#let me have my old hag au pls
kewltie · 4 years
anyway, abo au where alpha prohero ground zero decides it's time to start a family of his own but he doesn't have a mate and neither does he want one so he signs up for an omega surrogate program & meet his former childhood friend who will now carry his baby for him. 
izuku is a male omega w/ v v v high fertility even for his secondary sex and a strong body which make him an ideal surrogate to give birth healthy babies. w/ the program izuku contracted, izuku had given birth to several babies for various ppl over the years & babies are all happy and that's all that matter.
being a surrogate wasn't ever part of his dream but izuku is an omega & quirkless in a world that doesn't exactly appreciate either. one day when he was fruitlessly working at his 9 to 5 job, a rep from the company approached him w/ a pamphlet about surrogacy. the paid is v v good, the prenatal care & pregnancy compensation is all taken care of by the clients and his company, and he can select and choose which jobs to take. many families and ppl in the world cant have kids of their own for various reasons and izuku is HELPING THEM ACHIEVE THEIR DREAM. in his own way izuku is helping these people!!!!  He may not be saving lives has a hero that he always wanted to be but he's giving them their hope and dream in a child they all want so izuku does his job proudly. the only sadness he gets from it that once it's over the baby isn't his anymore bc he's contracted to sign over his parental rights to his clients.
so he tries desperately not to fall desperately in love w/ each of the babies he had. it's... tough but he loves them all the same. the good point is that some of his clients will let him talk and meet w/ their child’s birth parent so izuku isn't deprived of that connection.
it's a quiet and unconventional job, but izuku is happy w/ this lifestyle that he had chosen even as it make DATING AN ABSOLUTE pain. how do you explain to ppl that no you're not marry yet or date anyone but you have several kids floating around all over japan in various household??? lol /o\ this made him feel terribly alone thinking how he wants a family of his own one day after seeing how he's making his client so happy w/ their new baby in their arms. happiness wrapped in a surreal sadness as he watched his babies w/ their new family wishing for that happiness for himself one day but while izuku is settled in his bubble of melancholy an solitude, katsuki BUSTED DOWN THAT DOOR when he made a requested to have a surrogate. NOT JUST ANYONE WILL DO, the best one you FUCKING GOT: experience, results, good health, strong quirk, smart, and not some fucking easy omega.
the qualifications and requirements are obscene and ridiculous lolol but he paid through the roof to get the absolute best for his future child. izuku hits every one of these markers except... for the quirk one. the program hesitate to bring the two to meet but katsuki is impatience. he had been delayed and delayed over and over again for months as they try to match up a good surrogate partner for him. every one of them he had quickly rejected v v loudly and walked out on the meeting. izuku is literally their last hope as katsuki throws another fit.
katsuki is getting older now, close to his 30s annd still stuck in singlehood while all his colleagues and friends settle down with a family of their own. his parents, esp his old hag, has been relentlessly nagging him to GIVE HER A BABY ALREADY SHE WANTS TO BE A GRANDMA BEFORE SHE DIE so w/ all kind of pressures, he said fuck it, i'll give you a fucking BABY but i dont need a mate to do it but in truth he earnestly does want a baby for his own bc the idea of raising a tiny human w/ all the trails and errors and potentially fucking up is humbling & huge responsibility.  he thinks he’s up for it like the pro-stage where he's standing at the top now, he can conquered it w sheer force and effort as he does w/ any challenge that he face. Parenthood will be his greatest battle and hurdle he has to overcome and he's going to fucking ACE IT. so katsuki is 10000% in this and he wants the best surrogate for his baby.
the program finally have izuku & katsuki meet after wasting 5 months of trying to find katsuki a suitable partner that he won't reject right away. so their first meeting go something like this: multiple slam doors, a table is flipped, and a lot of yelling.
it went great because izuku is hired right away. Just kidding.
katsuki had thought it was some giant fucking joke the moment izuku had walked through that door. "Who the fuck set this up?!" he demanded, kicking a coffee table over. so furious that his hands were shaking bc the idea of the length he'd went through and hoops he'd jumped over to get here JUST SO HE CAN BE MAKE A FOOL OUT OF, he'd stormed out a sec later, slamming doors violently on his way out and they had to dragged his ass back w/ the fervent promise that no IT'S NOT A PRANK AND WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO W/ CHARGEBOLT OR RED RIOT, PLS PLS LISTEN TO US.
he came back to izuku's unperturbed face as he took a sip of his coffee and katsuki snapped defensively, "i hope you won't fucking be drinking that piss when you're pregnant with my baby."
Unimpressed, Izuku replied, "good thing im not pregnant yet bc who said i would agree."
Flustered and red in the face w/ anger bc THE AUDACITY OF IZUKU TO REJECT HIM WHEN KATSUKI SHOULD BE THE ONE TO DOING IN THE FIRST PLACE!! izuku was the one who doesn't deserve to carry his child!! but the director of the program hurriedly assured him that izuku IS THE *BEST*. he got a pages of recommendation/referral, glowing reviews, and every client of his had never been happier bc of him. all his pregnancy were carried to full term and the babies are all good & strong. izuku himself go the gym when he's not on the job, keeping a healthy lifestyle. he doesn't drink or smoke (which katsuki emphasized in his requirement) and his family doesn't have any record any genetic disorder. he may not have finish college but he test high in his IQ and he take his job v v v seriously. the only problem was... he's quirkless.
it's a thing izuku always make it point for all his clients to know what they could potentially get w/ their children if they chose him. some walked away but most stayed with bc izuku is THE BEST OF THE BEST and they want kid more than they want a manufactured perfect child.
"will that be a problem?" izuku asked, meeting his eyes dead on. "does the thought of having a quirkless child anger you?"
katsuki bristles, clenching & unclenching his hands at his side. though no much had change over the years, he's older now, not that dumbass kid anymore, misguided by his own sense of pride and arrogance and warped by prejudice and the superiority of his quirk. He had left that behind in UA, who happily beaten the idiocy out of him. now, he doesn't care if his child is quirkless or not bc they're his and he'll raise and love them all the same. if the world treat his kid crap for being quirkless, he'll teach them to fuck the world up till it bow down and kiss their ass bc they're a bakugou and they don't settle for anything less, which brought back to the point that izuku REALLY IS THE BEST THEY GOT.
so he shook his head and said, "it doesn't matter whether they're quirkless or not bc they're mine and i always take good care of what's mine."
Izuku's eyes widen and for fraction of a second his cool mask of difference crack under katsuki's heartfelt and sincere words. They havent seen each other since middle school, that’s over a decade, and katsuki truly have grown up into someone the entire world can admire and hold up on a pedestal as the no. 1 hero in the country.
