#lester papodopoulos
lucaonthropy · 4 years
Lityerses: My pulse is quickened, my breath laboured, my hands are sweaty. What's happening to me?
Apollo: You're in love
Meg: You've got poisoned
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lucaonthropy · 4 years
Apollo: *walks into the room with bedhead and crumpled shirt*
Lityerses, from the other side of the room: You're cute today
Lityerses: *walks away as if nothing happens*
Apollo: E-excuse me? Wat?
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lucaonthropy · 4 years
Lityerses and Reyna: *meet up and start talking about intense fighting techniques*
Apollo: I blame this mortal body for being attracted to dangerous people
Lavinia: Nah you're just a masochist
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lucaonthropy · 4 years
Okay so I just remember something. It's random, but I feel like I just had an epiphany.
So y'all remember that scene from HoO: TLH when Jason, Leo and Piper first met Lityerses at his father's house, Leo said something like "if not for his scars, he would be handsome" or something along that line.
And from Apollo's description at TDP, he said that Lit's face looked like 'the runway system at Heathrow Airport' because of his scars. That means that Lit's face would at least looks gruesome to strangers/other people.
And then, of course we remember that line when Lit said that he and Apollo are both good-looking AND Apollo said, "Naturally that, yes." without any hesitation. He just replied, and he said this to a scarred former enemy who had just redeem himself for less than a month. (wait, is that right? I kinda forgot how the timeline went. Lit's at the Waystation for less than two weeks at that point, right? Someone help me)
This might be just a friendly jab between them but ... I dunno, I feel like this is important. Maybe it's just me though. It's the scene that had make me convert to this ship.
Oh, and I mean zero offence to anyone who has scar/s on their face. Scars or not, y'all awesome. Seriously. (Like Lit, eheheheh)
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lucaonthropy · 4 years
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based on a headcanon (I kinda forget who made it but I'm sure it was plan-l-for-lavinia (I want to tag the account but don't have the courage to so you have to search it I'm sorry)) that Lit has sweet tooth. I can't resist.
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lucaonthropy · 4 years
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“What do you call climbing Sutro Tower?” I demanded. “Getting slashed to pieces by ravens, kicked in the face, and forced to sing like Dean Martin?”
I may have yelled a few choice words, but the sphere of silence censored them, so you will have to use your imagination.
I think I'm gonna give him a design change if I have time. For now, I'll use this even tho the design is kinda off
Eh whatever
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