan Lang yes” the hands teasing his torso move up to the daoist’s exposed underarms. Shen Qiao tried putting his arms back down to protect himself, but Yan Wushi grabbed both arms and held them up so he could tickle his underarms with ease. This went on for several minutes, the demonic sect leader attacking the underarms and he didn’t have any intention of stopping. However, somehow Shen Qiao found the strength to suddenly sit up and get to his feet and sprinted off, fast in his reflexes, Yan Wushi was quick to react and yet again was in another chase with a giggly daoist.
The chase didn’t last long as last time when once again Yan Wushi has caught his lover in his arms. The daoist tries to break free from his husband’s grasp to no avail and finds himself pinned against a tree “You think you could get away from me just like that A-Qiao?” Shen Qiao let out a response mixed with residual giggles “wahahit yahan zongzhu noho mohore plehehase”. His smile was so big at this moment, and this time Yan Wushi was able to view it right side up. His face was bright and his mouth was still producing some of that beautiful laughter. Once again, Yan Wushi is stunned on the spot. Who could blame Yan Wushi for bringing his lips to make contact with those pretty red giggly lips in a kiss. When he felt the other’s lips move along with his he couldn’t help the smile and he couldn’t help but use his body to pin the other to the tree, deepening the kiss.
“Ah! hehmhmheh Yahahn Zohongzhu!” Shen Qiao broke the kiss to scold his husband for sneaking a tickle in their make out session, to the daoist’s surprise though “it wasn’t me” Yan Wushi held up his hands in his defense. Both looked down to see that A-Qiao, who still hasn’t gotten the attention he seeks, had come over and once again nuzzled Shen Qiao’s side with his nose. This time both husbands laugh together as Shen Qiao finally stretches out a hand to pet the deer. “Perhaps we should dry off indoors A-Qiao” Shen Qiao nods “mm” as he wrapped his arms around the other’s neck and his legs around the other’s torso as Yan Wushi carried him firmly in his arms. As A-Qiao the deer had been satisfied by finally getting the attention he wanted he trots away, more laughter could be heard from inside the home along with other noises that progress as the day turns to night.
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danmeitickles · 2 years
Tickletober 2022: Ticklish Kiss
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Am I using the tickletober event to write some self indulgent fanfics? Why yes, yes I am. There’s not enough danmei tickle fanfics, there’s definitely some good ones out there, but not enough for the lesser known. Anyway hope you all enjoy some tickle fun with yanshen! Edit: just realized an entire paragraph was missing at the beginning so I just updated that part, oopsy.
Tickletober prompt 10: Ticklish kiss
Pairing: yanshen
lee!shenqiao, ler!yanwushi
Ticklish kiss
It was early morning when brownish-red eyes woke as he usually did before his beloved. His favorite morning pastime is watching the precious man in his arms sleep so peacefully, proof that he felt safe in his embrace. Yan Wushi hasn’t always been a sentimental person, it was only because of Shen Qiao, he started to discover new things he always thought to be pointless. But now as he rests his gaze upon the resting beauty, his beloved, he allows himself to cherish every moment he shares with his precious A-Qiao.
He couldn’t help it, most times he lets his husband sleep, knowing that with him is the only sleep the daoist gets. When the two are apart the daoist meditates instead of sleeping. However, this very morning he wanted to touch him, he began tracing fingertips along his face, gently caressing the jade-like skin as if it would tear. The sect leader is wearing a tender smile, rarely without any mischief, an expression reserved for Shen Qiao only, he presses the first kiss on his forehead, then his eyelids, nose and finally a chaste kiss on the lips.
Normally, Shen Qiao would stir with the ongoing affection. However, after last night’s activities he was reduced to a heavy sleep. “A-Qiao A-Qiao, you don’t plan to sleep all day do you?” He teased while trying to coax his lover awake. “This venerable one is only here for another day, why sleep when we can go play?” Nothing seemed to be working. Yan Wushi sighed, but he’s not one to back down from a challenge. He continues to place kisses around the daoist’s face and venturing down to his neck.