"And what about you? you're okay with me?" katsuki retorted. "with the kind of volatile *history* that we shared."
Izuku paused, and then, he said quietly, "i'm not that petty to deny you a child bc of our past bc neither of us are the kids we were back then."
katsuki stood up. "get him the paperworks and have him sign it. i want him and nobody else."
Izuku jerked up in surprised. "that's it? you dont want to ask me anything else? don't you want to go through my records and background to make sure that im the right fit for you."
katsuki stared down at him and it was like pinned under glass before he said, "we may have changed, but something are still the same. you still want to help ppl even if this is a roundabout way  to do it. i trust my instinct and my instinct is screaming at me to give you a fucking chance." He looked away, scratching the back of his head as he continued, "if there's one thing that is made clear to me now is that you're a good person and i was a shittyass kid for not realizing that sooner."
izuku's breath hitched. it's not an apology but it's damn close.
and with that he left izuku dizzy with a confusing cocktail of warmth, shock, and something far too nebulous and strange for him to put a finger to yet. when he first realized it was katsuki who was looking for a surrogate, he'd steel himself of the rejection & lashing out to come. izuku had spent his entire life rejected one way or another, so he was mentally prepare for this to be added to pile esp from the man who had hurt him repeatedly before. when katsuki had left for U.A. and izuku in the dust, they rarely have anything to do w/ each other after that even as he'd followed katsuki meteoric rise to the top, his blazing trajectory that placed him as the current no.1 bc despite everything, katsuki truly is amazing and deserved his place. he just never thought they would meet again in the sort of situation where a baby is the bargaining chip.
izuku was prepared for everything that katsuki would throw at him... but not his fervent agreement. now, izuku got to face the fact that for a year they're going to spend in each other pocket as izuku tries to carry not only katsuki's baby but his hope and future too. it's going to be either a total nightmare or some v v surreal dream bc it's bakugou katsuki with all that fame and temper and strong armed will and izuku is just... plain old izuku. he never had a client w/ such power and weight to throw around and so high profile that every know his name.
oh what did he sign up for, izuku thought as the door to the meeting room was slammed open again and katsuki glared at the director. "wait i want it all to be done today," katsuki said. "put my sperms in him as soon as possible."
izuku dropped his face into his hand and sighed.
the process of getting izuku impregnated is all v clinical and boring. izuku goes under a pseudo heat simulation that fool his body to think he's actually going into heat so his fertility up even more so during this period and he get artificially inseminated w/ katsuki's sperm. this is actually a process and takes several days & even weeks to prepare bc waiting for izuku's most fertile window during his heat period is v v important to have higher chance of success NORMALLY but w/ advance tech izuku can go under a pseudo heat that trigger release of eggs  so they can get it all done pretty quickly and dont have to wait for nature to set it up for them.
katsuki already provided enough sperm to last a fucking lifetime bc he's an overly prepared asshole and it's three days later when they meet back at the clinic to start the process. all of this is under the watchful care of doctors and nurses to make sure everything go right. izuku had done this many times before for his previous clients so this isn't new to him at all but it's the first time that a client specifically demand to be part of the entire process.
izuku stares him down and tells him in no uncertain detail bc it's already weird enough to be the one to carry his former childhood friend's baby but to have him watch izuku get inseminated w/ his sperm?? YEA OK, no. katsuki glowers bc he just want everything to GO SMOOTHLY. his micromanagement & obsessiveness drives the clinic insane but izuku kinda finds it funny and cute?? maybe bc he's aware that it's just katsuki's nerves acting up since this is so terribly new and terrifying for him and HE DOESN'T LIKE IT WHEN THINGS ARENT UNDER HIS CONTROL.
neither katsuki or izuku is alone this bc surrogacy isn't about either them it's about the baby and the ppl who helps make it possible and that's both of them. the surrogate who carries the unborn fetus and donor who gives a part of themselves to make it all possible. izuku hesitates before deciding screw it & reaches out and holds katsuki's hand in comfort AS THOUGH KATSUKI THE ONE GETTING THE PROCEDURE DONE TO HIM. "i'll be fine," he insists. "i've done this plenty of times before and dr. abe even longer than that with 20yrs of experience so i'll be ok."
"I'm not worry," katsuki snaps, even though he squeezes Izuku's hand hard enough that izuku is afraid his bones might crack under the pressure. "i know you'll be fucking fine, wont he dr. abe?" he stares down at the doctor with the full force of his wrath that the doctor shifts nervously.
"o-of course, bakugou-san," dr abe is quick to assure him. "our best ppl is on the job."
izuku rolls his eyes bc while heat inducing artificial insemination isn't exactly a new tech but there's a risk to any kind of medical procedure. it's low though and izuku isn't worry.
katsuki lets him go and izuku just sends him a quick reassuring smile over his shoulder even as katsuki can't take his eyes off of the entire trip to the surgical room. the process takes around 1-2 hours max & izuku comes out of it mostly woozy & still under heat related stress.
he needs to rest the next few days as he lets nature and w/ the help of science takes it course. izuku rests up at the clinic that provide him 24hrs care to make sure everything is alright which is all normal and part of the procedure. what surprise him is that katsuki visiting him DAILY. he actually bring izuku's home cooked meals that are carefully & thoughtfully prepared (healthy food choices!!) that it silences him for a moment.
"you know im not pregnant yet," izuku points out helpfully. "do you want me to explain how biology work in case UA didn't go over it in their curriculum?"
"shut your face and just eat," katsuki says with a glower, and watches intensely as izuku eats every bite and not leave a single piece behind. while there he harasses izuku's nurses and doctors, asking for izuku's vital stats and probing questions about the surgery & his health.it's so annoying and overbearing, but izuku can't help the smile threatening to break through his defense bc that's just like katsuki shoving his business into everything and dominating the entire process even though it is IZUKU who is going through it all. it's dreadfully cute.
izuku is fully recovered after several days of rest as expected and he is, once again surprised, to see katsuki is right there every step of the way as he is release from the clinic. katsuki who took a short shift today just so he can pick izuku up, which IS SUPER RARE. katsuki is a total workaholic and married to his job kind of pro hero so for him to take half a day off is beyond shocking for everyone?? bc HE GOT ENOUGH VACATION/SICK DAYS TO TAKE SEVERAL MONTHS OFF w/o any worry, but he came to take izuku home and make sure everything is in order.
