smilingangel582 · 1 year
Finally, victory?
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Hello!! So I noticed I made a few grammer mistakes. Also, it's not because english is my second language, buuuut its because I'm too excited to write these, and I just wanted u guys to see them. Anyhow! I'll be careful, OK? Also, this one is for my dear rat baby yuki! I love him from fruits basket, and he needs love and tickles. Also, poor kyon kyon needs to win at least once, right?
Warning spoilers may be there so watch the series and familiarised
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It's finally going to happen. Hatsuharu, Ayame, Shigure and Tohru watched as the battle continued to take place.
Yuki's delicate features concentrated harder on the chess pieces, waiting for his opponent to make his move. Swiftly lifting his gaze back to Kyo, he patiently stared at the car zodiac.
Kyo's frustrated expressions were hilarious to haru and Shigure who snickered together about this absurd look he had. Yet Kyo disregarded with a grunt. Finally he moved forward but victorious grinning "I got your other Bishop too rat boy! Prepare to die!"
Tohru in the background prayed that no one was going kill anyone. Though it was unheard. Yuki raised an eyebrow, and he sighed coolly. "Baka neko (stupid cat), do you think chess is something you can play without a strategy?"
"Huh???!!" Rage flooded in the ginger's face, Yuki's blank features examined Kyo before speaking."So I guess I'll have to claim your king now,"
Barely able to finish, Kyo watched as Yuki gracefully eased the rook closer to his king. Panic flushed, he forgot about thar sneaky rook of his. Kyo looked back and forth, realising none of his pawns were active. Not even his Knight was allowed to move when Yuki's pawns pinned him.
Afterwards with a futile attempt to cut off Yuki's Knight, Yuki smirked "Checkmate"
Between a growl and a snarl, Kyo staggered back with defeat.
Haru smiled now seeing how things will never change especially with Kyo and Yuki's rivalry.
However. He wanted to see Yuki falter for once.
"My dear brother! I am so proud of you!" Ayame's expressions sparked with happiness and Yuki stared at him "Who invited him?"
Shigure grinned and that itself answered him. Before anyone could say anything more, Kyo snapped abruptly, startling Yuki a little.
"Fight me again, this time properly! I learned the grappling technique from master! No objections baka nezumi (stupid rat)!"
Yuki felt fatigues mentally, but he sighed instead. Rolling his shoulder to flex himself and prepare for this sparring session, Yuki mentally wished Kyo could give up for once.
"Fine, but remember I'm not paying for your bandages in future,"
"You!" With that Kyo lunged. Tohru squeaked in fear as they began to roughhouse in the middle of the living room "please be careful..."
Her innocence made Haru assure her "relax they aren't trying to murder each other for real"
She nodded hopefully, and Haru continued to observe with her. Meanwhile, Ayame and Shigure lost interest in it and were discussing things to themselves of god-knows-what?
Yuki was gaining the upper hand as usual. He hooked his feet under Kyo's ankles, which sent him stumble backwards, with thst he grabbed on to Yuki's waist for support something unintentional.
Yuki yelped loud, which is so rare for the normally composed student council president.
Kyo noticed it but was wondering if he hurt him. He backed away a little and lowered his attempts to try it again. Haru, on the other hand, had to ask, "What's up, Yuki?"
Yuki's face flushed to a lovely pink colour, which made Kyo suspicious now. "Oi. What's wrong with you?
"What...?" Yuki played dumb, still keeping his defences high. He had his back to Haru when he was distancing himself from Kyo. "I'm fine... why did you stop idiot cat,"
Haru reached to poke his waist, "When Kyo touched you here, you were stiff as a log,"
By this, Yuki cried out, "Oi, stiff cheating!"
Kyo noticed the slight quivering of Yuki's lips and then tackled him rapidly. Before Yuki could turn the tables, Kyo dug his fingers on to the delicate sides of the prince.
Yuki arched his back, squeaking like a mouse, which dragged even Shigure's attention.
"Ohh? Is the little mouse sensitive?" Haru teased first. This made Yuki blush even more, "nohoho! It does nohot!"
It's was Kyo's turn to grin like a maniac. "Well, well, finally, victory?" He added with additional wiggles to his ribs, and that made his laughter kick higher and louder. "OhohoOHOHOI! STOHOHP THAHAHAT! NOHOHO!"
Tohru had no clue how to react, for seem reason, Yuki's giggles are so cute. She felt blushing with endearment. She smiled "Yuki Is adorable..."
"AHhahaha noho fair hohohondahaha sahahan!" He whined now. Suddenly, Kyo just pinned his wrists to the side, letting him catch his breath, knowing the bronchial issue at hand.
"Adorable...? Yeah, right, it's fucking funny how unprincely he is!" Kyo mocked him and now Yuki having recovered glared back at him.
"Well, if cheating makes you triumphed, I dare say go for it! I'm not yielding such a stupid method!"
Kyo narrowed his eyes. "Cheating? I just found a weakness, and you think I'm cheating?"
Shigure joined in out of nowhere now leaning in between haru and ayame "also Yuki, laughter is the best medicine,"
"Shut uhuhup!" A surprised giggle escaped when Kyo hand magically released his wrists now tickling his tummy. He squeaked even more loudly and curled front, then twisted to the side.
This made Kyo shock a little. He was surprisingly cute for some reason, but he couldn't let that stop him "ill tickle you to submission Yuki..."
"He's begging..." Haru stated amusedly "keep going Kyo you're winning after the seven hundred and-"
"I get it, kid!" Kyo snapped at Haru but didn't stop his assault. He dug into his hips, and Yuki burst into another melody of loud cackles and giggly snorts. Kyo heard him at last.
Stopping slowly, Kyo watched those long lashes tear stained, yuki was beautiful, and Kyo blushed a little at thst "you lost... remember?"
He was silent, breathing with giggles, but then they shrilld when Kyo poked his waist. "Ohohokay juhuhust stop! You wihin!"
Kyo cried out in triumph and now danced in enthusiasm. Yuki sighed now, relaxing a little as he watched Kyocelebrating like a child. With a huff, Haru helped him to his feet. "Never thought you'd be ticklish yun yun... huh?"
Fear seized him the moment that nickname arosed, "Please... don't tell Kakeru... that's the last thing I want!"
He smiled and nodded "I won't, I promise,"
Yuki sighed in relief and joind with tohru meanwhile hatsuharu internally began thinking...
Because he's the one who told me you're ticklish.
Grinning excitedly, they all began to tease Yuki's behaviour today, as adorable, funny, and hilarious. Yuki still denied the fact that he squeaked like a mouse and giggled like a girl until Shigure said round two was necessary.
Still, Yuki can't say he's unhappy.
Hope it's good! I just finished this at midnight, so it's sleepy, byeeee!
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