#let him play with alien children!!! enrichment time for Everyone
bleh1bleh2 · 1 year
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Kiddos having fun playing with the blue paladin
A spiritual successor to this piece, but this time they're dating
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xlipa · 5 years
Save Relationship From Divorce and Create Love in the home
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One point is clear: You will find no problem relationships. There are fluctuations in Atlanta divorce attorneys' romantic relationships. And despite what Hollywood shall sell you, nobody in this real-life feels adored in term and take action or satisfied each day. But three common elements arrive over and over among those people who have endured "the responsibility and warmth of your day" and eliminated on to conserving their relationship from divorce. get more bits of help www.amywaterman.org
A spiritually-centered dedication to saving a relationship from a divorce that continues despite arguments, denial, and pain, and is constantly on the last through modifications and stresses.
Sharing moments, however rare, when there is personal and romantic posting, and the struggle seems worthwhile. (This may mean an individual sense of religious well-being whilst the partner seems unappreciative or unresponsive.)
Conserving your relationship takes a determination to devote some time and energy to make it happen. This can indicate radical changes and persistence.
I'll use three real-life good examples to emphasize this last point.
The first example is of a few "unequally yoked," both already have been divorced and the existing relationship was looking just like a repeat failure. The wife has been a training Christian all her life. Her spouse was religiously indifferent. She was informed and achieved. He was qualified, high-incomed. Conserving their marriage didn't look possible.
After his conversion to Christianity, and even after many years of active involvement in their congregation, the husband had come to a stark realization: He pretended to provide his wife everything but had skipped giving himself to her. For the very first time in his life, he acknowledged that he resided his life as a loner, an extremely self-centered man. They didn't genuinely have a romantic relationship. He was just walking through the movements along with his wife rather than cherishing her. He said, "To save lots of my relationship today rather than await another divorce I solved to place her in the center of my very occupied life." He started demonstrating little delicate means of affection-a notice, an impression, a telephone call showing her that she was important to him. From that instant things transformed. Their separation finished and a fresh romantic relationship opened up. Even their grown-up children now can sense a tangible love between them.
Example #2: Let's read to the way the wife described their relationship in the current fast-paced work-a-day world: "It used to be that if John occupied a seat inside our home, he was either dealing with the inspections at the start of the month, counseling or hearing someone on the telephone, eating, sound asleep or impatiently "wasting his time" viewing a Television program I insisted he could enjoy. Our occasions of "together-time" were so fleeting, and usually captured on the lifeless run, if not physically emotionally. The love we had for one another was felt and often expressed but seldom really enjoyed. " Are additionally you looking for a few ways of conserving your relationship?
Then a medical condition arose that held the John home in an extended convalescence. "That disease helped save our relationship from divorce. Since his disease, we have shared wonderful occasions. I've sat all night by the medial side of his bed or seat, and there is no dependence on us to speak. We've felt collectively a serenity and companionship that can't be sandwiched into a few silent occasions of frantically planned lives. I've seen John keep our little child for extended periods in perfect serenity and pleasure. I've seen our child absorb her father's new kind of love and reciprocate in kind. Our family relationships took on a fresh depth because we've been able to tell each other not only more encounters but more understanding. I now believe with continuing work we can save our relationship today."
To "save my relationship today" you can't await such an emergency and discover this type of beauty. Or must you be driving at night "Save Relationship From Divorce" indicators along to street before you make yourself acknowledge the conditions that provide back the relationship into your daily life?
Taking care of protecting your relationship is to understand please remember why you have married, to begin with.
Going back example, the wife was struggling as to the reasons her marital romantic relationship had not been working. Then she arrived to understand that she was informing her spouse that she cherished him BUT that he previously to improve this or that to become suitable. In effect she was stating, 'I love you, dear, but I cannot accept your activities.'" She understood that was developing as a rejection of him.