it's not that izuku didn't have any clients wanting to be so involve in the whole surrogacy/pregnancy process but katsuki takes it into a whole new lvl w/ how much he inserts himself into izuku's life like it's not just the baby he care about but izuku too. he delivers izuku home and make sure izuku have his emergency contacts at all time in case ANYTHING, ABSOLUTEY ANYTHING HAPPEN and he wants izuku to text him daily with updates even for stupid things. he's obsessive and demanding and nervous, and izuku thinks it's funny as hell.
so for the next several weeks, izuku flood katsuki's phone w/ commentary about his days that HAS NOTHING TO DO W/ his chance of being pregnant. since izuku full time job is just being a surrogate, he mostly spend his days wandering around the city, reading, volunteering, etc. izuku updates katsuki on his daily activities and while he doesn't always get a reply immediately but his updates are always left on read and sometimes katsuki would leave some *encouraging* word like 'yea,' or 'okay' and izuku doesn't know why but he finds them comforting all the same.
 when he wanders around the city, he'll text katsuki his coordinates bc katsuki is paranoid &wants him to keep away from dangerous area or area under villain attack, he would take pictures of the heroes he see and katsuki would have a snarky comments on each & every one of them. it's in this moments that the two of them really come alive. izuku get a glimpse of the world that he could have had if he had a quirk and pursue his dream of going pro hero and insights on what it's like to be bakugou katsuki, the man standing at the pinnacle of the pro hero scene.
At this point katsuki is even more engaged in izuku's text now. he becomes interest in the books izuku is currently reading, the outreach programs izuku super passionate about esp for young and disenfranchise quirkless youths. then there are izuku's rowdy neighbors and their hilariously complicated love life that izuku is terribly invested bc of his lack of one.
"i think higa-san is going to break up with him today," izuku would update him one day, after watching his neighbors have another blow out.
katsuki texts back an hour later: "yea right, the guy is spineless coward. he wouldn't ever go through it."
izuku lets out a smile as he stares down at the text. it's the most fun izuku ever had in the middle of a job that he forget they're not friends at all but client and surrogate. this is a job for him and izuku is an end to a mean for katsuki. it doesn't mean anything. It couldn’t mean anything. Why is he even trying?
Izuku has been doing the job for seven years and carried his pregnancy to full terms five times. he knows the routine even though each client he had were different from one another and not all pregnancy are the same, but he knows what to expect and prepare. nothing truly surprised him anymore. Or at least they shouldn’t. ,his world didn't suddenly change w/ katsuki's arrival in his ordinary life. izuku is still very much the same person, but all the same he wake up everyday w/ renews energy and lightens heart, looking forward to seeing the text notification from katsuki popping up on his phone screen.
he finds himself looking forward to their interaction the most throughout his days. a glimpse into katsuki's world and what it means to be a part of his life again however temporary it is bc izuku knows there is a time limit to this. he's only allow to talk like this w/ katsuki bc he's doing him a favor, a job, an obligation in exchange of money. they're in a relationship artificially made, they're not friends or colleagues and izuku may be carrying katsuki's baby in the future but he's not a parent w/ katsuki.
He’s an incubator.
these thoughts feel tangibly familiar to his past cases where he had carried the fetus to full term and had to part ways with his baby and the client/parents and separate himself from their lives after the birth but it had never hurt in this way like the thoughts alone would cut his heart into pieces now. it's beyond selfish to get attach and izuku tries to maintain a careful distance w/ katsuki bc they're client and an employee, but katsuki is relentless. he won't settle for just for pieces of izuku and his life. he wants it all. Izuku may be weak enough to give it to him…
 he invests himself into izuku's life, his interest, his worries and thoughts. to katsuki, izuku isn't just an incubator but someone who shares the other half of his baby's genes so of fucking course he IS INVESTED BC izuku is just as important as the fetus he could be carrying right now but izuku has a hard time wrapping his head around it bc while izuku was w/ his other client they were all kind and caring to him during his surrogacy but never to this length. they weren't interest in him as a person but someone who is a means to an end, a tool to make their dream come true.
izuku isn't hurt by that regard bc he knows getting involve w/ your surrogate can be a hot mess & confusing for the baby growing up so izuku knows how to keep his distance and careful to keep his heart walled up but katsuki has a habit of breaking things. He’s so very, very good at it, especially distubring the peace of izuku’s heart.
katsuki may be relentless w/ his attention & dedication but izuku's walls went down embarrassingly easy as though he was waiting for katsuki to reach out toward him after all the years apart and shake him loose from his bubble of solitude. katsuki doesn't realize how affected izuku is by his clumsy and gestures, but izuku won't tell. He’s too embarrassed to ever bring it up because even after all these years katsuki still has such a sever effect on him.
so izuku lends himself to enjoy this upcoming months as much as he can bc once it's over they will part ways again as though they exist solely in different space and the only chance he'll get to see katsuki and the baby is through the screen of his tv. it doesn't bring him any comfort but it's manageable. izuku can deal with it. he got years to get used to it by now.  It’s not gentle but it’s a blunt kind of truth that mend with time.
several weeks after since izuku did the procedure, he doesn't feel any different but izuku wakes up one morning and he could feel a strangeness settling over his body. there are a lot of old wives tales about pregnant omegas and women and most of them are false, standing against scientific knowledge but izuku been going around this block five times already, so he realizes there may be some truths to a few of them.
he gets out of bed and makes breakfast before making sure to send a text and photo to katsuki about his meals bc katsuki is ANAL about making izuku eat right. katsuki motherhenning him miles away even as he is out on patrol is still the most hilarious and weirdly sweet thing, izuku finds. it doesn't feel suffocating at all to him. sometimes he when the thought slip out of him unconsciously he thinks this is what it's like to have an alpha of his own, but katsuki isn't his by any means.
izuku forgoes his favorite breakfast meal this time and go for something he rarely eats. a food that he normally doesn't chose but it feels right this time. it all clicks. the signs were all there several days back. the frequent bathroom usage, his breasts throbbing, and cramps. he'd seen it already but this morning it lines up perfectly like it was all meant to be, like everything is built up just for this moment right here.
so with a bounce to his steps, he waits for katsuki's text back. It takes a few mins when katsuki get back from his morning run bc he got a routine and is terribly predictable in that regard. his following texts rip into izuku's choice of food bc IT ISN'T HIS USUAL at all and katsuki have colorful words about the kind of junk izuku force feed into his body and DOESN'T HE KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF. HOW THE FUCK DID HE SURVIVES ALL THESE YEARS ON HIS OWN.