When he reaches the nape of his neck he kisses every place he can reach without any motive other than to wake the other up, however something happened when he placed a few just a little too light around a sensitive spot. Shen Qiao, still in sleep, instinctively scrunched up his shoulder and let out the tiniest of a chuckle, so faint that if Yan Wushi wasn’t so close he wouldn’t have heard it. Yan Wushi’s mouth curves into the most mischievous grin, knowing exactly what caused such a reaction and now he has the perfect plan to wake the sleeping beauty.
Focusing on the spot that caused the reaction before, Yan Wushi buries his face into that beautiful neck and places teasing kisses, with the precise pressure and lightness. He takes pride in knowing Shen Qiao’s body more than his own. Another scrunch of the shoulders, however blocked by the face currently placed there, and a precious giggle could be heard. Fueled by wanting to hear more he continued the ticklish kisses along the beautiful neck.
“Yahan Lahahng?” Shen Qiao sleepily giggled his beloved’s name and it made the heart of the demonic sovereign skip a beat, “stahahp ihihit tihickles” the daoist couldn’t stop the squeak that came out of him as his lover began nibbling against his sensitive skin. Shen Qiao tried to push his husband off or to roll away, but having just woken up, his strength hasn’t fully recovered. “Ahh, how can this venerable one stop when a-qiao is making such cute noises?” Now that his beloved was awake he held more firmly onto him so he wouldn’t escape and continued the onslaught of ticklish kisses and nibbles, going up to his ear even and nibbling a particular spot that had the daoist giggling like crazy.
If he couldn’t get away then he was at least covering his face and trying to stifle the noises coming out of his mouth but the gentle affection was too much as his ears and neck were just too ticklish for his own good! “Don’t hide from this venerable one or else I’ll have to make measures worse for you” Yan Wushi teased relentlessly as usual, and worse he indeed made it, when he brought his lips to the daoist’s neck once again and blew raspberries all over.
“NOHOhoho Yahahn Laahahng stahap stahahp” When a squeal broke through those pretty lips, Shen Qiao really wanted to get away before more embarrassing sounds were made, but his lover really has him trapped and forced to take the nonstop ticklish affection. Fortunately they have been married long enough for Shen Qiao to know how to play in his favor against the demonic sovereign. Anything to get the tickling to stop.
Yan Wushi was having the time of his life causing the most beautiful laughs and noises and reactions coming from his beloved. It was music to his ears and definitely worth waking up his lover for. He always enjoyed invoking any kind of reactions from his precious husband, whether it be him flustered, angry, pleasure, or laughter, he was not a sentimental man, but for Shen Qiao, he took every reaction and stored it away in his memories and cherished them.
He was so lost in thought and tickling his beloved that when his husband said he nearly didn’t catch it, however, what he said was intriguing enough to pull him out of his thoughts. Shen Qiao trying to curl away, and tears threatening to fall from the laughter, he cries out, “yahahan lahahng pleahahse ill dohoho ahahanythihihng! Aahahanythihing!”
Most times when Yan Wushi would tickle Shen Qiao, he would ignore such pleas and begs, however, whatever “anything” entails has Yan Wushi curious. “Anything?” Yan Wushi raises his head up and raises an eyebrow with a wolfish grin, Shen Qiao knew what the consequences were for using that excuse, but at least the tickling stopped. “Mn” Shen Qiao reluctantly nodded as he was a man of his word.
“Alright” without another word Yan Wushi scoops up his beloved into his hold as Shen Qiao doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry at what the “anything” will entail today.
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danmeitickles · 1 year
Welcome to my danmei tickle blog!
There's not enough danmei tickle goodies out there, so I'm taking matters into my own hands. Below is a masterpost of fics I've written so far. They will also be posted to my ao3. All fics will be labeled sfw, mild nsfw or nsfw. Because Danmei is naturally for adults I ask minors DNI.
Qian Qiu/Thousand Autumns:
Tickletober 2022: Ticklish Kiss (Lee!Shen Qiao, Ler!Yan Wushi) sfw
Summer Day (Lee!Shen Qiao, Ler!Yan Wushi) sfw
Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official's Blessing:
Tickletober 2022: Trapped (Lee!Hua Cheng, Ler!Xie Lian) sfw
Headcanon posts:
hualian tickle headcanons (sfw with marked nsfw)
yanshen tickle headcanons (sfw with marked nsfw)
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