She realized that "to save lots of my marriage today I had formed to keep in mind the love I felt once I married him. I needed to be in a position to say, 'I love you, and I accept you when you are, actions and everything.'" But she'd have to feel what she was stating. She comprehended she already was stating all the right things and carrying out all the right activities. But there is lurking resentment in her center for most of his disruptions. She understood she experienced to produce a change in her center and it could not be easy.
Over time of being focused on conserving your marriage, you might be in a position to say as she did: "To my joy I came across I actually could accept my hubby, actions and everything. I suddenly recognized how a lot more important he was than anything he was doing. On that day our relationship and our marriage started to change. No more were we ensnared in the safe relationship from divorce stress setting and stress that got strained our romantic relationship even further. He now experienced my love and basked in its warmness. He calmed down and became my most appreciated partner. I had been overwhelmed with what I used to be witnessing. And he was conquered by the changes he sensed in me." Are you set to set up your time and effort to conserving your marriage?
Hard-headed, thwarted, alienated spouses may believe that unconditional love is a scam. Certainly, it will require a commitment to save lots of a broken romantic relationship and conserving your relationship. But I want to suggest now three results to unconditional love in the house.
First, you should have the pleasure of seeing your partner are more and more a person of greatness. Which are the tale of Johnny Lingo? In the whole story, a lady who was simply considered simple by all who understood her (including her dad) became an "eight-cow female" of beauty. She became an eight-cow girl only once she found that was how her man experienced about her. It had been his love, how much he cared, that created the wonder in her that nobody else could see. It could appear crazy but it holds that love is as well as spiritually changing. And it can save your valuable relationship as well. Who hasn't seen how love for a face generates love in a face, and what sort of caring face becomes a lovable face, eliciting the think it’s great bestows? Let me again ask, do you want to put in your time and effort to conserving your marriage?
Just about everyone has seen that bickering and arguing will subtract from and weaken the relationship in the relationship. Playing methods, nagging, "sending back again the harm I receive," pleading, denial, chilly make distance, playing hard to get-these do not save a relationship from divorce but instead make great strides backward in the rely upon the relationship.
Therefore the second outcome to the unconditional love that helps you to save marriage from divorce is that whenever you give unconditional love, even in the existence of bitterness and abuse-when you come back a glance filled with daggers with a glance filled with love-eventually if your lover is sensitive, they'll want to provide the same back. In the long run, such positive reciprocation will enrich you as well as your romantic relationship and work to conserving your relationship. Over the long term, it is hard to be looked after and not treated in return. The producing connection will be higher than the amount of every person only might have been. In these situations, one and something is a lot more than two. Who can say how whether yet another kind phrase could save a relationship from divorce?
In lots of troubled marriages, there is certainly contention, confrontation, insufficient trust, hurt feelings, jangled nerves, little compassion no desire to improve or forgive. Could it be easier to quit than to help make the effort to conserving your relationship from divorce?
So, the 3rd result of unconditional like to look for is peacefulness. Serenity will come in your romantic relationship when you come back no bad if you are kind in the existence of cruelty if you are patient regardless of the existence of impatience. This tranquility gets rid of sadness and sorrow. And it gets rid of the most powerful self-deception: It is all "his"/"her" problem. Each day tells yourself, "EASILY want to save lots of my relationship today, I shall seek peace."
Most of us haven't any long-range eyesight in a lot of our struggle. We think only of the moment-this time, this accepted place, this circumstance, to save lots of my relationship today! But if we want to save a relationship from divorce we should temper our short-term reactions and think long term, wanting to:
see our partner as an "eight-cow" person of greatness;
to provide and receive unconditional love; and
to consider peace.
Anyone can count number the seeds within an apple, but who can count number the apples in a seed? Exactly what will derive from your commitment to conserving your marriage?
What matters is exactly what takes place in your house as well as your spirit. If you're devoted to saving your relationship, you must begin from within yourself and think about those areas talked about in this specific article that connect with you, your romantic relationship with your partner as well as your dedication to conserving your relationship today and every day.