izuku smiles down at his phone even though katsuki is blasting him and everything he choose to be, but HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT ALL MEANS. it's kinda adorable so when katsuki get into a slow rant about food group and healthy life choices, izuku cuts in:
me: oh btw im pregnant :)
he didn't get any get any respond from katsuki for the next five mins so during that time izuku makes fresh cup of juice to drink while katsuki works to settle down his panic. when he comes back fifteen mins later, it's to a series of angry keymash and texts.
kacchan: a;sjdasdf
kacchan: as;dlifucccck
kacchan: fuck fuck fuck
kacchan: are you serious?!
kacchan: i'm coming over right now
kacchan: you better be sitting down
kacchan: don't fucking move even an inch
kacchan: YOU HEAR ME
me: ok
izuku sits there peacefully, enjoying his cup of juice as he waits for katsuki's arrival. one of his hand rests over his stomach carefully & though he hadn't taken any test or get his bloodwork done, he knows, instinctively & intimately that there is a life growing inside of him.
it's all very silly and unproven since there's no concrete evidence to support any of it, but maybe it's his omega instinct, maybe it's his experience as a carrier who brought five children into this world, or maybe it's just wishful thinking on his part, but he knows and this is a truth that won’t be brought down.
izuku takes his job v seriously bc people's happiness hinged on his ability to give them a child they earnestly had wished for so he of course he would want to be pregnant as soon as possible, but--izuku looks down at his stomach, this time even more so he wants it to be real.
 he wants to be the one to fulfilled katsuki's earnest wish and give him the child he desired. it's as much a part of his job, his duty, but also something he selfishly wants for himself. this baby, this child will be his only connection to katsuki once his job his completed. they'll part ways after this--no more late night phone calls, morning texts, and silly anecdotes they exchange to each other everyday bc izuku is unlikely to ever see him again. their worlds are just too far apart, like the two planets stuck in orbit but never meeting but at least with this child, izuku knows there is always a piece of him w/ katsuki always. so more than anything, this child will be his gift to katsuki.
he picks up his phone & sends katsuki a text.
me: if you dont mind, could you pick up a pregnancy test just to be sure?
izuku knows himself & his body, but he wants to be 110% sure for katsuki's sake. he doesn't want to get katsuki's hope up only to crush it later. katsuki's respond back is quick and telling.
kacchan: will three do?
kacchan: do you need anything else?
kacchan: i'll get them
izuku pauses, frowning hard as he looks down at his phone.
me: please don't text and drive
me: also, try stay below the speed limits
me: i dont want you to die before you see your child.
this time it takes longer to get a respond back.
kacchan: dont fucking talk to me about the speed laws kacchan: im not a reckless idiot
kacchan: my entire job description is to uphold the law so degenerates dont fucking run amok
kacchan: ... im not driving right now
izuku's brows furrow in thought before a smile cracks across his face.
me: kacchan... did you pull over to the side just to yell at me?
me: that's so terribly cautious and cute of you :3c
me: you're already on your way to becoming a great dad.
kacchan: FUCK YOU!!!!!!
Izuku laughs, light and so tinged with joy that it feels so strange to him to be this happy about something silly as this.
me: not a chance but thanks.
me: dont forget to buy my pregnancy test and i dont need anything else. just come here as soon as possible afterward
and he leaves it that. katsuki doesnt text him back anymore, leaving izuku to wait for his arrival with anticipation. he should get up and clean the apartment so it's presentable at least to katsuki. he hadn't had a guest in a while so this would get a good change but katsuki's warning still loop in his head. getting up to clean the apartment would constitute moving around and izuku is barely into his first trimester so, it's not like he's straining his body or anything. katsuki is just being an overbearing anxious new father.
izuku had seen that before in his past clients, who constantly fret over izuku's health but they're not THE GROUND ZERO and he has the nagging suspicious that he doesn't want to test katsuki's thinning patience with him. it's fun to tease him like this but he knows his limit. so izuku continues to sit there & waits, playing w/ his phone as he scrolls through the hero news site to check any interesting updates. izuku may have long let go of his dream but he can't disconnect from it completely. it's how he stay in the loop w/o actually being a part of it.
izuku's eyes widen as he spots a tweet on the #groundzero tag on twitter that sits atop of all others: "no jokes, guys i think i just a saw #groundzero stormed into my store and headed toward the omega’s hygiene care aisle. he bought a bunch of stuff before heading out.”
it already got a several thousands likes and retweets, with a flood of comments that ranged from "what?? sounds fake lol" or "okay, who would have guess gz would be the one to secretly keeping an omega on the side" and others are filled with more confusion and disbelief.
izuku makes a face. his contract binds him to confidentially and assurance that his identity remains quiet. he never had any problem with his identity being exposed w/ any of previous clients but then again he never had such a famous client before. this--is going to be a headache. he chews down on his lower lip in thought as he shuts down his phone. he's going to have to remind katsuki to be more careful next time lest they figure out what katsuki is up to... and who izuku is to him. not his friend, not his sweetheart, not his omega but his surrogate.
just as izuku ponders about doing damage control, there is a series of loud insistent knocks on his apartment door. izuku blinks and hurriedly to the door w/o any thought who is on the other side bc somehow he knows it got to be *him*.
he opens to door to katsuki's scowling face.
"i told you to not fucking move," katsuki scolds, and pushes his way inside w/o any invite, carefully moving izuku to the side like izuku is made of glass which make izuku annoyed right away but also painfully fond in that . he's an overprotective idiot but he's trying and that's--*something*.
 "how else would i let you in then," izuku retorts, rolling his eyes as he leads katsuki into apartment. "im only couple of weeks pregnant at most and you're already asking for miracles."
katsuki scoffs but doesn't argue as he hands izuku a full plastic bag. "okay, start peeing."
"I--" Izuku opens the bag and looks inside, staring down at the pregnancy tests stuffed to the rim of the small bag, all eleven boxes of them, "I dont have enough pee for this."
katsuki frowns. "drink a lot of water then," he suggests.
Izuku shoots him a glare. "that's not funny," he snaps.
katsuki's frowns deepen. "i'm not being funny," he says.
