axenyan · 1 month
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Don't try this at home ⚔️
(ref: lessing talk 1)
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gaemms-chamois · 3 months
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Arknights Blorbissimo Series
#51 – #60
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arknights-archive · 3 months
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Penguin Logistics Card Express
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oltammefru · 5 months
I originally didn't care much about him since he seemed very genericish Edgy Twink, but since finding out about how much of a Freak he is I now support Lessing:
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Like. What Did He Mean By This?
Also, like, one of his talents gives him +atk% for taking damage...
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sherbertilluminated · 3 months
Rereading Nathan the Wise for class (in English this time) and Lessing's version of Saladin is kind of queer. What do you mean you don't care about (chess) queens, Your Majesty? Why does your sister say you only like to talk about King Richard?
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libeuly · 5 months
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philosophybitmaps · 1 month
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itsagrimm · 10 months
German Classical Literature is amazing:
Jewish merchant adopts girl and loves her dearly as the best dad ever (found family). Girl gets nearly killed in a fire but is saved by a depressed, mysterious templar knight for whom she develops a crush (strangers? enemies? to lovers). The play is set in muslim governed Jerusalem and is actually about religious tolerance. Also every other page they play chess.
Yes, that's the plot of Nathan the Wise.
Deutsch English
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newvision · 1 year
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— Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Nathan the Wise, 1779
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axenyan · 6 months
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Stacked goats (+1)
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autumnnnsun · 6 months
I’m starting to really like this emo twink, he looks so silly <3
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valkoinenlintu · 1 year
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Nora Tschirner & Christian Ulmen als Kira Dorn & Lessing im Tatort "Der letzte Schrey", 2020
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oltammefru · 6 months
The Lessing theme is just called... Lessing. Good job goat boy.
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bocadosdefilosofia · 11 months
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«Ahora bien, a esta interpretación de Spinoza que no implica un quiebre con la tradición antiespinozista que triunfaba en el territorio alemán desde la publicación del Tratado teológico político, Jacobi añade un elemento que le permite utilizarlo en su provecho. Jacobi afirma que Spinoza ha sido el filósofo más consecuente de la historia, que ha seguido los principios de la razón hasta sus últimas consecuencias y ha aceptado los resultados a los que el camino de la explicación causal de la naturaleza le habían conducido. Así pues, tal como Lessing mismo lo admite en el transcurso de la conversación en Wolfenbüttel, hay que que concluir que “no hay otra filosofía que la filosofía de Spinoza”. No es, pues Spinoza quien ha realizado la negación de la libertad, de Dios, de la Providencia, sino la razón humana misma en su pretensión de explicarlo y demostrarlo todo. Fatalismo, ateísmo, nihilismo y anarquía son, según Jacobi, los resultados necesarios hacia los que avanza todo aquel que adopte principios racionalistas.»
María Jimena Solé: Estudio preliminar, en El ocaso de la Ilustración: la polémica del spinozismo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, págs. 58-59. Bernal, 2013
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sherbertilluminated · 3 months
Thinking about the death of Mendelssohn again because I get to do a presentation on the Pantheism Controversy for class. And. It's just so meaningful.
I'm pretty consistent in my conviction that Mendelssohn and Lessing were the only two straight men in the Aufklärung. But one of the reasons they wrote so beautifully about the Power of Friendship is because they had experienced it firsthand with each other. According to Altmann, Mendelssohn was responsible for Lessing's philosophical/rhetorical development. And Lessing helped Mendelssohn find the platform (and the confidence) to share his writing with the public. Neither is entirely conventional in their beliefs—Lessing was an ex-PK who rejected organized religion altogether and Mendelssohn spent his teenage years concealing his shameful double life of Reading German Books from the community leaders upon whom his life and safety depended. Both men *got* each other, and although they drifted apart as they aged, each knew they could depend on the other to accept him when he was pushed aside by 18th-century Prussian society's demands for obedience and conformity.
So when Lessing is posthumously, publicly accused of Spinozism, Mendelssohn knows he needs to stand up for the friend who can no longer defend himself in print. He runs himself ragged writing polemic—a style Lessing preferred in his youth—and on the last day of 1785 gets horribly sick delivering it to the press. While he had suffered from various physical/immune disabilities since his youth, Knobloch claims that the stress and exposure of this final delivery is what killed him.
Lessing and Mendelssohn entered the public sphere together, and they left it together: Lessing's last great work, Nathan the Wise, is often read as being inspired by Mendelssohn*, while Mendelssohn’s final writing is literally called "to Lessing's Friends." And while the 18th century produced some fascinating romantic entanglements—Voltaire and du Châtelet, Voltaire and F2, Gleim and Kleist and Karsch, Goethe and Schiller (?) etc, I cannot name anyone but Herr Moses who died in defense of the people they loved.
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nirgendwoinvegas · 2 years
"Lesen Sie Goethe! Aber nicht den Werther!"
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