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doctorwhonews · 6 years
Torchwood One: Machines (Big Finish)
Latest Review: Writers: Matt Fitton, Gareth David-Lloyd, Tim Foley Director: Barnaby Edwards Featuring: Tracy-Ann Oberman, Gareth David-Lloyd, Jane Asher, Adjoa Andoh, Daniel Anthony, Paterson Joseph, Nicholas Pegg Big Finish Release (United Kingdom) Running Time: 3 hours Released by Big Finish Productions - July 2018 Order from Amazon UK From 3D printers to 4D cinemas, from smartphones to smart houses, from HDMI to AI, the march of technological progress hastens by the day, presenting us inferior mortal beings with quite the existential dilemma all the while – give it another ten years and the human workforce might just find itself rendered obsolete. Admittedly long-running fans of Doctor Who’s longest-running spin-off, Torchwood, might justifiably expect the eponymous covert agency to remain steadfastly unfazed by such developments; surely after tackling extraterrestrial deities, zealous religious cults with aspirations to intergalactic stardom and even the odd “Cyberwoman” (good times!), humanity’s increasingly intertwined flirtation with artificial ‘life-forms’ would scarcely offer cause for concern? Well, they’re not entirely wrong – Big Finish’s latest foray into the organization’s past confirms that its London-based branch had no qualms about embracing this new era of mechanical innovation. Yet as just about any Gothic writer from Mary Shelly to Charlie Brooker will attest, that leap of faith can – and indeed does – soon prove deadly if the individuals responsible fail to understand its implications before leaving the ground. Indeed, as evidenced by the two century-spanning gap between Frankenstein’s publication and Black Mirror’s launch, there’s been no shortage of literary or screen contemplations on the man-machine dynamic over the years, so ever since its inception, Torchwood One: Machines faces such a considerable uphill battle to distinguish itself from the pack. While the Thirteenth Doctor sprints brazenly into the technological future with her Sheffield steel-clad sonic screwdriver in hand, then, let’s see whether Yvonne Hartman and company’s Earth-bound exploits warrant as much global attention as Season Eleven has received to date, or whether this ever-compelling Torchwood saga will soon join cassette players and dial-up internet connections as yet another relic of the past… “The Law Machines”: “Yvonne Hartman is dead? But she was required.” “Oh yes, by so many…” Had you asked Torchwood devotees which classic or modern Who antagonists they’d love to see the agency – in any of its endless guises – battle upon the show’s 2015 revival at Big Finish, chances are that WOTAN wouldn’t have come anywhere near the top of the list compared to Sontarans, the Master or proper Cybermen.  That said, Doctor Who’s HAL-9000 precursor proves an ideal narrative fit for Machines’ first instalment, the formless AI entity’s defeat in 1966’s “The War Machines” leaving its hardware susceptible to Hartman’s goals as she introduces a wave of seemingly hacking-immune robo-cops onto the streets at the Mayor of London’s cost-driven request. How could anything possibly go amiss? Laden with explosive setpieces across England’s capital and more quips about London life than commuters could imagine (look out for Hartman’s especially seething one-liner on the hindrance that empty Oyster cards pose in a hurry), “Law Machines” barely lets up for a second, introducing new players by the half dozen only to off plenty of them with scarce remorse over the course of its running time. Unfortunately, taking such a whirlwind structural approach does arguably limit scribe Matt Fitton’s capacity for intricate character arcs somewhat; Daniel Anthony’s intriguing tech whiz-turned-WOTAN disciple Julian, for instance, only receives scarce airtime to convey his basic plot purpose, despite the Sarah Jane Adventures star’s admirable efforts to imbue him with simultaneously endearing innocence and underlying sinister malice along the way, while the deliciously corrupt Mayor barely gets time to register either. What “Law” perhaps lacks in sophisticated characterisation, though, the opener more than compensates for with a sense of scale often absent from the franchise’s TV or audio outings. Whereas we only caught glimpses of how Miracle Day’s titular phenomenon affected the planet Earth at large via brief fictional news footage, Hartman, Ianto Jones and their comrades bear direct witness to WOTAN’s heartless rampage across London, the carnage unleashed by their hubris brought home as the sound design team depict shootouts, resultant demises and other terrors with brutal realism – no wonder Fitton peppers in the aforementioned