Izuku sighs and just digs his hand into the bag to grab a handful of the boxes. "i'll do only two so dont even." he throws the rest of the bag at katsuki and heads toward the bathroom.
it horrifyingly takes them all 30mins to be done w/ the tests bc katsuki v loudly insisted that he should do more than two, kept on banging on the bathroom door to let him know that. izuku gritted his teeth and took three more and really DID RAN OUT OF PEE AFTER THE FIFTH ONE.
the wait for the test results which only take a mins or two is ramped up by katsuki anxiously pacing back and forth in front of izuku until izuku grabs him by the sleeve of his shirt and drags him down to the sit next to him in the couch. "it'll be okay," he assures katsuki.
katsuki scowls and brushes off his touch, but he seems to breathe a little easier after that. the first three tests gives them a positive, the fourth is a negative, and the fifth is a positive. izuku frowns at the result. he knows in his heart that is w/o a doubt pregnant and the majority of the results support that but, he casts a nervous glance katsuki whose face is seemingly troubled, that's probably not enough for katsuki who spend a load of money to afford izuku's time, commitment, and body. Izuku is expensive but so is katsuki’s time and investment.
he definitely wants more than a dubious result that isn't 100% guarantee that izuku's pregnant and even if izuku tells him that he is truly pregnant bc izuku knows his own body, that may not go well either. "we can get the bloodwork done tomorrow to check for sure," izuku tries to assures him. Sometimes science speak louder than a parental instinct.
katsuki stares at him, eyes so intently focus on izuku that he feels like's a butterfly pinned under katsuki's gaze. abruptly, he reaches a hand out and grabs Izuku's own, giving it a quick and purposeful squeeze. "Move in with me," he says, sounding so grave and serious.
izuku gets up from his seat. "Do you want something to drink?" he asks, already heading toward the kitchen. "suddenly, im parched."
"did you hear what i just said?!" katsuki demands, trailing after him like a yapping puppy on his heels. "And sit the fuck down! let me get it."
abruptly, izuku stops and turns around to face katsuki with a glower on his face. "im just pregnant and not an invalid," he snaps, annoyance prickling at him. he had been doing this longer than katsuki could even imagine. "And i can get the drinks myself in my *own* home thank you." katsuki's eyes widen slightly at the sharp tone izuku had quickly adapted and heaves a sigh, carding a hand through his hair in frustration like izuku is the one being purposely difficult here. "I--fuck--" He frowns, face scrunches as he search for his next words. izuku waits it out, patient and silence against the inner turmoil that must now be swirling inside of katsuki.
katsuki's gaze drops to the floor, hands balling at his side. his breathing even out as he grimaces. "sorry," he finally settles on with a quiet mumble.
Izuku steps back in surprise. shock, really. "w--wait can repeat that again because i just thought i heard you apologized without any prompting."
katsuki flushes, ducking his head. "shut the fuck up. im not going to repeat myself," he rebukes, but the damage had been done.
Despite the years tempering his recklessness out he can't help wanting to poke the hornet's nest. "i honestly didn't think sorry was in your vocabulary, kacchan," he teases, grinning.
katsuki flinches back as though struck, surprising izuku once more. the words were said in jest, meant to ease katsuki into a laugh or close to it at least but something like pained flickers across Katsuki's face that immediately izuku wants to take it all back, but katsuki's expression had already closed up.
Izuku's heart hurt, thinking that he'd lost him. he'd pushed too hard. they're aren't friends, barely acquaintances really. just a client-employee dynamic that izuku should have been careful of. he always know where to toe the line of the boundaries of his job and with his client, but--they were doing so well that he'd hoped. been so hopeful because it had almost feels like they were sort of friends again.
izuku and katsuki had always orbit each other's world but childish pride, anger, and superiority had torn them apart and izuku was pushed out of Katsuki’s life. now that they're older, izuku is no longer that child blindingly infatuated with this remarkable person before him. he knows what he's capable of and katsuki had certainly earned his place at the top of the world but he won't be cowed either. so it's fine if katsuki doesn't want to fall back into a some kind of make shift friendship with him. it's fine if he just want to think izuku is just a walking incubator for his child. izuku will survive. He had survive this long without katsuki ‘s looming shadow after all.
katsuki hunches over as he grits his teeth. "fuck."
izuku blinks.
  "i'm not that shitty fucked up kid anymore," katsuki nearly growl out, pinning izuku with a look of full intent. "I'm," he swallows, hesitant, wary, "i'm trying to be a better person, a friend, a son, and most importantly a father now that we have a spawn coming our way."
Izuku's heart quickens at the 'we' usage even though it probably means nothing. nothing at all. katsuki was only just opening himself to him. this is something that startling new and truly welcoming experience for katsuki and izuku shouldn't mistake it for anything else. he can't be too greedy. so he steps forward, wanting to reach out and touch katsuki to affirm of his existence, but he doesn't. not when katsuki is like an exposed wire right now--twitchy, nervous, and just a little shy of imploding from carving himself open for izuku to see all his true feelings and motives.
izuku smiles.
"If i didn't think you were a good person then i wouldn't have entrusted this child,” he touches his still flat stomach, knowing life is stirring underneath his palm, "with you." katsuki truly had grown up. he'll be a good father, izuku muses but it's a bittersweet feeling. "i still want my independence though," he continues. "i've done this many times before so you can stop treating me like i'm going to break if you breath the wrong way. thousands and millions of omegas and women have been doing this a lot longer than me and they're fine. im fine, so breathe."
katsuki's presses his lip together into a grim line. "I know that," he shakes his head, "but you dont have to this alone. i'll want to be there with you every step of the way even if it mean you need someone to run to the grocery store for some shitty midnight craving. I want to be the first person you think about when you need any kind of assistance not because you're weak or helpless but because you just need someone, so let me be that person for you," he finishes, looking on in pained after spouting such sweet sentiments.
it makes izuku want to laugh, but he doesn't think that would be welcoming right now because katsuki still got his pride after all. "I'll think about it," he acquiesce, heart warming several hundred degrees as though he's standing under the direct sunlight of bakugou katsuki.
katsuki grimaces, clearly unhappy with izuku's non-answer but he relents anyway with a long heave. "ok, ok, i can deal with that," he says like the words alone was hard enough to swallow, "but if you change your mind at any moment just let fucking know!"
Oh, no, izuku thinks helplessly. he wants to give katsuki a treat for being so annoyingly overbearing but considerate in his own clumsy ways. "well, if you behave yourself, i might even consider taking you with me to my OBGYN doc this thursday," he says casually with a shrug.
Katsuki scowls, but he stands up straighter. "I'll--" he looks away, flushed with an earnest yearning spread across his face, "be good, okay?"
Izuku quietly tucks a smile between his pressed lips before it break through even though this is terrible for his weak, weak heart.
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heccuba · 5 years
oh fuck oh shit
an aged up verse where she's lived in a cottage deep in the slumbering weald for years and years and she's like the fucking baba yaga (but she probably won't eat you...probably. but like her pokemon might. who knows?) and that's the real reason it's forbidden. this particular forest is literally like the boundary between life and death because she wanders it.
