pancakeke · 1 year
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@lesbiantruckers it may seem like a reality show now but it's gonna become a true crime drama real soon I s2g
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sakebytheriver · 1 year
Reblogged a post and specifically thought @lesbiantruckers would love this
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Target audience reached, mission accomplished, boys👍
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glompcat · 4 years
11 + 98
11. Who is your Doctor?
Ten was the Doctor on TV when I first got into the show, but Thirteen was the Doctor when it really became a hyperfixation as opposed to a show I was casually into for the first time. So they both feel like they kind of have that extra special glow? That said, Four is the one whose episodes I am most likely to watch and rewatch and watch again?
98. Which characters fate would you change?
Part of the joy of being into Doctor Who’s expanded universe is more often than not character’s end fates don’t stop with where we leave them on TV. They get expanded on and often fixed. There are some Classic Who companions I remain unsatisfied with on that front and some modern companions I feel that way about as well. Actually this is hard to be succinct with, but here is my effort to keep things short and not name too many people....
Vicki leaving in Ancient Troy just.... is never going to sit right with me. It doesn’t fit my understanding of her, and I just can’t see a 16 year old from the distant future shacking up with a 17 year old she just met in the ancient world to be anything but a tragic mistake.
I would have been fine with Zoe simply having her memory wiped, but then I went ahead and listened to Big Finish’s companion chronicle arc about her and now I am just big mad about that whole mess. But thankfully it’s easy to ignore that arc and pretend that despite not remembering her adventures Zoe went on to have a happy life and wasn’t simply ostracized for her autistic coded traits while torturing herself over her missing memories. Let Zoe find some actual happiness in life 2079 PLEASE
Speaking of people who are memory wiped, Donna.
Danny Pink deserved so so so so so so so so so so much better. Better than to be yet another Black person turned into a cyberman. Better than to be sacrificed for his White girlfriend’s character development. Better than having the fucking Brig show up in his story like that, as if the Brig’s presence wasn’t also a massive reminder that the Brig was a soldier who became a math teacher when he retired from soldiering, but the Doctor respected HIM, I suppose because he was White, an officer, and the Doctor’s friend who he enjoyed arguing with about how the Brig always wanted to attack everything. Like having the Brig show up like that during Danny’s big damn hero moment (in an arc that was already really fucking Danny over) really was the icing on that massive misstep cake.
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bugsongs · 4 years
lesbiantruckers replied to your post “wait if you get a companion in new vegas do they like help you....”
Go get the lesbian who punches, she's at the 188 trading post
i will absolutely be doing that thank u for the tip
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jewishsuperfam · 5 years
lesbiantruckers replied to your post “so uhhhh that batwoman first look[[MOR] the bad: it’s a real shame...”
Keep me updated on if it's worth watching!
skjhfsdkjf i can tell you NOW that it’s probably not worth watching, but i will keep u appraised of if the LI is actually renee or not
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jncera · 6 years
lesbiantruckers replied to your post: unpopular opinion but
If a day has past it’s fair game, otherwise its rude imo
(if a long time has passed and someone sends in a random number i’m just gonna be so. lost. so yeah. totally agree.)
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youngjustus · 6 years
rdrbn >>> youngjustus
new url finally! sorry for making that poll and reblogging it a million times only to not use the url that won lol didn’t know that id be getting this url. maybe ill use stephbrown another time
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zaatanna · 3 years
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tagged by the angel @ligaw ur a real one for tagging me thank uuu 💖🥰
this one was fun. had to use my nicknames bc they didnt have any for my actual name LOL.
enter your name on the unsent project and choose your faves
tagging: @audikatia @howelpendragons @eparavur @oldblood @howlscastle @shiningcastles @kurtwagner @lesbiantruckers @worldsfinest @dopethrone @bugsongs @vagabond-kojiro @aarreplaneetta @jester-mereel 
obviously only if you want to do it!! 💗💗💗💗💗
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tarabacho · 4 years
I met a lot of my mutuals because of that fucking drawing it’s been years, @lesbiantruckers you’re one of them we don’t talk anymore that much but you are appreciated, I got my favorite band (the protomen) because of you! What a stupid site tumble is but I love a lot of people here. :v
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fishwyfe · 7 years
lesbiantruckers replied to your post:It’s homophobic that there’s no local farm in need...
It’s never too late to join wwoof or mofga haha 
I have a friend who recently came back from wwoof-ing! I’m currently tied down because of a lease and school but I can certainly dream of finding a farm wife in the meantime. 
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foxflash · 7 years
🌷  - what are some physical traits you are attracted to? 🌙  - are you more nostalgic or foward-looking? or are you neither?
- I like warm smiles, soft hands, kind eyes. A bit like... generic but like. I’m a soft gay.
- I am very nostalgic, but my memory has been kinda shit lately so I suppose I’ve mostly just been living in the moment.
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bring-us-back-light · 2 years
real mature of @lesbiantruckers to respond to me, and then block me. look up the definition of child porn for real. and im not saying whether its moral to jack off to smut written about kids or not. i AM saying that doesnt hurt someone if you were to do it, and doesnt break a law
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bugsongs · 4 years
lesbiantruckers replied to your post “n7punk replied to your post “we let our cilantro bolt and now i think...”
Kella used to work in a greenhouse and had to de weed cilantro from the other plants constantly
omg i bet. we used to have a big chamomile problem too lol.
this is the first year we put our cilantro in the ground instead of a pot so that’s probably our main mistake 😅
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jewishsuperfam · 6 years
lesbiantruckers replied to your post: WHY CHANGE ANY OF THESE LYRICS, THIS IS SO...
I hate when shows do that it messes with my funky sing a long flow
BIG mood
syrupie replied to your post: WHY CHANGE ANY OF THESE LYRICS, THIS IS SO...
what did they change?
they changed some lines from halloween/goodbye love, the bit where roger is like “you pretend to create and observe when you really detach from being alive”
i dont remember what they changed it to but it wASNT AS GOOD, I PROMISE U THAT
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jncera · 7 years
lesbiantruckers replied to your post: waffles has a skin infection D: and is scratching...
Sending you good thoughts, I hope everything works out okay!
thank you!!!! i hope so too. waffles still has good energy tho, so i really hope she'll be ok!
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lesbiantruckers · 7 years
Tumblr mobile hates url changes??? It won't let me do shit.
Youngjustus --> lesbiantruckers
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