moments of satirical wit to keep his script from feeling too morose. Nevertheless, his efforts (alongside everyone else working behind-the-scenes) to showcase the franchise’s grimmer tone certainly pay off in full force, hopefully encouraging more writers to follow his lead with mature contributions of their own going forward. “Blind Summit”: “Ianto Jones, my name is Yvonne Hartman – and I work for an organisation called Torchwood.” If there’s one area wherein Big Finish truly excel, it’s filling those niggling continuity gaps which Doctor Who and its various spin-offs never found time to properly address on-screen: just ask the Time War’s participants, the Committee, the Valeyard, Coal Hill Academy’s alumni network or Paul McGann for ample evidence. Sometimes these middle man storylines focus on long-awaited plot threads like those above, other times – as in the case of “Blind Summit” – the writer involved crafts connective tissue that catches us off guard, further enriching underappreciated constructs even when it appeared as if their journey had already played out in its entirety. This time around it’s the turn of Ianto Jones to plummet through the ringer yet again in a tale which (barring one or two modern interludes) occurs long before the days of WOTAN’s resurgence, instead chronicling his first meetings with Yvonne Hartman and the morally overwhelming transformation that these soon triggered. As if to answer the cries of anyone like yours truly for meatier character drama after “Law Machines”, Gareth David-Lloyd – back on dual writing / performing duties after his stellar debut with The Last Beacon in April – delves deeper than ever before into Ianto’s psyche with a minimalistic yet extremely powerful script, unfolding hitherto unseen layers in the Torchwood Three agent’s past. Remember the strained father-son dynamic teased in Children of Earth? That’s explored in harrowing fashion, along with his consequential yearning for greater professional fulfilment and reckless willingness to thrust himself into unknown territory so as to achieve this goal, all of which the newfound writer handles with the utmost touching sincerity even as the threat of a deadly drug-testing company escalates over the piece’s second half. Better yet, David-Lloyd’s contributions clearly didn’t diminish in the slightest upon departing his office and entering the recording studio, his sizzling chemistry with Tracy-Ann Oberman proving equally potent whether they’re deciphering each other’s secrets over coffee, on the run from alien onslaughts or coming to terms with the personal demons that will ultimately define their partnership in the years ahead – for better or for worse. We’ll keep our take on Machines spoiler-lite as always to preserve your listening experience, but suffice to say that even the most hardcore Torchwood devotees won’t predict every emotional twist that “Summit” has up its spacious sleeve, not least thanks to David-Lloyd’s stirring performance as a far more vulnerable incarnation of his yet-to-be world-wearied butler. Never mind the 21st century as a whole – when it comes to re-visiting past Ianto-focused stories, “Summit” might well represent the moment where “everything changes” for your perspective. “9 to 5”: “See you in the morning!” “Sure, 9am – like clockwork…” Whilst robotics and pharmaceuticals mark some of the more tangible technical developments for society in recent years, there’s another aspect of mechanical ‘progress’ which has increasingly come to dominate the headlines of late – that of the corporate machine and its oft-exploited human cogs. One only need gaze at recent reports surrounding video gaming behemoth Rockstar North’s supposed enforcement of 100 hour weekly work cycles in order to wonder whether the situation’s getting out of hand in some circles, with the banking / legal sectors particularly notorious in this regard too, hence why the matter’s rife for contemplation in Machines’ aptly-titled final instalment, “9 to 5”. Returning us to the ‘present day’ (as much as is possible for a miniseries set years before the events of Torchwood Seasons One-Six), Tim Foley’s pertinent denouement depicts Hartman and Jones’ not-so-coincidental run-in with a temp-reliant firm that takes the term “worker drones” to rather horrific new levels. At first glance, those of us who’ve been around the block several times with the sci-fi genre might fret that we’ve seen it all before: secret agents recruit insider employee to unravel a mystery, employee gets in over her head then office-wide chaos ensues. But Niky Wardley’s dramatically charged performance as the manipulated employee in question, Stacey, easily keeps the format fresh enough to avoid fatigue, her relatable curiosity begetting her