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Oneshot #22
Rating: T
Relationships: AkaFuri.
Characters: Akashi Seijuro. Furihata Kouki.
Wordcount: 4000 words
Tags: Mermaid AU. Amnesia. Bonds. Fluff. SO MUCH FLUFF. 
Summary: Furihata is taken prisoner. Something tells him it will turn out alright. And there is a very very beautiful Akashi in front of him.
Author Notes: I had the prompts the words Mermaid, Prison and Futuristic to be used and this is what my mind thought of. And since receiving an ask about amnesia I was thinking of doing another one for it ha ha. Anyway with this, I have done 100 chapters on ao3 for my Oneshots!
AO3 Link Right Here!
Mermaids were vicious. Mermaids were dangerous. Mermaids were very very territorial. They guard the secrets of the Sea. They fight hard and dirty and make a spectacle of those daring predators who had been foolish enough to try thwarting them. There were severed heads and bodies displayed outside the palace as a show of prowess and victory.
They were also instantly suspicious of anyone from the Land who didn’t drown.
That, Furihata hadn’t anticipated.
“Bring him in,” a female voice spoke, soft and commanding at the same time.
The guards pushed his cage further into the Hall until he was smack dab in front of the Throne. The palace where he had been captured and brought into had been glorious and oozing the riches of eons as old as the Sea. Perhaps older if some stories were to be believed. Furihata had read somewhere that merpeople chose their territories, a decision that altered generations and generations following. They plundered whatever they considered theirs, and the entire Sea bowed to their will. There were stories that were spoken in hushed whispers and songs of crazy old hags that merpeople had been vexed with the rulers of the Land and chose to depart to the Sea forever. But that had been millions of years ago. Nothing to do with his capture merely moments ago. Nothing to do with him being brought to the King of the Seven Seas and his Wise Counsel for “examination”.
It was just sheer thanks to his genetics that he was alive, still.
“What is the matter with him?” The female voice asked, a shade of curiosity painting her tone. She sounded a lot closer than before, Furihata realised.
“Ahem…..uhhh” The guards looked at each other, hesitant to answer and egging the other to. Their fear was palpable, Furihata sniffed the air around him. But it confused him, why were they scared of him? He wasn’t dangerous. He chose to come to the Sea as an escape and wanted to never invite attention to himself here. Bye bye to that plan, Furihata thought morosely.
The female cleared her throat once.
“He breathes, Your Highness.” “He smells different than that of a Land dweller. We have never smelled anything like it.” The guards stumbled over themselves to reply and Furihata could imagine them wringing their hands, hoping they wouldn’t lose their jobs or their necks over this. Or both.
“Hmm.” The voice was definitely closer now, so close to his cage. She had a floral scent to her, Furihata could easily imagine her to be the most beautiful female he would have set his eyes on. But. But, there was something next to her. Something darker, something stronger, something which seemed to pull him. Something which made the guards uneasy. Furihata bristled internally, waiting to be examined. “Take off his blindfold.”
Furihata gaped and shut his eyes against the brilliant lights inside the Hall and winced harshly. He opened them slowly to find the two guards standing a few feet away from his cage and inching further and further away. The female gave them a wayward nod and they scrambled out of the Hall, fins working furiously. Cowards. He took a deep breath and lifted his chin and turned to face the Royal Assholes, as his friends had once called them.
Red. Gold. And beautiful.
Furihata stared openly. There was a mermaid next to his cage, a dainty finger on her chin as she observed him and she was gorgeous. Furihata awarded himself points for being right about her being the most stunning example of her species. Pink hair and magenta eyes and porcelain skin and cupid bow lips and svelte body and long fins. Every man’s walking dream.
But he spared her barely a glance.
The true beauty, the actual definition of the word beautiful or in his humble opinion the originator of the word itself could be attributed to the merman next to her. Regal and posh, lean and vibrating immeasurable energy, all coiled strength and raw power, oozing elegance and authority with just a look, red hair framing his face, pointy nose and arched eyebrows, large, wonderfully crimson, eyes that pierced right into his soul, red and gold fins that shimmered under the bright palace lights, the merman was……….a sight Furihata would willingly give his life for.
He blinked. He blinked again.
Wait, what?
Ah. The allure.
The female didn’t affect him. Strange. Merpeople had intense allure but they didn’t affect him. None of the guards had any effect on him either. But the one before him now…….the effect had been euphoric. Furihata blushed and shook himself bodily and turned his face away. But not before catching a gasp and something of a smirk forming on the merman’s - beautiful, gorgeous, fucking spectacular - features.
“Furihata. That is your name, isn’t it?” Pink Hair asked.
He nodded, scooting a bit closer to the center of the cage. It was a special one, he could feel the magic thrumming under his hands, that enabled prisoners to breathe and allowed no water in. Like an bubble with iron bars, he thought wryly.
“Do you know why you are here?”
He shook his head. Pink Hair exchanged a look with Red Beauty. Red Beauty?? Oh god, he wanted to laugh at what his mind had thought up for the guy. Surely he would get killed if he told that to the merman’s face. Flattery or not.
She turned back to him just as he managed to stifle his laugh. “Furihata-kun. You……you are not from around here, are you?”
“No.” He tilted his head in confusion. “I am not a Sea dweller, if that is what you are-”
“I meant,” She interrupted, raising a hand and nearly touching the cage, “You are not a…….normal Land dweller, are you?”
He frowned, “Excuse me-”
“You are a Shapeshifter.”
Honey and velvet had a very very sexy baby once and they somehow lived on the merman’s tongue. Furihata’s brain was sparking madly with excitement - excitement? - but another, more reasonable, part of it was busy shutting it down saying “It’s allure you twat, cool your engines!” The reasonable part was winning right now.
He turned to the male, who was closer than before and it was wrecking havoc on his senses. He knew he was blushing, his skin felt hot and his ears were pricking and his nose was flaring up with that god awful - but oh so enticing, so fucking enticing - scent and if he could just wish for one thing before he died it would be to taste how that fucking sinful smirking mouth felt against his. His hands shoved in that supremely tempting hair, his mouth latched onto those goddammn illegal lips and chests pressed close - so close fuuuuuuuck-
The reasonable part of his brain screamed in defeat.
“You are, aren’t you?” A smile that should have been banned from all realms, spread on the face of the beautiful, beautiful merman. Furihata gritted his teeth and forced himself not to breathe until the guy moved safely away. Safe away for his conscience. But even in thought, his body was protesting the distance. Traitor.
