yrbutchgf · 3 years
hey, i'm feeling a bit insecure in my identity rn and i was wondering if you have any... tips, or anything like that. i'm a lesbian who feels more comfortable in a masc role, and i think i would identify as butch... but i feel like i'm too emotional. i cry SO often. my mental health has been less than stellar for the last 10 years or so lol, so that plays a part, but i'm also just a crier. things that make me cry: criticism, heated discussions, presentations, movie/game/book endings, all music with violins, some music without violins, christmas commercials, those miniature food clay charms... literally everything. and it's always in public too, which is embarrassing enough as it is. and i know that doesn't have to mean anything for my gender identity, but the whole "boys/men don't cry" thing kind of did a number on me lol. i always feel like a little girl when others watch me cry, even though i want to be the protector. sorry for rambling, but i feel like you always have good takes on butchness and stuff like that, so i was wondering if you have any tips on feeling more secure in my butch/masc side :)
ok before i say anything else, thank you, i’m honestly really flattered you think that highly of my takes lol <3 i do try my best, i’m glad i’m able to help people to whatever extent i do with my posts. also, bit of a length warning -- i always set out with the intention of writing succinct responses to asks, but it always gets away from me, and this time "getting away from me" meant "turning into a manifesto." well, oops. c'est la butch/femme.
now to start this answer off: i definitely relate. i’m also pretty emotional. when i get stressed i get really shaky, especially in my hands, and then after that my body turns on the waterworks. i also have a fairly exuberant personality in general, and i'm very expressive with my hands & body language. the only times i’ve ever really fit the stoic archetype have been on accident, usually when i’ve felt uncomfortable in a social situation and it’s come off as strong silence. at the same time, i also don’t like when people see me cry or be emotional in general, especially in public. it makes me feel vulnerable in a way that i don’t like to give most people, and the fact that i can’t fully control when or if i do is uncomfortable. and i think disliking that feeling is totally normal, or at the very least it’s a common boundary to have. regardless of sexuality, gender, or presentation, there’s a social urge to cover up when we’re feeling our feelings, but even beyond that there is, i think, a reflexive, self-preservation level urge to cover up what can be easily damaged. so to an extent, i think it’s natural to shy away from vulnerability.
at the same time, the urge to push down one’s tears is not necessarily a HEALTHY urge, only a COMMON one, because you’re right: emotionality has no bearing on your gender or what roles you can take up. some of my best butch and masc friends are also extremely emotional people, and they’re very open about it, and in a lot of ways that openness almost feels to me more masculine or more butch, because they’re embracing their feelings, and that’s obviously a really hard thing to learn to do, so it’s powerful, admirable, and also to be honest, it’s attractive! the ability of someone to be brave enough to be vulnerable can in many situations make the people around them feel more at ease, and i think it can become a very steady, very stabilizing sort of masculinity. in other words, someone who is very comfortable in their tears is also very good and healing to be around. so i think in a lot of ways, when you learn to own your emotions rather than push them away, that can very easily augment your butchness rather than take away from it.
now obviously everyone views butch/femme differently, whether as genders/sexuality labels/dynamics/what have you, but for me no matter what at the center of these terms there is always this nexus, this core focus, of care. in the dynamic, butch/femme is about butches & femmes caring for one another in complementary ways both in- and out-side of romantic relationships. so when we talk about butchness standalone, you and many other people reach for words like “protector,” and i don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong with that, i think protection can and often is a key role, but my point here is, where is that urge to protect coming from? it’s from love, from caring about the people you love. and i think it’s important to remember that and to frame it that way, because when you do, it becomes pretty simple: your emotionalism is more than anything a sign of that urge to care/protect/provide in you, or a driving force to those urges, however you want to frame it. far from taking away from your butchness, your emotions are at the very foundation of what it can be. i talked about this in the butch/femme server a bit, and thren @lesbiandaemon said it perfectly:
i genuinely think i (and many others!) would feel so much safety and security being w someone who allows themself to be vulnerable and earnest abt their emotions and it definitely augments butchness, from my perspective as a femme. i envy and care deeply for the butch whose emotions and vulnerability are on display, there's a strength in that imo, even if you've been made to feel self conscious and dysphoric and "less than" bc of that. i think of phrases like "the strength to remain tender", "the violence it took to be this gentle" in the lens of trauma but if that applies and you're ok w it, i think it could also apply here too [...]
whether ppl know it or not, sometimes the way one carries themselves can be projected onto others; there's already an example in how anon mentions the "big boys/men don't cry" thing, vulnerability being shut out and dismissed/disparaged isn't going to make anyone more eager/open abt their emotions. and like, going back to the butch/femme dynamic, it does feel so much more stable and steady if someone has the courage to acknowledge and let themselves feel their emotions, it's very welcoming and validating, knowing that someone can have a strong image and show their tenderness, knowing that you're safe and free from mockery/scorn to do the same when someone protective of you knows how it feels and will care for you because they feel touched to their core and have let you know in more than one way.