initial naivety such that we’re just as fascinated as her to discover the truth behind his latest temp employer’s true machinations (in every sense of the word), even in spite of the growing tension surrounding her fate as a result. That’s not to say “9 to 5” instantly courts consideration for the Big Finish Hall of Fame, however – as well as mostly conforming to the familiar story beats discussed above, Foley (perhaps at the studio’s behest) seems all too keen to tie together Machines’ various disparate plot strands as rapidly as possible come the third act, when in reality we’d have preferred a standalone affair which took its time in bringing events to a conclusion. Luckily the way in which he wraps up proceedings does still successfully deliver an inevitable yet undeniably impactful gut-punch that’s sure to stay with listeners long after the credits, but with Foley set to pen half of the War Master’s third boxset next year as well as further scripts for Torchwood: God Among Us, there’s still plenty of room for this promising writer to develop his skills ever further in the next 12 months. The Verdict: As ever, exactly whether Machines lies up your alley will depend on the extent to which you’re intrigued by the notion of exploring non-Cardiff Torchwood branches, particularly given the riskier investment of £20-25 rather than the £8-10 required for standalone monthly releases. Persevere through the mindless – albeit breathless entertaining – action of the London department’s clash with WOTAN, however, and listeners will reach two undoubtedly thought-provoking Gothic thrillers which intelligently investigate humanity’s obsession with technology to both hilarious and moving effect, echoing shows like Black Mirror but with Yvonne’s self-assured complacency adding a snarky, bitter-tongued edge in trademark Torchwood style. Sure, this latest boxset probably won’t garner awards come year’s end as this reviewer hopes Aliens Among Us Part 3 or Believe will, yet not every release needs to; with such remarkable consistency throughout the range’s 2018 output, what matters most is that there’s never been a better time for newcomers to hop aboard the show’s bandwagon. Next Time on Torchwood – In the absence of any further news on her prequel outings’ longevity, Yvonne ‘returns’ via her Pete’s World counterpart this month for God Among Us Part 1, wherein she’ll need to promptly dust herself down after almost being crushed in Season Five if Torchwood Three is to stand any chance of overcoming the titular immortal being presently besieging Cardiff. Look out for our verdict on Part 1 in the coming days, as well as our ongoing coverage of Torchwood in all of its forms as the monthly range returns (alongside Parts 2-3 and presumably other boxsets) next Spring… http://reviews.doctorwhonews.net/2018/10/torchwood_one_machines_big_finish.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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elizabethleslie7654 · 7 years
Pressure Relief Valves
all kinds of cool jewelry and no shipping or getting mobbed t the mall
by Nathan Karlsen
Let’s talk about the American right’s problem of pressure relief valves. First, let’s define the term. A pressure relief valve (PRV) is anything that is used by the anti-White system to divert Whites from advocating for their own interests. Some are mostly harmless, some are self-destructive.
Talk radio:
It’s the three hours hate for people of a conservative persuasion: Democrats are destroying the country with their real racism. Feminists are loony. Environmentalists worship Gaia instead of the true Judeo-Christian God. Taxes are too high for the job creators. Many immigrants don’t have the proper paperwork.
You can receive these earth-shattering commentaries from any of a number of Kosher-approved gasbags, after which you can go back to your normie world, satisfied that several million deracinated individualists share your edgy opinions. Presumably something useful will come of this. While it doesn’t hurt to hear what the “muh Constitution” crowd is thinking for purposes of recruiting, and many of the hosts are quite entertaining, don’t think our problems will be solved by someone who is more interested in his million dollar paycheck than in leading us to victory. 
 NRA/Gun rights activism:
The Second Amendment is sacrosanct among the right in America. Even some leftists hesitate at the more extreme “turn ‘em all in” rhetoric of the gun-grabbers. Fighting these fanatics is not in itself a bad thing. God forbid we should ever need our guns for anything other than defending ourselves and our loved ones from the predations of the Feral-American community, but the founders wisely enshrined the 2A in the Bill of Rights for defense against tyranny.