He didn’t. In fact, he came closer to the cage. Furihata shot him a baleful glare.
Surprise etched the arrestingly attractive face. “You don’t know who I am.”
It wasn’t a question. It didn’t sound like one anyway. But the merman seemed a bit …..displeased because of it.
The female made to talk when he lifted a hand. “Its alright, Satsuki.”
Now, the merman not only looked a bit miffed but also….resigned. It was confusing to see. He looked at “Satsuki” and gave a small smile.
She glanced at Furihata sharply, magenta eyes scanning very inch of him, as if calculating his worth and seemingly satisfied, she nodded and returned his smile before swimming away from the Hall. Furihata watched her till she disappeared, feeling strangely bereft of her calming presence. Now he had to face the Epitome of Allure all by himself. He sighed, pitying his poor brain’s efforts to keep him sane.
“I can call her back, if she is who you want.”
He sounded the same as before, all velvety-honey-goddamn-sexy-ish but Furihata could detect he was slightly miffed and glanced up to find the merman carefully picking at his nails with a level of concentration they most certainly didn’t deserve. And now Furihata could only stare at those long fingered, tapered hands with neatly trimmed nails that he knew could grow into viciously sharp claws in an instant.
The reasonable part of his brain cried in frustration as it fought to make him sensible again. It was …… futile.
“What, why?” He blurted the first thing he could think of. So much for his sensible brain.
The merman opened his mouth to retort or to sneer but thought better of it and let his face lapse into the usual relaxed superior mask. “You really don’t know me, do you?”
He shook his head, “Unless you want me to make all sorts of guesses, you might as well……just…you know…..tell me.”
“I suppose. Although you most certainly seem to have been living under a cave if you don’t know me.” The merman sniffed. And brought himself to his full height and continued in a bored drawl. “Very well. I am Akashi Seijuro. King of the Seven Seas, Lord of the Oceans, Purveyor of all that live underwater.” He shifted his brilliant crimson eyes directly to Furihata’s, and his voice picked up some enthusiasm, “And you must be Furihata Kouki, possibly the last of the veteran clan of Shapeshifters, gifted with the Seeing Eye and a treasure that has been hidden away for far far too long only to land - quite so fortuitously, might I add - on my lap.”
He gawked. And gawked some more.
“Close your mouth, please. It does not become you.”
“Wait, what? What?” Furihata shook his head, hoping to unhear what….he just heard. “I am …….I am….not a treasure or whatever.”
Akashi waved a hand dismissively as he made himself comfortable outside the cage. Rocks that most certainly weren’t rocks but some other ridiculously expensive precious stones erupted at his wordless command, beneath him to make a bed. Plants sprouted out of nowhere, near the rocks to wind themselves around them, so Akashi can sit comfortably. Furihata watched as the King relaxed against his newly made bed and look at Furihata, and smile as if he had won a prize. As if Furihata was the prize.
“I really, really am not.” Furihata didn’t know why he had to repeat himself but Akashi for some reason didn’t believe him and he didn’t want to give anyone a false impression of himself. Even if its more flattering than anything he had ever heard from others. “I am not a treasure. Just a normal your everyday Shapeshifter. And I don’t know who told you I am the last one of us but….that’s wrong too. I think. I don’t know?? Who knows something like that?” He was certain one of them was mad. He was mostly sure that it was Akashi.
Akashi didn’t seem disturbed. “So you are saying you are just a shapeshifter? Just?”
He nodded, quiet. He is not sure if it could get any weirder than having a conversation with the King of Seas while he is trapped in a cage just minutes after diving into water but he has a feeling it will get weirder soon. He is not looking forward to that.
“Do you have any idea how powerful you are?” Akashi sat up and leaned closer, looking at Furihata avidly. “Let me tell you something.”
“The freedom you have is not something your kind could afford. Shapeshifters have the power to infiltrate intelligence agencies, topple governments, wreck damage and turn over the people’s sentiments and win wars and cause them at their will. You have the power to not just shift your body to suit your needs but also the power of Clairvoyence, inherited from the Witches that your kind migled with.
“You were weapons bred for politics and fought for by countries. Your forefathers didn’t choose to be clairvoyent or to shapeshift but it was thrust upon them and they were used mercilessly.
“And one time it became so much the your entire clan decided to commit collective suicide.” Akashi collects himself visibly before smiling wistfully at Furihata. “And that’s where you come in.”
“Your father fell for the High Priestess of a small village and had you before the decision was made. No shapeshifter was spared. The elders of your clan decided you all had wrecked enough chaos to incur Fate’s Wrath and wanted everyone to own up to their crimes. He and everyone else died just three days before you were born.
“Your mother did everything to protect you from it, from everything that could make anyone outside the village notice you and take you away.
“You, Kouki, had been hidden away from this all for so long.” Akashi nodded at the struck-dumb look that Furihata was sure was on his face. “Though I don’t blame your mother even a jot for this. If she didn’t do what she did, we…… Well, here we are.” He tries to smile but it wobbles slightly.
Furihata is left staring at him, trying to process this. He could not imagine his mother, his sweet sweet mother who was strict and calm and impossibly wonderful and supportive do something like this. He could remember asking about his father when he was young, very young and he would see his mother looking somewhere far far away wistfully before sniffing and smiling and ruffling his hair and telling him not to worry about him.
He learnt very early never to ask about his father. If it meant seeing his mother make that sad face again. Sometimes he would be playing chess or cooking with his mother and she would just look at him and shake her head and mutter,”Oh you are just like him” and he would carefully choose to ignore. He just assumed and lived his everyday life with the calm acceptance that his father hadn’t wanted him.
He never thought there was a deeper reason than that.
“Didn’t you ever wonder why no one was like you yet no one looked at you funny?” Akashi asked him gently, trying to make him surface from his meandering thoughts. “Didn’t you wonder why whenever there was news on another’s city’s battle, another country’s loss, the elders looked for you and you gave them a ….what? A statement? To prepare or to ignore? To assure them? That was your Seeing Eye, Kouki. Your mother had that and when you were born, her powers weakened.”
“That’s not-”
“Let me ask you this, did you or did you not See that you had to get the Sea as soon as your village was discovered?”
“That’s not true! You are just making things up! I can’t- I don’t- I-I…..I just had a feeling something was very wrong - very very wrong like when I feel sick and want to throw up -  and that I had to get to the water somehow. Water was safe, that’s what I felt and I-I-water was where I had to…..be. Mother had agreed! Mother told me to get to the shore while she took…care ….of the fire. There was… fire in……the village…my friends….Oh god-” He stopped halfway and stared at Akashi, his eyes blown wide,”Oh god. Oh god. My mother!”