and i want to add an important caveat here: obviously not everyone who cares very deeply is going to be outwardly emotional or show it in the same ways. that’s true for all kinds of reasons. i think a lot of the stoicism we see in traditional depictions of butches can come from how people relate emotions to masculinity (that is to say, how people view masculinity as inherently based around a distance from one’s “softer” side), but also, honestly, i think this may also have roots in the historical coping mechanisms that a lot of butches took on in the face of a world that was unkind to them.
in stone butch blues, for example, there’s a lot of talk about this idea of “hard” versus “soft,” or “going stone,” especially when jess is first getting into the bar scene and she’s still fresh-faced to violence. and going stone in this context isn’t just about sexuality, it's also about how so many butches learned to stop letting people in even at a basic emotional level. for them, hardening up was an inevitability of circumstance, not an inherent facet of their personality or a building block of butch identity. i’m sure plenty of old-school butches would be glad to know it’s no longer inevitable or necessary for a butch to close themselves off completely in order to survive.
of course there are also plenty of butches who are just naturally reserved with their emotions, and that’s also fine -- that doesn’t mean they don’t feel things, or that they don’t care. they care -- all of us do! some of us showing it more or less than others doesn’t reflect badly on any of us, whether we’re of a more stoic or a more open variety. but some of us really can’t help showing it, and that’s okay. that’s just how the love spills out. the right person won’t see that as weakness or a crack in the fine china of your masculinity or whatever, they’ll see it as a lovely and endearing part of your whole and warming butchness. so embrace your emotions. do your best to honor the role they play in butch/femmeness. try to love your emotions, or at the very least not to be afraid of them. and remember: you are strong. your tenderness will not destroy you. in fact, it’s what built you to begin with.
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teamyellremade · 2 years
Yoiyoi Kokon - Reol
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asiancatboy · 3 years
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tagged by @the-descolada to post pictures that describe me
thank u bec for the tag this was super fun!! all of these pics have been sent to me by friends & they are so right this is literally me
tagging @cithaerons @zaatanna @ligaw @lesbiandaemon @mavsa @voiucris @subjectszero @metrosexually & anyone else who wants to
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orbees · 2 years
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*is flattened into a pancake* @lesbiandaemon
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spaececase · 2 years
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may ass be upon ME 💜@diewhitewoman @lesbiandaemon
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narke · 3 years
tagged by @vampirizes to post 5 songs ive had on repeat recently, thanks! (i am also enjoying montero very much, its a good album)
1. thats what i want - lil nas x
2. spiritual instinct - alcest
3. mirishira romeo and cinderella - doriko
4. fires of hokkai - touhou: undefined fantastic object
5. psalms - fka twigs & sophie
tagging @ankhisms @evilstitcher @lesbiandaemon and anyone who wants to do it
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orbees · 3 years
okay i like those reblog to [x] poasts but also dont like reblogging the same poast multiple times so im going to just make this poast here and @ everyone their sun/moon assignmence
@lesbiandaemon you are definitely moon lesbian 100%
@alolann-raichuu sun lesbian for sure
@felthedgehog you are also sunny!!! very warm and kind :3c
okay that all
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orbees · 3 years
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@felthedgehog tagged me in this super cute jelly cat plushie ask prompt... Basically you pick nine of ur faves from here! I did this before a long time ago so some may be repeats but I love this ask prompt and there's new stuff so why not >:3
Here's the link btw
I'll tag nine for nine so here we go @starberrykiwi @threeofswords @squidmoon @bluefloret @shirogane @milkyandromedas @seaslux @octolesbian @theavaricious @lesbiandaemon (okay not nine but wanted to tag one more gay)
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yrbutchgf · 3 years
hey! i just read your response and... wow. i don't have anything eloquent to say, but please know that you (and @lesbiandaemon!) helped me tremendously. with every line i read i was just nodding along, because vulnerability really is just a form of love, isn't it? and thank you especially for highlighting the reason for the "stoic butch" stereotype (going stone etc); though i'm aware of our history, i guess it hadn't really clicked for me that it tied in to our present day perceptions of butchness like this, even outside of situations where this stoicism is necessary. in any case, much much love, and thank you for nearly making me cry again (lol) with your kind and detailed response <3 wishing you a great weekend!
!! im so glad it resonated with you, it's so important to have these conversations and broaden our understandings of what we can be. honestly having tht conversation in the b/f server was really enlightening for me too, for like, how all this fits into the dynamic and everything... it's all so healing... you have a lovely weekend too :)
just gonna tag @lesbiandaemon so she sees it too!
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