The problem starts when potential identitarian energy becomes diverted.  Outside of a few urban centers, it is still possible to be accepted by polite society and to be a gun rights activist; it is a perfect PRV for a young White man who wants to influence policy but is scared to be called a racist. Worse still, he can be cuckolded into the DR^3 (Colion Noir) and LGBTQP (Pink Pistols) narratives, since these minority groups are allegedly targeted by toothless White trailer park bigots and need their guns worse than anyone.
Now the gun rights activist is double cucked, tossing his own people under the bus for a bit of respectability and shilling for the scum of America. Don’t even try to point out to him the tribal over-representation in the gun ban movement, he’ll pull out his Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership membership card and tell you how the Nat-zees disarmed our harmless Hebraic friends. Now he’s triple cucked.
 The truth is we will have no gun rights or any other rights when we lose control of our country to invaders who have no fealty to American ideals. White rights are gun rights. You can’t have one without the other.
Now we’re getting to the dregs of the PRV problem. Sports can be a healthy activity, if one engages in it! What is gained by cheering on roided out colored mercenaries playing children’s games? Natural feelings of tribal (racial) and regional loyalty are subsumed by beer, junk food, and overpriced licensed merchandise. How cucked is a man who wears a jersey with another man’s name? Why are we enriching ingrate millionaire Negroes and their Jewish owners? Why is any pro-white person paying any attention to this clown show?
Use these wasted hours to better yourself. Take the money you save and support pro-White organizations. Join a gym. Learn martial skills. Maybe even meet some fellow fashy goys. Peer pressure can be a positive if you surround yourself with quality people who share your beliefs and goals. If America continues her decline you’ll be glad you did. 
Drugs are what broken people use to plug the hole in their soul. Our degenerate society denies young White men the rewards they used to receive for pro-social behavior in healthier times: meaningful employment, a wife and kids, the house with the white picket fence.
The nihilism of Weimerica encourages “if it feels good do it” self-destructive behavior. When there seem to be no other ways to fill the void of a meaningless life, drugs become an easy escape. It’s a spiral that has destroyed too many of our good young men. Hanging out with addicts and drug dealers leads nowhere positive. Breaking the addiction won’t remove the drug conviction. Drugs (legal and illegal) destroy the body and the mind. Don’t waste your potential on spirit-sapping escapist substances. Life’s real highs come from accomplishing great things.
Number one on the list needs no introduction. Just don’t do it. Sex is like cocaine to the brain. Anyone who has been in love and also tried cocaine can confirm the similar euphoric feelings. Since few men have easy or cheap access to either, the freely available nature of porn becomes a substitute for a real male/female relationship. There is no shortage of material on how porn rewires the brain. It dehumanizes women and creates unrealistic standards that can lead to impotence and an inability to form a meaningful relationship with potential waifus.
There’s a reason the so-called free speech activists tore down the moral standards of America in the 1960’s. Once the Communists realized that the white working class of America wasn’t going to embrace the Proletarian revolution, they switched tacks from the economic issue to humanity’s powerful desire: the sexual. Give the devil his due: this subversion has wreaked more damage on Western society than Sigmund Fraud could have dreamt.
Our founders never intended that the First Amendment would be used to protect obscenity and vulgarity. What a shame that we have lost control of our country to an alien power and its homegrown enablers! If you want to stick it to Shlomo, turn off the RedTube and get out there and find a wife!
Everyone needs hobbies and distractions from the stresses of everyday life. Many of us feel we haven’t, or can’t, reach the goals we strive for. If we don’t find positive outlets for the frustrations of the Current Year, we can fall into these PRV’s that rob us of our strength. All we can do is keep striving to better ourselves. When we fall down we have to stand back up, dust ourselves off and try again. We only lose when we quit fighting!
from LIZ FASHION FEED http://ift.tt/2zayI46 via IFTTT
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