“Kouki. Kouki! Look at me, your mother is fine!” Akashi raised his voice, his hands flexing and wanting as if to touch Furihata and refraining barely. “Your mother is fine. She is alive and as all your villagers. They managed to evade the attack. Your identity is still undiscovered. You are safe. Ok? Do you hear me? Don’t worry. Kouki, please.”
Furihata fought for his breath, heaving and panting as his chest relaxed and stopped seizing up. He pushed up his bangs and closed his eyes as he thanked the heavens for the safety of his mother. He exhaled heavily. And frowned. “Then what I am doing here? Why did I have to get here? I can go back now, right?”
“You are here because of the Vow, Kouki.” Akashi hesitated before he plundered on at Furihata’s silence. “Your mother made my father Vow to protect you whenever the time came. The time could be mortal danger or anything equally dire. You are here because your Eye told you to. This is the place you will always be safe.”
“……..As your prisoner?” Furihata asked incredulously. This day could get weirder. He was sure.
Akashi hesitated even more this time. “No…..” He took a deep breath and muttered softly, “You- you really don’t remember, do you? Oh Father, if you weren’t dead, I would kill you myself right now.”  
He faced Kouki and spoke stoically, looking as if he was readying himself for rejection. “You……they made modifications to your memories to make them less painful. Your mother was a very powerful Priestess, she made us …..forge a Bond and my Father oversaw that but he didn’t want you to ……I am really sure but I can guess he was afraid of the power you have over me and …….really I think he was trying to protect no one but himself, I am honestly not surprised at all. He has always been afraid of Shapeshifters and you are frankly the most powerful one of them all.
“So…….there it is. We Bonded over about two hundred years ago when we were really young, with witnesses involved and my Father, as usual blinded by power, didn’t want you to abuse it and so made your mother wipe our memories. But the Bond stayed - though dormant - and it made you come to me, immediately when you sensed danger. Your Eye is quite respectful of our Bond, might I add-”
“Wait- hold on- what the actual fuck- what- what are you saying?”
“I am….hold on…please…” Akashi moved his fingers across the barrier of the cage, fingers flitting over the magic. Furihata could feel a distinct pulse add to the thrumming magic and brain was just shooting itself from the inside with all the information overflow. He didn’t think he could handle it anymore.”….Do you….do you trust me?” Akashi bit his lip and peered at him from underneath his lashes. It was goddamn annoying the effect it had on Furihata’s heart. He stared back.
“I know you don’t have a reason to…..and I know this day has been too much for you…..”Akashi flounders, “But …..just please….. I need to show you something. Please.” He looks quite adorable pleading like that, as if imploring Furihata to acquiesce. Furihata gives him a short nod.
Immediately the cage vanishes and he is barely able to take a breath before the water closes the gap and drowns him. And he doesn’t drown. He can feel his neck slashing small rips and gills sprouting and fins erupting underneath his elbows and back. A long tail fin takes over where his legs had been and his body shifts to that of a merman like it was just muscle memory. The palace lights flare up on his reddish gold fins, too bright as if he is embracing the newness of his form. He gives himself an experimental swim in his place and finds the movements almost too easy.
He looks up to find Akashi smiling fondly at him. “Give me your hand, Kouki.” He says gently, a whisper of a plea in his tone as he extends his own hand.
Furihata feels the air around them shift with anticipation as he puts his hand on the palm, resignedly. Weirdest Day Ever.
He is not prepared at all for the painful surge of memories that assault him at the contact.
Its sharp, its brilliant, its like watching a movie of your self from a lens. Its fucking painful too. His brain is trying valiantly and failing in making him slow down the intake but its like a dam that broke and it was flooding him, choking him, pulling him down and down.
So many years, so many memories. They were really really young. Just children. Sitting by the pond. Holding hands. Playing hide and seek. Fighting fake battles - Akashi won everytime, Furihata can feel smugness rolling off him as Akashi sees the memories too. Making pinky promises. Akashi walking for the first time while Furihata runs. Furihata swimming and Akashi laughing at him. Furihata transforming into a huge dog just to lick Akashi’s face and console him when he misses his mother. Furihata transforming into a dragon and flying with Akashi riding him. Akashi gifting Furihata every precious stone he conjures and tells him to keep it.  Akashi making a beaded necklace for the first time and Furihata wearing it proudly. Akashi kisses him on the cheek for that. They blush and laugh and hug.
The vow comes. Its words but words nonetheless and they hold hands and the magic binds them. Red and gold tendrils shoot out and twine around their wrists and disappear. Furihata saying goodbye to Akashi and Akashi held back by his father and promises to see each other tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes.
Furihata chokes, pulls himself out of the memories and sinks to the bed with his hands holding up his face, elbows on his knees.
Akashi sits by him and doesn’t say anything.
“How….why…..Why would-we were just kids-why would they think its okay to take us away from each other?”
Akashi makes a strangled sound, “I am sorry. I am so sorry I didn’t remember you. If I could have, I would have found you a lot sooner.” He clenches his fists on his lap. He bit out tightly, “They …were very successful in making it connect only when it was time.”
Furihata stays silent for a good few minutes. It feels surreal. His mind was trying to catch up and fix all the holes in his memories and working itself out and all he could feel was a strange sort of acceptance. Perhaps the Weirdness has finally reached its peak and nothing could faze him now. He sighs.
He nudges Akashi and asks softly when those brilliantly crimson eyes turn to him, slightly hopeful, “Is it time now?”
Akashi breathes deeply, “Forever and ever.” He vows, his eyes bright. He reaches forward hesitatingly, careful of Furihata’s reaction to snag one of his hands in his. Furihata smiles softly and links their fingers. Akashi closes his eyes at the contact. He opens them and gazes at Furihata adoringly, “You belong here, Kouki. With me. I don’t plan on letting you leave again.”
Furihata’s smile widens. For all the weirdness of today, it all turned out quite okay in the end, didn’t it? He could live with that. He thinks.
He leans forward to place a kiss to the back of Akashi’s hand in his, “I don’t plan to. We had fun, didn’t we?” Akashi nods solemnly thinking the same thing as Furihata. Of all the years wasted, away from each other. He suddenly has a thought and stops short, “But..…when did you remember your memories?”
Akashi grins positively devilishly. He leans to whisper in Furihata’s ear like its a delicious dirty secret, “When you looked at me like you wanted to devour me.”
Furihata splutters, blushing red to rival Akashi’s hair as Akashi chuckles evilly.
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